fall/winter 2008 communication arts alumni magazine communique the freezing time 4 Daniel Folkers news of hope 6 Danielle Parker new cooke book 10 Phil Cooke news travels fast 12 Krista Hemme We produced our first Fine Arts Faculty Showcase. Courtneay Sanders and Chris Crawford pre- The Communique is a product sented a one act entitled “An of the Oral Roberts University Infinite Ache” in partnership with communication arts department Playhouse Theatre Company. for its alumni. Living Water Dance Company, directed by Amy McIntosh which To be informed of university up- included Jessie Dolezel and Rachel dates and address changes, Bruce Johnson, three of our dance contact alumni relations at alum- teachers, performed several dance
[email protected]. pieces. Christopher Martin, theatre faculty, performed stand-up comedy. To receive job listings or post an Professor Laura Holland We have very talented faculty, and I open position to recruit alumni department chair hope this is only the beginning of an applicants, e-mail Dr. Even Culp annual tradition. at
[email protected]. Greetings to all alumni! This The performing arts area of our semester has been productive department has a very challenging To provide feedback on the and exciting, especially for our season this year. We opened our magazine or submit story ideas journalism area. Some of you have theatre season with Shakespeare’s on successful alums, contact known student publications has not “Hamlet,” which was performed
[email protected]. The ad- been “housed” in communication to over 2,000 high school students viser would like to hear from arts for several years.