Fight against , corruption and judicial cooperation in the See region

Honorable Prime Minister, Minister of Justice, Public Prosecutor, Head of Delegates.

On behalf of the Austrian Minister of the Interior Madam Mikl-Leithner I wish to thank you for the invitation to speak at this important conference against organized crime, corruption and to promote judicial cooperation in the SEE region. The fight against organized crime is not only one of the main goals of the EU, but also for the Western Balkan Countries. The Countries of the Western Balkans with their complexities are considered a breeding ground for setting up and establishing criminal organizations that affect the whole world. This is aggravated by the current negative economic situation in many of these states. Combating criminal structures efficiently and sustainably is only possible through intensive cooperation between the states affected which also includes the Member States of the European Union and the states in the Balkans. To achieve this end, enhanced professional cooperation is needed at all levels including investigators as well as law enforcement authorities. Let me give you an example: I have just come from the opening of 7th operational working group meeting on Project Pink Panther in Vienna. The delegates come from , , , , , Greece, Hong Kong, Kuwait, , , , , Norway, , , Sweden, , U.A.E., and the US. For over a decade, European countries, the US, the Emirates and Kuwait have experienced a big problem which has been given the nickname “Pink Panther”. Criminals are committing brutal jewelry or burglaries in the center of the cities in busy shopping streets without any respect or fear of the police. Fleeing with stolen vehicles or on motorbikes, endangering people on sidewalks or streets, Pink Panthers became a synonym for dangerous gangsters. In Austria we have had Pink Panther activities since 2000. The way they committed their brutal offences, embarrassed people in Austria. Yes, during the last years we’ve had a lot success. For example: In 2012 Pink Panthers committed 17 robberies, of which the police solved 15. In 2013, 3 of 4 robberies were solved and the offenders arrested. This was only possible due to excellent police work and the international cooperation. Many Thanks to the Serbian police! Their help was invaluable, in solving the cases and arresting the offenders. Thank you for helping us. We have only been able to solve the Pink Panther problem in cooperation with the Serbian authorities. Because the perpetrator are organized, live and work mainly there, the Serbian police forces are our most important partners. Only if we can identify the organizers, arrest them, and seize their property, will we be able to win the War against Pink Panther. We are aware, that by solving nearly 90% of the Pink Panthers crimes, in Austria, we have won some big battles these last years, but we have not won the War. We all want to make our cities Pink Panther free, and enable the jeweler to do his job, in the streets of Vienna, without fear.

All the countries, involved by this problem have to cooperate • Securely exchange the findings of ongoing investigations; • Share good investigative practices with others; • Establish and strengthen personal contacts that will serve as the basis for future police cooperation But most important of all, they have to cooperate with Serbia. Only when it is possible to work together in “Joint investigations with the countries of the Western Balkans to combat organized Crime and its effects”, to use the SEE Network the public prosecutors network , Europol, Eurojust, we can have success. Another goal is to facilitate the process heading to signature of operational cooperation agreements with the Western Balkan countries. To combat organized crime and it effects in the EU and in the Western Balkan countries The following needs are essential • Identification of relevant partners on Western Balkan • Identification of relevant OCG • Including their financial flows • Together with the partners on Western Balkan • Concerned Members States • And set up joint investigations and parallel operations with the countries of the Western Balkans. This Conference here maybe one mile stone to reach these goals and to fight against organized crime effectively.