Hard-Cooked Eggs and Pysanky

The beautiful, decorated Eggs were originally created to bless every part of life in to bring prosperity, fertility, healing and protection, long life and bounty. One of the more elaborate legends about Easter Eggs handed down throughout the ages relates the story of the origin of Easter eggs. When Christ was dying on the cross, blood flowing from his many wounds fell on the ground. Wherever a drop fell, a red was created. Christ's mother, Mary was standing beneath His cross praying and crying. Those red Easter eggs on which her tear would land, in turn, became elaborately decorated Easter eggs. Mary gathered all the eggs into a kerchief and went to Pontius Pilate to ask for permission to bury her son. On her way there, she gave an Easter egg to each child she met, along with the admonition to live in peace. Arriving at the palace of Pilate Mary fainted, and the Easter eggs from her kerchief rolled all over the world. From that day on people everywhere decorate eggs at Easter time and give them to each other as an expression of love and peace. Another legend says that Mary Magdalene brought a basket of eggs for her food when she went to the sepulcher to anoint Christ’s body. According to the legend, when she uncovered the eggs at the tomb, the white shells had been miraculously turned all the colors of the rainbow. Hard-cooked eggs, dyed red in the Orthodox Christian faith, and decorated elegantly using the wax- resist method, are symbols of Easter, life, and prosperity, and Christ's Resurrection from the tomb. (which comes from the Ukrainian word for “to write”) are not painted. Instead, the designs are traced on the eggs in beeswax. The egg is then dipped into dye. The dye colors the egg where there is no wax, leaving the egg white under the wax which protected it from the colour. This process can be repeated many times using as many colours as desired and working from the lightest dye colour to the darkest. This creates an intricate, many layered patterns. Elaborately decorated Easter eggs are usually placed among the other foods as decorations. They are commonly also given as gifts. They are never eaten. The egg is the symbol of life. The eggshell represents Christ’s grave from which he rose. Decorating Easter Eggs or writing Easter Eggs can be quite a complex undertaking for those who want a challenge. The following video explains writing Ukrainian Easter Eggs with wax: The historic art of Pysanka, the Ukrainian Easter egg - YouTube For most of us, who are beginning the art of Easter Egg writing, many forms of Easter may be undertaking. At its simplest, we may dissolve some food colouring in water or dissolve Kool Aid in water with some vinegar and use this to colour eggs. The eggs may be left coloured as they came out of the dyed water. (These eggs would be edible as the dye used is edible.) Stickers may be placed on the eggs, or ribbons tied around them. Kits are available at local stores to simplify the egg decorating process. Children may be encouraged to use wax crayons to draw designs on the eggs. After a design is drawn on the egg, it is dipped in the dyed water for 5 minutes or so. Take it out of the dyed water and allow to dry. After the eggs are coloured, the wax can be removed by heating it and wiping it off with a soft cloth or a paper towel. Easter Egg colouring pages are available online and may be found at colouring pages The site provides many different pictures of eggs that may be copied and pasted for your small children to enjoy. Novice Easter Egg decorators may appreciate the following videos, which provide more ideas on how to decorate Easter Eggs: 12 Fun Ways to Decorate Easter Eggs With Toddlers - Mommy's Bundle 1000 WAYS to DECORATE EASTER EGGS ❤ - YouTube Basically, use your imagination to decorate eggs however you wish. More information about Ukrainian traditions and Easter Eggs may be found at UKRAINIAN (bilingualkidsrock.com) An Overview on how to make Ukrainian Easter Eggs called Pysanky - YouTube Easter Egg pattern sheets are available at Downloads (pysanky.info) Specific designs and colours may be used in egg decorating. The following website has information about the meaning behind the symbols and colours used to decorate Easter Eggs. LearnPysanky.com: Symbols & Colors used on pysanky and their meanings

Ukrainian Easter Eggs “Pysanky”. Photo Credit to RTLibrary