Mass Intentions Sun 14 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Quinquagesima) World Day for the Unemployed The Catholic Parish and Ordinariate 10.00 Kerrin Alvares – birthday blessings (Mrs J Alvares) Church of S. John Vianney, Clayhall 17.00 The People of the Parish Parish Priest: Fr Rob Page Mon 15 Weekday in Ordinary Time No Mass 1 Stoneleigh Rd Clayhall, Ilford, Essex IG5 0JB Tue 16 Weekday in Ordinary Time tel 020 8550 4540 email
[email protected] 9.00 Gerry Tupas RIP – recently deceased (Tesse & Marilyn) Wed 17 Ash Wednesday Brentwood Diocesan Trust charity no 234092 Ordinariate charity no 1141536 9.00 Tesse & Marilyn (Rose Peart) followed by Stations of the Cross 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Quinquagesima) 20.00 Fr Rob (Legion of Mary) Thu 18 Thursday after Ash Wednesday World Day for the Unemployed s 9.00 Norman Martin RIP – anniversary (Anne O’Doherty) 14 February 2021 Fri 19 Friday after Ash Wednesday 9.00 Zachary Newbould – birthday 2 February Responsorial Psalm First Reading Gospel Leviticus 13:1-2,44-46 20.00 Stations of the Cross 10am: You are my refuge, O Lord; Mark 1:40-45 Sat 20 Saturday after Ash Wednesday you fill me with the joy of salvation. Second Reading 9.00 Don Hinchin (Martin McGloin) 5pm: You are a hiding place for me; 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 Sun 21 First Sunday of Lent you surround me with deliverance. 10.00 Heather & Alexander Steadman 40th wedding anniv (Heather & Alex) 17.00 The People of the Parish A light that shines in the darkness, a light the darkness cannot Stewards’ rota for this week overcome Tolu Ayeni, Jenny Appadoo, Kate Echeazu, 10.00 – 10.45 Some words from the opening chapter of the Tesse Javier Sunday 14 February Gospel According to S.