Issue Brief OCTOBER 2014

Cognitive Training for Older Adults: What Is It and Does It Work? Alexandra Kueider, Krystal Bichay, and George Rebok

Older adults are more likely to fear losing their mental abilities than their physical abilities.1 But a growing body of research suggests that, for most people, mental decline isn’t inevitable and may even be reversible. It is now becoming clear that cognitive health and prevention must be lifelong pursuits, and the new approaches springing from a better understanding of the risk factors for cognitive impairment are far more promising than current drug therapies.

Key points from our analysis of the current evidence What Is Known About Cognitive Training Now? include the following: Aggressive marketing notwithstanding, drugs mar- ■■ Cognitive training can improve cognitive abilities. keted for such as AD do little to maintain Dementia drugs cannot. cognitive and functional abilities or slow the prog- ress of the disease. In contrast to drugs are mental ■■ No single cognitive training program stands out exercises to improve cognitive abilities. Dr. Richard as superior to others, but a group format based Suzman, Director of the Division of Behavioral and on multiple cognitive strategies seems the most Social Research at the National Institute on Aging promising. (NIA), states, “These sorts of interventions are poten- tially enormously important. The effects [of cogni- ■■ Research comparing cognitive exercise tive training interventions] were substantial. There approaches is still thin. Rigorous evaluation stan- isn’t a drug that will do that yet, and if there were, it dards are needed. would probably have to be administered with mental exercises.”2 ■■ Cognitive training could reduce health care costs by helping older individuals maintain a healthy Controversy and confusion still surround the efficacy and active lifestyle. of cognitive training in older adults. A common mis- conception is that loss of cognitive abilities — mem- ■■ No scientific evidence exists that cognitive train- ory, , and the other faculties that enable one ing can prevent Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or other to think clearly, maintain social relationships, recover forms of dementia or predementia, and more from disease, and cope with normal age-related research is needed before firm conclusions can decline — is inevitable and unalterable as we age. be drawn. But human and animal studies suggest that the


is malleable, even late in life. Although no conclusive tasks become very hard or impossible to perform, evidence points to any particular cognitive train- AD or another type of dementia is diagnosed, in ing program as the most effective way to maintain which case cognitive training may be in order. The current cognitive abilities or delay dementia’s onset, key question here is whether training basic cognitive participation in mentally stimulating activities is abilities will transfer to everyday abilities, such as associated with lowered risk for developing AD and managing one’s finances or medicines. related dementias. Cognitive training is based on the idea that the brain, There is an urgent need to lower the risk of develop- even in old age, can change for the better. What we ing AD and related dementias quickly, effectively, know about the brain suggests that it resembles and at a low cost. According to the NIA, 87 percent muscles: In the same way that physical training of individuals remain cognitively healthy well into old improves physical abilities, cognitive training (or age, while one in seven develop more severe cogni- brain training) improves cognitive (or mental) abili- tive impairments, including dementia.3 One in nine ties. Cognitive training uses guided practice on a adults over the age of 65 has AD, and one in three set of tasks related to memory, attention, or other over the age of 85 has AD.4 And the aging population brain functions. This training can take many shapes. is growing rapidly. In 2010, 40 million people aged For instance, it can be conducted on the computer 65 and older accounted for 13 percent of the total or delivered in person, either individually or in small U.S. population. In 2030, the number of people in the groups. But it typically involves using repetitive United States over the age of 65 is expected to grow exercises designed to improve single (e.g., memory) to 72 million, accounting for almost 20 percent of the or multiple (e.g., memory and reasoning) cognitive U.S. population.5 abilities.

What Is , and What Is Cognitive Cognitive training programs seem more likely to Training? work if they are delivered in a group format, contain multiple cognitive strategies (e.g., the use of imagery Cognition is a combination of processes, including to aid memory and repetition), and grow more chal- paying attention, learning and reacting to objects in lenging as performance improves.6 Table 1 compares the environment, and using language and memory. some cognitive training programs to cognitive stimu- If cognition becomes impaired, an individual may lation and cognitive rehabilitation, all of which aim to have difficulty performing everyday tasks. If those increase general cognitive and social function.

Table 1. Three Approaches to Improve Cognitive Abilities

Cognitive Training Cognitive Stimulation Cognitive Rehabilitation Description Uses repetitive exercises keyed to specific Engagement with activities involving some mental Tailored to the individual and involves cognitive abilities. May be computer-as- processing in a social context. Aims to be enjoyable. working on personal goals, often using ex- sisted or delivered in person individually ternal cognitive aids. Usually implemented or in small groups. in real-world settings.

Example 1 The ACTIVE study trained one of three Experience Corps uses the time, skills, and experience A personalized memory notebook system, abilities: of older adult volunteers to improve the health and well- much like a Daytimer, is tailored to an Memory being of the volunteers and the educational outcomes of individual’s memory deficits. Sections may Reasoning disadvantaged elementary-school children. Volunteers include: Information processing speed7 are trained for 30 hours in literacy support, violence Orientation (personal and medical info) prevention and other skills.9 Names of emergency contacts Example 2 The IMPACT study used six computerized Senior Odyssey is a community-based intervention: Rehabilitation may also cover specific exercises to improve the speed and accu- older adults tackle a program of and everyday tasks, such as making change or racy of auditory information processing.8 brain teasers. Teams meet weekly for 16 weeks to de- balancing a checkbook. velop and test solutions for a long-term problem and to practice working as a group on spontaneous problems.10


Throughout the past 15 years, cognitive training “[ACTIVE] found that community-dwelling seniors who received interventions have been used to improve cognitive cognitive training had less of a decline in certain thinking skills performance in healthy older adults. To date, the than [those] who did not have training. The study addresses a largest trial of cognitive training in cognitively healthy very important hypothesis — interventions can be designed to older adults is the Advanced Cognitive Training for maintain cognitive function.” Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) study. Its - Richard J. Hodes, M.D., NIA Director participants were assigned to one of three interven- tion groups (i.e., memory, reasoning or information processing speed) or to a no-contact control group. The memory training intervention aimed to cre- Can the training effects of ACTIVE and other cog- nitive training trials be compared to the treatment ate multiple ways to make the to-be-remembered effects of drug trials with dementia patients? The information more meaningful, such as remembering short answer is that it’s difficult. Both the primary it by categorizing, visualizing and associating it with outcome measures used in these studies and the something familiar or well-known. The reasoning approach to quantifying treatment differ from those training intervention aimed to improve the ability to used in drug trials. Even more important, the partici- identify patterns from a series of letters, numbers pants differ. All ACTIVE participants were healthy el- and words that act as an aid to organizing daily derly whose cognitive trajectory was assumed to be activities, such as following a medication regimen relatively stable over the study period, whereas AD and thus reducing the burden on memory. (If one drug study participants are amid progressive brain knows how to read a bus schedule, one doesn’t degeneration so their cognitive skills are on a steep have to remember when the bus comes.) The downhill trajectory, such that even 6 to 12 months information processing speed training intervention makes a big difference in their cognitive abilities. aimed to improve mental processing speed so that That said, an earlier AD intervention trial found that the most effective current treatment available for the increasingly complex information could be under- disorder improved cognitive scores between 0.24 stood increasingly fast. How quickly could someone, and 0.31 standard deviation units over a 6-month for instance, identify whether an object in the middle treatment period.13 In comparison, ACTIVE partici- of their visual field was a car or a truck while simul- pants improved their cognitive scores between 0.26 taneously noting where — in their peripheral field of and 1.46 standard deviation units after a 5-6 week vision — another car was located. ‘treatment’ period.7

Results from the ACTIVE study showed that training A recent evidenced-based review summarizing had immediate and long-term effects lasting up to more than 30 cognitive training interventions for five years on memory abilities11 and up to 10 years older adults showed overall significant differences on reasoning and information processing speed,12 between memory-trained and control group partici- far longer, in both cases, than what is documented pants.14 On average, the memory performance of for other programs. Training also had real-world those who completed training improved more than effects. Ten years after initial training, all three train- that of participants in the control group (Table 2). ing groups reported less difficulty in the instrumen- tal activities of daily living (e.g., medication man- In mildly cognitively impaired older adults at risk of agement, meal preparation) than the control group, further impairment, computer and other cognitive and at least 60 percent of participants in all trained interventions hold promise. Combining physical and groups continued to report less difficulty perform- cognitive exercises has helped both healthy older ing such activities after 10 years, compared to 49 adults and those with AD improve cognitive abilities, percent of nontrained participants. After 10 years, reduce memory complaints, and maintain emotional 60 to 70 percent of participants said that they were well-being.15 Physical exercise is good for the body as good as or better than when they started the and the brain. In older adults, aerobic exercises help ACTIVE study. to maintain independent living, improve cognitive


abilities, ameliorate depressive symptoms, and may benefit from cognitive interventions based on slow reductions of brain areas vital to memory.16 such technologies as commercial video games and neurop sychological software programs.18 The Table 2. What Are the Effects of Memory Training? Improvement in Memory with Plasticity-Based Adaptive Cognitive Training (IMPACT), a large, 95% Number of Confidence Participants at Number of randomized controlled trial of computerized cogni- Effect size Interval Post-Training Studies tive training for older adults, found that older adults Overall 0.31 (0.22, 0.39) 3,797 35 who trained for one hour a day, four to five days a Training 0.43 (0.29, 0.57) 1,930 35 week for eight to 10 weeks enjoyed improvements in Control 0.06 (-0.05, 0.16) 1,867 33 memory, attention and information processing speed Legend. Effect sizes specific to training groups represent standardized pretraining to (Table 3).19 This training was as successful as drug post-training changes (in standard deviation units) in memory for the group of studies included in the meta-analysis. Effect sizes of 0.20 can be considered small; 0.50 can trials in improving the ability to do tasks not directly be considered medium; 0.80 can be considered large. targeted in training. Source: Gross A. L., Parisi, J. M., Spira, A. P., Kueider, A. M., Ko, J. Y., Saczynski, J. S., . . . Rebok G. W. (2012). Memory training interventions for older adults: A meta-analysis. Aging and Mental Health, 16, 722–734. Table 3. What Were the Effects of the IMPACT Study?

How Can Consumers Know Which Cognitive Measure Pretraining to Post-Training to Post-Training 3-month Follow-Up Training Programs Work Best? Auditory Memory and 0.23 0.09 Attention index score The popularity of brain-exercise products, currently Processing speed* 0.87 0.80 a $300 million worldwide industry, has skyrocketed Overall memory index score 0.30 0.25 recently and is expected to be worth more than * Lower scores represent better performance $2 billion in revenue by 2015, as the Baby Boomer The effect size represents the treatment group (training vs. control) by time (pretraining 17 generation ages. This business is unregulated, and vs. 3-month follow-up) and interaction its claims of cognitive performance improvements Source: Zelinski, E. M., Spina, L. M., Yaffe, K., Ruff, R., Kennison, R. F., Mahncke, H. W., . . . Smith, G. E. (2011). Improvement in memory with plasticity-based adaptive often come from producers’ marketing departments, cognitive training: Results of the 3-month follow-up. Journal of the American Geriatrics not from science. Public policy makers should join Society, 59, 258–265. researchers in asking whether and how to evaluate claims about cognitive benefits. For starters, rigor- Cognitive training programs can also enhance well- ous evaluation standards are needed to help con- being and life satisfaction. Older adults who play sumers better choose among cognitive improvement video games report higher levels of happiness. “The products. Consumers should ask questions and research … suggests that there is a link between insist on getting scientific evidence that a cognitive gaming and better well-being and emotional func- training program is effective. For example, has the tioning,” said Jason Allaire, Ph.D., senior author of company done scientific research on the product? If the study.20 Web-based programs are more cost so, are the research findings published? Where are effective and easier to disseminate widely than they published? Have the results been replicated? traditional in-person training or training in laboratory Does the company have a scientific advisory board or clinical settings. These programs generally cost to guide product development? around $15 a month, whereas smartphone apps cost less than $5 for a one-time download. In clinical What’s the Role of New Technologies in settings, occupational therapists or rehabilitation Cognitive Training for Older Adults? specialists charge around $100 per hour.

There is some evidence that even relatively simple More than traditional face-to-face interventions, cognitive exercises can help to improve cognition. computer- and Internet-based cognitive interven- Contrary to the popular opinion, older adults — the tions individualize training to meet particular needs fastest growing segment of Internet users — can and reach homebound or institutionalized older


adults. These programs do not need users to be exercise, eating healthy food, managing weight and technologically savvy to benefit from such programs blood pressure, and treating depression) in midlife either.18 Yet, most people who begin any kind of self- or — better yet — earlier, could slow down some improvement programs discontinue them soon after, forms of cognitive decline and dementia. for various reasons. For example, about half of all people who begin research-based exercise pro- Meanwhile, cognitive training is rapidly evolving. grams quit within six months.21 Does this mean that Novel technologies and interventions now combine older people who begin cognitive exercise programs traditional cognitive training programs with physical will do the same? exercise, nutritional supplements, and pharmaco- logical interventions. As Figure 1 shows, risk and Many newer video games incorporate physical activ- protective factors across the whole life span could ity to promote exercise among users. In 2010, three be targeted with interventions that influence different of the top 20 video games sold were designed to cognitive abilities. Finding where the greatest payoff promote physical activity during play.22 New “exer- lies among the range of intervention strategies is games” for use with commercial platforms, such now a high research priority; so is pinpointing the as the Nintendo Wii®, PlayStation®, or Microsoft optimal times and ways to introduce interventions for Xbox®, combine virtual-reality exercise systems with maximal benefits. computer-simulated environments. Interactive video game features have gained in popularity rapidly. Figure 1. Factors Influencing Cognitive Abilities Across the Research suggests that older adults not only enjoy Lifespan using exergames, regardless of their fitness level or exercise performance ability, but they also get Risk Factors High blood pressure Depression greater cognitive benefits and stick with the program Socio-economic Diabetes Smoking Genes factors Obesity Cardiovascular risk factors more than with traditional exercise.23

Although much has been discovered about the 02040 60 80 Years potential of cognitive training programs to improve cognitive abilities, hurdles remain for understanding Education Antihypertensive drugs Physical exercises and implementing such programs. Most cognitive Diet and exercise Mental exercises Rich social networks training improves only the targeted ability, not the Protective Factors ability to perform everyday tasks of independent living. And, research suggests, these programs are less effective for individuals who already have cogni- How Can Cognitive Training Reduce Health tive impairments or AD,24 which is a strong reason Care Costs? to start working on cognitive health maintenance in early and midlife, before these problems arise. Let’s start with an example. Ten hours of information processing speed training, a commercially avail- What Types of Cognitive Training Programs Are able, computer-based component of the ACTIVE Needed Now? study, decreased predicted medical expenditures by 3.2 percent between baseline and the one-year Interventions that target only one cognitive or physi- follow-up after the training. That could translate into cal function may not be enough to improve or main- potential savings for Medicare if a large group of tain cognitive abilities because older adults experi- individuals were to receive training.25 As the ACTIVE ence declines in both cognitive and physical abilities study’s lead author, Dr. Fredric Wolinsky points out, and also undergo emotional changes that can affect “The onset of cognitive limitations in older adults is their cognition. Starting multiple-component inter- associated with increased health services use and ventions (e.g., getting regular physical and cognitive medical expenditures.” But because the ACTIVE


cognitive training has not yet been found to affect Given older adults’ strong desire to remain inde- the rates of new cases of dementia,26 enhanced pendent and the high costs of institutionalized care, training and/or longer, more in-depth follow-up may raising public awareness of cognitive training’s be needed to explore cognitive training’s capabilities potential for maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle in delaying the onset of dementia. For the consumer, may be key to improving the overall health of an this extra time may be the ultimate value of cognitive aging population. Also key is the work being done at training programs. the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Veterans Administration, and other federal agen- Public policy aimed at improving cognitive health cies to inform the public about research findings should follow a health prevention model, focusing on on the physical, cognitive, and emotional changes training programs’ sustainability and long-term health associated with aging and their management. These benefits. How do we motivate older adults to keep efforts, in combination with finding more effective using these training programs when the novelty wears ways to translate findings from small research stud- off or when progress seems slow? How do we make ies in highly controlled settings to populations in the programs meaningful and integrate them with real-world settings, will govern the nation’s health as older adults’ daily life activities? What is the best way the aging population grows. to make such programs accessible and affordable for all who may benefit? Should older adults receive health insurance benefits for undertaking cognitive training, and should Medicare pay for such training?


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ABOUT THE AUTHORS ABOUT THE AUTHORS ABOUT AIR (CONTINUED) Alexandra Kueider, Ph.D. received AIR is one of the world’s largest her Doctoral degree in Psychiatric George Rebok, Ph.D. is an Institute behavioral and social science research Epidemiology from the Johns Hopkins Fellow at AIR and Senior Advisor of and evaluation organizations. Our Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her its Center on Aging, and a Professor overriding goal is to use the best research focuses on the identification in the Department of Mental Health science available to bring the most of modifiable risk factors of cognitive in the Bloomberg School of Public effective ideas and approaches to health and dementia in later life as well Health at Johns Hopkins University. enhancing everyday life. For us, making as computerized cognitive training inter- He is a nationally known life-span the world a better place is not wishful ventions for older adults. Dr. Kueider is developmental psychologist and thinking. It is the goal that drives us. currently completing a fellowship at the an expert on cognitive aging and Our mission is to conduct and apply National Institute on Aging studying the dementia, cognitive training, preventive the best behavioral and social science effects of genetic and environmental interventions, and public mental research and evaluation towards factors on pathology and brain structure health. He has served as the principal improving peoples’ lives, with a special and function in aging. investigator for several large-scale emphasis on the disadvantaged. cognitive intervention trials funded by Krystal Bichay is currently a graduate the National Institute on Aging, and CONTACT AIR student at the University of Miami currently co-directs Project Talent. pursuing a Ph.D. in Developmental Kathleen Edmunds Cyr Psychology. She was a research Center on Aging FUNDING associate at American Institutes for American Institutes for Research Research for two years and worked on The Center on Aging is funded 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW various research projects, including by American Institutes for Research. Washington, DC 20007 Project Talent. She obtained her B.A. 301.592.2163 in Psychology from the University of [email protected] Virginia.