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Silver Plated Jackson's NORWALK GAZETTE NORWALK GAZETTE Published every 'luesJay Atternoon at $2 per Year Terms for Adveetitlag, in Adfance: Single copies 6 cts. FurniAdon application. Liberal,maligna, ratal The Oldest, Largest and most Widely Circulated to long time add luge space Advertlan, Xewspape)' in this section of the State. Transient advs.1 square (1 Inch) 1 time BJQ Subsequent Insertion?, per week, GO * It is the Best Advertising Medium, and has the ?£ Most Advertising, because It is read liy the Funeral and Obituary KotIce», same rataa. Hest people. " ,, Birth*, Marriages and Deaths, luertadttm, Entered as 2d class Matter and Postage prepaid to Questionable advrta. not Inserted at anjpdoK all subscribers not served by carriers. An Enterprising Republican Journal, especially devoted to Local News and Interests. DOLLARS A YEAR. All Sills Collectable Monthly and Ytartjf Address Slips indicate time when Subseriptloas by ESTABLISHED 1800. Two Accounts at pro rata Bate*. mail expire. - NORWALK, COOT., TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1884. 26. Job Printing of erary Variety. K_ s. ETINGTOIf, Yolume LXXXIY. Number QUICKLY EDITOK AID PROPRIETOR. * OasianT r sullen spells that he don't tf&e no notice with a conlident'smila; s'"lam sure 'my tOST HANK NOTKS. For the GAZETTE. DR. D. HITCHCOCK, REAL ESTATE. Geo. Ward Selleck, HVSI2TJSSS DIRECTORY. of anything goiri' on around !im." f { father will consent itftlie marriage when HAVE FAITH. « J The executors of au English nobleman CONER OF WEST AVENUE AND IIAROENBROOK'S BLOCK, WALL STREET, [Advertisements under thi» head $1.00 per line Mis. !Webl| did got think it politic to he knows you." Dealer in tlie Best Quality of / f per year.] What chough his word doth hold such mysteries found no less than £270,000 worth of bank BERKLEY PLACE, , For Sale Cheap. That our weak sight can only dimly see , , tell Ernialthst, having failed' to secure a Hedidconsent, andeven seemed pleased ATTORNEYS AT LAW. notes scattered here and there about his ILL be sold at a Bargain, if applied for soon The infinite workings of an infinite mind, prize in the matrimonial market herself, with Mr. Harris for having wooed Erma Third house lielow the Methodist Churcif? FAMILY GROCERIES, JOHN a. SEYMOUR. !; •>:* Bank Bnildiair house, some slipped into bundles of old W a small, neat Cottage, of six rooms, 111 good PROVISIONS, FRUITS, *c- F.W.PERRY, '' Gazette '• Faith asks a lull surrender. They who yield she dreaded a similar fate for her favor­ without knowing she would come into Office Honrs from 7 to 9 a. m., li to 3 and 7 to neighborhood, and three minutes' walk of the papers, some between the leaves of books, 8 p. ni. Bridge. Agply at GAZETTE OFFICE. Stock always Fresh and Complete. Agent for BUTTER DEATEK, Only a half submission must forego ite, and doubted not that Mr. Harris possession of a fortune on "her twenty- YALMWJU Ledgewood Farm Dairy. Families can be supplied without a memorandum any wliere to ap­ with pure Bottled Milk daily. R.P.REATTY, Cor. Wall and Water Sta. The sweet contentment that belongs to him would be after her father's money should first birthday. Mr. Harris would not BOOKSELLEK AJJD STATIOSKK. Who, larger oi nature because more confident, prise them of the existence of such valu­ For Sale. ho becomeacquainted with her position in marry until l>e had a better position ; but Dr. T. E SWIFT, ANDREW SELLECK, 49 Wall St. Cheerfully takes the j>i\>blem oi Ins life ables, much less of their whereabouts. HE elegant building site at Norwalk, Connecti­ w life. So she planned in her own way to Mi-. Weston's influence helped him to T cut, belonging to the Es^te of the late HOTELS. From One who fashioned it, and doth uiistnin ; A little better advised were the executors d r«.* uar TIST . Henry T. Morgan, purchased by liim during his O. E. WILSON, obtain one, and his own indnstiy enabled THE ARLINGTON, Cor. Main & Wall Sts. And, ploddiug onward, is content to gain save her darling from a possible calam­ of the gentleman who left behind him a Artificial Teeth without Plates by the perfci' life-time, upon wlucli to build "his country resi­ ity. Indeed, Mrs. Webb regarded mar­ him to keep it. dence, containining9?f acres on high ground, with LIVERY STABLES. Full knowledge in's own appointed time. scrap of paper marked "Seven hundred Crowning System. extensive views of Long Island Sound, fine old General Insurance & Real Estate Agent. M. L Brs-iixo. riage as a calamity under any circum­ Office and Residence, No. 9 West Avenue shades. This plot is capable of being subdivided GEO. S. GREGORY, 14 Knight St. UOON HOAX HEVIVKIX'' M- pounds in Till," although they failed to into several sites of one or two acres each, and is PHOTOGRAPHERS. stances. ; . ' • nil!w»iii interpret its meaning until they had dis fsr-liiglit Hand Bell. located on the green opposite the residence of the Money to Loan. Day followed day, weekfollowed week, Rev. S. B. S. Blssell, and known as the St. John's W.B.GLINE8. Main St. The Song of the Workers. At the astronomical ' obseivatoiy of posed oif all t^e dead man's belongings. place. This property is highly reccommended- for Room No. 3 Gazette Building, Norwalk, Conn. F. E. READHAN,. • ... .f GaZeite Building - and yet Mr. Harris failed to make Erina Berlin, says a translation from Nya Pres- Then one of them recollected that his ALEX. S. GIBSON7 a gentleman's familyresidence, and is within IM FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. his friend. He tried repeatedly to engage hours of New York city, and to one of the largest 3?TNA INSURANCE Co., of HARTFORD. I sing the song of the woikers, the men of the seii, Helsingfors, a discovery has lately library had contained a folio edition of Organist of the First Congregational Church, and most flourishingtowns in Connecticut: price, S- STEPHENS, 58 Wall St $12,000. Apply to F. ST, JOHN LOCKWOOD, J.XU Incorporated 1812. Charter Perpetual. ' ' brawny arm, her in conversation; but she as often dis­ TillotBbn's Sermons, and wondered if Teacher of MILLINERY. Who givetli ua daily bread, and keep us from bus* i||been made which, without doubt, mil Fairfield County Bank, Norwalk, Conn., or HOJiER CAPITAL AND ASSETS, $8,902,278.64. covered that her floors were unswept, or realise the greatest sensation, not only "Till" had any reference to it. The MORGAN, No. 2 Pine St., New Yotk City. tfl8 MISSES ST. JOHN, 33 Main Stree ger's harm-; Pianoforte, Organ and Musical GROCERS. Who labor afar in the forest, who leaven the fields contrived some other trivial excuse for among the adepts in science, but even books had been sold to a bookseller, who Insures against loss and damage by Fire, on Composition, terms adopted to the hazard and consistent with FINNEY & BENEDICT, 41 Wall St with toil, leaving him. amoug the most learned. Prof. Blend- luckily had not found a customer for For Sale or to Lei. the laws ot compensation. COWLES & MERRILL. Lock Box 39; P. O., NORWALK, CONN. Sole Agents for Norwalk and vicinity. B. P. BEATTY, Cor. Wall iWater Sta. Who take no heed of the sunshine, and mind sol One morning Mr. Harris did not ap­ mann, in that city, has found, beyond a them, although he had sent them on ap­ HE Real Estate known as tlie'W. C. Street prop­ GEO. WARD SELLECK, 18 Wall St. sweat or toil. T erty, 115 feet fronting on High St. and 125 feet SELLECK BROS., 14 4 16 Wall St. pear at the breakfast-table, and Mrs. doubt, that our old friend, the moon, is proval to a gentleman at Cambridge, who on Main St., being 290 feet deep, with splendid BOOTS AND SHOES. [ eiug the song of the workers, who harvest the Webb said that he would not be able to not a mere lantern which kindly furnish­ had returned them as not answering bis JOHN S. ATKINSON, House, Barn, and other out buildings with nice golden grain, shade and fruit trees, adjoining the property of s. AIH.HOYT, v-r'-"1 "VTaUSt. teach that day, as he had been seized es light for the loving youth and gas expectations. The executor bought the iMatiufacturer of and Dealer in 'Harness, Trnuks, E. Olmstead. it--' And bind it, and thrash it, and sift it, nor care for Bags, Blankets, Whips, Lap Robes and Also one other tract of about forty acres oil Riv­ POOR, WHITE & GREBNOUGH EUGENE FANCHER, ; • • :-17 Main Street the sting and stain; with a violent ague chill.4fc companies of our planet, but the abode^ Tillptson back again, and goinjg carefully General erside avenue fronting on Riverside avenue and MEAT, FISH AND PROVISION MARKETS, Absolutely Pure. running through to the Spring Hill road, all nicely Who load it in creaking wagons, and stoutly their " I've a notion to substitute myself for of living, intelligent beings, for which through the volumes^ recovered notes to located for building lots, all located In the Borough Main Street oxen drive. TNIN I uivticV LIE»L-r varies, A marvel UI parity* 45 Wall Street,. - . \ Xew York^ him. I wonder if it wouldn't be fuu to hois prepared to furnish proofs most the amount of £700. The watchman of a' strength, and wbolesomeneas. More economical of Norwalk atid almftst In "tlie center ofthe huslness W. M. BATES, .10 Wall Street HORSE FORMING GOODS. portion. Contemplated railroad within Bhort dis­ Brokers and Dealers in Railway and all other And bid them good-by as they go, like the bees fly* factory at New Haven, Connecticut, af­ than the ordinary , kinds, and cannot be sold in com­ Securities.
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