Dan Klein Associates Promoting Contemporary Glass. (Alan J. Poole) 43 Hugh Street, London SW1V 1QJ. ENGLAND. Tel: (00 44) Ø20 7821 6040. Email:
[email protected] Website: www.dankleinglass.com Alan J. Poole’s Contemporary Glass News Letter. A monthly, group email listing information relating to British & Irish Contemporary Glass Artist’s events and activities. Featuring Artists based at home or abroad and also foreign nationals that have ever resided or studied for any period of time in the UK or Ireland. NOVEMBER EDITION * - indicates new or amended entries since the last edition. 2013. 23/03/1310/11/13. “Fusion: Glass Art Of Shelly Xue”. Lu ‘Shelly’ Xue Solo Exhibition. Temporary Exhibition Hall, 2nd. Floor, The Shanghai Museum Of Glass. Shanghai. PRC. Tel: 00 86 21 6431 4074. 21/04/1303/11/13. “Fusions”. inc: Julie Anne Denton & Priska Jacobs. Vitro Musée Romont. Musée Suisse Du Vitrail & De Arts Du Verre. Romont. CH. Tel: 00 41 26 652 1095. Email:
[email protected] Website: www.vitromusee.ch/fr/vitromusee/expositions/en-cours/fusions.html 09/05/1303/11/13. “50 Jahre Studioglas In Europa – Impulse Aus Lauscha./50 Years Studio Glass In Europe – Input From Lauscha”. inc: Margaret Alston, Tessa Clegg, Sam Herman, Charlie Meaker, Richard Meitner, Steffen Orlowski, Richard B. Price, Cornelius Réer, Stephen Thorp & Nina Thorp- Weidinger. Museum Für Glaskunst Lauscha. Lauscha. D. Tel: 00 49 36702 20724. Email:
[email protected] Website: www.glas-in-lauscha.de 17/05/1326/01/14. “Links: Australian Glass & The Pacific Northwest”. inc: Jane Bruce, Scott Chaseling, Stephen Procter & Richard Whiteley.