Western Austraiija
17. OF WESTERN AUSTRAIIJA (Published by Authority at 3.30 pm) No.2] PERTH: FRIDAY, 9 JANUARY [1987 Perth Building Society (Merger) Act 1986 Marine and Harbours Act 1981 PROCLAMATION PROCLAMATION WESTERNAUSTRALIA ) By His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn- WESTERNAUSTRALIA By His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn- GORDON REID, panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of the GORDON REID, f panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of the Governor. State of Western Australia. Governor. State of Western Australia. IL.S.I I L.S.l I, THE Governor, acting under section 2 of the Perth Build- ing Society (Merger) Act 1986 with the advice and consent UNDERsection 9 (1) of the Marine and Harbours Act 1981, of the Executive Council, do hereby fix the day on which this I, the Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the proclamation is published in the Gazetteasthe day on which Executive Council, do hereby vest in the Minister for that Act shall come into operation. Transport, constituted under section 8 (1) of the Act, all real Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said and personal property, or interest in any such property set State, at Perth, on 30 December 1986. out in the following Schedule. By His Excellency's Command, K. J. WILSON, Schedule Minister for Housing. Carnarvon Lots 1230 and 1232 on Lands and Surveys original Plan 16524 and the buildings, navigation beacon and GOD SA VE THE QUEEN equipment thereon. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said Marine and Harbours Act 1981 State, at Perth, on 4 November 1986.
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