ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER Thursday 4 April 2013 23 Jumada I 1434 - Volume 18 Number 5659 Price: QR2 Hassad buys Ruthless Real Indian basmati ease to rice firm 3-0 win Business | 21 Sport | 32
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[email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 Emir meets Canadian minister OPINION Cabinet okays Influence of Iran, Brotherhood draft health on GCC states here is confu- Tsion insurance law among Gulf citizens about the role of Iran Govt to pay premiums of Qataris and its inter- Khalid Al Sayed vention in EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DOHA: The State Cabinet membership of a representative their domes- yesterday ratified the draft of Qatar 2022 supreme commit- tic affairs, law on mandatory health tee to the National Committee for and the role of Muslim insurance and referred it to Occupational Safety and Health Brotherhood, or what is called the Advisory Council for its established by cabinet Decree No. political Islam, which is domi- recommendations. (16) of the year 2011. nating the Arab Spring states. The law will facilitate imple- With the uprising in Syria mentation of the proposed Other cabinet decisions in its third year, it is clear for national health insurance scheme Other decisions of the meet- any observer that Iran has that will cover all citizens and ing include: Approving the draft spread its security and intel- expatriates, including visitors to bids regulation for Public Works ligence influence in the Gulf. the country. Authority. Recently, the Saudi Ministry The first phase of the manda- Approving the draft of Interior disclosed that it tory health insurance scheme is Memorandum of Understanding has busted an Iranian spy net- expected to be implemented by (MoU) in the field of urban plan- work comprising of 16 Saudis the end of this year.