643-2711 I®Anrl)Palpr Lirralji

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643-2711 I®Anrl)Palpr Lirralji 20 MANTHKSTKR HKRALD, Tuesday. Nov 27. 1984 CLASSIFIED 643-2711 I Rabbi tells students Smart cooks make 1 iGovernment OKs f iThe mild will Stay, * INVITATION TO BID NOTICE OF of Soviet repression gifts in the kitchen Sealed bids w ill be received SPECIAL MEETING A lanti-heroin (drug but watch for rain I771CARS/TRUCKS MOTORCYCLES/ In the Office of the D irector NOTICE IS HEREBY GI­ VEN that a meeting of the Teddy Bear DolPs WordroN L ij F O H S A L E L i J b i c y c l e s of General ServiceSi 41 Cen­ I ... page 4 ... page 13 ter Street, Manchester, Con­ voters of the EIGHTH UTILI* page 20 ... page 2 necticut, until 11:00 a.m. on .TIES DISTRICT OF Man- J 1968 PONTIAC VEN­ 1981 DODGE OMNI 024 — the dote shown for the follow ­ Chester, Connecticut, w ill be CAU ing: held on Tuesday, December TURA — 4 door, power Sport wheels, standard, DECEMBER 10. 1984 ■ Fur­ 4, 1984, at 7:30 p.m., ot the steering/brokes. $400 or white. Excellent condi­ nish & Install Oilhydraulic Fire House, 32 Moln Street, best offer. Dependable tion. $2600. Must sell. Call Possenger Elevator (Buck- Manchester Conn., for the car. Coll 643-2519. 649-9578. lev School) following purposes: 647-9946 DECEMBER 18. 1984 • Police 1. To choose a Moderator Uniforms & Reloted Items 2. To heor the reoding of the The Town of Manchester Is the warning. LOOKING FOR a second an equal opportunity em­ 3. To outhorize the acquisi­ 1966VZ MUSTANG — M9 TO SUBSCRIBE tion of land at 1083 Tolland V-8, 3 speed standard. car for your family? ployer, and requires on affir­ Don't miss the many mative action policy for oil of Turnpike, Manchester, Con­ $600. Coll 646-6978, after Its Contractors and Vendors necticut for the construction 6pm. offerings In today's clas­ as a condition of doing busi­ of a fire station or for any sified columns. TODAY! ness w ith the Town, as per other Municipal purpose. 4. To transact any other busi­ Federal Order 11246. Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm * ___ .... Bid Forms, plonsand specifi­ ness proper to come before Wednesday. Nov. 28, 1984 — Single copy: 25« cations are available at the the meeting. 1974 FIAT 128 SPORT L — .■ . A - . > 3RflK4W7LSeKi*aPiRr«eie\nA.«.d^.„i To be used (or parts. Coll RnMiSCELUNEOUS General Services Office, 41 THE EIGHTH •> •AzitiBttvxemwjR Phil after 5pm, 528-1332. Center Street, Manchester, UTILITES DISTRICT LE jautomotive Connecticut. W alter H. Joyner Also Panasonic AM/FM TOWN OF MANCHESTER TOWN OF MANCHESTER, President LEGAL NOTICE car radio. TWO CHRYSLER RIMS CONNECTICUT Dated ot Manchester, Conn, The Plonnlng and Zoning Commission will hold a p’ubllc ROBERT B. WEISS, this 23rd day of November with snow treads. $40. hearing on Monday, December 3, 1984 at 7:00 P.M. In the GENERAL MANAGER 1984 Call 649-6801. Heoring Room, Lincoln Center, 494 Main Street, Manches­ 056-11 OLDS CUTLASS SU­ ter. CT to hear and consider the following petitions- 057-11 PREME, 1981 — Excel­ MICHAEL KONOVER - SPECIAL EXCEPTION - TOLLAND TURN­ Arafat remains lent condition. Very CHEVY 6 Cylinder en­ PIKE (K-21) - Appllcotlon under Article II, Section 9.15.01 to NOTICE clean. Many extras. develop o site In excess of 4 acres and which requires park­ PUBLIC HEARING gine, rebuilt, low mi­ ing In'excess of 60 parking spaces for construction of o 90,000 — _ b o a r d o f d ir e c t o r s $5295. Call 633-0169 after leage, Cleon. Best offer. square foat retail shopping center - 103 8,155 Tolland Turn­ TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 6pm. Call 643-6187. pike. SUBDIVISION REGULATION AMENDMENT (T-7S) - To delete ex­ ^N oticeU hereby given thol the Boord ot Directors, Tovi/n of C r o c k e t isting Section 4.08 and to odd proposed Section 4.08 of the Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing at the HELPING PEOPLE sa­ Subdivision Regulations in order to chonge minimum right- leader of PLO J Room, 494 Moln Street, Manchester, 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA tisfy their needs and of-way width and/or minimum road width for collector and Connecticut, on Tuesday, December 4, 1984 at 8:IX) P.M. to consider and act on the following: SR-5. $650. Call after 5pm, wants ... thof’s what want local hlohwoys; and to addparographsrelatlngto local resi­ 10 INCHES Bv Samira Kowar neuver lo ofLset the Syrian-backed 643-5829. dential highways, local commerclal/industrial highways, “ “ '"•'onol appropriation to Special Grants — ads are all about. and the applicability of the standards of proposed Section State G r^lit'' — 81,055.00 to be tinonced by o United Press International faction's pressure for his resignation 4.08. by getting (he council to exert pressure At this hearing Interested persons may be heard and written 83-^5?? »“ 3,()00.00 as permitted by Public Act for him to withdraw his resignation communications received. Copies of tl\#se petitions have"* waflr ooHlon ot the Glastonbury AMMAN, Jordan — Yasser Arafat, TOWN OF MANCHESTER been filed In the Town Clerk's office ond may be Inspected climaxing a maneuver to silence "If pres.sure against the Palestinian LEGAL NOTICE during office hours. levied against property owners. , inign'OI'V critics, withdrew his resignation as revolution (PLO ) would be reduced At o meeting on November 19, 1984 the Planning and Zoning **’* Town of Manchester are held at Commission mode the following decisions: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION S'*’ occessibje to handicapped citizens. In 5876 head of the Palestine Liberation through his resignation, he was wilhng Leo Kwash, Secretary oMItlon, hondlcopped Individuols requiring an auxiliary TLC FOUNDATION, INC. - ZONING REGULATION Dated at Monchester, Connecticut this 27lh doy of Novem­ ^Orgaiiization today just hours after he lo submit il."-Ruhman_said. Asked if he AMENDMENT (T-72) • Approved ond adopted with a minor .hAMiH Portlclpotliip at meetings 1339 submitted it, the Jordanian news was referring to Syria^he sadd, "yes ' ber, 1984. Town at 647-3123 one WMk prior to the modification an amendment to the Zoning Regulations re­ 054-11 ll'/i" Do) CbAa agency said. garding supervised group homes tor children with special made'^ *** meeting so that appropriate orrongements can be A "Abu Ammar (Arafat's nom de needs os a special exception use In Rural Residence. Resi­ "The Palestine National Council has guerre) is the property of thV Palesti­ dence AA, Residence A, Residence B, ond Residence C Zones James F. Fogarty, Secretary Thin wardrobe for the renewed its confidence in Abu Ammar nian pi-ople and his resignation .should (effective date November 30,1984). INVITATION TO BID INVITATION TO BIO llVk" doll ia sure to (Arafat) as PLO leader, so he naturally be decided by them,'' said Kahman: JOHN F. McCONVILLE • RESUBDIVISION - WOOD- N °vembe?*1984“ '’ ‘^*’" * ' ' ’' ^th°s'^‘'w h '’ daV“ ot please jmd delight her BRIDGE STREET A AVONDALE ROAD (M-S4B) Approved The Eighth Utilities Dis­ The Eighth Utilities Dis­ Crochet this darling withdrew his resignation." an editor The council was .scheduled today to tric t, 32 Moln St., Manches­ 050-11 Teddy Bear of "Knit- owner. wllh modifications o plan of resubdlvlslon for four lots from tric t, 32 Main St., Manches­ from Petra, theofficial Jordaniandews elect new memb»>rs'lo the executive one lot known as Lot 3 on the Subdivision of the Esiote of ter, Conn., 06040 seeks bids ter, Conn., 06040 seeks bids Cro-Sheen” and you’re No, 1339 has pattern Nora A. McConvIlle - 303 Woodbrldge Street. f o r furnishing for furnishing Protective sure to delight the chil­ pieces and full directions agency, told United Press comiuiltee, tantamount lo a Cabinet- SHAWMUT, INC. - INLAND WETLANDS - TOLLAND Pager/Monitors. Helmets. dren. for making items shown International. Bid specifications may be INVITATION TO BID INVITATION TO BID in-exile for the PLO Infhepa.st. Arafat TURNPIKE (S-43) - Approved with modificatlonsand lim ita­ Bid specifications may be No. .5876 has full cro­ for l i ’A' doll., Consult "W e still do not know what method has been reappointed committee chair­ tions an Inland wetland permit - portion of 30V ond 3BV Tol­ obtained during normal busi­ obtained during normal busi­ - The Eighth Utilities Dis­ land Turnpike. ness hours (9:00 q.m. to 5:00 ness hours (9:00 o.m. to 5:00 The Eighth Utilities Dis­ chet directions for 10" pattern for exact mate­ the PNC used to reinstate Mr. Arafat man following the routine resignation. p.m.), Monday thru ^tur- tric t, 32 Main St., Manches­ trict, 32 Main St„ Manches­ bear. J B R R EALTY, INC. - NORTH M AIN STREET (F-30A) Ap p.m.), Monday thru Satur­ ter, Conn. 06040 seeks bids tor rial requirements. but I can tell you that he is back as head Rahman, however, said Arafat's day, from the Dispatcher at day, from the Dispatcher at ter, Conn., 06040 seeks bids proved modifications to the General Plan of Development furnishing recording and log­ for furnishing firelighters TO OROER, land S2JM for tacR for Oak Forest Condominiums artd approved with m odifica­ the Eighth Utilities District the Eighth Utilities District of the PLO ,” the Petra official said. early resignation Tuesday tmik many Firehouse, 32 Main Street, ging devlce(s). protective coats. pattira, plai 50$ far $asti|t aaO tions a final site plon for Ook Forest Condominiums, Phase Firehouse, 32 Main Street, Bid specifications moy be TO ORDER, tend $2.00 for tieb noadllof. A bomb exploded outside the PLO's council delegates by "complete sur- Monchester, Conn.
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