The Tiger Vol. 89 Issue 44 1996-04-16
;:S'^>.;vy;s«£i:5*^^ J|f- LeCroy,Tigers dominate Tar Heels in weekend series Tuesday f ■ 1 0 FREE, ONE PER PERSON WDSQRwasr April 16, 1996 The NON-PROFIT * INSIDE U.S. POSTAGE PAID U. News & Notes . .2A Opinion 4A CLEMSON, S.C. Novel News 3A PERMIT NO. 10 TODAY-mostly sunny, windy Sports 7A Established in 1907, South Carolina'si's Oldest College f 1 Newspaper high 63, low 47 WED. & THUR.-sunny, high 70s, low 40s Volume 89 CJemson University :! Network problems draw complaints MIKE MCCOMBS was a problem. Unfortunately, I wasn't news editor able to help them." Students who tried to access the net- Apparently the problem was short- work from the PC labS in the library lived. Saturday evening were probably disap- "I got the idea that they discovered it pointed. and repaired it, because I didn't get that For unknown reasons, users were problem on Sunday," said Munson, who not able to connect to the network. also worked the reference desk on Officials in Network Services were Sunday. not aware of any problems. "Whatever the problem, it was tran- "There's no record in any of our logs sitory because there were no complaints of any problems on Saturday," said Dr. on Sunday, and it was isolated, because Christopher J. Duckenfield, vice no other labs on campus had this prob- provost of the Department of lem," said Duckenfield. "It seems kind Computing and Information of strange." Technology. "The student on duty While Duckenfield said the problem received no complaints." was puzzling, he did not discount sever- Although the student on duty may al students' claims that there was a have received no complaints, there were problem.
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