Gerald Seymour | 368 pages | 21 Nov 2013 | Hodder & Stoughton General Division | 9781444760057 | English | London, United Kingdom King Fisher - Wikipedia

Alcedininae Halcyoninae Cerylinae. or Alcedinidae are a family of small to medium-sized, brightly colored in the Kingfisher . They have a cosmopolitan distributionwith most species found in the tropical regions Kingfisher Africa, Asia, and Oceania. The family contains species and is divided into three subfamilies and 19 genera. All kingfishers have large heads, long, sharp, pointed bills, short legs, and stubby tails. Most species have bright plumage with only small differences between the sexes. Most species are tropical in distribution, Kingfisher a slight majority are found only in forests. Kingfisher consume a wide range of prey usually caught by swooping down from a perch. While kingfishers are usually thought Kingfisher live near rivers and eat fish, many species live away from water and eat small invertebrates. Like other members of their order, they Kingfisher in cavities, usually tunnels dug into the natural or artificial banks in the ground. Some kingfishers nest in arboreal Kingfisher nests. A few species, principally Kingfisher forms, are threatened Kingfisher extinction. Kingfisher Britain, the word "kingfisher" normally refers to the common kingfisher. The kingfishers family Alcedinidae is in the Kingfisher Coraciiformeswhich also includes the motmotsKingfishertodiesrollers and ground-rollers. The centre of kingfisher diversity is the Australasian realmbut the group is not thought to have originated there. Instead, they originated in the Indomalayan region around 27 million years ago and invaded the Australasian realm a number of times. Several fossil birds have been erroneously ascribed to the Kingfisher, including Halcyornisfrom the Lower Eocene rocks in Kentwhich has also been considered a gullbut is now thought to have been a member of Kingfisher extinct family. Amongst the three subfamilies, the Alcedininae are basal to the Kingfisher two subfamilies. The few species found in the Americas, all from the subfamily Cerylinae Kingfisher, suggest that the sparse representation in the Western Hemisphere resulted from just two original colonising events. The subfamily is a comparatively recent split from the Halcyoninaediversifying in the Old World as recently as the Miocene or Kingfisher. The plumage of most kingfishers is bright, Kingfisher green and blue being Kingfisher most common colours. The brightness of the colours is neither the product of iridescence except in the American kingfishers Kingfisher pigments, but is instead caused by the structure of the feathers, which Kingfisher scattering of blue light the Tyndall effect. The kingfishers have long, dagger-like bills. The bill is usually Kingfisher and more compressed in species that hunt fish, and shorter and more Kingfisher in species that hunt prey Kingfisher the ground. The largest and most atypical bill is that of the Kingfisher kookaburrawhich is used to dig through the forest floor in search of prey. They generally have short legs, although species that feed on the ground have longer tarsi. Most species have four toes, three of which are forward-pointing. The irises of most species are dark brown. Kingfisher kingfishers have excellent vision; they are capable of binocular vision and are Kingfisher in particular to have good colour vision. They Kingfisher restricted movement of their eyes within the eye sockets, instead using head movements to track prey. In addition, they are capable of compensating for the refraction Kingfisher water and reflection when hunting prey underwater, Kingfisher are able to judge depth under water accurately. They also have nictitating membranes that cover the eyes to protect them Kingfisher they hit the water; the Kingfisher kingfisher has a bony plate which slides across the eye when it hits the water. The Kingfisher have a cosmopolitan distribution, occurring throughout the world's tropical and temperate regions. They are absent from the polar regions and Kingfisher of the world's driest deserts. A number of species have reached islands groups, particularly those in the south and east Pacific Ocean. The Kingfisher World tropics and Australasia are the Kingfisher areas for this group. Europe and North America north of Mexico are very poorly represented, with only Kingfisher common kingfisher Kingfisher kingfisher and belted kingfisherrespectivelyand a couple of Kingfisher or very local species each: and in the southwestern Kingfisher States, and white-throated kingfisher in southeastern Europe. The six species occurring in the Americas are four Kingfisher related green kingfishers in the Chloroceryle and two large crested kingfishers in the genus . Even tropical South America has only five species plus the wintering . Individual species may have massive ranges, like Kingfisher common kingfisher, which ranges from Ireland across Europe, North Africa, and Asia as far as the Solomon Islands in Australasia, or the pied kingfisher, which has a widespread distribution across Africa and Asia. Other species have much smaller ranges, particularly insular species which are endemic to single Kingfisher islands. The Kofiau is restricted to the island of Kofiau off New Guinea. Kingfishers Kingfisher a wide range of habitats. While they are often associated Kingfisher rivers and lakes, over half the world's species are found in forests and forested streams. They also occupy a wide range of other habitats. The red-backed kingfisher of Australia lives in the driest deserts, although kingfishers are absent from other dry deserts like the Sahara. Other species live high in mountains, or in Kingfisher woodland, and a number of species live on tropical coral Kingfisher. Numerous Kingfisher have adapted to human-modified habitats, particularly those adapted to woodlands, and may be found in cultivated and agricultural areas, as well as parks and gardens in towns and cities. Kingfishers feed on a wide variety Kingfisher prey. They are most famous for hunting and eating fish, and some species do specialise in catching fish, but other species take crustaceansfrogs and other amphibiansannelid Kingfisher, molluscsinsects, spiders, centipedes Kingfisher, reptiles including snakesand even birds and Kingfisher. Individual species may specialise in a few items or take a wide variety of Kingfisher, and for species with large global distributions, different populations may have different diets. Woodland and forest kingfishers take mainly , Kingfisher grasshoppers, whereas Kingfisher water kingfishers are more specialised in taking fish. The red-backed kingfisher has been observed hammering into the mud nests of fairy martins to feed on their Kingfisher. Kingfishers of all three families beat larger prey on a perch Kingfisher kill the prey and to dislodge or break protective spines and bones. Having beaten the prey, it is manipulated and then swallowed. Giant kingfisher breaking spine of fish. Kingfishers are territorialsome species defending their territories vigorously. They are generally monogamousalthough cooperative breeding has been observed in some species and Kingfisher quite common in others, [10] for example the laughing , where helpers aid the dominant breeding pair in raising the young. Like all Coraciiformes, the kingfishers are cavity nesters as well as tree nesters, Kingfisher most species nesting in Kingfisher dug in the ground. These holes are usually in earth banks on the sides Kingfisher rivers, lakes or Kingfisher ditches. Some species may nest in holes in trees, the earth clinging to Kingfisher roots of an uprooted tree, or Kingfisher nests of termitarium. These nests are common in forest species. The Kingfisher take Kingfisher form of a small chamber at the end of a tunnel. Nest-digging duties are shared Kingfisher the genders. During the initial excavations, the may fly at the chosen site with Kingfisher force, and birds have injured Kingfisher fatally while doing this. The length of the tunnels varies by species and location; nests in termitariums are necessarily much shorter than those dug Kingfisher the earth, and nests in harder Kingfisher are shorter than those Kingfisher soft soil or sand. The longest Kingfisher recorded are those of the giant kingfisherwhich have been found to be 8. The eggs of kingfishers are invariably white. The typical clutch size varies by species; some of the very large and very small species lay as few as two eggs per clutch, whereas others may lay 10 eggs, the typical is around three to six eggs. Both sexes incubate the eggs. Kingfisher offspring of the kingfisher usually stay with the parents for 3—4 months. A number of species are Kingfisher threatened by human activities and are in danger of extinction. The majority of these are forest species with Kingfisher distribution, particularly insular species. Kingfisher are threatened by habitat loss caused by forest clearance Kingfisher degradation and Kingfisher some cases by introduced species. Kingfisher Marquesan kingfisher of French Polynesia is listed as critically endangered due to a combination of habitat loss and degradation caused by introduced cattle, and possibly due to predation by introduced species. Kingfishers are generally shy birds, but in spite Kingfisher this, they feature Kingfisher in human culture, generally due to the large head supporting its powerful mouth, their bright plumage, Kingfisher some Kingfisher interesting behavior. For the Dusun people Kingfisher Borneothe Kingfisher dwarf kingfisher Kingfisher considered a Kingfisher omen, and warriors who see one on Kingfisher way to battle should return home. Another Bornean tribe considers the an omen bird, albeit generally a good omen. The sacred kingfisheralong with other Pacific kingfishers, was venerated by the Kingfisher, who believed it had control over the seas and waves. Modern also refers to the winds and sea in naming kingfishers after a classical Greek myth. The first pair Kingfisher the mythical-bird kingfishers were created from a marriage of Alcyone and Ceyx. As gods, they lived the sacrilege of referring to Kingfisher as Zeus and Hera. They died for this, but the Kingfisher gods, in Kingfisher act of compassion, made them into birds, thus restoring them to their original seaside habitat. In addition, special " halcyon days " were granted. These are the Kingfisher days on Kingfisher side of the winter solstice when storms shall never again occur for Kingfisher. The Halcyon birds' "days" were for caring for the winter-hatched clutch or broodbut the phrase "Halcyon days" also refers specifically to an idyllic time in the past, or in general to a peaceful time. Various kinds of Kingfisher and human cultural artifacts are named after the couple Kingfisher, in reference to this metamorphosis myth:. Not all the kingfishers are named in this way. The etymology of kingfisher Alcedo atthis is Kingfisher the term comes from "king's fisher", but why that name was applied is not known. Kingfisher Wikipedia, the Kingfisher encyclopedia. Family of birds. For other uses, Kingfisher Kingfisher disambiguation. See also: List of Coraciiformes by population. Common kingfisher hovering. Pied kingfisher killing Kingfisher fish. Pellet of a common kingfisher. World Bird List Version 7. International Kingfisher Union. Retrieved 28 May Kingfisher - Wikipedia

The rain-soaked lands of Britain and Northern Ireland are rich in rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, Kingfisher and ditches. Whether natural or…. It can be heard in Kingfisher. Flower-rich grasslands, once a part of every farm, are part of our culture. Most Kingfisher developed alongside humans because of livestock…. Kingfisher Scientific name: Alcedo atthis. Blink Kingfisher you may miss the fantastic kingfisher! This beautiful bird is easy to recognise thanks to its bright Kingfisher and Kingfisher copper colours. It darts along the riverbank or sits patiently on a low branch over the water waiting for its next meal to swim by. Species information Category Kingfisher, cuckoo, kingfisher and waxwing. Kingfisher Length: cm Wingspan: 25cm Weight: 40g Average lifespan: 2 years. When to see January to December. About The kingfisher is a colourful bird of rivers and streams. It can be spotted sitting quietly on low-hanging branches over the water, suddenly diving in to catch a small fish. Kingfishers Kingfisher in burrow-like nests near lakes and other waterways, choosing a perfect spot for fishing! How to identify The striking mix of its bright-blue back and metallic copper breast make the kingfisher unmistakable. Males have an entirely black bill, females have an orangey-red Kingfisher at the base. Distribution Widespread, but absent from northern Scotland. Did you know? There are about 90 species of kingfisher around the Kingfisher, most of which have brightly coloured plumage. The Australian kingfisher - the familiar, 'laughing' Kookaburra - is the heaviest of all Kingfisher kingfisher Kingfisher. How people can help The Wildlife Trusts manage many wetland nature reserves for the benefit of the wildlife they Kingfisher. You can help by supporting your local Kingfisher and becoming a member; you'll find out about exciting wildlife Kingfisher, events on your doorstep and volunteering opportunities, and will be helping local wildlife Kingfisher the Kingfisher. Habitat Freshwater The rain-soaked lands of Britain and Northern Ireland are rich in rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, canals and ditches. Habitat Grassland Flower-rich grasslands, once a part of every farm, are part of our culture. Kingfisher | bird | Britannica

Kingfisherany of about 90 species Kingfisher birds in three families Alcedinidae, Halcyonidae, and Cerylidaenoted for their spectacular dives into water. They are worldwide in distribution Kingfisher are chiefly tropical. Kingfishers, ranging Kingfisher length from 10 to 42 cm 4 to Their feet are small, and, with a few exceptions, the tail is short Kingfisher medium-length. Kingfisher species have vivid plumage in Kingfisher patterns, and many are crested. These vocal, colourful birds are renowned for their dramatic hunting techniques. Typically, the bird sits still, watching for movement from a favourite perch. Having sighted its Kingfisher, it plunges into the water and catches the fish usually no deeper Kingfisher 25 cm 10 inches below the surface in its dagger-shaped bill. With a swift downstroke of the wings, it bobs to the surface. It then Kingfisher the prey back to the perch and stuns the fish by beating it against the perch before swallowing it. Many species also eat crustaceansamphibiansKingfisher reptiles. The typical kingfishers subfamily Alcedininae are river dwellers, like Kingfisher belted kingfisher Kingfisher alcyonthe only widespread North American species. This handsome crested bird flies off over the water when disturbed, uttering a loud rattling call. It is about 30 cm 12 inches long and is bluish gray above and across the breast and white below. The male in its courtship ritual offers fish to Kingfisher female as she perches. After copulation the pair circle high overhead and chase each Kingfisher while crying shrilly. Stretching 43 cm 17 inches long and weighing grams 16 ouncesthe largest of all kingfishers is the kookaburraknown throughout Kingfisher for its Kingfisher call. Often found Kingfisher urban and suburban areas, it can become quite tame and may be fed by hand. A member of the subfamily Daceloninae, the forest kingfishers, it captures insectssnailsfrogsreptiles, and small birds on the ground. It Kingfisher in Kingfisher groups that roost together at night. Many species, such as the Kingfisher kingfisher Alcedo atthishave large populations and vast geographic ranges. However, ecologists have observed that the populations of some species endemic to specialized habitats in Southeast Asia and the islands of the tropical Pacific Ocean are in decline. Aggressive logging activities resulting in the deforestation of Kingfisher areas of Indonesia, , and the Philippines have been associated with dramatic Kingfisher decreases in Kingfisher species, including the blue-banded kingfisher A. The Marquesan kingfisher godeffroyione of the most endangered kingfishers, faces a different suite of threats. Once found on a handful of Kingfisher in the Marquesas chainthe species is now limited to only one, Tahuata. Kingfisher Article Media Additional Info. Print Kingfisher. Facebook Twitter. Give Feedback External Websites. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article requires login. External Websites. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and Kingfisher school students. Sy Montgomery Kingfisher history writer. See Article History. Britannica Quiz. Exploring Africa: Fact or Fiction? Get exclusive access to content from our First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today. Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. Among Kingfisher members of the Kingfisher that have attracted…. Birdclass Avesany Kingfisher the more than 10, living species unique in having feathers, the major characteristic that distinguishes them from all other . A more-elaborate Kingfisher would note that they are warm-blooded vertebrates more related to reptiles than to mammals and that they have a four-chambered heart as…. Kingfisher at your fingertips. Sign up here to see what happened Kingfisher This Dayevery day in your inbox! Email Kingfisher. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Notice. Be on the Kingfisher for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.