Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-08-31

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-08-31 ~r Itgott - 29 (1\»)-1 'Mo,t J1 aluable' GeneraUy Fair gh PUt!cb. AII·Star Award Goes To • 10WA-GeDenU., rair toUr and on tontcht Schhadler tomorrow. lilt Cham_ See Story on P~e ~ -, L Washll\i_ lIaiIu e, Ky., in I 10.., a I~t 20,GOQ gave him non-ti\Je Zivic look OUnd iIld Leac.e ) - Pear malte it ble mate. d PaCWc laU learue • Where Uncle Sant's Bil{ Berthas Are Turned Out .t of Plans fft>U__ " Transylvanian this Y!!at German ~T arplanes, In orgalliler', Nightly Rumblings Meer V()ice Protests ·The Cio. ~Pest Patrol," Besiege London' t JOhnn, ,ble.no·hit Hall -of a Nlltion from the Sacrificed to Keep AmerJcin But Majority f The 'Debate W- -I·ll-k-ie-' -Is-su- e----. - Peace in the Balkans BY THE ASSOCIATED PRUS Ise I Of Population BUCHARFST, Rumania, Aug. -Whether I It Waxes Hot, Thi Time Over Con cripting Defen e Plants 31, (Saturday) - While police I anythtni Goes to Bed guarded their palace session with lorislg reo Roosevelt Declin~ . Mr. Roosevelt told his running cent wrong in implying that the sawed-off shotguns, the Rumanian sing nUm­ mate that "yOU have made a glor­ republican party is the party of crown council which gave up hll.lf ! has ere. Fourth Raid of Day To Express View-- ious start" in a "grand speech appeasements .., of Transylvania to Hungary con· tradillona) HYDE PARK, N. Y., Aug. 30 splendidly glven before an appre­ "The reverse is completely terred into the early morn in, eremon l~ Is Slowed by English (AP)-Dodging what he termed ciative nation." true," he said, adding that he hours on "new problems of excep· --= Anti.Aircraft Defenses an attempt to get him into a pol­ In reply, Wallace said he hoped hoped Mr. Romevelt would read tional importance." itical discussion, President Roose­ "we have made an appropriate his acceptance speech and the re­ Aside from this vague explana­ velt rejected today Wendell L. beginning in upholding your publican platform. tion, oUieial quarters declined to Willkic', demand that he state his hands in the defense of dcmoc­ APpeasement Party disclose the new Issues lacln, position on governmcnt command­ racy. ' Wallace, notified of his nomina­ King Carol and his advisers as a EXTRA! eering of private plants for de­ tion for vice president on the result of the latest partitioning of (ense purposes. Mr. Willkie In.sists democratic ticket last night at Des hi country, enforced by an axis Moines, la., termed the republi­ ultlmatum. The repubiican presiciential BERLIN BOMBED! F. R. Should Speak- cans the "party of appea ement." 'DetelUle Cor... • nomine'e, in a statement at Rush­ RUSHVILLE, Ind., Aug. 30 Informed by reporters that But in sacrificed Transylvania, ville, Ind., yesterday, visualized a BERLIN, Aug. 31 (Saturday) (AP)- Wendell L. Willkje, agaIn President Carter David n,ofKnox "defense corps" were being form­ "potential dictatorsh ip" in an college had invited Mr. Roosevelt ed by un reconciled Rumanians. (AP)-British air raiders swept amendment to the conscription dcmanding President Roosevelt's over Berlin early this morning and WilIkle to debate Crom the I From Cluj, its capital, came a pe­ bill which under certain condi­ opinion of conscription of indus­ steps of "Old Main," cene of a tition bearin, thousands of signa­ and dropped dozens of bombs tions would enable the govern­ try, said today it was the chief which started two fires in apart· Lincoln-Douglas debate, WilIkie tures lauding Jullu Maniu, Ru­ ment to take O\'er Industrial e~­ executive' "clear duty" to state said he would be delighted to go This arsenal- the WaterUvet, N. j duces the giant 14-lnch and 16- 1era! view ot the shop, which now manian peasant party leader, for -r-111'-.. ment houses, seriously injured tablishmen13 and make defense his position on important pend­ , A. •• C. three civilians and slightly dam­ to Galesburg, 111., for such a meet­ Y., gun factory-is the only one inch rifles for the United States Is operating 24 hours every day. his opposition to the cession, and materials. He called upon the ing bills. Ing. in the United States which pro- army and navy. This is a gen- caL1Jng those who alI'eed 10 it ..1tIIIII8 aged an electrical appliance work.> . president to say whether he was The republican pl'esidential Military authorities said that "traitors." for or against the amendment. nominee was commenting on Mr. Senators A.Plenty ----------------------------------- Church bells of Transylvania damage to establishments which Roosevelt's refusal to announce might be regarded as military ob· • • • were ordered to ring incessantly But when reporters OUght an his views on the Overton-Russell Would Debate W illkie jectives was extremely small. as a protest. answer at the president's pre amendment to the senate-ap­ WASmNGTON, Au,. 30 (AP) House LiDlits Debate on Draft; A business building housing CI Man1u, although not a member conference today, Mr. Roosevelt proved draft bill. -Wendell L. WilIkle's demand of the government or the crown print shop and other jndustries cited what hc said was a 1933 Wlllkie Iirst called upon Mr. wa, reported hit. that President Roosevelt state his counCil, put in a surprising ap­ rule that the chief cxecutlve Roosevelt ye terday to say where views on government seizure of pearance at the sesslon. The raiders came in waves, pos­ does not comment on matters he stood on it. Final Vote Sought for Friday sibly in several groups. industrial plants for national de­ Rumanla, obeying the orders of. pend In .. in congress. The president told reporters at tense brought offers from half a Germany and ltaly, gave up be­ At least one was caught in "Sometime, he does," a re­ Hyde Park, N. Y., today an at­ searchlight beams flying at com­ dozen senate democrats today to tween 17,000 and 21 ,000 square porter remarked, but there the tempt was being made to involve debate the issue with the repub­ Thou and Evacuate mile of her territory yesterday in paratively low altitude. discussion ended. him in political discussion. He This plane released a bomb lican presidential nominee. F. R., Wallace Contract Let a swift drama of power politics • • • a ked whether they remembered Senator Burke (-DNeb), who orth Tral y Ivania, that will permit nazi soldiers to which landed two blocks from The pregident also declined to an old rule of 1933 and whether the Associated Press office in the say whether he concurred in S c­ th e chief executive commented on has declared his opposition to a Charo-ed With oon to Be lIungary's occupy her eastern frontier and tOl" Supplie , 0 ecole,· of th~ city. No fire fol. retary Wallacc'R assertion that the lcgh;latlOn, amcndmenlll or rules third tnn nd .uppol· Mr. For stand Iace lace wifh the rest­ lowed this explosion. republican party was the party pending in congress. Winkie, suggested, In turn, that BUCHAREST, Rumania, Aug. less soviet armies. of appea:sement in the United the democrats might arrange to Scarina Nation 30 (AP)-Tens of thousands ot 'Or Else' LONDON, Aug. 31 (Saturday) • • • debate the third term question Plane Engines Confronted with an "or elae" States today. "If my memory serves me Rumanian pub I i c employes, '. (AP}-German wa',planes drop­ with President Roosevelt. ultimatum from the axis, she The Wallace Speech correctly," WlUkle said In a judges, army otticers and politi­ ped salvos of bombs on the out­ The speech in which Wallace tatement afterward, "the pre 1- Senator Russell (D-Ga). one of nalor es T am agreed to suffer one more dis­ skirts of London last nlght and the sponsors of a provision in the cians, with their families, began War Del)art~nt memberm nt- to hand over about accepted the democratic vice­ dent has commented many times Fri~hlening Country early today but stiff resistance presidential nomination at Dc::! on pend In .. leglslallon." Burke - Wadsworth bill which a grent exodus tonight from Prepares to Equip hall of the World war-won pro­ vince ot Transylvania to Hungary (rom anti-aircraft guns and Bri­ MOines, [a., last night, Mr. Roose­ • • • would permit the government to To Put Th m in OCIi e northern Transylvania, which soon Men ror Training tish SpitClrc planes apparently velt, said, speaks excellently (or But he added that even if the take over Industrial plants under - with the understandIng that kept the "pest pat'fol" from the itself. president had not commented, he certain condi tions. set off the po­ WASHINGTON, Aug. 30 (AP) will belong to Hungary. what Is Iert of the country will heart of the world's largest rity. Wallacc made the appeasement had "the clear duty" to do so. Utical exchange. - Senator Townsend (R-Del) as­ They headed toward the old By DONAO> . YO NO be protected by Germany herself. The raiders were handed 1I statement in that address, in which particularly when he was seek­ • • • serted today that President Roose­ kingdom of Rumania by train, WASHINGTON, Aug. 30 (AP) The eftect of all thiB was not surprise when they found the he said also that replacement of Ing a third term. Arising In the ~enlLte, he said velt and Henry A. Wallace "are - Over prote t from republican, only to greatly lengthen the nazi Spitfires waiting for them as they the chief executive would "cause WiLlkie said the chief executive that WlIJkle ILpparently "Is a gOing to try to scare the country automobile, river boat and even administration force In the hOUl! line of troops across southeastern roared over thc city's suburbs Hitler to rejoice." and his running mate, Henry A.
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