Commonwealth of Australia Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. ASIC 25B/03, Thursday, 26 June 2003 Published by ASIC AASSIICC GGaazzeettttee Contents Company deregistrations ISSN 1445-6060 (Online version) Available from ISSN 1445-6079 (CD-ROM version) Email
[email protected] © Commonwealth of Australia, 2002 This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all rights are reserved. Requests for authorisation to reproduce, publish or communicate this work should be made to: Gazette Publisher, Australian Securities and Investment Commission, GPO Box 5179AA, Melbourne Vic 3001 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC Gazette ASIC 25B/03, Thursday, 26 June 2003 Company deregistrations Page 2 CORPORATIONS ACT 2001 Subsection 601CC(4) Notice is hereby given that the names of the registered Australian bodies mentioned below have been struck off the register. Dated this twenty-fifth day of June 2003 Brendan Morgan DELEGATE OF THE AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES AND INVESTMENTS COMMISSION Name of Company ARBN NATIONAL MALAYA AND BORNEO VETERANS ASSOCIATION (AUSTRALIA) 072 982 793 INCORPORATED THE SEKHEM ASSOCIATION INC. 083 669 827 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC Gazette ASIC 25B/03, Thursday, 26 June 2003 Company deregistrations Page 3 CORPORATIONS LAW Section 601CL(4) Notice is hereby given that at the end of three months from the date hereof, the names of the foreign companies mentioned below will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the register. Dated this twenty-fifth day of June 2003 Brendan Morgan DELEGATE OF THE AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES AND INVESTMENTS COMMISSION Name of Company ARBN ALLIANCE ALL-ASIA INVESTMENT FUND, INC.