The Chronicle 75th Year. No. 139 , Durham, Thursday, April 24, 1980 Resolution states 'in poor taste' Board reviews Pravda By Kevin Sack Yesterday's Pub Board action Redlawsk said, "The students After a two and a half hour followed in a line of what voted in favor of the humor debate over the advisability of Pravda coeditor Cliff Chanler publication before they saw it. the Publications Board passing called "slaps on the wrist" Now they're condemning the judgment on the quality of its given to the magazine since its future because of the past." publications, the board voted appearance on campus "We've been burned," yesterday to advise the Monday. Redlawsk said later. "The board coeditors of the first issue of A Monday ASDU referendum cannot afford to ignore the Pravda that their magazine favored, by a margin of 52 to 48 publications, saying we publish was, "in parts, vulgar, in poor percent, the discontinuation of them but we don't judge them." taste, and poorly written." student funding for a humor William Griffith, vice In addition, the board voted to magazine. On Tuesday night, president of student affairs and continue the charter of the the ASDU legislature voted by a member of the board, said that magazine contingent upon the acclamation to write a letter to judging the quality of procurement of sufficient the Duke family apologizing for publications should be the most funding. It also passed a any embarrassment Pravda important function ofthe board. resolution stating that the may have caused them. Griffith said Pravda board would choose future Board members disagreed on struck him "as a junior high" editors who will "encourage the whether the purpose of publication. It was below my PHOTO BY SCOTT INMAN publication to aspire to higher yesterday morning's meeting expectation of what Duke Cliff Chanter...Pravda co-editor calls Pub Board action literary standards of taste, was to critique Pravda or to students are capable of." one of many "slaps on the ivrist." writing and intellectual discuss the continuation of a "We could have done better at stimulation." humor magazine in light ofthe this school in terms of humor," Major Attractions plagued by costs referendum result. said Harsha Murthy, a Trinity A humor magazine can still junior and member ofthe board. be funded through the Bassett "However the mechanism for Fund, a Pub Board surplus, or ensuring quality should be the Concert future uncertain private grants. In addition. selection of editors." By Vicki Foster students. To appease th. Auditorium, N.C State's Jake Phelps, director of the Also at the meeting v Duke University Union groups the administration has the University Union and a Robert Young, University Major Attractions Committee made it difficult if not Greensboro Coliseum) but he's member of the board, mentioned minister, who said it was the cannot compete with other impossible to present concerts," concerned about making the possibility of holding first time he had appeared universities and areas in Schiff said. money," Schiff said. another referendum on the issue before any student board. procuring concerts, according "This has been incredibly The reason promoters shy in the fall. Young listed several sections of to MA president Jim Schiff. frustrating for MA because the away from Duke, according to A lot of people the magazine which he found The reasons are complex and students do not understand the Schiff, is Cameron's exhorbitant responding negatively," Phelps offensive and said that Pravda multiple, but the biggest restrictions the administration set-up fees. said. "If you ask them has placed the credibility of all problems seem to be a lack of has put on us," he said. MA must pay a $500 rental fee September, when they've cooled publications and the board at administrative understanding, The main problem Schiff sees for Cameron, which Athletic off, people may feel differently." stake. a lack of facilities and the for MA is money. MA has been Director Tom Butters is Several board members were While most board members problem of money. leaning toward non-promoted attempting to raise to $1,000. concerned about the reaction of said they were disappointed in This spring, MA had the concerts this year (Pousette-Dart There is a $500-$600 fee for the student body shown in the the first issue of Pravda, all felt opportunity to hold several Band/Livingston Taylor, John setting up chairs. Security costs referendum. Pub Board the continuation of a humor concerts but had to reject them Prine and Roy Ayers) since Continued on page 3 business manager David Continued on page 7 because of facility problems. there s ddlemcn Baldwin Auditorium is under involved. For contract renewal renovation as is Wallace Wade With i non-promoted show Stadium. there are also no financial Cameron was rendered guarantees. MA made money Students support Connolly useless until graduation by a on the John Prine show but fire in March and Page lost heavily on the Roy Ayers By Brian Hernandez Some of the students circulated the way we've always encour­ Auditorium was booked one. Last fall, John Connolly, a petition during the fall, ex- aged," he said. virtually the entire spring. The Also, MA has found that assistant professor of art at pressing disapproval over the - "Students rarely have turned Pousette-Dart Band/Livingston Duke is not the obvious choice Duke for five years and a popu- lack of student input in the the tide, but are an input," Taylor concert, originally for promoters looking into the lar teacher, was told that his decision, and secured more than Lewis said, adding that student scheduled to be held in area. "When a promoter looks contract would not be renewed. 300 signatures, according to the participation in such decisions Cameron, had to be moved to into this area to promote a Many of his students protested petition's sponsor, Trinity soph- was greater a decade ago. Page, and two shows had to be show, he'll see that Cameron is the decision, asking specifically omore Susan White. White says Aubrey Naylor, the chairman scheduled to accommodate the a much better place acoustically formorestudentinvolvementin Connolly had nothing to do ofthe Faculty Hearing Commit­ demand for the free concert (than UNC's Carmicheal decisions regarding faculty with starting or circulating the tee, which is considering Con­ tickets. contracts. petition. nolly's case, said he knew noth­ ing of the petition. Schiff said he has found the White claims that "practical­ administration not exactly ly everyone in Allen Building Naylor, a professor of botany, sympathetic to MA's needs. "A received a copy of the petition said, "Students at Duke are couple years ago representatives but it was never acknowledged." transient, whereas many facul­ of MA approached one ofthe top She added, "We [students] want ty members are here for life," administrators in the school more say." when asked whether there should concerning concerts and were Harold Lewis, vice provost be increased student input. refused entrance into his and dean of faculty, said he had Naylor said University regu­ office," according to Schiff. received a copy of the petition, lations require that students' but it came too late to have any evaluations of professors be "All attempts in the past by bearing on the decision regard­ MA and the [University] Union considered by committees re­ ing Connolly. He said, however, viewing faculty contracts. to make Duke a more feasible he had acknowledged the peti­ place for concerts have been Art Department Chairman tion to a student who had circu­ John Spencer has insisted that ignored or shrugged off by lated it. higher-placed administrators. Connolly's students' evalua- White said no students had tions were considered when the "The administration seems heard from Lewis. non-renewal decision was made more concerned about pleasing Lewis said he welcomes input by a committee of three tenured alumni contributors and the from students. "Students can art professors. Members of the community than pleasing the make contacts through the PHOTO BY LAURA BAFK( Continued on page 14 Jim Schiff...says Duke can't compete for concerts. departments involved. That's Page Two The Chronicle Thursday, April 24, 1980 Students beware: Myrtle laws strict By Dan Michaels Myrtle Beach police force really means business in the putting on a tough guy act," McClendon said. If you're going to Myrtle Beach after finals, have a enforcement of these ordinances. McClendon said that the policeman refused to great time, but don't enjoy yourself too much, or you "The whole time you're there, you feel like you're in a specify the charges, and after asking both students might spend an unwelcome night in the city jail. police state," said Ed Wilson, a senior who has logged down to the police station, refused to provide a copy of That, more or less, is the official word from J. three vacations at Myrtle. Wilson criticized the the Myrtle Beach laws. Stanley Bird, Myrtle Beach'schief of police, whoplans harshness of some of the areas's laws, adding that, '"They've got you down there and they know you're to have his force out in strength to enforce Myrtle "When you drive into South Carolina, it's like entering powerless....They can charge you with anything they Beach's strict laws during the upcoming tourist the nineteenth century." want to, and you basically have to just cough up the season. Other students reported being harassed and bucks," McClendon said. In a letter addressed to the "Dean of Students," Bird threatened by Myrtle Beach policemen with little or Many students said that police officers used wishes "each and everyone a pleasant and enjoyable no provocation. Scott Keller, a Trinity senior, said he "excessive force" during encounters with students. "I stay" at Myrtle, but warns that some vacations was walking down a street at night, looking for a think they unduly harass people," McClendon said. contain "unfortunate experiences" with law friend, when a police officer ordered him back to the "We certainly don't want to offend anyone, but enforcement officials, due to students' ignorance of house in which he was staying. sometimes if you give them an inch, they'll take a some local laws. When Keller protested, the officer threatened to mile," Phillips added. Students should be especially aware of the laws "take them in," and exclaimed, "You college boys Phillips also emphasized that when a student is concerning public consumption of alcohol and public think you can just come down here and raise hell." arrested, the news spreads quickly among other drunkenness. Myrtle Beach's Code of Laws states that In a similar instance, recounted by a student who students, which cuts down on the repetition of similar "it shall be unlawful for any person to publicly engage prefers to remain anonymous, an officer stopped a incidents. "It's amazing how the news will spread. in the consumption of alcoholic liquors or beer." student walking along a sidewalk, spread-eagled him That's part of the goal, and this is where rigid In addition, the Code states that it is unlawful for against the squad car, and ordered his friends to "Get enforcement has to come in," he said. any person "to commit any breach of the peace, him back to where he's going, and hustle." Phillips agreed with some students' claims that conduct himself in a disorderly manner, be publicly The Myrtle Beach Code also contains a provision police officers are often brusque with students. "The drunk, be loud and boisterous, or conduct himself in a that outlaws riding on any portion of a vehicle which is reason for this is control. ...In order to quell a manner as to disturb the peace and quiet ofthe public." "not designated or intended for the use of passengers." potentially dangerous situation, sometimes they That law seems to cover some of the behavior that Aubrey McClendon, a Trinity junior, was arrested for [policemen] have to go ahead and make a forceful type might be expected from many Duke students during a this violation last year while at Myrtle. of verbal reprimand," he said. week of "blowing it off at the beach. According to McClendon, he was transporting a Continued on page 7 :'•. According to Mike Phillips, Myrtle Beach's director friend on the hood of his car for a few yards near the of crime prevention, "The beach has a mystique that house in which they were staying, when they were attracts young people, and some people have a stopped by a police officer. The officer "grabbed the ABORTIONS UP TO 12TH tendency to leave their better judgement behind," guy off the hood, frisked him, and threw him in the k* WEEK OF PREGNANCY when they go to Myrtle. back seat of the car. He [the policeman] was really $176.00 Phillips said that sometimes Myrtle Beach (all inclusive) policemen find it necessary to be "a little more strict, Pregnancy test, birth control and problem Looking forward I M n instead of a little lax" with students. The large crowds r Sltre McDonald putting in a iptcial guest f pregnancy counseling For further infor­ d Cindy fm putting up with «r. All rev -* mation icall 832-0535 (toll-free number at the beach can create a potentially dangerous *i 800-221-2568) between 9 A.M.-5 P.M. situation if policemen don't strictly enforce the laws, >j"~* weekdays. Phillips said. m- •?* Raleigh Women's Health An informal survey of Duke students reveals that Organization almost everyone who has been to Myrtle has some 917 Waal Morgan St story about a brush with the law enforcement DUKE OUTING CLUB M A Raleigh. N.C. 27503 authorities. And according to most students, the • Election of Officers Immaculata School The Chronicle 1980-1981 Grades K-6 The Chronicle is published Monday through Friday of the Tonight, April 24,8:00 PM academic year, and weekly through ten (10) weeks of a N.C. State accredited & approved '• i summer sessions by the Duke University Publications a Racially non-discriminatory ' Board. Price for subscriptions, $20; $60 for first class mail. room 219, Soc. Sci. a Innovative education for scholastic development Offices at third floor Flowers building, Duke University, a Caring Christian atmosphere •': Durham, North Carolina 27706. Application to mail at a Children, our most important priority / Second-Class Postage rate is pending at Durham, NC. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Chronicle, We need interested people P.O. Box 4696, Duke Station, Durham, NC 27706. Open House at School—April 21-25 PLEASE COME 721 Burch Avenue , Tours at 10 A.M. & 1 P:M.

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For 10 weekly issues of The Summer Chronicle (moiled first of doss) attach o check or money order for $3.00. Orders may be delivered to our offices, Third Floor Flowers or mailed to: The Arts and Sciences Summer Chronicle, Attn—Subscriptions, P.O. Box 4696, D5., in Durham, N.C. 27706. 113 Carr Building 209 Carr Building 113 Sociology-Psychology Building I Please send me The Summer Chronicle (10 issues) via first I • class mail. Attached is $3.00 to cover postage and handling. 225 Social Sciences Building April 24 through May 4 I Name . I 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. • Street I Tutors will be there to assist you! M City Stare Zip_ I

iiinniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiinnmiiiiii im ••••• H Thursday, April 24, 1980 The Chronicle Page Five New Games festival plannedfjust for fun' By Francis Rivers home with them," Morris said. people together. Some games can be The festival isn't intended to be In an effort "to bring people together He first played at a Y.M.C.A. camp in played individually, and others work passive entertainment. "It's hard to be a and let them enjoy one another," a Ohio where he worked in 1976. "Some of best when 100 people participate. spectator at New Games," Morris said. Trinity College sophomore has the other counselors started playing According to Morris, "There's enough "People are invited to join in and they organized a festival for Saturday. New Games with their kids, and I just variety for everybody to play — kids, usually do." professors,jocks." The Duke New Games Festival begins joined in," Morris said. Morris has devoted the semester to the at 9:45 a.m. on the main quad with a The idea of bringing New Games to The festival's concept of play involves logistics of festival-organizing and to parade that will travel from West to East Duke stemmed from Morris' more than just games. When playing New Games with different Campus. The festival will end at 4 p.m. impressions of the University. "I see the participants get tired, they're invited to groups. "I've played with four of five John Morris, student coordinator of Duke community as a very segregated try their hand at different crafts. groups," Morris said, "and I've never the festival, said "I'm not big on seeing community," he said. "The reason I Jugglers, face-painters, and musicians played with a group that wasn't excited New Games as an alternative to regular want to see New Games happen at Duke will all he at the festival. with New Games by the time we were sports," Morris said. "They're just fun to is that it's the best way I can think of for Morris insists that active through." play." different kinds of groups to get together participation is the only way to A group of people in San Francisco, and do something." appreciate New Games. "New Games On the weekend of March 29-30, the New Games Foundation, conceived The New Games repertoire is varied. isn't just a cute idea," he said, "and you representatives of the New Games the idea of games "just for fun and held Some games can be played competitive­ can't begin to get a good idea of what it's Foundation held a referee training various festivals in the area. People ly and require both skill and strategy. about from just talking." workshop in Card Gym. "Now there are came from all over and took the idea Others have no object other than getting Accordingly, information about the 40 people on campus who've played New games usually spreads by word-of- Games and are as excited as I am," mouth. According to Morris, "People Morris said. These 40 people, including show-up when they've played before or Bryan Fair, ASDU president, will help Chem students honored when a friend tells them, 'Hey, this is a organize and direct games at the good time. Come on over with me.' " festival. By Karen Mack independent study pro­ Trinity, received the The results of sophisti­ gram, only 30 were Department of Chemistry cated studies ranging sponsored by faculty in Award. The Merck-Index from classification of the chemistry department. Awards went to John Tao- membrane proteins to The other students worked Fan Chen and Joseph electrons and bonding with professors in the Parelman, both graduating were colorfully illustrated departments of zoology, seniors. in a poster session in the biochemistry, pharmaco­ David Beratan, also a Gross Chemistry lobby logy or medicine. senior in Trinity, was the last Friday. Participants The students were more recipient of the North were independent study than willing to explain Carolina Institute of students involved in their projects to passers- Chemists Student Award. chemistry — related by. One student even The CRC Freshman research for the past year produced a short film, Chemistry Achievment or two. funded by Freewater, to Award went to Robert Chemistry department describe his experiments, Hummel, and the Phi awards were also announced. featuring the "samurai Lambda Upsilon Scholas­ Of the 48 students who chemist." tic Award to Geoffrey participated in the Bruce Weber, a senior in Blake, a junior in Trinity. STAFF PHOTO <• New Games players reaching for the 'Earth Ball' THETA CHI FRATERNITY SPONSORS: THE ARCHIVE An All Campus arrives Friday, April 25 BEER BLAST FEATURING: "I have read it: it is heresy" One Real Band William Shakespeare Clocktower Quad Benefiting The Child TODAY—Thurs. 24 Abuse Prevention and "Presumptuous Book! too forward to be read" 4-7 Parental Stress Services William Wordsworth "Still he read, and laugh'd, and read again" Following the Roommate Game. Alexander Pope "Poetry is rubbish" Thursday Night! Robert Browning 3:55 on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon! Distribution of The Archive begins this after­ noon. Copies will be available at the East Campus Union, the East Campus Library, Perkins Library, Rowers Information, and The Archive office, 307 Onion Tower "Tribute To A A final Archive READING will be // held Thursday evening, 8:00 p.m., in Basketball Player ^ The Archive Office, 307 Onion Tower A to Mike Gminski ^ _ Mi Page Six The Chronicle Thursday, April 24, 1980 State and local primary campaigns calm By Jill Edelmann primaries Democrats Ike Andrews, Covington and Keith S. Snyder are On the local level, Durham campaigns Thus far it has been relatively calm in Geoffrey Gadsden, and Joe Overby, vying for the Republican nomination. are also quiet and low-key. North Carolina, but nevertheless it is Republican Thurman Hogan, and Democrats will be running unopposed "Except for a few posters urging election year, and state primaries are Libertarian John Cunningham are all in November for State Treasurer votes...there's hardly been an issue scheduled for May 6. There are no "hot campaigning for the seat. (Harlan Boyles), Agriculture raised or a handful of mud slung," contests" this year, and the big issue Vying for the office of lieutenant Commissioner (James Graham), according to the Durham Morning seems to be money — inflation is putting governor are Jimmy Green, the Superintendent of Public Instruction Herald, with reference to candidates for a squeeze on campaigners as well as Democratic incumbent who has served (incumbent A. Craig Phillips and the County School Board. voters. in that position since 1976, Carl J. Trosper N. Combs), and Associate Incumbents Joy Baldwin, Eugene In the gubernatorial race, incumbent Stewart, speaker ofthe house, and Clyde Justice of the Supreme Court (J. Phillip Broughton, Linda Chandler, Curtis Jim Hunt is opposed in the Democratic W. Pulley of Goldsboro, who served as Carlton and Ottaway Burton). Crutchfield, and Patricia Neal are primary by former Governor Bob Scott, N.C. Corrections Program Director from For two Durham seats in the state joined hy W.W. Easley, Martha and Harry J. Welsh, an executive with 1977 to 1979. Libertarian Craig Franklin senate, Democrats Kenneth Royall and Johnson, Howard Tabler, and J. All-State Insurance Company in of Durham, a self-employed computer Willis Whichard are on the primary Madison Whitfield in the "race" for the Raleigh. consultant, is unopposed in his primary ballot, (no Republicans running), and in five school board seats. Lack of issues, In the Republican primary, state for It. governor, as is Republican Bill the House of Representatives Democrats coupled with tight money, were cited as Sen. I. Beverly Lake is running Cobey, Jr. of Chapel Hill. Cobey George Miller, Paul Pulley, and Kenneth reasons for the relatively slow against Charles Carstens of Spruce resigned as University of North Spaulding are running for the three campaign. Pines, a retired state environmental Carolina to run for the available seats. engineer who has never held an elective office. office. Also in the race is Bobby Yates Other state offices in contention are: Emory of Raleigh, running unopposed • Secretary of State, in which incumbent on the Libertarian ticket. Democrat Thad Eure is challenged by The contenders for U.S. senator are George W. Breece of Fayetteville, and all running unopposed in their Republican David T. Flaherty of Lenoir; '"ATTENTION** respective primaries: Democratic • State Auditor, for which Democrats incumbent Robert Morgan, who has Edward Renfrow, Bill Chestnut, and WORK STUDY STUDENTS served in the Senate since 1974, J.E.B. Davis, and Republican Jim ®s Republican John P. East of Greenville, a Mclntyre are contending; and Noreste, professor of political science at East • Insurance Commissioner, in which Admissions The Duke Faculty Club wfll bo iriterview- Carolina University, and Libertarian Democratic incumbent John Ingram is F.W. Pasotto, who served as the challenged by Democrats Jim Long of ing ail current work study students that chairman ofthe State Libertarian Party Burlington, Roy H. Rabon, Jr. of would be interested in summer employ­ in 1977 and 1978. Raleigh, Kenneth Brown of Raleigh, In local Congressional races, and Republican Edwin J. Tenny, Jr., of ment at the club as recreation aides (i.e.. Democrat L.H. Fountain and Chapel Hill, who opposed Ingram in Republican Barry L. Gardner are 1976 and won 33 percent of the vote. maintenan* e crew, lifeguards, snackbar unopposed in their primaries for For Attorney General, incumbent attendants, etc.) nomination to the 2nd Congressional Rufus Edmisten is unopposed in the District seats, while in the 4th District Democratic primary, while Harold A 1»Eaatat Si .NT N, 10017 Please call 684-6672 for an interview am ••<•»•• (by appointment only! .. .Profs under pressure •r 1U1TH Continued from page 4 The minutes and hours spent on r term paper of 30 pages in length in grading soon turn into the days which "1 approximately 30 minutes, and that he stretch between the time when papers likes to read each paper twice. are submitted and when they are finally The history professor said he may returned. ATTENTION take up to 45 minutes grading and Although most of the professors said commenting on a 10 page paper, and they encouraged students to submit that "your attention begins to wander papers before the due date to facilitate SENIORS AND FACULTY after reading five papers." their prompt return, some admitted that Williams said grading a good paper there are times when they just fall may take only 10 minutes, while a paper behind. All undergraduate departments requiring more attention to corrections Barber said that he usually budgets can take one half hour to 45 minutes. A time for the end-of-the-semester rush. are putting on receptions for their long paper, 20 pages in length, can take But Williams admitted that he's "been majors and parents directly after him two to three hours to grade, he said. very bad this semester." graduation. All the receptions will be held on East Campus in design­ INGOLD TIRE COMPANY ated areas which will be posted at the diploma tables. The CORNER OF W, CHAPEL HILL AND BUCHANAN Commencement Committee urges all Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00-5:30 682-5461 students, parents, friends, and faculty to attend these receptions, Oil Change & Chassis Lube as much work has been organized s 77 MORE THAN 5 JUST A and planned for the students and TIRE STORE! their parents to enjoy these post- graduation celebrations. Kara Haas, Lisa Melcher, Julie ELECTRONIC IGNITION Plantes and Jani Wooldrige Front Tune-Up I End ^^ Special LOCATIONS: tei Special 88 Aycock—History O O Here's What We Do Pegram—MS ^*"" $OQ Allspaugh—Religton Music Dept.—Art, Music, Drama, Languages We install up lo 8 new brand name spar* plugs, Jarvis—Sociology adjust dwell and timing, inspect emission control system. Belts, and noses. Most U.S. Brown—CPS, Math, Econ. Philosophy—Education, Philosophy E. Campus Library—Physics, Geology, Chemistry Basset—Poli Sci GA Porch—Psychology Southgate—Botany, Genetics, Zoology J •J LK=X< -J Thursday, April 24, 1980 The Chronicle Page Seven Chairs damage new asphalt .Students protest Myrtle's police Continued from page 2 Wilson agreed, saying, "This is a Guests leave their mark Since South Carolina does not have racket, the way they make all this By Jay Grogan surface to harden.' reciprocal agreements with most other dough." At Sunday's grand opening "There have been trucks rolling states, students arrested for speeding or Phillips denied these allegations, ceremonies for the new North Division around on that pavements for a couple of any other violations usually have to pay claiming that the money taken in by of Duke University , many of weeks and there haven't been any the fine on the spot (in cash) or go to jail fines is only a small part of the police the 800 chairs used to seat invited guests indentations," Porter said. But until a friend can come to bail them out. department's budget. But he estimated left inch-deep indentations in new Sunday's high temperatures and Some students think the Myrtle Beach that $300,000 to $400,000 are collected asphalt pavement in front of the main penetrating chair legs proved more police force has a financial motive for annually in fines, while the police entrance. damaging. enforcing their laws so strictly during department's total budget equals $1-1.5 According to L.T. Matthews, medical "You can't believe the amount of the few months of the year when the city million. pressure concentrated in the leg of a center engineering director, the chairs is filled with tourists. Despite these substantial revenues sank into the pavement as people sat in chair when someone is sitting in it," "I think there's some economics Porter said. from fines, Phillips said, "It would suit them. "Even [the chair under] a 100- behind it....They take in a lot of money, us fine if we didn't have to make any pound person left indentations in the According to Porter, the company they really do," McClendon said. arrests." pavement," he said. plans to "roll and fill" the pavement to Matthews said that he had asked repair the hundreds of holes. He expects Turner Construction Company (the the company to pay for the "several contractors for the North project) to hundred dollar" repair job. .Pub Board decision debated analyze the pavement. "I don't know the A contingent of those who surveyed Continued from page 1 Pub Board has told them Board in dealing with our answer," Matthews said. the damage said the holes may not be so magazine was important. they don't like the magazine. Dick Porter of the Turner company bad after all. "If we leave the holes until For the Pub Board to "quell publication." "They gave us a green the creativity of the said that the paving "has only been the next addition is opened," a member Chanler was happy the light, showed no interest down about three weeks and there of the group said, "then we will know student body is a dangerous in the magazine and little precedent to set," said Bill board voted to continue hasn't been enough heat to allow the exactly where to put the chairs." the magazine but felt the interest in anything but Cohan, newly-elected our physical progress," he editor of . board's judgment of Pravda's quality was said. "Only right before CORRECTION "Who is to say that the publication have they standards of good taste counter-productive. It will In Monday's paper, a The picture was actually limit on a woman's salary now be difficult to attract shown any interest in today will be the same what's in the magazine." picture accompanying-the of the Durham Women's which will allow her to tomorrow?" good writers to the story titled "Clinics try to Clinic, agroupofOB-GYN qualify for the North magazine, he said. Several members of the ease traumas," was physicians in private Carolina abortion fund "When we begin making board said that the board incorrectly identified as practice. was incorrectly stated as judgments, we're going to Coeditor David Woronov should provide more the Women's Pavilion. Also in that story, the $319 per year. The limit is begin giving our money said "The board's vote guidance to its publica­ $319 per month. away," said Karen further exposes the tions before their appear­ The Chronicle regrets Blumenthal, editor of the hypocrisy of the Pub ance. the errors. Chronicle. "ASDU won't fund a magazine if the Hey Staff! Hey Chronicle staff! After 140 issues of Vol. 75, you deserve a chance to blow off. Spend tonight at the Chronicle's "Last Night of Publication/Come As Your LAMBS Favorite Source" Party. The beer begins flowing at 7:30 in the Third Floor Flowers Social Hall. Staff M6NS>weAR picture at 8. Blumenthal ponding at 8:01. Don'tmissit.

WANNAMAKER I '80 * ATTENTION STUDENTS * Reunion on | $$ CASH $$ the WAI Patio ¥r paid for any used household items! "X" i Thursday, April 24, 4:00 p.m. $fr used furniture and baby items! * MAKE LAMBS MENSWEAR YOUR PERSONAL CLOTHIER Intoxicants will be served

| THE BARGAIN STORE f Tmeption* 493-1*69 +++++^+*4+**+++*+*+*+*+*+++++**++++++*+*4+++*+++++} £. y • 717 N. Mangum St. # jt Downtown Durham ifc ]__. 683-8522 Open 10-5 £ -*». Sunday 1 Sunday ^ oyster bar The Triangle's FINEST with Steamed Oysters, Oak Room j Oak Room Steamed Shrimp, Clams & Oysters orv.the Half-shell Sun: 5-9. Mon. thru Dinner | Luncheon Th. 5-10. Fri. &Sat: 5-11 Special I Special SUNDAY & CAROLINA HUNT IHXMK | PLATTER Mice, SPECIAL | seafood #2.95 I g3.45 restaurant Italian Spaghetti—a hefty order of ™ A Medley of Fresh Fruits Complete Seafood Menu spaghetti with meat sauce.Tossed $• Breakfast Ribeye Steak • Broiled & Fried Seafood salad with a choice of dressing, hot *» • Choice Steaks Scrambled Eggs • Fried Chicken garlic bread, and a choice of sh • Salad Bar Toast and Danish • open Dailv beverage. ^L Mon. thru Sat. Happy Hour Prices on Pitchers of Beer ft* and 5:00-10:00 Sun., 5-9 ^ with all meals on Sunday night Y_* Coffee or Tea Si.ooi'iuhti- w COMMENT Marlon Walker Good morning! Today is Thursday, April 24, 1980 — the last day I have to write this stupid little box. Today's word is fork, an eating utensil or a division in a road. Look, I'm sick and tiredof supplying you with nifty words to impress Blackness is not a dis your profs with. If you haven't learned to use your roommate's dictionary by In my letter to the Chronicle, I would like institution such as Duke, you will need to p now, that's not my problem, is it? to address tbe edit council, "More find out. p Not much happened today, as far as history goes. Now yesterday, that was schizophrenics," David Neufeld, and the And finally, to Mr. Neufeld. Mr. Neufeld, a an interesting day. Duke community in general. As a black your article "Black faculty" is one ofthe It was Bill Shakespeare's birthday and death date. Such meticulous timing. senior on this campus, I have observed the few that raises any serious questions d Wishing him happy birthday is a waste of space — he's never going to see it. black/white conflict for four years. about "black" needs on this campus. But p Yesterday was also the Running of the Rodents, in Louisville, KY. Think However, only recently have I truly your observations are based on an p about it. developed the ability to be objective in my ideological point-of-view. Take a ii Running rodents back to Stratford, this is the fork — tongued Chronicle, thinking, this event coinciding with some momentary departure, into the world of n creating a little history of our own. new developments on this campus. reality as I had to do, four years ago. fi Members of the edit council — you have The "add-on" policy is an attempt to b indeed made a mistake/some mistakes rectify the current situation of department e: with regard to the BSA. The first mistake lethargy as to hiring qualified black s Presidential choices was that you did not consult any official professors. It appears that most r. While most of you are sunning Jimmy Carter for his persistence in representative of the BSA for official BSA departments are reluctant to hire black s yourselves at Myrtle Beach, North dealing with Congress and his level­ policy. Please look up the definition of professors even when they have slots p Carolina voters will go to the polls to vote headed approach to world affairs. He is the "oversight." Webster's New World defines open. Oneofthehopesofthisactionisthat tl in the presidential preference primary, first president since Herbert Hoover to it as "an unintentional careless mistake or departments will see the worth of such p scheduled for May 6. The Chronicle, which have gone the length of his term without omission." But in an article that made add-ons, and keep them. Is it right? It all 1 will cease publication for this academic any American soldier being killed in accusations of Carolyn Gray, the BSA was depends on how you look at it. At first p year tomorrow, would like to take the battle. He has stayed calm — and acted mentioned several times. Careless? appraisal, it does seem unfair. But the o chance to express its preference in the correctly — throughout the Iranian and Unintentional? Further, there was some treatment of black ^people has been c presidential balloting. Afghanistan crises. Under his administra­ argument as to what purpose the Office of generally unfair for the last 200+ years. In h For his candor, straightforward tion, relations with the Peoples' Republic Minority Affair serves since it "appeared order to possibly rectify this situation, h thinking and the quality of his stand on of China have vastly improved. that students went (black students, of affirmative action programs try to provide a the issues of the day, the editorial council Carter supported deregulation of oil and course) to Carolyn Gray more than they incentives to aid in black people's - fi has endorsed Rep. John Anderson (R-Ill.) a windfall profits tax and managed to went to Dean Caroline Lattimore. And struggles to become contributing members U for the Republican nomination. We believe push each through a reluctant and when several black students "visited" an of society in all areas. In this respect, this h edit council meeting, one Sunday, we were Anderson has the experience to lead the uncooperative Congress. His energy is fair — to try to make rectify s country — he has served nearly 20 years in policy, announced last summer, has hit told by one of the editors that no one in the House of Representatives — and a snags on Capitol Hill; nonetheless, the Allen Building was sure of the Office of unique understanding of this nation's measure he proposed, most centering Minority Affairs' powers, purpose, and domestic problems. His proposals to fight around increased research and develop­ reason for existence. How is it that I know Letters __ inflation are specific; he supports a 50- ment of alternative sources, are good ones. then of at least some of its purposes and cent-a-gallon gasoline tax to discourage oil He has recently proposed a 10-cent-a- services? Is it that I actually had need to imports and encourage energy conserva­ gallon gasoline tax, in hopes that it will use the Office of Minority Affairs. I In search of t tion, with the extra funds going to support encourage energy conservation; this was suggest that the editor or writer of the the nation's fading social security system. also a goal of deregulation. article could have found out the purpose of To fight inflation, Anderson has proposed the Minority Affairs by asking Dr. To the edit council: that the federal bugetary outlays be Carter's approach to the economy is Lattimore. It appears to me that the best It is with shock and much disappoint­ limited to 20 percent of the gross national more rational than that of Edward M. person to have asked would have been her. ment that we learned today of the product. Kennedy (D-Mass.) his only Democratic administration's decision not to grant opponent. Kennedy's support of wage- What allegations is the BSA denying? tenure to Kenneth Glander of the Regarding international affairs, price controls is illogical, as history has Who is the alleger? The tone of this article anthropology department. Anderson has taken a moderate stand on shown them to be ineffective. We wonder was again negative, though it was treatment of the Soviet Union for its As students majoring in physical whether he has told us the whole truth supposed to be an attempt at correcting a anthropology, we are fortunate in having invasion of Afghanistan. He is in favor of about Chappaquiddick. He seems, these previous "oversight." It didn't. Edit a U.S. boycott of the Olympic Games in taken several of Dr. Glander's courses and days, to be groping for critical words for council, your biggest weakness is your in having had him as our academic Moscow and of grain and technology Carter, and many of his claims about the inability to say that you are wrong. You embargoes. advisor. For the past five years he has president's administration are unjustified. are. I regret that you can not regret this played a major role in the anthropology Anderson is one of the few Republicans error. Why are you so supportive of department as he is one ofthe few physical who supports SALT II and opposes Any registered party member over 18 measures against the apartheid, against anthropology professors regularly increases in the defense budget. He years of age may vote in the North NCNB, and against Nestle, but seem less teaching undergraduate courses and is the believes draft registration is not necessary Carolina primary. In an age where media sympathetic with the blacks on this only one specializing in primate behavior at this time. kingmakers are more and more taking the campus? — a large field in physical anthropology. Anderson will reportedly run on an place of political bosses as designators of To the author of "More schizophrenics," Additionally, this past summer he independent ticket this fall. Nonetheless, presidential nominees, it is important that blackness is not a disease. It is apparent to assumed the position of director of it is wise to vote for him on the Republican the people express their preference, if me that you need English 1 again because undergraduate studies. primary ballot. democracy is to be retained in the selection you still don't know what an analogy (a process. We strongly question the administra­ We have voted to endorse President true analogy-.a good analogy) is. At an tion's decision not to grant Dr. Glander tenure and we doubt that there was much Mark Galvin/Spark's remarks (if any) student input in this decision. As members of the committee reviewing the anthropology teacher-course evaluations for this year's Teacher-Course Evaluation Once is never enough Book, we are aware that Dr. Glander I stepped through the hatch ofthe plane received my license last month look what I joyful pain. But after meeting people at received consistently superior ratings in and into the Phoenix heat. It was like bought." She displayed a pair of shades on rush parties, meals, classes, late nights at such areas as clear, well-organized entering a blast furnace. By the time I her face. the CI, I adjusted to the academic/social lectures, fair grading and accessibility to reached the terminal, my perspiration had "Very chic, you tuna." I stuck my fingers atmosphere. students. flooded the east runway. in her milk and blessed her. Early in the first semester, grades Dr. Glander is currently continuing his My mom greeted me and squeezed me "Stop it," my Dad commanded with his worried me more than a healthy sex life. long-term studies on the ecology and dry like a sponge. Lisa, my sister, showed mild voice. "Is that how you acted at That's how worried I was; yet, I learned behavior of Howler monkeys in Costa Rica me her tan. She reminded me of a toasted Duke?" the art of cramming in time to improve my out of which 11 articles have been almond. "No, I used the whole glass." Mom grades. published. Each semester he teaches two "You're a nut," I said and snapped her choked on her chicken leg. "Mark," everyone said at once. Their courses reaching full or near-full trainer bra. "Mark, did you really?" request for my attention terminated my enrollment, advises three to four "You're a butt," she retorted. I knew I I smiled. What I really did was survive rambling thoughts. independent study projects and is was home with my family again, my first year at college... "Mark," my mom persisted, "you never academic advisor for 10 to 15 students. especially when they interrogated me answered my original question." I paused More important, we agree with the about college that night at dinner. "So, this is Duke," I said to myself when to reflect. students' evaluations in feeling that he is "So, how was your freshman year at the airport van pulled up to the West "You know the articles I sent you that I one ofthe most committed, knowledgeable, Duke?" my mom began. Campus bus stop. I had never visited the had written in the Chronicle'? Fraternity personable professors at this University. His lectures are always informative and "Different," I mumbled. "Could you school before and didn't know what to rush, infatuation, writing papers, feelings expect. during Valentine's Day, writing articles, interesting, delivered with enthusiasm please pass the carrots and celery, Dad?" and humor. Additionally, he is always He offered them to Mom first, but she "Do you know where Trent is?" I dorm wars, the history of Animal Quad, inquired of this guy standing next to me. catching mono over spring break, the available to students outside of class and refused them and asked me another he provides much helpful guidance to question. He had travelled with me in the same van. opinion of the Residential Life Task Force report, receiving ideas from friends; that those pursuing interests in primate "Did your classes go well?" "No, but that's where I'm going." He behavior. What more does the administra­ seemed as dazed as I was at our new was my life at Duke. Can you relate?".It "I hope so." The thought of my final was the same question I ask of my readers. tion want? We wonder on what basis the environment. We eventually located Trent decision was made. exams disturbed me for a moment. "How Hall. "We laughed," they responded. do you like driving, Lisa?" After a month, I felt the loneliness. "Thanks," I grinned. "I'll try to do it Denying Dr. Glander tenure is a great "Great," she exclaimed. "When I Recalling my past, memories created again next year." mistake and can only undermine the DRUG PARAPHERNALIA isease gTATE LEGISLATURES g.HOUl_D OUTLAW IF ;o past mistakes. Equitable? Individually, future of our country. The torch is p perhaps not, but collectively, in terms of — it is in our hands now. Can we as a THEY REALLY WANT TO g>ToP PRuG ugE = i, an entire people's need, yes. collective people change these wrongs? It Le Yes, an Afro-American studies is up to us! is department is needed. It is needed to In summary, I hope that one day people NQ&E. U|)ED BRAW:MOgToF it provide exposure to the culture of black can be accepted for what they are. MANY COCAINE THE DRUGS n people, and how this culture is integrated Blackness is not just dark skin color, or a in America's history. Such exposure is kinky hair, or soul music, or collard CONSUMERS To CONSUMED IN >f needed in order that understanding be greens. It encompasses (or can gjMUeGlETHE THE U&. WIND fostered. Yes, black literature is literature, encompass) all of these. But blackness is ILMC T DRUG UP HERE. IT ;o black art is art. But so many are afraid to an identity — its culture and suffering, it is wlo THE IS PARTTM-ARLV it expose themselves to it, that unless a fortitude and endurance — in the heart. It k special effort is made, understanding, or is acknowledgement of the suffering of BODY- DIFFICULT FOR st rather, the seeds of understanding will family and friends, of self, and the will to LEGISLATOR^ k stagnate and die. There was not one survive. Blackness is of the soul. It is our LiPg.MARluUANA TO COKIE To ;s person not giving a standing ovation of identity, no one else's. I can respect other's TERMS WITH THE it the play For Colored Girls, or the identity, I ask that mine also be respected. SMOKERS OFTEN h production of Sweet Honey In the Rock. I believe that it was stated quite succinctly U&E INNOCENT- y. COMPLEX W0RKIN6S 11 These events were needed to fulfill the by Andrew Young when he implied that [POKING UPS To ' THE BRAIN, AS it purpose of allowing at least a small taste different cultures are potentially like parts of a stew — having their own particular HOLD MARlJuANA FEW OF THEM ie of the culture that has shared in this CIGARETTES. n country's heritage for so long. Look in any flavor, but enhancing the overall taste of ARE FAMlUAR n history book not specifically about black the stew. It is up to us (again) to see that VJITH IT. this happens. We would all be enriched, i, history. Note the surprising lack of E&oPHAGUg. go-CALLED indeed, to have our narrow minds opened le attention given to black people. Is this to the reality of what needs to be done to "GAcTRlC CONNECTION" IS 's - fair? No. Thus something needs to be done L insure our survival. This needs to be •s to correct this situation. Why not at the TfJE MAIN CONDUIT oF PlL g> is highest level of academic learning in our INTo THE gToMACW. y society? We are the ones that govern the Editor's note: Marlon L. Walker is a senior in Trinity College. the perfect tenure and a purer Pravda

quality of Duke's anthropology printing at all. Those "robots" have given What is the purpose of guaranteeing the audience. It can be satire and mock certain department. We urge students to question you considerable rein for a new freedom of expression in Article 5, Section ludicrous or archaic political and social University tenure policies. publication — make use of it, don't 2, when the board obviously does not value customs. Or humor can be a catalyst for Judith Campbell '80 alienate them now. that freedom? How can the Pub Board new ideas whose time has come. Lorraine Schwartz '80 Mr. Chanler, when you misstate your make the claim that an approved editor of While profanity and sex have their place case and confuse the issues your effect is a chartered publication can choose to print in humor, I believe that Pravda has driven Dum-dum very unfunny indeed, and reflects whatever he or she wishes, and then this aspect into the ground. The Pravda discredit on the Duke Pravda, not those suddenly decide to review and possibly harps repeatedly on the subject of sex at organizations you attack. The Pub Board censor a publication on the unsteady Duke from a questionable cover, the To the edit council: has not restrained you and the new grounds of good taste? It is obvious the National Reproduction Act, the editorial Re: The game referendum is not unfair, only very Publications Board at Duke simply does "Getting Off On Duke," some ofthe entries Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, unfortunate, as is that which the not understand its own Constitution and in the Lostword Puzzle and Horrorscope, dum, dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum- Chanticleer also faces. By-Laws. In fact, Article 3, Section 1, Part and several of the cartoons, to the Duke dum-dum-da-da-da-da-dada-dadadadada Tom McLaurin '80 A, of the Pub Board Constitution states University Sexual Behavior Report. The (silence). Rahw-rahw-rahw-rahw-put- that at least two voting members of the subject matter and language are explicit shhhhhh-wow-wow-wow. 23, 15, 500 rule, Pravda Pub Board must be full time members of and leave nothing to the imagination of bottom line, splitters, parachutes, column To the edit council: the University faculty. There have been no the reader. The writers and editors of the shooting, Jeff and Mike. Aunt Sue's. The Re: Duke Pravda — Life, Liberty & the faculty members on the Publications Pravda gave insufficient attention to the quarters, the quarters, the quarters. 1500, Pursuit of Humor at a sombre University Board throughout the entire academic subtler, more intelligent forms of humor shoot your bases, engine trouble, the The Duke University Publications year. Should a Pub Board be without which would appeal to me and many Duke deluxe machine. Rip-offs, wastes, and Board held a meeting last Monday faculty voice? students as much or more than your losing count. They keep coming and morning in deference to a guarantee upon David Woronov '82 repititious, mindless and finally boring coming and coming. There's only one which the entire Pub Board must stand. articles featuring base humor. game — you either play it or you don't. Article 5, Section 2, of the Publications Not mad I realize that starting any publication, Alan O. Shealy '82 Board's By-Laws states, "...The Board and especially one involving humor, is a shall not undertake to exercise powers of To the edit council: Re: Pravda difficult task and commend those who censorship on any publication, either helped to create Pravda for their time and Cliff Chanler publicly or in private." I'm not mad, just disappointed. While Duke desperately needs a humor effort. But why did you publish a To the edit council: After reading Duke Pravda, the magazine, the Pravda does an inadequate magazine that, regardless of its frequent Re: Cliff Chanler, Duke Pravda assistant University counsel stated that job of filling this void. Humor is multi- excursions into the realm of questionable Cliff, where do you get off? Your recent there are no reasons pertaining to fear of faceted and serves a variety of important taste, failed to present an intelligent and letter, replete with gross inaccuracies, does libel for anyone to restrict or censor the functions in our society. It can be pure balanced approach to humor? little to further your cause and even less to magazine. entertainment designed to amuse the Chris D. Howard '83 lighten the existing tension between The Publications Board had assured ASDU and the Publications Board. Why both co-editor Cliff Chanler and myself on don't you tell folks the truth? several occassions that the board would The wording for referendum questions not and could not undertake to prejudge or The Chronicle censor any publication. Despite these must be approved by the ASDU legislature Editor: Karen Blumenthal Night isditor: Laurie J.C. Caldwell and cannot be changed by executive fiat. assurances, the Pub Board called a Business manager: David Redlawsk Wire editor: Bruce Lieberman The ASDU officers you lambast could not meeting to read and subsequently pass Advertising manager: Bruce Gill Copy editor: Scott McCartney, Annette Tucker have changed the wording in the three judgement on the cover and a predetermined Watchdog: Richard Liebeskind, days you gave them. Because you chose page of Duke Pravda. Aeolus editor: Nina Gordon Steve McDonald not to inform ASDU officers of your The meeting was staged because of Arts editor: Vicki Foster Associate news editors: Jon Rosenblum, preferred wording before the wording was concern over trustee reaction to the Editorial page editors: Laura Sessums, Lorgn Weil finalized, you must now live with the magazine, but the magazine was not Richard Liebeskind, Davia Odell Assistant edit page editor: Cindy Brister •result. created with the intent to appease or Assistant sports editor: Dave Fassett Features editor: Scott McCartney, Photographers: Scott Inman entertain trustees. Nor did the Pub Board Also, your attack on the Chronicle and News editor: Kevin Sack Composition: Ellen Finlay, Holly Kingdon, ever instruct Duke Pravda to appease any the Pub Board is unfounded. The Photography editors: Judy Mack, Chronicles story, which was beneficial to singular facet of the Duke Community. Rob Brandt, Mack Ruffin Paste-up: Susan Deaton your cause, was a legitimate news story Still, the Pub Board chose to ignore the Sports editor: Jeff Gendell Ad saleswoman: Donna Parks reporting the controversy begun when freedom they claim to grant in their Supplements editor: Ilene Reid Ad production manager: Sara Harrison your printer questioned printing the bylaws, the same freedom of expression magazine without "official" clearance. that helps distinguish a fine prestigious Reporters: Cynthia Camlin, Jill Edelman, Jay Grogan, Brian Hernandez, Karen Mack, Had the Publications Board's representa­ institution — the kind of place trustees and Dan Michaels, Francis Rivers tives not done their job and supported your alumni can actually be proud of — from an editorial judgment, you would not be ordinary "rinky-dink" school. Page Ten The Chronicle Thursday, April 24, 1980 CLASSIFIEDS Announcements If you'll be here for Summer TYPIST-TRANSCRIBER. Found last week (around the BACCALAUREATE AND PLEASE, I need a ride form Session, you could earn $50.00 Need 8 hours of tape 17th) in the C.I. — An Easter North Myrtle to Norfolk, BLUE DEVIL INTER­ GRADUATION TICKETS for 8 hours participation in a transcribed. Rates negotiable. basket. Call the Dining Halls VIEWS. Even if you already NEEDED! Will pay CASH for Tidewater area, on May 8th or psychological experiment. 489-0697 evenings or 684-2507 Office, x3621, to identify and signed up you must do so 8:30 a.m. Sunday Baccalau- 9th. Will share usuals. Call Males only. Interested? Call M. Haskins during day. again. Sign-up sheet located Jeanie x0742. Keep Trying! 684-2056 to learn more and WORK/STUDY? LOOKING outside the ASDU office FOUND: 1 Dunlop tennis OH I need a ride to Myrtle! sign-up. ,4sk for Jim Lane or FOR A FALL 1980 JOB? The racquet — last semester. Call tickets. Need 4 of each. Can leave after 10 p.m. May 5. Hike Andes of southern Alice White. Chronicle needa people who x7790 to claim — I don't want PLEASE call x0482. Will share usuals and I pack Columbia: orchids, cloud can type 40 wpm or better for WANTED: Experienced bike it! ^_^ light. Nancy x0718. Keep forest. $520 from Miami June next year. Shift will be about 4 repairman, work 1 or 2 to 5:30 Trying. 17-25. No coca, cannabis. hours each. Call Scott at FOUND: Dog in Duke Ride/Riders Wanted Mon-Fri. Sat. 8-5:30. Handle Marilyn Pennington, 350 x2663, afternoons or evenings. Campus area. Small, blond, RIDE NEEDED: Springfield/ Carry me hack to old New sales and repairs. Very good Ho!man Ave. Athens, GA HELP! — We need persons wiry-haired, very friendly. No Jersey! I need a ride 5/5 or 5/6 chance for full time summer Boston area. May 7-10. Call 30606. (404) 435-9619. with framing experience or art identification. Call 684-2263 anywhere near or in NJ. Me job. Experienced only. 493- 682-6568, ask for Carla. interest to work part-time this 8:30-5, ask for June. After S:30 and 2 Duffle Bags. Will share For Lease: Quarter-Arab mare 4461. Help! I need a ride home! call 493-2993. situated in 3000 acres of summer in frame shop. Now (Albany, NY area or NE New all expenses! x7612 Pegi. SUMMER-TIME Babysitter forested trails. Large ring and until... Call 286-4831 (9:30- Jersey) I can leave any time wanted for occasional For Rent/Sublease pasture. 2Vs miles from Duke. 5:00). Lost beginning Sunday May 4. Call evenings for 7 yr old boy. Call SUMMER SUBLET: May 10- Terms negotiable. Call Allyn LOST: Gold ring, with jade after 6:00 p.m. 286-7265. Laura x0731. Aug 15, Yorktowne Apts, 2 489-9823. Keep trying. Half-Time Childcare for and 2 diamonds. GREAT RIDER NEEDED to Houston, bdrm. V-A bath, Furn., Pool, CAMP COUNSELORS: Adorable twin boys in SENTIMENTAL VALUE. Starting Tues. Apr. 29 The TX. Leave May 8th or 9th. A/C, near W. Campus, Attractive Sumbier positions. exchange for wages and/or $250.00 reward for return. Japan Experiment will be Room for several pieces of $225/mo. Kim 489-0927. Boys' Camp (52nd year), private room and board. On PLEASE call Dee x0438. offering chances in the rabble- luggage. Call 688-5440. Lenox, Mass. in swimming, West Club Blvd., Durham. Lost-GLASSES—in dark blue SUPER SUMMER SUBLET! rousing Liquor Exchange. Rider or Riders needed to sailing (22 boat fleet), sculling, •Call 286-1753 or 286-4695. cloth case with SPECS FULLY FURNISHED FOR Date May 2. For$150 Beer and Columbus, Ohio from Myrtle Wine. Look for it on West. skiing, tennis (18 courts) Full Time child care needed by FREE! Chapel Towers written in white. Tortoise shell or North Myrtle Beach. Will be Donation $2 and. , basketball, street professional couple for 4 year Apartments — 2 bdrm AC, frame. Please call x7778. leaving around May 8th, but hockey. Also, camp paper, old daughter and 1 year old carpeted, pool dishwasher. Lost: My wallet, on April 21. It this date is flexible. Any Listen to some really neat-o weight training, photo­ son. Both children are bright Very REASONABLE FOR has i.d. cards, driver's license location en route to or around rock V roll by THE LOUTS!! graphy, ham radio, video­ and have sunny dispositions. STUDENTS. Call 684-7769. In the spacious Flamingo etc. that are only valuable to Columbus is fine. Call Tom at. taping, archery, radio station. Care for children in our home Available May-August. Lounge. Saturday, 10:00. Beer me. No questions asked. Joe xl736 to reserve your seats Send details to; Jee Kruger, with fenced play yard Hamilton 684-0902 SUMMER SUBLET May 10- and poop will be provided. preferred, but would consider Camp Mah-Kee-Nac, 20 Allen • Aug 10. 1 BR apartment near Help Wanted Court South Orange, N.J. Wanted To Buy Ride wanted: DC. area for East Campus. Fully fur­ 07Q79. Hav nished. Only $160/month, OVERSEAS JOBS - Sum­ BACCALAUREATE TICK­ Friday, May 2 only one suitcase — share usuals. including utilities. Call 683- mer/year round, Europe, S. Summer Research aids needed ETS WANTED! Will pay for Phone 682-2718 (eve -lings). 8335. America, Australia, Asia, Etc. to work part time on a medical extra tickets to service at 8:30 All fields. $500-$1,200 records case-control study. AM Sunday, May 11. Also will Isn't anyone heading North? SUMMER SUBLET — 2 monthly. Expenses aid. Interesting work. Day or FOUND: Kristi Heffernan's pay for extra graduation rain Ride needed to Phila. or N.J. bdroom Apt. $150/mo., A/C, Sightseeing. Free information meal card. Claim at Flowers evenings. Please contact tickets. Phone 286-9596. on May 5 or later. Call Terri: furnished, close to Duke, May write: IJC, Box 52073, Corona Elizabeth DeLong 684-5424. Car call 383-6215 anytime. x7902. 15-Aug 15. Mike — 383-5367. Del Mar, Ca. 92625. Al - 286-0339.

THE Daily Crossword by Frank R. Jackson

ACROSS 26 Tamiroff 12 Egg on f Verboten of movies bright one 13 Smokey or 5 Rocket and 27 Rail foun­ I Amusement Teddy dations park item 21 Talks on 10 Small fisti 31 Navy man . Highway and on 35 The Ram strip 23 Feast 36 Chicago i Knavish one 25 Take as terminal ) Seagirt ones own 38 New Deal 27 Speeds agency Clan emblem 28 Emulate ! Initiate, 40 Mimics 29 Bruited 41 Dutch I Gravelly about cheese ridges 30 Diaphanous 42 Yvette's j Mohammedan 32 Kipling's 19 One-celled summer decree demesne 43 Chose 5 God of love 33 Seize 20 Place under 44 Aromatic ' Russian 34 Nominates constraint herb news source 37 Fervor 22 Sporty car 45 Staid i Criminal 40 Drink, of 24 Artistic 47 Motorists' I Unit of a kind force 41 Entangled 43 Indians Yesterday s Puzzle Solv 44 Egyptian : fTF U'-- p PBA : f 46 Snakes Mil '1 Al | '•: • ; 48 Lindbergh 1 1 .. R |H • <• and Ricken- 1 ! •• 1 v' V -Li_ i Bondsman': Mo ! ••; r, lb • ! concern 50 Worship •> • I m c 3 IT JH IS I Coverless 52 Uproar

1" 3 ,-Ji: ;- ;-• i Withdraw 53 Greek ! IR 'U ^ISl! IAILILIY j Old cloth mountain 1 4 :; . EJK -1 AWBIMAIMJE measure 54 Woe is me "It's baffling. This model scored particularly S 1 : V vlTkiBB ' Cupid 55 Lat. abbr. high in recent U.S. safety tests." •T|U s LV !. ! DIE : t Fiji bowl 57 Grant .:•'. • AlMlE • 'i ' - ) Footwear 58 Certain A RAlO £"••< • • K : ; ... • SHOE byJeffxtxmy ;, i ;? •'•. •MB .. -LMR, • |t: ) Abysses ITJTLL P_[SB_E ;SB A s s •'•; Word of 59 — maiestv

FINPOm §|§H WHOTHISIS. ' j 1 6 il " •1 12 IT" '•• 11 " MYCHECWM5 ZZJ fe •' " 20 12\ 1 ACOMC. ; ^(mOa r^fl US ''•'' ™ ;';: ,. I WORK KARPMAKIN6 AFTER NI6MT..I PON'T BO V >' 'is YOUR SUPPER! THINK VOU AlUA^ •"'' ' APPRECIATE THAT... 6' 1:•:. 1. •••:. 198b y Chic ago Trib une- vy. New sSy nd. nc. /24/80 All Rights Reserved Thursday, April 24, 1980 The Chronicle Page Eleven CLASSIFIEDS 2-bedrom Apartment sublet Large 3 bedroom furnished DISSERTATION PROB­ Answers 10. (From April 3, 1980) A Going to be in Washington, available. $105/person/ townhouse for sublease May LEMS? Richard S. Cooper, What was it that the Catholic record was set in July, 1978 at D.C. for school next year? So month. Laundry facilities, air 15-August. 3 blocks from East Ph.D., clinical psychologist Church outlawed in the 1100's Alcoente Prison in Portugal. am I and I'm looking for a conditioning, pool. Lakewood Campus. $250/month. Call offers a group for blocked and 1200's? Why, cats, of What was this world's record roommate. Call Charlieat 684- Shopping Center nearby. Call 684-1559 or 684-7243. students. This in not a course. Those furry felines set at this cheery abode in 7770 Debby or Cathy 493-1578 after sunny Iberia (please be Chapel Towers Sublet psychotherapy group but a were declared "emissaries of H P.m. specific!? UVA GRAD SCHOOL NEXT Available May 15-Aug 15. time-limited, task-oriented, the devil" and were systema­ YEAR? Need a roommate? problem-solving support FOR SUBLET: 2 bedroom Two bedrooms, one and half tically stamped out. Anyone 11. (From April 16, 1980) If Put your name on a list with semi-furnished Duke Manor bathrooms. Only $195/ group. New group begins May caught with a cat was bumed any of you are from Florida, the other UVA-bound Dukies. apartment. Available May 5, month. Call Ira- 383-7834, or 10. For information call Dr. at the stake as a witch. Once you might know about this Male and female lists. 684- Cooper at 493-1466, leave Call 286-2741 around 1 p.m. or Glenn- 477-5064. Europe had rid itself of all the one (...but, on the other 0259. name, phone number. cats, the rats overpopulated hand...). What international after 5 p.m. SUMMER SUBLET - MOVING and STORAGE like crazy and rest in known to event is held annually in HOUSEMATE WANTED: FULLY FURNISHED: SUMMER SUBLET - FOR 30% LESS, ALTERNA­ hisotry as the Black Death Caryville, Florida? three bedroom house, one Chapel Towers Apartments, 2 Beautiful 2 story 3 or 4 TIVE MOVING SYSTEMS, Epidemic. Our first correct room available. Aug-May. bedrooms, VA bath, fully bedroom brick colonial in LTD.We can cut your costs for caller? Why, none other than 12. (From April 17. 1980) Block off East on Watts. carpeted, AC, dishwasher, FOREST HILLS AREA. Fully LOCAL and LONG DIS­ marvelous Maureen Haigh Throughout history, royalty Washer/dryer, nice front pool, heaHh club, Very has left a great legacy of wooded corner lot, new TANCE moving. A fully (see, Maureen, we told you porch. $115/month Call Reasonable. Available May trivia. Our case in point: When kitchen with dishwasher and insured pickup and delivery we'd spell it right). xl745, x0799. other appliances, partially air 10-Aug. Call 684-7075. Henri Christophe (1767-1820) service offers savings and Roommate needed, May-Aug. conditioned, HBO/Cable TV, Sublease: Females needed to Questions was crowned King of Haiti, convenience. Guaranteed Spacious, sunny, tropical 2 screened porches, 5 minutes sublease beautiful 5 bedroom what unusual change was pickup and delivery dates for It's exam Time. Here are the style duplex (furnished) near from Duke, FULLY FUR­ house right off East. (110 N. the ation your long distance move. baker's dozen of questions East. Prefer independent NISHED. Available May 8th- Buchanan). Call x7198. Inexpensive packing mater­ that stumped our distin­ ceremony! roommate. $82.50/month. \-'i Auguest 14th. Rent negoti­ ials — professional packing guished panel of 12,000 trivia 13. (From April21,1980) John utilities. Call 688-0602 nights. able. (No reasonable offer Chapel Towers Apartment for service. For a free Estimate experts on the first go-around. Wayne had a few children, a Roomate Wanted: Aug 1 to from reponsible persons rent — end of Way. 2 Blue books are not required, call 682-5688. couple of whom are involved Dec. 31. Duke Manor 2 Bdrm refused) 688-5440- bedrooms, l'/s baths, carpet, but please have plenty of in the entertainment industry. Apt. PARTIALLY FUR­ drapes, Air conditioning, pool. sharpened No. 2 pencils. You FANTASTIC SUMMER One son is a film director and NISHED, Rent $117.50 + Grad students or couple. Call have until 3:00 to finish this SUBLET: Beautiful 4- For Sale 383-1654. exam. You may begin... now. another. Patrick, you may utilities. CALL Steve 383- bedroom house, partially Exxon gas: regular $1.17 9/10, have noticed if you watched 7007. SAVE $300.00.Summer furnished, has everything, unleaded $1.22 9/10, extra 1. (From January 17, 1980) the Academy Awards show Sublet. We will pay 1 months one block from East, Best $1.23 9/10. Couch's EXXON, The man's name: Ronnie last week — he was the one Looking for a Grad Student to rent! You pay just 2 months. 3 Offer accepted. Call Bud at 1810 W. Markham across from Farmer. The record time: 14 who described the balloting live in 3 bdrm Spanish Style bdrm Yortown Apt. Newly x7857 or 493-2369. Couch's Kwik Kar Wash near minutes, 19 seconds. The year: and tabulation procedures. house next to Duke Park in cleaned and painted. May 15- East Campus. 1979. What was the accom­ Televsion viewers, however, pleasant neighborhood with CHAPEL TOWERS SUBLET end August. Callx7132,xl864, plishment? may rememeber Patrick as a two other grads. For summer — Two bedroom, one bath. 493-3717. For Sale: Kenmore 6 cu ft certain character in a series of and/or next year. $140/mo + Third Floor. Quiet. Nice view. Refrigerator. Only 2 yrs old, 2. (From January 29, 1980) utilities. Excellent value. TV commercials. What was Summer or year lease. Call House Available — Summer excellent condition. $90. Another I.D. question: By Evenings: 383-2941, 383-4850. (is) this immortal role? 383-3665. and/or 1980-81 School Year. Beautiful 7x12 rug. Light what name do we more Available in total or by room. green. $20. Call 684-1075. There you have it, class — 13 Female grad or professional SUBLET a beautifully familiarly know the man born 5 full bedrooms (double size), FOR SALE: orange bed­ questions to tantalize, tease student wanted to share large furnished 1 bedroom Apt. in Hugh Brannum? 2Vi blocks from East Campus, spread; brown curtains; and tempt. You have until 3:00 5 br house with 4 grad Duke Manor — from mid-May $120 per room or $600 per matching blue rugs; yellow 3. (From February 17. 1980) today to call 684-3811 with the students. Beg. in June. Yard, to Mid-August. Rate is month. Call Cindy 286-0533 bed table; brown bed rest; Happy Birthday to... who? porch, fireplace. One block reasonable. Call 286-3964 for What popular fictional for info. ' beige dresser lamp; black You may be failing all your from East Campus. $65.00/ information. character celebrates his gooseneck lamp. Call Mimi — courses, but if you're the first month plus utilities. 688-8925 SUMMER SUBLET: Large, 2- birthday today (February 17)? Summer Sublet Chapel Tower bedroom, furnished, A/C xI900. __ to call on the question(s) of after 5. Apt. 2 BR w/w carpeting, apartment. 3 blocks from East 4. (From February 29.1980) In your choice, you'll have WANTED — Roommate May- D/W Disp. Pool. Negotiable. FURNITURE: 5 piece dinette, Campus, Available May 10- the town of Corcuetos, Spain, printed proof in tomorrow's through August especially 383-6418. Can start second $75; 3 piece bedroom set August 15. $230/month. (ALL the people of this fair city built Chronicle that you at least FIRST summer session) so week in May. w/matching desk, $70; 2 easy UTILITIES INCLUDED) a church during the latter part deserve an "A" in Trivia. share 2 bedroom Duke Manor chairs, $20 each; wail unit, of the 16th century and the SUMMER SUBLET Plus Contact Jim at 688-1245 Apt. Call LISA or CLARE $65; bed $40; all very good first part of the 17th century. Personals Option For Next Year. xl64o SOON! __ condition. 489-4603. Can you tell us why the G.J.R. — So proud of you. Walking of East. 3 BR Duplex. Wanted to Sublet 1972 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE: Church of Corcuetos will Looking forward to San Roommmate Wanted to share Living Room, Kitchen, Dining hardtop, softtop, tonneau, forever hold a place in trivia Diego, the Beach, time 2 bedroom Duke Manor apt. Room, Large Backyard w/ •ant to sublet an apartment radio, 52,000 miles, good body history? together. My love always, this summer. $112.50/month Picnic Table. $275, neg. Blain Chapel Towers for the and mechanical, $2500. 493- EAM. plus approx. $10.00/month D: x2791, N: 688-9482. Must be furnished, 5. (From March 7,1980) All the electric bill. Carpeted, air- AC. Lowest bidder call Lisa 1819 after 5. Dave, Congratulations! You BEAUTIFUL HOUSE — on major actors in The Wizard fo x7112 or x2663 (keep trying!). made it! Now it's on to bigger conditioned, and furnished. wooded lot. Four bedrooms, 3 LOOK SHARP! - Large Oz played more than one part Faculty person visiting for and better things. Good luck Call Dana or Shirley, 286- baths, fireplace, and more. "HEAD" tennis warm-ups. (for example, Margret Summer seeks to house-sit or at Vanderbilt but don't forget 3130. Two people needed to sublet Hamilton played both Elmira sublet, mid-May through White pants, stretch waist. those of us still floundering for summer. Own room. Very Gulth and the Wicked Witch of August. Prefer $150 max rent White jacket, blue and red around here. SK. reasonable. Call 489-4502. the West), except, of course, for and utilities and A/C. Call shoulder and collar. Great Sp condition! $20 Call George Judy Garland. Our question: Gussy, Thanks for all the ectrum Apartment for rent (no sublet) SUSAN 684-4164 or 383-5068. x!391. What character did Frank action: The Wild Late-night 2 bedrooms. Near Lakewood AEPhi's: Sisters, we'll see you all Morgan play (names, please, parties, the disco lessons, the TODAY Shopping Center. Fully Services Offered 1972 Chevrolet Kingswood where possible)? kegs, everything. I'll always semester. Please be there everyone; nee carpeted. A/C, ten minute EVERGREEN MCAT-DAT Stationwagon. Excellent 6. (From March 17.1980) Some be your Big Fleetwood Mack you in 014 Foreign Languages at 6:30. walk to campus drive bus. Review Course. Take the condition. $800. CALL L, of you may rememeber way Truck. $215. Available May 1. For course individually in Atlanta KRITZMAN days 684-3706, Major Speakers Committee of the back when we asked you who more details please call 498- in 3 to 5 days. P.O. Box 77034, evenings, weekends, and To Laurie, Mary Pat, Karen, Duke University Union: A meeting will Guy Lombardo's brothers be held Thura. at 6 in 201 Flowers. Atlanta, GA30309phone(404) before 9 a.m. 286-2185. Anne, Winnie, Bev, Steve, were. Continuing on that Kim, Sharon, Cathy, Val Please attend. $99/month (or $30/week): 874-2454. White 1976 Plymouth Volare theme, does anyone out there Share comfortably furnished - 2 door, Automatic (erie), Alvita and Laura: The Tri Delts: Meeting tonight at 6:15 in TYPING - REGULAR AND remember how many brothers House G Commons Room. Get payehed two-bedroom apartment with Transmission, Air Condi­ only true First-Northers. The TECHNICAL: Letters, William Shakespeare had and nine that left don't know what for munchies and fun, this is the last summering law student tioned, New Tires, only 31,000 resumes, manuscripts. what their names were? they missed. Thanks for the meeting ao be there... during all/part of June 10- miles, 22 mpg, Price Professional quality. Reason­ memories, the Monkees, New HILLEL Board members: First August 15. (Morreene West, Negotiable. Call 286-7520. 7. (From March 19, 1980) We walking distance from West able rates. Mrs. Regen, 1014 Manny and My Three Sons, — meeting of the new executive board! SALE: Inexpensive, Kitchen go from wars to that great Campus, A/C, pool.) Under- Broad St., Durham, 286-7866 Peg. tonight at 7 p.m. in 101 Union. Be Table w/4 chairs, Dining prepared with planning ideas! grad, grad, or nongrad or 477-1104. Room Table w/Cabihet, 2 marketing and advertising NANO — Wishing you Good welcome. Inquiries: "J.B.," DON'T WASTE TIME Pub Board Members, old and new! Reeliners, 2 Couches, genius, deoderant. As some of Lovin' and Paradise through 383-5388. rounding up a typist or you may know, Mum was the Don't forget the Wine and Cheese Party Queensize Bed, Call Victor. all the Cold, Rain and Snow. at 5 at Mr. Griffith's house. If you need a pecking away all night on first national trademarked For Rent: 2 bedroom Duplex' 688-5962. Thanks for helping me ride, call Anne-Marie. your old typewriter. One call brand — to ask that would be Apt. Two window A/C's, large through all the rough spots gets your paper, thesis, or FOR SALE: 1975 Fiat too easy. So our question is: Kappas: Pay your last respects to the living room and kitchen. 3/4 and for making my sopho­ dissertation typed quickly, Convertible; AM/FM stereo What was the secret ingredi­ seniors and come to Senior Banquet mile from East Campus. more year as wonderful as tonight in the West Campus Ballroom professionally. Superb quality cassette; 30 mpg HWY/22 ent in that first bottle of Mum? $180/mon. 477-1119 after 5:00 Haagan Paas. Love, Julie. at 5:30. Bring your poem for your senior at reasonable rates is a short City; Call 383-6980. Keep (Incidently, this question Hey Blonde Schemer — big sis and your checkbooks too. drive away. AARON LITER­ Trying. contains no flourocarbons, SUMMER SUBLET: May 14- ARY SERVICES, NCNB Birthday Advice: Looking in Project WILD August Staff: FOR SALE: 1973 AUDI 100 and does not damage the July 4 with option to continue Plaza, 136 E. Rosemary Street, the mirrir is still my prognosis Important meeting, Thurs. at 7 in 103 LS; 20 mpg CITY; 30 mpg ozone layer.) West Duke Bldg. Come both old and lease. One BR Duke Manor. Chapel Hill 967-1270 (kick included)... Learn what $170 month or best offer. Call HGWY. Regular Gas. Auto­ 8. (From March 28, 1980) to give up and when not to 986-9566 evenings. Planning to store your bicycle matic. Sunroof. Engine Acronyms are usually used to give/up... by the way — Dana 5:15 p.m., -Holy Eucharist. and/or stereo this summer? running well. Body needs shortly and more easily refer rots... The hassle if over — Episcopal" — Memorial Chapel. Duke Great 5 Bedroom house within Let us keep them in great work. $950. Richard 688-4161. to something. But leave it to your own your own (be Chapel. The University community is walking distance of East for working order for you — MUSICIANS: "Acoustic" 140 the U.S. Navy to miss the careful)... Whack... LSH, RRS, invited to attend this service. Summer Sublet with possible ABSOLUTELY FREE!! May- amplifier and JLB K140 15 whole point. Our example for RMM and I are ready for the fall option. $85 per person. September. Call MARK 383- inch speaker cabinet for today: What is the acronym gang bang — psyched? Happy Call Chris at 682-1817 or 688- 7517 or SARA 489-5531 guitar, bass, or organ. $300, that stands for Administra- Birthday — Love Always, the Pg26 or Pat 688-4284. evenings. Rob-682-5357 before 10 AM or Command, Amphibious Basement —P.S. — all this and after 10 PM. SUMMER SUBLET: 2 rooms, $5 OFF ANY PIANO For. Fie. still perfect. Tech-lighting crew needed for Hoof 2 blocks from E.C. by Subway. TUNING with this ad. Subordinate Command? V Horn's Fiddler on the Roof. May 9 & All Furniture must go. 2 full 10. No experience necessary. Call Cindy IVi baths, May-September, Quality work at the lowest 9. (From April 2,1980) What is beds and boxspring. Couch *Roommate Wanted at 386-0533 for info. porch w/swing, yard, parking price in town. Expires the record for the most and matching sofa chair, desk space. 70$/month. Mark, 4/28/80. Piano Tuning and divorces between the same Roommate wanted to share and 2 sets drawers, etc., etc. «1561. __ Repair Service. 383-7786. couple, and who are these large 4br, house with 3 grad Call 493-3315. strange people? (This is not students. Yard, sundeck, HOUSE — Summer Sublet. 3 LIVE MUSIC for your special For Sale: 2 Schwinn 10 speed divorce for tax purposes; i.e., fireplace, washer/dryer. i 105 Allen Bldg. bedroom. Near Central event. Call Anna Wilson 489- h Mrs. Dutton no« bikes — only half a year old — divorces and remarriages in Summer w/option for fall. Campus. Fully furnished. 7555 or Billy Stewart 967-7429. Excellent condition. Call ; year for a reduction $112.50/mo. + M utilities. 383- $95/month per person. Classical Flute and Guitar. 5257. Barbara or Iris 683-2504. of ti s.) Page Twelve The Chronicle Thursday, April 24, 1980 Consumer tastes toward lighter

By Steve Lohr Commission as any cigarette whose tar 91980 NYT News Service content is 15 milligrams or less. The NEW YORK—Early this month, the ultra-low-tar designation is generally R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., the nation's given to those with five milligrams or leading cigarette producer, began less. The most potent cigarettes, such as selling a new version of its Now brand, Camel, for instance, carry up to 25 containing less than one-tenth of a milligrams per cigarette. (Tar refers to milligram of "tar." Not to be outdone, the particulate, or solid, matter of a .American Brands Inc. started selling a tobacco blend that is transformed into less-than-one-tenth-milligram-tar entry, vapor as it is smoked. Nicotine, a a "cleaner" type of its Carlton, which substance found on tobacco leaves that has traditionally sported the lowest tar no longer rates so much attention by rating in the industry. Philip Morris Inc. health authorities as tar, is a drug that is plans to introduce a similarly austere poisonous in large quantities.) cigarette, called Cambridge. The success of the low-tar lines, by These are the most recent moves in most accounts, is largely attributable to what some industry observers call the the health worries of many smokers, "tar wars," a marketing response to the combined with the trend toward extraordinary popularity of low-tar lightening the flavor and the "kick" of brands generally, which now account many products, including spirits and for about 43 percent of all cigarettes sold beers. in the United States, according to John C.Maxwell Jr., an analyst for Lehman "This is part of a broad movement in Brothers Kuhn Loeb, whose regular the consumer field," Maxwell observed. statistical reports are widely followed in "I don't care where you look, people are the industry. Five years ago, the low-tar going toward lighter tastes — to wines, segment represented less than 10 to lighter Scotches, to light beers." percent of total cigarette sales. The proliferation of low-tar brands But the $17 billion-a-year cigarette has more than kept pace with growing industry has so refined its low-tar sales, particularly in recent years. offerings that some analysts say the According to the FTC, 103 of the 176 manufacturers seem to have gone about domestic cigarette brands are in the low- as far as they can. tar category. By comparison, less than two years ago, in May 1978, there were PHOTO BY SCOTT INMAN "You're seeing a numbers game in the Health concerns may sway students to switch to the newest low-tar industry, with each company trying to 67 low-tar brands. The growth in low-tar cigarettes get down to the lowest," said Jeffrey M. sales has attracted several entries from Weingarten, an analyst for Goldman each of the six major cigarette producers Sachs & Co. — Reynolds, Philip Morris, Brown & The low-tar category as a whole is Williamson, American Brands, defined by the Federal Trade Lorillard and Liggett & Myers. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE

starring: Joan Crawford & Bette Davis SET YOUR TELEVISION (Pink Panther Cartoon before each showing) DIAL ON B AND WATCH Gross Chem. Auditorium 6:30, 9:00, 11:30 Time: "The year's scariest, funniest, and most sophisticated chiller." Admission $1.50 DUKE WATER SKI CLUB


Proudly Presents: Once Upon A Bus WED. & THUR. An ME Production A young Dukie gets on a bus, at 3:00 & 1005 and he really gets off. Starring all your favorite riders. Directed by Mark Eshman (1980, 11 min. USA) A DUKE UNION COMMUNITY "Getting a lift was never like thisl" Lew Schender ROLLING STONE TELEVISION PRODUCTION. "Totally inoffensive to all denominations." Elena Salsitz CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITER 7:00 and 9:30 TONIGHT BEFORE THE FEATURE DU-C.-T.V .is a committee of D.U.Union Thursday, April 24, 1980 The Chronicle Page Thirteen cigarettes lead industry to ftar wars' changed some of the tobacco industry doctrines tended to be a woman, over 35 years old and "well regarding marketing and advertising. The packages educated." "But for the past year or so we've seen a These are some of the most are often white, giving them a pristine, antiseptic general broadening of that market," a Reynolds appearance. Much of the advertising stresses the spokesman said. recent moves in what some "cleanness" of a given brand, in an implicit bow to the Many of the tar-stingy brands introduced in recent health concerns surrounding cigarette smoking, years are, in fact, spinoffs of an existing brand, industry observers call the "tar which were made official in 1964 when the then- borrowing the parent's name to lessen the risk of Surgeon General, Dr. Luther Terry, issued a report carving out an entirely new brand niche. For instance, wars..." that linked smoking with both lung and heart Philip Morris offers three "light" versions of its Marlboro, the nation's top-selling cigarette. And In the tar-reducing scramble, the companies may Analysts pointed to Vantage, which Reynolds Reynolds has two such models of its Winston, the No. 2 have reached the limit, at least in terms ofthe official introduced in 1970, as a pioneer in this regard. The ads brand. tar ratings conducted by the FTC. for Vantage touted its tar-stinginess in some detail, Still, many of the low-tar entries are new names in "We're told that the less-than-one-tenth level is as prompting criticism from some Madison Avenue the cigarette field. The rolling out of a new cigarette is low as the FTC can measure," said a spokesman for executives that people would never read the "heavy Reynolds. copy." f For the cigarette makers, the low-tar business has Nonetheless, Vantage became what Weingarten l don't care where you look, been one of the few bright spots in an industry that is termed the "first big hit" in the low-tar category, almost stagnant. During the past five years, the total spawning a new marketing doctrine. people are going toward lighter volume of cigarette sales has grown an average of just Indeed, the smoking public has often been ahead of laStCS tO WtnCS. tO lighter one-half of one percent a year, according to Weingarten the industry in the shift to low-tar products. As _ ~ of Goldman Sachs. recently as a year ago, some competitors were Scotches, to light beers." Moreover, the low-tar business has dramatically skeptical about the ultra-low-tar niche, arguing that it was a specialty segment that would never amount to a sizable market. But in 1979, Carlton, which a chancy and costly procedure. Philip Morris, for traditionally has had the lowest tar rating, was the example, will reportedly spend $50 million for fastest-growing brand, with sales volume increasing Cambridge. Yet for the winners, the rewards can be 50 percent. enticing, since one percentage point of market share All this growth in the low-tar side of the business equals $100 million in sales, at a profit rate, on a pretax suggests that the profile of the typical low-tar smoker basis, of more than 20 percent, according to industry is changing and possibly expanding, say some analysts. industry executives. Traditionally, the low-tar regular So far, the biggest winner in the low-tar derby has been Philip Morris's Merit, introduced in 1976. Last year, Merit captured 3.7 percent of the total market. On the other hand, perhaps the biggest flop to date has been Real, an "all-natural" cigarette that Reynolds introduced in mid-1977, reportedly spending $40 million for the initial roll-out. The competitive intensity of the current round of low-tar introductions also underscores the continuing dependence on cigarette profits by the major tobacco companies, despite their many efforts to diversify in recent years. Nontobacco products accounted for 27 percent ofthe pretax operating earnings of the majors $2.00 last year, the same percentage as 1974, according to Weingarten. "This is still a very lucrative business," he said, adding that this fact is often lost on professional investors, who tend to come from a demographic group — affluent, well educated and urban — loaded with THE. nonsmokers. GRADUATE $1.50 ANNEBANCHOFT- DUSTIN HOFFMAN - UTHMINE MSS


NORTHGATE TWIN SEaS Touched By Love (PG) weekends 3:15 5:15 7:15 9:15 weekdays 7:15 9:15 APRIL SALE Take It To The Limit (PG) Starts Fri. weekends 3.00 5:00 7:00 9:00 ON ALL weekdays 7:00 / 9:00 YORKTOWNETWIN 0 Coal Miner's Daughter (PG) weekends 2:30 4:45 7:00 9:15 weekdays 7:00 9:15

Where The Buffalo Roam (R) Starts Fri. weekends 3.00 5:00 7:00 9 weekdays 700 9 TENNIS SHORTS & SHIRTS Shorts: Poly/Cotton Shirts: 100% Cotton Lisle

Gllda Live (R) 100% Cotton Dacron/Cotton weekends 3:35 5;30 7:30 9:30 weekdays 7:30 9:30 Poly/Rayon Mini Mesh Take It To The Limit (PG) Starts Fri. weekends 3:00 5.00 7:00 SEVENTEEN COLORS weekdays 7:00 The Rose (R) Start* Fri. SMALL to EXTRA/EXTRA LARGE weekends 3:00 5:30 8:00 DUKE FACULTY CLUB HOURS: 10:00 AM. to 5:30 P.M. weekdays 8:00 TENNIS PRO SHOP Tuesday Nights All Seats $1-50 We are located just off #751 at the Ram Fri & Sat. Late Shows 11:30 p.m. entrance to the Duke Golf Course The Graduate and Mondo Video Page Fourteen The Chronicle Thursday, April 24, 1980 Despite script limitations 'Toys in the Attic' dynamic, well-done By Cynthia Camlin incoherent rambling and maniacal, the dramatic action. The play is an especially the director Ron Regier, could Last weekend's presentation of Lillian swooping movements across the set, exposition of relationships furiously not have done a much better, more Hellman's Toys in the Attic was perhaps skillfully designed by Richard Harmon. portrayed but never really brought to the precise and effective production. The one of the most dynamic, expertly- Lily fears that her mother, Alberta Prine, has married her off to Julian for a surface and understood or resolved. character portrayals and the richly- performed productions Duke Players On the other hand, the cast, crew and detailed set were virtually flawless. has ever put on in spite ofthe limitations large sum of money. of Hellman's script. Played ingeniously by Marta All of the characters absorbed and Schooler, Mrs. Prine is a prim, taciturn disarmed the Branson Theater Southern aristocrat who has no patience audience, while always remaining for most human frailties, least of all slightly repugnant. The often heavy- those of her impetuous daughter. handed drama was hypnotic in its effect, N€W GfiM€S F€STIVflL enclosing the viewer in the eventually Mrs. Prine's only relief from hellish world of the New Orleans aggravating human contact are the Bernier family. moments she spends in bed, she tells Join in the fun this Saturday for a day of play Hellman's cheerful title, presenting Lily, with her black lover, Henry the Berniers as nice people, suggests the Simpson. Simpson was portrayed with on Cast Campus! Slide 100 feet on a plastic mater deceptive manner of her play's attack. smoothness and sophistication by Eric Anna, portrayed with rare subtlety by Bultman. slide, craiul on top of the giant €arthball, have a Bess White, is plain, clearheaded and sardonic. Her sister Carrie, played by After an uneventful, even superflous picnic with your friends, and play New Games like Mattie Reading, is comic, awkward and first act, the play's action unfolded at Prui, Octopus, Blob, and Ultimate frisbee. The fun pathetic. The younger of the two "old full speed. Characters revealed a maids," Carrie whines and thinks in confusion of strange entanglements in will start at 10 am and go til 4 pm. RAIN? We'll wishes. Her obnoxious drawl, delivered relationships. By the time Julian exactly by Reading, was irksome and returned from a mysterious business play Sunday instead, starting at 1 pm. endearing at once. rendezvous which should have meant a By being overprotective and life of wealth for the Berniers, Carrie overambitious for their egotistical and Anna had cut off all ties and Lily younger brother Julian, the two sisters SATURDAY, APRIL 26 have pushed him beyond his strength had virtually deteriorated. While the and rendered him ineffectual. The n'er- Duke Players cast gave a brilliant do-well Julian, played by Jim professional performance, the last €AST CAMPUS Rosenfield, is handsome and repulsive; minute overflow of complications built his joviality is always selfish because of into Hellman's play prevented it from New Games at Duke . . . just for fun. an insensibility towards those who have complete success. Sponsored bu Project WILD. HSDU. Residential federations, centered their lives around him. Toys in the Attic is so full of ond Wilson House. Julian's young, feeble wife, Lily, was preliminary secrets, held rigidly played by the high-strung Jean beneath the surface, that the play seems Synodinos as a superstitious psychopath. The odd child-wife was to lack a theme. One leaves the engaging furiously overwrought by Synodinos. It production exhausted, but without any was easy to become distracted by her grasp of an underlying, uniting basis in . . .Students support Connolly DUKE UNIVERSITY UNION Continued from page 1 be appropriately represented in decisions committee were: Elizabeth Sunderland, regarding faculty contracts. "The stu­ The Search is Over! Sidney Markman, and Spencer. dents are, after all, the primary business The committee "did not examine my of the University, and if they aren't Student Evaluation forms," Connolly [represented] then the University isn't The Duke Union is proud to present said in a recent interview. He said that going about its process properly," he he could not discuss the specifics of his said. our new logo: grievances because his case is still being considered by the Faculty Hearing A decision on his contract renewal is Committee. expected to be reached some time this Connolly said he felt students should summer, Connolly said.

This lovely lady lo the le/i express/! my sentiments exactly... "Of course I read Pla>'girl." .. Life's a lake; lib. joke... Classes are like tomatoes: a/iiayscaltbing-up—PegEg...}artisu-omen go for il cause they're "coo!thicks.'especially tbe first'Northers... Enough is enough is enough. I can't go on. no no NO.'... Rushing and Rushes: what a great combination... Thanks for the beautiful plant. MS.]... Alpha lore to Rick... Those assordid sports herns of the C.hrony are a breed of their own... Didyou ei er notnithat I/H only lun editors that ere r •mile at each other are Karen mid Scott- I winder why'-... I enjoyed Jon and Rich's parly, hut where are all my potential dinner-males. Kevin.-... I needed that, Harsha. •• A sen, .In-, north of appreciation f.i tys efficient Annette. Holly (i/uiet tonight, httb?). fully 'who tares if you still don't know . Bruce hie both should learn our priorities), thanks for all the help Slav il wouldn't forget •'mi and Susan 'rem, miiir ti: latt night joy.rides'). I learned so mm h from everyone, but it am hest getting to know y'all.' But yes.' lis over and done with...finis...and we'll dream lay through finals with visions of sun and surf dancing in our beads. f The Bar BQ Kitchen""^ (tiDID is now open -With Ad- Duke University Union Congratulations to William Gordon Buy One Large and Thanks to all those who contributed. Bar B Q Sandwich and Bar B Q Riblets Get the Second 'A Price All You Can Eat S2.5Q HA VE A GRE A T SUMMER 1011 W. MAIN STREET Across from Brunson's & Tops Gas The Union will be here M-F 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat 11 a.m.-9 p.m . J to entertain you next semester. Thursday, April 24, 1980 The Chronicle Page Fifteen Tip-offs The same old story Mitch Mitchelson The scoreboard read Visitors 15 Home 4. There was Depth comes from good recruiting, something Duke thousands are invested every year, cannot become no time left on the clock. John Espey trudged back to has a very hard time doing. This year, the number of successful within the next six or seven years, the his office in Card Gym downtrodden and dejected. He lacrosse scholarships went from one-and-a-half to athletic department and the administration should had just witnessed his lacrosse team humiliated at the zero. That's right — ZERO — absolutely nothing. reconsider its very existance. hands of national-powerhouse Washington and Lee. The reason that the non-revenues don't get recruits Red Wilson has not yet had a chance to build the The team's record stood at 4-8, and this reporter was is not the fault of the coaches either. And it's not team of which he feels the University can be proud. out of questions. because Duke is a hard college to sell — it isn't. The But, if he cannot accomplish his task, if it is indeed The story of another non-revenue sport fell right into fact that the team has no scholarships, and the fact possible to accomplish, there are alternatives. the old mold. Just like a plot is nothing without its that the lacrosse team's freshmen had an average Abolishing the program and redistributing the characters, so to is a team without quality players. No SAT score of 1320 might provide some answers. funds could turn those sports once deemed "non- matter how exciting the schedule may be, without the "I've talked with every recruit that Carolina or revenue" into money-makers. talent, all it will amount to is alot of lumps. Virginia got last year, with the exception of one Lacrosse is a good example. Last week, Maryland At Duke, Espey's position is a hopeless one. Canadian," Espey said. "Duke is an easy place to sell. played at Virginia before 14,000 PAID fans and a total Yesterday, that hopelessness turned Espey's People want to come here. But, I have to walk up to the crowd of 20,000. In 1954, Duke was ranked number one disappointment into frustration. And four years worth best lacrosse players every year and tell them that I in the country and drew regular crowds of 4,000. In of Duke can amount to great deal of frustration. can't get them any money, and I can't get them into 1978, Duke went 9-6 and drew crowds of 3,000. "We don't have the talent, and I hope you print school. Now how in the hell can you tell that to a blue "People come to watch winners in competitive that!" fired Espey. "Without scholarships and help chip ballplayer." games," said Espey. "We haven't been winning so its a from the admissions office, we can't compete with half The whole scenerio merits a look at the whole vicious circle." of the Division I teams on the schedule. And that's the athletic system at Duke. Things won't be changed Duke could be winning, however, and bringing in story of Duke. right away, but Espey agrees that if they don't change money. The Atlantic Coast Conference is no pushover The criticism didn't stop there. soon that there will be no scholarships at all for any in lacrosse. "We had them scouted. We knew exactly what they non-revenue sports. "The ACC is the best lacrosse conference in the were going to do," Espey continued. "They didn't Of course, when people talk about athletic funds, the country," said Espey. make a single move that we didn't know they would football team is usually the focal point of There isn't much time to waste in determining the make. Let's face it. There isn't a single non-revenue conversation. The athletic budget allocates a hefty fate of lacrosse and the rest of Duke athletics. sport here that can compete with the tougher teams. sum to the football program, and the return on that Something must be done quickly — before the time on "We don't have the depth. We have to depend on two investment has been questionable. the clock runs out, and Duke loses again. or three players every game. When we have a guy who The new renovation of is tired and hurting, they can put in a fresh man. We seems to indicate that Duke football will be around for just can't do that." a long time. And if that is true, then the renovation The women's tennis team, second-place finishers itself might have been a mistake — especially to the in this last weekend's NCAIAW Tournament in extent to which it has been taken. For it seems only Chapel Hill, will advance next to the Regional logical, that if the football program, into which AIAW Tourney on May 8-10 in Johnson City, Tenn-


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