Congressional Record—Senate S9304
S9304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 14, 2009 table, but this man is one of the great- the principal symptom of this adminis- Let me take my concerns one by one. est humanitarians who have ever lived. tration’s 8-month record of too many Article I of the Constitution of the He dedicated his life to the develop- Washington takeovers. We have an United States gives to the Congress the ment of scientific breakthroughs in AIDS czar, an auto recovery czar, a appropriations power and sets up, in order to ease malnutrition and famine border czar, and a California water articles II and III, the executive and ju- all over the world. czar. We have a car czar, a central re- dicial branches, a system of checks and One of Dr. Borlaug’s latest efforts gion czar, and a domestic violence czar. balances to make sure no one branch of began in the early 1980s. There wasn’t There is an economic czar, an energy the Federal Government runs away anything in the Nobel armada of prizes and environment czar, a faith-based with the government. Senator ROBERT that represented agriculture, which is czar and a Great Lakes czar. The list BYRD, the President pro tempore of the why he received the Peace Prize for goes on, up to 32 or 34. One of these, for Senate, wrote a letter to President recognition of his research in agri- example, is the pay czar, Mr. Kenneth Obama on February 23. Senator BYRD, culture, and so Dr. Borlaug thought Feinberg, the Treasury Department’s who is often called the Constitutional there ought to be an annual award for Special Master for Compensation.
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