A bit like a trail of breadcrumbs, we’ve dispersed the TDJ logo throughout the magazine. If it all gets a bit much, you can click it at any point to return back to the contents page. You can also click the title of any article on the contents page to skip straight to it. Ads are interactive too, so if you see something you like, you can click it for more information. Contents Masthead 08 The Long Run Afrika Green & The Pet Shop Boys 20 Jazz Messenger A Conversation with Louis Hayes 29 The Bovine Bell How To Make A Cowbell Subscribe 40 Act Up A Conversation with Supernatural’s Mark Sheppard Win! 50 Listen Up! Herbie Hancock’s Head Hunters 56 Screen Time CONTENTS A Conversation with Ash Soan Issue Sixteen, Autumn 2017 65 Poly vs The Salesman 73 Road Kills Vintage Drum Spotting with Joe Cox Editor: Tom Hoare
[email protected] Design: Luke Douglas
[email protected] Social: Vicky Batrak Proof Reader: David Smith Contributors: Julia Kaye, Joe Cox, Tom Pierard Photographers: Jeff Ivester, Joe Cox Illustrators: Reid Chancellor Max Respect: Derek Zimmerman, Dan Wiseman, Matt Budd, Luis Cardoso, Ellie Shapiro, Rob Grad, Katie Bursey, Kate Darracott, Elspeth Leadbetter, Beto Benitez, Julia, Greg, Ben Smith, Tracy Hoeft and Jeff Ivester. Cover: That Time of Year by Nick Volkert MASTHEAD Issue Sixteen, Autumn 2017 Copyright © The Drummer’s Journal 2017 The proprietors and contributors to The Drummer’s Journal have asserted their right under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the owners and authors of this work.