Forelimb Joints Contribute to Locomotor Performance in Reindeer (Rangifer Tarandus) by Maintaining Stability and Storing Energy
Forelimb joints contribute to locomotor performance in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) by maintaining stability and storing energy Guoyu Li, Rui Zhang, Dianlei Han, Hao Pang, Guolong Yu, Qingqiu Cao, Chen Wang, Lingxi Kong, Wang Chengjin, Wenchao Dong, Tao Li and Jianqiao Li Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Jilin University, Changchun, People's Republic of China ABSTRACT Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) have lengthy seasonal migrations on land and their feet possess excellent locomotor characteristics that can adapt to complex terrains. In this study, the kinematics and vertical ground reaction force (GRF) of reindeer forelimb joints (interphalangeal joint b, metacarpophalangeal joint c, and wrist joint d) under walk, trot 1, and trot 2 were measured using a motion tracking system and Footscan pressure plates. Significant differences among different locomotor activities were observed in the joint angles, but not in changes of the joint angles (αb, αc , αd ) during the stance phase. Peak vertical GRF increased as locomotor speed increased. Net joint moment, power, and work at the forelimb joints were calculated via inverse dynamics. The peak joint moment and net joint power related to the vertical GRF increased as locomotor speed increased. The feet absorbed and generated more energy at the joints. During different locomotor activities, the contribution of work of the forelimbs changed with both gait and speed. In the stance phase, the metacarpophalangeal joint absorbed more energy than the other two joints while trotting and thus performed better in elastic energy storage. The joint angles changed very little (∼5◦) from 0 to 75% of the stance phase, which reflected the stability of reindeer wrist joints.
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