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Narrow Goodenia Version Has Been Prepared for Web Publication #72 This Action Statement was first published in 1996 and remains current. This Narrow Goodenia version has been prepared for web publication. It Goodenia macbarronii retains the original text of the action statement, although contact information, the distribution map and the illustration may have been updated. © The State of Victoria, Department of Sustainability and Environment, 2003 Published by the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria. Narrow Goodenia (Goodenia macbarronii) Distribution in Victoria (DSE 2002) 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002 Australia Description and Distribution have a mucous-like coating. The Narrow Goodenia (Goodenia The flowering period is generally from This publication may be of October to March, but seems to vary across assistance to you but the macbarronii Carolin 1990), is an erect the species' range; Victorian populations State of Victoria and its herbaceous plant, with a short tap-root and employees do not guarantee well developed secondary root system. It have been observed in full flower into April. that the publication is grows either as an annual, expiring after Soil moisture undoubtedly plays a part in its without flaw of any kind or one flowering, or continues to live flowering strategy. B. Devany (pers. comm.) is wholly appropriate for perennially (most of the populations would noted that a nearby spring had dried in your particular purposes fall in the latter category). March the plants had ceased to flower, and therefore disclaims all Plants can reach 40 cm in height with the however on visiting the site several weeks liability for any error, loss later, it was very wet and the plants had or other consequence which flower stem greater than twice the leaf begun to flower again. may arise from you relying length. The mostly basal leaves are narrow- on any information in this obovate to linear-oblanceolate, 5-11 cm The Narrow Goodenia is found on the inland publication. long by 2-6 mm wide, hairless or with foothills of the Great Dividing Range across scattered simple hairs, thick with a few eastern Australia, on sandy to clay/silt soils. ISSN 1448-9902 coarse teeth on the margin. Several rosettes It ranges from the Darling Downs in may be linked by short oblique rhizomes Queensland through to the Western Plains, (underground stems). The yellow flowers Western Slopes and Tablelands of New are arranged in terminal clusters and have South Wales and into North East Victoria, linear bracts. A distinguishing feature of where it is usually found north of the Divide this species is the square indusium (pollen- on western to northern slopes. cup of the style) which is long, not folded In Victoria, to date, there are nine known and brown to purple towards the top. major locations, with a total of twenty-four Seeds are biconvex, yellow-brown and sites, comprising some thirty-two populations (see Table 1). Table 1 Confirmed populations: summary of size, location and land status. Area Site Land Status Size* Area Site Land Status Size* BEECHWORTH 1Private ?EUROA (cont.) 4Private ? . 2Roadside ?. 5Private ? CHESNEY VALE 1 Private 100s . 6? ? . 2 Road Reserve 100 GLENROWAN 1 Uncommitted Crown Land 1000 . 3 Private 100s . 2 Bushland Reserve 1000 . 4 Private 100,000 GRETA WEST 1Road Reserve ? . 5 Road Reserve <100 MOUNT PILOT 1 Multi-purpose Park 100s . 6 Road Reserve 1000s TENERIFFE 1 Road Reserve 100 CHILTERN*** 1 State Park 100s WARBY RANGE 1Bushland Reserve ?** EUROA 1 Private 1000s . 2Bushland Reserve ? . 2 Shire Property 1000s . 3 Private 1000 3 Private 100s . 4 State Park 10,000 *The approximate number of rosettes as an order of magnitude. This is only an indication of the size of the largest population at each site. **The question marks indicates that these populations have not had an estimate made for the number of rosettes. ***Chiltern site location is uncertain, the record is a specimen at the National Herbarium of Victoria. Nine of the sites are on private land, one on shire owned south west extreme of the species' distribution. Few land, five sites are on road reserves and six occur on public populations are on public land which is managed primarily for land (with two sites of other land status). Twenty-two conservation purposes. populations are in natural habitat and seven are found in When the Narrow Goodenia was accepted for listing under the situations which appear to be an artefact of previous land FFG Act in 1991, the species was known from five sites in north management. central/east Victoria and was considered very rare in terms of The Narrow Goodenia occurs in spring-soaks, alluvial fans abundance. In spite of further populations being discovered of drainage lines and areas which are at least moist (if not since FFG listing, all populations remain vulnerable to one or wet) year round. The latter includes sites which are an more of the threats described below. artefact of human disturbance, such as roadside drains and The destruction and disturbance of habitat may have resulted dams. The majority of recorded populations in Victoria through agricultural practices including; clearing of native occur on granite or granodiorite parent rock and associated vegetation, creation of dams in foothill gullies and colluvial areas, except for: a site at Drysdale Rd, near Euroa, overstocking. Removal of native vegetation around springs or where the populations are on the northern outwash slopes soaks is likely to alter the water regime of the site. All sites are of the metamorphic Creighton Hills. vulnerable to a change in hydrology and increased weed invasion, some are threatened by stock causing soil destruction Conservation Status and roadside grading. The populations are highly localised to these wet sites and often the Narrow Goodenia is the predominant vascular plant Current Status present. The area covered by the populations is small, usually Status in Australia less than 0.1 hectares and often a matter of a few square metres. ANZECC (1993) Vulnerable The number of rosettes at a site can vary from a few per square metre to in the order of one hundred. The number of Status in Victoria genetically distinct plants is difficult to determine as several CNR (1994) Vulnerable rosettes may be linked by the underground stems. SAC (1991) Threatened In its final recommendations, the Scientific Advisory Committee (1991) determined that the Narrow Goodenia is: The Narrow Goodenia is listed as a threatened taxon in • significantly prone to future threats which are likely to Schedule 2 of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988. result in extinction; and • very rare in terms of abundance or distribution.. Reasons for Conservation Status The Narrow Goodenia occurs only in small, restricted and Major Conservation Objectives isolated populations due to its specific habitat The major conservation objectives are to: requirements. Its occurrence in Victoria represents the 2 • Maintain existing populations at current levels and action or land management practice which affects the enhance habitat by managing threats to their survival, hydrology of the site. This may range from small on-site with emphasis on significant sites. alterations to the clearing of a part of the catchment above. • Through incentives and co-operative management The degree of environmental weed invasion at Narrow with land holders endeavour to secure at least six key Goodenia sites varies. Survey revealed that sites on private sites (i.e. better representatives) on non-NRE managed land are usually more weed infested. Accelerated invasion and land. competition by exotic species, particularly vigorous plants such • Endeavour to locate at least three sites on secure public as Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire Fog Grass), Hypochoeris radicata land within five years. (Cat's Ear), Paspalum dilatatum (Paspalum), Anthoxanthum These actions should change the status of Gaping Leek- odoratum (Sweet Vernal-Grass) and Phalaris aquatica (Phalaris), orchid from Endangered in Australia and Victoria, to results in a decline in the integrity of the native vegetation Vulnerable in Australia and Victoria, by December 2003. community and threatens the existence of the Narrow Goodenia through competition for space, light and available Management Issues water. Trampling by hooved animals, compaction and disturbance of Ecological Issues Specific to the Taxon soil is common at sites on private land and is contributing to The Narrow Goodenia has only relatively recently been the decline of the vegetation community as a whole. Feral described (it was previously known as Goodenia sp. aff. rabbits may have an adverse impact by browsing on the gracilis) and difficulty in identifying this species has led to Narrow Goodenia. some confusion. It is likely that it has been mis-identified Urbanisation of habitat, i.e. small block subdivisions, and on occasion as one of two similar species found in the pressure for dam construction are threats of increasing North East of Victoria in similar damp habitats, namely G. likelihood which are particular to certain areas, e.g. Wooragee - gracilis (Slender Goodenia) and G. humilis (Swamp Beechworth area and around the Warby Range. Goodenia). Roadsides Inadequate Knowledge Populations occurring in these situations are extremely Little is known of the reproduction of the Narrow vulnerable to habitat destruction by the actions of road Goodenia, and therefore its survival abilities, which limits maintenance. Some of these may exist as a result of road works the assessment of an individual population's viability. and appear to be opportunistic in nature rather than occurring Whilst the species does expand vegetatively by short there naturally. Therefore management will depend on how rhizomes it also puts a long and continuous effort into significant these populations are deemed to be after survey and flowering. There is a critical need to understand aspects of management priorities have been effected. Collating the effects its reproductive biology such as the rate and extent of seed of disturbance at these sites may provide an insight into dispersal and seedling recruitment.
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