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APRIL 2007 Www Reese, Orlando and sexy, single stars •Rehab, style Hollywood Spider-Man3 New villains and a darker PeterParker New villains andadarker N e w v i l l a i n s a n d APRIL 2007 a d a r k e r P e t e r aaa at Bahamas P a r k SHARKWATER e WIN r www. tribute.ca a a trip to the the to trip $ 4,000 mmovies/showtimes:ovies/showtimes: wwww.tribute.caww.tribute.ca contents VOLUME 24 ISSUE 3 APRIL 2007 cover story 18 Spider-Man 3 The last web crawl? features 12 Profile 14 Previews Scarlett Johansson in demand Your must-see movie list for April 26 Star Tracks Caring for the environment 24 Celeb Style has never been so chic The Mini-dress 28 31 News 28 Beauty 18 Sharkwater is one hot doc Spring hit list preview 30 Trivia Test your knowledge 22 Lucky You on young Hollywood Eric Bana and Drew Barrymore risk it all 32 Horoscope What the stars have planned for you departmentst and Jessica Alba Talk to usu 4 Push Play Your letters and what’s 34 Night at the Museum, 34 playing at tribute.ca Last King of Scotland and more The A-lisst 6 Release SScchedule Books, music and the hottest 36 The latest theatriccaal releases new game for spring reserved. Scoop 38 Last Takee rights 8 Rehab, All . The latest buzz in Hollywood Inc Hollywood style , 10 Flash Industries Sexy and Pictures single stars Columbia 31 10 SHARKWATER photo: 2007 6 in theatres everywhere Cover photo: 2007 Columbia Pictures Industries Inc All rights reserved rate a movie • star bios • movie rundowns • showtimes • contests... it’s all at tribute.ca talk to us Letters The Exx, will be in theaters on May 11. The release dates Editor-In-Chief Sandra I. Stewart Lucky you! were pushed back Editors Hi, just a quick note because producers Toni-Marie Ippolito, Robin Stevenson to say thanks.I was sur- couldn’t settle on a Editorial Intern prised to get a package title for the movie. Maricel Dicion Contributing Writers a couple of weeks ago Check tribute.ca for Alexandra Heilbron, Susan Kelly, from Tribute saying updates on release Bonnie Laufer-Krebs, Jim Slotek, Rui Umezawa I was a second place dates for all upcom- Production Manager winner of a “Do as ing films. Erik Blomkwist (Ext.138) I say” online contest. The Body Art Director Shop items are appreciated. Awesome doc Jan Pietkiewicz Designer Elinor Schwob Thank you for the article on Adi Gonsalves Via email Sharkwater. I saw the movie Circulation Manager Thanks for entering and con- with my fiancée and thought it Guy Murnaghan gratulations on winning. Be sure was absolutely brilliant. Kudos TRIBUTE PUBLISHING INC. to check tribute.ca and enter as to Rob Stewart for taking a big Telephone: 416-445-0544 many contests as you like. You’ll risk to spread the word about President & Chief Executive Officer Sandra I. Stewart also find amazing interviews in a vicious practice. General Manager, Sales Star Chatss, and of course, Movie Vincent S. Dana Francoz (Ext.129) Showtimes and reviews. Via email Account Managers, Atlantic Jill Heighway (902-576-3131) For more info on Sharkwater Trevor Bowen (902-252-3995) A fan of the Braff visit www.sharkwater.com, National Account Manager I’ve been looking forward to where you can also make Lisa Toman (Ext.134) Account Manager catching Zach Braff’s new movie, a pledge to help save sharks. Morad Affifi (Ext.159) The Ex, but the Thousands of people have Marketing and Public Relations release dates seem already said that saving Tyler MacLeod (Ext.141) to keep changing. sharks from shark finning and Sales Assistant April Towell When can we extinction is something they Marketing Coordinator expect to see it are very concerned about. Sonja Jackson in theaters? TRIBUTE.CA/ENPRIMEUR.CA Stacy Martin e-mail us at:at: dialogue@tribute.cadialogue@ tribute.ca Editor Via email Alexandra Heilbron enprimeur.ca Editor Nicolas Lacroix tribute.ca Designer Andrei Ausch Web watch Director, Technology WHAT’S PLAYING AT tribute.ca Doug Topalovic Webmasters tribute.ca Click on Now Playing for movie Galen Cederqvist, Paul Lim,Anca Toma showtimes, synopses, trailers and more. SPECIAL THANKS Alliance Atlantis Margaret Burnside, Frank Mendicino, Susan Smythe Sony Pictures Click on Star Chat for interviews: Entertainment Natalie Amaral, Donna Slack Disney Robyn Mogil Maple Pictures John Bain, Halle Berry talks about Perfect Stranger. Angie Burns Odeon Films Dana Fields, Mark Slone Paramount Anne Davidson, Greg Ferris, Leigh Higgins THINKFilm Andrew Austin 20th Ryan Gosling discusses Fracture. Century Fox Barry Newstead Universal Janice Doyle, Janice Luke Warner Bros. Dianne Schwalm Kirsten Dunst dishes on Cineplex Entertainment Sarah Lewthwaite, Pat Spider-Man 3. Marshall Guzzo Vince Guzzo Empire Dean Leland Halle Berry Landmark Brian McIntosh Magic Lantern Theatres/Rainbow Cinemas Tom Hutchinson Make your home page! da tribute.ca TRIBUTE MAGAZINE is published nine times a year by Tribute Publishing Inc., 71 Barber Greene Rd.,Toronto,Ontario M3C 2A2.Advertising inquiries should be made to the above address,or by telephone to 416-445-0544.Contents copyright © 2007 by Tribute Publishing Inc., all rights reserved, and may not be reprinted Let us know your movie thoughts. without permission.Printed in Canada.Tribute Publishing Inc.welcomes material submitted for publication. However, Tribute Publishing Inc., their servants or s: KeystoneCana agents accept no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, Write your own review at tribute.ca. o phhotography h or manuscr iipts. Su bscr iipt ion Pr ices: Cana da, n ine issues $26 pl lus Ryan Gosling hot 6% GST;U.S.A.,nine issues $37;all other countries,nine issues $54.Please add 6% P G.S.T. (Reg. #R105383707). To subscribe, send name, address, postal code and cheque or money order to Subscription Department, Tribute Publishing Inc., 71 Barber Greene Rd., Toronto, Ontario M3C 2A2. Allow six weeks for delivery. ISSN 1190-836X tribute.ca 4 Tribute APRIL 2007 www.tribute.ca a-list list Degrees Andy Gotts Dewi Lewis Media, $49.95 This book is loosely based on the “six degrees of sepa- ration theory” and the world famous “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” game. Gotts photographed each person who then suggest- ed a best friend, or someone they really admired, as the next person. For example, Dustin Hoffman suggested Brad Pitt, Pitt suggested George Guitar Hero II Bundle Clooney, Clooney suggested Activision for XBOX 360, $99.99 PLAY IT! Julia Roberts, Roberts suggest- Unleash your inner rock star with ed Susan Sarandon...etc.More Guitar Hero II for XBOX 360.Rock out to 70 songs includ- than 100 A-list actors are fea- ing the Police’s “Message in a Bottle,” the Kinks’ “You tured in this collection of Really Got Me” and Guns N Roses’“Sweet Child O’ Mine” photographs and anecdotes. on the X-Plorer Guitar Controller. Choose from a wild group of rockers and jam at concert venues that grow in size as your rock career progresses. Play with a friend and shred riffs cooperatively, or go head-to-head in multiplay- The Book of Caddyshack READ IT! er modes like Pro Face-Off. Scott Martin Taylor Trade, $19.95 For golfers and comedy fans, Caddyshack is possibly the The Amazing Spider-Man finest and funniest film ever made on the sport,or any sport The Ultimate Guide READ IT! for that matter.This book gives a behind-the-scenes look at Tom DeFalco this classic comedy and includes full descriptions of all DK Books, $29.99 scenes, including what’s This definitive guide to your going on in the back- friendly neighborhood ground, every possible bit Spider-Man has been updat- of trivia about the movie ed with the latest major sto- and what PGA Tour stars rylines, heroes and villains and others in the golf just in time for Spider-Man world love about the 3.With more than 700 movie. images from the original Marvel comics, this book Blades of Glory takes fans through the evo- Lakeshore Records HEAR IT! lution of the character. After being banned from figure skating for life after a fight, rival skaters Chazz Michael Michaels (Will Ferrell) and Jimmy MacElroy (Jon Heder) find a loop- hole that will allow them to compete:as a pairs’figure skat- ing team.The soundtrack features rock anthems like Billy Squire’s “The Stroke,” “Hotblooded” by Foreigner and “Rock You Like a Hurricane” by The Scorpions.Throw in a song from American Idol’s Bo Bice (“Blades of Glory”), and exclusive dialog from the film, and you’ve got a soundtrack that is as enter- taining as the movie itself. 6 Tribute APRIL 2007 www.tribute.ca Find your treasure at the Holiday Inn Sunspree! *Win*WiW nerneer & travelavevevelellingngn compcomcompanioaninion mumustst be 1818 oror oveoverovveve atat timetimimeimimeme oof travtraavel.eel OpenOOpOpepenen to resiresese ddentdenente s of CanCaC nadaaadda onlyonln y. Date of trravelvelveelel iss subjsubsuubjub ectecectt to avaiaavaavvaaailabilalablabiab litylil tyty. BlBlackoackokok ut d atesatatestetess maymamay aappppplyly.ly.y ForFoF fullfulflulll rulu ess & regregegulatulaul tionsiononns, logloogg onntn toot tributibibututte.caeca.caca oro eenprenpnprnpp imeuimimemeur.car.cacaa, oror wriwrriitee to “TTripriiipp totoot t heh C aribaribribbeanbeabeb n ConCContestesttest”,”, P.O.O BoxBox 4700470000 , DoD n MiM lls, ON M3CMM3C 2T92TT9. FoF rrm moreoro infoinfinfonfoormatrma ionioon onon grereatreaeatatat SunSunu quesqueeessttvtva vav caticatcac titions,ononsonss vvisviissitt Sunquunnququest.est.ca.caca 2005200556 scoop Diddy faces lawsuit the role shortly after becoming Mrs. firmed the two talked but denies they Sean ‘P Diddy’Combs is being sued by a Tom Cruise. Director Christopher spoke about the video.
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