United States Department of Agriculture Forest Health Forest Service Alaska Region R10-PR-21 Conditions in April 2010

State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Alaska - 2009 Division of Forestry A Forest Health Protection Report Alaska Forest Health Specialists

U.S. Forest Service, Forest Health Protection Alaska Forest Health Specialists U.S. Forest Service, Forest Health Protection http://www.fs.fed.us/r10/spf/fhp/ Steve Patterson, Assistant Director S&PF, Forest Health Protection Program Leader, Anchorage; [email protected]

Anchorage, South-Central Field Office 3301 ‘C’ Street, Suite 202 • Anchorage, AK 99503-3956 Phone: (907) 743-9455 • Fax: 907) 743-9479 John Lundquist, Entomologist, [email protected], also Pacific Northwest Research Station Scientist Steve Swenson, Biological Science Technician; [email protected]; Lori Winton, Plant Pathologist; [email protected]; Kenneth Zogas, Biological Science Technician; [email protected]

Fairbanks, Interior Field Office 3700 Airport Way • Fairbanks, AK 99709 Phone: (907) 451-2701, (907) 451-2799, Fax: (907) 451-2690 Jim Kruse, Entomologist; [email protected]; Nicholas Lisuzzo, Biological Science Technician; nlisuzzo@ fs.fed.us; Tricia Wurtz, Ecologist; [email protected]

Juneau, Southeast Field Office 11305 Glacier Hwy • Juneau, AK 99801 Phone: (907) 586-8811 • Fax: (907) 586-7848 Paul Hennon, Plant Pathologist; [email protected] also Pacific Northwest Research Station Scientist Melinda Lamb, Biological Science Technician; [email protected]; Mark Schultz, Entomologist; [email protected] ; Dustin Wittwer, Aerial Survey/GIS; [email protected]

State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry 550 W 7th Avenue, Suite 1450 • Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: (907) 269-8460 • Fax: (907) 269-8931 Roger E. Burnside, Entomologist; [email protected] Hans Buchholdt, Cartographer/GIS Specialist; [email protected]

Division of Agriculture 1648 S. Cushman Street, Suite 201 Fairbanks, AK 99701-6206 Phone: (907) 328-1950 • Fax: (907) 328-1951 Curtis Knight, Natural Resource Specialist; [email protected]

University of Alaska Cooperative Extension Service 2221 E. Northern Lights, Suite 118 • Anchorage, AK 99508 Phone: (907) 786-6311 Michael Rasy, Statewide Integrated Pest Management Technician; [email protected] Corlene Rose, Integrated Pest Management Program Coordinator; [email protected]; Ashley Grant, Invasive Plant Instructor; [email protected]

Cover photo: Twin Lakes in the Lake Clark National Park and Preserve. ***PLEASE INDICATE: WOULD LIKE TO REMAIN ON OUR MAILING LIST AND CONTINUE RECEIVING THE ANNUAL FOREST AND DISEASE REPORT? Yes_____, No______Electronic Report only? Yes_____, No______(If we do not receive an answer, henceforth you will receive an electronic report only.) Contact Name/Phone/E-mail, etc. Do we have your correct mailing address, contact person? (if not, please make corrections below):

2010 Annual Insect & Disease Detection Survey & Information Request [Aerial Survey to start July 2010]

Requestor and when/how best to contact: General forest land location (attach map or marked USGS Quadrangle map, if available)*:

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Return Forms to: Ken Zogas, USDA Forest Service, S&PF/FHP, 3301 C Street, Ste 202, Anchorage, AK 99503-3956. Phone 907-743-9469, fax 907-743-9479, email: [email protected];

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FHP Protection Report R10-PR-21

Compiled by: Melinda Lamb and Loretta Winton

Contributors: Hans Buchholdt, Roger Burnside, Gino Graziano, Paul Hennon, Christopher Fettig, Christopher Hayes, Curtis Knight, Jim Kruse, Melinda Lamb, Nicholas Lisuzzo, John Lundquist, Steve Patterson, Michael Rasy, Mark Schultz, Katie Spellman, Steve Swenson, Lori Winton, Dustin Wittwer, Tricia Wurtz and Ken Zogas

Design: Carol Voneida

U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture. Alaska Region, Forest Health Protection Forest Health Conditions in Alaska - 2009 R10-PR-21, 73 pp. April 2010 i Table of Contents

Introduction ...... 1 2009 Select Projects ...... 2 Alaska Forest Health Highlights ...... 3

Status of 9 Select Project—”Early Detection Rapid Response (EDDR) Monitoring Update” ...... 9 Select Project—”Northern Engraver Beetle Management in a Changing Climate- Research and Demonstration Slash Management Projects in Interior Alaska” 11 Select Project—”Firewood Transportation in Alaska” 14 2009 Entomology Species Updates 15 Defoliators 15 Birch Leaf Miners ...... 15 Aspen Leaf Miner ...... 18 Spruce Budworm ...... 18 Spruce and Larch Budmoth ...... 18 Large Aspen Tortix ...... 19 Willow Leaf Blotch Miner 19 Western Black-headed Budworm 19 Alder Defoliation ...... 21 Birch Leaf Roller 22 Yellow-headed Spruce 22 Larch Mortality Due to Larch Sawfly and Eastern Larch Beetle ...... 22 Miscellaneous Defoliators ...... 25 Bark Beetles 25 Northern Spruce Engraver Beetle ...... 26 Invasive Insects in Alaska ...... 27 Gypsy and Exotic Forest Moth Detection Surveys 27 Emerald Ash Borer ...... 30 European Yellow Underwing Moth ...... 30 Uglynest Caterpillar and Rose Tortrix ...... 31 Dalmation Toadflax Weevil ...... 31

Status of Disease and Declines ...... 31 Select Project—”Alaska Yellow-cedar Genetics” ...... 31 Select Project—”New Book and Leaflet on Hazard Trees” ...... 35 Select Project—”Alder Disease Update” ...... 35 2009 Pathology Species Updates ...... 36 Invasive pathogens ...... 36 Stem Diseases 37 Hemlock Dwarf Mistletoe 37 Heart Rots of Conifers ...... 40 Stem Decay of Hardwoods ...... 41 Spruce Broom Rust ...... 43 Western Gall Rust 43

ii Cankers and Shoot Blights ...... 43 Alder Canker ...... 43 Other Hardwood Cankers 44 Hemlock Canker 44 Sirococcus Shoot Blight ...... 44 Shoot Blight of Yellow-cedar ...... 45 Root Diseases 45 Tomentosus Root Disease ...... 45 Annosus Root & Butt Rot ...... 46 Armillaria Root Disease ...... 46 Foliar Diseases ...... 46 Rhizosphaera Needle Blight ...... 46 Spruce Needle Rust ...... 47 Forest Declines 47 Yellow-cedar Decline ...... 47 Western Hemlock Mortality ...... 51

Status of Abiotic Factors and Damage ...... 52 Hemlock Fluting ...... 52 Porcupine feeding ...... 52

Status of Invasive Plants ...... 54 Select Project—”Preventing the Spread of Invasive Species by Identifying Pathways of Invasion” ...... 54 Select Project—”Eradicating Spotted Knapweed from Alaska” ...... 55 Select Project—”Invasive Plant Education in Alaskan Schools” 57 2009 Invasive Plant Program Activities 58 Engaging The Wildlife Society in invasive species issues 58 Field Guide to Alaska Grasses ...... 59 Purple loosestrife display removed from Alaska State Fair 59 Partnering with the US F&WS’ Youth Habitat Restoration Corps 59 Alaska Invasive Species Meetings held in Southeast Alaska for first time 59 Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMAs) ...... 60 Viewing Alaska’s invasive plant distribution data in Google Maps 61 2009 Invasive Plant Species Updates ...... 62 Bird vetch ...... 62 Canada thistle ...... 63 Cheatgrass 63 European bird cherry ...... 63 Chokecherry ...... 63 Foxtail barley ...... 64 Hempnettle ...... 64 Narrowleaf hawkweed ...... 64 Perennial sowthistle ...... 65 Reed canarygrass ...... 65 Siberian peashrub ...... 65 White sweetclover 66 Yellow sweetclover ...... 66 Yellow toadflax ...... 66

Aerial Detection Survey ...... 67

iii List of Tables Table 1. 2009 forest insect and disease activity as detected during aerial surveys in Alaska 7 Table 2. Affected area for each host group and damage type over the prior five years and a 10-year cumulative sum ...... 8 Table 3. Non-native insects (primarily beetle species) considered potential Alaska EDRR targets . 10 Table 4. introduced to Alaska, their hosts and distribution in the state...... 21 Table 5. Invasive pathogens either present, or not in Alaska, and invasive ranking 36 Table 6. Occurrence of hemlock dwarf mistletoe on forest inventory and analysis plots in Southeast Alaska 38 Table 7. Common wood decay fungi on live conifer trees in Alaska 42 Table 8. Common wood decay fungi on live hardwood trees in Alaska 42 Table 9. Acreage affected by yellow-cedar decline in Southeast Alaska by ownership 49

List of Maps Map 1. General forest pest activity from 2009 aerial survey 5 Map 2. Survey flight paths and general ownership 6 Map 3. Aspen leaf miner damage along the Tanana River, a tributary to the Yukon River 17 Map 4. Willow Leaf Blotch Miner aerial survey ...... 20 Map 5. Larch mortality and regeneration field sites visited in Interior Alaska (2008 and 2009) 24 Map 6. Locations of 489 exotic moth trapping sites monitored in 2009 across the state of Alaska. 28 Map 7. 2009 Yellow cedar genetic sample collection 34 Map 8. Dwarf Mistletoe and its Western Hemlock host in Alaska via FIA data ...... 37 Map 9. Cumulative yellow-cedar decline on the Tongass ...... 50 Map 10. 2009 Spotted knapweed locations ...... 56 Map 11. USGS map index for statewide aerial surveys...... 69

iv v Introduction By Steve Patterson

The Forest Health Conditions in Alaska-2009 helps to also held positions with the DOI Park Service and Uni- fulfill one of our core missions of “reporting on the health versity of Alaska Fairbanks. He has a MS in Botany. of the forest.” This work is our duty, but also utilizes our Steve Swenson is our new biological science technician skill set and passions. The Forest Service Forest Health in the Anchorage office. He had been working with the Protection group in Alaska at- Forest Service Research Lab in tempts to respond to this broad Corvallis, Ore. Steve also has calling over a large geographic “The strategic plan reflects the consid- worked for a private timber ered opinion of both our internal staff area with a relatively small or- company, USGS, Lassen Na- and external stakeholders developed ganization and modest budget. over a one-year period. We began tional Park and for twelve years with a very broad strategic assessment as a manager and software engi- I am pleased to introduce three and finished with a very detailed, spe- neer. He has a MS in Forestry. recent additions to our staff that cific set of action plans to accomplish will add capacity and perspective: three strategic goal areas – detection, I’m happy to report that at a five climate change, and communication.” year review of the program last Lori Winton is our new forest pa- -Steve Patterson, (S&PF Assistant fall, many commendations were thologist, stationed in Anchor- Director) received for our reporting, uti- age, with primary geographic lization of partners, and quality responsibilities for the South- of publications. The issues that central and Interior portions of the state. Lori comes were identified (genetic conservation, succession work- to us from USDA Agricultural Research Service in Fair- force management, website social networking, western banks and has a PhD in Forest Pathology from Oregon bark beetle projects, and civil rights) provide a short- State University. She has worked on sudden oak death, term set of opportunities on which to focus. Long-term, laminated root rots, and Swiss needle cast projects, we still remain focused on our strategic goals of detec- among others, and has expertise in molecular biology. tion, climate change, and communication. I invite you to engage us in these endeavors and/or our core missions Nick Lisuzzo accepted our biological science technician of reporting on the health of Alaska’s forests and provid- position in Fairbanks. He has been working recently ing technical assistance to meet your natural resource with the Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis management objectives. As you read this report, please (FIA) group. In this position he spent much of his time consider how we can improve and make it more relevant. in coastal Alaska and is very familiar with aerial safety issues and challenges of access to Alaska’s forests. He

1 2009 Select Projects

“Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) Monitoring Update” Roger Burnside and Mark Schultz

“Northern Spruce Engraver Beetle Management in a Changing Climate – Research and Demonstration Slash Management Projects in Interior Alaska” Roger Burnside, Christopher Fettig, Christopher Hayes, Mark Schultz, and Jim Kruse

“Firewood Transportation in Alaska” Jim Kruse

“Yellow-cedar Genetics” Paul Hennon

“New Book and Leaflet on Hazard Trees” Paul Hennon

“Alder Disease Update” Lori Winton

“Preventing the Spread of Invasive Species by Identifying Pathways of Invasion” Nick Lisuzzo

“Eradicating Spotted Knapweed from Alaska” Gino Graziano and Michael Rasy

“Invasive Plant Education in Alaskan Schools” Katie Spellman

2 Alaska Forest Health Highlights

2009 Survey Year chronically for some years to come. Willow leaf blotch miner damage acres increased in 2009, and damaged Each year the Forest Service’s, Department of Agricul- willows were very visible along road corridors in the ture, State & Private Forestry, Forest Health Protection Interior (Figure 1). Damage caused by the amber- (FHP) program, together with Alaska Department marked birch leaf miner and the birch leaf roller were of Natural Resources Division of Forestry’s Forest less obvious this year than in the recent past. Many Health Protection Program (AKDOF), conducts an- of the birch trees examined in the Fairbanks area had nual statewide aerial detection surveys across all land some level of leaf damage caused by these two insects, ownerships. In 2009, staff and cooperators identified but for the most part, the damage was light. nearly 660,000 acres of forest damage from insects, disease, declines and selected abiotic agents on over 33.6 million acres surveyed (Map1 and Map 2). This marks an increase in aerially-observed forest distur- bance as compared to last year, but compatible with recent years (Table1 and Table 2). The 2008 survey year was relatively cool and wet, while 2009 was closer to normal on average. However, July 2009 was the warmest and driest on record in Interior Alaska, and August rainfall was above normal throughout the state. Smoke from wildfires plagued many areas of the state in July and early-August. Nearly three million acres burned in wildfires in 2009; most in the upper Yukon and Tanana River zones. The aerially-recorded damage numbers generally do not represent the acres affected by pathogens, since many of the most destructive dis- ease agents (i.e., wood decay fungi, root diseases, dwarf mistletoe, canker fungi, etc.) are not visible by aerial survey. Additional information regarding forest health provided by ground surveys and monitoring efforts is also included in this report, complementing the aerial survey findings. FHP staff also continually work along- side many agency partners on invasive plant issues, in- cluding roadside and high-impact area surveys, public awareness campaigns, and general education efforts.

Insects Above normal temperatures and normal or below normal precipitation for May gave leafminers an early jump on the season. In Interior Alaska, this was the ninth consecutive year of outbreak of the aspen leaf Figure 1. Willow leaf blotch miner damage. miner, which normally attacks early in the summer and, within a short time, infests much of the aspen in that part of the state. While aspen leaf miner popula- tions appear to be trending downward since 2007, this outbreak has not yet collapsed and may continue

3 Monitoring of the spruce budworm continued this interest is a species new to science which is closely summer. There were very few reports of budworm lar- related to the Sudden Oak Death pathogen Phytoph- vae this spring and damage to trees was light, indicat- thora ramorum. Also of interest is the expansion of the ing that populations have returned to endemic levels. known distribution of Phytophthora alni subsp. unifor- As it has been for at least three years, damage was mis to include 11 widely distributed sites across South- noticeable along the Dalton Highway near the Yukon central and the Interior. However, root rot severity in River Bridge again in 2009. Alaskan alder was shown to be low. Whether species in the “plant-destroyer” genus Phytophthora are involved Spruce beetle and northern spruce engraver beetle in Alaska’s alder decline is a question actively under activity in Alaska was comparable to 2008. Pockets investigation. of both spruce beetle and northern spruce engraver beetle are still active on the fringes of the large burns Statewide, wood decay of live trees occurs on every of 2004 and 2005 and it’s becoming more apparent tree species across millions of acres and, on an annual that these two species are working in concert over basis, substantially reduces tree volume, and contrib- significant areas of the Interior. A larger proportion of utes to tree mortality. In Southeast Alaska, for ex- activity was attributed to spruce beetle in 2009 than in ample, approximately one-third of the gross volume of 2008, but overall acreage is similar. This year’s tally of forests is defective due to stem and butt rot fungi. Also, engraver beetle activity in the Interior part of the state wood decay fungi annually cause considerable defect is very likely underestimated because active wildfire in mature white spruce, paper birch, and aspen stands areas were excluded from survey coverage. Regard- of Southcentral and Interior Alaska. less, both spruce beetle and northern spruce engraver beetles continued to maintain active populations in Hemlock dwarf mistletoe continues its chronic assault Alaska’s Interior and across several other areas in 2009. on western hemlock trees, causing growth loss, top-kill, Several small and active engraver beetle infestations and mortality on an estimated 1 million acres in South- were located near flooded or ice scoured areas due to east Alaska. It also contributes unique tree structures an abundance of dead or dying spruce in these zones. (brooms) and associated wildlife habitat. Yellow-cedar Forest health staff provided technical assistance and decline has been mapped on approximately 500,000 advice to several affected landowners, including direct acres across an extensive portion of Southeast Alaska. assistance with a semiochemical northern spruce Active tree mortality was at fairly low levels in 2009, engraver beetle baiting and trapout project north of indicating a slowed intensification of the problem Fairbanks, during 2009. on previously impacted acres. The cause appears to be related to spring freezing injury in open canopy Diseases forests characterized by reduced snowpack, although The nearly state-wide decline of alder health continued many areas received heavy snow the last two winters. in 2009. Symptoms of alder canker have been shown In 2009, most diseases were observed at endemic to be correlated with decreased physiological perfor- levels in Southeast Alaska, except Rhizosphaera. This mance. While the etiology of alder decline remains needle blight fungus was found at the highest levels in under investigation, inoculation experiments at three memory. The shoot and foliar blight fungus,Sirococcus different labs have proven that the canker fungusValsa tsugae, was found killing small mountain hemlock trees melanodiscus is pathogenic on thinleaf alder. Several in 2009, particularly in ornamental settings. other canker causing fungal species have also been as- sociated with cankers in Alaska; however pathogenicity tests of these have not yet been completed. In addition to sawfly and canker, root disease pathogens in the ge- nus Phytophthora have also been implicated in Alaska’s alder decline. Twenty different species ofPhytophthora were isolated from soil and streams at 81 infected alder stands in Southcentral and Interior Alaska. Of special

4 Map 1. General forest pest activity from 2009 aerial survey. Aerial Detection Survey - 2009 Significant Pest Activity

Aspen Leaf Miner Significant Pest Activity from Insect & Disease 310,601 acres Aerial Detection Survey, U.S. Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Region 10 & Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, Forest Spruce & IPS Beetle Health Program, 2009. 138,910 acres Note: Many of the most destructive diseases are not represented on the map due to these agents not Willow Leaf Miner being detectable from aerial surveys. Significant Pest 136,910 acres Activity polygons are accented with a large border for visualization.

Active Cedar Decline Land Cover from the National Land Cover Database 16,297 acres (NLCD), U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, 2008.

Land Cover

Open Water Non-Forest/Non-Wetland Mixed Forest NLCD class 11 NLCD classes 31, 81, 82 NLCD class 43

Glacier Deciduous Forest Shrub NLCD class 12 NLCD class 41 NLCD class 51, 52

Developed Coniferous Forest Coniferous Forest NLCD classes 21, 22, 23, 24 NLCD class 42 NLCD classes 71, 72, 74, 90, 95

0 25 50 100 150 200 Miles Kilometers 0 37.5 75 150 225 300

USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry Forest Health Protection 3301 C Street, Suite 202 Anchorage, Alaska 99503

Alaska Dept of Natural Resources Division of Forestry Forest Health Program 550 W. 7th Ave #1450 Anchorage, Alaska 99501

Date Printed 12/18/2009 Map 2. Survey flight paths and general ownership

Alaska Aerial Detection Survey Flight Paths 2009

Survey Transects

National Forest 5,306,000 Other Federal 11,386,000 Alaska Native Corporation 5,901,000 State & Private Lands* 10,978,000

Total Land Acres Flown 33,571,000 Based on a survey swath, two miles from each side of the flightline, clipped to the state shoreline.

*Includes State Patented, Tentatively Approved or other State Acquired Lands, of Patented Disposed Federal Lands, Municipal or Other Private parcels.

Sources: Flightline data from I & D Aerial Survey, USFS FHP & ADNR, 2009. Alaska Land Status data from ADNR. LRIS 2008.

Produced by: Forest Health Units -USDA Forest Service, S&PF -Alaska DNR, Div of Forestry

Date Printed: 11/01/2009 Table 1. 2009 forest insect and disease activity as detected during aerial surveys in Alaska by land ownership1 and agent. All values are in acres.2 National Other State & Native Total Forest Federal Private Alder defoliation3 1,208 2,202 3,410 Alder mortality 207 319 791 1,317 Aspen Leaf Miner 67,680 106,363 136,558 310,601 Black-headed budworm 535 593 1,128 Cedar decline faders4 15,626 174 12 485 16,297 Cottonwood defoliation3 325 2,758 5,730 2,338 11,152 Flooding/high-water damage 106 138 802 301 1,346 Hemlock sawfly 2,539 35 981 3,555 IPS and SPB5 4,407 739 1,451 6,596 Ips engraver beetle 9,226 18,865 3,581 31,672 Landslide/Avalanche 426 20 447 Porcupine damage 792 14 146 952 Spear-marked black moth 13,913 251 146 14,310 Spruce beetle 210 28,502 45,855 26,075 100,642 Spruce/Larch budmoth 694 20 12,485 13,199 unknown hemlock mortality 1,916 220 2,136 Willow Leaf Blotch Miner 53,771 65,130 17,435 136,336

Totals 23,169 180,825 245,294 205,808 655,096

1 Ownership derived from 2008 version of Land Status GIS coverage, State of Alaska, DNR/Land records Information Section. State & private lands include: state patented, tentatively approved, or other state acquired lands, and of patented disposed federal lands, municipal, or other private parcels. 2 Acre values are only relative to survey transects and do not represent the total possible area affected. The affected acreage is much more extensive than can be mapped. Table entries do not include many of the most destructive diseases (e.g., wood decays and dwarf mistletoe) which are not detectable in aerial surveys. Damage acres from some types and abiotic agents are also shown in this table. 3 Significant contributors include leaf miners and leaf rollers for the respective host. Drought stress also directly caused reduced foliation or premature foliage loss. 4 Acres represent only spots where current faders were noticed. Cumulative cedar decline acres can be found in Map 9. 5 Acreage values are cumulative from engraver beetle (Ips perturbatus) and Spruce Beetle () working in the same stands.

7 Table 2. Affected area (in thousands of acres) for each host group and damage type over the prior five years and a 10-year cumulative sum. Host Group / 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Ten Year Damage Type1 Cumulative2

Alder Defoliation 2.8 10.5 17.3 10.6 10.0 0.7 3.4 61.0 Aspen Defoliation 351.4 591.5 678.9 509.5 796.0 219.7 310.8 3,097.3 Birch Defoliation 217.5 163.9 47.5 13.2 1.5 0.1 14.3 463.8 Cottonwood 13.1 16.7 8 24.6 11.5 13.2 11.2 121.5 Defoliation Hemlock Defoliation 0.2 0.5 0.2 0 0.1 0.1 3.6 12.0 Hemlock Mortality 0 0 0.1 0 0.0 2.0 2.1 4.5 Larch Defoliation 0.6 14.2 16.8 2.7 0.1 0.2 0.1 117.2 Larch Mortality 22.5 11.8 0 0 0.0 0.2 0.1 39.5 Spruce Defoliation 61.5 93.4 31.9 68.1 41.9 6.9 0.8 429.7 Spruce Mortality 92.8 145.2 93.8 130.6 183.9 129.1 138.9 1,006.4 Spruce/Hemlock 15.1 1.5 1.4 1.5 10.3 2.8 1.1 82.2 Defoliation Spruce/Larch 0.3 0 0.3 2.8 0.0 0.0 13.2 16.6 Defoliation Sub Alpine 0 0.2 0.8 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.7 Mortality Willow Defoliation 83.9 111.2 44.5 50.7 92.7 76.8 139.7 608.6 Total damage acres - 861.7 1,160.5 941.5 814.8 1148.1 451.8 639.3 6,062.0 thousands

Total acres surveyed 25,588 36,343 39,206 32,991 38,365 36,402 33,571 Percent of acres surveyed showing 3.4 3.2 2.4 2.5 3.0 1.2 1.9 damage

1 Summaries identify damage, mostly from insect agents. Foliar disease agents contribute to the spruce defoliation and hemlock mortality totals. Damage agents such as fire, wind, flooding, slides and animal damage are not included. Cedar mortality is summarized in Map 9. 2 The same stand can have active infestation for several years. The cumulative total is a union of all areas from 1999 through 2009 and does not double count acres.

8 Status of Insects

Status of Insects

Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) Monitoring Update

By Roger Burnside and Mark Schultz

The Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) The Division of Agriculture placed special monitoring Pilot Project, started by the U.S. Forest Service, FHP traps for the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis in 2001, demonstrated the feasibility of a nationally Fairmaire) in selected urban areas of Alaska, starting in coordinated survey for non-native bark beetles. Begin- 2008. Trap results have been negative to date. The risk ning in 2007, this project began national implementa- of exotic wood borers is low, however, there is concern tion. Based on funding levels and taxonomic capacity, that the transport of hardwood firewood in vehicles EDRR monitoring trapping has been supported in into Alaska could become an issue for potential intro- about 17 states each year. Funding is provided to the ductions. Forest Service regions, which then fund states to con- duct the trapping. From 2007 through 2009, most of Since scolytid EDRR monitoring efforts were started the 50 states have participated in the EDRR project. A by the Alaska Region FHP and State of Alaska, De- National EDRR Team sets survey partment of Natural Resources, priorities, selects target species, Division of Forestry in 2002, no and develops protocols for state non-native scolytids have been participation (Table 3). EDRR identified near ports in the key trapping results from all par- population centers of Alaska ticipating states are assembled in (Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau). a national database maintained by However, given the extensive area USFS FHP in Washington, D.C. of Alaska’s remote forest habitats, expansive coastline, and ever Non-native bark and ambrosia changing patterns of commerce in beetles, defoliators, and wood a changing climate, the Division borers are a serious threat to our of Forestry initiated efforts with nation’s urban and rural forests Alaska Region FHP in 2009 to (http://www.fs.fed.us/fores- expand EDRR monitoring off the thealth/publications/EWS_fi- road network and major port areas nal_draft.pdf). Case histories of to better manage the risk of any exotic insects already established unintended exotic beetle species in North America (i.e. Asian long- introductions. With assistance horned beetle, emerald ash borer, from USDA APHIS-PPQ and US and Sirex woodwasp) have dem- Figure 2. A funnel trap with ultra-high release Customs and Border Protection onstrated the importance of earlier “sponge” lure devices. (CBP), EDRR monitoring sites detections of non-native species were established in Skagway in early entering native forested habitats to more effectively July (Figure 2). conduct delimitation, quarantine, and control efforts; also, eradication efforts, where feasible. A key aspect of EDRR monitoring surveys were conducted in Anchor- providing earlier detection of non-native forest insects age, Juneau, and Fairbanks from May-September 2009 entering Alaska will be establishment of key coopera- (Figure 3). No scolytids were trapped in either of two tor monitoring networks to better assess future risk sites in Skagway, likely due to the later establishment of and pathways for exotic pest introduction. the sites (early July) that missed the flight window for

9 dispersing beetles. Of particular note from the overall 2009 Alaska EDRR results is the low numbers of bee- tles trapped, which was also seen in the 2008 surveys.

Prescreening of other wood boring insects trapped in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau and Skagway in 2009 indicated only native species were collected.

The US CBP “Alcan” border station, at Alaska’s eastern border with Canada, will be added as an additional monitoring site in 2010. Potential additional scolytid monitoring sites include Nome (Bering Sea northern passage port), Ketchikan, and the Kenai Peninsula. Ad- ditional long-term monitoring sites will be considered based on risk assessments currently in progress with key agency contacts (USDA APHIS-PPQ, US CBP, and Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division Figure 3. Number of native scolytids trapped by collection date in of Agriculture). 2009 at Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau EDRR sites.

State and Private Forestry, FHP works with several specimens and information from citizens, volunteers, partners, including the University of Alaska Coopera- and resource professionals. The recently established tive Extension Service, Alaska Association of Conser- Alaska Invasive Species Working Group and Alaska vation Districts, USDA -PPQ, US CBP, and the Alaska Pest Risk Assessment Committee provide forums for Department of Natural Resources (Division of Agri- interagency and NGO discussion and program coordi- culture and Division of Forestry) to provide an inva- nation. • sives detection network to collect and process

Table 3. The following non-native insects (primarily beetle species) are considered potential Alaska EDRR targets based on risk assessments of economic damage in the country of origin (lures chosen for the surveys are general attractants for these species).

Common Name Species Approximate Native Distribution

Golden haired bark beetle Hylurgops palliates Europe and N. Asia Mediterraneann engraver beetle Orthotomicus erosus Asia, Mediterranean Six-spined engraver beetle Ips sexdentatus Across Europe European spruce beetle Ips typographus Central Europe Lesser pine shoot beetle Tomicus minor Europe Common pine shoot beetle Tomicus piniperda Europe European hardwood ambrosia beetle Trypodendron domesticum China Camphor shot borer Xylosandrus nutilatus Asia Sirex woodwasp Sirex noctilio Europe, Asia, N. Africa Asian Longhorn borer Anoplophora glabripennis China Brown spruce longhorn borer Tetropium fuscum Europe and Russia Pine-tree lappet pini Europe

10 Status of Insects

Northern Spruce Engraver Beetle Management in a Changing Climate – Research and Demonstration Slash Management Projects in Interior Alaska By Roger Burnside, Christopher Fettig, Christopher Hayes, Mark Schultz, and Jim Kruse

The northern spruce engraver,Ips perturbatus (Eich- another) -based tools. Little work, however, has been hoff) is distributed throughout the boreal region of done to determine the effects of commonly used slash North America, and colonizes white and black spruce management techniques on northern spruce engraver throughout Alaska, and Lutz spruce, a natural hybrid performance in slash, and on the effectiveness of these of white and Sitka spruce, on the Kenai Peninsula. techniques for minimizing associated levels of tree This bark beetle is the primary mortality agent of white mortality in residual stands. spruce in recently disturbed areas in Interior Alaska. If favorable climatic conditions coincide with large quan- A cooperative research and demonstration project tities of suitable host material (e.g., slash), northern was initiated in early 2009 by the Alaska Department spruce engraver populations may erupt and result in of Natural Resources Division of Forestry (AKDNR the mortality of apparently-healthy trees over extensive DOF), in collaboration with the Forest Service Pacific areas. Southwest Research Station (FS PSW) and the Forest Due to the long life cycle of Service FHP program (FS trees, short-term impacts (<50 FHP). The objective is to years) of climate change on determine if time of cut- forest ecosystems are expected ting, distribution of slash to be manifested through in- (i.e., decked v. dispersed), creased frequency and severity or scoring of bark has an of disturbances, such as bark impact upon the northern beetle outbreaks (Bentz et al., spruce engraver reproduc- in review). For example, re- tive success and subsequent search conducted by scientists levels of beetle-caused tree at the University of Alaska Figure 4. Entomologist Mark Schultz bucking and scoring logs mortality within residual Fairbanks, examining exten- for 2009 Ips slash STDP project near Fairbanks. Roger Burnside/ stands(Figure 4). This work sive first-order weather station AKDNR. is sponsored by a grant from data and tree-ring data compiled since the early 1950s, the Special Technology Development Program (STDP, suggests that white spruce in Alaska’s boreal forests FS). The topic is particularly timely considering the have already exhibited significant decreases in growth multiple interacting threats that boreal forests of Alaska in recent years, likely attributable to climate change. If currently face, many of which have been shown to be such trends persist, climatic warming may lead to zero exacerbated by climate change. net annual growth and, presumably, extensive amounts of tree mortality attributed to northern spruce engrav- In support of the current northern spruce engraver er infestations followed by significant shifts in flora and slash management technology development and fauna (Chapin et al. 2006). demonstration project, the AKDNR DOF and FS FHP conducted preliminary work in 2007 to explore more In recent years, elevated levels of northern spruce en- effective means of minimizing northern spruce engrav- graver-caused tree mortality have resulted in increased er infestation of white spruce slash that resulted from efforts to develop suitable management techniques. localized disturbances via wind events (blowdown), Much of this work has concentrated on development thinning and clearing during residential construction, of semiochemical (i.e., compounds produced by one firewood cutting and other small-scale, non-commer- organism that produce an effect, usually behavioral, in cial operations. Populations (i.e., exiting adult

11 beetles) were compared among six treat- 0.14 Upper Log Sector ments that simulated small firewood 0.12 Lower Log Sector “decks”, staggered “decks”, scattered slash 0.1 “decks” and scoring of spruce slash under open (cleared fuel breaks), shaded (e.g., 0.08 sheltered fuel breaks) and more natural 0.06 (blowdown) field conditions. In brief, 0.04 the data suggested a relationship between 0.02 slash treatment and northern spruce of Ips # Exit Holes (per sq. in.) 0 engraver beetle reproductive perfor- mance that may be exploited to minimize residual tree mortality in newly disturbed areas. For example, data indicated that Firewood Deck/ScoredFirewood Deck/ScoredFirewood Deck/ScoredFirewood Staggered Deck/ScoredStaggered Deck/ScoredStaggered Staggered Deck/ScoredStaggered Dispersed Slash/Scored Dispersed Slash/Scored Dispersed decking of white spruce slash, as well as Slash/Scored Dispersed Firewood Deck/NotScoredFirewood Firewood Deck/NotScoredFirewood Deck/NotScoredFirewood Staggered Deck/Not Scored Deck/Not Staggered Scored Deck/Not Staggered Staggered Deck/Not Scored Deck/Not Staggered Dispersed Slash/Not ScoredSlash/Not Dispersed ScoredSlash/Not Dispersed mechanical scoring of slash (by chain- ScoredSlash/Not Dispersed saw), were important (Figure5) and war- Tok Sheltered Fuel Break Tok Clearcut Fuel Break Delta Blowdown Area ranted further investigation. Figure 5. Mean number of northern spruce engraver (Ips perturbatus) in upper and lower log sectors by treatment (decked/undecked, scored/unscored) in a fuel break and The 2009 northern spruce engraver slash naturally-disturbed site at Tok and Delta. management STDP project was estab- project will assess effects of the various slash treat- lished in three forested blocks in Interior Alaska (near ments (variables include fall vs. spring cutting, slash Fairbanks, Delta Junction, and Tok) during August arrangement-decked vs. scattered, and scoring of slash) and September (fall treatment). Treatments consist of to reduce northern spruce engraver colonization and traditional firewood decks and dispersed bolts, either reproductive success. Slash treatment variables in the unscored, or scored on two opposing sides by chainsaw data collection will include northern spruce engraver to enhance drying of the inner bark (phloem) (Figure attack and exit hole densities, in addition to an assess- 6 and Figure 7). ment of northern spruce engraver-caused mortality of residual leave trees within the 0.25 acre plots (total of The study design is a randomized complete block 54 plot areas will be assessed). Residual stand infesta- of eighteen 0.25-acre plots within each of the three tion from the 2009 and 2010 slash treatments will be Interior Alaska study sites. Additional white spruce assessed in the treatment plots during the 2011 field trees will be felled and slash decks created in May 2010 season. Flight periodicity of northern spruce engraver (spring treatment) to complete the slash treatment in Interior Alaska will also be assessed during the proj- portion of the study. This research and demonstration ect. In addition, in 2009 the effectiveness of verbe-

Figure 6. Representative mixed spruce stand at 2009 study site near Figure 7. Firewood deck of unscored logs at 2009 study site near Fairbanks. Roger Burnside/AKDNR Fairbanks. Roger Burnside/AKDNR.

12 Status of Insects

Figure 8. Comparisons of (A) attack and (B) emergence-hole densities between semiochemical treated (verbenone and conophthorin) and untreated bolts. Bars represent mean ± SEM. none, a common bark beetle anti-aggregant (disrup- result of climate change (Robertson 2000). tion) compound, and conophthorin, a non-host green leaf volatile compound, was analyzed for protecting As stated previously, little work has been done on white spruce slash from colonization by northern determining what factors influence northern spruce spruce engraver near Tok, Alaska (i.e. a recently engraver colonization of and reproductive perfor- harvested white spruce/quaking aspen stand that is mance in logging slash, or to determine net impacts serving as afire break and logging deck area for biomass on residual stands. These projects will provide sound that will power a generator at Tok School). The 2009 data that address these and related concerns, and will semiochemical study was a variation of work previ- facilitate development of slash management guidelines ously conducted on the Kenai Peninsula in Southcen- to be used by the AKDNR DOF and FS FHP. To date, tral Alaska which examined the effectiveness of various the AKDNR DOF and FS FHP are forced to make semiochemicals in protecting individual standing trees recommendations based on anecdotal observations from northern spruce engraver attack. On 18-19 May, or data obtained for other engraver species and forest 20 slash decks consisting of 15, 4.5 foot long bolts with types in the Lower 48. • large-end diameters of 4.0-8.0 inches, were cut from freshly felled white spruce near the study area. Literature Cited: Bentz, B.J., J. Régnière, C.J. Fettig, E.M. Hansen, J.L. Hayes, J.A. Hicke, R.G. Kelsey, J. Lundquist, J.F. Negrón, R. Progar, S.J. Half of the piles were treated with the two semio- Seybold, and J. Vandygriff. 2010. Climate Change and Bark chemicals (verbenone and conophthorin). The other Beetles of Western North America: Direct and Indirect Effects. piles were left untreated. Attacks and exit holes were Biosciences, in review. recorded on 11-13 July and 26-29 August 2009, respec- tively (Figure 8). Chapin, F.S., D. McGuire, R.W. Ruess, M.W. Walker, R.D. Boone, M.E. Edwards, B.P. Finney, L.D. Hinzman, J.B. Jones, G.P. Juday, E.S. Kasischke, K. Kielland, A.H. Lloyd, M.W. Oswood, Northern spruce engraver impacts have increased in C. Ping, V.E. Romanovsky, J.P. Schimel, E.B. Sparrow, B. recent years. To that end, about 1,200 acres were im- Sveinbjörnsson, D.W. Valentine, K. Van Cleve, D.L. Verbyla, pacted in 2003 compared to 43,000 acres in 2007 (see L.A. Viereck, R.A. Werner, T.L. Wurtz, and J. Yarie. 2006. 2008 AK FHP Report), primarily in Interior Alaska. Summary and synthesis: past and future changes in the Alaskan The 2008 survey data suggests about 60,000 acres boreal forest. In: Alaska’s changing boreal forest: 332-338. were impacted in 2008, with a portion of the northern Robertson, I.C. 2000. Reproduction and developmental pheno- spruce engraver -affected acres also containing spruce logy of Ips perturbatus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) inhabiting beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis) activity. Northern white spruce (Pinaceae). Can. Entomol. 32:529-537. spruce engraver beetle activity has increased signifi- cantly in areas adjacent to those affected by the 2004 and 2005 wildfires in Interior Alaska. It is expected such impacts will continue to increase in the future as a

13 Firewood Transportation in Alaska

By Jim Kruse

Firewood can harbor many different kinds of invasive pests and diseases that are harmful to Alaska’s trees – both in forest and urban settings. Inadvertent trans- portation by people of insect larvae and tree diseases in infested materials has greatly increased the distri- bution of pests and diseases elsewhere. This includes gypsy moth, oak wilt, and the emerald ash borer, that hitchhike on firewood, making their way easily into previously unaffected, healthy areas. This poses such a serious threat to trees that several states have firewood and quarantine regulations in place to try to slow the spread of wood pests. In fact, on October 22, 2008, APHIS issued a Federal Order requiring heat treat- Figure 10. The emerald ash borer. Photo by Howard Russell, Michi- ment for shipments of all hardwood species firewood gan State University. entering the United States from Canada. Please report unusual or suspect materials or insects The emerald ash borer Agrilus( planipennis), is an immediately by calling UAF Cooperative Extension invasive, wood-boring beetle that attacks ash trees Service at (contact the Anchorage office at 1.907.786- (Fraxinus spp.), including white, green, black, and blue 6300, the Juneau office at 1.907.465-8545, or the ash. Mountain ash (Sorbus spp.), not a true ash, is unaf- Fairbanks office at 1.907.474-2701). fected. While ash trees are not part of Alaska’s natural hardwood forest component, hundreds of ash trees are To protect our forests and cities from these firewood planted throughout the urban landscape. Early detec- hitchhikers, do not bring firewood along with you into tion and isolation of infestations are our best defenses or out of the state. Firewood purchased or collected at against the ecological and economic damage caused by or near your destination should be used during camp- wood pests and diseases. We need your help looking ing. Do not leave any unused wood behind and do not for unusually large or colorful insects such as the Asian take it with you to another destination. Scrap lumber is longhorn beetle (Figure 9) and emerald ash borer (Fig- a good alternative for campfires. Dimensional lumber ure 10) due to the elusive behavior of these pests! scraps, such as 2x4 or 4x6 scraps from a building proj- ect, is fully dried and debarked which means it cannot harbor pests and diseases of living trees like raw wood or logs can. Minimally processed wood, such as full or partial pallets, skids, or slabs, are cut wood, but they can be fresh enough or have enough attached bark that they can harbor pests or diseases. Painted, treated, or composites of wood and glue such as chipboard and plywood should not be burned as doing so can create a serious health hazard.

Campers and visitors are encouraged to take these simple steps to help ensure the healthy future of the state’s parks, forests, and trees. •

Figure 9. The Asian longhorn beetle.

14 Status of Insects

2009 Entomology Species Updates

Defoliators miner showed slightly higher severity values (51%) than the amber-marked birch leaf miner across the Birch Leaf Miners Anchorage Bowl. This condition diminished to 18% in (Konow) 2009 (Figure 12). pumila Leach Heterarthrus nemoratus Klug Similarly, 2009 assessments across the Kenai Penin- sula found decreasing severity of the amber-marked Birch leaf mining injury in Alaska has been attributed birch leaf miner in 12 of the 41 sites examined, six sites primarily to three species of sawflies, including the showed increased severity. This trend is similar to amber-marked birch leaf miner (P. thomsoni), the late that found in 2008. The late birch leaf miner showed a birch leaf edge miner (H. nemoratus) and the birch decrease in severity on 12 sites and an increase on ten leaf miner (F. pumila). The former two species have sites between 2008 and 2009. The spread dynamics been much more commonly reported in Alaska than of amber-marked birch leaf miners and late birch leaf the birch leaf miner. Birch leaf miners (F. pumila) edge miners appear to differ considerably – the former have been reported to occur in the Matanuska-Susitna appears to be restricted to roadside use areas; the latter Valley as well as the Anchorage Bowl, in and around can be found well-beyond the roadways. Fairbanks, around Haines, and increasingly across the Kenai Peninsula.

Species are commonly identified on the basis of loca- tion of injury in the tree crown and the characteristics of the leaf mines. The amber-marked birch leaf miner (Figure 11)attacks mature leaves in the lower half of crowns of infested trees causing brown blotch-like le- sions to form mostly on the center of the leaf. The late birch leaf edge miner causes lesions at the edge, but these lesions are a distinct reddish orange color, free of frass, and with surfaces that crack easily. The birch leaf miners (F. pumila) cause blotch lesions on leaves mostly in the upper half of infested crowns, and lesions are irregular to round in shape with a crinkled surface found between the edge and midrib of infested leaves. Because injury caused by the birch leaf miner occurs in the upper part of the crown, the relative occurrence of this species may be overlooked during routine surveys, but for now, the prevalence of this insect seems to be relatively less than the other two sawflies. Figure 11. Amber-marked birch leaf miner adult. Beginning in 2006, severity of the amber-marked birch leaf miner has been monitored using a network of 165 plots placed across the Anchorage Bowl. Results of these surveys indicate that the amber-marked birch leaf miner has been the dominant species, but that its overall severity has been steadily decreasing as follows: 60% in 2006, 53% in 2007, 37% in 2008, and 23% of trees surveyed in 2009. In 2008, the late birch leaf edge

15 Figure 12. The mean annual percentage of surveyed trees affected by birch leaf miners in the Anchorage area, Alaska.

Research on the amber-marked birch leaf miner continued in 2009 as cooperative projects with:

1. The University of Massachusetts (Anna Soper, Ph.D. student) on the release ofLathrolestes parasit- oids. The establishment ofL. thomsoni and of L. soperi in two new sites following the 2007 releases and two additional sites following the 2008 releases were verified; the presence ofL. thomsoni was confirmed; the dominance ofL. soperi in amber-marked birch leaf miner populations was noted; the effects of site conditions (viz., forested vs urban sites) on phenology of amber-marked birch leaf miner was described. These findings are part of a Ph.D. dissertation research by Anna Soper at the Univer- sity of Massachusetts.

2. The Pacific Northwest Research Station (Rob Progar, Research Entomologist cooperator), UAF Cooperative Extension Service, and the Alaska Botanical Garden on fungal and nematode biocontrol agents. The efficacy of two fungal biocontrol agents;Beauveria bassiana (cause of green muscardine disease) and Metarhizium anisopliae (cause of white muscardine disease), and the nematode Steiner- nema carpocapsae were tested as biocontrol agents against the amber marked birch leaf miner.

3. Colorado State University (Robin Reich, Professor of Forestry) on mapping the patterns of severity of all three birch leaf miners using remote sensing and spatial statistics. The spatial distribution of the amber-marked birch leaf miner was irregularly distributed across the Anchorage Bowl; the dis- tribution changed from year to year; locations of relatively high severity one year have relatively low intensity the following year; although the overall severity of infestation was lower than 2008, the area infested was greater.

16 Status of Insects

Map 3. Aspen leaf miner damage along the Tanana, a tributary to the Yukon River

17 Aspen Leaf Miner Phyllocnistis populiella Chambers

Approximately 310,601 acres of aspen forest were observed to be infested with the aspen leaf miner in 2009. This was the ninth consecutive year of outbreak conditions. The affected acreage increased from 2008 by almost 50% (Map 3), however, the total acreage of aspen trees infested was still lower than 2007 when approximately 750,000 acres were infested. This pest remains the most widespread and prevalent of all in- sect pests in Alaskan forests. Figure 14. Ken Zogas checks for budmoth larvae under budcaps of spruce. this rather mild outbreak was in decline. Numbers of adult budworms trapped in this area were down for the third consecutive year, as were the numbers of larvae observed. Most of adults were trapped during the last three weeks of July. Localized moderate infestations were noted near the Yukon River Bridge over the last three years via ground surveys.

Spruce and Larch Budmoth Zeiraphera canadensis Mutuura & Freeman Figure 13. Aspen leaf miner damage along the Melozitna River, a Z. confusana Ferris & Kruse tributary to the Yukon River. Z. fortunana (Kearfott) Z. griseana (Hubner) The overall distribution of aspen leaf miners paralleled Z. improbana (Walker) that of 2008. Specifically, affected trees were common Z. vancouverana McDunnough in the Interior portions of Alaska from the south slopes of the Brooks Range to the west side of Galena, south to Talkeetna and east to Tok. The heaviest infestations appeared to occur west of Fairbanks on the Nenana Ridge. Defoliation severity varied among stands and clones(Figure 13). Several severely infested trees were tagged for monitoring to follow health and mortal- ity in subsequent years. Repeated heavy defoliation presumably reduces growth rate and might result in branch dieback. Repeated severe defoliation may cause mortality.

Spruce Budworm Figure 15. Spruce budmoth damage. Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) Approximately 13,000 acres of spruce budmoth damage were recorded in 2009. Most of the acreage No areas of active spruce budworm were detected (12,500) was recorded on Afognak Island (Figures in aerial surveys this year, confirming that the recent 14 and 15), and nearly 700 acres was recorded in the outbreak is over. This most recent outbreak occurred vicinity of Yakutat. Budmoth is a recurring problem on in the hills around Fairbanks beginning in 2002 and white and Sitka spruce, and eastern larch. Severe defo- peaked in 2004. This dramatic decline in acres of liation of nearly 610,000 acres of larch was recorded in damage mapped confirms the 2007 prognosis that Interior Alaska in 1976, demonstrating the potential

18 Status of Insects

for large scale outbreaks. Spruce budmoth outbreaks were heavily infested in previous years showed branch often occur at the end of spruce budworm outbreaks, dieback and some mortality. Because of the impor- attacking fast growing shoots. tance of willow as browse for moose, one of the major concerns is how the defoliated branches compare in Large Aspen Tortrix their nutritional value to normal willow branches. Choristoneura conflictana Walker Various studies have been initiated or proposed to look into the effect that the leaf miner may be having on wil- Populations of large aspen tortrix characteristically low species as well as secondary ecological effects and increase to locally epidemic levels that last for two to natural enemies (Figure 16). three years, then collapse. In 2009, there was no large aspen tortrix infestations detected by aerial surveys, Western Black-headed Budworm confirming the end to the most recent outbreak. In Acleris gloverana (Walsingham) 2008, the number of tortrix-infested acres declined by 82% to approximately 7,184 acres. The western black-headed budworm is native to the coastal forests of Southeast Alaska, Prince William Willow Leaf Blotch Miner Sound, and southwestern Alaska. Although it has Micrurapteryx salicifoliella (Chambers) historically occurred primarily in Southeast Alaska, populations have been recorded from Turnagain Arm near Anchorage, west to Dillingham. Budworm populations in Alaska have been cyclic, arising quickly, impacting vast areas, and then subsiding within a few years. Inclement weather is often a major limiting fac- tor in budworm outbreaks (Figure 17).

During aerial surveys in 2009, 1,128 acres of western black-headed budworm activity were identified. This activity was almost evenly divided between Southeast Alaska and Prince William Sound. In Southeast Alaska about 482 acres of infestations were mapped between Wrangell and Petersburg just north of the mouth of the Stikine River, and in Prince William Sound, 578 acres Figure 16. Willow leaf blotch damage on the Elliott Hwy, August along the north coast of the Sound just west of Valdez 2009. Damage is more severe on some willow species, but not oth- ers, including felt-leaf willow, a major browse species for moose. Arm and Columbia Bay.

Willow leaf blotch miner activity nearly doubled statewide in 2009 with approximately 136,336 acres of infested forest detected. Its activity has been character- ized by relatively large year-to-year population fluctua- tions, typically in the Interior portion of the state. More than one-half of the reported activity this year again occurred throughout the upper Yukon River Val- ley and its tributaries, from Beaver to Circle (Map 4). This has historically been the area of the heaviest and most widespread activity and one with considerable willow mortality. The central Interior, along the Tanana and Kantishna Rivers accounted for another one-third of all reported activity. In that area, the infestation was Figure 17. Feeding damage from black-headed budworm in the Portage area. particularly severe. The condition was especially severe along roadways around Fairbanks. Many stands that

19 Map 4. Willow Leaf Blotch Miner aerial survey

20 Status of Insects

Occasionally, as was the case in Table 4. Sawflies introduced to Alaska; their hosts and distribution in the state. 2008, populations of this insect Species Hosts Distribution become established at the head Eriocampa ovata (L.) Alnus tenuifolia Southcentral, Southeast of Turnagain Arm, near Portage. pulveratum (Retzius) Alnus tenuifolia Southcentral, Interior The assumption is that these Profemusa thomsoni (Konow) Betula spp. Southcentral, Interior populations are moved through Fenusa pumila Leach Betula spp. Southcentral, Interior Portage Pass by prevailing winds Fenusa dohmii (Tischbein) Alnus spp. Interior from Prince William Sound. Pristiphora erichsonii (Hartig) Larix laricina, L. siberica Southcentral, Interior These localized outbreaks gener- ally last only a year, but produce Heterarthrus nemoratus (Fallén) Betula spp., Alnus spp., Populus spp. Southcentral very visible foliage discoloration due to their feeding along one of the busiest road cor- currently seven known species of sawfly that have been ridors in Southcentral Alaska. The preferred host of introduced to Alaska to date (Table 4). the black-headed budworm is western hemlock while the stands in Turnagain Arm are composed mainly Acres of active alder defoliation mapped during aerial of Sitka spruce and mountain hemlock. Lack of their surveys in 2009 totaled 1,999 acres, representing an in preferred host is most likely one of the key reasons crease over 2008 levels. This figure however, is almost these localized outbreaks don’t persist. Aerial surveys, certainly an underestimate of the extent of alder defo- ground surveys, and egg mass sampling found no sign liation sites in Southcentral and Interior Alaska. The of budworm activity in this area in 2009. woolly and striped alder sawflies begin emerging and feeding late in June and therefore the defoliation attrib- Alder Defoliation uted to them is not very apparent from the air during Eriocampa ovata (L.) aerial surveys which are conducted in early to mid-July. Hemichroa crocea (Geoffroy) Monsoma pulveratum (Retzius) The picture changes dramatically when the surveys are conducted in mid-August as evidenced by alder defoli- ation (Figure 19). By August, the alder defoliators have reached the peak of their feeding. Ground observations in August and September noted severe defoliation of riparian alders, primarily Alnus incana subsp. tenuifolia, a species widespread in Southcentral Alaska. These defoliators are termed “skeletonizers” because they consume all the leaf tissues but the veins, rendering the plant thin-looking, brown, and easily detectable from the air. Their ranges overlap in Southcentral Alaska and

Figure 18. Woolly alder sawfly early instar feeding on alder on the Kenai Peninsula. Severe defoliation of alder in Alaska is caused by three species of sawflies: the woolly alder sawflyE. ( ovata) (Figure 18), the striped alder sawfly H.( crocea), and the European green alder sawfly M.( pulveratum). The woolly alder sawfly and the green alder sawfly are introduced species. The green alder sawfly occurs natu- rally in Europe and North Africa and has been recently introduced to Newfoundland and Alaska. With the positive identification of green alder sawfly there are Figure 19. European green alder sawfly damage along the Susitna River, Southcentral Alaska.

21 it’s not uncommon to encounter several species feed- pathogens. In addition, many sawfly species were out ing simultaneously on the same plant. Thin-leaf alder, early this year due to warm spring temperatures, lead- Alnus incana subsp. tenuifolia, a riparian species, is the ing to earlier defoliation of the spruce needles. Defolia- primary host of all three species of alder sawflies in tion before bud set during mid-summer may contrib- Southcentral Alaska. ute to a myriad of problems. The larvae feed on new foliage of spruce (Picea), especially Engelmann, white, Although the European green alder sawfly emerges black, Norway, and Colorado ; on native much earlier, in mid-May, its known range is, at this spruce, ornamentals and shelterbelt spruce alike. point, much more restricted. Larch Mortality Due to Larch Sawfly and Eastern Efforts will be undertaken in 2010 to further define Larch Beetle the range of these invasive sawflies in Southcentral and Pristiphora erichsonii (Hartig) Interior Alaska, determine their mechanism of spread, Dendroctonus simplex LeC. to understand their association with the Cytospora canker, and to define the long-term effects to riparian In 2009, combined larch sawfly defoliation and mor- alders of repeated, severe defoliation. tality due to the eastern larch beetle was mapped on approximately 220 acres across Interior Alaska. Larch Birch Leaf Roller damage areas of 20-100 acres were mapped near Epinotia solandriana (L.) Fairbanks, Tanana, McGrath and southwest of Lime Hills during July 2009. This small combined 2009 larch Birch leaf rollers are a recurrent problem in Southcen- damage figure continues a decline that began after tral and Interior Alaska. The last peak of widespread a 1993-1999 sawfly outbreak which impacted over birch leaf roller activity was in 2003 when more than 450,000 acres across the Interior, and that was associ- 185,000 acres of infested birch were mapped. Since ated with significant mortality on 260,000 acres of pure that time, populations have steadily declined to the larch and mixed larch/black spruce stands in the early point where no activity was noted during the 2008 years of the outbreak. aerial surveys. This was the case again during the 2009 surveys; however, these leaf rollers have not disap- Roughly half of the observed 2009 larch mortality, peared. Low-level infestations are difficult to identify about 105 acres, was attributed to infestation from the from the air. Ground observations of scattered birch larch beetle. The impacts of either repeated larch sawfly leaf roller activity in the Interior, Anchorage area, and defoliation or larch beetle activity as the single direct on the Kenai Peninsula are not uncommon. These cause of observed larch mortality have been increas- populations will remain in an endemic state until con- ingly suspect since biological evaluations of affected ditions are once again favorable for another outbreak. stands were conducted by Forest Health Protection staff, starting in the late 1990s. Stand exams conducted Yellow-headed Spruce Sawfly during the late 1990s to early 2000s in the western Pikonema alaskensis (Rohwer) Interior along the Innoko River documented signifi- cant mortality in larches that were severely defoliated This native insect had another good year in Anchor- by the larch sawfly between 2000 and 2002, although age, defoliating both white and blue landscape spruce mortality was not as sudden, nor as pronounced, as trees. It has become the dominant defoliator of spruce documented during the early years of the 1993-1999 needles in Anchorage and has moved beyond stressed Interior sawfly outbreak. Stand exams conducted landscape plant material to more mature, open grown during late summer 2008 in seven road-accessible Fair- spruce trees. Many large and expensive spruce trees banks and North Pole larch sites averaged 41% of total have been removed and replaced because of the yellow- dead larch killed by the larch beetle, though results headed spruce sawfly defoliation. As was noted last were variable at individual sites (Figures 20 and 21) year, the significant defoliation of spruce by this sawfly seems to go unnoticed or is confused with other spruce Stand exams conducted in August 2009 in the remote- defoliators, like spruce budworm or fungal needle Alaska Interior documented larch beetle-caused mor-

22 Status of Insects

tality and also estimated larch regeneration on seven on a full range of sites from wet lowlands to drier up- additional sites (Figures 22 and 23). lands. Many larch beetle infestations have been associ- ated with larch trees under physiological stress, which Larch mortality associated with moderate to severe can be from a variety of causes including defoliation, defoliation from the larch sawfly has been mainly at- flooding, drought, cold soils, fire, old age, or damage tributed to the eastern larch beetle. The larch beetle from windstorms, snow breakage, or timber harvest. typically attacks larch of almost any age and diameter

Figure 20. Percent mortality associated with Figure 21. Larch regeneration estimates from Larch beetle attacks (black bars) and “other” data collected at seven road-accessible sites mortality (gray bars, which include disease, between Fairbanks and North Pole in Interior fire, etc.). Alaska from July-August 2008.

Figure 22. Mortality associated with Larch Figure 23. Larch regeneration estimates from beetle attacks (black bars) and “other” mortal- data collected at seven remote sites visited in ity (gray bars, which include disease, fire, etc.). Interior Alaska during August 2009.

23 Map 5. Larch mortality and regeneration field sites visited in Interior Alaska (2008 and 2009).

24 Status of Insects - - - - - enced in the 2008 Forest Health Conditions Report, Conditions Health in the 2008 Forest enced Alaska portionnot was of Southcentral a considerable spruce beetle the total making surveyed year, aerial last It uncertain. somewhat in 2008 reported figure acreage spruce assume beetle to therefore be reasonable would character activity accurately be more would in 2009 and Southeast 2008 levels. to relative as static ized than for fewer Alaska accounted combined Interior thisyear. figure reported of the total 500 acres the basin hosts Inlet Cook Alaska—The Southcentral blocks of spruce activity beetle largest in Southcentral Alaska, with activity the majority of that occurring on Inlet, side of Cook On the east lands. native and federal spruce of on-going 97% of the 5,281 acres than more activity found on beetle were observed in this area activity Wildlife Refuge Heavy lands. National Kenai the along eastward Possession Point from noted was the Kenai to Peninsula northern of the Kenai coast infestations active 3% of the remaining The Mountains. Turnagain lands along state found on were in this area lands. Forest National Arm on Chugach and of on- 11,626 acres Inlet, side of Cook On the west These recorded. were spruce infestations beetle going than area geographic larger a much cover infestations the light fall and into side of the Inlet on the east those Ownership of these of severity. category moderate to native and state between evenly lands is split more (7293 vs. 4341 acres). entities the sur and in these active been have Spruce beetles Bark Beetles Bark Spruce Beetle (Kirby) rufipennis Dendroctonus approximately activity to Spruce beetle increased significant the most remains in 2009 and 100,642 acres spruce- Lutz whitemortality of and in South agent as refer Alaska. However, southwestern and central favor assuming and the 1970’s, since areas rounding this believe to is reason there conditions, weather able Not future. activity the near into will least at continue, breeding of susceptible volumes only do considerable recorded this decade. The last major outbreak of these these of outbreak major last The this decade. recorded 3 mil when nearly mid-1970’s in the occurred defoliated. were Alaskan birch of Interior lion acres 25 - - - - - A suite of insects are associated with of defoliation associated are of insects A suite willow birch, in Alaska. aspen and The most alder, caterpil include many but can above, listed are notable Forest Health staff are continuing efforts to better effortsbetter to continuing are staff Health Forest of the role and potential regeneration larch understand in the perpetu various- biotic abiotic disturbances and Alaska. Given in Interior stands larch of healthy ation sawfly outbreak 1990s larch of the recent the extent dying and stands dead of recently areas large and genetic disturbance, this from landscape-level resulting conservation of this is species still Data in question. surveys detection a spe- aerial and past from assembled Alaska in Interior survey larch conducted cial healthy 2007 willin 2006 and with along be used the recent geospatially-available survey other and ground data data—ex erosion indices, weather/climatic (soils, data Defoliators Miscellaneous (Smith) verberata Sunira Moth Sunira (L.) hastata Rheumaptera Moth Black Spear-marked Fitch nova Orgyia Moth antiqua Rusty Tussock And Others teristics as well as soil and nutrient factors, indirectly indirectly teristics as well as soil factors, nutrient and to contribute may disturbances, insect forest to related longer over mortality or larch year significant in a given mortality larch on some overall periods Also, time. of significant any to tied be directly to appear doesn’t sites stand’s A larch past. activity beetle larch in the recent vigor in the stand maintain and ability regenerate to of level provide some may stages successional early defo sawfly (e.g., biologicalstressors resist to resilience and infestations), beetle spruceliation, budworm, larch mostly factors, Other mortality. stand significant any periodic levels, nutrient in base changes abiotic (e.g., important could be more shifts) or climatic weather sig to stands in predisposing disturbance insect than successional and mortality later dieback duringnificant stages. and LandFire scour, and ice flooding of seasonal tent etc.) classifications, community/ecological plant other monitoring and for evaluation sites additional select to in 2010. moth black In 2009, spear-marked sawfly pests. and lar on of birch 14,310 acres approximately defoliated defoliation significant the most Peninsula, the Kenai Preliminary results from the 2008 and 2009 field in- field 2009 and the 2008 from results Preliminary charac certain stand that 5) suggest (Map vestigations material still exist in these stands, but many of the Bay, were the last two areas around the lake in which young, less susceptible trees that survived earlier the spruce beetles had not yet established a firm foot- spruce beetle episodes have now matured and reached hold. Much more susceptible host material remains in a point where they themselves have become suitable the Kakhonak area than in the Roadhouse Mountain breeding material. area, and activity is expected to continue there for the next several years. On the other hand, fresh, suscepti- Based on past history, the last significant area of beetle ble host material is nearly exhausted in the Roadhouse activity in Southcentral Alaska is the Copper River Mountain area and activity is expected to begin taper- Basin. This region was unable to be aerial surveyed ing off in the next year or two. in 2009 due to heavy smoke from Interior Alaskan wildfires. Although this area had been active, with In the Lake Clark area, spruce beetle activity has respect to spruce beetle, for more than 10 years, these increased in both area and intensity. The infestation populations have experienced a widespread decline in at Tazimina Lakes and Kontrashibuna Lake has been acres infested for the past two consecutive years; a 70% active for the past four years and has intensified in decline between 2007 and 2008 alone. Declines such 2009. Virtually all the stands surrounding the lakes as this are usually a good indication that the popula- are infested, and activity is beginning to spill out into tions have collapsed. the stands on Lake Clark southwest of Port Alsworth. The other areas of significant activity are in the stands Southwestern Alaska— Three significant areas of along the Tlikakila and Chokotonk Rivers between spruce beetle activity were identified in southwest Moose Pasture Pass and Little Lake Clark. Together, Alaska in 2009: Lake Clark, Lake Iliamna, and Katmai the spruce beetle activity in the Lake Clark area totals National Park. Over 4,500 acres of new activity were nearly 21,000 acres, of which more than 95% occur reported at Katmai National Park. This population on Federal lands within Lake Clark National Park and had been in decline for two consecutive years prior to Preserve. Significant stands of mature, susceptible, un- 2009. However, this year’s acreage figure is approxi- infested white spruce remain, surrounding Lake Clark, mately 1,000 acres greater than that reported in 2008. and if favorable weather patterns continue, this infesta- As suggested in the 2008 Forest Health Conditions tion could persist for several years. Report, large, susceptible stands of white spruce still exist surrounding this current infestation that could The last area of notable spruce beetle activity is along sustain spruce beetle activity for several more years. the Kuskokwim River between McGrath and Sleet- That appears to be the case, as newly infested areas are mute. This outbreak has been ongoing for 10 years but adjacent or in very close proximity to areas of recent has been in decline for the past several years. Approxi- activity. Activity at this reduced level is expected to mately 1,700 acres of activity were observed in 2009, a continue as the beetle moves through these residual reduction of nearly 50% from 2008 levels. Historically, stands. spruce beetle has only been partially responsible for spruce mortality in this outbreak. Northern spruce en- Spruce beetle activity increased fivefold in the Lake Il- graver beetles have also contributed substantially to the iamna area in the past year where 55,565 acres of newly reported mortality. It is common to find these two bark infested stands were mapped. The vast majority of beetles working together in Interior Alaskan outbreaks this increase occurred in the area between Roadhouse and from an aerial survey perspective; it is difficult to Mountain and Knutson Mountain on the north side of determine which beetle is responsible for the damage the lake. observed.

On the south side of Lake Iliamna, at Kakhonak Bay Northern Spruce Engraver Beetle and along the lower stretches of the Copper and Kak- Ips perturbatus (Eichhoff) honak Rivers, the number of acres infested by spruce beetle has increased as well, although this infestation is The northern spruce engraver beetle continues to be a not yet as severe as the one near Roadhouse Mountain. significant bark beetle in the Interior. Northern spruce These two areas, Roadhouse Mountain and Kakhonak engraver beetles generally attack trees that are

26 Status of Insects - - Northern spruce engraver beetle mortality along the edge mortality beetle the edge along spruce engraver 24. Northern Figure wildfire. old of an considerable damage to the hardwood forests of the forests the hardwood to damage considerable millions costs of currently and States United eastern the impacts mitigate to dollars annually in attempts pest. this of forest spread and of strains and are two gypsy There moth, (AGM) Asian captured been has Only the EGM (EGM). European in Alaska. All gypsy adult in Alaska have moth captures be associ to appear and detections single-moth been or on state the into traffic vehicle with recreational ated areas. infested from shipped equipment outdoor to riskAlaska’s much greater a poses strain AGM The as it differsseveral in the EGM than resources forested the have AGM moths First, the female ways. significant flight are EGM moths while the female ability fly, to the increase would greatly This characteristic less. North disperseability throughout to moths of AGM a have moths AGM America, Second, if introduced. hosts hardwood and of conifer range broader much 250 spe- roughly to compared species 600 total (about cies for the EGM). 27 The European gypsy moth (EGM) was accidentally accidentally was gypsyEuropean (EGM) The moth in 1869. Europe from Massachusetts into introduced the gypsy then, Since for responsible been moth has Invasive Insects in Alaska Insects Invasive Detection Moth Exotic and Gypsy Forest Moth Surveys others and (L.) dispar Lymantria A common way populations of northern populations spruce way A common poor rapidly is through increase can beetle engraver projects Construction practices. management slash fuel-wood cutting) timber harvest often and (including Beetles of slash. amounts will significant mature creates they where the ground to drop then and in the slash The dufflayers. in the soil accumulated and over-winter nearby attack and following emerge adults spring new on fuel- depend people As more and more trees. host bring they often energy, of cost offset the high to wood back wood beetle-infested northern spruce engraver spruce healthy it near their own propertyto stack and they notice The followingsummer and spring trees. brown. turning trees their yard The majority of northern spruce engraver beetle beetle majorityThe of northern spruceengraver activity in the northeast part of the state noted was of edge the southern particularly along concentrated 50% of over for accounted Thisarea Range. the Brooks Fairbanksand between area The mortality. the mapped largely in 2008 outbreak acre a 6000 suffered that Delta in 2009. affected with 1200 acres than less recovered, very addition beetle In little northern spruceengraver in 2009, area in the McGrath activity detected was in 2008. recorded outbreak a large despite stressed as a result of drought, flooding, of drought, mechanical as a result stressed - scorch windthrow or fire soilcompaction, damage, northern spruce however, populations, high At ing. Aerial trees. will healthy beetles attack readily engraver of northernsurveys 31,673 acres mapped in 2009 to activity compared beetle statewide, spruce engraver in 2008. When 43,000 acres combined approximately both the where areas for those figures with acreage spruce are and beetle beetle northern spruce engraver beetle engraver by the affected area the total active, detection in the 2009 aerial 38,000 acres approximates 24). survey (Figure Map 6. Locations of 489 exotic moth trapping sites monitored in 2009 across Alaska.

28 Status of Insects - - Tschetverikov). If introduced, these species species these introduced, If Tschetverikov). sibiricus forested to Alaska’s threat a significant pose would biological and economic both an from ecosystems by monitored and regulated closely are and perspective 6). (Map agencies agricultural APHIS-PPQ state and represent the state Survey throughout participants Customs Extension Service Cooperative (CES), ing and Service (FS), Forest (CBP), Protection Border the Alaska 2009 in Division of Agriculture cooperated collect traps, monitoring 489 deploy to Fewer 26). (Figure report findings and data, relevant Rosy a lack to due gypsy this set year were moth traps to traps in these used lures of the pheromone in supply are and received been have The lures the moths. attract efforts. be utilized in 2010 trapping to scheduled by the Alaska DivisionsurveyThe of coordinated is Agricultural Pest a Cooperative Agriculture through CAPS with APHIS-PPQ. agreement Survey (CAPS) agricultural State and Federal effortby is a cooperative pests exotic plant monitor and detect to organizations did not The CAPS program concern. of economic in 2009. species targeted any detect stion Service. Figure Figure 26. Placing a Gypsy Moth Photo trap. by Exten Cooperative 29 - (L.)), Rosy (L.)), gypsy dispar dispar tria moth (Lymantria monacha moth (Lymantria Nun Moore), mathura superans Silk Siberian and (L.)), moth (Dendrolimus The Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division Resources, Natural of The AlaskaDepartment Department with U.S. of Agriculture, in cooperation Health Plant Animal and of Agriculture (USDA), Quarantine and Service, Protection Inspection Plant detection low-risk annually conducts (APHIS-PPQ), gypsy American) moth (North surveys for European Asian (L.)), gypsy dispar (Lymantria Lyman moth, ( Though no offshore interceptions were made inAlaska were interceptions no offshore Though still in 2009, there exists for an waters concern the port- commu Alaska’s in or near introduction AGM or shipping traffic vessel foreign receive nities that of ports pests from or other AGM where containers and cooperation Interagency occur. naturally concern support survey in these main- to efforts essential is network response rapid detection, early an taining the state. throughout - in the num increase apparent an was 2008, there In on marine vessels interceptions mass egg of AGM ber arriving Asian from ports for ports destined the along Customs of the U.S. 25). Agents (Figure coast west in Alaska vessel one intercepted Protection Border and were There masses. egg AGM contained that waters Officials Customs by made interceptions no AGM egg AGM several in 2009. However, in Alaska waters west other did in 2009 near occur interceptions mass Overall,- the num ports Canada. and in the US coast on marine vessels interceptions mass egg of AGM ber in 2008. made those to compared downwas nationally Figure 25. Alaska Port of Seward. Photo by Janice Chumley, Univ. Univ. Chumley, Janice by Photo of Seward. 25. Alaska Port Figure Extension Service. of Alaska Cooperative Emerald Ash Borer Beginning in 2008, a national EAB survey initiative Agrilus planipennis Fairemaire was enacted as a cooperative effort facilitated by the US Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an exotic wood bor- Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and ing beetle that was discovered near Detroit, Michigan Quarantine (USDA-APHIS-PPQ), to include all 50 in 2002 (Figure 27). It is thought to have been trans- states. The purpose of the National survey is twofold: ported to the United States on solid wood packing ma- first, to determine if EAB occurs outside of the known terials used for cargo transport on airplanes and ocean infested areas, as well as to determine if the pest is be- vessels. Since its initial introduction into the US, EAB ing transported long distances via infested articles; and has been detected and/or second, to conduct a more established in Ontario, Ohio, intensive survey where EAB Indiana, Illinois, Maryland, is is known to occur in order Pennsylvania, West Virginia, to better define the leading Virginia, Wisconsin, Mis- edge of the spread (Figure souri, Minnesota, New York, 28). There is also a strong and Kentucky. public outreach component associated with the survey Although the adult life stage to encourage reporting and of EAB causes little damage, understanding of the pest. the larvae feed on the inner Figure 27. Emerald Ash Borer. Photo by David Cappaert, MSU, bark layers of ash trees, mak- Bugwood.org The State of Alaska, through a ing it difficult for affected trees Cooperative Agricultural Pest to transport water and nutrients, ultimately resulting Survey (CAPS) agreement with USDA-APHIS-PPQ, in tree mortality. The EAB has killed tens of millions participated in the National EAB survey for 2009. of ash trees within infested areas and has cost upwards Since Alaska is outside the generally infested area, only of tens of millions of dollars to manage. Federal and 50 traps were set in the vicinities of Anchorage, Fair- state quarantines have been enacted to prohibit the banks, Juneau, Kenai, Homer, Soldotna, Ketchikan, movement of ash tree nursery stock, green ash lumber, Palmer, Wasilla, Delta Junction, and Wrangell, Alaska. pallets, and all hardwood firewood from being trans- ported out of locations where EAB occurs. Alaska This year, Cooperative Extension Service Integrated receives many tourists and concentrated RV traffic Pest Management technicians were contracted to set from the Lower 48 states, many of which come from out traps in Anchorage, Palmer, and the Kenai Penin- EAB infested locations. Though travelers must clear sula. Division of Agriculture personnel placed traps U.S. and Canadian Border inspections, infested items in Interior Alaska, and with the assistance from Forest such as firewood may pass through undetected. The Service personnel, set traps in Southeast Alaska loca- high level of recreational visitors to Alaska during the tions. All traps were set out during mid to early June, summer months from generally infested areas poses a and were collected during the beginning to middle of considerable threat of an introduction of exotic wood September. All traps were negative for EAB in Alaska borers such as the EAB into Alaska. for 2009.

Although outside of its native range, true ash trees European Yellow Underwing Moth (Fraxinus spp.) have been introduced into Alaska by Noctua pronuba L. nurseries or box stores primarily as street ornamentals or landscape trees. Most notably, ash trees have been This well-known European pest was introduced in planted in and around the Anchorage and Juneau mu- Nova Scotia in 1979, and has been rapidly spreading nicipalities. Several species can be found as far north across the continent ever since. The European yellow as the Georgesson Botanical Garden in Fairbanks. The underwing moth was discovered in Alaska in 2005. ash trees that have been planted in Alaska appear to do Since then, its presence has been confirmed through- very well. out Southeast Alaska and some areas of Southcentral

30 Status of Insects

Alaska. In 2009, a few individuals were captured in liated downtown trees were removed and replaced with Anchorage, indicating a resident population. As of yet, other tree species this year. This host plant removal none of these moths have been found in the Matanus- could have an impact on the overall numbers of leaf ka-Susitna Valley or in Interior Alaska. rollers in the area. However, these two species contin- ue to be one of the most common tree and shrub pests The European yellow underwing is largely an agricul- often targeted with pesticides. tural pest. The larvae are generalist feeders and have been recorded on grasses, dock and dandelions, and a Dalmation Toadflax Weevil wide range of wild and cultivated herbaceous plants. Gymnetron antirrhini Paykull They also attack tomato, potato, carrot, beet, lettuce, grape, and strawberry, and are pests on garden flowers. First recorded in the Anchorage area in 2008, this seed-feeding weevil was not reported in the 2009 field Uglynest Caterpillar and Rose Tortrix season. The location of the original record was under Archips cerasivorana Fitch, Archips rosana (L.) construction and much of the toadflax,Linaria vulgaris, growing in the area had been removed. Elsewhere this Both leaf tying Lepidoptera pests were not as preva- weevil has been responsible for decreasing seed pro- lent this past season. The duction of toadflax species stressed downtown An- by 80%, which could be chorage trees remained the incorporated into an inte- principal target and had grated pest management the highest concentration plan targeted at toadflax. of leaf rollers. However, many of the annually defo-

Figure 28. Placing an EAB Trap. Photo courtesy of Sherry Bottoms, Univ. of Alaska Cooperative Extension Service.

31 Status of Diseases and Declines

Alaska Yellow-cedar Genetics

By Paul Hennon

Long-Term and Recent Climate Controls on Yellow- greatly restricted them to small refugia. As tree spe- cedar Genetics. Surprisingly little is known about cies recolonized new terrain after the ice had melted, the genetics of trees in the national forests of Alaska. their origins and migration routes established their Reforestation has generally relied on natural regenera- early genetic structure. A long-lived tree species such tion; thus, there is only a modest amount of planting as yellow-cedar has not experienced many generations and no real tree improvement program. Tree improve- since these events controlled its genetics in Alaska. ment programs are typically the basis for information on We are interested in how the genetics of valuable for- long-term climate and also est tree species. The Tongass the more recent widespread National Forest has a seedlot mortality have altered the collection administered by genetic structure of yellow- RD Parks, an individual cedar throughout coastal helping at the Petersburg Alaska. We also want to Ranger District. It is a know which of the seedlots source for seedlings grown are best adapted to par- in nurseries used primarily ticular climate zones before for planting Sitka spruce and seedlings are outplanted. yellow-cedar in areas with Last year we initiated several specific needs. studies on the genetics of yellow-cedar in Alaska. Concern about climate Yellow-cedar may be particu- change may stimulate more larly slow to adapt geneti- interest in tree genetics. As cally to changing environ- the favorable climate for tree mental conditions because species shifts in space, trees it frequently regenerates can become stressed and clonally (layering), some- die in some areas, and may times self pollinates, is very migrate naturally, or with long-lived, and regeneration Figure 29. Bruce Campbell collecting yellow-cedar foliage for the assistance, to new areas. genetics study on Hawkins Island near Cordova. by seed may be episodic. Large scale tree death, such as yellow-cedar decline, raises questions about Common Garden Trials of Yellow-cedar Seed Lots. the genetic conservation of tree species. Also, plant- Yellow-cedar seed from 17 seed lots housed at the Ton- ing seedlings is a long-term investment and requires gass National Forest is being grown now, and will be knowledge about the genetic adaptation of trees to planted in spring 2010 at three or four sites in a “com- particular climate zones over long periods of time. mon garden trial.” Common garden trials are intended to control for environmental factors so that differences Climate has always shaped the distribution and genetic measured can be attributed to tree genetics. structure of trees. The Pleistocene Epoch ice age event We will test the growth rates and foliar terpene levels was an especially important event for coastal Alaska (deterrent to deer browsing) in seedlings from each because it pushed many species out of the region or seed lot. A year or two after planting, we will begin to

32 assess the heritability of cold tolerance of seedlings will emerge from this project. Collections are being among the seedlots. This could identify genetic sources archived for future genetic analysis. of yellow-cedar suitable for restoration planting in areas where cedars commonly die from spring freezing. Our sampling design was quite ambitious, especially Also, the genetics structure study below will evaluate given the remoteness and access issues throughout the genetics of each seed lot in relation to populations coastal Alaska. We attempted to collect cedar tissue in all of coastal Alaska. This is a cooperative project from trees from each of the nearly 100 USGS quad with Sheila Spores and R.D. Parks of the Tongass Na- sheets that overlap with the known distribution of Status of Disease & Declines tional Forest, and Mike McClellan of PNW. yellow-cedar (Figure 29). This would have been impossible if not for a wave of volunteer assistance in Genetic Structure of Yellow-cedar Populations in making these collections. We wish to publically thank Southeast Alaska. A study on the genetic structure the many collectors who helped us in 2009: Paula Rak, of yellow-cedar populations was initiated in 2009. Jacob Hofman, Bruce Campbell, Chuck Ressler, Ben Our new yellow-cedar distribution map was the basis Case, Dustin Wittwer, Chris Scott, Scott MacDonald, for field sampling (Map 7). This study will test the Ben Walker, Melissa Cady, Leah Taylor, Rosalie Grant, hypothesis that the current cedar distribution can be Carol McKenzie, Mark Schultz, Melinda Lamb, Tim explained by the occurrence of yellow-cedar in Alaskan Lydon, Jim Case, Tom Heutte, Roy Josephson, Mary refugia during the Late Pleistocene Epoch and the sub- Emerick, R. Cox, Mike Dilger, Kristen Lease, Kitty sequent very slow postglacial migration when climate Labounty, Dave D’amore, Mark Lukey, Pat Heuer, became more favorable. Dr. Rich Cronn and Tara Jen- Paul Herendeen, Paul Cosmidas, and Paul Brewster. I nings of PNW are conducting the genetic testing for apologize if I missed anyone. Collecting will resume this project. New advances in DNA sequencing give in 2010 to fill in gaps of populations not made in 2009. us great confidence in the wealth of information that •

33 Map 7. Showing general collection areas for the yellow-cedar project, indicated with red X’s. Brown speckled areas represent the suspected ice-free refugia where yellow-cedar may have survived during the Pleistocene ice age before its subsequent migration to its current range displayed in yellow.

34 Status of Disease & Declines ------, a regulated patho regulated a , uniformis The leaflet has a different audience: audience: different a has leaflet The of areas remote in recreating people different. are goals the Here Alaska. im about more is trees about Concern about given is Advice failure. a mediate selecting when trees evaluate to how camping. tent or picnicking for site are leaflet and book tree hazard The available at the Forest Health Offices Offices Health Forest the at available ssp. ssp. alni Phytoph-thora gen) of dying alder. Dr. Everett Hansen (Oregon State State (Oregon Hansen Everett Dr. of dying alder. gen) of two tests pathogenicity completed has University) soils. these from recovered of Phytophthora species partand our staff Protection Health 2010, Forest In will ners surveys begin assessing to remote conduct the from away canker severity of alder and the extent will also examine of alder effects the We systems. road habitat, on riparian Phytophthora and sawflies, canker, uniformis ssp. alni whether Phytophthora determine and Alaska. to • or native is introduced in Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau. Much of the same same the of Much Juneau. and Fairbanks, http:// website: Anchorage, a in on found be can book the in • information www.fs.fed.us/r10/spf/fhp/hazard/index.htm V. reports the ability that of V. a paper is completing son) in the field. Dr. cankers induce to isolates melanodiscus is complet University) State (Michigan Adams Gerard found both species the fungal investigating projects ing soil zone in root ) and melanodiscus V. (eg. on the stems (eg. tion. Dr. Glen Stanosz (University of Wisconsin-Madi (University Stanosz Glen tion. Dr. alder canker incidence and mortality near the road mortality and incidence road the canker near alder on the Kenai and Fairbanks, Anchorage, near systems fixa on nitrogen its impacts determined and Peninsula mation on each of the major tree species is given such as as such given is species tree major the inter of and each on age tree mation of relationship the and defects common nal defect. A section of the book offers options for treating treating for options offers book the of section A defect. nal trees. dead and live defective most the ------35 - By Lori Winton Lori By By Paul Hennon Paul By Alder Disease Update Alder Disease Figure 30. Hazard Trees leaflet and booklet. and leaflet Trees 30. Hazard Figure - - New Book and Leaflet on Hazard Trees Hazard on Leaflet and Book New While mortality and - dieback contin alder widespread Alaska, consider Interior and Southcentral across ues the agents determine to fundingable invested is being Health Fruitful partnerships withR10 Forest involved. Univer State Michigan at researchers and Protection sity, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Oregon State State Oregon of Wisconsin-Madison, University sity, of Alaska Fairbanks the University and University, simultaneously research, in happens as often have, inocula From questions. more and answers provided agent causal the main tion that experiments it appears is alder the fungus on thinleaf Valsa canker of alder the variability appearance in canker . Yet melanodiscus the wideand variety observed species of fungal upon other that suggest margins canker from isolated and of Alaska Fairbanks University alsofungi involved. are inocu- Rohrs-Richey completed Jennifer student PhD physiologi and predisposition on canker studies lation as well as the effect alder, of thinleaf cal performance Dr. severity. and predisposition on disease of roadsides oth- and of Alaska Fairbanks) RuessRoger (University of thinleaf assessment published an and completed ers The 63-page book contains detailed detailed contains book 63-page The pro tree hazard full a about information tree of and (falling) components main failure two The tree’s a of likelihood goes the book are The hazards property). or (people bole target a decay, wood striking it of internal as such defects Infor tree on detail problems. into branch and top and damage, root cracks, signed to convey information about trees and their poten their and trees about information convey to signed safe people keep help to failure for tial Alaska. of forests the in recreating when recreation managed for designed gram evaluating of process a describes It areas. danger most the prioritizing and trees treatment. for trees ous Trees are a beautiful and vital part of Alaska’s ecosystems, ecosystems, Alaska’s of part vital and beautiful a certain in are property Trees and people to hazards de are 30) present they (Figure but leaflet and book new The situations. 2009 Pathology Species Updates uniformis (PAU). This fungus was collected from 11 widely distributed locations across Southcentral and Invasive pathogens Interior Alaska. PAU is considered to be a less aggres- sive subspecies of Phytophthora alni, which causes a A serious assessment of exotic tree pathogens requires well documented lethal root and collar disease of alder a comprehensive list of native species for context. As in Europe. The genusPhytophthora comprises several tree pathogens are found and identified, they are com- invasive and devastating root rot pathogens, however pared to known native species to determine whether root rot severity in Alaska was less than 1% diseased they are known to be native or suspected of being root per plant. Whether these organisms have been introduced. Unfortunately, mycology and pathology in recently introduced or have co-existed benignly with Alaska is not advanced to the point where such com- alder in Alaska are questions now under study. prehensive lists would be expected to include most or all organisms. Many tree pathogens are microscopic We are working on a review of worldwide literature and difficult to identify. Field surveys and identifica- in an attempt to identify the tree pathogens that, if tion of tree pathogens should be a long-term goal and introduced, could cause damage to native tree spe- an ongoing effort of the forest health program. cies in Alaska. Our approach is mainly based on host taxa; that is, to review scientific literature on the fungal To the best of our knowledge, there are currently no se- pathogens that infect close relatives (e.g., same genus) rious exotic tree pathogens known to occur in Alaska. of Alaska tree species. A number of species have been Several exotic pathogens have been found, but because identified from Europe and Asia that are potential of the limited number of plant species that these patho- threats to Alaska based on the type and severity of the gens can attack, none present pose a serious threat to disease that they cause in their native forests, their the health of Alaskan forests. adaptability to Alaska’s climate, and their likelihood of introduction (Table 5). We have initiated formal Examples worth noting are the Table 5. Invasive pathogens either present, or not in Alaska, and invasive recent findings of white pine ranking. Present in Invasive blister rust and several species of Common name Scientific name Phytophthora. Cronartium ribicola, Alaska? ranking the cause of white pine blister Spruce needle rust Chrysomyxa abietis (Wallr.) Unger No High Rhododendron-spruce Chrysomyxa ledi var. rhododendri (de No Moderate rust, was found in Ketchikan on needle rust Bary.) Savile a single ornamental pine several Resinous stem canker Cistella japonica Suto et Kobayashi No Moderate Didymascella chamaecyparidis (J. F. years ago, but has no capabil- Cedar shot hole No Moderate ity of infecting native tree spe- Adams.) Maire Lophodermium chamaecyparissi Shir & Cedar leaf blight No Moderate cies in Alaska. Twenty different Hara. Phytophthora species of were Poplar rust Melampsora larici-tremulae Kleb. No Moderate Seiridium cardinale (Wagener) Sutton isolated from soil and streams in Seiridium shoot blight No Moderate 81 alder stands in Southcentral & Gibson Phytophthora lateralis Tucker & Phytophthora root disease No Moderate and Interior Alaska. Some of Milbrath these species have not previously Alder Phytophthora Phytophthora alni subsp. uniformis Yes Low1 been reported in North America Black knot Apiosporina morbosa (Schwein.:Fr.) Arx Yes Low and at least one is an undescribed Pine wilt nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus No Low species which is new to science. White pine blister rust Cronartium ribicola J.C. Fischer: Rabh. Yes Low It is noteworthy that this new Fire blight Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winslow Yes Low Phytopthora ramorum Werres deCock Sudden oak death No Low species is closely related to the Man in’t Veld Sudden Oak Death pathogen Birch leaf curl Taphrina betulae (Fckl.) Johans. No Low Phytophthora ramorum. Another Birch witches broom Taphrina betulina Rostr. No Low significant finding was the discov- Valsa canker Valsa harioti No Low ery of Phytophthora alni subsp. 1 Pathogen found in Alaska in 2007. To date it is unknown whether it is invasive or native.

36 Status of Disease & Declines hemlock. Figure Dwarf 31. mistletoe infection of western - - - Analysis Ap (FIA). 12 percent proximately - in South land of forest Alaska iseast infested with dwarf hemlock 6). Ig (Table mistletoe noring the inaccessible wilderness not sampled, dwarfhemlock mistle- occurs on approxi toe mately 830,000 acres. 830,000 acres. mately wildernessIncluding increase would areas one million of forest than more acres to this estimate with in Southeast dwarf hemlock mistletoe infested is sawtimber in the old of thisAlaska. occurrence Most sawtimber classes old and both the young and classes, 13.5%, (19.8 and proportion a higher occurrence have classes. size in the smaller than respectively) - - - 37 - Map Map 8. Thismap was produced using the FIAbeyond plot west and data north sampled the for to presence extending of hemlock dwarf western mistletoe andfor itsrange host, host the western illustrates clearly map This hemlock. least at if present as populated and used was Ecoregions Alaska the with stratification, coarse A parasite. the of extent to areas some in modified was slightly stratification ecoregion The ecoregion. the in occurred plot data positive one split. elevation an and knowledge local accommodate Hemlock dwarf mistletoe (Figure 31) is a leading 31) is a leading (Figure dwarf mistletoe Hemlock old-growth in unmanaged hemlock of western disease Alaska north as far Southeast as throughout stands ex hemlock of western Although the range Haines. surveys during aerial of dwarf mistletoe is Detection from occurrence of estimates use difficult. we Thus, Pacific available from are These data. plot inventory and Inventory Forest Station, Research Northwest otic Forest Pest Information System for North Ameri ca). Dwarf Mistletoe Hemlock Jones G.N. (Rosendhal) tsugense Arceuthobium of Alaska, the Gulf along the northwest dwarf to tends Wil Prince to Sound Cross from is absent mistletoe 8). (Map Sound liam Stem Diseases Stem submissions submissions of information and quantitative rankings (Ex EXFORdatabase the into thesespecies of many on Figure 32. Occurrence of western hemlock and hemlock dwarf mistletoe by elevation in Southeast Alaska. Note the drop off in the percentage of infected western hemlocks above 500 feet elevation.

Table 6. Occurrence of hemlock dwarf mistletoe on Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plots in Southeast Alaska.

Accessible forest Mistletoe present Mistletoe present Stand size class sampled1 (Acres, thousands) % (Acres, thousands)

Seedling/sapling 667 27 4.1

Poletimber 423 10 2.3

Young sawtimber 699 138 19.8

Old sawtimber 4,863 655 13.5

Nonstocked 217 0 0.0 All size classes 6,869 830 12.0

1 Includes all forest lands in Southeast Alaska extending to the Malaspina Glacier northwest of Yakutat; does not include wilderness areas (i.e., inaccessible) not sampled by FIA. 2 Size classes terms from FIA and defined by plurality of stocking by live, growing stock trees. Poletimber sized trees: dbh > 5 in and < sawtimber sized; Sawtimber sized trees: dbh > 9 in for softwoods and > 11 in for hardwoods. Young sawtimber and old sawtimber distinguished by aging of sample trees.

38 Status of Disease & Declines - Figure 33. Branch swelling and shoots of hemlock dwarf mistletoe. dwarf of hemlock shoots and swelling 33. Branch Figure of resistant species such as Sitka spruce and cedar is Sitka as spruce such cedar species and of resistant enhanced. that stands young-growth into of the parasite Spread is followingtypically clearcutting by: 1) regenerate (residuals) trees hemlock non-merchantable infected areas, in cutover standing left sometimes which are old-growth of hemlocks on the perimeter 2) infected reproduction. advanced infected 3) and areas, cutover in the important the most role play may Residual trees in development mistletoe long-term and initial spread - harvest tech alternative using Managers stands. young in clearcuts, standing left residuals large (e.g., niques should rec small harvest units, or partial harvests) and in timber volume reduction the potential ognize of some under dwarf hemlock mistletoe from value reductions silviculturalthese Substantial scenarios. with very only associated disease high timber are to dwarfhemlock mistletoe of levels High however. levels, infected intensely will large, if numerous result only harvest. Selective well distributedhemlocks after are willharvesting techniques be the silvicultural method - of this if disease man levels desirable for maintaining structural biological and emphasize to intends agement diversity with along production. timber publish a full scientist to with worked a Canadian We synthesis review and on the biology and literature for Thus, dwarf of hemlock mistletoe. management J. Muir, see: please on this information disease, more on E. 2007. A synthesis of the literature A.; P. Hennon, - hem of western ecology management and the biology, PNW-GTR-718. Rep. Tech. Gen. lock dwarf mistletoe. Research Northwest Service, OR:Portland, Pac. Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/ 141p. Station. pnw_gtr718.pdf - - - - - 39 - ily infested stands can reach 40 percent or more. On or more. 40 percent reach can stands ily infested associ decay wood witches’ brooms, hand, the other These symptoms are all potential problems in stands stands in problems all potential are symptoms These in heav Growth loss production. for wood managed , growing from from , growing hartigii fungus, heart rot sive Phellinus hemlock. on western brooms mistletoe large mortality tree with scattered and infections, bole ated structure and diversity of forest in greater result can or small for birds mammals, habitat animal increased researched adequately not been has thisalthough topic seeds and the of in Alaska.swellings bark The inner nutri 33) are (Figure plants shoots of the parasitic and These values are likely conservative estimates because because conservative estimates likely are values These when recorded been not have may dwarfmistletoe it is impor Also, present. were agents damage other disturbance gap) (canopy small-scale The dominant the Alaska favors coastal of old forests in the pattern dwarf of hemlock dispersal mechanism short-range of explain occurrence the common may and mistletoe of Sitka spruce is- Infection uncom here. the disease is hemlock rare. of mountain infection mon and branch have trees hemlock western infected Heavily deformities, bole or “witches’ brooms,” proliferations wood desirable growth, less radial and height reduced likelihood of heart rot, a greater and characteristics, observe sometimes the aggres top-kill, We death. and tant to note that scattered larger trees may have been been have may trees larger scattered that note to tant younger and as smaller designated in the plots present Thiscould explain, of part, in classes. level the higher sawtimber class. in the young dwarfhemlock mistletoe eleva- low at is concentrated dwarf mistletoe Hemlock 32). Productive Alaska (Figure tions in Southeast is There the occurrence. of most represents land forest 500 ft,above approximately at threshold apparent an The but is common. occur less can which parasite the ishemlock distributed well principle host, western fac climatic some that suggesting this threshold, above limits the distributiontor dwarf of hemlock mistletoe or levels snow that the idea With elevations. higher at of limits the reproduction season length of growing model to a project beginning are we dwarf mistletoe, time climate given through its possible upslope spread scenarios. warming (e.g., smallmammals by consumed tious often and when composition is altered Stand flyingsquirrels). growth heavily infected; mixed-species are stands Heart Rots of Conifers

Heart rot decay annually causes enormous loss of wood volume in all major tree species in Alaskan forests (Table 7). Approximately one-third of the old- growth timber volume in Southeast Alaska is defective largely due to heart rot fungi. These extraordinary ef- fects occur where long-lived tree species predominate, such as old-growth forests in Southeast Alaska where fire is absent and stand replacement disturbances are infrequent. The great longevity of individual trees al- lows ample time for the slow-growing decay fungi to cause significant amounts of decay. By predisposing large old trees to bole breakage (Figure 34), these fungi serve as important disturbance factors that cause small- scale canopy gaps.

In Southcentral and Interior Alaska, heart rot fungi cause considerable volume loss in mature white spruce forests. Boreal forest structure and composition are greatly influenced by large-scale disturbance agents, such as wildfire, large insect outbreaks, and flooding. However, small-scale disturbances from decay fungi have an important influence on altering tree and stand Figure 34. Heart rot and bole breakage. structure, biodiversity, and wildlife habitat. be manipulated to desirable levels by varying levels of bole wounding and top breakage during stand entries. Heart rot fungi enhance wildlife habitat indirectly by In some instances, bole breakage is sought to occur in a increasing stand diversity through gap formation and specific direction (e.g., across streams for coarse woody more directly by creating hollows in live trees or logs debris input). Artificially wounding trees on the side of for species such as bears and cavity nesting birds. The the bole that faces the stream can increase the likeli- ‘white rot’ fungi can be responsible for actual hollows hood of tree fall in that direction. Generally, larger, because these fungi degrade both cellulose and lignin, deeper wounds and larger diameter breaks in tops leaving a void. The lack of hollows caused by ‘brown result in a faster rate of decay. Wound-associated heart rot’ fungi, which leave lignin largely intact, would ap- rot development is much slower in Southeast Alaska pear to lead to less valuable habitat for some animals, than areas studied in the Pacific Northwest. although primary excavators can create cavities in this soft wood. Wood decay in both live and dead trees is a Wood decay fungi play an essential role in recycling center of biological activity, especially for small organ- wood in forests by decomposing branches, roots, and isms. Wood decay is the initial step in nutrient cycling boles of dead trees. This is particularly the case in of wood substrates and, in the case of brown rot, con- Southeast Alaska where fires are rare and contribute tributes large masses of stable carbon structures (e.g., little to carbon recycling. partially modified lignin) to soil humus. In Southcentral and Interior Alaska, spruce trees at- The importance of decay fungi in managed young- tacked by spruce beetles routinely develop sapwood growth conifer stands is less certain. Wounds on live rot decay. Significant volume loss typically begins trees caused by logging activities provide decay fungi within 3 to 5 years after tree death. Thus, large volumes with entrance courts to potentially invade and cause of potentially recoverable timber are liable to be lost to appreciable losses. Heart rot in managed stands can decay following spruce beetle outbreaks. For example,

40 Status of Disease & Declines - - Figure 36. Pholiota mushrooms. This fungus causes a stem decay inAlaskan hardwoods. rooms or conks) on the stem (Figure 36). Frost cracks, 36). Frost (Figure on the stem or conks) rooms poorly healed and branches, broken dead tops, broken trunk courts wounds for decay all provide entrance fungi. stem composition, structure and stand altering By in be important factors to considered fungi are decay mixed to forests hardwood of even-aged the transition creates of hardwoods breakage Bole forests. species of understory coni allowing openings, release canopy collapsed and tops, broken with decay, stem Trees fers. wildlife by selected for cavity preferentially are stems the northern including mammals, Several excavation. tree to specifically knownselect flyingare squirrel, - South In sites. cache and nest cavities for year-round the prima fungi Alaska are several Interior and central aspen and birch paper in live ry decay of wood cause 8). (Table - 41 Figure 35. Red belt conk, Fomitopsis pinicola. This conk, 35. Red fungus belt an Fomitopsis is Figure decomposer the dominant and trees of live agent important heart rot conifers. of dead reduces and loss volume substantial causes decay Stem annually. species qualitywood in Alaskan hardwood by the time most is high decay stem of The incidence reliable The most maturity. reach forests hardwood - fruiting of is (mush bodies the presence of decay sign Stem Decay of Hardwoods Decay Stem tems worldwide. Research indicates that over 70 fungal 70 fungal over that indicates worldwide. Research tems down beetle- and in dead detected been have species conspicuoussap and common The most killed trees. withspruce is fungus dead Fomitopsis rot associated 35). Beetle-killed fungus belt (Figure , the red pinicola a risk fire and present increase to predicted are trees it would indicate Estimates 70 years. for over hazard completely to for beetle-killed trees 200 years over take decompose. in the 1980’s and 90’s a massive spruce beetle outbreak spruce outbreak beetle a massive 90’s and 1980’s in the killed 3.4 million of spruce on the Kenai over acres of beetle-killed study trees A deterioration Peninsula. per of 1.5% rate decomposition overall an estimate spruce other ecosys to which compared is slow year, Table 7. Common wood decay fungi on live conifer trees in Alaska. Tree Species Infected Western Sitka Western red White/Lutz Mountain Heart and butt rot fungi1 hemlock spruce cedar spruce hemlock Laetiporus sulphureus X X X X Phaeolus schweinitzii X X X Fomitopsis pinicola X X X X Phellinus hartigii X Phellinus pini X X X X Ganoderma sp. X X X Coniophora sp. X X Armillaria sp. X X X X X Inonotus tomentosus X Heterobasidion annosum X X Ceriporiopsis rivulosa X Phellinus weirii X Echinodontium tinctorium X

1 Some root rot fungi were included in this table because they are capable of causing both root and butt rot of conifers.

Table 8. Common wood decay fungi on live hardwood trees in Alaska.

Tree Species Infected Heart and butt rot fungi Paper Birch Trembling Aspen Phellinus igniarius X Inonotus obliquus X Phellinus tremulae X Pholiota spp. X X Armillaria spp. X X Ganoderma applanatum X X

42 Status of Disease & Declines - - - - Entire genets have died, and in many cases, re-sprout cases, in many died, and have genets Entire areas in some of alder recovery thus not occur, does ing long is uncertain. Alder mortality have is to expected in as changes such consequences, undesirable term fixationto inputs of nitrogen loss and habitat riparian the ecosystem. Cankers and Shoot Blights Shoot and Cankers Alder Canker Otth. melanodiscus Valsa fungi causing canker other Numerous - notice cause to fungi began in 2003, canker Beginning of thinleaf death and dieback branch widespread able - in Southcen areas riparian ) across (A.alder tenuifolia dra less Alaska. Although affected Interior and tral reported also been have dieback and canker matically, more on A.are species A. and . These fruticosa sinuata Road the Interior. and found in highlands commonly Servicereportsand staff Forest by surveys conducted - de have agencies and federal state at other staff from fungi 100 locations killing canker over at alders tected Alaska. narrow Long Interior and Southcentral across 38). (Figure diffuse and girdle kill cankers stems alder shore pine in Alaska. Infected pine tissues are swollen pine are tissues pine in Alaska.shore Infected killed rustthe al by always not but fungus. The disease, though exceedingly abundant, does not appear to have have to not appear does abundant, exceedingly though Elsewhere in Alaskan effect forests. ecological a major Northwest,infec the Pacific and in British Columbia when weather years” tion in “wave occurs sporadically with ideal, in other to no infection little are conditions initiated were Galls on pine in Alaska probably years. years of wave in a similar but the occurrence fashion documented. not been has . melanodiscus Valsa by caused 38. Canker Figure 43 Infection by the gall the rust by fungus spherical gallsInfection causes Annually, pine. of shore boles main and on branches the distribution is throughout the disease common of Western Gall Rust Gall Western Moore J.P. harknessii Peridermium The witches’ brooms have been demonstrated to serveto demonstrated been have The brooms witches’ courts- fungi, for heart rot Phelli including as entrance growth directly. volume impair may and chrysoloma nus provide important brooms the dense Ecologically, - small mam and for birds habitat hiding and nesting on northern flying Alaska, research Interior In mals. an in white spruce are brooms that suggests squirrels hibernation for communal feature important habitat survivaland periods of winter. in the coldest Broom rust is common on spruce branches and stems rust stems and is on spruceBroom common branches Alaska, but is Interior and Southcentral throughout Alaska (e.g., of Southeast areas found in only localized Bay). Glacier and Island of Kuiu area Harbor Halleck clusters the rust by in dense fungusInfections result actual 37). The (witches’ brooms)(Figure of branches duringyears, specific be favored may process infection changes brooms of the perennial but the incidence year. to year little from Diet. arctostaphyli Chrysomyxa Figure 37. Spruce broom rust 37. Spruce broom observed during surveys in 2009. Figure Rust Spruce Broom Thinleaf alder cankers in Alaska are most often associ- kers are long and diffuse, causing substantial mortal- ated with Valsa melanodiscus. Other fungal species such ity of aspen adjacent to the Wrangell-St. Elias Visitor as V. diatrypoides, Cryptosporella suffusa and Melanconis Center. Bole breakage typically occurs at the canker alni (especially on A. sinuata and A. crispa) are also sites because of stem weakening at that point. frequent associates. To date, only V. melanodiscus has been demonstrated to cause disease by inoculations. Hemlock Canker Pathogenicity tests are needed to determine whether Unknown fungus the other canker associates also have the ability to cause disease on Alaskan alder species. As in the previous 5 years, the hemlock canker disease was at low levels in 2009. This disease is periodi- Other Hardwood Cankers cally found along roads and natural openings where it Cryptosphaeria populina (Pers.) Sacc. kills small hemlocks and the lower branches of larger Cenangium singulare (Rehm.) D. & Cash trees. The microclimate in these openings probably Ceratocystis fimbriata Ell. & Halst. contributes to the disease. Modification of stand Cytospora chrysosperma Pers. ex Fr. composition and structure are the primary effects Nectria galligena Bres. of hemlock canker. Other tree species, such as Sitka spruce, are resistant and benefit from reduced compe- Various canker-causing fungi annually infect aspen and tition. Wildlife habitat, particularly for deer, may be other hardwoods. The actual infection process may be enhanced where the disease kills understory hemlock favored during specific years, but the incidence of the which tends to out-compete the more desirable browse vegetation. The identity of the causal fungus should be determined.

Sirococcus Shoot Blight Sirococcus tsugae Rossman, Castlebury, D.F. Farr & Stanosz

In 2009, Sirococcus shoot blight was found at moder- ate levels following several years of intense infection. It was common on western hemlock, but symptoms from the previous several years were especially evident on mountain hemlock. For unknown reasons, ornamental mountain hemlocks experienced heavier infections than trees in forested settings.

Previous reports of the benefits of thinning to reduce the disease are now viewed suspiciously. The severe infection of widely spaced ornamental mountain hem- lock casts doubt on this form of disease management. Ornamental trees can be protected by the application of fungicides in the spring just after bud break when Figure 39. Ceratocystis fimbriata on aspen. the pathogen produces its infectious spores. Species composition in natural forests may be altered to some perennial cankers changes little from year to year. Can- degree by this disease where other trees species may be kers may be perennial target-shaped cankers (Figure favored over infected hemlocks. 39) or elongate with regular or irregular in outline. The vascular tissue beneath the cankers is killed. Although most are considered weak parasites, C. singulare can girdle and kill an aspen in three to ten years. The can-

44 Status of Disease & Declines high defect levels in Southeast Alaska. Fortunately, Alaska. Fortunately, in Southeast levels defect high Root Rot in Laminated causes that weirii the type of P. Oregon and of British Washington, Columbia, forests in Alaska. is not present Root Disease Tomentosus Teng. (Fr.) tomentosus Inonotus and is important the most root tomentosus Inonotus pine lodgepole attack also of sprucemay and butt-rot to be widespread appears The disease tamarack. and and of spruce in Southcentral range the native across Figure 40. Uprooting results when root diseases severely compromise the root systems of infected trees. Figure 41. Bole breakage from decay of root system and lower bole. lower and system of root decay from breakage 41. Bole Figure - - - - - 45 There are three important tree root diseases in Alaska:root diseases importanttree three are There - Armil and disease, root rot; Annosus root Tomentosus of form” is the “cedar Also present disease. root laria western rot in . This weirii butt fungus causes Phellinus very to but contributes lethal is rarely that redcedar tion, and increase plant community diversity through community diversity through plant tion, increase and Resistant mortality. scattered and openings canopy competition reduced within benefit species from tree by be enhanced Wildlife may habitat centers. infection of volume small-scale increased mortality and centers material. downed woody large uprooting, to break bole prone are Root trees diseased outright mortality and of structural the loss due to age, systems of root decay extensive by support caused 41). Vol (Figure bole tree the lower 40) and (Figure substantial be can root disease to attributed ume loss stands, managed In volume. of the gross - up one third problems site long-term considered fungi rot are root roots in large active and alive remain can they because the estab impacting thereby for decades, stumps and at species host growth of susceptible lishment and sites. infected Root diseases are considered natural, perhaps essential, essential, perhaps natural, considered Root are diseases composi structure, stand They alter parts of the forest. Root Diseases cal impact than similar diseases on other host species species host on other similar diseases than cal impact inability compete to yellow-cedar’s contributing to by freezing ofadditive effects The with vegetation. other this can and shoot disease deer, by browsing injury, artificial natural or of yellow-cedar the success reduce regeneration. This shoot blight disease probably has more ecologi has more probably Thisdisease blight shoot sp., in Southeast in Southeast sp., blight The shoot fungus, Apostrasseria The levels. high Alaska but not at found in 2009, was Infection trees. cedar mature not affect does disease shoots to lateral and terminal the fungusby caused saplings and cm on seedlings 20 be killed 10 to back was of leaders spring. Death during early winter or of producing is capable observed, but yellow-cedar not experience may thus and leaders terminal new The causal fungus should be form problems. long-term to species. and identified confirmed Shoot Blight of Yellow-cedar Blight Shoot sp. Apostrasseria Interior Alaska. Recently, Tomentosus root rot was found for the first time in Southeast Alaska, infect- ing Sitka spruce near Dyea. Surveys in the Dyea area indicated a high level of Tomentosus root disease with nearly 1/3rd of surveyed trees infected. Uprooting of root diseased trees at the Dyea site is a concern for public safety.

Inonotus tomentosus remains alive in colonized stumps for at least three decades, and successfully attack adja- cent trees through root contacts. Thus, spruce seed- lings planted in close proximity to infected stumps are highly susceptible to infection through direct contact Figure 42. Black shoestring-like rhizomorphs within roots with infected roots. indicate Armillaria infection. of stress. Studies in young, managed conifer stands Recognition of this root disease is particularly impor- indicate that Armillaria can colonize stumps, but will tant in managed stands where natural regeneration of not successfully attack adjacent trees.Armillaria is ap- spruce is limited and adequate restock requires plant- parently an important agent in the death and decay of ing. The incidence of this root rot is expected to in- older red alder, and likely plays a role in the senescence crease on infected sites that are replanted with spruce. and collapse of alder that gives rise to the longer-lived conifers in mixed species forests. Armillaria is common Annosus Root & Butt Rot on dying yellow-cedars in stands experiencing yellow- Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. cedar decline, but its role is clearly secondary to abiotic processes. Annosus commonly causes root and butt-rot in old- growth western hemlock and Sitka spruce forests in In Southcentral and Interior Alaska, several species of Southeast Alaska. The “S-type” form present in Alaska Armillaria occur, including A. gallica. Some species causes internal wood decay, but does not typically kill invade conifers and others invade hardwoods. Most trees. Heterobasidion annosum has not yet been docu- species appear to be weak pathogens invading trees mented in Southcentral or Interior Alaska. under stress. Mature stands of paper birch and trem- bling aspen are particularly susceptible to attack by Elsewhere in the world, spores of the fungus are known Armillaria. to readily infect fresh stump surfaces, such as those found in clearcuts or thinned stands. Studies in man- Foliar Diseases aged stands in Southeast Alaska, however, indicate lim- ited stump infection and survival of the fungus. Thus, Rhizosphaera Needle Blight this disease poses minimal threat to young managed Rhizosphaera pini (Coda) Maubl. stands from stump top infection. Reasons for limited stump infection may be related to climate: high rain- After being inconspicuous for many years, Rhizos- fall and low temperatures, common in Alaska’s coastal phaera needle blight became epidemic on Sitka spruce forests, apparently hinder infection by spores. in many areas of Southeast Alaska in 2009. This was the largest and most intense outbreak of this pathogen Armillaria Root Disease in memory. Needles are infected in spring, but symp- Armillaria sp. toms did not become present until late summer. Thus, this outbreak was not recorded during the aerial detec- Several species of Armillaria (Figure 42) occur in the tion survey conducted in July. Older needles, particu- coastal forests of Southeast Alaska, but in general, larly in the lower crowns of trees were heavily infected these species are the less aggressive saprophytic de- and killed. This caused an abundant needle drop late composers that only kill trees that are under some form

46 Status of Disease & Declines Figures 43 and 44. Spruce needle rust and the alternate host, Labradortea, in the background below. mate is likely to act as predisposing and inciting factors. incitingfactors. and predisposing as act is likelyto mate This describes section important the most declines or surveyed in 2009. monitored, mapped, Decline Yellow-cedar a are trees yellow-cedar of dead expanses and Patches Alaska. a mystery, Once in Southeast sight common of various factors the interaction unraveled have we as operates Thisphenomenon death. tree to lead that with decline, predisposing, forest inciting,a classic and climate seasonal and Long-term contributing factors. Yellow- injury in tree death. and role a central play example of the a leading become has decline cedar ecosystem. on a forest change of climate impact yellow-cedar affected, species The principal tree - or Alaska called Alaska-cedar yellow-ce (sometimes culturally is economically and importantan tree. dar), in began mortality of yellow-cedar to An rate abnormal - - 47 - - - ing factors to injury trees. These include forest age, age, include forest injury These to trees. factors ing disturbances, urban change, climate potential, genetic with relatively poor soil Factors fertility drainage. and stress, severe cause can short periods but that duration frost, wind, include drought, known as inciting factors, such agents are biotic contributingfactors The fire. and kill to able or are that pathogens weak and as insects the previous two by weakened of trees the death speed as this decline is timely, topic of forest The factors. change climate how us understand help may concept Cli will on the Alaskan landscape. be manifested acting factors leads to widespread tree death. Because Because death. tree widespread to leads factors acting how all it isdetermine to difficult of this complexity, forest of many the causes and interrelate the factors The unresolved. remain the world throughout declines predisposing, inciting, into grouped often are factors long which are factors, contributing. Predisposing and provide for the follow conditions processes, term Forest Declines Forest health forest affect factors environmental other Many term forest The with pathogens. along and insects of inter a complex where in situations isdecline used Spruce needle rust was at fairly low to moderate levels, levels, moderate to Spruce fairly low needle rust at was Out ago. two years a peak from down substantially specific by triggered this by fungus probably breaks are when the fungus events newly infects emerg weather in infected Symptoms spruceing in May. needles August, until early noticeable do not become needles and in areas in forested appears The disease however. The bogs. rust near fungus neighborhoods, but always as plant a bog-inhabiting tea, Labrador infect must part of its life The cycle. and forth fungus back cycles 44). 43 and spruce and (Figures tea Labrador between Spruce Needle Rust Spruce Needle Lagerh. ledicola Chrysomyxa and mountain hemlock in early summer possibly was summer in early hemlock mountain and fungus, the same by but this not confirmed. was caused by heavily defoliated were spruceAlthough some trees buds and remain needles year’s current summer, late unless recover to expected are trees these and alive pathogens Other next year. outbreak is another there Lirula e.g., on Sitka spruce, needle blight cause that found at , were picea Lophodermium and macrospora this year. levels endemic low, in the summer. An unusual needle drop by western western by drop needle An unusual summer. in the about 1900, accelerated in the mid 1900s and contin- and poorer drainage. Soil warming in these exposed ues today. These dates roughly coincide with the end growing conditions may cause premature dehardening of the Little Ice Age and a period of enhanced warm- and con-tribute to spring freezing injury. Our collab- ing, respectively. Impacted forests generally now have orative research with experts from Vermont on cold mixtures of old dead, recently dead, dying, and living tolerance testing of cedar supports this hypothesis, as trees, indicating the progressive nature of tree death. yellow-cedar trees are quite cold hardy in fall and mid The extreme decay resistance of yellow-cedar results winter, but are susceptible to spring freezing. Snow in trees remaining standing for about a century after appears to be the key environmental factor in yellow- death and allowed for the reconstruction of cedar cedar decline; where snow is present in spring, yellow- population dynamics through the 1900s. cedar trees appear to be protected from this presumed freezing injury. Thus, weather events in late winter and Approximately 500,000 acres of decline have been early spring are the inciting events that cause injury. A mapped during aerial detection surveys (Table 9). The recent analysis of the weather station data from South- extensive mortality occurs in a wide band from western east Alaska supports this scenario by showing that later Chichagof and Baranof Islands to the Ketchikan area. winter months have been warming, winter snow pack Actively dying trees, with crowns appearing yellow reducing, but there has been a persistence of spring to red from the air, were found on 16,000 acres. The freezing weather in the 20th century. Insects and highest concentrations were in Peril Strait and mid pathogens play very minor roles as contributing agents Kuiu Island. It takes 10 to 15 years for trees to die from with Phloeosinus beetles and the fungus Armillaria at- the time crown symptoms appear until final death; tacking trees that are already nearly dead. thus, it is difficult to associate observations from aerial surveys to weather events in particular years. Mapping yellow-cedar decline at three different spatial scales also is consistent with this climate-thaw-freeze New analysis of aerial survey mapping shows the effect explanation. At the broadest scale, the distribution of of both latitude and elevation on the occurrence of yellow-cedar decline is associated with parts of South- decline. Decline occurs somewhat higher in elevation east Alaska that have mild winters with little snow at the southerly latitude of 55-56 degrees, but is more pack. At the mid-scale, we are finding elevation limits restricted to lower elevations at the next two north- to yellow-cedar decline, above which cedar forests ap- erly latitudes (Map 9). These are climate signals that pear healthy. This elevation limit is consistent with pat- suggest the possibility of low snow in defining where terns of snow persistence in spring. For example, the yellow-cedar decline exists. mortality problem is found up to 1,000 ft or slightly higher on some southern aspects, but only to about Several years ago, we conducted a joint survey mission 500 ft on nearby northern aspects in a study area at with the British Columbia Forest Service. We discov- Peril Strait and Mount Edgecumbe. Our studies at the ered that yellow-cedar decline extend approximately fine scale help us define the role of wet soils in creating 100 miles south into British Columbia, where map- exposed conditions for trees. Here, we also measure ping efforts continued for the few several years. Some the influence of exposure on soil warming and rapid air 47,000 ha (120,000 ac) of yellow-cedar decline have temperature fluctuations, as well as snow deposition been confirmed there through aerial survey. and persistence.

The entire distribution of yellow-cedar decline suggests Throughout most of its natural range in North Amer- climate as a trigger for initiating the forest decline. Our ica, yellow-cedar is restricted to high elevations. We current state of knowledge suggests that yellow-cedar speculate that yellow-cedar trees became competitive decline is a form of seasonal freezing injury. Trees at low elevation in Southeast Alaska during the Little may be predisposed by growing on wet sites where Ice Age (approximately 1500 to 1850 AD) when there roots are shallow and temperature fluctuations are were periods of heavy snow accumulation. Our infor- extreme. A change in climate about 4,000-5,000 years mation on tree ages indicates that most of the trees that BP may be considered a predisposing factor as a shift died during the 1900s, and those that continue to die, to a cool and wet climate initiated peat development regenerated during the Little Ice Age. Trees on these

48 Table 9. Acreage affected by yellow-cedar decline in Southeast Alaska by ownership.

National Forest 533,172 Native 20,810 Admiralty National Monument 4,667 Admiralty I 55 Admiralty 4.667 Baranof I 322 Craig Ranger District 34,373 Chichagof I 988 Dall and Long I 1,115 Dall and Long I 1,378 Prince of Wales I 33,259 Kruzof I 143 Status of Disease & Declines Hoonah Ranger District 528 Kulu I 635 Chichagof I 528 Kupreanof I 4,302 Juneau Ranger District 950 Northern Mainland 15 Northern Mainland 950 Prince of Wales I 9,804 Ketchikan Ranger District 37,950 Revillagigedo I 2,302 Annette and Duke I 1,626 Southern Mainland 867 Central Mainland 24 Other Federal 500 Gravina I 1,387 Baranof I 68 Revillagigedo I 17,889 Chichagof I 3 Southern Mainland 17,025 Etolin I 34 Misty Fiords Ranger District 29,656 Kulu I 174 Central Mainland 0 Kupreanof I 37 Revillagigedo I 9,432 Prince of Wales I 80 Southern Mainland 20,224 Zarembo I 4 Petersberg Ranger District 182,230 State & Private 26,199 Central Mainland 8,906 Admiralty I 31 Kulu I 76,948 Baranof I 4,020 Kupreanof I 86,005 Central Mainland 2,476 Mitkof I 7,553 Chichagof I 1,117 Woewodski I 2,818 Dall and Long I 52 Sitka Ranger District 125,334 Etolin I 18 Baranof I 57,596 Gravina I 1,285 Chichagof I 40,556 Heceta I 66 Kruzof I 27,181 Kosciusko I 237 Thorne Bay Ranger District 54,662 Kruzof I 310 Heceta I 1,524 Kulu I 711 Kosciusko I 12,959 Kupreanof I 2,426 Prince of Wales I 40,179 Mitkof I 2,104 Wrangell Ranger District 62,821 Northern Mainland 42 Central Mainland 19,749 Prince of Wales I 4,694 Etolin I 23,097 Revillagigedo I 4,229 Southern Mainland 21 Southern Mainland 917 Woewodski I 20 Wrangell I 1,459 Woronofski I 924 Zarembo I 4 Wrangell I 11,481 Zarembo I 7,528 Grand Total 580,811

49 Map 9. Cumulative yellow-cedar decline on the Tongass.

50 low elevation sites are now susceptible to exposure- This work includes wood strength properties, durabil- freezing injury due to inadequate snow pack during ity (decay resistance), and heartwood chemistry. this warmer climate. We are working with forest managers to devise a conservation strategy for yellow-cedar in Southeast The primary ecological effect of yellow-cedar decline Alaska. The first step in this strategy is partitioning the is to alter stand structure (i.e., addition of numerous landscape into areas where yellow-cedar is no longer snags) and composition (i.e., yellow-cedar diminishing well adapted (i.e., maladapted in declining forests), and other tree species becoming more abundant) that areas where yellow-cedar decline does not now oc- Status of Disease & Declines leads to eventual succession favoring conifer species cur but is projected to develop in a warming climate, such as western hemlock and mountain hemlock (and and areas where decline will not likely occur. Aerial western redcedar in many areas south of latitude 57). surveys, analysis of various forest inventory plots, Also, in some stands where cedar decline has been on- and future climate and snow modeling are all used to going for up to a century, large increases in understory achieve this landscape partitioning. Salvage recovery biomass accumulation of shrubby species is evident. of dead standing yellow-cedar trees in declining forests Nutrient cycling may be altered, especially with large can help produce valuable wood products and offset releases of calcium as yellow-cedar trees die. The harvests in healthy yellow-cedar forests. Yellow-cedar creation of numerous snags is probably not particularly can be promoted through planting and thinning in beneficial to cavity-using animals because yellow-cedar areas suitable for the long-term survival of this valu- wood is less susceptible to decay. Region-wide, this ex- able species on sites at higher elevation with adequate cessive mortality of yellow-cedar may lead to diminish- spring snow or on sites with good drainage that sup- ing populations (but not extinction) of yellow-cedar, port deeper rooting. particularly when the poor regeneration of the species is considered. Planting of yellow-cedar is encouraged Western hemlock mortality in harvested, productive sites where the decline does not occur to make up for these losses in cedar popula- For the second year in a row, an unusual amount of tions. dead of dying western hemlock trees were detected during the forest health aerial survey. Approximately The large acreage of dead yellow-cedar and the high 2000 acres were recorded each year during the 2008 value of its wood suggest opportunities for salvage. and 2009 surveys scattered throughout Southeast Cooperative studies with the Wrangell Ranger District, Alaska. We investigated some of these dead and dying the Forest Products Laboratory in Wisconsin, Oregon mature western hemlocks near Juneau. Some had State University, Pacific Northwest Research Station, heavy infections by hemlock dwarf mistletoe, but oth- and State and Private Forestry have investigated the ers were uninfected. The mortality agent is not known. mill-recovery and wood properties of snags of yellow- Observations did not uncover any obvious indications cedar that have been dead for varying lengths of time. of insect or disease activity.

51 Status of Abiotic Factors and Animal Damage

Along with insects and diseases, abiotic agents also Porcupine feeding influence the forest at large and small scales. This sec- tion describes the most important abiotic agents and Porcupines represent one of the main biotic distur- animal damage mapped, monitored or surveyed in bance agents in the young-growth forests of Southeast 2009. Drought, winter injury (Figure 45), windthrow Alaska. Feeding on the boles of spruce and hemlock and wildfires (Figure 46) affect forest health and leads to top-kill or mortality, reducing timber values structure to varying degrees. Hemlock fluting, though but enhancing stand structure. This form of tree mor- not detrimental to the tree, reduces economic value tality causes a form of thinning in these forests; how- of hemlock logs in Southeast Alaska. Various animals ever, the largest, fastest growing trees are frequently damage forest trees throughout the state; porcupines killed. Porcupines are absent from several areas of can be particularly locally severe in some locations of Southeast Alaska, most notably Admiralty, Baranof, Southeast Alaska. Chichagof, Prince of Wales, and nearby islands. Feed- ing appears most severe on portions of Mitkof and Hemlock fluting Etolin Islands in the center of Southeast Alaska. The distribution of porcupines suggests points of entry and Hemlock fluting is characterized by deeply incised migration from the major river drainages in interior re- grooves and ridges extending vertically along boles of gions of British Columbia. Suitable habitat appears on western hemlock. Fluting is distinguished from other the outer islands west of the porcupine’s distribution, characteristics on tree boles, such as old callusing but the animal has not yet migrated there. Feeding is wounds and root flaring, in that fluting extends near or intense in selected young-growth stands in Southeast into the tree crown and fluted trees have more than one Alaska that are about 10 to 30 years of age and on trees groove. This condition, common in Southeast Alaska, that are about 4 to 10 inches in diameter. As stands age, reduces the value of hemlock logs because they yield porcupine feeding typically tapers off, but top-killed less saw log volume and bark is contained in some of trees often survive to form forked tops and internal the wood. The cause of fluting is not completely under- wood decay as a legacy of earlier feeding. Thinning stood, but associated factors include: increased wind- prescriptions have been developed in these areas with firmness of fluted trees, shallow soils, and a triggering porcupines by personnel from the Wrangell Ranger mechanism during growth release (e.g., some stand District. Western redcedar and yellow-cedar are not at- management treatments or disturbance). The asym- tractive to porcupines as a source of food; thus, young metrical radial growth appears to be caused by unequal stands with a component of cedar provide more thin- distribution of carbohydrates due to the presence of ing options. dead branches. After several centuries, fluting some- times is no longer outwardly visible in trees because branch scars have healed over and fluting patterns have been engulfed within the stem. Bole fluting has impor- tant economic impact, but may have little ecological consequence beyond adding to wind firmness. The deep folds on fluted stems of western hemlock may be important habitat for some and the birds that feed upon them (e.g., winter wren).

52 Status of Abiotic Factors and Animal Damage 53 Figure 46. Fires are a significant disturbance agent, however they are not recorded in this report because fire is fire report in thisbecause recorded not are they however agent, disturbance a significant are 46. Fires Figure Service. the Alaska Fire contact please information, more For Protection. Health of Forest outside the scope Figure 45. While aerial surveys did not indicate large problems with frost damage, hemlocks in exposed areas hemlocks in exposed areas 45. While with damage, frost problems Figure surveys large aerial did not indicate spring 2009. observed with in early frost loss to were due needle Status of Invasive Plants

Preventing the Spread of Invasive Species by Identifying Pathways of Invasion

By Nick Lisuzzo Dealing with the problems created by invasive species from other plants hitchhiked along with the ornamen- can be demanding in terms of time, effort, and money. tals that Alaskans commonly purchase at local green- Once a population of invasive plants becomes estab- houses, nurseries and other retail outlet (Figure 47). lished it can often take years of concentrated effort to control and eradicate even a small area. Individuals, The researchers started by surveying retailers selling natural resource managers, and scientists working on ornamentals in the Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau the problem of invasive plants all agree that prevention areas. They recorded what kinds of ornamentals the is the best approach. Com- retailers stocked, how many pared to the rest of the United they sold each year, who their States, Alaska is in the unique suppliers were and where the position of having a small suppliers were located. Using invasive plant problem. This this information, they pur- allows the state to focus more chased plants from 25 differ- of its resources on prevention. ent out-of-state suppliers and It also allows Alaskans to learn four Alaskan nurseries. They from the wealth of research also visited nurseries and and practical experience devel- collected soil samples from oped from the decades of inva- the containers or root balls sive plant control in the rest of of large and expensive plants the country. This knowledge such as trees and shrubs. They could be used to develop effective strate- transferred the soil from 26 different con- gies for the prevention of future invasions. tainers and from 29 suppliers into green- house flats, and carefully monitored what In 2004, Alaska FHP partnered with the species grew from the soil. USDA Agricultural Research Service, to examine the ways invasive species have To the surprise of Dr. Conn and his as- spread into Alaska. This research was sociates, 54 different species of plants recently published in the journal “Invasive Figure 47. The non-native emerged from the greenhouse flats. Of Plant Science and Management.”1 weed, spiny sowthistle (Son- these different species, only three were chus asper), found growing in native to Alaska, and the other 51 species the soil of a container-grown ARS researchers Jeff Conn, Casie Stock- ornamental for sale at an were exotic weeds. Ten of these species are dale, and Jenny Morgan determined that Alaskan retailer. considered to be moderately to highly inva- one potential pathway for the spread of in- sive to Alaska, and one (Canada thistle) is a vasive plants to Alaska could be seeds buried in the soil prohibited species under Alaska law. They found that of container- grown ornamental plants. Ornamentals the number of weeds varied depending on the type of are typically grown in one location and then transport- ornamental; for example trees and shrubs with balled ed to other locations where they are planted as a part of or burlapped roots had much higher number of weeds gardens and lawns. Other kinds of seed may occur as than herbs and vegetable starts. For plants with woody contaminants in the ornamental stock container soil. stems they found that the number of weeds was related Dr. Conn decided to investigate just how many seeds to the vendor; some suppliers clearly used effective

1http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/publications/publications.htm?seq_no_115=220865 54 Status of Invasive Plants - - - - - Prince of Wales Island). Plants are are Plants Island). of Wales Prince identi accurately easily and most yet the in flower, are fied they when periodby location varies flowering Experienced workers year. and to visitcan sites known infestation or they flower before pull plants the efficacyprevious of evaluate to efforts, but control visitsby inex for or searching workers perienced new infestations must be done dur must infestations new ing the flowering period. flowering the ing - Tongass and Chugach national forests, and the Alaska and forests, national Chugach and Tongass of this aspect The challenging Railroad Corporation. are sites The known infestation effort coordination. is some and widely arc, a thousand-mile dispersed along on roads logging (e.g. remote quite are of the sites Until this year, the largest infestations known in the infestations the largest this year, Until Highway, Seward the scenic along located were state infestations of these The first outside of Anchorage. pulls weed in 2003 and documented and reported was loca Five then. annually since organized been have inventoried been have Highway the Seward tions along - preven pulled 2003, with of complete and since a goal was infestation significant and A new set. tion of seed were six in 2008. These sites in the area discovered pull conduct was a follow-up 2009 and pulled in June ed in August. There has been a significant decrease in decrease a significant has been in August. There ed Be- sites. infestation these at numbers plant overall remain in the viable can seeds knapweed spotted cause on conditions, depending years soil eight for up to of this risk. and nurseries, Asking greenhouses, local ornamental they purchase where stores retail other start. is if Shoppers good a the soilplants is weed-free - the atten to in containers growing should bring weeds and homeowners addition, In managers. tion store of might that for exotic weeds watch keep can landscapers will It ornamentals. be much transplanted near emerge imports if accidental they are any control to easier early! • caught - - 55 tension. Figure Figure 48. unusualSpotted knapweed’s pink flowers stand out amid the tangle native of Ex by Alaska Photo Cooperative vegetation. By Gino Graziano and Michael Rasy Michael and Graziano Gino By - - - Eradicating spotted knapweed from Alaska from knapweed spotted Eradicating ing, the ISAC wrote to the National Invasive Species Species Invasive the National ing, to wrote the ISAC a unique op of Alaska represents State “…the Council In response to the ISAC recommendation, Forest Forest recommendation, the ISAC to response In with joined has a variety of partners Protection Health of spotted all infestations eradicate to attempt in an of Alaska, in Alaska. DivisionState The of knapweed the effort,to Agriculture, isadditionand, leading in and Fish the US by supported and is assisted FHP, Wildlife Extension, Service, the Alaska Cooperative (ISAC) met in Alaska for the first time. After the meet the in Alaska met After for the first time. (ISAC) existing small in- portunity eradicate quickly to act to and… species, of invasive festations not only to lead may act to failure native of Alaska’s consequences dire but also sig and fauna, pose flora such One economic risks.” nificant (Cen knapweed isspecies spotted 48). Millions )(Figure stoebe taurea in the spent being of dollars are this species, control to US western its distributionyet in Alaska is still pres fact, at In limited. extremely only 24 documented are there ent in knapweed of spotted infestations when consisted, of them some 10), and (Map the state are infestations These plants. of only a few discovered, for areas staging in equipment on roadsides, located lots), (vacant places in waste and operations, logging is arriving in Alaska knapweed with that suggesting traffic. equipment and vehicle In 2008, the Invasive Species Advisory Species Committee 2008, the Invasive In What does this mean for invasive plant management management plant What for invasive this does mean Alaska of into the shipment that means in Alaska? It outside from plants ornamental woody containerized the introduction for pathway is a significant the state 10,000 approximately With seeds. plant of invasive in Alaska planted and sold being ornamentals woody fertilizedand well-watered in often most year, each to species for these the potential gardens, and yards is Alaskans should be aware high. established become weed control practices, while practices, obviously others did not. control weed monitoring and pulling will continue. In general, it Public awareness has played a critical role in locating takes several years of searching for new infestations and new infestations. One isolated infestation was discov- monitoring for new plants at known infestation sites ered by a State Division of Forestry employee, another before a species can be considered by a Tongass National Forest GIS to be “eradicated” from an area. specialist while deer hunting. In 2009, a member of the Anchorage Weed-pulling efforts along the Cooperative Weed Management Seward Highway are now one part Area visited a vacant lot in An- of the statewide spotted knapweed chorage to collect Canada thistle eradication effort (Figure 49). plants for an Anchorage Garden Coordinated control efforts at all Club presentation. By chance, she known infestation sites are be- noticed a single spotted knapweed ing joined by a public awareness plant in full flower. The lot was Figure 49. Workers from the US Fish and Wildlife campaign, strategic searching for Service, Chugach National Forest, Alaska Divi- subsequently surveyed and no as-yet-undocumented infestations, sion of Agriculture, Alaska Railroad and the Alas- additional plants were found. That ka Cooperative Extension Service collaborate on and low-level monitoring of likely spotted knapweed control along Turnagain Arm. plant was dug up and disposed of, infestation sites. Hand-pulling Photo by M. Rasy. and the site has been added to the the infestations when they are still list of monitored infestation sites. small seems to be a successful method. A total of six small infestations were reported in Valdez, and on the While the statewide effort has great potential to bring Kenai Peninsula, several years ago. All six were pulled about the eradication of spotted knapweed from when found, and no sign of spotted knapweed could be Alaska, all parties recognize that goal as short-lived. found in any of these locations in 2009. Five infesta- Spotted knapweed will continue to be introduced to tions have been reported on Prince of Wales Island our state, and the need for awareness and vigilance will in Southeast Alaska. As of 2009, only one remains. continue. •

Map10. Sites where spotted knapweed has been found in Alaska. Purple indicates locations where spotted knapweed was not found in 2009. Red indicates locations where spotted knapweed was found and pulled in 2009.

56 Status of Invasive Plants - Figure 50. A transect study inquiry using photos of invasive plants in plants invasive of photos using inquiry study transect A 50. Figure an prevented in Juneau weather Inclement Alaskan natural habitats. plants. invasive of local study field outdoor tors, the Weed Wackers workshops were an instant instant an workshops were Wackers the Weed tors, workshop of month the first offerings In success. teachers reach to able were trainings the teacher alone, communities 11 different from educators agency and were 51). Teachers 50 and Alaska (Figures throughout ical ecolog plants, biologythe on instructed invasive of connect to with Alaskan methods,and how field District curriculum science in 2008, revision process inclu- for the advocate Chris to successfully was able in district-wide plants mastery core sion of invasive Standards. Science Alaska State address to objectives As sixth and all Fairbanks third in the result, a graders about learn to required are Borough Star North in step first Thiswas a tremendous plants. invasive in Alaskan plants on invasive education widespread schools. opportunityto greater even an 2009, FHP offered In With project. Wackers of the Weed the reach extend develop to able Katie Chris and were this partnership, workshops on the Weed of teacher-training a series the curriculum throughout in communities Wackers UAF, from degree Master’s her earning After state. for the Center at director Katie the program became environmental an (CACS), Studies Alaskan Coastal Alaska.With CACS Homer, in non-profit education educa network of science a statewide to connections ------57 By KatieBy Spellman Invasive Plant Education in Alaskan Schools Alaskan in Education Plant Invasive The first line of defense and most cost-effective strategy strategy cost-effective most and defense of line first The them ispreventing plants invasive of spread the against from being introduced and becoming established problematic in of introductions of prevention The Alaska. on heavily relies state the of areas diverse the in species informed and empowered Alaskan citizens. With Ka With support from R10 Forest Health Protection, the Research, Systems Arctic and Change Global for Center Bonanza Creek LTER, Salcha-Delta Soil and Water Conservation District, and other small grants, Katie and Chris test,write, able to andfield publishwere the Weed Wackers curriculum guide. TheWeed Wackers scien with current teachers curriculum provides guide School Borough Star North During the Fairbanks rooms rooms throughout Alaska to complete lessons from Weed Wackers: A K-6 Educator’s Guide to Invasive Plants of Alaska. firstAlaska’s Alaska-specific elemen tary curriculum on invasive plants, was written by mother-daughter team, Katie a Spellman, then a gradu Chris and Fairbanks, Alaska of University at student ate Borough Star North in the Fairbanks a teacher Villano, District.School research background on tie’s invasive plants in Alaska, and outstanding Chris’s contributions to science edu cation in the state, the two set out to engage Alaska’s elementary audience, captive enthusiastic most largest, plants. invasive against in the fight students, tificbackground to teach about invasiveplants. Many and lessons experiments in from the guide adapted are recent studies on invasive plants conducted by Alas kan scientists. Teachers have replicated experiments in their withclassrooms not species yet have that been contrib students their and habitats, Alaskan in studied uted to the ecological understanding of invasive spe the experiments, these conducting After Alaska. in cies of exchange the facilitate to seeks model Wackers Weed information between students and scientists working the state. around on the issue “Pull, mow, call and to spray, make invasives go away, go away!” the Denali Elementary first graderssang to the tune of the classic “Head, shoulders, class themany first of were students These song. toes” knees and scientists interested in the topic. Workshops also for management has usually been lost. What prevents covered how to engage K-6 students in meaningful some Alaskan policy makers and natural resource scientific investigation and how to empower students professionals from enthusiastically adopting preven- to educate their own communities on the impacts of tion and EDRR approaches? Some in Alaska believe invasive plants. the state is immune the problems that invasive species are causing in other places. Some aren’t convinced of By educating Alaska’s teachers and offering them qual- the threat posed by invaders, while others don’t realize ity teaching resources, the Weed Wackers project is the value of prevention. And some, having spent their working to help build a statewide awareness about the entire professional careers here, are simply unaware of threat of invasive species in Alaska. The elementary the extent of the problem in the lower 48 states. students that these teachers take their newly found knowledge to heart. They not only educate their own Two important and powerful groups of natural re- families and friends, but create the conservation at- source professionals in Alaska are wildlife and fishery titudes of tomorrow. • biologists. In an effort to increase awareness, spur dialogue and gain traction in the first group, R10 FHP sponsored a special session at the 2009 meeting of the Alaska Chapter of the Wildlife Society. The session, “Impacts of invasive plants on wildlife: a growing threat in Alaska,” was held in Fairbanks in April. Three wildlife biologists from the lower 48 were sponsored to speak on the spread of invasive plants in their regions, and the associated impacts to wildlife habitat. Tom Toman, Director of Conservation for the Rocky Moun- tain Elk Foundation, described the long-term impacts of invasive plants on elk habitat at a landscape scale. Shawna Bautista, Region 6 FHP, described impacts of invasive plants in riparian and coastal areas of the Figure 51. Ketchikan workshop participants conduct a field survey of Pacific Northwest, considering purple loosestrife, reed invasive plants to learn how to use scientific sampling methods with canarygrass and Japanese knotweed, all species that their students. Photo by Katie Spellman, Center for Alaska Coastal are spreading in Alaska. Steve Link, Washington State Studies. Extension Ecologist and editor of the Natural Areas 2009 Invasive Plant Program Journal, discussed the ecological effects of cheatgrass invasion. Cheatgrass seed is routinely and inadver- Activities tently imported to Alaska in bales of straw, and widely dispersed as sled dog bedding. FHP personnel spoke 2009 was a busy year for the R10 FHP invasive plant on the current status and distribution of invasive plants program. We continued our wide-ranging and effective in Alaska. partnerships with a variety of organizations, and began to work with several new groups. The section below The special session was attended by about 80 members describes some of the year’s highlights. of The Wildlife Society. Numerous FHP-produced invasive plant identification guides and brochures were Engaging The Wildlife Society in invasive species picked up, and many copies of the NFS-produced issues DVD “Defending Favorite Places” were taken home. Alaska has few invasive species. This positive situation One attendee commented that it had never occurred has one significant downside: it can be hard to get peo- to him that he could be contributing to the spread of ple and organizations to mobilize around the cause of invasive plants when he did field work. A similar ses- prevention. While it may be human nature to respond sion is being discussed for a future American Fisheries most emphatically to crises, once an invasive species Society annual meeting. issue has reached the crisis stage the best opportunity

58 Status of Invasive Plants - Figure 53. A visitor to the Alaska State Fair takes an information information an takes 53. A visitor Fair the Alaska to State Figure by Photo of purple loosestrife. character the invasive about sheet Extension. Alaska Cooperative Partnering with F&WS’ Youth US the Partnering Corps Restoration Habitat year in the inaugural assisted 2009, FHP personnel In Five Corps. Restoration Habitat FWSof the US Youth in the 14 – 17 participated ages students Fairbanks alongside worked students The pilot3-week program. restoration streambank and biologists on local wetland on invasive FHP a presentation provided projects. Alaska.Interior The in identification and issues plant weeds 100 pounds of invasive over removed Corps the and yards FWS the US from storage equipment Lake Wildlife Refuge. Wander in Southeast held meetings species Alaska invasive time Alaska for first Plant Invasive Noxious and for Committee The Alaska meetings annual held has (CNIPM) Management over and attended, well are 1999. The meetings since opportunity the must-attend become have the years in Alaska plants with concerned invasive for people their efforts. meeting The coordinate and interact to Anchor and Fairbanks between alternated has location and resides, population of the state’s most where age, Working Species the Alaska Invasive ago, years several in meet to began all-taxa an (AISWG, Group group) resi- effort an to bring withconjunction In CNIPM. up a display explaining the problematic nature of that that of nature explaining problematic the upa display 53). (Figure species within and of hours hundreds rapidly, responded CES Alaskans want most why about learning were fairgoers midweek, the By this out of the state. species keep to bed. the flower from entirely removed been had species - - - - 59 Figure 52. About twenty students attended each grass identification identification grass each attended twenty 52. About students Figure workshop. ers, dominated by a carefully tended stand of purple stand a carefully by tended dominated ers, the from loosestrife in full FHP cooperators bloom. immedi Extension ServiceAlaska Cooperative (CES) grounds the fair- at gardener the head contacted ately After bed. the perennial about express their concern to set the CES let to agreed discussion,some the gardener Purple loosestrife display removed from Alaska from removed Purple loosestrife display Fair State in August of opened When Fair the Alaska State experienced a attendees 2009, invasive-plant-savvy shock. the entryway in of the fairgrounds Gracing flow Alaska, a beautiful of perennial was bed Palmer, culture, Plant Materials Center (PMC) to develop a develop to (PMC) Center Materials Plant culture, The guide to effort Alaska is a joint field grasses. guide of the Emeritus Professor Skinner, F. Quentin of Dr. of the Wright, Stoney and of Wyoming, University in Wyoming grass taught Skinner PMC. of to the grasses written has and guides for 25 years a that FHP support ensured Nevada. and Wyoming showing are that species grass of non-native number in Alaska in be included would tendencies invasive short also included 3-day two The project the guide. in held identification, were which on grass courses 52). Class in August (Figure Fairbanks and Palmer period registration the filledafter 24 hours were rosters for this type need and the interest indicating opened, also sponsored in Alaska.were courses of training The Sci of the Society of Wetland the Alaskaby Chapter of the of Alaska Museum the University by and entists, to is expected Alaska Grasses Guide Field The North. in 2011. be completed to Field Guide to Alaska Grasses to Guide Field Fish US of the Alaska 2009, FHP a project joined In Wildlifeand Service Alaska the and Division of Agri dents of Southeast Alaska more into the fold of Alaska’s Agents were recognized by the Forest Service for their invasive species community, in 2009 the CNIPM September, 2008 detection of Asian gypsy moth egg and AISWG meetings were moved to Ketchikan, the masses on a ship arriving at Leask Cove. southernmost city of Alaska’s panhandle. Many new faces joined us this year, including many folks from Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMAs) the Tongass National Forest and the Forest Service’s Alaska’s network of Cooperative Weed Management Alaska Region office. Presentations focused on spe- Areas continues to expand, and FHP is actively in- cies of particular concern in Southeast Alaska, includ- volved in many of the groups. ing the knotweed complex (Japanese knotweed and other knotweed species), garlic mustard, and spotted In 2009 the Juneau CWMA was officially formed (Fig- knapweed. The latter two species are present in Alaska ure 54), replacing a long-standing and active group, in extremely limited areas, and have been targeted by Juneau Invasive Plant Action. Paperwork is moving a multi-agency consortium for eradication from the forward in the ratification of a Sitka CWMA as well. state. Alaska FHP was actively involved in the orga- Several other CWMAs in the state continue to sponsor nization of the meetings, and in partnership with the innovative and effective projects. Alaska Center for Coastal Studies, sponsored an Inva- sive Plant Curriculum Workshop for Southeast Alaska During Alaska Weed Awareness Week, hundreds of teachers (see Select Project page 57). people took advantage of Fairbanks CWMA’s table at the Fairbanks Farmers’ Market, where weed identifica- Two awards were presented. The annual Alaska tion services and pocket guides were offered. Tempo- CNIPM award was presented to Genelle Winter, rary tattoos were applied to hundreds of kids (Figure landscape manager of Metlakatla Indian Commu- 55). About 20 people attended the Fairbanks CWMA’s nity, for setting up and managing a proactive invasive second annual “Weeds Gone Wild” workshop in late plant management program on the Annette Island July. reservation. Two Customs and Border Protection

Figure 54. The logo of the newly established Juneau Cooperative Weed Management Area. Both FHP JustJust saysay “No”“No” to craccacracca! and National Forest System personnel are active in this group. Figure 55. This temporary tattoo refers to Vi- cia cracca, or bird vetch, one of Alaska’s most problematic invasive plants.

60 Status of Invasive Plants - - tem Health has lead to the development of an internet internet of an development the to lead has Health tem be viewed online to allowsportal AKEPIC data that Detection The Early 56). (Figure Maps in Google allows (EDDMapS) Distribution System Mapping view to the distribution with access of internet anyone (http://www.eddmaps. format in map plants invasive easily org/alaska/). This portaldata AKEPIC makes without people viewable and to GIS skillsaccessible or by R10 FHPand funded project related A software. absence plant HDR, by invasive conducted makes Inc., the information viewable increasing as well, vastly data online maps. of these content - - - 61 mat. The screen capture at left shows the known distribution of Japanese knotweed (red markers) around thearound of on the north Kake village markers) (red knotweed Japanese the knownat left shows distribution of capture screen The mat. (red wasfound knotweed Japanese the locations where at displays right capture screen The Island. Kupreanof Alaska’s of Southeast ern end in invasive data” “absence such Including (white found markers). knotweed no Japanese and surveyed were the points that and markers) of known distributions, understanding helping and complete a more giving managers content, their information increases greatly maps plant surveys. new plan them Figure 56. Two screen captures of the newly developed EDDMapS-Alaska distribution for plant in map portal data of the newly developed displaying for captures invasive screen 56. Two Figure tion Clearinghouse (AKEPIC) database. The database, database, The database. (AKEPIC) tion Clearinghouse Heritage the Alaska by Natural managed and designed plant of invasive records 80,000 over has now Program, by is heavily used database The in the state. locations but until recently community, plant the Alaska invasive enormous spread only as an be downloaded it could Viewing Alaska’s invasive plant distribution data in in distribution data plant invasive Alaska’s Viewing Maps Google in participant active an Region been long 10 FHP has Alaska of the Informa Exoticthe development Plant the University R10 FHP between and A collaboration Ecosys and Species for Invasive Center of Georgia’s sheet. 2009 Invasive Plant Species Updates

The following section highlights invasive plants of concern in subarctic Interior Alaska, the central por- tion of the state which extends north to the Brooks Range, and encompasses the Alaska Range and the Wrangell Mountains. Interior Alaska is home to the state’s longest river, the Yukon, and vast tracts of boreal forest and forest-tundra transitional zones. The climate in the Interior is characterized by seasonal tempera- ture extremes – long, cold winters and short, relatively warm summers. Most of the annual precipitation falls as snow, and the region features pockets of permafrost in the south, transitioning to continuous permafrost in the northern Interior.

The largest city in the Interior is Fairbanks, located in the Fairbanks North Star Borough, which is home to roughly 12 percent of Alaska’s 664,000 residents. Other population centers include Delta Junction, Tok and Glenallen. Invasive plants, plant seeds, and propagules are introduced to these population centers Figure 57. Bird vetch is an aggressive invader whose rate of spread via contaminated agricultural seed and livestock feed, has increased in recent years. roadside seed mixes, nursery, landscaping and green- young trees, shrubs, meadow vegetation, and land- house stock, construction materials and heavy equip- scaping in the Fairbanks area. Work conducted by the ment, and on recreational equipment and vehicles. Alaska Plant Materials Center in 2001 mapped the Once established in areas of human disturbance, there distribution of bird vetch in the Fairbanks area and the is potential for movement into surrounding natural ar- Mat-Su Valley. In both cases it appeared to be spread- eas: the mountains, river valleys, and forests of Alaska’s ing from the University of Alaska experimental farms. pristine Interior. Bird vetch is the invasive species most recognized by the public in the Fairbanks area. Bird vetch Vicia cracca L. Infestations of bird vetch are rapidly expanding. Work Non-native by the Agricultural Research Service in the Fairbanks area has shown that on south-facing slopes, bird vetch Bird vetch is a climbing, vine-like perennial with three is spreading from roadsides and powerline rights- coiling tendrils at the end of each stem (Figure 57). of-way into undisturbed forest. This species takes By climbing and covering surrounding vegetation, this advantage of the longer growing seasons that Interior species is able to monopolize sunlight, leaving underly- Alaska has experienced in recent years. It stays green ing vegetation stunted and chlorotic. Infestations of and continues to photosynthesize several weeks after bird vetch can cause branch dieback on young conifers, the leaves of native plants turn yellow and fall to the suppress understory species and potentially impact ground. In 2009, a white-flowered specimen ofVicia forest regeneration. cracca was found and collected on the UAF campus.

Intentionally introduced to Interior Alaska as a forage crop in the early 1900s, bird vetch has spread along road corridors from Fairbanks to the Kenai Peninsula. Dense mats of this species can be found overtopping

62 Status of Invasive Plants - - - Prunus Early spring flowers on European bird cherry ( ). padus Figure 58. mental trees that produce cylindrical produce that spikes showy of trees mental staple a 58). Long (Figure in the spring white flowers of nurseryspecies industries, European landscape and and parks, greenbelts cherry to bird also spread has exhibit is to and beginning in Anchorage, areas riparian seeds The area. in the Fairbanks behavior the same birdcherry and birds, dispersed by of this are species understories forest of dominating capable are seedlings as such vegetation with woody competing and native of the willow The AlaskaChapter birch. and alder, no longer American Society of Landscape Architects birdcherry tree. as a landscape European recommends birdcherry grow area, be seen can the Fairbanks In in Center the Carlson River near the Chena tion along in 2008 of Surveys conducted Fairbanks. downtown European bird cherry bird chokecherry small orna and are European Forest the Boreal along forests closed-canopy in ing farmhouse. Field the Creamers behind Trail Nature mixed be found growing can in with vegeta native It 2006). The site was visited in 2009, and no evidencewas and no in 2009, of site The 2006). visited of population a new found. was However, cheatgrass town of the near hayfield in a identified was cheatgrass Nenana. cherry bird European L. padus Prunus Non-native Chokecherry virginiana Prunus Non-native - - 63 tension, later joined by the Delta Chapter of the Alaska Chapter the Delta by joined later tension, - Con Soil Water and the Salcha-Delta and Bureau Farm with this infestation chemi servation District, treated While Canada thistle is widespread in Anchorage and and While in Anchorage thistle is widespread Canada thistle is no known Canada there Valley, the Mat-Su The areas. Junction or Delta the Fairbanks in either is one Junction of this Delta from species absence the late In stories. success plant invasive of Alaska’s thistle discovered was of Canada infestation 1970s, an of 160 acres about distributed over Junction, in Delta Ex Alaska from Agents Cooperative land. agricultural This perennial thistle is characterized by spiny stems, stems, spiny by thistle is characterized This perennial - exten 4’ tall, an which to growing sit atop sometimes Canada roots. lateral network and sive of horizontal rapidly fragments, root and seed by thistle spreads also patches Dense of disturbance. areas colonizing Canada meadows. into and edge the forest along move in a in diameter 6 feet expand can upthistle to clones human barriers to spiny creating season, growing single and seedlings and out-competing traffic animal and forbs. and grasses native which grass can season cool is annual an Cheatgrass soft and white panicles by its drooping be identified which a give this grass stems, and on leaves hairs problematic One of the most appearance. “downy” cheatgrass States, United in the western plants invasive climates, harsh to is well-adapted brome” or “downy a species extremes; temperature and moisture, limited in Interior spread and establishment to well-suited across of cheatgrass infestations Alaska. Widespread on influence a devastating had have US the western wildfire A one-acre regimes. altering by landscapes an in 2006 in identified was cheatgrass of infestation al. et (Lapina Springs Hot Chena near yard dog old Canada thistle Canada Scop. (L.) arvense Cirsium Non-native Cheatgrass tectorum Bromus Non-native cals repeatedly over the next 18 years. As the next a result, 18 years. over cals repeatedly from eradicated completely been thistle has Canada control weed 1997. The focus of since Junction Delta split-lip to shifted has now Junction efforts Delta in below). (see sowthistle and perennial hempnettle the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus found hay fields, grain crops, and around dog yards and horse European birdcherry spreading in many parts of the corrals. It is expanding into natural areas via logging campus. roads and the trans-Alaska pipeline.

Chokecherry, a related species, has been found grow- Hempnettle ing in greenbelt areas of Anchorage. To date, choke- Galeopsis bifida Boenn. cherry is not known to be spreading in the Fairbanks Non-native area. An annual in the mint family, hempnettle has square- Foxtail barley sided stems with swollen nodes. The entire plant is Hordeum jubatum L. covered with bristly hairs. Hempnettle leaves are oval Non-native (?) to lance-shaped and sharply toothed. Its flowers range in color from white to pink or purple, clustered in It is unclear whether foxtail barley is native to Alaska or the axils of upper stem leaves. Although this species not: what is known is that it is very widely distributed does not spread vegetatively, hempnettle produces in the state. Further research will be needed to defini- enormous amounts of seed. This weedy invader of tively determine whether the invasive genotypes pres- disturbed areas is a problem in many gardens and other ent in Alaska today are the same as those believed to disturbed areas around Fairbanks, but to date we have have been present in eastern Alaska prior to European no indication of it spreading into natural areas. In settlement. In Alaska, foxtail barley spreads rapidly 2008, FHP staff found dense stands of seed-dispersing and aggressively in areas of human disturbance. hempnettle growing in the shadow of the raspberry plants at a popular Fairbanks u-pick raspberry farm. A perennial bunch grass, the hollow stems of foxtail It’s likely that many berry pickers carried hempnettle barley arise from a mass of fibrous roots. The leaf seeds home on their shoes. blades of foxtail barley are rough, grey-green, and ribbed. Its nodding open spike inflorescence has long Narrowleaf hawkweed awns, which are green-tinged with pink or purple in Hieracium umbellatum L. early summer, fading to straw color in late summer and Non-native fall (Figure 59). While palatable to grazing animals in the early summer, the sharp awns develop backward- Considered native to regions of North America, nar- pointing barbs which can lodge in the eyes, nose, rowleaf hawkweed is steadily expanding its range in mouth, ears, and stomachs of animals, causing infec- Alaska. This yellow flowered hawkweed species was tion. not historically present in Alaska, but has been spread- ing aggressively in recent years. Narrowleaf hawkweed Foxtail barley is found all across Interior Alaska, is known to have become established in the Matanus- especially in areas where there has been human dis- ka-Susitna Valley, throughout Anchorage and south turbance. This species is considered a pest in pastures, into the Kenai Peninsula. Several incipient populations were recently detected along roadsides in the vicinity of Delta Junction. One of these populations is located along a powerline right-of-way, which has the potential to function as a corridor for the spread of this species along forest edge and into natural forest openings.

Unlike the other invasive hawkweed species in Alaska, narrowleaf hawkweed does not form a basal rosette of leaves, and has no stolons. Narrowleaf hawkweed is the tallest non-native hawkweed in Alaska, with linear to lance-shaped stem leaves covered in short stiff star-like Figure 59. Foxtail barley (Hordeum jubatum). hairs.

64 Status of Invasive Plants ). Caragana arborescens - sum In in size. acre halfan than is less patch 60). The Exten- Cooperative the at FHP 2009, cooperators mer, the cutting by production seed sion Service prevented patch The maturation. before plants off the panicles in 2010. for control targeted been has peashrub Siberian Lam. arborescens Caragana Non-native Siberian family, A shrub in the pea or small tree spreading with to peashrub is erect multi-stemmed roots spreading a dense, from originating branches com- pinnately are of thisplant The leaves system. at the stipules Narrow pound, with 12 leaflets. 8 to pea-like persist as sharp Its petioles spines. of leaf base one inch long,and approximately are flowers yellow Sibe The pods- of or in small groups. borne singly are flattened, strongly and green, linear, rian peashrub are cylindrical more maturity becoming at brown and and summer in late days sunny 61). On warm, (Figure fall, shrub pea Siberian pods disperse explosively with “snap.” audible an Figure 60. An infestation of reed canarygrass in Fairbanks. of reed 60. An infestation Figure Figure Siberian 61. peashrub ( - - 65 - Narrowleaf hawkweed is one of seven hawkweed spe hawkweed is one of seven hawkweed Narrowleaf tablished populations of reed canarygrass may interfere interfere canarygrass may of reed populations tablished salmon, fish,such as anadromous by with spawning action the flushing blocking and sediment trapping by a Thiswas once beds. species gravel which maintains roadsides revegetate mix to of a seed used component meadows wet into it isroadways and moving off the areas. natural other and While canarygrass is in Southeast common reed not known it was Peninsula, Alaska on the Kenai and Alaska exist – until well- to 2009. A single in Interior canarygrass along found was of reed patch developed (Figure summer last street Cushman South Fairbanks’ Widespread across Southcentral Alaska, perennial Alaska, perennial Southcentral across Widespread in both Fairbanks established sowthistle become has abun- in seen be This can species Junction. Delta and the Fair lots near in vacant and on roadsides dance Perennial sowthistle is a deep-rooted plant with plant loose sowthistle is a deep-rooted Perennial leaves The flowers. dandelion-like of yellow, clusters prickly sowthistle have and varyof perennial in shape, This whichstem. the clasp bases leaf and margins five up to grow can a milky and has sap-like resin plant pe- system, root horizontal tall.feet extensive its With soil monopolize sowthistle moisture to isrennial able with Along stands. formwhite sweetclover and dense sowthistle of open, is a colonizer perennial below) (see the potential has and areas, succssional early gravelly, outwash glacial plains. and areas riparian into spread to excluding mat, quickly This can form species a dense well-es that concerns are There all vegetation. other Perennial sowthistle Perennial Nyman (Bieb.) uliginosus spp. arvensis Sonchus Non-native Reed canarygrass L. arundinacea Phalaris Non-native cies now present in Alaska. present cies now banks landfill,the Alaskaand along tracks Railroad Perennial of Alaska Fairbanks. the University near control sowthistle weed the focus of chemical is now of the Chapter Delta Junction, the efforts Delta in Soil Water and the Salcha-Delta and Bureau, Farm District.Conservation This species has been used extensively in Alaska as a vegetation. Its horizontal roots, which can grow to hardy landscaping shrub. It can withstand the harsh several feet long, develop adventitious buds which give climate of Interior Alaska with little or no maintenance. rise to new plants. In Fairbanks, Siberian peashrub is often planted as a hedge between residential properties. This species is adapted to a wide range of conditions, and has become widespread along Alaska’s rail system, White sweetclover road systems, and in areas of human disturbance. In Melilotus alba Medikus addition to aggressively colonizing meadows and other Non-native natural forest openings, this species contains a gluco- side toxic to grazing animals. Yellow sweetclover M. officinale (L.) Lam. Yellow toadflax is one of the more common invasive Non-native plant species in population centers throughout the Alaskan Interior. However, 2006 surveys of high- Some of the fastest spreading exotic plants in Alaska, way right-of-ways in the Interior detected toadflax in the sweetclovers have infested roadsides throughout the state. The sweetclovers are tall, branching members of the pea family, with fragrant white or yellow flow- ers. Both white and yellow sweetclover are described as biennial, but have been found to flower and produce seed after one growing season in Alaska, possibly due to the long hours of daylight during summer months. The sweetclovers alter soil chemistry through nitrogen fixation. Improperly stored sweetclover hay may pro- duce coumarin, a chemical that can be toxic to grazing animals and livestock.

Frequently established along roadsides, white sweet- clover is now moving from the road system into river corridors and flood plains, via road–river interfaces. Sweetclover seeds float, and are therefore spreading rapidly down river and stream corridors. White sweet- clover, more abundant in Alaska than yellow sweet- clover, infests riverbanks on the Nenana River in the Interior, the lower sections of the Matanuska River in Southcentral Alaska, and the Stikine River in Southeast Alaska.

Yellow toadflax Figure 62. Yellow toadflax Linaria( vulgaris). Photo by National Linaria vulgaris P. Mill. Park Service. Non-native only three locations: in western Fairbanks, outside Yellow toadflax or “butter and eggs” is a multiple- of Fairbanks near the community of North Pole, and stemmed perennial, growing to 2 feet, with pale green at the end of the Elliot highway. This limited number lanceolate or linear leaves and racemes of bright yellow of sightings only indicates that the survey focused on “snapdragon like” flowers with orange palates (nectar roadsides, while yellow toadflax is most commonly guides)(Figure 62). Producing up to 30,000 seeds per found in gardens and residential settings. plant and spreading by creeping rhizomes, yellow toad- flax forms dense colonies and suppresses surrounding

66 Aerial Detection Survey

Aerial surveys are an effective and economical means a remote landscape view to a map or base image. of monitoring and mapping insect, disease and other Sketchmapping offers the added benefit of adjusting forest disturbance at a coarse level. In Alaska, State & the observer’s perspective to study a signature from Private Forestry, Forest Health Protection (FHP), to- multiple angles and altitudes but it is challenged by gether with Alaska Department of Natural Resources, time limitations and other varying external factors. Divison of Forestry Survey aircraft typically (AKDOF), monitor 30–40 fly at 100 knots and atmo- million acres annually at a spheric conditions are vari- cost of less than ½ cent per able (Figure 63). acre. Much of the acreage referenced in this report During aerial surveys, is from aerial detection forest damage informa- surveys so it’s important tion has traditionally been to understand how these sketched on 1:250,000 data are collected and their scale USGS quadrangle inherent limitations. But, maps, a relatively small while there are limitations scale. For example, at this to these data and those scale one inch would equal limitations must be rec- approximately four miles ognized, no other method distance on the ground. is currently available to Larger scale maps are detect subtle differences in sometimes used for spe- vegetation damage signa- cific areas to provide more tures, within a narrow time detailed assessments. A window at such low costs. digital sketch-mapping system has been used in Aerial detection surveys, recent years in place of also known as aerial paper maps for recording sketch-mapping, is a tech- the forest damage. This nique for observing forest Figure 63. Aerial surveys are commonly conducted in small, high- system displays the sketch- change events from an wing float planes to allow for maximum visibility and logistical mapper’s location via Aerial Detection Survey aircraft and document- flexibility. GPS input and allows the ing those events manually observer to zoom to vari- onto a map base. When an observer identifies an area ous display scales. The many advantages of using the of forest damage, a polygon or point will be delineated digital sketch map system over paper sketch-mapping onto a paper map or computer touch screen. Together include more accurate and resolute damage polygon with ground intelligence, trained observers have placement and a shorter turnaround time for process- learned to recognize and associate damage patterns, ing and reporting data. discoloration, tree species and other subtle clues to distinguish a particular type of forest damage from No two sketchmappers will interpret and record an the surrounding, healthier forest areas. This is known outbreak or pest signature in the same way but the as a damage “signature” and in most cases is pest spe- essence of the event should be captured. While some cific. Aerial sketchmapping could perhaps be consid- data are ground checked, much of it is not. Many ered “real time photo interpretation” with the added times the only opportunity to verify the data on the challenge of transferring the spatial information from ground is during the survey missions, if the oppor-

67 tunity to land and examine the affected foliage is survey nominations. In addition, areas are selected available. where several years’ data are collected to establish trends from the year-to-year mapping efforts. In this Due to the nature of aerial surveys, the data will only way, general damage trend information is assembled provide rough estimates of location and intensity and for the most significant pests and compiled in this an- only for damage that is detectable from the air. Many nual Conditions Report. of the most destructive forest diseases are not repre- sented in aerial survey data because these agents are The sketch-map information is digitized and put into a not detectable from an aerial view. computerized Geographic Information System (GIS) for more permanent storage and retrieval by users. Unlike FHP units in many other areas in the United No attempt is made to extrapolate infestation acres to States, the Alaska FHP team does not survey 100 per- non surveyed areas. The reported data should only be cent of our region’s forested lands. The short Alaska used as a partial indicator of insect and disease activ- summers, vast area, high airplane rental costs, and ity for a given year. Establishing trends from aerial the short time frame when pest damage signs and tree survey data is possible, but care must be taken to symptoms are most evident, all require a strategy to ensure that projections are comparing the same areas efficiently cover the highest priority areas with avail- and sources of variability are considered. able resources. The surveys we conduct provide a sampling of the forests via flight transects. Due to For a complete listing of quadrangle areas flown (Map survey priorities, various client requests, known out- 11) and agents mapped during the 2009 statewide aer- breaks and a number of logistical challenges, some ar- ial detection surveys please visit our website: http:// eas are rarely or never surveyed while other areas are www.fs.fed.us/r10/spf/fhp. Digital data and metadata surveyed annually. Prior to the annual statewide for- can be found at the following URL: http://agdc.usgs. est conditions survey, letters are sent to various state gov/data/projects/fhm/. and federal agency and other landowner partners for

68 Map 11. USGS map index for statewide aerial surveys. Aerial Detection Survey

69 Information Delivery Publications:

Ciesla, W.M. and Kruse J.J. 2009. Large Aspen Tortrix. USDA Forest Service, Forest Insect and Disease Leaflet 139. D’Amore, D.V.; Hennon, P.E.; Schaberg, P.G.; Hawley, G. 2009. Adaptation to exploit nitrate in surface soils predisposes yellow-cedar to climate change-induced decline while enhancing the survival of redcedar: a new hypothesis. Forest Ecology and Management. 258: 2261-2268. Hennon, P.E. 2008. Pathology without Pathogens: Opportunities for Forest Pathologists in a Changing Climate In: McWilliams, M., ed. Proceedings of the fifty-fifth western international forest disease work conference. Salem, OR: Dept. Nat. Res. Pp. 47-51. Hennon, P.E.; D’Amore, D.V.; Wittwer, D.T.; Lamb, M.B. 2010. Influence of forest canopy and snow on microcli- mate in a declining yellow-cedar forest of Southeast Alaska. Northwest Science. 84: 74-87. Hennon, P.E.; McClellan, M.; Spores, S.; Orlikowska, E. 2009. Survival and growth of planted yellow-cedar seed- lings and rooted cuttings (stecklings) near Ketchikan, Alaska. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 24(3): 144-150. Holsten, E.; Hennon, P.E.; Trummer, L.; Kruse, J.J.; Schultz, M.; Lundquist, J. 2009. Insects and diseases of Alaska forests. Anchorage, AK: U.S. Forest Service, Alaska Region. Publication R10-TP-140. 246p. Kimbirauskas, R.K.; Merritt R.W.; Wipfli, M.S.; Hennon, P.E. 2008. Headwater macroinvertebrate commu- nity response to riparian red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) in Southeast Alaska. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 84(3):220-237. Kliejunas, John T.; Geils, Brian W.; Glaeser, Jessie Micales; Goheen, Ellen Michaels; Hennon, Paul; Kim, Mee- Sook; Kope, Harry; Stone, Jeff; Sturrock, Rona; Frankel, Susan J. 2009. Review of literature on climate change and forest diseases of western North America. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-225. Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. 54 p. Klopfenstein, Ned B.; Kim, Mee-Sook; Hanna, John W.; Richardson, Bryce A.; Lundquist, John E. 2009. Ap- proaches to predicting potential impacts of climate change on forest disease: an example with Armillaria root disease. Res. Pap. RMRS-RP-76. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 10 p. Lundquist, J.E. 2009. Forest pest insects along a latitudinal transect in Alaska. Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Convention of the Society of American Foresters, Orlando. Abstract. Lundquist, J.E. 2009. The Influence of Climate on Spruce Beetle in Alaska – A White Paper. Unpublished Re- port. Region 10 Forest Health Protection, Anchorage. 24p. Ruess, R.W.; McFarland, J.M.; Trummer, L.M; Rohrs-Richey, J.K. 2009. Disease-mediated declines in N-fixation inputs by Alnus tenuifolia to early-successional floodplains in Interior and Southcentral Alaska. Ecosystems 12: 489-502. Schultz, M.E.; Fettig C.J.; Borys R.R. and Burnside R.E. 2009. Evaluation of Systemic Insecticides for Control of abietinum (Homoptera: ) on in Southeast Alaska. J. Entomol. Sci. 44(1): 78-84. Trummer, Lori; Hennon, Paul. 2009. Hazard trees in Alaska: a guide to the identification and management of hazard trees in Alaska. Anchorage, AK: U.S. Forest Service, Alaska Region. Publication R10-TP-142. 62p. Wurtz, T.L. 2009. Reduce introduction and spread of invasive species and eruptive species in the context of cli- mate change. Section NS-4 of the draft final report of the Alaska Climate Change Strategy. Technical Work Group on Natural Systems. The report was published online in September at: http://www.climatechange. alaska.gov/aag/aag.htm

70 Information Delivery - - - - -

- Larix Larix 71 age, AK.age, presentation. Oral Foundation. Goldbelt Heritage tribes of Tlingit clans. and a conference Alaska. our knowledge: Sharing AK. 25-28, 2009, Juneau, presentation. Oral Mar. AK. 1 2009. Juneau, presentation. Oral May Change. on Climate Panel of Juneau Borough City and and 18 2009, R10 Regional Silviculture May USFS meeting. genetics. cedar to application and project mapping Craig, AK. presentation. Oral cline, the mysterious demise of an ice age relic. Alaska Forum on the Environment. Feb. 2-6, 2009. Anchor Feb. on the Environment. Alaska Forum relic. age ice demise of an the mysterious cline, chikan, AK. presentation. Oral nah, GA (Abstract; FHM Evaluation Monitoring Project #WC-EM-08-03). Poster #WC-EM-08-03). Project Monitoring GA FHM Evaluation nah, (Abstract; Nov. Conference. National 2009 in Alaska. tree Society of American sensitive Foresters, of a climate heel presentation. Oral NV. 5-9. Reno, AK. meeting, Alaska 9, 2008. Juneau, Region. Dec. Team Regional Leadership strategy. adaptive 2008. Ket 9-11, Dec. Forest, National meeting, Tongass Monitoring and Inventory Forest Alaska. National Series, Anchorage, AK. presentation. Oral 6, 2009. Anchorage, Series, October Meeting, February Savan Group Working Monitoring Health of the Forest ) in Alaska. Proceedings laricina Summer Science Institute. University of Alaska, Southeast. Juneau, AK. 17 Jun 2009. Juneau, AK. AK. 2009. Juneau, pre of Alaska, Juneau, Oral 17 Jun Southeast. University Institute. Science Summer sentation. lead. tour and field District. presentation Oral Bay 2009. Thorne Ranger American Phytopathologi Volcano. on a Dormant Decline Forest of a Climate-Induced Modeling Snow and OR. 1-4, 2009. Portland, Aug. Poster. cal Society. presentation. 16, 2009. Oral Sept. Review, Program AK. Juneau, Center, Visitor’s 2009. Glacier An disease: example with on forest Armillaria change root of climate impacts potential predicting Toward Pathological Plant Japan and of the Korea Symposium USA. northwestern in the inland Joint 1st disease Abstract). and poster (Invited Korea. South Jeju, City, 2009. Jeju 28- 31 October Societies. proaches to predict impacts of climate change on forest disease: An disease: example with on forest Armillaria in change disease root of climate impacts predict to proaches 23 Korea, South Seoul, Institute, Research Forest the Korea to seminar USA. northwestern the inland Invited 2009. October, Hennon, P.E. 2009. Blending traditional knowledge with science to develop a teaching curriculum in on cedars a teaching with develop to knowledge science traditional 2009. Blending P.E. Hennon, council, Humanities ArtsJuneau and area. Juneau in the vegetation natural on effects 2009. Climate P.E. Hennon, analysis, and inventory, tree on forest Update D. 2009. Wittwer, J.; Caouette, D.V.; D’Amore, P.E.; Hennon, Hennon, P.E.; D’Amore, D.V.; Wittwer, D.; Caouette, J.; Schaberg, P.; Hawley, G.; Beier, C. 2009. Yellow-cedar de- Yellow-cedar C. 2009. G.; Beier, Hawley, P.; Schaberg, J.; Caouette, D.; Wittwer, D.V.; D’Amore, P.E.; Hennon, Hennon, P.E. 2009. Problem solving: determining and testing the complex cause of yellow-cedar decline. UAS decline. of yellow-cedar cause the complex solving: testing and determining 2009. Problem P.E. Hennon, Hennon, P. E.; D’Amore, D.V.; Wittwer, D.; Caouette, J. 2009. Yellow-cedar decline: climate strikes the Achilles’ decline: climate Yellow-cedar J. 2009. Caouette, D.; Wittwer, D.V.; E.; D’Amore, P. Hennon, an and decline, yellow-cedar on climate, Update D. 2009. Wittwer, J.; Caouette, D.V.; D’Amore, P.E.; Hennon, coastal in species for tree issues climate solve to plots inventory of forest Use J. 2008. Caouette, P.E.; Hennon, Burnside R.E. 2009. Early detection insect monitoring in Alaska. Introcuction to Insects Master Gardener Class Class Gardener Master Insects R.E.Burnside to in Alaska. monitoring Introcuction insect detection 2009. Early ( of larch 2009. Assessing mortality regeneration and Kruse, J.J. R.;Burnside, T.; M.; Wurtz, Schultz, Posters and Oral Presentations: Oral and Posters Hennon, P.E.; D’Amore, D.V.; Rush, K.; Petersen, K. 2009. Field demonstration on dead yellow-cedar. July 10-11, July yellow-cedar. on dead K. Rush, K.; demonstration 2009. Field Petersen, D.V.; D’Amore, P.E.; Hennon, Features Key Decline: Landscape Yellow-Cedar 2009. M.B. Lamb, D.V.; D’Amore, D.T.; Wittwer, P.E.; Hennon, Office Washington Protection, Health in Alaska. Forest climate and of cedar 2009. 20,000 years P.E. Hennon, 25, Sept Chief. USFS for Briefing strategy. adaptation an decline, yellow-cedar 2009. Climate, P.E. Hennon, B.A.; Richardson, A.L.;J.E. 2009. Smith, Lundquist, H.; Maffei, J.W.; Hanna, Kim, M.S.; N.B.; Klopfenstein, B.A.; Richardson, Smith, H.; J.E. 2009.Ap Maffei, A.L.;Lundquist, J.W.; Hanna, Kim, M.S.; N.B.; Klopfenstein, Klopfenstein, N.B.; Kim, M.S.; Hanna, J.W.; Richardson, B.A.; Maffei, H.; Smith, A.L.; Lundquist, J.E. 2009. Approaches to predict impacts of climate change on forest disease: An example with Armillaria root disease in the inland northwestern USA. Invited seminar to the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Institute of Basic, Dankook University, Cheonan, South Korea, 26 October, 2009. Klopfenstein, N.B.; Kim, M.S.; Hanna, J.W.; Richardson, B.A.; Maffei, H.; Smith, A.L.; Lundquist, J.E. 2009. Approaches to predict impacts of climate change on forest disease: An example with Armillaria root dis- ease in the inland northwestern USA. Invited seminar to the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Institute of Basic, Dong guk University, Seoul, South Korea, 27 October, 2009. Kruse, J.J. Invasive Insects in Alaska. CES Pest Scout Training, 1-2 June 2009. Oral Presentation. Kruse, J.J. Climate Change and Spruce Budworm. Forest Health Protection, Washington Office Program Review, Sept. 15-18, 2009. Oral Presentation. Kruse, J.J. Invasive Non-Native Insects in Alaska: Status and Distribution. Alaska Invasives Species Council an- nual meeting, 29-30 October 2009. Oral Presentation. Kruse, J.J. Defoliator Conditions Report, Alaska R10. Western North American Defoliator Working Group an- nual meeting, 8-9 December 2009. Oral Presentation. Kruse, J.J. Climate Change and Spruce Budworm. Western North American Defoliator Working Group annual meeting, 8-9 December 2009. Oral Presentation. Kruse, J.J. European invasive sawfly,Monsoma pulveratum, new U.S. record. Western North American Defoliator Working Group annual meeting, 8-9 December 2009. Oral Presentation. Lamb, M.B. 2009. Invasive plants in Southeast Alaska. Southeast Tribal Environmental Conference. May 14, 2009. Juneau, AK. Oral presentation. Lamb, M.B. 2009. Identification of invasive plants found in Southeast Alaska. Tlingit and Haida Central Council Culture Camp. August 14, 2009. Juneau, AK. Oral presentation. Lundquist, J.E (organizer). 2009. Beyond the science of climate change – where do we go from here? Panel Dis- cussion. Western Forest Insect Work Conference, Spokane. 26 March 2009. Lundquist, J.E . 2009. Non-traditional pesticides and biocontrol for defoliators. Panel Discussion. Western For- est Insect Work Conference, Spokane. 26 March 2009. Lundquist, J.E. 2009. A history of spruce beetles on the Kenai Peninsula. Association of Consulting Foresters National Convention, Anchorage, June 30, 2009. Oral presentation. Lundquist, J.E. 2009. Spruce beetles in Alaska’s changing climate. Alaska Regional Leadership Team Meeting, Juneau. 10 December 2009. Oral presentation. Lundquist, J.E. 2009. Forest Insects on the Kenai. University of Alaska, Fairbanks Field Coarse, Cooper’s Land- ing. 15 May 2009. Oral presentation. Lundquist, J.E. 2009. Brown leaves in late summer. Alaska Botanical Gardens Conference, Anchorage. April 2009. Oral presentation. Lundquist, J.E. 2009. Life as an entomologist in Alaska. Youth Employment in the Parks Field Day, Muldoon Park, Anchorage. 29 June 2009. Oral presentation. Lundquist, J.E. 2009. Birch leaf miners. Cooperative Extension Service Annual Field Rep Training. 2 June 2009. Oral presentation. Schultz, M.E.; Fettig, C.J.; Borys, R.R.; and Burnside, R.E. 2009. Evaluation of Systemic Insecticides for Control of Elatobium abietinum (Homoptera: Aphididae) on Picea sitchensis in Southeast Alaska. J. Entomol. Sci. 44(1): 78-84. Winton, L.M. 2009. Plant diseases and disease diagnosis. Master Gardener Class, Anchorage, AK. 18 Nov. 2009. Oral presentation. Winton, L.M. 2009. White mold in the cold: a tale of two fungi in Alaska. Southcentral Forest Health Working Group, Anchorage, AK. 27 Oct. 2009. Oral Presentation. Wittwer, D.T. 2009. Aerial Survey Detection Program. Forest Health Protection, Washington Office Program Review, Sept. 15, 2009. Oral presentation.

72 Information Delivery - 73 nual meeting of the Alaska Chapter of The Wildlife Society, April 7-8, Fairbanks. Also organized and chaired and chaired Fairbanks. Also organized AprilWildlife of The 7-8, Society, Alaska of the Chapter meeting nual on Wildlife, six speakers. including Plants talks invited three and of Invasive on Impacts session the special presentation. Oral presentation. Oral 29, Fairbanks. June Corps. Restoration Habitat Youth Wildlife Service’s Wurtz, T.L. 2009. The growing problem of invasive plants in Alaska. Presentation made to the 2009 US Fishand US 2009 to the made in Presentation Alaska.plants of invasive problem The growing 2009. T.L. Wurtz, Wurtz, T.L. 2009. Invasive plants in Alaska: Current status and predictions for the future. Presented at the An at Presented the future. for predictions and status in Alaska: Current plants Invasive 2009. T.L. Wurtz, The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, reli- gion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.