Working in partnership for a safer

Ward 20 -

Ward Report - April-June 2018

Further information can be obtained from Community Safety Glasgow Barbara Fearnside - Area Co-ordinator on 0141 276 7621

ImprovingImproving CommunityCommunity SafetySafety Reducing Offending and Reducing Environmental Supporting Victims of Gender Antisocial Behaviour Incivility Based Violence Improving Community Safety Working in partnership for a safer Glasgow Community Safety Profile The map and chart below identify the current community safety profile and trends Geographical distribution of Antisocial Behaviour Incidents within the ward area. CSG uses this analysis to direct resources into areas of highest need. April - June 2018

Level of antisocial behaviour incidents 2017-18 v 2018-19

Service Activity ® Crown Copyright and database right 2017, OS100023379 The figures below highlight some of the key community safety activities taking place within the ward area.

2 0 0 12 3 1 221 Number of LIVE CRU Cases Number of LIVE RSL Cases Number of ASB enforcement Number of enforceable calls Number of premises visited Number of warning notices/ Total number of patrol hours measures carried out by the received to the Noise Team for verbal warnings issued conducted by Enforcement CRU/RSL service premises visits services 78 59 Number of public reassurance Number of CCTV incidents letters sent logged

Improving Community Safety Reducing Environmental Incivility Working in partnership for a safer Glasgow Environmental Profile The map and chart below identify the current environmental profile and trends Geographical distribution of environmental service requests within the ward area. CSG uses this analysis to direct resources into areas of highest need. April - June 2018

Level of environmental service requests 2017-18 v 2018-19

Service Activity ® Crown Copyright and database right 2017, OS100023379 The figures below highlight some of the key environmental activities taking place within the ward area.

5 4 132 389 596 25 0 FPN’s issued for FPN’s issued for litter Number of school, community Volunteers actively engaged Volunteer hours attributed to Total number of NIV’s Graffiti incidences reported by dog fouling & business clean-ups with CSG through NIES clean the ETF through NIES clean recruited and trained the public removed undertaken ups ups 11 Graffiti incidences reported via ‘own observation’

ImprovingReducing Community Environmental Safety Incivility Reducing Offending and Antisocial Behaviour Working in partnership for a safer Glasgow Offending Profile The map and chart below identify the current offending profile and trends Geographical distribution of ASB offences within the ward area. CSG uses this analysis to direct resources into areas of highest need. April - June 2018

Key offender statistics and trends 2018-19

Offender Age Range

Under 16 16 to 24 25 to 39 Over 40

> 10 4 2 0 0

5 - 9 3 0 0 1

3 - 4 2 1 3 2

2 2 1 2 1 Offender Crime Reports 12 Months 1 6 5 7 7

Service Activity ® Crown Copyright and database right 2017, OS100023379 The figures below highlight some of the key reducing offending activities taking place within the ward area.

7 3 0 0 0 0 8 ASB letters issued to first time Number of unpaid work jobs LIVE Choiceworks cases Choiceworks individuals Choiceworks individuals Choiceworks participants EEI referrals received (by client offenders undertaken via the Community supported into employment supported into education or achieving qualifications or home address) Payback Programme training training 4 3 EEI letters sent to parents Total number of cases for EEI interventions

ImprovingReducing Community Offending Safety and Antisocial Behaviour Supporting Victims of Gender Based Violence Working in partnership for a safer Glasgow Domestic Abuse Profile The map and chart below identify the current domestic abuse crime profile and trends Geographical distribution of domestic abuse crime reports within the ward area. CSG uses this analysis to direct resources into areas of highest need. April - June 2018

Level of domestic abuse crime reports 2017-18 v 2018-19

Service Activity ® Crown Copyright and database right 2017, OS100023379 The figures below highlight some of the key service activities taking place across the area.

46 29 185 180 LIVE TARA cases LIVE Routes Out cases Number of harm reduction Number of Positive Outcomes services provided through Routes Out

CSG also provide advocacy and support to victims of domestic abuse through the ASSIST service. This service is currently managing approximately 250 live cases across the Greater Glasgow area.

SupportingImproving Community Victims of Gender Safety Based Violence Baillieston Working in partnership for a safer Glasgow Local Initiatives Contact Us The Mailcoach are working in partnership with the Environmental Task Our services are here to support you in your community; Force in carrying out a daily litter pick on their adopted space which also includes de-littering outside their premises and the public footway. This If you are concerned about litter, fly tipping, graffiti, dog fouling or any other involves working with LES Cleansing and Community Safety Glasgow. environmental issue, we want to hear from you. Community Safety Glasgow responded to concerns raised in relation to youth disorder and underage drinking near to Bannerman High Phone O300 343 7027 or use the MyGlasgow app. School and Old Wood Road Shops. Over several months, CSG Hotspot Intervention Team, CEO’s and Police have been engaging with this community to monitor, prevent and deter this type of behaviour and offer this community public reassurance. All homes in the area were sent public reassurance letters and an Environmental Visual Audit was carried out. CSG received funding from the Alcohol and Drugs Partnership to address alcohol issues and young people in this community. CSG Hotspot Intervention Team (HIT) engaged with local youths and also carried out football sessions within Bannerman High School. CSG and If you have concerns about antisocial behaviour, nuisance noise or you would be also delivered alcohol and antisocial behaviour inputs to pupils within the interested in mediation to help resolve an ASB issue please get in touch. school. Phone 0800 027 3901 or email [email protected] CSG liaised with the Baillieston / HubCap team and it was decided that FUSE and Parkhead Youth Project would be funded to carry out wider youth engagement in the Old Wood Road area. This would also enable them to identify areas where provision would be required for further engagement in the future.

ImprovingImproving CommunityCommunity SafetySafety Reducing Offending and Reducing Environmental Supporting Victims of Gender Antisocial Behaviour Incivility Based Violence Baillieston Working in partnership for a safer Glasgow Abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition ASB Antisocial Behaviour ASSIST Advocacy Support Safety Information Services Together CCTV Close Circuit Television CEO Community Enforcement Officer CRU Community Relations Unit EEI Early and Effective Intervention ETF Environmental Task Force FPN Fixed Penalty Notice NIES Neighbourhood Improvement and Enforcement Service NIV Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteer RSL Registered Social Landlord TARA Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance

ImprovingImproving CommunityCommunity SafetySafety Reducing Offending and Reducing Environmental Supporting Victims of Gender Antisocial Behaviour Incivility Based Violence Baillieston Working in partnership for a safer Glasgow CSG Service Directory

ASSIST Youth Engagement Service Established in 2004, ASSIST is a specialist domestic abuse advocacy and support service focused on reducing risk Our Youth Engagement Service (or Hotspot Intervention Team as it was formally known) works across Glasgow in and improving the safety of victims of domestic abuse. areas that have high levels of youths involved in antisocial behaviour. The service engages young people through sport and team working to identify and address problem behaviour and help divert them towards positive life CCTV Service choices. Public Space CCTV is pivotal in supporting the partnership between CSG, Police Scotland and Glasgow City Council by providing essential evidence for prosecution of offenders and a 24/7 real time monitoring service, with Mediation Service retrospective viewing capabilities. The main focus of the Mediation Service is to avoid potential conflict and antisocial behaviour through support and early intervention. It can be used in any situation where there is conflict, and all parties are assisted to talk things Choiceworks through and find common ground with a view to moving forward. The Choiceworks programme works with individuals aged over 16 years who are not in education, employment or Mediation is a communication process. Mediators don’t take sides and can help and support people to work through training and have an offending history. The programme through its structured sessions addresses life issues and conflicts. It is a free service available to all residents of Glasgow. We work with both tenants and property owners. offending behaviour. It also looks to assist participants into a positive destination of employment, education or Mediation can be used in any neighbour conflict situation, where people want to take part, whether it’s a few weeks further training. Referrals are received into the programme from agencies and individuals. old or decades running.

Community Enforcement Officers Neighbourhood Improvement and Enforcement Service CEOs carry out highly visible, uniformed patrols across the city. Their primary purpose is to enforce Glasgow’s litter NIES works with individuals, residents’ groups, schools and businesses, with the aim of educating and encouraging and dog fouling legislation through issuing FPNs. They also carry out a range of other functions including operating local citizens to take an active role in addressing neighbourhood environmental issues. Community Safety Glasgow’s CCTV vans and recording incidents of environmental crime and antisocial behaviour within communities. Antisocial Behaviour Noise Service The ASB Noise Service deals with all types of domestic amplified noise, for example, loud music, dogs barking, DIY Community Payback and musical instruments. If the noise is ongoing officers can be contacted between 5pm and 3am, they can then Community Payback provides an alternative to a custodial sentence, offering offenders the chance to make amends call out to the property to measure noise levels, if they are above the limits for the time of day a warning notice can for their offences by carrying out unpaid work, including cleaning, maintaining and enhancing local areas in order be issued to the source of the noise, which if not complied with can result in a £100 fine. to benefit their communities. Recreate Community Relations Unit Recreate is a unique service that enables people with criminal convictions to volunteer for up to six months in CRU investigate complaints of antisocial behaviour using a case management approach, using support measures meaningful work placements. Volunteers gain new skills and experiences that will allow them to positively move and early intervention techniques where possible. Some of the more common complaints they investigate are forward in their life. around regular very loud music or noisy parties, threats and harassment, and vandalism, but ultimately antisocial behaviour is any course of conduct that causes alarm or distress to someone of a different household. Following Routes Out their investigation, if further action is needed they will issue warnings, or if warnings and support have not resolved The Routes Out Service responds to the high risk of harm caused through involvement in prostitution. Our approach the matter, prepare a case for court action to obtain an Antisocial Behaviour Order (ASBO). If an ASBO is breached is based on the understanding that women are exploited in prostitution through a lack of choice of alternatives. We it is a criminal offence and it can carry penalties of up to six months in prison and/or maximum fines of £5,000 on offer support to all women involved in prostitution, whether they have decided to exit or not. Routes Out offers a summary conviction. wide range of services to women involved in prostitution or those who are considering involvement in prostitution. There is no obligation for women to commit to exiting prostitution in order to access our services. Our main concern Early and Effective Intervention Service is for women’s safety and we can offer harm reduction supplies and practical advice. EEI is a national framework for working with young people aged 8 to 17 years old, who have been involved in offending behaviour. Its purpose is to divert the youths away from receiving further statutory measures by Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance employing various interventions. TARA is a specialist service established in 2004 to provide assistance and identification of victims of trafficking. We are a Scottish wide service for women aged 18 and over who have been trafficked for commercial sexual Graffiti Service exploitation. Our support may include safe accommodation and repatriation if appropriate. We work with a range of The Graffiti Service takes action to address and remove graffiti identified by the public and partners across the city partner agencies including Police Scotland’s National Human Trafficking Unit, NHS, Legal services & Home Office through using specialist equipment and trained staff. They also identify and deal with graffiti observed on patrol. working within a trauma informed and human rights approach.

ImprovingImproving CommunityCommunity SafetySafety Reducing Offending and Reducing Environmental Supporting Victims of Gender Antisocial Behaviour Incivility Based Violence