Chapter 8 - Frequently Used Symbols
UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION THEORY BY ROD J. TROUTBECK13 WERNER BRILON14 13 Professor, Head of the School, Civil Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, 2 George Street, Brisbane 4000 Australia. 14 Professor, Institute for Transportation, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ruhr University, D 44780 Bochum, Germany. Chapter 8 - Frequently used Symbols bi = proportion of volume of movement i of the total volume on the shared lane Cw = coefficient of variation of service times D = total delay of minor street vehicles Dq = average delay of vehicles in the queue at higher positions than the first E(h) = mean headway E(tcc ) = the mean of the critical gap, t f(t) = density function for the distribution of gaps in the major stream g(t) = number of minor stream vehicles which can enter into a major stream gap of size, t L = logarithm m = number of movements on the shared lane n = number of vehicles c = increment, which tends to 0, when Var(tc ) approaches 0 f = increment, which tends to 0, when Var(tf ) approaches 0 q = flow in veh/sec qs = capacity of the shared lane in veh/h qm,i = capacity of movement i, if it operates on a separate lane in veh/h qm = the entry capacity qm = maximum traffic volume departing from the stop line in the minor stream in veh/sec qp = major stream volume in veh/sec t = time tc = critical gap time tf = follow-up times tm = the shift in the curve Var(tc ) = variance of critical gaps Var(tf ) = variance of follow-up-times Var (W) = variance of service times W = average service time.
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