SUPERB MUSICALS • MEMORABLE DINING • SPECTACULAR SHOPS • FABULOUS SERVICE Dear Group Leader, This order form shows samples of promotional materials available to you to help you with your 2020 group bookings. These are available for all seven shows and several can be customized with your group’s information if you would like us to do that for you. There is no cost for these materials. Please take a look at the different options and use the form on the back to order logos, sign-up sheets, press releases and promotional posters for the shows your group is attending. Let us know what you need and how you’d like to receive it. We will do our best to get everything to you promptly but if you have a specific deadline be sure to include that. If there are other things you would like to see or have something specific you could use help with, please don’t hesitate to ask. We want you to be successful and look forward to welcoming your group to The Fireside! Franki Leach, Group Sales Sample Sign-up sheet - front and back - actual size 8.5 X 11 Capturing the historic flavor of disco-mania in NAME PHONE New York City, this energetic musical is based on Nik Cohn’s 1975 New York Magazine article “Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night” and OUR GROUP IS SCHEDULED TO SEE Norman Wexler’s 1977 film. Told through the eyes of a talented, streetwise kid from Brooklyn who attempts to escape his dead-end life through dancing, SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER explores relationships on and off the dance floor with humor, conflict, style and unforgettable swagger. Powered by the chart- breaking hits of the Bee Gees, the pulsating score includes “Stayin’ Alive,” “If I Can’t Have You,” “How Deep is Your Love,” “Boogie ON _________________________________ Shoes,” and “Disco Inferno.” PLEASE SIGN UP BELOW IF YOU’D LIKE TO JOIN IN THE FUN! NAME PHONE 1131 Janesville Avenue Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin Show Logos in black & white or full color - available either as logo sheets or as .jpg files S B E S A R B E S E T U A R D C S E T U O N P I D I C T H S A L O N L P E FILM NIV E R T H RS A FROM U E FILM FROM UNIV E To request a .jpg file of any of these logos please email [email protected]. To request a .jpg file of any of these logos please email [email protected]. Black & White Logos Full Color Logos 35(665(/($6(±6$785'$<1,*+7)(9(5 7KHIROORZLQJQHZVUHOHDVHFDQVHUYHDVDJXLGHIRU\RXURZQUHOHDVHWREHVHQWWR\RXUDUHD QHZVSDSHUVDQGUDGLRVWDWLRQV<RXVKRXOGLQFOXGHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ\RXUJURXSRURUJDQL]DWLRQ VXFKDV\RXUSXUSRVHRUDFWLYLWLHVPHHWLQJWLPHGDWHDQGPHPEHUUHFUXLWPHQWDVZHOODVWKH VSHFLILFLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKLVWULS7KHLWHPVDSSHDULQJLQ%2/'QHHGWREHILOOHGLQDFFRUGLQJWR \RXUJURXS¶VSODQV:HKRSHWKLVIRUPDWLVKHOSIXOWR\RXLQ\RXUSURPRWLRQDOHIIRUWV )25,00(',$7(5(/($6( )RU0RUH,QIRUPDWLRQ&RQWDFW 1$0( 3+21( 0HPEHUVRIWKH1$0(2)*5283DUHSODQQLQJDWULSWR7KH)LUHVLGHLQ)RUW$WNLQVRQ :LVFRQVLQRQ'$<$1''$7(IRUDOLYHSURIHVVLRQDOSURGXFWLRQRI6$785'$<1,*+7 )(9(5 &DSWXULQJWKHKLVWRULFIODYRURIGLVFRPDQLDLQ1HZ<RUN&LW\WKLVHQHUJHWLFPXVLFDOLVEDVHGRQ 1LN&RKQ¶V1HZ<RUN0DJD]LQHDUWLFOH³7ULEDO5LWHVRIWKH1HZ6DWXUGD\1LJKW´DQG 1RUPDQ:H[OHU¶VILOP7ROGWKURXJKWKHH\HVRIDWDOHQWHGVWUHHWZLVHNLGIURP%URRNO\Q ZKRDWWHPSWVWRHVFDSHKLVGHDGHQGOLIHWKURXJKGDQFLQJ6$785'$<1,*+7)(9(5 H[SORUHVUHODWLRQVKLSVRQDQGRIIWKHGDQFHIORRUZLWKKXPRUFRQIOLFWVW\OHDQGXQIRUJHWWDEOH VZDJJHU3RZHUHGE\WKHFKDUWEUHDNLQJKLWVRIWKH%HH*HHVWKHSXOVDWLQJVFRUHLQFOXGHV ³6WD\LQ¶$OLYH´³,I,&DQ¶W+DYH<RX´³+RZ'HHSLV<RXU/RYH´³%RRJLH6KRHV´DQG³'LVFR ,QIHUQR´(QMR\LWQRZZLWK\RXUIULHQGVIURP1$0(2)*5283 7KHPHQXIRUWKHGD\VWDUWVZLWKDQ$VLDQ6DODGDQGIHDWXUHV5RDVW3RUN7HQGHUORLQZLWKD 3HFDQ7XUWOH%DOO6XQGDHIRUGHVVHUW7KH)LUHVLGHLV:LVFRQVLQ¶V\HDUURXQGPRWRUFRDFK DWWUDFWLRQVSHFLDOL]LQJLQSURIHVVLRQDO%URDGZD\VKRZVIDPLO\KRVSLWDOLW\VXSHUEGLQLQJDQG EHDXWLIXOJLIWVKRSV7KH)LUHVLGHLVSURXGWRFHOHEUDWH\HDUVRIIDPLO\KRVSLWDOLW\DQG VHDVRQVRISURIHVVLRQDOWKHDWUHLQ7KH.ORSFLF)DPLO\ZDVKRQRUHGWREHQDPHG $PHULFD¶V%HVW5HVWDXUDQW)DPLO\E\IDFXOW\RIWKH&XOLQDU\,QVWLWXWHRI$PHULFDLQD-RQHV 'DLU\)DUPSURJUDPKRQRULQJ$PHULFD¶VIDPLO\RZQHGUHVWDXUDQWV7KH\KDYHDOVR EHHQKRQRUHGZLWKD0LGZHVW7UDYHO:ULWHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ*(0P\$ZDUGIRU([FHOOHQFHD :LVFRQVLQ'HSDUWPHQWRI7RXULVP/HJDF\$ZDUGDQGQXPHURXV5HDGHUV¶&KRLFH$ZDUGV %$&.*5281',1)250$7,2121<28525*$1,=$7,21$1'$1<27+(5 $&7,9,7,(63/$11(')25<28575,3727+(),5(6,'( 7KHJURXSZLOOEHGHSDUWLQJIURP3/$&(DW7,0(DQGZLOOUHWXUQDWDSSUR[LPDWHO\7,0( 7KHFRVWSHUSHUVRQLV&267LQFOXGLQJDFRPSOHWHGLQQHUSURIHVVLRQDOWKHDWUHSHUIRUPDQFHZLWK UHVHUYHGVHDWLQJDQGWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW*5283/($'(5DW 3+21(5HVHUYDWLRQVQHHGWREHPDGHE\'($'/,1( Color Poster art - .jpg files only Press Release you can customize Promo Flyer/Poster - 4 styles to choose from. Actual size 8.5 X 11 Capturing the historic flavor of disco-mania in New York City, this energetic musical is based on Nik Cohn’s 1975 New York Magazine article “Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night” and Norman Wexler’s 1977 film. Told through the eyes of a talented, streetwise kid from Brooklyn who attempts to escape his dead-end life through dancing, SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER explores relationships on and off the dance floor with humor, conflict, style and unforgettable swagger. Powered by the chart-breaking hits of the Bee Gees, the pulsating score includes “Stayin’ Alive,” “If I Can’t Have You,” “How Deep is Your Love,” “Boogie Shoes,” and Thursday, January 17, 2019 “Disco Inferno.” Featured Menu $90.00 per person Asian Salad Includes Motorcoach transportation, delicious meal and fabulous show An Asian Vegetable Mix with Chicken, Cashews, and Sweet Sour Dressing topped with Fried Rice Noodles Featured Menu Roast Pork Tenderloin with Plum Sauce Asian Salad Served with Parmesan Risotto and Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower Roast Pork Tenderloin Pecan Turtle Ball Sundae Pecan Turtle Ball Sundae Motorcoach pickup at Your Location at approx. 9:30 a.m. JOIN US! Call Group Leader Name at 555-1212 to register by January 1st. Capturing the historic flavor of disco-mania in New York City, this energetic musical is based on Nik Cohn’s 1975 New York Magazine article “Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night” and Norman Wexler’s 1977 film. Told through the eyes of a talented, streetwise kid from Brooklyn who attempts to escape his dead-end life through dancing, SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER explores relationships on and off the dance floor with humor, conflict, style and unforgettable swagger. Powered by the chart-breaking hits of the Bee Gees, the pulsating score includes “Stayin’ Alive,” “If I Can’t Have You,” “How Deep is Your Love,” “Boogie Shoes,” and “Disco Inferno.” Style 1 - you fill in your own info Style 2 - we customize for you - available in black & white or color Your Group Name Here SUPERB MUSICALS | MEMORABLE DINING | SPECTACULAR SHOPS | FABULOUS SERVICE TOUR DATE Capturing the historic flavor of disco- mania in New York City, this energetic TIME & LOCATION OF musical is based on Nik Cohn’s 1975 New York Magazine article “Tribal DEPARTURE & ARRIVAL Rites of the New Saturday Night” and Norman Wexler’s 1977 film. Told PRICE through the eyes of a talented, streetwise kid from Brooklyn who HOW TO REGISTER attempts to escape his dead-end life through dancing, SATURDAY NIGHT DEADLINE FEVER explores relationships on and off the dance floor with humor, conflict, style and unforgettable swagger. Powered by the chart- breaking hits of the Bee Gees, the pulsating score includes “Stayin’ Alive,” “If I Can’t Have You,” “How Deep is Your Love,” “Boogie Shoes,” and “Disco Inferno.” YOUR GROUP NAME Capturing the historic flavor of disco- TOUR DATE mania in New York City, this energetic FEATURED MENU musical is based on Nik Cohn’s 1975 TIME & LOCATION OF Asian Salad: An Asian Vegetable Mix with New York Magazine article “Tribal DEPARTURE & ARRIVAL Chicken, Cashews, and Sweet Sour Rites of the New Saturday Night” and Dressing topped with Fried Rice Noodles; Norman Wexler’s 1977 film. Told PRICE through the eyes of a talented, Freshly Baked Breads from our Artisan streetwise kid from Brooklyn who Bakery; Roast Pork Tenderloin: Sliced HOW TO REGISTER attempts to escape his dead-end life and crowned with Plum Sauce. Served with through dancing, SATURDAY NIGHT DEADLINE Parmesan Risotto and Roasted Broccoli and FEVER explores relationships on and Cauliflower; Pecan Turtle Ball Sundae: off the dance floor with humor, Homemade Vanilla Bean Custard rolled in conflict, style and unforgettable Roasted Ground Pecans served on Hot swagger. Powered by the chart- Fudge and striped with Caramel. Garnished breaking hits of the Bee Gees, the pulsating score includes “Stayin’ with an Almond Lace Wand drizzled with Alive,” “If I Can’t Have You,” “How Chocolate. Coffee, Tea and Milk. Deep is Your Love,” “Boogie Shoes,” and “Disco Inferno.” Style 3 - Style 4 - tour info left blank or customized for you tour info left blank or customized for you 2020 GROUP PROMO NEEDS SHOWS BOOKED FOR: Need materials by: ___________________________ Check all that apply. PROMO ORDER LIST: _____ SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER _____ EXTRA BROCHURES - Quantity: _______ _____ GUYS AND DOLLS _____ SIGN-UP SHEET _____ A MIGHTY FORTRESS IS OUR BASEMENT _____ BLACK & WHITE LOGOS _____ WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS _____ COLOR LOGOS _____ Rodgers & Hammerstein’s CINDERELLA _____ COLOR POSTER ART _____ JOSEPH & THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT _____ PRESS RELEASE _____ Irving Berlin’s HOLIDAY INN PROMO FLYER/POSTER ORDER LIST: Refer to poster samples for required tour info and provide that here or on a separate sheet: Quantity _____ POSTER STYLE 1 (as is, with space for you to fill in your tour info) Quantity _____ POSTER STYLE 2 (customized-provide your info) color _____
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