Manager's Notices

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Manager's Notices DIARY, EDITORIAL NOTICES, MANAGER’S NOTICES. 1345 THURSDAY (16th).-St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s MEDICAL GRADUATES’ COLLEGE AND POLYCLINIC (22, Ohenies-street, (3.30 P.M.), University College (2 P.M.), Charing-cross (3 P.M.), St., W.C.).-4 P.M. Mr. J. Hutchinson: Demonstration (Surgical). George’s (1 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), Middlesex: WEST LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE (West London Hospital, (1.30 P.M.). St. Mary’s (2.30 P.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.), North-West: W.).-6 P.M. Dr. Abraham : Cases of Skin Disease illustrating London (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (Gynteoo- Diagnosis and Treatment. 2.30 London Throat logical, P.M.), Metropolitan (2.30 P.M.), (2 P.M.),’ FRIDAY THROAT HOSPITAL Gt. St. Mark’s (2 (17th).-LONDON (204, Portland-street, P.M.). W.).-4.30 P.M. Dr. Stoker: Impaired Movements of the Vocal FRIDAY (17th).-London,(2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Cords. (Post-Graduate Course.) Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), Charing-oross (3 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2 P.M., Ophthalmic 10 A.M.). Cancer (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (2.30 P.M.). West London (2.30 P.M.), London Throat (2 P.M. and 6 P.nt.). EDITORIAL NOTICES. SATURDAY (18th).-Royal Free (9 A.M. and 2P.M.), Middlesex (1.30, St. Thomas’s (2 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), University College (9.15 P.M.), IT Is most important that communications relating to the Oharing-cross (2 P.M.), St. George’s (1 pm.). St. Mary’s (10 P.M.). Editorial business of THE LANCET should be addressed London Throat (2 P.M.). exclusively "To THE EDITORS," and not in any case to any At the Royal Eye Hospital (2 P.M.), the Royal London Ophthalmic who be to be connected with the (10 A.M.), the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic (1.30 P.M.), and the gentleman may supposed Central London Ophthalmic Hospitals operations are performed daily. Editorial staff. It is urgently necessary that attention be ariven to this notice. - SOCIETIES. i. that local events MONDAY (13th).-MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LoNDON.-8.30 P.M. Clinical It especially requested early intelligence of Cases :-Dr. M. Cautley : (1) Aphasia ; (2) Congenital Heart Disease having a medical interest, or which it is desirable to bring probably Aortic.-Dr. W. Ewart: (1) Persistent Lockjaw in an ’ under the notice of the profession, may be sent direct to Edentulous Subject relieved by Incising a tender portion of the this Gum; (2) Addison’s Disease with Unusual Pigmentation of the Office. Nails, &c.-Mr. H. L Barnard : (1) Hernia Cerebri due to Tumour ; Geaturea, articles, and reports should be written ori (2) Two Cases of Serpiginous Ulceration affecting the Eyelids ; (3) original Caries of the Skull due to Congenital Syphilis.-Mr. F. C. Wallis: one side of the paper only, AND WHEN ACOOMPANIED (1) Simple Comminuted Fracture of Tibia treated by Wiring; (2) BY BLOCKS IT IS REQUESTED THAT THE NAME OF THE Pott’s Fracture treated by Wiring. AUTHOR, AND IF POSSIBLE OF THE ARTIOLE, SHOULD TUESDAY (14th).-CHILDHOOD SOCIETY (Library of the Sanitary Insti- BE WRITTEN ON THE BLOCKS TO FACILITATE IDENTI- tute, 72, Margaret-street, W.).-8 P.M. Rev. T. W. Sharpe: Social FICATION. and Moral Aspects of Elementary Education. whether intended or PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN (17, Bloomsbury-square, Letters, for insertion for private anfornna- W.C.).-8 P.M. Papers :-Prof. J. R. Green : The Biology of Yeast.- tion, must be authenticated by the names and addresses of Prof. Greenish: Spurious Alexandrian Senna. their writers, not necessarily for publication. ROYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY (20, Hanover-square, We or recommend W.).-8.30 P.M. A Discussion on the Open-air Treatment of Tuber- camwtme8eg-ibe practitioners. culosis to be opened by Dr. J. Kingston Fowler. Among the Local papers containing reports or mmsvaragraphi should be speakers will be Sir William Broadbent, Professor Clifford Allbutt, marked and addressed 11 To the Sub-Editor." Dr. Boyce, and others. Letters relating to the publication, sale, and advertising de- WEDNESDAY (15th).-ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY (20, Hanover- THE LANCET should be addressed To the square, W.).-7.30 P.M. Mr. A. Earland: Exhibition of Foraminifera. partments of SOCIETY OF ARTS.-8 P.M. Sir J. W. Barry: Opening Address of the Manager." 146th Session. We cannot undertake to return MSS. not used, ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY (Institute of Civil Engineers, Gt. George--street, Westminster, S.W.).-7.30 P.M. Ordinary Meeting. Papers :-Mr. R. H. Ourtis: The Diurnal Variation of the Barometer in the British Isles.-Mr. G. J. Symons: Note on Earth Tempera- MANAGER’S NOTICES. ture Observations. TO SUBSCRIBERS. THURSDAY (16th).-HARVEIAN SOCIETY OF LONDON (Stafford Rooms, Titchborne-street, Edgware-road).-8.30 P.-Ni. Dr. A. H. N. Lewers: WILL Subscribers note that those On some Interesting Cases of Fibroid Tumours of the Uterus. please only subscriptions which are sent direct to the of THE LANCET FRIDAY SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND Proprietors (17th).-ANATOMICAL at their are dealt with them. IRELAND (Physiological Theatre of the London School of Medicine Offices, 423, Strand, W.O., by for Women, Hunter-street, W.C.).-4 P.M. General Meeting. Subscriptions paid to London or to local newsagents (with Election of Officers for the ensuing year. Communications :-Mr. none of whom have the Proprietors any connexion what- S. Boyd: A Persistent Left Inferior Vena Cava.-Miss Stoney do not reach THE LANCET and (introduced by Mr. S. Boyd): Specimen of Sacculated (Esophagus.- ever) Offices, consequently Prof. A. M. Patterson: Child’s Skull showing Parietal Perfora- inquiries concerning missing copies, &c., should be sent to tions.-Prof. B. 0. Windle and Mr. F. G. Parsons: Note on the the Agent to whom the subscription is paid, and not to Morphology of the Biceps Flexor Cruris.-Mr. C. B. Lockwood: THE LANCET Offices. Lantern Demonstration of Certain Points in the Lymphatic System their of the Appendix. Meeting of Council to Elect Members of Com- Subscribers, by sending subscriptions direct to mittee of Management. THE LANCET Offices, will ensure regularity in the despatch of their Journals and an earlier delivery than the majority of LECTURES, ADDRESSES, &c. Agents are able to effect. DEMONSTRATIONS, The rates of subscriptions, post free, either from LONDON AND EAR MONDAY (13th).-CENTRAL THROAT, NOSE, HOSPITAL, THE LANCET Offices or from are :- (Gray’s Inn-road, W.C.).-5 P.M. Mr. Wyatt Wingrave: Polypi, their Agents, Nature and Treatment. FOR THE UNTTKD KINGDOM. TO THH COLONIES AND ABROAD. WEST LONDON P06T-GRADUATS COURSE (West London Hospital, One Year ......... £1 12 6 One Year ..........El 14 8 W.).-5 P.M. Mr. Cheatle: The Diagnosis of Surgical Cases. Six Months ......... 0 16 3 Six Months ......... 0 17 4 Three MonthtMonths ...... 0 8 2 Three Months ...... 8 MEDICAL GRADUATES’ COLLEGE AND POLYCLINIC (22, Chenies-street, Months ... ... 0 8 W.C.).-5 P.M. Dr. D. Grant: Practical Otology. (Demonstration 1.) Subscriptions (which may commence at any time) are TUESDAY (14th).-NATIONAL HOSPITAL FOR THE PARALYSED AND payable in advance. EPILEPTIC (Queen-sq., W.C.).-3.30 P.M. Sir W. Gowers: Epilepsy. - WEST-END HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM (73, Welbeek-street, W.).-4 P.M. Clinical Demonstration:-Dr. T. D. SUBSCRIBERS ABROAD ARE PARTICULARLY REQUESTED Savill : Cases of Neuralgia and Peripheral Neuritis. TO NOTE THE RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIONS GIVEN ABOVE. It LONDON THROAT HOSPITAL Gt. P.M. (204, Portland-street, W.).-4.30 has come to the of the that in some Dr. F. Potter: Examination of the Ear. (Post-Graduate Course.) knowledge Manager cases rates are on the that the WEDNESDAY (15th).-ST. JOHN’S HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE higher being charged, plea SKIN (Leicester-square, W.C.).-4.30 P.M. Dr. Eddowes: Keratoses. heavy weight of THE LANCET necessitates additional (Post-graduate Course.) postage above the ordinary rate allowed for in the terms of HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTION AND DISEASES OF THE CHEST (Bromp- subscriptions. Any demand for increased rates, on this or ton).-4 P.M. Dr. Wethered: Asthma. on other should be resisted. The of MEDICAL any ground, Proprietors GRADUATES’ COLLEGE AND POLYCLINIC (22, Chenies-street, THE LANCET have for and continue to pay, W.C.).-6 P.M. Dr. H. Tilley: Clinical Examination of the Throat many years paid, and Nose. (Demonstration 1.) the whole of the heavy cost of postage on overweight foreign and are authorised to and do so THURSDAY (16th).-CENTRAL LONDON THROAT, NOSE, AND EAR issues ; agents collect, HOSPITAL (Gray’s Inn-road, W.C.). --5 P.M. Dr. D. Grant:e collect, from the Proprietors the cost of such extra postage. Diagnosis of Nasal Diseases characterised by Pain, Disturbances of The will be to forward direct from &c. Manager pleased copies Smell, bhe Offices to abroad at the above rates, whatever be O1uBING-CROSS HospiTAL.-4 P.M. Dr. A. Routh: Demonstration of places the of the so Gynaecological Cases. (Post-Graduate Course.) weight of any copies supplied. Address- THE THE LANCET THE HOSPITAL FOR,SICK CHILDREN (Gt. Ormond-street, W.C.-4 P.M. MANAGER, OFFICES, 423, STRAND, Dr. Voelcker: Rickets. LONDON, ENGLAND. 1346 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS OF LETTERS, ETO., RECEIVED. Temperance (Male and Female W.-Dr. R. T. Williamson, Man. Communications, Letters, &c., have been Nurses’) Cobi3eration, Lond., Sec- chester; Mr.
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