Bay of Nigg Development Framework.Pdf

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Bay of Nigg Development Framework.Pdf BAY OF NIGG DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK 01JTJEFOUJGJFEBTUIFOFXMPDBUJPOGPS"CFSEFFO)BSCPVS&YQBOTJPO5IF#BZPG Contents /JHH%FWFMPQNFOU'SBNFXPSLXBTQSPEVDFEBOEBEPQUFEBT*OUFSJN1MBOOJOH "EWJDFQSJPSUPUIFBEPQUJPOPGUIF"CFSEFFO-PDBM%FWFMPQNFOU1MBO"TQBSU PGUIFQVCMJDBUJPOPGUIF-PDBM%FWFMPQNFOU1MBO BOBQQSBJTBMPGUIFEPDVNFOU IBTCFFOVOEFSUBLFOBOE BTQBSUPGUIJTQSPDFTT QPMJDZSFGFSFODFTXJUIJOUIF 4VQQMFNFOUBSZ(VJEBODFIBWFCFFOSFWJFXFEBOEVQEBUFE "OZRVFSJFTDPODFSOJOHUIFUFYUPGUIF4VQQMFNFOUBSZ(VJEBODFTIPVMECFEJSFDUFE UP1MBOOJOHBOE4VTUBJOBCMF%FWFMPQNFOU PSQJ!BCFSEFFODJUZHPWVL GPSDMBSJGJDBUJPO 01 02 03 04 Introduction and Vision Local Context Existing Policy The Drivers for & Regulations Change & Sensitivities p 19 p 3 p 5 p 23 05 A Framework and Programme for Delivery p 31 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK 3 01. Introduction and Vision AS ABERDEEN HARBOUR BOARD PROGRESS THEIR PROPOSALS FOR EXPANSION INTO BAY OF NIGG, NOW IS THE TIME TO CONSIDER HOW BEST TO MAXIMISE THE IMPACT OF THIS SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENT FOR BUSINESSES AND COMMUNITIES AND TO PLAN FOR NECESSARY INFRASTRUCTURE. The proposals for a new harbour represents It will seek to facilitate cohesive and properly • To inform the preparation of the proposed View of Offshore Rigs the baseline for this Development Framework planned growth, in particular the coordination Local Development Plan; as the key driver for change in the area. The of essential infrastructure and establishing • To consider the interaction with the principle of this development is established parameters within which new development can Aberdeen City Centre Development in the National Planning Framework in direct take place. Framework; response to capacity constraints at the existing • To establish a clear brief for more detailed harbour and the need to retain existing This will sit in the context of the presently masterplans at the new harbour, Altens and business as well as expand into new markets adopted and future Aberdeen Local ,HZ[;\SSVZ" MVY[OLILULMP[VM[OLJP[`YLNPVUHUK:JV[SHUK Development Plans and it will be considered as a whole. Aberdeen Harbour Board as interim planning advice under the Aberdeen • ;VLUZ\YLJVUZPKLYH[PVUHUKPKLU[PMPJH[PVUof proposes HTVKLYUZ\Z[HPUHISLHUKLULYN` Local Development Plan 2012 until it is all opportunities to promote sustainable, LMMPJPLU[OHYIV\Y^OPJOPZMP[MVYW\YWVZLHUK HKVW[LKHZ:\WWSLTLU[HY`.\PKHUJL\UKLY low-carbon development that also maximise HISL[Vrespond to existing and future needs of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2016. [OLILULMP[ZVMNYLLUPUMYHZ[Y\J[\YL; port users. The proposals represent expansion The Development Framework will however • To consider how surrounding land uses and not replacement of the existing harbour take a long term approach to placemaking, can evolve to maximise opportunities to and as such there should be no decrease or infrastructure provision and land use planning. ILULÄ[MYVT[OLHYYP]HSVM[OPZTHQVYWPLJLVM change to activity within the existing harbour in It must be considered not only in the context of investment; J\YYLU[WSHUUPUNWVSPJ`I\[ILZ\P[HIS`ÅL_PISL the heart of Aberdeen. • To identify aspects of broader strategic and robust to be relevant and deliverable infrastructure investment, including roads Aberdeen City Council (ACC), through throughout numerous plan cycles. and rail, that will support this process and KPZJ\ZZPVUZ^P[O:JV[[PZO,U[LYWYPZLHUK consider ways in which all stakeholders can (ILYKLLU/HYIV\Y)VHYKOHZPKLU[PÄLK[OL The objectives of the Development Framework work together to deliver this infrastructure; need to prepare a Development Framework ^LYLYLÄULKHZHYLZ\S[VMHULUNHNLTLU[ which should consider how to maximise process at the inception stage of the project. • To involve local people at the heart of the opportunities presented by investment -VSSV^PUNKPZJ\ZZPVUIL[^LLU:JV[[PZO this process and identify mechanisms in the new harbour, in terms of economic ,U[LYWYPZL(**HUK(ILYKLLU/HYIV\YHZ ^OPJOLUZ\YLHUVUNVPUNILULÄ[[V[OVZL development, regeneration and environmental well as feedback from local communities and communities; and, improvements. This should also address groups, the following objectives were chosen • To engage with local business and the coordination of essential infrastructure, for the Development Framework. landowners on these matters. and identify opportunities for strategic Objectives • To consider environmental impacts improvements to the road and rail network. The and, wherever possible, commit to the Development Framework will therefore consider • ;VPUMVYT[OLWYVJLZZVMJSLHYS`KLÄUPUN protection and enhancement of the natural the site of the new harbour at Bay of Nigg and the extent and content of the forthcoming environment and biodiversity. its interaction with surrounding areas, with a applications for the new harbour at Bay of particular focus on the existing industrial areas Nigg and its associated facilities; H[(S[LUZHUK,HZ[;\SSVZ INTRODUCTION AND VISION 4 The Development Framework will set the context for a series of more FIGURE 1 Individual Masterplan Locations detailed masterplans to come forward to facilitate delivery of sub areas within the framework. At this stage, these are envisaged to be: • Bay of Nigg; • ,HZ[;\SSVZ"HUK • Altens. The Masterplan for Bay of Nigg will be brought forward by Aberdeen Harbour Board as part of the consenting process for the new harbour. 4HZ[LYWSHUZMVY(S[LUZHUK,HZ[;\SSVZ^PSSILIYV\NO[MVY^HYK in consultation with stakeholders in these areas, likely to include I\ZPULZZLZSHUKV^ULYZ(**HUK:JV[[PZO,U[LYWYPZL The Development Framework is required to take cognisance of relevant planning policies and other proposals including the adopted Aberdeen /HYIV\Y+L]LSVWTLU[-YHTL^VYR[OL6SK;VYY`4HZ[LYWSHU:[\K` and the City Centre Masterplan. ;OLWYLWHYH[PVUVM[OPZ:\WWSLTLU[HY`.\PKHUJLOHZILLUPUMVYTLKI` studies assessing environmental, economic and technical matters as well as a thorough and inclusive programme of community and stakeholder engagement. ACC as planning authority has been instrumental in shaping the form and content of this Development Framework throughout its preparation. :[\KPLZHUKZ\Y]L`ZPUJS\KL! • A desktop review of relevant legislation, policies and designations; • Landscape and Visual Appraisal for Bay of Nigg; • Draft Transport Appraisal for the harbour proposals; • /PNOSL]LS[YHMÄJTVKLSSPUNMVY[OL^PKLYKL]LSVWTLU[MYHTL^VYRHYLH" • ;OLÄUKPUNZVMHULJVUVTPJHZZLZZTLU[VM[OLOHYIV\YWYVWVZHSZ" • ;OLPUP[PHSÄUKPUNZVM,U]PYVUTLU[HS0TWHJ[(ZZLZZTLU[MVY[OL harbour proposals; and • :[HRLOVSKLYHUKJVTT\UP[`LUNHNLTLU[ (NYLH[LYL_WSHUH[PVUVM[OLWYVJLZZÄUKPUNZHUKHUHS`ZPZVM[OPZ^VYRPZ detailed in the Bay of Nigg Development Framework: Background Report ^OPJOZL[Z[OLJVU[L_[MVY[OPZ:\WWSLTLU[HY`.\PKHUJL(http://www. The Bay of Nigg Development Framework forms part of a suite of documents alongside these background papers. 5 02. Local Context TO ENSURE THE PHYSICAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC INTEGRATION OF DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS, THE DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK LOOKED AT BAY OF NIGG, EAST TULLOS AND ALTENS, TOGETHER WITH THEIR WIDER SURROUNDINGS. The analysis is split into four sections, as follows: • ,U]PYVUTLU[HUK;VWVNYHWO`" • Infrastructure; • Land Uses / Designations; and • Place and People LOCAL CONTEXT 6 View of Girdle Ness Lighthouse looking south west Environment & Topography Topography Landscape Character Tullos Hill, together with adjacent Kincorth Hill, form part of the The Bay of Nigg site is situated in a natural bay, within a broad SV^LZ[JVHZ[HSMYPUNLVM[OL.YHTWPHU4V\U[HPUZRUV^USVJHSS` valley created by higher ground to the immediate north and HZº[OL.YHTWZ» south. These coastal headland areas have steep, rocky outcrops which jut out into the sea. The central area of the Bay As illustrated in Figure 3 *YVZZ:LJ[PVUMYVT*V]L[OYV\NO[V of Nigg PZMSH[[LY^P[OH^LH[OLYLKYVJR`ZOVYLSPUL;OLSHUK Torry Battery (page 9), the land south of Bay of Nigg; Tullos Hill / YHPZLZH[)HSUHNHZR.VSM*V\YZL.PYKSL5LZZ3PNO[OV\ZL 5LZZ3HUKÄSSHYLHHUK(S[LUZPUK\Z[YPHSLZ[H[LNLU[S`YPZL[V ILMVYLMHSSPUNaway to the north down to the mouth of the River metres Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) at Langdykes Road in Dee. To the west lie residential areas on the higher ground Cove, whilst north of Bay of Nigg at Torry Battery it is 26 metres following the YPKNLSPULMYVT.PYKSL5LZZ;V[OLPTTLKPH[L (6+;OLSHUK[V[OL^LZ[VM[OLIH`":[-P[[PJRZ7HYRPZSV^ ^LZ[LYUIV\UKHY`PZ[OLYLTHPUZVM:[-P[[PJR»Z*O\YJOHUK[OL lying, at approximately 6 metres AOD. 5PNN>HZ[L>H[LY;YLH[LTLU[>VYRZHKQHJLU[to^OLYLH WLYJLP]LKº]HSSL`»PU[OLSHUKMVYTMVSSV^Z[OLSPULVM[OL The views inward, toward the new harbour proposal are (ILYKLLU¶,KPUI\YNOYHPS^H`line. In the south the land rises contained to the immediate areas of higher ground at Tullos Hill / again up towards the Coast Road and Tullos Hill, creating the 5LZZ3HUKÄSSHYLHHUK)HSUHNHZR.VSM*V\YZL steep rocky shoreline which drops off into the sea. ;OLJOHUNLZPUSL]LSPU[OPZHYLHHZZVJPH[LK^P[O[OL.YHTWZ ;OL+L]LSVWTLU[-YHTL^VYRHYLHPZHSZVJV]LYLKI`:5/»Z [OLSHUKÄSS[OLYHPS^H`SPULHUKLTIHURTLU[WYLZLU[WO`ZPJHS 3HUKZJHWL*OHYHJ[LY(ZZLZZTLU[VM(ILYKLLU5V barriers between the three masterplan areas. ^OPJOZWSP[ZP[PU[VKPZ[PUJ[HYLHZV\[SPULKILSV^! • Girdle Ness / The Bay of Nigg: The key characteristics of Geology this area include: distinctive coastal landform; open character The Nigg Bay :P[LVM:WLJPHS:JPLU[PMPJ0U[LYLZ[PZHOH of the landscape (close to the coast); large expanse ofmown site to the south end of the Bay that illustrates several of grassland between the railway line and Balnagask; [OLJOHYHJ[LYPZ[PJNSHJPHSKLWVZP[ZVM[OLHYLH:PUJL[OLSH[L occasional, distinctive
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  • Proposals for Polling Districts and Polling Places
    REVIEW OF POLLING DISTRICTS AND POLLING PLACES Changes to Polling Districts are required as a result of the 2018 Review of UK Parliament Consitiuencies. The details of this review can be viewed on the Boundary Commission for Scotland website The Boundary Commission for Scotland submitted their report for the 2018 Review of UK Parliament Constituencies to the Secretary of State for Scotland in September 2018. The Order that will bring the revised boundaries into effect, still requires to be approved by the estminsterW Parliament. Where changes to Polling Places are recommended as a result of the proposed boundary and polling district changes, this is indicated in the table in Part 2. 1. THE FOLLOWING CHANGES TO POLLING DISTRICTS ARE PROPOSED Polling District Current Poll New Poll Comment Code Code / District KIRKHILL DG0101 DN0101 These polling districts are moving from Gordon to Aberdeen North. It is proposed the DYCE NORTH DG0102 DN0102 polling district code changes to reflect this. There is no change proposed to these polling district boundaries. DYCE SOUTH DG0103 DN0103 STONEYWOOD DG0105 DN0105 DANESTONE NORTH DG0106 DN0106 BANKHEAD DG0107 DN0107 DANESTONE SOUTH DG0110 DN0110 JESMOND DG0201 DN0201 MUNDURNO DG0202 DN0202 NEWBURGH DG0203 DN0203 GREENBRAE DG0204 DN0204 MIDDLETON DG0205 DN0205 PARKWAY NORTH DG0206 DN0206 BALGOWNIE DG0207 DN0207 SILVERBURN DG0208 DN0208 KINGSWELLS SOUTH DS0306 DN0301 It is proposed to merge DN0306 (Kingswells South) with DN0301 (Kingswells WHITEMYRES DN0307 DN0306 Central). Kingswells South was a very small polling district created to accommodate the previous parliamentary boundaries. It is no longer needed. It is proposed to WOODEND DS0308 DN0307 merge DN0309 (Denwood) with DS0308 (Woodend) Denwood was a very small DENWOOD DN0309 DN0307 polling district created to accommodate the previous parliamentary boundaries.
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