JOX YOX Not 301 KERSHAW (Sheffield Ebeneezen) 53 65 HUSTLE BUS STOP, Mastermind CBS Happening INT 558)
Sword Mirror, June 1G. 1978 A OF HONEYt 'Rosen Ongee Oag4' (LF art Taste Of Haney lamer P.8? HOT VINYL 11754), Forget the 40, here's GRAHAM CANTER (Mayfair Gunner.) import ups Ratty the funky DJ - favoured MU Wright 'Clean Up Woman (Live)' (Aletoe LP). Special I length 5.87 duce mix or the C 'Get Up And Express (retread J/P H/. Delivery Yourself' LP), love rldleulously catchy hit Committee 'Saw And Order' (Shield LPG Hues (locomotion bound girlie group hot flier! ' //e/tell 'Get Up Off Your Backside' (Warner Bros LP), G ham LOLEATTA 1101.LON AI': Central Station 'POW / 'My Radio Sure Rounds Good To 1111 And Rum (Mind II Me' (Warner Bros LP), Patti LaBelle 'Save The last Dance 450E lnx), Finally eel here For Me' (Epic LP), Low Klrterl New York City' (Aiston) on dynamite hull 11:00 121n, Nate Branch 'Midnight Dream' (La Fay). Teddy last year's US disco hit a Pendergrass 'Dose The Door' (Phil Ent), Etta Janes 'Deep develops Into a powerhouse In The Night' (Warner Bros LP), and revives ~achy Jr hypnotically chugging goo Walker A Thelma Houston 'I Need TOO Right Now' (Motown peI-type wailer with an 'Hot Sho1' LP), exciting Intensity that's totally lacking on7 tn. MF.LODIANR: 'Rivers Of DISCO NEWS Roby ion' (Island WW 8447), NI(hIT SANDS of Power Exchange, 474 Harrow Road, Hurrah It's the far inset London W9, needs more Top Rank / Mecca -type jocks for subtle reggae original , - hie nulling 1st, but they must be working at leant 11 nights a and about time, teal week, Polydor's Theo Loyla wants to know It earn.
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