In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and

Stuart Townend et Keith Getty

Cet album des deux chanteurs rassemblent 16 des morceaux qui sont les plus chantés en ce moment dans les églises. Stuart Townend et Keith Getty ont fait un partenariat pour vous sortir ce bel album qui saura réjouir vos oreilles et votre coeur.

Artiste : Stuart Townend et Keith Getty Label : Integrity Music

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 In Christ alone Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty     Across the lands () Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 The power of the cross Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 Speak o lord Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 Resurrection hymn Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 O church arise Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 A workers prayer Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 Every promise Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 Holy spirit Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 Creation sings Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 Benediction Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 Gethsemane hymn Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 By faith Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 Come people of the risen king Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 The perfect wisdom of our god Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

 Communion hymn Anonyme In christ alone: The songs of Stuart Townend and Keith Getty   

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