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David T. Doot Secretary January 2, 2015 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL TO: MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES OF THE NEPOOL PARTICIPANTS COMMITTEE RE: Supplemental Notice of January 9, 2015 NEPOOL Participants Committee Teleconference Meeting Pursuant to Section 6.6 of the Second Restated New England Power Pool Agreement, supplemental notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Participants Committee will be held by teleconference on Friday, January 9, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. for the purposes set forth on the attached agenda which is posted with the meeting materials at http://www.nepool.com/NPC_2015.php. The dial-in number will be 1-866-803-2146; Passcode: 7169224. If you will be calling in from outside the country, please contact us for an alternate number to participate in the call. For your information, this meeting will be recorded, as are all NEPOOL Participants Committee meetings. 2015 NEPOOL Annual Fees FOR PARTICIPANTS WHO DO NOT TYPICALLY RECEIVE INVOICES FROM ISO-NE, PLEASE NOTE: The NEPOOL annual fees will be in the February invoices for all Participants in the Pool as of January 1, 2015. To avoid a Payment Default, the payment for the annual fee must be received by the ISO not later than the second business day following issuance of the invoice, or Thursday, February 19, 2015. Invariably, numerous Participants fail to pay these invoices on time and end up in a Payment Default with additional penalties assessed. As a courtesy, the ISO has sent a reminder and additional payment information directly to Participants who do not typically receive weekly invoices. However, we urge all Participants to anticipate this February invoice and plan accordingly. Looking ahead, please note that the February 6, 2015 Participants Committee meeting will be held at The Colonnade Hotel in Boston. Rooms at the Colonnade for the February 6 meeting are available at the rate of $159.00 per night, on a first-come, first-served basis UNTIL February 2, 2015. To take advantage of these arrangements, please contact the hotel directly (617-424-7000) and reference the “NEPOOL Participants Committee” block of rooms. Alternatively, reservations can be made online using the following link: New England Power Pool. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! Respectfully yours, /s/ David T. Doot, Secretary NEPOOL PARTICIPANTS COMMITTEE JAN. 9, 2015 MEETING FINAL AGENDA 1. To approve the draft minutes of the Participants Committee meeting held on December 5, 2014. Draft minutes for the December 5 meeting, marked to show changes from the draft circulated with the initial notice, are included with this supplemental notice and posted at http://www.nepool.com/NPC_2015.php. 2. To adopt and approve all actions recommended by the Technical Committees set forth on the Consent Agenda included with this supplemental notice. 3. To receive an ISO Chief Executive Officer Report. 4. To receive an ISO Chief Operating Officer Report. 5. To receive a report on current matters relating to regional wholesale power and transmission arrangements that are pending before the regulators and the courts. The litigation report will be posted in advance of the meeting. 6. To receive reports from committees and subcommittees. 7. To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. NEPOOL PARTICIPANTS COMMITTEE MEETING JAN 9, 2015 MEETING, AGENDA ITEM #1 Marked to Show Changes from Draft Circulated 12/24/2014 3373 PRELIMINARY The annual meeting of the NEPOOL Participants Committee was held beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, December 5, 2014 at The Colonnade Hotel, Boston, MA pursuant to notice duly given. A quorum determined in accordance with the Second Restated NEPOOL Agreement was present and acting throughout the meeting. Attachment 1 identifies the members, alternates and temporary alternates attending the meeting. Mr. Joel Gordon, Chair, presided and Mr. David Doot, Secretary, recorded. Mr. Gordon welcomed the members, alternates and guests who were present, including Ms. Patricia Hoffman, Assistant Secretary for the United States Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, and New England state representatives who joined the annual meeting. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 7, 2014 MEETING MINUTES Mr. Doot referred the Committee to the preliminary minutes for the November 7, 2014 meeting as circulated in advance of the meeting. Following motion duly made and seconded, the preliminary minutes for the November 7 meeting were unanimously approved. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Gordon referred the Committee to the Consent Agenda circulated in advance of the meeting. A motion was duly made and seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda, with Item No. 3 (support for revisions to Tariff §§ I.2.2 and III. (ORTP Exemption for Distributed Renewable Technology Resources)) removed for discussion later in the meeting. The Consent Agenda was unanimously approved without comment. NEPOOL PARTICIPANTS COMMITTEE MEETING JAN 9, 2015 MEETING, AGENDA ITEM #1 Marked to Show Changes from Draft Circulated 12/24/2014 3374 ORDER 676-H COMPLIANCE FILING CHANGES Mr. Donald Gates, the Transmission Committee Chair, referred the Participants Committee to materials circulated in advance of the meeting regarding ISO-proposed revisions to Schedule 24 of Section II of the ISO Tariff to comply with FERC Order 676-H (Compliance Changes). He explained that Order 676-H prescribed revisions to the Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) (Tariff Section II) to incorporate certain Wholesale Electric Quadrant standards adopted by the North American Energy Standards Board and incorporated by reference in FERC regulations. He reported that, at its December 1, 2014 meeting, the Transmission Committee considered and unanimously recommended Participants Committee support for the Compliance Changes. He reported also that, as directed in Order 676-H, the ISO submitted its compliance filing on December 1, which included the Compliance Changes as well as a request for continued waiver of certain revised standards that continued not to apply in New England. Mr. Gates indicated that, because of the timing of Transmission Committee action, the Participants Committee was being asked to support the Compliance Changes post filing and that NEPOOL would report the results of the Participants Committee’s consideration in NEPOOL’s comments on the compliance filing. Following motion duly made, and seconded, the Committee considered and approved unanimously the following motion: RESOLVED, that the Participants Committee supports the proposed revisions to Schedule 24 of the ISO-NE OATT in compliance with FERC Order 676-H, as recommended by the Transmission Committee and as reflected in the materials distributed to the Participants Committee for its December 5, 2014 meeting, together with such non- substantive changes as may be agreed to after the meeting by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Transmission Committee. NEPOOL PARTICIPANTS COMMITTEE MEETING JAN 9, 2015 MEETING, AGENDA ITEM #1 Marked to Show Changes from Draft Circulated 12/24/2014 3375 COMMENTS OF DOE ASSISTANT SECRETARY PATRICIA HOFFMAN Mr. Gordon welcomed Assistant Secretary Hoffman and introduced her to the Committee, highlighting her focus on electric grid modernization, enhanced security and reliability of energy infrastructure, and improved response to energy supply disruptions. Ms. Hoffman expressed appreciation to the Committee for the invitation to participate in the NEPOOL Aannual Mmeeting, and for the opportunity to learn from the discussions at her first NEPOOL meeting. Ms. Hoffman’s introductory remarks focused on the following risks and challenges being addressed at the federal-levelfederal level and their relationship to regional-levelregional efforts and dialogue among the states, system operators and consumers: Climate/Severe Weather Addressing price volatility intensified by severe weather, particularly in New England and neighboring regions, and potential solutions sets to mitigate those effects Developing tools to assist states in identifying, assessing and addressing, as appropriate, the impacts of climate/weather changes Cyber Security Valuing and monetizing grid security and resiliency Evaluating the need for, and to whom and how to allocate the costs of, additional system protections Articulating cyber security requirements that can be understood and satisfied by the supply infrastructure Addressing cyber security vulnerabilities through (i) continuous monitoring programs;, (ii) incident response;, and (iii) forensic/analytical capabilities that remain ahead of adversaries’ abilities Physical Security Identifying risk tolerance (complete protection not likely achievable) Weighing and balancing solution components against mitigation costs NEPOOL PARTICIPANTS COMMITTEE MEETING JAN 9, 2015 MEETING, AGENDA ITEM #1 Marked to Show Changes from Draft Circulated 12/24/2014 3376 Operational Flexibility/Grid Advancements Improving system visibility and operational flexibility. The Recovery Act had permitted DOE to invest over $4.5 billion on the installation ofto install system sensors, and it iswas seeking additional technologies to improve system visibility and operational flexibility Identifying additional benefits provided by Transmission Owner sensing tools, similar to wide areawide-area visualization facilitated by installation of synchrophasors Employing advanced metering to increase demand-side data fidelity and predictability and to measure energy efficiency contributions Distribution System Evaluating how distribution system