JUNE 2014 Edition 602


The greatest Sellindge Primary School Summer Fair will be held on June 21st between 1 and 4pm. The theme this year is carnival, so there will be lots of colour and music. There will be lots to do including lots of displays, a grand raffle, Tombola, rides and slides, BBQ, Refreshments, Stalls and Crafts. So there is something for everyone so please come along and support your village school.

SPEEDWATCH ! At last! We have the equipment now, shared with on a fortnightly basis, to be able to monitor speeds and is being used to great effect so far on the Main Road and in Swan Lane. Thanks to Sue Covus for all her help and to Susan Carey for her support. Our team of volunteers is looking to expand: a small amount of training is needed, a visi-jacket is supplied, and we'll try to organise some sunshine too. So if you think you'd like to help out for an hour or so every now and then, please call Linda Hedley at the Parish Office or Susanne on 07958 308125.

SELLINDGE SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB AFTERNOON BOOT FAIR Sellindge Sports and Social Club are holding an afternoon boot fair in their grounds in Swan Lane on Saturday June 14th £5.00 per Boot, no booking required Set – Up at 11.00am No Entry will be allowed before this time. Public are requested not to arrive before 12 Noon. Free car park and entry, homemade cake stall in the clubhouse.

PROPOSED SELLINDGE LEES CLOCK Proposed Village Sign and clock for ‘Sellindge Lees’ by Rod Fender, of Black Arts Forge, the same company that made our Village Sign. The proposed clock would go onto the new Village Green, which will be on part of the site of the Sellindge Lees, which was until the mid 1800s an area of common land.

The Parish Council would like to hear your views on the proposed clock. You can send your comments by e-mail to [email protected] or go to the website where you can leave your comments in the message centre,

Phone the Parish Council on 01303 813 271

Drop your comments into the Parish Council post box

Come to the Parish Council office during opening hours

SELLINDGE WAR MEMORIAL HALL AGM The Management Committee of the Sellindge War Memorial Hall will be holding the 2014 AGM on Thursday June 5th at 7.00pm in the Durling Hall.

SELLINDGE VILLAGE HALL TABLE TOP FAIR – Saturday June 7th from 10am to 1pm. Tables can be booked in advance for £5.00 per table. Please phone 01303 813 475 or on the day, if any left at £10. Next July 5th 1


At last the summer appears to be arriving with some recent warm days; our memories of last year’s snow long gone – thank goodness. And now an apology; in the January edition of the newsletter an application was erroneously attributed to Rectory Farm, Stone Hill. The address should have said Rectory Farm Cottage. The Clerk and Editor apologise for any concern caused by this mistake. Your Council met as is normal on the second Tuesday of May, with the usual headings, although they are exactly that; just headings. So what was debated? Stanley Bull was elected for the coming year as Chairman and Colin Minister as Vice Chairman. Stanley then asked for volunteers to cover the different representative positions and for Committee / Group members and these is listed below

 KALC – Colin Minister and Chris Mason  Town & Parish Planning user Group – Nigel Fursdon and Morgan Varrier-smith  Speed watch – Colin Minister and Morgan Varrier - Smith  Sports & Social Club – Sarah Jane Sandy is happy to continue  Neighborhood Watch coordinator – Morgan Varrier – Smith will take this on with help from Colin Minister if required. Committees / Groups  Personnel & Complaints – This needs three at least and Alan Keeves, Nigel Fursdon and Morgan Varrier – Smith volunteered.  Sellindge Future – This needs four only at the moment, as the PC is waiting for further information from SDC. Volunteers were Stanley Bull, Alan Keeves, Pat Vago and Chris Mason.  Planning Group –Nigel Fursdon and it was agreed he would be the Chairman, with Pat Vago, Morgan Varrier – Smith and Colin Minister.  Finance & General Purposes – Alan Keeves, Nigel Fursdon, Sarah Jane Sandy and Colin Minister.  Policy & Procedures – This is a group of people who will look at the Standing Orders and other policies that the Parish Council are required to have and to check that they do not need updating. 3 people would be enough. Stanley felt that as Chairman he should be involved, Chris Mason said he would be interested and Morgan Varrier – Smith thought it would help with learning more about the Parish Council. Alan Keeves said he was happy to be involved when the group was looking at the Finance regulations. As they were all volunteers they were voted and agreed en block Jenny Hollingsbee gave a short verbal report.  There has been no application from Taylor Wimpey yet, it appears to have gone quiet.  There is flooding outside Home farm when it rains and although this has been reported on a number of occasions do not appear to have been resolved. C Minister will pick this up.  The next election for SDC is in 2015 and the number of Councillors will be reduced from 46 to 30. This will have an effect on the work load and the amount of representations. Another knock on effect, ‘do you need a council chamber that big’ a working party is being set up.  There are very few facilities for young people with mental health issues; a group being set up to look at this.  With S Carey she visited the youth club, the KCC have terminated the current provider but she is not sure on the current situation. She went on to say that it is important that Councillors pass on issues they have to KALC as this is the forum to use Your Council supported applications and the report that Nigel Circulated to your Councillors will be on the website in due course. Your Council was approached to support youngsters on work experience and this was agreed, so as well have having some-one help with the memorial garden it may be that there will be others in the future. By the time you read this the Annual Assembly will have taken place and your Council hopes that you found the time to attend and that it was useful. If for some reason you were unable to come along then please do contact the Parish Council Office to find out what took place and to be updated with your Parish Councils future hopes. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on 10th June, see you there.

DOG POOP BAGS Dog walkers don’t forget you can pick up Dog Poop Bags FREE OF CHARGE from the Parish Council Office, they come in packs of 50. Once used, and tied they can be disposed of in any COUNCIL OWNED LITTER BIN.


There have been some cases of dog fouling, despite the Parish Council giving out free dog poop bags, you will know who you are, so please pop down the office and pick up some bags. Councillors would like to say thank you to those who are clearing up after their dogs.

SDC CLLR MRS JENNY HOLLINGSBEE 812 066 / Mob 07887 918 458 / [email protected] 3


The Annual Village Assembly took place in the Durling Hall on Tuesday May 27th. This was the 2nd time we used this new informal format, which includes a buffet, wine and fruit juice, coffee and tea if preferred. Last year we had around 6 members of the public attend, this year that grew to 15 members of the public. The 1st Sellindge Scouts had a display, showing what badges etc they were working towards, Fire and Rescue had a fire safety display, and there was a poster showing the proposed Sellindge Lees Clock was also on display for the first time. Our KCC Councillor, Shepway District Councillor, our KCC Community Warden also attended. This year we invited the Chairmen from our neighbouring Parish Councils to our assembly, the Chairman of Aldington and the Vice – Chairman of Lympne attended. The 2nd Annual Report was there for people to take a copy, there are some still available in the Parish Council office, if anyone wishes to have a copy. We sincerely apologise that the Pop – In article was omitted. The 2nd Annual Report is also available to download from the Parish Council website, this will include the Pop – In report. Now you may think, only 15 members of the public attended, well when we used the old formal format there would only be 1 or 2, sometimes none, so hope to see you next year.

FROM YOUR KCC COUNCILLOR Susan Carey, Member for Elham Valley, KCC – 01303 670 561

Someone has recently asked me when superfast broadband will be reaching their home so I am using this month’s newsletter as an update on what Kent County Council is doing to help get superfast broadband to rural Kent. You may wonder what is has to do with the County Council as we don’t provide gas, electric or your telephone service. We do, however, have an interest because access to the internet has become so important for education and for businesses, particularly as so many people work from home. We also expect that many of the ways we can help elderly or disabled people live independently will need access to the internet such as remote monitoring of health. Over the years Kent County Council has made sure schools in Kent had access to fast broadband and won Government funding for several projects to improve access to broadband in problem spots. Shepway District Council is helping with two of these projects, one on Romney Marsh and one in Stanford and Lympne. Shepway is also involved in a project to beam superfast broadband to local businesses from the top of the Civic Centre. Most densely populated areas already have access to superfast broadband but the cost of providing it to the rest of the Country is too expensive for the broadband providers to make a profit. The Government has therefore offered to part fund the expansion of superfast broadband to rural areas across the UK. Kent County Council is in an early part of this programme and is investing £10m, the Government is contributing £9.87m and BT £19.6 million. This will bring superfast broadband (at least 25 mbps) to 91% of households in Kent. The very first box of fibre optic cables funded by this scheme was ‘lit up’ in Densole on 18 December 2013 and engineers are currently surveying and installing new boxes across Kent. If you go to and search for ‘broadband maps’ you will see how the superfast network is planned to spread and that those areas without superfast should at least have access to between 2 and 25mbps by the time the programme finishes at the end of 2015. And if you search for ‘postcode checker’ you will get an idea of when the programme will reach you. I expect Kent County Council to agree to put an extra £5m towards getting superfast broadband to reach a further 5% of households (the government will again match fund) and this would bring superfast broadband to 96% of households. We must do more work to see how to reach the remaining 4% at an affordable cost. If this all seems too slow then you may want to try vfast internet which offers up to 24 mbps wireless broadband. I know people in Stone Street who have been able to get superfast broadband this way.

STANFORD and WI We would like to that all the ladies and the four gentlemen, who helped with our Jumble Sale at the end of April, without you we couldn’t have managed. So a really big Thank You. See you next year ? 4

SUE COVUS, KCC COMMUNITY WARDEN [email protected] 07773 397 141

SPEED WATCH – We now have the equipment and are up and running, and it is already proving effective at slowing vehicles down. If you are interested in taking part please contact me, there will be another short training session soon if you would like to take part.

SHED BREAKINS – Across the District there have been a spate of shed break ins, please be on your guard and keep your sheds locked and secure also your home, locking doors and windows when not at home. Please contact me for further information on any of these subjects on 07773 397 141.

SELLINDGE POP IN – A place for all age groups – Sellindge Village Hall

The Pop – In is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8am to 12 Noon and Tuesdays 8am to 3.30pm. There is a vast section of books, all at 20p and most of the bric – a – brac is 50p. You can pick up information leaflets from Age Uk and other organisations Remember, must be the only place where you can get a hot drink for 50p and a good chat. Tuesday’s 10th – Suzie is in from 10.30am offering File and Polish, Mini Manicure or Classic Manicures. Tuesday 10th – Hi Kent the Kent charity for the deaf, for advice, serving hearing aids etc from 2pm to 3.30pm. Mums with children very welcome, we have a nice box of toys for the children to play with, while you have a cuppa.


Minimum temp. – 2.50°C Tuesday 15th Mean night temp. 6.03°C Maximum temp. 22.00°C. Wednesday 2nd Mean day temp. 16.27°C April proved to be a month of mixed weather with just above average sunshine and mainly showers. Total rainfall from 11days was 45.330mm (1.785in) 31.25% above average, the wettest day being Mon.7th with 18.542mm (073in). Sunshine hours were up by 4.1% and temperatures up by 3.1% day and 1.53% night. There were only 4 nights when frost was recorded during the month.


At the May meeting, members were entertained by Mr Godden, who had stood in at the last moment, after the speaker who had been booked badly let the club down. Mr Godden did a very interesting slide show on some of the Kent gardens that he had visited, which started with Halham Garden, which had a spectacular walled garden, a folly and a pet cemetery, the house itself contained a large collection of clocks. Then we went to Dunston, commonly known as Goodnestone garden which is near Aylesham the gardens run from the house to the church, and are sectioned off into rooms, which are off a yew corridor, there is also a large lawn with a cedar tree that dates back to 1700c.

From there we went to Walmer Castle Gardens, near Deal Which has a dry moat and a vast sculptured yew hedge, the picture shows the sculptured yew hedge leading to Walmer Castle. The lovely Queen Mothers garden.

After which we went from the extreme East of Kent to the extreme West of Kent to Chartwell House, near Westerham The house where the late Winston Churchill and Lady Churchill lived. The gardens here boasts a large bog garden with impressive Gunnras, the lovely Lady Churchill rose garden, there is also a walled garden, croquet lawn and a urn garden where Winston Church used to like to sit. Winston Churchill was also a keen artist, and had his own studio, which is open to the public with an exhibition of over 130 of his painting being displayed.

Last but not least, we when to Ightham Moat, near Sevenoaks This grand house has some parts of it dating back to the 1300c. There are plenty of interesting gardens here which had fallen into neglect until in 1970 an American called Mr Robinson brought it and started renovating the gardens and the buildings, he died in 1980, when he left the estate to the National Trust, who continued the renovations.

The next meeting of the Gardeners is a member’s only meeting, a cheese and wine garden party at the Silver Spray on Wednesday June 18th from 7.00pm for 7.30pm. There will also be the mini Rose Show. 6 CHARITY IN AID OF THE PILGRIMS HOSPICE

A Charity event has been arranged by a 13 year old girl, in aid of The Pilgrims Hospice, on Saturday July 5th at the Sellindge Sports and Social Club. There will be live music and fun for all the family including a Raffle with some amazing prizes.


Our meeting on Wednesday June 11th in the Durling Hall from 2pm to 4pm, this meeting is to be our annual ‘Summer Tea Party’. Members do not forget to bring your contribution towards the tea……. There are still some places on our trip to ‘Runnymede’ with a 2 hour boat trip. The cost is £26 each for the trip. Meet at the village hall car park at 8.30am for a 9.00am departure. This is on Wednesday July 30th Phone 01303 813 454 to book your seat. Anyone who would like to come to this club. Just come along, you will be most welcome.


The Ladies of the Sellindge Womens Wednesday Luncheon Club will be having their June Luncheon at The Rose and Crown, Stelling Minus, on Wednesday June 25th meeting at 12 Noon for 12.30pm luncheon. Will members let June Wales 01303 814 676 – know by Wednesday June 18th if they’re joining the group.

SELLINDGE SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB Find us on Facebook Sellindge Club

Saturday June 14th Boot Fair Boots 11am open 12 noon Wednesday June 18th Quiz Night 8pm come to our ever popular Night £1 entry per person winning team takes the pot Friday 27th Live Music 8.30pm


The Angel Centre will be at the Durling Hall on Wednesday June 25th with an Evening of Clairvoyance from 7.30pm until 9.30pm. For Information 01303 278 402


My wife and I have just returned from holiday in Devon. The Hotel, Food, Area and Weather were just fantastic, and I mentioned to my wife that I would imagine that Heaven would be like this, but very much better. Accepting God into our lives can and does completely change us, Its is never to late, what ever age you are, to ask God to come into your heart. Why not think about or even do it Mike


Sunday 8th 09:30am Holy Communion Sunday 15th 08:00am Holy Communion Sunday 22nd 11:00am Holy Communion Sunday 29th 10:00am Benefice Communion


Last month I apologised for making a mistake and I am sorry to say that I have done something similar. I completely forgot to turn up at Sellindge Primary School to lead the regular morning Assembly. I had something prepared but it simply slipped my mind. Of course I have apologised for the inconvenience I caused and I still remain as Chairman of the Governors! I suppose that it is hardly a sacking offence but I do feel bad about it. Conducting worship is a great privilege. I am grateful to have the opportunity to speak with the pupils and share thoughts about the important part spiritual development plays in our life and indeed I enjoy a time of worship with God. Maybe it is something we would prefer to leave to others but at its best it will come from the home. Whether we are of a particular faith or none it is important to have the opportunity to think about such things. How important too it is for us to give thanks for all the everyday things in life that we take for granted. Dudley Shipton

Please let us know if we can help you in any way.

Richard Le Rossignol (Priest in Charge) 01303 812 697 Associate Priest : Rev Ian Campbell 01233 501 039 Dudley Shipton (Methodist Pastor) 01303 260 291


SELLINDGE INFORMATION PAGE JUNE 2014 SELLINDGE PARISH COUNCIL @ParishSellindge 01303 813 271 Sellindge PC Office, Sellindge Village Hall, Sellindge, Kent – TN25 6JY [email protected]

The Parish Councillors Elected May 2011 – Stanley Bull ( Chairman ) of Swan Lane, Nigel Fursdon of Meadow Grove, Colin Minister of Greenfields, Ms Sarah – Jane Sandy of Moorstock, Alan Keeves of Lourdes Manor Close Elected June 2013 – Mrs Pat Vago of Stone Hill, Chris Mason of Swan Lane, Carlton Chislett of Barrow Hill Co – Opted November 2013 – Miss M Varrier – Smith of Greenfields Clerk and RFO to the Parish Council Linda Hedley ------Clerk to the Burial Ground Linda Hedley The Parish Council Office is located in the grounds of the Village Hall (behind) and is open to the public on Tuesday’s and Friday’s – Tuesday 9.00am – 11.30am Friday 3pm to 5.30pm

SHEPWAY (North Downs West Ward) District Councillor – Mrs Jennifer Hollingsbee 01303 812 066

KENT COUNTY COUNCIL (Elham Valley Ward) Councillor – Mrs Susan Carey – 01303 670 561

SHEPWAY DISTRICT COUNCIL – 01303 853 000 (main switchboard)

KENT COUNTY COUNCIL – 03000 41 41 41 (helpline) e-mail [email protected]



POLICE PCSO Samantha Hunt mob – 07980 236 331 Emergency 999 – non emergency 101


POLICE CONTACT – MONDAYS JUNE 9th and 23rd from 5.00pm to 6.00pm In the Village Hall car park, come and meet the local Police, you can discuss your concerns or just get advice.

KCC COMMUNITY WARDEN Sue Covus – 07773 397 141 – [email protected]

DOCTORS SURGERY – 812 180 website Out of hours phone 111 Minor Injuries small wounds, burns – Hamstreet (8am – 6pm) 08444 773 989 Wye (8.30am – 6pm) 08444 878 419 Patient Participation Group – Vera Orsbourne – 812 237 Dental emergency – (No Dentist) – 0808 238 9797 – evenings and weekends – 01634 890 300 Late night pharmacy – Boots (Sevington) – 01233 503 670

HOSPITALS – William Harvey (Ashford) 01233 633 331 ------Royal Victoria () 01303 850 202 Kent and Canterbury (Canterbury) 01227 766 877 All hospitals website

SELLINDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL – 01303 812 073 website

LITTLE LEARNERS AT SELLINDGE PRE-SCHOOL MON – FRI 8am - 6pm Sellindge School 814 968

KCC MOBILE LIBRARY All times approx. * JUNE * Mondays – 10.20am to 10.50 am A20 Hythe lay – by near Swan Lane, 10.55am – 11.25am Greenfields lay – by. Wednesday’s 11th and 25th – 12 10am – 12.30pm Coopers Lane / Stone Hill junction, 12.35pm – 12.50pm Lay by top Barrow Hill and 2.50pm – 3.10pm Lay by at the St Mary’s Church

AGE UK HYTHE & – 01303 269 602 AGE UK FOLKESTONE – 01303 279 621

CITIZENS ADVICE BEARU – Folkestone 01303 249 310 (10am – Noon Tues – Fri) Ashford 01233 626 185 (9.30am – 4.30pm Mon – Tues & Thurs )(1pm Wed & Fri)

THE SAMARTITANS – Folkestone 01303 255 000 Ashford 01233 610 000

UTILITY EMERGENCY POWER CUT – 0800 783 8866 or text ‘power’ and your ‘postcode’ to 80876 Please note that in a power cut telephones that have an electric basestation will not work, it is a good idea to have at least one conventional phone, that just plugs into the phone socket, these are not normally affected. WATER – emergency 0845 888 5 888 Mon – Fri 8am – 6pm Sat 8am – 1pm SEWAGE – emergency 0845 278 0845

SELLINDGE VILLAGE HALL Anybody wishing to book the Village Hall ring 01303 813 250 any day except Sunday and preferably no later than 8.30pm. Bookings MUST be confirmed in writing as soon as possible. We now have an e-mail address. [email protected]

SELLINDGE SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB Anyone wishing to book the clubhouse or pitches call 812 437 from 5pm Tuesday to Sunday or e-mail [email protected] Fully licensed bar, catering available.

ITEMS FOR THE JULY 2014 NEWSHEET Should be delivered to 3 Meadow Grove (bottom of Barrow Hill) or e-mail [email protected] by 2200 hours (10pm) on FRIDAY 20th JUNE 2014 with a ‘contact’ name, address and / or tel number (not for publication) or phone 814 625 and I will collect 10

WHAT’S ON AND WHERE IN JUNE 2014 Stick it on your fridge or pin board


MONDAY PILATES – 9.15am – 10.15am – Village Hall (Main) - 07543 543 373 [email protected] PILATES – 10.15am – 11.15am – Village Hall (Main) -07543 543 373 [email protected] QIGONG – 11.15am – 12.15pm Village Hall (Main) - - 07543 543 373 [email protected] RAINBOWS – 4.00pm – 5.00pm Village Hall (Main) - - 812 297 (Term time) BROWNIES -- 5.15 - 6.45pm Village Hall (Main) - - 812 297 (Term time) GIRL GUIDES - - 5.45 – 7.15pm Village Hall (Durling) - - 07801 572 300 (Term time) **NEW** BOKWA - - 7.30pm Sellindge Sports & Social Clubhouse Swan lane. - - LINE DANCING – Beginners 7.30pm – 9.30pm Village Hall (Main) – 07753 274 913

TUESDAY SELLINDGE BABY & TODDLER GROUP – 9.15am – 11.30am Village Hall (Main) – 01303 812 262 NHS EAST KENT HEALTHWALKS – 10.15am Village hall car park – 01304 828 731 LEGS, BUMS & TUMS - - 6.00pm Sellindge Sports & Social Clubhouse - - 07843 099 912 YOUTH CLUB – 6.30pm Sellindge Sports & Social Clubhouse, Swan lane. LINE DANCING -- Intermediate Level 7.30 - 9.30pm Village Hall (Main) - - 01303 813 161 WHIST DRIVE -- 7.30 pm Sellindge Sports & Social Clubhouse, Swan lane. - - 814 511

WEDNESDAY ART GROUP – PAINTING for ALL – 2.00pm – 4.00pm Village Hall (Durling) – 01303 812 593 BEES BODS (Dance exercise) – 5.45pm – 6.45pm Village Hall (Main) - - 01303 813 274 STREET DANCE – 4.45pm – Sellindge Sports & Social Clubhouse, [email protected] (term t) ZUMBA – 6.00pm – Sellindge Sports & Social Clubhouse, Swan lane. - - 07921 661 548 TAEKWONDO -- 6.30pm at Sellindge Primary School - - 814 635 AEROBIC BODY BLAST -- 7.00 - 8.00pm Village Hall (Main) - - 01233 820 109 TAI CHI FOR YOU - - 8.00pm – 9.00pm Village Hall (Main) - SLIMMERS CLUB -- 7.00pm Village Hall (Durling).

THURSDAY LINE DANCING – Beginners 12 Noon to 1.00pm Village Hall (Main) – 01303 813 098 LINE DANCING – Easy Intermediate 1.00pm to 2.45pm Village Hall (Main) – 01303 813 161 LINE DANCING -- Intermediate 7.30pm - 9.30pm Village Hall (Main) – 01303 813 161 BINGO -- 7.30pm at Sellindge Sports & Social Clubhouse, Swan Lane. phone 812 437

FRIDAY ART GROUP – PAINTING for ALL – 9.30am – 11.30am Village Hall (Durling) – 01303 812 593 CUBS -- 6 -7.30pm BEAVERS -- 6.30-7.30pm SCOUTS -- 7.30-9.00pm Village Halls - -813 250 (Term t)

MON / TUES / WED – SELLINDGE POP IN – DURLING HALL – Mon/Wed 8.00am - 12 Tues 8.00am - 4.00pm – 813 475


BABY CLINIC on Monday 9th 2.00pm - 4.00pm at the Sellindge Surgery Appointment only - - 812 616 IMPERIAL DOLLS HOUSE CLUB on Tuesday 10th at 7.00pm Village Hall (Committee Room) - - 840 214 PARISH COUNCIL on Tuesday 10th at 7.30pm Village Hall (Durling) - - Chair 07710 260 757 Clerk 01233 720 392 GET TOGETHER CLUB on Wednesday 11th from 2.00pm – 4.00pm Village Hall (Durling) - - 813 454 RELAXATION & WELLBEING CLINIC – Thursday 12th – 10.00am – 12 Noon - Village Hall (Durling) - 0794 1072 489 GARDENERS’ ASSOCIATION on Wednesday 18th 7.30pm Village Hall (Durling) – 873 505 or 01843 597 710 BABY CLINIC on Monday 23rd 2.00pm - 4.00pm at the Sellindge Surgery Walk In Clinic - - 812 616 ANGEL CENTRE on Wednesday 25th 7.30pm – 9.30pm –– Village Hall (Durling) – 278 402 WOMENS WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON CLUB on Wednesday 25th 12 Noon – 814 676 – Various venues SELLINDGE SEQUENCE DANCING on Saturday 28th at 8.00pm – Village Hall (Main) – 01233 629 815






FRIDAY 27th – LIVE MUSIC – 8.30pm

Opening hours Tues to Fri 5.00pm to 10.30pm – Sat 12 Noon to 11pm – Sun 12 Noon to 7.00pm Contact Social Club on 812 437 9