Science of the Nail Apparatus David A.R
1 CHAPTER 1 Science of the Nail Apparatus David A.R. de Berker 1 and Robert Baran 2 1 Bristol Dermatology Centre , Bristol Royal Infi rmary , Bristol , UK 2 Nail Disease Center, Cannes; Gustave Roussy Cancer Institute , Villejuif , France Gross anatomy and terminology, 1 Venous drainage, 19 Physical properties of nails, 35 Embryology, 3 Effects of altered vascular supply, 19 Strength, 35 Morphogenesis, 3 Nail fold vessels, 19 Permeability, 35 Tissue differentiation, 4 Glomus bodies, 20 Radiation penetration, 37 Factors in embryogenesis, 4 Nerve supply, 21 Imaging of the nail apparatus, 37 Regional anatomy, 5 Comparative anatomy and function, 21 Radiology, 37 Histological preparation, 5 The nail and other appendages, 22 Ultrasound, 37 Nail matrix and lunula, 7 Phylogenetic comparisons, 23 Profi lometry, 38 Nail bed and hyponychium, 9 Physiology, 25 Dermoscopy (epiluminescence), 38 Nail folds, 11 Nail production, 25 Photography, 38 Nail plate, 15 Normal nail morphology, 27 Light, 40 Vascular supply, 18 Nail growth, 28 Other techniques, 41 Arterial supply, 18 Nail plate biochemical analysis, 31 Gross anatomy and terminology with the ventral aspect of the proximal nail fold. The intermediate matrix (germinative matrix) is the epithe- Knowledge of nail unit anatomy and terms is important for lial structure starting at the point where the dorsal clinical and scientific work [1]. The nail is an opalescent win- matrix folds back on itself to underlie the proximal nail. dow through to the vascular nail bed. It is held in place by The ventral matrix is synonymous with the nail bed the nail folds, origin at the matrix and attachment to the nail and starts at the border of the lunula, where the inter- bed.
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