NATURE. VOL. 222., MAY 3. 1969 497 too, in one way or another, have to be subsidized as food stomach were manifest. Chaplin considered the diseas'' producers. supervened on a peptic ulcer. Kemble regards it as a This book is good for us all-for anthropologists, primary growth. Sir Hudson Lowe tampered with the, economists and sociologists, not to speak of politicians and drafts of the doctors' reports and insisted that all reference administrators. Above all, it demonstrates tho awe­ to enlargement of the liver must be omitted. His real inspiring interconnectedness of modern institutions, and attitude towards 's ill health is giYen in Cor­ the consequent many sided intractability of the problems roquer's diary. He did not believe, almo'!t up to the last which arise. F. G. BAILEY possible moment, that Napoleon was really ill, and dis­ agreed with Arnott's subsequent reports that Napoleon's health and condition foretold imminent death. James Kemble is to be congratulated on the further NAPOLEON'S HEALTH service he has rendered to general and medical historians. St Helena during Napoleon's Exile The book is well illustrated and well produced. Correquer's Diary. By James Kemble. Pp. ix+ 297 + 16 ARTHUR MACNALTY plate

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