Mapping Sciences Institute, Australia ICA member: ABN 53 004 301 811 : Acn 004 301 811 CARTOGRAPHY May 2013

A monthly on-line periodical designed to capture the latest cartographic news and developments from around the world.

If you have any general cartography items of interest then please email them to National Secretary


Quotes ...... 2 Mapping In the News ...... 2 Crowd Sourcing ...... 9 Environmental Mapping ...... 12 Cartography for the Health Industry ...... 19 Resources and Technology ...... 22 Cartography – Applications ...... 25 Mapmaker of Renown ...... 28 Links ...... 28 Conferences ...... 28


"Good maps are preconditions for sound management"

Mapping In the News

Cold War cartography: Mapping where Soviets could - and could not - go in 1950's America PUBLISHED: 04:10 GMT, 20 May 2013 | UPDATED: 04:11 GMT, 20 May 2013

It may seem surprising to us today, but as recently as 1962 there were very specific places in America where denizens of Mother Russia were—and were not—allowed to travel and there is a map to prove it.

Off limits: A map shows where Soviet travelers were allowed in the US, and not allowed. Green meant a no-go for communist travelers from 1955-1962

Read more: Mapping-Soviets---1950s-America.html#ixzz2U02DKxr5 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Put your town on the map in two clicks by Brian McClendon , May 19 2013, NOÉ Diakubama is one of this century’s intrepid explorers. An emigrant of the Democratic Republic of Congo, now living in Paris, he created the first-ever map of his village, Mbandaka, using online map-making tools and simply adding what he knew. clicks

CellMaps by Mosaik brings accurate, detailed coverage maps to Android Mobile By Zachary Lutz posted May 21st, 2013 at 6:00 AM

Sometimes in the mobile world, selecting a carrier isn't determined so much by devices or plans, but rather which provider best suits your coverage needs. Sadly, the map tools on carrier websites are needlessly painful, and most coverage apps that you'll find rely on crowd-sourced data -- great if others contribute, but that's not always the case. mosaik/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget

Advanced Scientific Concepts, Inc. (ASC) Introduces the GoldenEye 3D Flash LIDAR™ Space (May 13, 2013) SANTA BARBARA, CA, May 13, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - ASC, the leading supplier of 3D for terrestrial and space applications, proudly introduces the GoldenEye 3D camera designed specifically for a wide range of space operations. %28ASC%29-Introduces-the-GoldenEye-3D-Flash-LIDAR8482-Space-Camera- 2597774

Ancient discovery set to rewrite Australian history May 19, 2013 Five copper coins and a nearly 70-year-old map with an ‘‘X’’ might lead to a discovery that could rewrite Australia’s history.

Read more: australian-history-20130519-2juck.html#ixzz2Tj8K8Bte

Google invades Fortress of Louisbourg Published on May 13, 2013 Erin Pottie LOUISBOURG — The Fortress of Louisbourg will be the first of Canada’s parks and historical sites to be documented using a unique off-road, mapping technology.

Sydney native Lisa Raitt, right, federal minister of labour, tried on a camera backpack as part of the official launch of a Street View partnership with Parks Canada at the Fortress of Louisbourg on Monday. Also shown is Google... invades-Fortress-of-Louisbourg/1

McKim & Creed takes to the skies for surveying work May 13, 2013 By Andrew Gray Inspecting miles and miles of power lines can be a daunting task for anyone to complete, but the engineers at McKim & Creed have found a way to use helicopter- mounted lasers to make traditional surveying faster by capturing detailed information and building a digital map. The system, Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), works similar to radar but uses laser light to record data. The scanners record 200,000 data points per second using a laser scanner and combines the data with systems that track the motion of the scanner to create an accurate map of the area scanned.

Researchers Create “Hate Map” of the U.S. With Twitter Data David Talbot May 12, 2013 The same researchers previously mapped racist Tweets about President Obama. In both cases there’s reason to be a little skeptical. us-with-twitter-data/

10 things you didn't know about Google Maps and We explore some of the less well known features of Google Earth and Maps By Mike Bedford | PC Advisor | 06 May 13 Even if you're familiar with Google Maps and Google Earth, you might not realise how much these free mapping services offer. Here are 10 useful features you should know about.

Read more: didnt-know-about-google-maps/#ixzz2TE0QBsck

What’s the best type of map to use for driving? Satnavs, route planners and smartphone apps How digital maps can help you get from A to B By Mike Bedford | PC Advisor | 13 May 13 You probably have a satnav in your car which does well enough for your navigational needs. However, if it's more than a couple of years old, its maps will be out of date and the cost to update them could well approach the cost of the satnav in the first place.

Read more: of-map-use-for-driving/#ixzz2TE09o7Y4

Harassed on road? Soon, SMS/tweet to tell cops Madhavi Rajadhyaksha, TNN | May 14, 2013, The IndiaOYE platform …. will in real-time map the geographical location of the incident and display it as a red spot on an online map. The complaint is simultaneously activated at the regional police control room, where officials will verify the complaint received via the caller's mobile number or email id. The persons calling or emailing can keep their identity confidential. "The idea is to create a safety map. A concentration of red spots will indicate the presence of unsafe areas," explains Singh, adding that police statistics on crimes against women are highly under- reported and their effort is towards reflecting a truer picture of the city's crime-scape. cops/articleshow/20039157.cms

Video: Map shows change in 17th C landownership Jason Kennedy Mon, May 13, 2013 Online map from Trinity College shows transfer of land from Catholics to Protestants A 300-year-old map detailing the gradual transfer of landownership from Catholics to Protestants went online today. landownership-1.1391930

Mapping the legacy of the Great War on home soil By Jasper Copping 8:50AM BST 12 May 2013 Thousands of sites across the UK connected to the First World War - including airfields training camps and areas attacked by German forces - are to be identified as part of a major new research project to mark the centenary of the conflict. the-Great-War-on-home-soil.html

Etihad teams with LinkedIn for online mapping tool May 1, 2013 By Linda Fox Leave a Comment Interesting development from Etihad Airways as it targets business travellers with a mapping tool to help productivity on the go. The airline has partnered with LinkedIn for the Etihad Mapped-Out service which enables users to message new contacts, arrange meetings and displays connections geographically. mapping-tool/

Online mapping tool shows Philly arts landscape Published: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 By Joann Loviglio Associated Press PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Businesses, people and nonprofits looking for block-by- block information about Philadelphia's cultural landscape are getting a new high-tech resource to assist in their search.

The free website called CultureBlocks, launching Tuesday and three years in the making, is a vast online database and mapping tool created to help arts and culture organizations, neighborhood groups, urban planners, investors and creative-sector companies find locations in the city that offer the best fit for their project or business. 279874.txt

Mapping The U.S. In 100-Meter Squares To Target Phone Users With Very Local Offers Tech 4/26/2013 @ 11:41AM If you’re coming out of a bar near a subway station on the upper westside of Manhattan at 1:30, and you’re hungry, Duncan McCall has a suggestion for you — maybe two or three suggestions — for nearby eating spots that cater to a late-night crowd. Well, not Duncan personally, but his company, PlaceIQ, which has handily cut the country into 100 x 100 meter tiles — about the size of a small city block — to track mobile phone users. If it finds you have opted into the service, it is ready to send you an ad or an offer from a neighborhood late-night eating spot. meter-squares-to-target-phone-users-with-very-local-offers/

Crowd Sourcing

Idol Tweets: Mapping the Social Space with Twitter By Jennifer Ouellette | May 12, 2013 | Vespignani is among those scientists specializing in what’s known as big data analytics: mining the huge amounts of personal information we reveal online to build demographic profiles, the better to target advertising or improve train scheduling, among other uses. Vespignani is harnessing the power of social networking to model the spread of disease outbreaks, stock market behavior, collective social dynamics, and election outcomes — or voting behavior for American Idol. And Twitter is his current favorite tool.

A snapshot of twitter activity by Italian voters in the days leading up to the election on February 24. Image via TweetPolitik. mapping-the-social-space-with-twitter/

Crowdsource your carbon: power plant mapping project seeks location, CO2 data By Amanda Alvarez

Ventus, a citizen science project based at Arizona State University wants eagle-eyed environmentalists to map power plants and hopes to use the crowdsourced data to improve global carbon cycle models. project-seeks-location-co2-data/

Reports: Facebook Is Buying Social Mapping/Traffic App For Up To $1B To Court Mobile Users Facebook appears to be close to making another billion-dollar acquisition to once again ramp up its mobile efforts: according to three reports in the Israeli press at Calcalist and sister publication Ynet and The Marker (all in Hebrew), Facebook has approached Waze, the social mapping and traffic app maker, and is now in advanced due dilligence on a deal that Calcalist puts at between $800 million and $1 billion. traffic-app-waze-for-up-to-1b-to-court-more-mobile-users/

OpenStreetMap: The Maps In Your Apps Are About To Get A Lot Better Brian Proffitt May 7th, 2013

On Tuesday, OpenStreetMap significantly lowered the barrier to creating fully share- able map data. With the launch of a new editor for the open source mapping platform, its freely available mapping data will be improved upon even faster, leading to more accurate and detailed mapping information in the many apps and services that reply on it. to-get-a-lot-better

Mapping the world with Tweets Posted By Joshua Keating Wednesday, May 8, 2013 A new paper on the peer-reviewed online journal First Monday summarizes the results of a project to use geographic data gathered from Tweets to create a picture of the world according to Twitter.

DIY cartography: Hands on with MapBox’s new open- source ‘iD’ editor in OpenStreetMap By Meghan McDonough — May 13, 2013

One of OpenStreetMap’s biggest contributors is the startup company MapBox, which just released a new map editor for OpenStreetMap called iD.

Read more: map-editor/#ixzz2TE6s1dmv

Environmental Mapping

More than Mapping: Using GIS for disaster management Monday, May 20th 2013 By Danny Petrecca

At its core, enterprise GIS is one of the most important tools utilities need when responding to a major disaster: centralized, readily available, highly accurate spatial information. Utilities employ enterprise GIS in large part to simplify data management and improve the availability of accurate asset and network information. management/325748

WWF launches new Arctic mapping tool

"Good maps are preconditions for sound management" NUNATSIAQ NEWS NEWS: Around the Arctic May 13, 2013

As Arctic Council ministers prepare to meet May 15 in Kiruna, Sweden, the WWF has released a new mapping tool that can produce maps showing industrial activity and natural features. The goal: to help “informed public debate about natural values and human activities.” ng_tool/

Mapping under the Barents Sea continues Alex Boyd May 21, 2013

The Norwegian research vessel G.O. Sars will be used to explore the Norwegian side of the formerly-disputed sea bed of the Barents Sea this summer. (Photo: Sveter, Wikimedia Commons)

With the Barents Sea border dispute between Norway and Russia settled, Norway is getting to know its new underwater land. continues-21-05

FarmLogs launches apps that track field work May 13, 2013 Field activities such as planting, fertilizing, and harvesting can be quickly logged and tracked right from the GPS-enabled mobile apps. work?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Delta FarmPress+%28Delta+Farm+Press%29

Proteus Wins Contract for Satellite-Based Bathymetric Mapping in Ireland Tuesday, April 30th 2013 | Bristol, United Kingdom

Proteus, a provider of satellite-derived bathymetric mapping and seabed classification services, has been awarded a major contract by the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) to deliver complete bathymetric surveys of five Irish bays. In addition to operational mapping, Proteus will use satellite data to create a seabed classification map and perform water quality monitoring on one of the bays for proof- of-concept purposes. based-bathymetric-mapping-in-ireland/326399

Mapping the travel of invasive marine species Christine Lepisto Science / Ocean Conservation May 7, 2013

© Dr Michael Gastner, used with permission From nearly invisible plants to the slimy, toothy vampires of the deep (lamprey eels, image below), species that are not indigenous to a specific region are hitchhiking in on the global transport network. species.html

Mapping solar cell parameters using hyperspectral imaging Amaury Delamarre Absolute measurement of luminescence enables the monitoring of spatial fluctuations that affect solar cell mechanisms. 26 April 2013, SPIE Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1201304.004777 Research into photovoltaic energy technologies seeks to reduce costs and increase efficiencies. To meet these aims, solar cells made from copper indium gallium diselenide: Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) are good candidates. Industry and laboratory tests show these cells to be highly efficient,1 and they can be fabricated at low cost. However, there remain questions about their effectiveness in manipulating light and charge carriers because of their structure. Photovoltaic parameters in CIGS fluctuate on scales of below 1 micrometer to 1cm, which reduces efficiency. Mapping methods would help to understand and improve cell mechanisms.

Mapping the near-impossible ... the great lake below by: Sarah Martin From: The Australian April 27, 2013 12:00AM

Scientist Brian Smerdonm, in the Flinders Rangers, says some defunct springs could return to life with good water management. Picture: Kelly Barnes. Source: The Australian SINCE the first bore was sunk at Kallara Station in northwestern NSW in 1878, the Great Artesian Basin has enabled agriculture to flourish across arid Australia. For thousands of years before that, artesian springs sustained Aboriginal life across the nation's red centre, bringing rare fresh water to the desert. But the workings of this ancient underground reservoir - the country's largest freshwater resource - are only just beginning to be understood by scientists. Geoscience Australia and the CSIRO have completed the most comprehensive assessment undertaken of the basin. the-great-lake-below/story-e6frg8y6-1226630352555

Mapping and accounting for sunken radiological hazards in Arctic devils Russian authorities Part of: Spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste , The Russian Northern Fleet , Northern Fleet radwaste and spent nuclear fuel , Submarine decommissioning

A map of the Novaya Zemlya Trough and the Kara Sea showing possible locations for the K-140 nuclear submarine, which was scuttled in the late 1960s after a highly contaminating reactor accident. Source: The Kurchatov Institute

MOSCOW – Vast amounts of large and small nuclear debris have been dumped or sunk in Arctic oceans, including nuclear submarines, which are the most dangerous constituents of the underwater radiological graveyard. Various of the scrap deposits have been identified, but authorities complain that there is a lack of financing and chain of ownership to remove it Anna Kireeva, 29/04-2013 - Translated by Charles Digges

Mapping the Subtle Science of Parking Demand Emily Badger Apr 26, 2013

That map is based on a model developed through a painstaking survey of 220 representative multifamily buildings from across the region. Researchers went into each of them to count cars in the middle of the night (peak residential demand, as it's defined by the industry, occurs between midnight and 5 a.m.). demand/5402/

Nigeria - Flood Disaster: NEMA Undertakes Mapping of Vulnerable Areas 22 May 2013

Onyebuchi Ezigbo The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Tuesday said it had carried out mapping of all the communities likely to be affected by the predicted 2013 flood as part of its preparedness against disaster occurrence in the country. vulnerable-areas/148189/

Re-Mapping Catalina Island Wednesday, May 22, 2013

AVALON, CATALINA ISLAND - The Catalina Island Conservancy has a map and virtual tour for just about anything, including those for hiking and biking. Its new interactive maps, available online to the public

Google adds spectacular shots of the Galapagos Islands to Street View Google Maps sent crews armed with backpack-mounted Street View cameras and underwater gear to the Galapagos, and will be bringing the islands' natural wonders to the Internet. Soon the curious will be able to explore these places that inspired Charles Darwin's theory of evolution from their computers or mobile devices. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Saturday, May 25, 2013, 10:31 AM

Read more: shots-galapagos-islands-street-view-article-1.1354506#ixzz2UNUuWYln

African Soil Mapped For the Very First Time Posted by timothy on Friday May 24, 2013 @07:50PM

"A team of international experts has drawn up the Soil Atlas of Africa — the first such book mapping this key natural resource — to help farmers, land managers and policymakers understand the diversity and importance of soil and the need to manage it through sustainable use.” first-time?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed

Disaster Ready: Google Maps Model Quickly Adjusts To Events by Laurie Sullivan, Yesterday,

The four-lane bridge in Washington state that partially collapsed Thursday into the Skagit River was removed from Google Maps within a half day, according to reports, but it's the contributions and feedback from thousands of Map Maker users that allows Google to quickly confirm changes and update the online content.

Read more: google-maps-model-quickly- adjusts.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3 A+online-media- daily+%28MediaPost+%7C+Online+Media+Daily%29#ixzz2UNX3aHgm

Cartography for the Health Industry

Mapping the world’s trachoma hotspots

Photo: Anthony Morland/IRIN Taking a fresh look at an old problem LONDON, 1 May 2013 (IRIN) –

The mapping project collects data with a smartphone app. Collectors like Dolarin, the eye nurse, take global positioning system (GPS) readings for every household surveyed.

Mapping the H7N9 avian flu outbreaks Where are the 104 human cases confirmed so far, and where might the virus go next? Nature | News Declan Butler 24 April 2013 Scientists do not yet fully understand how the H7N9 avian influenza virus is spreading in China, or why the pattern of sporadic human cases looks like it does. But mapping the risks of known factors in the past geographical spread of avian flu viruses and human infections might provide some clues. Where is H7N9 now?

Most human cases of H7N9 remain concentrated around Shanghai on China's eastern seaboard, but cases have also been detected in Beijing in the north, and Henan province in the centre. (Size of red circles on the map is proportional to the number of human cases — hover the mouse over the circles to see number of cases for each.) Sources: Multiple, including WHO and Xinhua News Agency.

Mapping Disease Online tools could help to improve our patchy knowledge of the whereabouts of infectious diseases. By Ed Yong | April 29, 2013

FLICKR, MOONLIGHTBULB In the past week, researchers and journalists have scrambled to map the spread of H7N9 bird flu through China to identify its source and highlight at risk areas. Mapping is a common response to outbreaks, especially of new diseases, but some scientists believe it must become a more proactive part of disease control Such mapping techniques have been used since the turn of the 19th century to track outbreaks in real time and understand their causes. In 1854, for example, John Snow penned a famous diagram of a cholera outbreak in London, pinpointing a water pump as the source.

Mapping your way to better health Emily Guerin | Apr 29, 2013 05:00 AM

There’s a new tool in California that can tell you how dirty your neighborhood is compared to the rest of the state. It’s called Cal EnviroScreen, and zip codes with the worst ozone, particulate matter, diesel exhaust and other contamination are shaded a deep indigo on a state map, where as the cleanest are white or light sea foam green. Many of California’s dirtiest zip codes are in the Central Valley, like West Fresno, where KQED reports that children play in a park built on top of a Superfund site, farmers spray pesticides on their fields, and semi trucks zoom up and down a highway.

Plotting pollution by zip code. Blue=more polluted. White=less polluted.

Getting Lost: What Happens When the Brain’s ‘GPS’ Mapping Malfunctions A rare brain condition called Developmental Topographical Disorientation (DTD), or developmental topographagnosia, leaves people completely unable to navigate their surroundings. By Ashik Siddique | May 01, 2013 12:05 AM EDT

Most people know what it's like to feel disoriented in a new environment, unmoored from familiar surroundings and temporarily unable to find their way back home. Sharon Roseman has that feeling of getting lost all the time. topographical-disorientation-brain-gps.htm

Resources and Technology

Mappt the new app for mapping and data collection GIS News - Android Mobile OS Written by 30 April 2013 Mappt™ is a new game-changing Android app for technical and professional staff who need to record data in the field and then seamlessly integrate it with desktop GIS systems. Mappt will change how spatial information is created, used, edited and shared between the field and the office. eSpatial launches free version of its mapping service By Sharon Machlis April 26, 2013 4:21 PM EDT

If you missed it: Irish company eSpatial released a free version of its mapping service for converting data from CSV into maps. Those maps can then be embedded on an external website. launches-free-version-its-mapping-software

NASA's goggle-eyed SPHERE robots create 3D maps on the fly By David Szondy April 27, 2013

Take the little floating ball that gave Luke Skywalker so much trouble during lightsaber practice, slap a pair of huge welder’s goggles on it and you start to get a picture of NASA’s latest foray into flying robots. Currently being tested aboard the International Space Station (ISS), MIT Space Systems Laboratory’s SPHERES- VERTIGO system is a free-flying robot with stereoscopic vision that is part of a program to develop ways for small satellites to autonomously create 3D maps of objects such as asteroids or disabled satellites.

The Value of Free Mapping Tools for Business Analysis May 13, 2013 Business News online mapping site is dedicated to help many small, medium, and large businesses identify opportunities for growth or cost reduction. Data visualization brought by mapping easily helps these companies to create step-by-step solutions to specific problems. What's even better is that the leading mapping solution allows the users to create maps for free using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet data in an instant.

Heat maps are used to identify risks and growth opportunities.

GrayQb: A new tool for radioactive contamination mapping May 14, 2013 by Lana Cox

GrayQb device is approximately the size of a soccer ball and can be controlled remotely.

Scientists at DOE's Savannah River National Laboratory have developed an innovative new technology named GrayQb. This device is approximately the size of a soccer ball and can locate, identify, and generate a map of radioactive contamination within an enclosed area or outdoor environment or near water sources such as storm drains.

Read more at: contamination.html#jCp

New ‘game-changing’ video mapping system for events launched May 9, 2013 | By Adam Parry

Content is initially developed by importing a 3D model into the MIMO software package, allowing a 3D artist to move a virtual projector around to the position which best fits the physical projector’s location. Later, on site, technicians can select any point on the real-life model, adjusting the content without distorting it. mapping-system-for-events-launched/

Data Points Makes For Surprisingly Fun Number Crunching May 25, 2013 By Dan Goldgeier Leave a Comment

With most marketing books, their titles and subtitles make them seem way too pretentious and self-important. Which is why I had a feeling that Nathan Yau’s book Data Points: Visualization That Means Something could be refreshingly human. crunching/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+

Cartography – Applications

City of Greater Geelong consolidates asset capture programs into one single capture program by leveraging 3D panoramic imagery City of Greater Geelong, Victoria Australia

Geomatic Technologies (GT) was engaged to provide a complete end-to-end solution, collecting stereographic street level imagery and hosting this data, as well as delivering an application development platform and spatially accurate results within Council’s Geographic Information System (GIS) and Asset Management System (Hansen). panoramic-imagery-city-of-greater-geelong.aspx

Google Maps 3D Street View images of coral reef Sourabh Kejriwal On April 30, 2013

Underwater camera was specially created by researchers program dedicated to the preservation of coral. Panoramic images of coral reefs have been added to the maps of , allowing people to explore landscapes ‘underwater’.

Boot up: Apple v photos, Amazon's 3D phone?, ninja Google searching and more Charles Arthur, Friday 10 May 2013 Plus Bitcoin gets some venture capital, high-frequency trading visualised, 3D gun downloads and more

Apple's iPhoto application has been ported to iPhone and iPad. But where's the original photo? A burst of 10 links for you to chew over, as picked by the Technology team newsbucket?INTCMP=SRCH

Titan Topo Map

Posted on May 24, 2013 by Tom

These polar maps show the first global, topographic mapping of Saturn’s moon Titan, using data from NASA’s Cassini mission. To create these maps, scientists employed a mathematical process called splining, which uses smooth curved surfaces to “join” the areas between grids of existing topography profiles obtained by Cassini’s radar instrument.

Mapmaker of Renown

Frederick J. Doyle, photographic mapping specialist for NASA, dies at 93 By Bart Barnes, E-mail the writer

Frederick J. Doyle, a photographic mapping specialist whose work included space photography for NASA, photo reconnaissance from spy satellites and high-resolution photographs of the Earth’s surface from outer space, died April 17 at his home in McLean. He was 93. mapping-specialist-for-nasa-dies-at-93/2013/05/18/6019566e-bdac-11e2-89c9- 3be8095fe767_story.html


Professional Institutes International Cartographic Association Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute Australian and New Zealand Map Society SIBA International Map Industry Association

Other links XNATMAP Australian Geography Teachers Association Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information Destination Spatial Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping ANZLIC – the Spatial Information Council Australian Spatial Information Education and Research Association


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