In Defense of the Pyramid Scheme Dr. Lasdwun N. Luzes In Defense of the Pyramid Scheme by Dr. Lasdwun N. Luzes “Alas what dealer in the world would ever get a farthing, if he be so wise as to scruple at perjury, blush at a lie, or stick at any fraud and over-reaching.” Erasmus of Rotterdam, 1511, “In Praise of Folly” © copyright 2014, by Dr. Lasdwun N. Luzes Boca Raton Florida, Ada Michigan, Salt Lake City Utah, Cayman Islands, Shanghai China E-mail:
[email protected] Trademarks: Various names used in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies Credits: Direct Selling Association for the fantastic research and inventive analysis on which some of the essay is based. Cover: The Pyramid image and words that appear on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States. Annuit Coeptis, “Providence Approves” and Novus Ordo Seclorum, “A New Order of the Ages”, signify the new economic order of the Pyramid Scheme Business Model, which has manifestly been approved by the Invisible Hand of Providence, The Market. Outline: I. Pyramid Schemes in Everyday Life II. MLM: Made in America III. Pyramid vs. Business, a Distinction without a Difference IV. Ubiquitous, Invisible and Inexplicable V. Capitalism, Pure and Unfettered VI. The Obsolescence of the Fraud Thesis VII. Protectors of the Pyramids VIII. The Pyramid as Main Street Business IX. A Business, Legal or Not X. The Perfect Business Model XI. The Fraud Question for the Last Time About the Author In Defense of the Pyramid Scheme I. Pyramid Schemes in Everyday Life Throughout the year of 2013, writers at Fortune, CNBC, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, New York Times and a host of local newspapers and television news programs have all shown a new and intense interest in the question of whether or not Herbalife is a pyramid scheme.