
EngenderHealth: Advancing in and through SRHR

Strategy and programs overview Vision and mission

Vision: A gender-equal world where all people achieve their sexual and and rights.

Mission: To implement high-quality, gender-equitable programs that advance sexual and reproductive health and rights. Theory of change

We know the change “we want to see and be in the world. Our commitment is to strive for equality in and through sexual and reproductive health and rights programming. ” Key thematic areas

SRHR, Including Comprehensive Maternal & Gender-based Contraception & Obstetric Care Violence Care

Meaningful Systems Youth Strengthening Transforming Participation Gender Norms We are committed to:

Holistic, locally led programs High-quality, evidence-based programming Walking the talk on gender equality External accountability (e.g., Global Health 50/50) Geographic reach

Worked in over 100 countries Currently active: East West & Central Asia Africa Burkina Faso India Kenya Burundi Côte d'Ivoire Mozambique DRC Mali Senegal Niger About 300 staff Nearly all our staff and project leaders are of the countries where we operate Our partners

International Healthcare Local Civil Society NGOs Professionals Organizations

Governments Media Donors EngenderHealth impact in FY20

Direct service data Impact calculated

19,580 health care providers trained 1.15 million unsafe averted 2.5 million people received contraceptive method of choice 4,700 maternal deaths averted

125,940 clients reached with comprehensive abortion/post-abortion 4.2 million unintended pregnancies care services averted

851,000 people educated on SRHR (not including those reached through mass $276 million saved in direct media) healthcare costs Thank you!

www..org Twitter: @engenderhealth