Sawtry Eye Oct-Nov 08
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Ejtusjcvufe!up!Dpojohupo-!Hmbuupo-!! Vqupo!'!Tbxusz! Op/!87!Pdu!.!Opw!3119! LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET SSAWTRY A W T R YYY Thursday 2nd October Car Boot Sale 8 am—2 pm Saturday 4 October ‘08 Old School Hall, Green End Road 9am - 12pm (Taking place during British Food By the CARESCO Centre Fortnight) Green End Road, Sawtry Tebbits Farm Meats, £5 per car (£8 on the day) Little Common Preserves, To book call 01487 832105 Harvest Food (pies, quiches and desserts), Honey, apples, Moor Farm Meats, Refreshments will be served in the Toms Cakes, Completely Chilli, CARESCO Centre Vegetables and more… All funds raised will go towards the Refreshments (café style - available inside) work of CARESCO Recap cloth bags available for shoppers Next market Thursday 4 th December SAWTRY FIREWORK DISPLAY Sawtry A professional display for all the family Remembrance Wednesday 5 th November At Greenfields, Straight Drove, Sawtry Day Parade Gates Open 6.00pm Bonfire Lit 6.30pm th Fireworks Start 7.00pm Sunday 9 November This year’s display is being “let off” by CAMBRIDGE FIREWORKS – Be Early The annual parade will meet Tickets are available from:- Paul Cox, Cooper’s Garage, Best Friends on the village green at Vets & Sawtry Parish Council Office 10.30am Prices: Adults £3.00 (£4.00 on the gate) to parade to All Saints Church Children (4-14) £2.00 (£2.50 on the gate) for the traditional two minute Refreshments, hot & cold are served. silence followed by a service in Barbecue, tea, coffee, sweets, crisps & soft drinks the Church. PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL FIREWORK DISPLAY All are welcome to join in this Voluntarily run by corporate act of remembrance. Sawtry Sports & Leisure Association ** No fireworks to be brought into display (including sparklers) ** We shall remember them ** No dumping of rubbish for the bonfire please ** If you are moving house, please can you leave a rec ent copy of Sawtry Eye for the new occupiers - Than k y o u SAWTRY EYE IS PUBLISHED BY CARESCO (SAWTRY & DISTRICT CARE & RESOURCE ORGANISATION) REGISTERED CHARITY NO: 288202 !!! O O O O C O F F E E S H O P Gps!jttvf!Op;!!Gps!jttvf!Op;!!88888888!!!! Pdu!Pdu!....!Opw!3119!Opw!3119!Opw!3119!!!! Every Friday Bewfsujtfnfout!cz!! 9 – 11.30am (Term Time) 23!Oppo!po!24!Opw!19! 9.45am – 11.30am (During school holidays) ! Ofxt!Jufnt!cz!! at the CARESCO Centre 23!Oppo!po!31!Opw!19! A warm welcome for coffee and a chat. Full Page: 17.5cm x 26cm 1 Issue - £85 It’s the place to be 6 Issues - £425 Half Page: 13cm x 17.5cm Everyone Welcome 1 Issue - £45 6 Issues - £225 CARESCCARESC CARESCCARESC Quarter Page: 13cm x 8.5cm 1 Issue - £25 6 Issues - £125 Have you visited our new website yet? Eighth Page: 6.5cm x 8.5cm 1 Issue - £15 6 Issues - £75 For more information call in or Find out more about our organisation. You can even phone 9.00am - 12 Noon download our latest annual report by following the link on the Monday - Friday right-hand side of the home page. 01487 832105 Lions Give Donation to Village Charity Back in July, Huntingdon Grafham Water Lions made a generous dona- tion of £300 towards the work of CARESCO. There are only thirteen Lions and they partici- pate in many events through the year, so if anybody would like to join in and help with their charitable work as well as enjoying their social activities please ring Derek Greenwood on 01480 811635 or Ian Fairclough on 01480 819371. Pictured : David Whitney (left), chairman of CARESCO, receiving the cheque from Lion Gordon Price 222 Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 08 Sawtry Eye Magazine is Published by: CARESCO (Sawtry & District Care & Congratulations to everyone involved in making the Sawtry Show such Resource Organisation) a success. We are very fortunate to have people willing to make these CARESCO events happen. Both the Show and the Carnival committees are ask- CARESCO Centre ing for new members to help share the work so please think about Green End Road making a contribution to these village events. Sawtry Huntingdon We have lots of events for you in this issue. Many local organisations Cambs PE28 5UX have Autumn/Winter fundraisers needing your support. There are Telephone: 01487 832105 even a couple of Christmas events advertised! We also have some things which are happening outside our delivery area for your informa- Articles & Letters can be emailed to tion such as the Life on the Holme Front weekend, which sounds really CARESCO. Please put as subject “For Sawtry interesting. Eye” and enclose full name and postal address — Email: [email protected] If you are part of a community group who do not submit items to the Eye, why not suggest it to your committee? We can give you free ad- vertising to every door in Sawtry, Glatton, Conington & Upton. Marina Joyce / Liz Coates Editors Marina Joyce Advertising/Sales Liz Coates Samantha Rees / Donna Green Co-Editor Design / Artwork - This Issue Printed By: CARESCO PrintShop E DITORIAL P O L I C Y S UMMARY · All items are included entirely at the discretion of the editors who reserve the right to edit or refuse to print any item submitted. · Views expressed in the Sawtry Eye are not necessarily those of the editors or CARESCO, REGULARS CHURCH NEWS they are included in the interests of free speech. · Anonymous items will only be considered 2 CARESCO / NEARLY NEW 19 Sawtry Methodist Church where the author has submitted their full name & 4/5 Dates for your Diary 19 All Saints’ Parish Church contact details to the editors with their contribu- Make a Date tion and have requested, with reason, that these 19 Light Factory Special Community Activities are withheld. 19 Christians Together 6 Notices · Before printing a critical item the editors re- 20 St Nicholas Parish Church serve the right to approach the criticised per- 7 Readers Letters 20 Saint Luke’s sons/group and offer an opportunity to comment, Your views on subjects that matter where possible, in the same issue. At their dis- 21 All Saints’ Fundraising Events cretion the editors may delay the critical item to 30 Classifieds - Advertising !!!!!!! 21 Remembrance the following issue or publish without a reply. · The editors cannot accept any liability for VILLAGE NEWS omissions, errors or mistakes which occur in GENERAL INFO / production. 10 Sawtry Show · The copies of Sawtry Eye delivered to the par- 10 CARESCO - Christmas Shopping PLANTSMAN ish of Sawtry are accompanied by the Sawtry 10 BK’s out of School - OFSTED Parish Council Newsletter which is published by 11 CARESCO - Support a Charity 22 God Created Children and the responsibility of Sawtry Parish Council. 11 Upton Gardening Club 22 General Information The full Editorial Policy is available from the CA- 22 Scent & Pollination Part 6 RESCO office during office hours. 11 Life on the Holme Front 11 Tree Warden Report DISTRIBUTION OF S AWTRY E YE : 12 Sawtry Carnival SPORT & CLUBS If you know of anybody who does not re- 13 Royal British Legion ceive a copy or would like to help deliver 13 Going Green 23 Soccer for Girls Sawtry Eye, telephone: 01487 832105 14 Sawtry Library News 24 Yaxley Runners between 9am—12 noon Monday-Friday 14 Ramsey Choral Society 24 Sawtry Bowling Club 15 Wellside Surgery News 15 Christians Together in Sawtry 16 Wildlife Trust SAWTRY S a w t r y 16 Sawtry Vocal Academy TwinnedTWINNED withWITH 17 St Neots CATS WWEIMAR e i m a r 17 Sawtry History Society 18 MAGPAS 18 Huntingdon Male Voice Choir 333 Sawtry Eye Oct - Nov 08 S C H O O L T E R M D A T E S F O R Don’t forget - during all weeks containing a bank S A W T R Y S CHOOLS holiday, collections will take Autumn Term 2008 place ONE DAY LATE Half Term - 27-31 October End of Term - 19 December HDC R EFUSE C OLLECTION Spring Term 2009 Sawtry, Conington, Glatton & Upton Start of Term - 6 January have the same calendar for refuse collection, however the week day may Half Term – 16 – 20 February vary. End of Term – 3 April To find out the exact dates for your prop- erty visit Summer Term 2009 uk/applications/refusecollection/ and Start of Term - 20 April enter your house number & postcode or May Day 4 May call 01480 388388 Half Term - 25 May to 29 May End of Term - 20 July GREY (L ANDFILL WASTE ) Schools have a number of training days available to take at their discre- (Week Beginning) tion. Please contact your local school for details. Or check the Cam- bridgeshire County Council website at 6 & 20 October 2008 3 & 17 November 2008 COMPOST (G ARDEN WASTE ) S a w t r y W I & D RY R ECYCLING st (Week Beginning) Sawtry WI meets on the 1 Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the WI Hall,Gidding Road 13 & 27 October 2008 (Wheelchair Access) 10 & 24 November 2008 For more information visit the Hunts 2 October District Council website at http://www. Ghosts & Witches in Cambridgeshire and look for the Re- Mike Petty MBE fuse & Recycling link on the left hand side of the page. 6 November AGM Farmers’ Markets 4 December Truly local food sold by the people Wind, Words & Wisdom - from Bagpipes to Saws who produce it.