Clovis News, 09-19-1912 the Ewn S Printing Company Inc
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Clovis News, 1911-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-19-1912 Clovis News, 09-19-1912 The ewN s Printing Company Inc. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The eN ws Printing Company Inc.. "Clovis News, 09-19-1912." (1912). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clovis News, 1911-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. J Ml I Established 30- - May 1, 1907 The Clovis News pleandby the People VOL. 6 NO. 24 CLOVIS, STATF 01 NEW ME To Have Building For Ex-- Hone Thief Captured. REPUBLICANS Miscellaneous Item, j,. lurry County Fair Record nihil To Fah. A Stranger rode NOMINATE intp town and In other words Jack Johnson Breaker. Two weeks before the County hitchad his horse in front of the JAFFA FOR CONGRESS is a bull 'Mooted but Booker T. If there is an vthingin the line Pair at Clovis, there will be Vaughn restaurant last Sunday Washington isn't. placed at the disposal of the far- about noon. Nothing unusual, mers a building where they may but it so happens that there was Roswell Merchant is a Sure Winner. New Men For iuniy iair atuovis on night, showini 8, bring their exhibits for the fair a man on the inside looking out Old Party On er will be State Central republic is aft s re- m or- - and recorJed to the pro- for just such a man, Constable - the Committee the way of fairs. per parties, insuring against any" Carl Qlien having that morning county has had a bet-urfnrr- ir mistakes, the recording of ex- received a notice by telegraph to v The late Er The Republican eonver hand made a progressive repub- Reason than for hibits during the rushed days of watch for him. He was Elrick sometimes wro s," said A. E. Curren, which convehed at AlbuqUei lican speech, advocating many of the fair. We are bound to carry Miller, accused of stealing a poems a day, bi F, fj the, CJovis News, last week nominated Na'l the principles advocated by the S?afe to Republican off several preminus and want horse from a man in Tueumcari high coi .tje., as Jaffa of Roswell for delegat ntioTi; ' yesterday. many exhibits as possible, and and making away with it. Tu- Congress. Mr. Jaffa tor Following is the republican ps haVe literally amazed you eumcari was notified of the cap- should have something years Secretary of the State, and ticket. most optimistic farmers among your products will ture and officer Street came on that later acting Governor. 1: e is Jaffa, who are callin and escorted Miller to Nathan of Roswell. for help swell the collection to be back that $3,000,000 a ban ) place Monday Vaughn Congress. with a ent from thi district. The e- night New to be put in Register. Mexico, and is conceded a Levi A. Hughes, of Santa Fe, stri n. The will be convoyed from - xhibits this winner. Eufracio Gal legos, of Union, a couple of we dy dry- farmed ''store room to Clovis and re- will be the the Senator T. B. Catron was Matt Fowler of Grant, President- should die and leave em $450. collected cord taken here will be given to Alfalfa Recommended. temporary in eastern N and the Chairman, and made ial Electors. A New York printer weighing pick of ,the.m nigh; to the proper committee at the fair -- Nearly stand-pa- Lincoln, Neb., Sept, 12 a t Republican peech. Charles A. Spiess, San Miguel, 135 pounds th.?,9t5Jfte fair ink they grounds and you will be assured has married a dainty a hundred veterinarians met He was followed by Senator FaH National Committeeman. young thing of 350 pounds. the dry the proper credits. Furthermore here yesterday FarnuSE while we and discussed the who was made the permanent Herbert W. Clark, of San Built for comfort not for speed. 'gwing. we must by all means have this horse epidemic now are to best al which is chairman, and who on the other Miguel State Charman. Chicago's buirgularslteudediand same collection of exhibits to ravaging this ssate From a educated inty fair now ,we have-ev- Clovis is take in the Stat? Fair at Albu- London, England, veterinary claims to be insane. .That' Womans Club. will be laid and grass seed sown J2& r, A1' om 4 000 querque. October, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11 surgeon The what they all say. Je this word was cabled to and flowers will blossom and and 12, for there will we receive "The Womans Club" of Clovis Teddy has landed the ffrag- - Mr. Lurren m supermt'mdant Governor Aldrich: beautify the park. It may also some other advertising. Grady "The same epidemic was in is becoming a factor in the up-buil- gette vote, but can he x the of Curry county exhibits for the be possible to trail vines over fair, BL. be-i- n Record. year and the beautifying G. A. R. into camp. state A. Armstrong South Africa a ago just as and the stable and add to its beauty. vice president of the fair of it is now ravaging Nebraska. It for all general purposes of good, But who ever heard of a barn When life insurance companies Crfcfcu'rT-vainflbot- h are the Eloper is Down. Hvest Shot can be cured and prevented by for the welfare of the town, that and stable yard in a park or in can afford $14,000,000 skyscrap- kind of boosters. Amarillo, Texas. Sept. 14. not using grain and by feeding will have to be reconed within the the court house yard and the ers we need no vital statistics to only Al G. Boyce, Sr., was shot and alfalfa or wild bay grown future. The real purpose, of the publio permitting it. A tin barn prove that Americans are the in over 8,000 Rebekahs Give Chicken killed here this afternoon by J. an altitude of feet. club is for general study and im- at that. No wonder the citizens healthiest race on earth. B. Sneed with whose wife Boyce Germs live only in damp climate Supper provement of the individual arejaroused. No wonder the wom- Nothing as popular as a straw eloped to Canada last fall. and enter the horsea" system members, but they are a class of ans club is discouraged. Whats jmmemnr he Gist vote when there is a julep at the an ary Sneed is shortly to stand trial through the nose. women not narrow or the use of making an effort to of he&ta&shment that are other end of the straw. of odge friendship for the murder of Boyce's father ' selfish but they can see the make civic improvements if the Still those excluded colored Ri of this city held who was shot at Fort Worth, ONLY THREE BIG CIR- c compelled need of their influence and of tizens of Clovis are delegates don't deserve much tin social meeting Jan. 13, last, as a result of the CUSES. giving a helping hand in any to tolerate such nuisences on thj W symuathy. After the Brown- - elopment of the Son Vneed shot publio square county nlar business of good cause and are willing to and the ville affair they" should have haq today. Only Three Shows of the give for the good of Clovis. commissioners grant such priv- eniijg jyts turn-n- v better sense than to enlist under wh.c-- ever The presence of Sneed in this First Class Traveling on Li ileges! late! do While the club young, and It is never to to Rosevelt. ly .(;ved. The city was not known until after the Road. good even if we have to rrd F.W-.- i they need lots more energetic revoke fix-deleg- '' Thomas F. Curren shooting. Boyce to PComiatioc-a.ood-Vi- Rvan the returned members they are making splen- a ail e, reading' 'as well There are only thre of the may bedeferring his interview the city only recently. did efforts to do good thjngs. They in the com-"mission- aa.saJttttMtt.oMa. wwti which circuses of the first class travel- stilLbaYfiiaith with professor Wilson until he The shooting took place within Their efforts to help benefit the that if they make a ing on the road today. That is. has had to polish up Miss Veta Bills very ably read a block of the business district it, time on his there are only three circuses car- public schools and school grounds mistake and realize they will the life and history of Jffie Rebe- - of the city on the principal street. rectify Greek, Latin and higher math rying three rings in which the will have to be recognized sooner it. Kill loctjre. and also j rendered Shortly shooting ematics. j sever al beautjfuTplano after the Sneed i or later. Their efforts to keep There is a time, when the sktctions. performance s given. These Ocassionally h surrendered to the local aathori' vegtables, meats and general Womans club hasv" enlarged its a judge, the prdgram(attehljon was circuses are the Barnum& Bailey turn d to a well nrenan supper ties, giving up an automatic shot sanitary, membership, some place, Ringling and The. Yankee Rob- produce in the stores that ting ofi clicken.