794 BOO . (KELLY's BooKSELLERS-contimmd. Buckingham J.&Sons,27 street, Adams Thomas, 74 Norfolk st. Lynn Buckland Charles, 226 High street, Adcock Mrs. M. Nth. Creake, Fakenhm Gorleston, Yarmouth Cann Reuben, 22 Magdalen rd. Norwich Adcock William, Drayton, Norwich *Buckle John, 35 & 36 King st. & 35 Cash & Co. Market place, Downham Alden Mark, 19 Adelaide Rtreet, Norwch Dene side, Yarmouth Chilvers & Cocks, Timber Hill st. Nrwch Aldis G. Saxlingham-Nethergate,Nrwch Cann Rt.Redgra.ve,Market pl.Hiuleston Chittock A. & Co. 31 Calvert st.Norwich Alexander Benjamin, St. Mary's,Nrwch Ca.rr Charles, Theatre Royal, Regent rd. Collins & Shorten, 3 Davy pl. Norwich Alexander J. Tilney St. Lawrence, Lynn & Albion road, Yarmouth Corner George, Elm hill, Norwich Alexander William, Ringland, Norwich ClarkeJn.W.Kingst.Thetford. See advt Cooper Jn. Benj. 29 Bethel st. Norwich Alexander W. TerringtunSt. John,Lynn Clements Charles, Market place, North Dewbery Jn. I2 Old Palacerd. Norwich Alexander W. E. We~t Walton, Wisbech

Walsha.m & at Market pl. Aylsbam Dingle Arth. 32 Pottergate st. Norwich Algar John, Row I291 Yarmouth tCoe Wm. John, Market pi. Swaffham Dunn lsa.ac, 28 & 30Calvert st. ~orwch Algate Horace, Haynford, Norwich Count Fredk. Wm.Market pl.E.Dercham Edward William Charles,67 St. George's Algate Waiter, Ditchingham, Bungay §Crotch Frederick Joseph, so Bridge st. Middle street, Norwich Allcock James, llolme Hale, Watton S.O St. George's, Norwich Edwards & Sewell, St. George's plain, Allcock Robert, Norford's gardens, St. Daniel W.W. II Back of the lnns,Norwch Norwich Nicholas road, Yarmouth East Anglian Hand Book (P. Soman & Edwards A. 138 & I40 Magpie rd.Nrwch Alien John, Upton, Norwich Son, proprietors; published annually), Ellis '\''illiam, Sprowston, Norwich Alien Robert, Stanhoe, Lynn London st. & Upper Goat la. Norwich Fuller Stephen, 4 Ber street, Norwich Alien W. .Market hill, Cawston, Norwich Ellis Thomas William, Loddon,Norwich Garnham Brothers, CrQwn street & Alien WilliamHy. Hackford, Norwich Farrow Thomas, Railway road, Lynn Moat road, Diss Allman Rt. J. 87 George st. Yarmouth Fletcher's Time Table, Castle works, Gaul Robert, 13 Sussex street, Norwich Allman W. 21 Nile rd. Gorlestn. Yarmth Davey place, Norwich George A. C. & Co. 210 Muspole street, Anderson Alfred, Beetley, Ea. Dereham George Thomas Purdy, 24 & 4 Market Norwich Andrews Edward, Cock yard, Upper place & 66 & go Regent rd. Yarmouth, Haldinstein P. & Son, Queen street, St. Giles street, Norwich Goose Agas Henry, Rampant Horse st. Norwich & Market st. Wymondham Andrews James, Lenwade, Norwich Norwich Hale Bros. Low. Westwick st. Norwich Andrews Lewis, Horsford, Norwich Gostling Miss Harriet Ann, Mere st.Diss Hammond W. & Co. 7 Kimberley street, Anstee Arthur, White Hart street & Gould William, Market pl. Swaffham Norwich Station road, East Harling, Thetford tGreenHy. King st. Thetford. See advert, Harris Arthur, 3 Calvert st. Norwich A. pp legate Thomas, Glebe road, Wells Hall am John ''V m. I6London st. Norwich 1 Hartley Michael, Foundry house, Prince Archer llerichia, 8o Magdalen st. Thetford Harrison Mrs. G. Church st. of Wales road, Norwich Arnold William, Narborough, Swaffham "*Harrod J. G. & Co. roSomerleyton st. Hood James, Elm hill, Norwich Artis Samuel, Loddon, Norwich Norwich Hotblack John & Sons, Mountergate Atkins Fk. W. 24 Low. Goat la.Norwich Hickling Robert Geo. Swan lane; works, street, Norwich Back Stephen, Hingham, Attleborough Bedford street, St. Andrew's, Norwich Houghton Hy. 28 Colegate st. Norwich Bailey Edgar, Pulham St. Mary Mag· HowesMissL.82A, Up.St.Giles st.Norwch Howard Zaccheus, 36 Calvert st.Norwch dalcn, Harleston §Hunt William, 7 Briggs street & Little Howlett & White, St. George's plain & Bailey Geo.2 St. Swithin's alley, Norwich Orford street, Norwich Colegate street, Norwich Bailey James, Bressingham, Diss ·t*J arrold & Sons, 3 & 5 London street & . Hurn Denmark, I2I Magdalen st. Nrwch Bailey John, Hlofield, Norwich Exchangestreet,Norwich; Churchst. Hurrell Wm. 57 Sussex street, Norwich Bailey John, 94Norwicb.road,NewWal. Cromer & 182 King st. Yarmouth Jarrett Fredk. Wm. Elm hill, Norwich soken, Wisbech Lain Edward, 37 Elm hill, Norwich Lilley & Skinner, North mill, Lower Bailey Thomas, Hethersett, Norwich

Lock Miss Ellen, High st. Downham Westwick street, Norwich Baillie William Rolland, Thoroughfare1 *Mackenzie William (Samuel J. Kirkby, ·Lincoln Frederick Samuel, Palace street, llarleston agent),23 PrinceofWalesrd.Norwich! Tombland, Norwich BairdJames, II Regent st. Yarmouth McLean Mrs. Jane,Market pl.N. Walshm Lincoln Jas. 106 Pottergate st. Norwich Baker Charles, Southrepps, Norwich MarleyGeo.68Prince ofWales rd.Norwch •Loads & Son, I Calvert street, Norwich Baker George, Ditchingham, Bungay Matsell & Targett, 10 High st. Lynn Mace Waiter, 70 & 72 St. Benedict's st. Baker Philip, Hapton, Long Strat.ton *Munday Charles, Church st. Cromer & 66 St. George's Bridge st. Norwich Baldwin Edmd. Lit., National & Norfolk Book Societies' Mann Brothers (infants'), I4o Magdalen Hales Henry, Fair land st. Wymondham Depository, r6 London st. Norwich road, Norwich Bales Henry, Watton S.O *Norfolk News Co.Lim.(James Spilling, i Martin Benjamin A. & Son, St. George's Bales H.icb.d. Great Hautbois, Norwich sec.), 5 & 7 Exchange st. Norwich alley, Norwich RallsG.Northcte.rd.Sprowstn.rd.Nrwch t*Nudd Waiter Alfred, 2 Haymarket, Matchett H. D. III Potterg-<~.te st.Nrwch Balls Thomas, Irstead, Neatishead Norwich Minns Henry, 22 to 26 Muspole street & Bane George, 35 Peacock street,N orwich Preston Arthur, High street & New st. Castle street, Norwich Banham James,Blackwall reach,Gorles- Holt R.S.O Nockolds Jn. 197 Queen's rd. Norwich t<>n, Yarmouth PuncherW. 3Prince of Wales rd. Norwich IN orton Hy. 57 Fishergate st. Norwich BarberCornelius,Foulsham,Ea.Dereham

Rose Miss Sarah, St. John's Madder- I Norwich Co-operative Boot & ShoeManu- BarberJas.Repps-cum-Batswick,Yarmth market, Norwich facturing Society Limited (Benjamin BarberW.47Millla.New Catton,Norwch RoweFredericBaker,Bridge st.Downham'l Lee, sec.; John English, manager), BarkawayAlfred, Kenninghall, Thetford SaulMrs.Sophia,x5WhiteLion st.Norwch, 32 St. George's Middle st. Norwich Barker Wm. Cowper rd. East Dereham Stace William Stoveld, Watton S.O Pa.sh Arthur, 30 Market pl. Yarmouth Barley William, Costessey, Norwich Stewardson & Co. Market pl. Fakenham. Pert James, 3 r Pitt street, Norwich BarnardC.Market pl.Ea.Harling, Thetfrd Taylor Wm. Henry, ro8 High st. Lynn' Phipps C. W. g8 Magdalen st. Norwich Barnard Robt. Damgate st.Wymondhm Tuxford Fredk. Rridewell alley, Norwch, Podd Edmund, 62 Bethel st. Norwich Barnes & Son, 8o High street, Lynn 'Wells Harry, Alexandra house, Prince, Reynolds L. J. 49 Devonshire st.Norwch Barnes Miss Mary, 4le Strange terrace, of ·wales road, Norwich Sands William, 36 Palace st. Norwich Hunstanton R.S.O Wheeler Albt. Jn. Norwich st. Fakenhm Seaman Anthony, I St. Paul's sq.Nrwch Barnett Wm. White Horse st. Fakenhm Segger Fredk. R. 3 Calvert st. Norwich Barrett James, Horsford, Norwich BOOT & SHOE FACTORS. Sexton H. & Sons, Fish.gate street & BarrettW~:Ea.Tuddenham,~a.Derehm . . Magdalen street, NorWich. Barton Phlltp, Buxton, NorwlCh Lmg J. 74 H~gl_J. st.~orleston, Yarmouth Sinclair Frederick, 70 St. Georgc's Base Mrs. A. 20 London street, Norwich Pursey Obadmh, H1g~ .st. Ea. Derebam Middle street, Norwich Bass Henry, Hillington, Lynn R~ndall Charles Wtlh.am & Co. r6 Skipper Robt. Norwich st. Ea. Dereham Bassingthwaight William, B3 Upper St. fheatre street, NorwiCh Smith Thomas & Sons, 37 St. Andrew's Giles street, Norwich Sal~on J. & Co. Watton Broad street, Norwich Bates Dnl. Terrington St.Clement, Lynn Wr1ght Edward, Market pl. Fakenham Smith Silvanus,I2 & 14 Davy pl.Norwch Bates John, Pott row, Grimston, Lynn Solomons Jsph. 157 Magdalen st.Nrwch Beane Chas. D. , Dereham BOOT & SHOE MANUFCTRS Soman, Son & Co. Fishgate st. Norwich Beatley John, Yaxham, East Dereham Ab bott John, Pitt street, Norwich Southall Jas.& Co. Upper market,Nrwch Beaumont James, Pottergate st.Norwich Alien Hy. Jsph. Burnham mrkt. Lynn Storey Edmund, 66 Pitt st. Norwich BeaumontR.FramlinghamPigot,Norwch Allman By. Fras. 8 Red Lion st.Norwch' Tillett W. 5 West Pottergate st.Norwch Beckett Fredk. I9 Cos! any st. Norwich Attewell Jas. Philadelphia la. Norwich Ward Wm. 50 Botolph street, Norwich Heckett Geo. Mattishall, East Dereham Bowhill & Co. Swan lane & Bridewell, Winter Edward, 6r Albany rd. Norwich Beckham John, London rd. Ea. Derehm alley, Norwich Yaxley Edward, 70 Dereham rd. Nrwch Bedford William, Walsoken, Wisbech Box & Co. 9 South quay, Gt. Yarmouth Yaxley George, 55 Dereham rd. Norwch Begley James Richard, 3 Charlbury Branch Joseph, Willett's court, Ten buildings, Hunstanton R.S.O Bell lane, Norwich BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Bell George, 6 Fria·r's lane, Yarmouth Brown John, Fellmonger's yard, Oakj Adams Waiter, Stratton St. Mary, Long Hell Hy. Huckwold-cum-Wilton,Brandon street, N orwlCh Stratton Bell J n. Hockwold.cum-Wilton, Brandon