Gordon Strong | 64 pages | 20 Mar 2008 | Wooden Books | 9781904263739 | English | Powys, Stanton Drew : and Its Ancient Stone Circles PDF Book

Stanton Drew certainly has some catching up to do. Retrieved 7 February The first is of considerable area, and is marked out by twelve large stones, only three of which remain upright; a smaller circle of eight stones lies just beyond; and a third circle of eight will be found farther away in an orchard on the R. No excavations have been recorded but it is believed to be the same age as , and neither have any modern survey's been made until recently when a Geophysical Survey was carried out by English Heritage. Bookbarn International. Shown within . Place to The Swan Circle is located on private land and is normally only accessible during the Glastonbury Festival. In the site was surveyed and mapped by architect, freemason and antiquarian John Wood, the Elder , who noted the different stones used. ImmLiz wrote a review Nov The third, largely overlooked, ancient stone formation of the South West has a real sense of solitude, potency and magic about it, says Andrew Swift. Akeman Press. Skip to main content. Selected filters. Access: Circles: From parking the car you walk through a gate with a donation box and walk across the farmers fields. It was a very interesting site to see and worth a visit if you like stone circles, you will not be disappointed. What seems certain, though, is that this mysterious site, so long overshadowed by the compelling power of what survives above ground at Stonehenge and Avebury, has many more secrets to reveal. Stonehenge and Timber Circles. This deeply influenced his plans for a circle of 30 houses called The Circus in Bath, an ambitious architectural project completed by his son John Wood, the Younger. Opening times:. The Great Circle was surrounded by a ditch and is accompanied by smaller stone circles to the northeast and southwest. Approach it along the Old Road leading out of Wells turn left as you begin climbing the hill to Bristol. Google Aerial. At the edge of the village, three stone circles can be seen quite clearly. Is it free to enter this place? Stanton Drew : and Its Ancient Stone Circles Writer

Digital Digging. Very little is known about the site and the stones. Special Needs Facilities: None Children Facilities: None specific, but this a safe country environment, no traffic and total visibility. The Great Circle, which is metres in diameter and has 26 surviving upright stones, is one of the largest stone circles in . Thank maz Special Needs Facilities:. The famous "druidical remains" will be found near the church. Geophysical work by English Heritage in revealed a surrounding ditch and nine concentric rings of postholes within the stone circle. Read reviews Write a review. Selected filters. PAST the newsletter of the prehistoric society 71 : History of the County of Fife, Vol. The best known tells how a wedding party was turned to stone: the party was held throughout Saturday, but a man clothed in black the Devil in disguise came and started to play his violin for the merrymakers after midnight, continuing into holy Sunday morning. See all reviews. Where history remains mute, however, folklore and legend have been more than happy to step into the void, providing their own intriguing explanation as to the origin of the stones. A tall dark man with a fiddle appeared and struck up a tune. Best Times to Visit:. There are several local traditional stories about the megalithic complex. Bath and North East Somerset. All reviews local pub impressive site worth a visit ancient history druids field pagan donation information england. There is also a belief that confusion, even death, awaits anyone who attempts to count the stones. It was a very interesting site to see and worth a visit if you like stone circles, you will not be disappointed. Aware of the decorated posts, hung with garlands and the dancers who line the way, he follows a spiral path getting ever closer to his goal, the cove from where the wise men direct proceedings. The story goes that a great wedding feast was held in the vicinity on a Saturday, and everyone was enjoying themselves immensely. I want to be a pagan druid. Central to the legend of The Holy Grail is the figure of the Fisher King, impotent guardian of the Waste Land whose kingdom will only be revived if the Quest for the holy vessel the ultimate symbol of sustenance and plenty is successful. The Stanton Drew Stone Circle or, to be more precise, three stone circles, dates from around BC and enjoys a relatively isolated location well off the beaten track. Stanton Drew : and Its Ancient Stone Circles Reviews

Write a review. The grid reference for the Swan Circle is ST Limited parking. TripAdvisor Ranking 1 of 2 things to do in Stanton Drew. Around the large circle, traces were found of a henge ditch, seven metres wide; while within the circle were nine concentric rings of pits once lined with timber poles — around in total — similar to those at Woodhenge and Durrington Walls. Name Email Website Comment We respect your privacy, and will not make your email public. Limited parking. National Heritage List for England. Archived from the original PDF on 23 February Burl, A. Skip to main content. Reviewed July 22, Just about perfect. A ridiculous theory suggests that the monoliths were erected as a trophy after one of Arthur's victories. There are two smaller stone circles: to the south west and north east of the Great Circle. Traveller type. Archived from the original on 20 November There is not just one circle in this field, but three. Parked in one of the few parking places nearby, then walked across the field to view the stones. Geophysical surveying of the site in added new information to the Stanton Drew picture and altered the context of the stone circles. There are three stone circles at Stanton Drew. Pollard, Joshua Is it free to enter this place? Woolley Grange Hotel Read more. Withypool Hill. Reviewed June 22, Stanton Drew.

Stanton Drew : and Its Ancient Stone Circles Read Online

Various stones at Stanton Drew. . Newer Post Older Post Home. Map Link:. The stone circles have been studied since John Aubrey 's visit in , and some excavations of the site were performed in the 18th century. Skip to main content. Cleveland Pools Read more. London: Yale University Press. The bride, a little intoxicated by the flowing drink and lively carousing, urged the fiddler to play on, even though the Sabbath was rapidly approaching. Car Park - for the Circles at the end of a small road near the entry gate, for the Cove use the parking area near the pub. Selected filters. Is it free to enter this place? Link directly to this page, with text or the button on right. Chris H. Please submit information on locations you discover so that this system continues to grow. The stone circles were shown on early maps with the title 'the weddings'. What to take: Camera, Tripod, panorama kit, grads, wellies or good shoes for the field trip. When the Full Moon that falls nearest to the Summer Solstice occurs a ceremony of initiation takes place. It is in a field, which also has 5 life size white statues of ladies in various states of undress, so I presume they all belong to the same person. Best nearby. Beside it lies the impressive North-East Ring, 8 or 9 very large stones, out of 10 originally, measuring Featured Location Guide In a farmers field in the village of Stanton Drew, 6 miles south of Bristol there are three stone circles, two stone avenues, a cove of stones and an outlier at Stanton Drew. This is probably the finest stone rings in Britain, so near a major city, far more complete and original but known by fewer people. Archived from the original on 15 August Geophysical Survey at Stanton Drew, July Parked in one of the few parking places nearby, then walked across the field to view the stones. Here's why you'll love OnBuy: We're trusted - with over 21, Trustpilot reviews and an 'Excellent' rating We verify all of our sellers - you can shop millions of products with confidence Easy payments - all major credit cards accepted, as well as PayPal. A second tradition is that the stones are uncountable.