
Development of Metastatic and Non-Metastatic Tumor Lines From a Patient’s Prostate Cancer SpecimenöIdentification of a Small Subpopulation With Metastatic Potentialin the PrimaryTumor

Dong Lin,1 Jane Bayani,2 Yuwei Wang,1 Marianne D. Sadar,3 Maisa Yoshimoto,4 Peter W. Gout,1 Jeremy A. Squire,4 and Yuzhuo Wang1,5,6* 1Department of Cancer Endocrinology,BC Cancer Agency,Vancouver,BC,Canada 2Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology,University of Toronto,Toronto,ON,Canada 3Department of Genome Sciences Centre, BCCancer Agency,Vancouver,BC,Canada 4Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, Queen’s University and Kingston General Hospital, Kingston,ON,Canada 5Department of Urologic Sciences, University of British Columbia,Vancouver, BC,Canada 6The LivingTumor Laboratory at theVancouver Prostate Centre,Vancouver,BC,Canada

BACKGROUND. Metastasis is the major cause of prostate cancer deaths. Tumor hetero- geneity in both primary and metastatic prostate cancers is a major hurdle in elucidating the mechanisms of metastasis in this disease. To circumvent this obstacle and improve our understanding of prostate cancer metastasis, we developed multiple tumor tissue lines from one patient’s primary prostate cancer specimen to examine differences in metastatic ability. METHODS. Pieces of tissue from different foci of a patient’s primary prostate tumor were grafted into subrenal capsules of NOD-SCID mice and transplantable tumor sublines were established by serial passage. The metastatic ability of each subline was tested via orthotopic grafting into mice. Chromosomal alterations exclusively presented in a metastatic subline were examined by SKY and investigated for their presence in parental tissues by fluorescence in situ hybridization. RESULTS. Three transplantable sublines were developed, resembling the primary tumor histologically, exhibiting poor differentiation, and different growth rates. Importantly, the LTL-220N and LTL-221N sublines were non-metastatic, whereas the LTL-220M subline was spontaneously metastatic in vivo. SKY analysis showed limited but unique chromosomal alterations in each subline. Some chromosomal alterations, exclusively present in the metastatic LTL-220M subline, were also observed in a small portion of the parental cancer tissues. CONCLUSION. The results indicate that in primary prostate tumors metastatic potential can be confined to a minority of cancer cells. Subrenal capsule xenograft methodology can be used to dissect heterogeneous cancer cells in a patient’s primary tumor and sublines derived from such cells provide valuable tools for investigating mechanisms underlying prostate cancer metastasis. Prostate 70: 1636–1644, 2010. # 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

KEY WORDS: prostate cancer; metastasis; xenograft; FISH

Additional supporting information may be found in the online *Correspondence to: Yuzhuo Wang, PhD, Department of Cancer version of this article. Endocrinology, BC Cancer Agency—Research Centre, 675 West 10th Dong Lin and Jane Bayani contributed equally to this work. Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5Z 1L3. E-mail: [email protected] Grant sponsor: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canada; Received 5 February 2010; Accepted 27 April 2010 Grant sponsor: NCIC, Canadian Prostate Cancer Research Initiative. DOI 10.1002/pros.21199 Published online 16 June 2010 in Wiley Online Library (

ß2010Wiley-Liss,Inc. Metastatic Clone in Primary Prostate Cancer 1637

INTRODUCTION metastatic potential of the disease is associated with The majority of prostate cancer deaths is caused by a minority of the cells in a primary tumor or with metastatic dissemination of the primary tumor [1]. the bulk of the tumor. To achieve this, a number of Metastasis is a complex multi-step process thought to transplantable prostate cancer sublines were develop- be driven by changes in the expression of multiple ed via subrenal capsule grafting in NOD-SCID mice caused by genetic or/and epigenetic alterations from different foci of a prostate cancer. Tissue invasive [2,3]. Prostate cancer has been recognized as a multi- or metastatic abilities of the sublines were then focal disease that generally consists of a dominant determined in vivo via orthotopic grafting and moni- cancer and one or more independent cancers of smaller toring organs/tissues of the hosts. Each subline was volume with different histological features and a wide then investigated for chromosomal alterations. Such spectrum of biological behavior [4–7]. The histological, alterations, exclusively present in a metastatic subline, biological, and genetic heterogeneity of multifocal were further investigated in parental cancer tissues by prostate cancers suggests that they arise independently fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to identify the from different clones [8–11]. Experimental assays cells in the primary tumor which carried the same based on a mouse cancer cell line demonstrated that chromosomal alterations. only a small portion of cancer cells were endowed with metastasis-promoting functions, indicating that meta- MATERIALS AND METHODS static lesions are derived from descendants of a rare cell Materials and Animals in the primary tumor [11]. On the other hand, advances in molecular profiling of cancers suggest that the Chemicals, stains, solvents, and solutions were metastatic potential of human tumors is encoded in obtained from Sigma–Aldrich Canada Ltd (Oakville, the bulk of a primary tumor, thus challenging the above ON, Canada), unless otherwise indicated. Male 6- to hypothesis [12]. It is still controversial as to whether 8-week-old NOD-SCID mice were bred by the BC a minority or a majority of cancer cells in primary Cancer Research Centre Animal Resource Centre (BC tumors has metastatic potential. Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada). Mice were Studies of prostate cancer metastasis at the cellular housed in groups of three in microisolators with free and tissue levels have been impeded by a lack of access to food and water and their health was optimal experimental models. While established cul- monitored daily. Animal care and experiments were tured cancer cell lines representing different stages of carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the cancer progression can be very useful for identifying Canadian Council on Animal Care. mechanisms underlying metastasis, they do not adequately mimic clinical disease [13,14]. Efforts have Prostate CancerTissue Acquisition therefore focused on use of prostate cancer specimens Prostate cancer tissue specimens were obtained via from patients. However, the significant differences in prostatectomy from a 70-year-old male, with informed microenvironment between primary and secondary consent, at the Urology Research Unit (Carlton Centre, prostate cancers and the typical heterogeneity of such San Fernando, Trinidad). The patient was diagnosed specimens (e.g., consisting of both non-metastatic with advanced prostate cancer (Gleason grade 5 þ 5) and potentially metastatic subpopulations) make it and had not received neoadjuvant therapy. No detect- difficult to identify genes underlying the development able metastasis was observed prior to prostatectomy. of metastasis [15]. To overcome the above hurdles, we The specimens obtained from different foci were recently developed experimental prostate cancer mod- examined independently and confirmed to have els that resemble the clinical situation and allow the same histopathological grade by pathologists. The establishment of transplantable prostate cancer sub- samples were shipped overnight, immersed in cold lines that differ in metastatic ability and as such can be Hanks’ balanced salt solution supplemented with useful for investigating development of metastasis at antibiotics, to Vancouver (Canada). the cellular and molecular levels. The model is based on subrenal capsule grafting of pieces of a patient’s Subrenal Capsule Grafting and Development of primary prostate cancer tissue into immuno-deficient TransplantableTumorTissue Lines mice leading to establishment of multiple transplant- able tumor lines retaining major growth and histopa- Xenografting was performed as previously des- thological features of the original cancer [16–19]. cribed [16]. In brief, within 24 hr of its arrival, tumor The present study was aimed at establishing tumor tissue was cut into small pieces about 1 Â 3 Â 3mm3 in lines with different metastatic ability from a patient’s size. The tumor pieces were grafted under the kidney primary prostate cancer and examining whether capsules of male NOD-SCID mice supplemented with

The Prostate 1638 Lin et al. testosterone (10 mg/mouse) via subcutaneously incubated for 30 min at room temperature with avidin– implanted testosterone pellets. After 90 days of growth biotin complex (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA). (or earlier if required by the health status of the hosts), Following a further 30 min of washing in PBS, the animals were sacrificed by CO2 for necropsy. immunoreactivity was visualized using 3,3’-diamino- Tumors were harvested, measured, photographed, benzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB) in PBS and 0.03% and fixed for histopathological analysis. Some of hydrogen peroxide. Sections were counterstained with the rapidly growing tumors were cut into pieces 5% (w/v) Harris hematoxylin and dehydrated in and maintained for up to five transplant generations graded alcohols. Control sections were processed by serial subrenal capsule transplantation into in parallel with rabbit non-immune IgG (Dako, testosterone-supplemented male NOD-SCID mice. Carpinteria, CA) used at the same concentrations as Three patients derived transplantable tumor lines from the primary antibodies. generations 10–13 were used for this study. Spectral Karyotyping InVivo Orthotopic Metastatic Assay Standard metaphase spreads were prepared from Orthotopic grafting was performed as previously actively growing xenograft cultures as previously described [16]. In brief, tumor tissues were harvested described [19,20]. The slides were hybridized with and then grafted into the anterior prostates of male, SKYPaints (Applied Specrtral Imaging Inc. Vista, CA) testosterone-supplemented NOD-SCID mice (two per according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The mouse). After 5 weeks, mice were sacrificed for gross hybridized slides were imaged and analyzed using examination of lymph nodes. Lymph nodes, lungs, Applied Spectral Imaging HiSKY analysis software livers, kidneys, spleens, and bone (femur) of the hosts (ASI Inc.). were fixed for examination of metastases using histological and immunohistochemical techniques. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) For copy number analysis, a bacterial artificial Histopathological and (BAC) clone RP11-464P23, covering Immunohistochemical Staining FBXO9 (6p12), was obtained from The Centre for Tissues of the original tumor specimen, its trans- Applied Genomics (TCAG, Toronto, Canada). DNA plants and metastases were fixed in 10% neutral was extracted from this BAC clone and directly labeled buffered formalin and then embedded in paraffin. with Spectrum Green dUPT (Vysis/Abbott Labo- Sections (5 mm thick) were cut on a microtome and ratories, Des Plaines, IL) by nick translation, using the mounted on glass slides. For histopathological exami- Vysis Nick Translation Kit (Vysis/Abbott Labo- nation, every fourth section was de-waxed in Histo- ratories). To confirm the proper mapping location and clear (National Diagnostic, Atlanta, GA) and hydrated hybridization efficiency, the labeled BAC clone was in graded alcohol solutions and distilled water for H&E hybridized to normal human metaphase spreads. A staining and examination under a light microscope. SpectrumOrange labeled probe for PTEN was obtained For immunohistochemical staining, endogenous per- from Vysis (Vysis/Abbott Laboratories) as well as oxidase activity was blocked with 0.5% hydrogen a SpectrumAqua labeled centromere 6 probe (Vysis/ peroxide in methanol for 30 min followed by washing Abbott Laboratories). Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embed- in phosphate buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4. Five percent ded (FFPE) tissue sections (5 mm thick), representing normal goat serum in PBS was applied to the sections early xenografts derived from individual tumor foci for 30 min to block non-specific sites. The sections were and subsequently derived sublines, were dewaxed then incubated with primary antibodies overnight at in xylene and dehydrated in 100% ethanol. The 48C or with control IgG from non-immunized mice or tissue sections were incubated in 10 mM citrate buffer rabbits. Mouse anti-human mitochondria monoclonal at 808C for 1 hr, rinsed in water, pepsin digested and antibody was obtained from Chemicon International dehydrated, and co-denatured for 10 min at 808C using (Temecula, CA), rabbit anti-human PTEN monoclonal the Vysis Hybrite Hybridization System (Vysis/Abbott antibody was purchased from Cell Signaling Techno- Laboratories) and then allowed to hybridize overnight logies (Danvers, MA). Following incubation with the at 378C. The following day, the slides were processed primary antibodies, sections were washed with PBS using a wash of 0.3% NP-40/0.4Â SSC for 2 min at 728C and incubated for 30 min at room temperature with and a wash of 0.1%NP-40/2Â SSC for 5 min at RT. The biotinylated secondary anti-mouse secondary antibody slides were rinsed in 1Â PBS and mounted with DAPI/ (Amersham International, Arlington Heights, IL). After Antifade medium (Vectashield/Vector Laboratories, incubation with the secondary antibodies, sections Canada). Two hundred nuclei per slide were scored were washed in PBS (three 10-min washes), and then using a fluorescence microscope (Carl Zeiss, Canada)

The Prostate Metastatic Clone in Primary Prostate Cancer 1639 and cut-off values for copy-number changes derived observed in mice carrying a tumor line designated from the scoring of normal prostate cells as previously LTL-220M (Fig. 2A,D). In addition, major metastatic described by Yoshimoto et al. [21]. foci were observed in local lymph nodes and distal metastases were found in lung, liver, kidney, and RESULTS spleen (Fig. 2G,J). In contrast, the other tumor lines, that is, LTL-220N and LTL-221N, derived from Development of Metastatic and Non-Metastatic different foci, did not show significant local tissue Sublines From Primary Prostate CancerTissueVia invasion or distal metastases (Fig. 2B,C,E,F,H,I,K,L, Xenografting and InVivo Metastatic Assay Table I). The procedures for development of these sublines and assessing their metastatic ability are briefly Identif|cation by SKYof Unique Chromosomal illustrated in Figure 1. Tissues derived from different Aberrations inTumorTissue Lines foci in a prostate cancer specimen from one patient were grafted under kidney capsules of NOD-SCID SKY analysis was performed to identify unique mice supplemented with testosterone and propagated chromosomal aberrations present in the metastatic by serial subrenal capsule grafting. Three tumor tissue tumor line but not in the two non-metastatic tumor lines were developed from parental tissues with tumor lines. It was found that all three tumor lines were volume doubling times of 4, 4, and 7 days (Table I). All diploid in nature but had different chromosomal three lines were poorly differentiated and histologi- alterations (Fig. 3A–C). LTL-220M:46,XY,þder(1;14) cally similar to the parental tissues (Fig. 2A–C). The (14p11!14q:1p11!1qter),del2p23,der(3)t(2;3)(?;p24), human origin of the tumor lines was confirmed by der(6)t(6,10)(p;q23),14; LTL-220N:46,der(X)(X;16) (qter; immunohistochemistry using anti-human mitochon- p11),Y,der(21)?t(?;21)(?;p11); LTL-221N: 47,XY,der(14) dria antibody (Fig. 2D–F). The metastatic ability of t(13or18;14)(q?;p11),der(14)(6?;14)(?;qter),der(0)dup(20) each tumor tissue line was determined by examination (q13qter) t(4;20)(q22;qter),der(21)?t(?;21)(?:?). There was of tissues/organs of mice carrying xenografts in a marked difference between the metastatic LTL-220M the orthotopic site (anterior prostate). At 6 weeks and the non-metastatic LTL-220N and LTL-221N after grafting, apparent local tissue invasion was tumor lines in a net gain of 10q and net loss of 6p.

Fig. 1. Developmentofmetastatic andnon-metastatic tumor tissue sublines from a primaryprostate cancer tissue.H&E staining show the similarhistologicalmorphologybetweenparentaltissueanddevelopedtumorlines. Arrows show the tumor tissuesgraftedin theprostatesof NOD-SCID mice. [Color figure canbeviewedin the onlineissue, whichis available at]

The Prostate 164 0 Lin et al.

Detection of Cancer Cells Carrying the Metastatic TABLE I. Biological Characteristics of Tumor Lines Clone Signature (10q and 6p Alterations) in LTL-220M,LTL-220N, and LTL-221N Parental Tissues LTL-220M LTL-220N LTL-221N To determine the presence of the 10q and 6p Doubling time 4 days 4 days 7 days alterations previously identified by SKY, the three Local invasion Yes Yes/no No tumor tissue lines were examined by FISH, using Local lymph node Yes No No a SpectrumGreen-labeled probe for FBXO9 (6p12), metastasis SpectrumAqua-labeled probe for centromere 6, and a Distal metastasis Yes No No SpectrumOrange-labeled probe for PTEN (10q23). As expected, FISH identified two copies for PTEN (10q23), centromere 6, and FBXO9 (6p12) per cell in both the Based on the SKY data, the gain of 10q22.1–10qter and LTL-220N and LTL-221N non-metastatic tumor lines loss of 6p can in this case be used as a signature (Fig. 4B,C). The metastatic LTL-220M tumor line for distinguishing metastatic populations from non- showed an overall net loss of FBXO9 (6p12) and gain metastatic populations. of PTEN (10q23). This net change, however, was the

Fig. 2. Different local invasive and metastatic abilities of the LTL-220M, LTL-220N, and LTL-221N sublines. A^C: Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining.D ^L:Immunohistochemical staining withhuman-specific anti-mitochondria antibody.Column1:whengraftedorthotopically, the LTL-220M showed extensive invasion into host prostate (A,D) and distant metastases to host lung (G) and liver (J). Column 2 and 3: whengraftedorthotopically,the LTL-220Nand LTL-221Ndidnot show apparentinvasion tohostprostate andnometastasis to distantorgans includinglung(H),spleen(I),liver(K),andkidney(L).Mouseprostateareindicatedwitharrows.(Originalmagnification: A,B,D,E,G^JÂ200;C, F, K, L Â400.) [Color figure canbeviewedin the onlineissue, whichis available at]

The Prostate Metastatic Clone in Primary Prostate Cancer 1641

Fig. 3. SKY analysis of the LTL-220M, LTL-220N, and LTL-221N sublines. The metastatic LTL-220M (A)showedtheprimaryclonewith anunbalanced translocation der(6)t(6,10)(p;q23) resultingin the netloss of 6p andgain of10q.The non-metastatic LTL-220N (B)andLTL-221N (C)showednochangesincopynumberofchromosomes6or10,butaberrationsofotherchromosomes.[Color figurecanbeviewedintheonline issue, which is available at] result of three different subpopulations of similar PTEN(10q23) and loss of FBXO9(6p12) were exclu- frequency, which were identified by FISH showing sively observed in most of the cells in the metastatic similar chromosome alterations: (i) a gain of PTEN LTL-220M subline in contrast to LTL-220N and LTL- (10q23), loss of FBXO9 (6p12), two copies of centromere 221 sublines, suggesting this molecular signature could 6; (ii) a gain of PTEN (10q23), three copies of centromere be used as a marker to identify the presence of such a 6, and two copies of FBXO9 (6p12); (iii) a gain of PTEN, subpopulation in the parental tissues. two copies of centromere 6 and one copy of FBXO9 Screening of cells in sections of parental xenografts (6p12) (Fig. 4A). Thus, the net gain for PTEN was of the non-metastatic LTL-220N and LTL-221N showed typically due to the gain of one to two additional copies, two copies each for PTEN (10q23), centromere 6 and in conjunction with the three copies in the stemline. For FBXO9 (6p12) as observed in the established tumor FBXO9 (6p12), the majority of the cells only showed one lines (Fig. 4E,F). However, the parental xenograft of the copy for the locus (60%), but in cells where there were metastatic LTL-220M line showed heterogeneity in two copies for FBXO9 (6p12), there was a concomitant copy number for each of the genomic loci tested: (i) the extra copy of centromere 6. Thus, the two copies of majority of cells (60%) possessed two copies of PTEN FBXO9 (6p12) were likely a result of polysomy for (10q23), centromere 6 and FBXO9 (6p12); (ii) a small normal . Taken together, net gain of population (20%) possessed two copies of PTEN

The Prostate 1642 Lin et al.

Fig. 4. FISH detection of 10q and 6p alterations in the LTL-220M, LTL-220N, LTL-221N sublines and their parental (first-generation) grafts. A:Themetastatic LTL-220M tumor line showed a netloss of FBXO9 (6p12) andgain of PTEN (10q23).Insetsrepresent three detected clones: (i) gainofPTEN,lossofFBXO9,twocopiesofcentromere6;(ii)gainofPTEN,threecopiesofcentromere6,twocopiesofFBXO9;(iii)gainofPTEN, two copies of centromere 6, one copy of FBXO9.B,C:The non-metastatic LTL-220N and LTL-221Nsublines were consistentlyidentified with two copies of PTEN, centromere 6 and FBXO9 per cell. D: The parental xenograft of the metastatic LTL-220M line showed heterogeneity in copy number for each of the genomic loci tested: (a) the majority of cells (60%) possessed two copies of PTEN (10q23), centromere 6 and FBXO9 (6p12); (b) a small population (20%) possessed two copies of PTEN (10q23), centromere 6 and one copy of FBXO9 (6p12); (c) the rest (20%) showed gain of PTEN (10q23), two copies of centromere 6 and one copy of FBXO9 (6p12) E,F: The parental xenografts of the non-metastatic LTL-220N and LTL-221N showed two copies each for PTEN (10q23), centromere 6 and FBXO9 (6p12) as observed in the established tumor lines (PTEN: red; FBXO9: green; centromere 6: blue). [Color figure can beviewed in the online issue, which is available at]

(10q23), centromere 6 and one copy of FBXO9 (6p12); methodology, many prostate cancer tumor lines were (iii) the rest (20%) showed gain of PTEN (10q23), two developed from primary prostate cancer tissues by our copies of centromere 6 and one copy of FBXO9 (6p12) laboratory. In this study, the three sublines were (Fig. 4D). This last subpopulation in the parental generated from one patient’s prostate cancer specimen, xenograft showed the same PTEN, centromere 6 and despite their significant differences in growth rate and FBXO9 copy number changes as the type (iii) sub- karyotype (Fig. 3, Table I). This diversity is consistent population in the metastatic LTL-220M subline, indi- with the widely accepted heterogeneous nature of cative of metastatic potential. prostate cancers. Importantly, the sublines also showed marked differences in local tissue invasiveness and metastatic ability as shown by an in vivo metastatic DISCUSSION assay (Fig. 2). This provides functional evidence of the Tumor heterogeneity in both primary and metastatic presence in the primary tumor of subpopulations with prostate cancers is a major hurdle in elucidating the different metastatic potential. mechanisms of metastasis. To circumvent this obstacle SKY was instrumental in identifying chromosomal and improve our understanding of prostate cancer aberrations (gain of 10q and loss of 6p) present in the metastasis, we developed multiple tumor tissue metastatic LTL-220M subline in contrast to the non- sublines from one patient’s primary prostate cancer metastatic sublines. More importantly, FISH analysis specimen. In our laboratory, many transplantable confirmed the SKY findings and using the gain of 10q prostate cancer tumor lines have been developed using (i.e., PTEN) and loss of 6p (i.e., FBXO9)asa‘‘metastatic subrenal capsule xenografting in immuno-deficient signature,’’ we were able to specifically identify the mice [16,22]. Subrenal capsule xenografting allows for a metastatic LTL-220M subline cells. The small dif- very high engraftment rate (>90%) [17], in contrast to ferences observed with the probes in the three LTL- rates achieved when grafting tissues subcutaneously 220M subline subpopulations are probably a result of (take rates of 20–40%) [23–27]. The high engraftment genomic instability. It should be noted that the PTEN rate is likely a result of high tissue perfusion of the and FBXO9 probes were only used to identify cells with kidney, providing superior nutrient supply for better 10q gain and 6p loss for proof-of-hypothesis in this graft survival and development of graft microvascu- particular case. The copy number changes do not larity [13,14,17–19]. This is especially important appear to be suitable as general markers of metastasis, for minimizing loss of tumor subpopulations since loss of the PTEN gene, rather than its gain, is during grafting. Using the subrenal capsule grafting usually observed in prostate cancer development and

The Prostate Metastatic Clone in Primary Prostate Cancer 1643 metastasis [28]. In fact, no PTEN expression potential targets for therapy of metastatic prostate was detected in LTL-220M cells by immunohisto- cancer. chemistry in spite of PTEN copy number gain (Supple- mentary data), which is consistent with the reports of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PTEN inactivation by epigenetic regulation or mutation This study was supported by the Canadian Institutes in advanced prostate cancers [29,30]. Studies aimed at of Health Research, Canada (Y.Z.W.) and the NCIC, identifying metastatic markers may benefit from Canadian Prostate Cancer Research Initiative (J.A.S.). further studies with these and other paired patient- Y.Z.W. is a recipient of the Prostate Cancer Foundation derived metastatic and non-metastatic tumor sublines Competitive Awards. at the RNA or protein level. 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