Spain's Patriots of Northwestern NeW Spain from South oftt~e U.S. Border in its 1779-1783 War w~th England During the AMERICAN Revolution PART8 SPANISH BORDERLAND STUDIES By Granvil~ W. ~andN. C. Hough -- i . ..... • ~'~. -....~.~.-.~:~..~ ~'~i ~ ..r~.~.~..t"~, ~'~":~,~'. • ~.- • . .- . -- • . ~ ~...~-..~,~.~.:-~,~. ,. m (, f SPAIN'S PAT'I~IOTS OF NORTHWESTERN NEW SPAIN - FROM SOUTH OF THE U. S. BORDER - 1N ITS 1779-1783 WAR WITH ENGI~AND - DURING THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION PART 8 OF SPANISH BORDERLANDS STUDIES by Granville W. and N. C. Hough i -.zf,...,.$~7..,~ ~.;v~'~"~7~:: ,;'I~', .~'-=~,,/"~~;" ~:'~',~ !L~:r.~.'.~,,,~ .:;:, :,*:, .~,:;.~,"o,M=','~'.: ;;,.e- .'.,;*P':~'.'~-~ ~ ,:.';~ ;~_~.~, ".:~L'~'.~.',:~.~ ~-"x ~,~-:,-~'~.~.~x~7-*,'~ ~! ,~-'~-~,A~,~"~,~=e'~:~,;.~x~,.,~.~-.~:r~ ".?-~'~ v~.%'~!'~'~'~~.~'~ " \1 Copyright ~. 2001 by Granville W. and N.C. Hough 3-*38 Bahia Blanca West. Apt B Laguna Hills. CA 92653-2830 4 ?,..: Emad:
[email protected] i,~). Other books in this series include: 1 S ain's California Patriots in its 1779-1783 War with En land - Durin the American .ii'!? Revolution, Part 1, 1998. ?t~. Spain's C~ifornia Patriots in its 1779-1783 War with En land - Durin the American Revolution.., Part 2, 1999. ! Spain's Arizona Patriots in its 1779-1783 War with En land - Durin the American ,t Revolution, Third Study of the Spanish Borderlands, 1999. ~.~ Spain's New Mexico Patriots in its 1779-1783 War with Eng,'.end- During the American !t Revolution, Part Four of Spanish Borderlands Studies, 1999. li [I Spain's Texas Patriots in its 1779-1783 War with England - During the American • i~ Revolution, Part Five of Spanish Borderlands Studies, 2000. L:l!i Spain's Louisiana Patriots in its.j1779-1783 War with England - During the American Revolution, Part Six of Spanish Borderlands Studies, 2000.