The Daily December 10, 1981 N Gh H W O H I I ;:Cloudy��; ��Andf Cold�:!� =�With� �Lows�: � In� The�� · 20S

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The Daily December 10, 1981 N Gh H W O H I I ;:Cloudy��; ��Andf Cold�:!� =�With� �Lows�: � In� The�� · 20S Eastern Illinois University The Keep December 1981 12-10-1981 Daily Eastern News: December 10, 1981 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: December 10, 1981" (1981). December. 8. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1981 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in December by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact Thursday, The Daily December 10, 1981 n gh h w o h i i ;:cloudy��; ��andf cold�:!� =�with� �lows�: � in� the�� · 20s. EasternEastern Illinois University News I Charleston, Ill. 61920 I Vol. 67, No. 74 / 16 Pages p·resident lifts ban on contro·l lerS WASHINGTON (AP)-President Reagan, citing a "tradition that in­ dividuals deserve to be treated with compassion," opened the door Wednesday for 11,500 fired air traffic controllers to ·again seek federal jobs-but not in the flight towers. "I do not believe that those who forfeited their jobs as controllers should be foreclosed from other federal employment,'' Reagan said as he lifted a three-year federal hiring ban against the controllers who launched an illegal strike last August. Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis told reporters that none of the dismissed 11,500 individuals would be accepted at the Federal Avaition Ad­ ministration, where they previously worked. He acknowledged, ironically, that some of the fired workers eventually might work as military controllers. The FAA has picked up some of the slack in its depleted workforce by borrowing from the military. Federal personnel officers said the Student herds former controllers' job applications Students travel from table to table as they complete pre­ Union Ballroom. Thursday is the last day tor pre­ would receive the same treatment as registration for spring semester courses in the University registration. (News photo by Beth Lander) those of any other person, but pension and other benefits would be carried over from the time they went on strike. Sanctions not imposed Because of employee reductions across much of the federal govern­ ment, there was a question, however, as to how many jobs would be Election change found unconstitutional available, especially at anywhere near by Lola Burnham part, "Elections shail be held on the se- The students asked for three sanc­ the pay levels-$22,500 to $49,800 a Eastern's Supreme Court decided cond Wednesday in November, and on tions against the senate, none of which year-the controllers once commanded Wednesday the Student Senate acted the third Wednesday in April. If either was imposed by the court. at the FAA. unconstitutionally when it voted to of these days is not an academic day, it Those sanctions would have 1) re­ Donald Devine, director of the Of­ change the date of the fall student will be changed to the most m ap- quired the senate to appoint a fice of Personnel Manage ent, in­ government election . propriate day." parliamentarian every semester to dicated many of the former controllers In a unanimous decision, the court The court "feels the behavior of the make sure the constitution is followed; might be hired by the Defense Depart­ found for student plaintiffs Dale Student Senate sanctions a university 2) required senators to pass a con­ ment where, he said, 20,000 additional Boisso, Jeff Francione and Carol Sam- reprimand," Storm said. stitution test similar to the one current- civi lian jobs are expected to open. pie, saying that changing the election He added that the court "feels that it / ly required for student justices; and 3) But there are few federal jobs date "by simple motion is un- - is evident that the general knowledge placed the senate on university proba­ available elsewhere. The normal constitutional.'' of the constitution is insufficient in this tion. attrition rate of about IO government The court ruled that any change in particular case." percent outside the Defense Depart­ In her brief filed on behalf of the the election date should have been by ''Therefore we feel it is the respon­ tal Service has been large­ senate, Senate Speaker Karen Kupsche ment and Pos constitutional amendment because the sibility of the speaker and senators to said the senate did not act un­ ly countered by Reagan's budget cuts, student government constitution states have a working knowledge of the Scholzen, a constitutionally because it acted on an acknowledged John that election dates can be changed only university constitution and we recom­ interpretation of a previous precedent spokesman at the Office of Personnel if the scheduled date is not an academic · mend the senate take appropriate ac- �anagement. and according to the governing day. tion to insure this," Storm said. to waive the guidelines of Robert's Rules of Reagan's decision According to senate minutes of the In their suit filed Dec. 2 on behalf of Order-Newly Revised. regulations that bar federal employ­ meeti Sept. 23 ng, the senate voted to the student body, Boisso, a graduate for up to three years to anyone Kupsche noted that the senate ment change the date of the election from student; Francione, a senior; and Sam­ engages in an illegal strike against changed the date of the spring 1979 who Nov. 11 to Nov. 18 because a voter pie, a junior, alleged that the senate's the government came a week after elections because Easter break fell dur­ registration drive had been scheduled action was illegal under the con- . com­ la bor leaders urged him to show for Nov. 11. stitution. ing the week before the election. passion toward the fired controllers. Chief Justice Joel Storm, who read Francione said since Nov. 11 was an Student Body President Bob Glover said he would At the meeting Reagan the court's decision, said, "This court academic day, the senate had no legal said the senate did not refer to the con­ wait review the matter, but wanted to feels that any change in the election grounds to change the date. stitution when voting to change the until Lewis returned from Japan. But unl provided by II, involved. day, ess Article sec- Boisso said the only reason the date because it was not most labor unions had sought to get tion B, subpoint 1, should be changed senate could change the date of an elec­ "We did not amend the con­ the fired controllers back to directing by constitutional amendment." tion is "because we don't have school stitution," Glover said. "We just air traffic. Article II of the constitution reads in that day.'' changed the election day:'' Inside: More parking? ACT testing Impeachment The Traffic Committee is meeting to The CAA proposes that students The UB votes to impeach the con­ discuss possible controlled parking must have an ACT score to enroll at cert coordinator. pending approval by around the University Union. page 11 Eastern. page 3 the Student Senate. page 6 t t t The Dally Eastern 2 Thursday, December 0, 98 News to bill Thur da ' posal. House approval given s y s And Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, 0-0hio, who people for unbuilt pipeline led Senate opposition on consumer grounds, said he has notified the leadership he would attempt to WASHINGTON-The House approved 233 to (AP) block the bill from going to the White House. 173 on Wednesday a bill which hands industry the News shorts authority to stiut billing consumers for a yet unbuilt Should the obstacle posed by Metzenbaum be $43-billion pipeline to bring Alaska natural gas to The legislative package waives existing antitrust overcome, President Reagan is expected to sign the the lower 48 states, the largest pri\'ate construction and pricing laws to allow consumers to be billed for measure. the pipeline before it is completed, a step which in- project in history. The package is intended to attract loans from But the measure, already passed by tht' Senate. dustry says is critical to. attracting the massive world financiers, who up to now have been unwill­ qill faced an obstacle before going l0 the White �·apital needed for construction. The line would vir- ing to risk the billions of dollars involved. It would House. A Senate opponent threatened ll1 filib�ster tually d" arf the existing trans-Alaska oil pipeline. effectively the usual formality of putting the House measure Cl1nst1111er advocate Ralph Nader charged after shift much of the risk from investigators- to natur l g�s custo e s who could end up paying under the Senate bill's title, ewn though both bills the 'lite that the Democratic Party had "sold its � � � � for the pipeline even 1f 1t 1s never completed. are identical. ,,1u l"' to the oil companies by appro\'ing the pro- ��.,�������������� � Hey Girls!! � Stumped on Christmas gift. ideas 1 for your brothers and boyfriends?! � / � Come over to � � i EIU SWEATERS ... Royal blue with grey stripes � Medium - Large - Extra Large 1 Reg. � $20.00 MowS�6.00 Lettering is free! (Save more) � $2.00 j Lettering will be done before Christmas � • � Mon.-Fri. Southside of the ttrsSot. OPEN Tl L 5 �1 OPEN TIL 8 Charleston Square Sun. OPEN 12-5 ·---�-------"-----J �� � ���������������.-..� News Staff Editor 1n chief Marsha Hausser Identification Statement News editor Melinda DeVries Ass'tnews editor . Jane Meyer The Daily Eastern News is published daily, Monday through Friday. at Night Staff Managing editor . , .. , . Betsey Guzior Charleston. Illinois during the fall and spring semesters and twice weekly ...........Yvonne Beeler Consulting editor . Ted Gregory during the summer term. except during school vacations or examinations.
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