OECD SIDS POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE FOREWORD INTRODUCTION POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE CAS N°: 1310-58-3 UNEP PUBLICATIONS 1 OECD SIDS POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE SIDS Initial Assessment Report For SIAM 13 Bern, Switzerland, 6-9 November 2001 1. Chemical Name: Potassium hydroxide 2. CAS Number: 1310-58-3 3. Sponsor Country: Belgium Dr. Thaly LAKHANISKY J. Wytsman 16 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel : + 32 2 642 5104 Fax : +32 2 642 5224 E-mail :
[email protected] 4. Shared Partnership with: ICCA (Tessenderlo Chemie NV) 5. Roles/Responsibilities of the Partners: · Name of industry sponsor /consortium · Process used 6. Sponsorship History · How was the chemical or In 2001, ICCA (Tessenderlo Chemie NV)) had proposed sponsor category brought into the and prepared draft documents(Dossier, SIAR, SIAP). It was OECD HPV Chemicals submitted to the SIDS contact point of Belgium on May 2001. Programme? The draft documents were revised by Belgium after discussion with Tessenderlo Chemie NV. The revised draft was discussed in detail with Tessenderlo Chemie NV on June and July 2001. After agreement, the documents were finalized and the checklist was developed by jointly by Belgium and Tessenderlo Chemie NV 7. Review Process Prior to the SIAM: 8. Quality check process: 9. Date of Submission: 10. Date of last Update: February 2002 11. Comments: No testing 2 UNEP PUBLICATIONS OECD SIDS POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE SIDS INITIAL ASSESSMENT PROFILE CAS No. 1310-58-3 Chemical Name Potassium hydroxide Structural Formula KOH RECOMMENDATIONS The chemical is currently of low priority for further work. SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS OF THE SIAR Human Health Solid KOH is corrosive.