Master Thesis

A study on team sport spectators: Attracting Danish low-high involved spectators to using motivational motives and team brand associations

Sissi Vestergaard

Supervisor: Søren Biune Number of pages: 78 Characters including spaces: 174.536

Copenhagen Business School Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration Concentration: Marketing Communications Management Deadline: December 9, 2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

The overall aim of this thesis is to investigate how Danish male handball league teams can attract spectator to their arena using motivational motives and brand associations. The objective for these teams’ marketers is, to gain insight into the handball consumers and understand how they can attract them, dependent on their psychological involvement with the team. Through reviewing and exploring relevant studies and literature, a theoretical framework was developed to based this investigation on along with developing the deduced sub research questions that was going to lead this investigation.

A cross-sectional research design consisting of quantitative questionnaire, which also include a qualitative tool to collect free listed brand associations, was used to explore the scope of research along with expert interviews to get a better understanding of the handball market. The questionnaire was set up with valid measurements to help explain the relationship between the variables, motives and purchase intent, and brand associations and purchase intent.

For motivational motives the findings revealed were, that the most important motive was excitement as it was found present in all four PCM segments. However it is important to notice that consumer by different underlying motives and reasons, dependent on their level of involvement. In the awareness stage entertainment was also found to be an important motive, and in the attraction stage motives for performance should also be considered.

The findings revealed for brand associations, were only relevant for teams like BSV, Skjern H., GOG and KIF KK. Nine Handball Team Brand Associations (HTBA) were revealed and most of them could indirectly influence consumers purchase intent for each team, however the findings differ from one team to another. KIF KK’s brand associations were evaluated and found strong, favourable and unique, if individual brand associations within the categories were considered.

The research findings provide useful insight for handball team marketers wondering how to attract spectators to their arenas. However further research, like qualitative interviews, should be conducted to gain a better understanding for underlying motives behind the important motivational motives as well as the brand associations perceived by the consumer.


Table 1a: Overview of TAM and TBAS’ team brand associations Table 1b: Team Brand associations identified in the handball context Table 2: Comparison of Guba and Thurén. Table 3: Comparison of spectator development in male soccer (”Superliga”), male handball (”håndboldliga”) and male icehockey (”Al-bank ligaen”) in . Table 4: Summary of represented respondents in PCM segments Table 5: Summary of ”overall motives explaining ticket purchase” Table 6: Summary of ”motives explaining ticket sales within each PCM segment” Table 7: Overview of possible underlying motives Table 8: Summary of overall attitude towards teams influence on PI for each team Table 9: Summary of attitude towards team influence on PI for each team’s PCM segment Table 10: Summary of brand associations equal influence on ATT Table 11: KIF KK’s HTBA mean score (frequency) Table 12: Summary of frequent HTBAs that influence ATT significantly and favorably Table 13: Top 5 teams recalled when cued by ”Danish male team” Table 14: Top 5 league teams recognized among 21 mixed Danish handball teams Table 15: Comparison of the five teams HTBAs in percentage

Figure 1: Thesis progression Figure 2: Psychological Continuum Model Figure 3: The Customer-based Brand Equity model Figure 4: Spectator development on the Danish Handball market (including male, female, League and 1. Division) Figure 5: Overview of analysis


CBBE Customer-based Brand Equity

HTBA Handball Team Brand Associations

PCM Psychological Continuum Model

PI Purchase Intent

SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Science

TAM Team Association Model

TBA Team Brand Associations

TBAS Team Brand Association Scale

League teams

AGK AG København

BSV Bjerringbro-Silkeborg(-Voel) Elitehåndbold

GOG Gudme Oure Gudbjerg

KIF KK KIF Kolding København

Skjern H. Skjern Håndbold

TTH Team Tvis Holstebro


1.1 Thesis scope and the main research questions 8 1.1.1 Sub research questions 8 1.2 Delimitations 10 1.3 Thesis structure 11


2.1 The involvement of a sport spectator 12 2.1.1 Psychological Continuum Model 12 Awareness 13 Attraction 13 Attachment 14 Allegiance 14 2.2 SPEED motives 15 2.3 Brand knowledge 17 2.3.1 Customer-based Brand Equity Brand identity 18 Brand meaning 19 2.3.2 Brand associations in sports 19 Two team brand association models: TAM and TBAS 20 Brand attitudes and purchase intent 22

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 24 3.1 Philosophy of science 24 3.1.1 Neo-positivistic approach 26 3.2 Research approach 27 3.3 Research design 27 3.3.1 Research type and methodological choice 27 3.3.2 Secondary data 28 3.3.3 Primary and secondary sources 29 3.3.4 Expert interviews 29 KIF KK manager, Jens Boesen 29 Market expert & owner, Jens Petersen 30 3.3.5 Online questionnaire 30 Questions 30 Measurements 31 Pilot study 32 Participant limitations 32 Motivational trigger 32 Survey tool 32 3.3.6 Limitations 33 3.4 Data analysis 33 3.5 Assessment criteria: validity and reliability 34 3.6 Ethical considerations 36


1.1 The Danish male handball market and its potential 37 1.2 KIF Kolding København 38 1.2.1 Objectives and challenges 39 1.2.2 Competitors 39 1.2.3 Economy 39


5.1 Introducing the segmented survey respondents 41 5.2 PART 1: Identifying the motivational motives 42 5.2.2 Segmented motives 43

5.3 PART II: Brand associations 49 5.3.1 Brand attitudes influence on purchase intent 50 Attitudes’ influence on PI in PCM segments 51 5.3.2 Categorizing brand associations 54 5.3.3 Handball Team Brand Associations driving brand attitude 57 Brand associations influence on attitude in PCM segments 62 5.3.4 Evaluating KIF KK’s brand knowledge 63 Brand awareness 64 Brand image 65


6.1 Discussion 67 6.2 Managerial implications for League teams 68 6.2.2 Overall recommendations based on motivational motives 69 6.2.3 Three individual team recommendations based on HTBAs 71 6.2.4 Case company recommendations: KIF KK 72 Building the KIF KK brand 74


8.1 Assessment criteria: Validity and reliability 75 8.2 Motivational motives 76 8.3 Brand associations 77 8.3.1 How attitude influence purchase intent 78 8.3.2 Which team brand associations influence attitude towards the team 78 Evaluating KIF KK’s brand associations 79 8.4 answering the main research question 80



Handball is a ball sport invented by Danes in the late 1800, officially by a Danish teacher by the name of Holger Nielsen, who proposed the first set of rules in 1906 (Borberg, 2009). It has been played in barns and outside on fields and by the Danish army in an arena almost as we know it today. It has developed from being a folksy culture enjoyed as amateurism and as a way to socialize with the other locals into a modern and deeply professional experience industry which was especially due to the new training methods invented throughout the 1980s (Borberg, 2009).

In Denmark it is the second most popular sport only surpassed by football and pursued by ice hockey. The interest for male handball has increased over the past seven years along with the national male team becoming successful and popular especially after winning the European Championship in 2008 (Petersen, 2013). TV stations are showing more games hence keeping spectators at home, which along with less lucrative TV agreements make league teams suffer financially. A lack of spectators in the arena does not only have a negative impact on the economy; their onsite support for the teams is also important. Many coaches, team managers and players agree that a top-level performance is key to winning a game but the audience’s supportive atmosphere does too have an impact as it shakes the opponent (Nielsen, 2013). In 2010 when the new League team, AG København (hereafter: AGK), emerged they showed it was possible to attract consumers from another marked – the entertainment industry. It has always been said it was impossible to attract spectators around Copenhagen but AGK showed how and indicated that sport marketers in handball must rethink their marketing strategy and move away from the traditional thinking. After AGK went bankrupt KIF Kolding København (hereafter: KIF KK) took over but they are still struggling with how to attract more spectators.

Looking into the sport literature there are many ways to attract spectators but the two that this thesis will research are motivational motives, as motivational patterns are found to be important (Wenner and Gantz,1989), and brand assocations, as the sport brand too is found to be highly important (Bauer, 2005). When analyzing these two attraction opportunities respondents level of involvement with handball will be taken into account as it is recognized in sports literature that spectators must be attracted based on their level of involvement. KIF KK will be the case team I will provide managerial implications for.

7 1.1 Thesis scope and the main research questions

Spectators are important and according to Funk and colleagues (2009) the ability to draw customers to the handball events is vital to the success of sport organizations. Today sport teams not only compete on a narrow sport specific market but they also compete for the customers who can choose between many other entertainment options (Boesen, 2013, Mason, 1999). This fact does provide sport teams with a larger potential consumer base but they are not sure about how to attract these customers (Boesen, 2013). The numbers of spectators are increasing but not stable. It is possible to almost fill the arena when the League finals, Champions League (European league championship) and even some of the preliminary matches are being played which indicates – together with the number of spectators who watch the matches on TV - a large potential on the Danish market. However due to the missing spectators in the arenas the Danish league teams they revenues are too low as it becomes difficult to attract attract sponsors to support financially. Bad financials, have led to teams merging, teams going bankrupt, and forced league qualified teams to relegate from the League. It has also led to expert speculations on whether this sport, despite being the second most popular in Denmark (, 2013), can survive in the future? These issues have led to the research question, that will be the center of this thesis:

How can Danish male handball league teams attract Danish spectators

to their arenas?

As many different aspects can be discussed within this question (see delimitation) it was necessary to include a few sub research questions to lead the way.

1.1.1 Sub research questions

Wenner and Gantz (1989) argue that individuals with preferences for different sports may possess different motivational patterns and therefore it becomes relevant to look at the patterns or motives attracting handball spectators. Funk and colleagues (2009) define these motivational patterns as motivational motives that affect consumers’ ticket purchase intentions, the motivational motives they refer to are the SPEED motives including socialization, performance, esteem, excitement and diversion. However as entertainment seems to be an important motive for handball event attendance too (Boesen, 2013) and further is recognized as a motivational motive in literature ((Funk, 2009) it will be researched along with the SPEED motives as the following question:

8 Q1: Which of the motivational motives can help attract Danish spectators to the handball arena?

Furthermore it is acknowledged by Bauer and colleagues (2005) that sport is becoming increasingly commercialized and that it has led to sport organizations becoming progressive service sellers in order to successfully compete with other leisure offers which again have led to the creation of brands in sport management. In fact today the brand is considered the most important asset in sports companies (Bauer, 2005). A strong brand is also highly important for Danish handball teams. One reason is that branding is a valuable resource for attracting spectators from one of the sports indirect competitors, the arts and entertainment industry. Another reason is that, Jens Boesen (2013) and Jens Petersen (2013), believes the attendance in Danish handball fluctuates along with athletic success which, according to Bauer and colleagues (2005), can be avoided with a strong brand as this is found to be independent of athletic success. The foundation of a strong brand hence considered the key to creating brand equity, is brand knowledge, which consists of brand awareness and brand image. Awareness refers to the level of familiarity measured in terms of recall and recognition whereas brand image refers to customers’ perception of the brand which is reflected by the brand associations held in customers’ minds (Keller, 2008). The Danish League teams are creating a lot of awareness around their handball events through advertising in local newspapers, billboards, team websites and for some even the social medias (Boesen, 2013) but they seem to have a hard time building an image that goes beyond sports. Therefore it could be interesting to uncover what the Danish male handball league teams are associated with and whether these can lead to attence, hence the next sub research questions will be:

Q2a: Which team brand associations can help attract Danish handball spectators to the handball arena?

Besides being able to attract spectators, brand associations must also make the brand stand out in order to build strong brand equity, but do the league teams stand out from each other? Considering KIF KK being the newest team who has taken over for AGK, a former well known team brand, their team brand associations will be evaluated.

Q2b: Is KIF Kolding København’s brand associations strong, favorable and unique compared to other league teams?

9 1.2 Delimitations

As mentioned in section 1.1 the main research question covers a great deal of the sport management literature and also a great part of the branding literature, which of course not all could be fitted into this thesis and hence some delimitations are made.

First of all, my focus is solely on the male handball market in Denmark as this is where KIF Kolding København operates and within that market I will look at the sport of male handball, the top male league called the League and the Danish male handball league teams. Furthermore although Mason (1999) identified four types of customers of the sport product my scope only includes ‘customers’ as the sport product was initally solely intended to provide entertainment for spectators whereas the other three are considered brand extensions.

This research focus only on how to attract Danish spectators to the arena, because even though quite a large number of Danes are watching the games on TV, TV broadcasting contracts in handball do not provide much financial support to the Danish handball teams; according to Jens Boesen (2013) only 300.000DKK per team per season. Therefore my focal point became to attract spectators to the arena where they will add more income to the teams. Even though sponsors too are considered crucial for the existence of handball teams the focus of this thesis will be entirely on the business to consumer relationship.

In terms of the theory used, I had to delimit some stages in the Customer-based brand equity model, as it was only my intent to analyze whether KIF KK had a good foundation for building a strong brand. Furthermore I would not be able to include the third and fourth stage without qualitative interviews which is the same reason for why I did not include self-concept theories. Finally I did not use decision models as I was only interested in whether motives and associations could lead to purchase and not how the consumer made the decision.

10 1.3 Thesis structure

Figure 1: Thesis progression

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION • Introduction • Thesis scope • Delimitations

CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK • Psychological Continuum Model SPEED motives • • Brand knowledge/CBBE • Brand associations in sports

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY • Philosophy of science • Research approach • Research design • Data analysis Assessment criteria • • Ethical considerations



PART 1 PART 2 Q1: Which of the Q2a: How and which team Q2b: Is KIF KK’s brand motivational motives can brand associations can associations strong, help attract the Danish help attract Danish favorable and unique spectators to attend a handball spectators to compared to other league handball event? attend a handball event? teams?




To answer the main research question and sub research questions asked in the previous chapter it is necessary to consider the theoretical framework which consist of the Psychological continuum model, the SPEED motives and brand knowledge.

2.1 The involvement of a sport spectator

The extent to which people would follow a sport object ranges from occasionally attending to owning season tickets which indicates the differentiation between a low and high involved person. The low involved person is usually known as a sport spectator that would observe a spectacle and then forget it quickly whereas the high involved, the fan, continues the interest (Funk & James, 2001). Involvement is a motivational state which is evoked by stimulus or influenced by the perceived importance or interest. It is said that low involved spectators are externally motivated, by e.g. friends or family, which refers to the mentioned ’evoked by stimulus’ motivation and further referred to as a ’situational’ involvement (Hopkins, 2009). High involved spectators or fans on the other hand are influenced internally due to their perceived interest or importance of the sport object. Their involvement is referred to as the ’enduring’ (or ego) involvement (Hopkins, 2009). When basing marketing strategies on involvement it is necessary to use segments as these reflects the needs marketers are aiming to fulfill.

2.1.1 Psychological Continuum Model

Previously consumers were always segmented based on demographic and environmental characteristics, which the researchers utilized to understand attraction motives, cognition and affect. But this has lead to fragmented research as no one understood the social-psychological process accounting for individuals connection to a sport and further how they could move from low to high involvement (Funk & James, 2001). Therefore Funk and James (2001) developed a model based on previous research on fan psychology and named it Psychological Continuum Model (hereafter: PCM). PCM acknowledges that consumers possess a wide range of motives, beliefs and attitudes which influence their connection to a sport object (Stewart, 2003) and is appropriate to use with spectator samples as it can help sport marketers better understand diverse consumer bases (Doyle, 2013). The PCM is a segmentation tool that is conceptualized along a vertical psychological continuum and breaks up fan segments into four levels of involvement with a sport object awareness, attraction, attachment and allegiance like illustrated below.

12 Figure 2: Psychological Continuum Model

Source: Adapted from Funk & James (2001:122)

The idea of the continuum is that it describes motives relating to the sport object along with the evaluative processes by which a person internalizes features of the social situation (Funk & James, 2001). Each stage of the PCM is seen as a boundary operating on a continuum and it represents a level of psychological connection which the individual has with the sport object. Awareness

Awareness is the initial level which denotes when an individual first learns about a specific sport object existence but has not yet developed a preference (Doyle, 2013). Consumer is this stage is motivated by extrinsic features like socializing agents (Funkt & James, 2001) or because of the rewards and benefits of the activity can provide (Wann, 1999). The introduction to a sport occurs for many during the childhood do to socializing agents, their pare whereas for adults the experience of the initial level of awareness often comes around when new sport objectives emerge during their lifetime (Funk & James (2001). A spectator signals a movement upward within the awareness level when being able to recall a specific team when cued by a word. Another way the awareness could be increased would include understanding how the sport is played (basic rules) and begin to distinguish between different sport objects. Attraction

Attraction is the level that indicates when the individual acknowledges having a favorite sport

13 object based on different social-psychological and demographic-based motives (Funk & James, 2001). It is important to notice that in order for a person to reach the attraction level the individual must be willing to compare and evaluate different sport objects to acknowledge which one they like. An individual’s progression to the attraction stages is primarily driven by the sport object’s attributes which satisfy the individual’s personal needs, hedonic motives and becoming congruent with their social situational factors (Doyle, 2013, Filo, 2008). The motives are approaching intrinsic features however deciding to follow a specific team is still primarily extrinsically motivated which indicates their connection might not be resilient or stable yet (Doyle, 2013). Attachment

On the third level is attachment where the psychological connection creates various degrees of associations between the sport object and the individual and the psychological connection is stable (Funk & James, 2001). Attachment is said to represent the degree or strength of association based upon the perceived importance of physical and psychological features associated with the sport object hence the motives for supporting the sport object is intrinsic rather than extrinsic (Doyle, 2013). The physical and psychological features refers to attributes and benefits associated with the team such as star players, venue, identification, community pride and success (Funk & James, 2001) which helps take on internal psychological meaning (Gladden & Funk, 2001) and thereby link the sport object to their own self-concept (Filo, 2008). Allegiance

When moving to the last level, allegiance, the individual has become a committed or loyal fan of the sport object, allegiance refers to loyalty or devotion (Funk & James, 2001). The result is influential attitudes which produce consistent and durable behavior that e.g. leads to fans buying season tickets and stay committed even when the team is unsuccessful. Attitudes of allegiant individuals are said to remain stable over time and resistant to change (Funk & James, 2001) therefore ”allegiance” is used to describe the construct of loyalty. Two different types of loyalty exist, attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. Attitudinal loyalty refers to when attitudes strengthen the psychological connection which happens when responses and tendencies elicited by a team persist, impact behavior, resist counter-persuasion, and influence cognition (Funk & James, 2001). Behavioral loyalty is conceptualized as a phenomenon that is expressed by biased behavioral

14 response, expressed over time and made by some decision-making units (Jacoby & Chestnut, 1978). It involves behavior itself like ticket purchase or game attendance, and behavior expressed with duration in a situational context like watching the team every Sunday (Funk & James, 2001).

Although PCM will be used, respondents will also be asked a few demographic questions as it could provide a deeper understanding of the data represented. The demographics used were from the interview with Jens Boesen (2013) as he provided an insight into KIF KK’s customers based on age, gender, level of income, employment, household and geographical area.

2.2 SPEED motives

On the surface, attending a sport event appears as a simple behavior, but in order to explain such behaviors complex academic tools together with a number of measures is needed to be comprehensive enough to capture a wide variety of individual motives (Funk et al., 2009).

”Motivation represents an activated internal state that arouses, directs and leads to behaviour” (Funk, 2009:127)

Motivations are driven by motives however there are numerous pathways a person might take to receive a desirable outcome and these are based on a unique set of experiences, social upbringing and personality hence motivation reflects an internal desire (Funk, 2009) which means motivation is what leads the individual to decision making and the motives are what determine the motivation.

The aim with this thesis was to find out how spectators in Denmark can be attracted and one way was to look at the motives that drive decision. Various frameworks have examined the motivations for sport event attendance (Funk, 2009) however none of them are able to explain motivational motives behind spectators attendance (Funk & James, 2001). Funk and colleagues (2009) came up with five motives that explain 75% of why individuals seek out sport experiences to satisfy needs and receive benefits. Based on an examination of constructs from a number of scales, five motivational themes were identified and from these a set of motives were derived (Funk, 2009): Socialization, Performance, Excitement, Esteem and Diversion (SPEED). These will now be shortly introduced and explained.

15 Socialization relates to the interpersonal aspect of sport. It represents the desire of sociability and the opportunity people see to engage and interact with family, friends and other spectators. The opportunity of enhancement of human relationships through external interactions motivates individuals to seek sport event experiences. The definition of socialization also touches upon group affiliation, family bonding, friends bonding, social interaction, and camaraderie (Funk, 2009). Socialization is measured by asking respondents to state their level of agreement with the following statements: ”Handball events are a chance to socialize with others” and “handball events are an opportunity to interact with other people” (Funk, 2009).

Performance is related to the extent to which the sport is believed by the individual to provide excellence, beauty and creativity of athletic performance. The opportunity to enjoy the grace, skill and artistry of the athletic movement is what motivates the individual to seek the sport event experience. The performance motive covers aesthetics, aggression, physical skill, flow and performance evaluation (Funk, 2009). This motives are measured by asking respondents to state their level of agreement with the following statements: ”There is a gracefulness associated with handball events” and “there is a natural elegance of handball events” (Funk, 2009).

Excitement is represented when a sport event is perceived to provide stimulation from the consumption experience and is a desire for intellectual stimulation. Individuals that seek a sport event experience is motivated by the opportunities for mental action and exploration from the conditions of the atmosphere which is created by the uncertainty of participation and competitions as well as the various association or augment activities. The motives for excitement is entertainment, eustress, drama, economic, player and sport interest, physical and celebrity attraction as well as the overall environment (Funk, 2009). Excitement is measured by asking respondents to state their level of agreement with the following statements: “I enjoy the excitement of handball events” and “I find handball events very exciting” (Funk, 2009).

Esteem is the motive when individuals perceives that by attending the sport event it can provide them with an opportunity for vicarious achievement which refers to living through others. In this case individuals are motivated by opportunities for achievement and by challenging this achievement a sense of mastery and heightened sense of personal and collective self-esteem is produced. The motives closely related to esteem are: group affiliation achievement, community

16 support, self-esteem and vicarious achievement (Funk, 2009). Esteem motives are measured by asking respondents to state to which extend they agree to the following statements: “I feel like I am successful at handball events” and “I get a sense of accomplishment at handball events” (Funk, 2009).

Diversion is the motive for people who perceive attending a sport event provides them with opportunity of escaping hassles and normal routines in their everyday life. It is the desire for wellbeing and individuals are motivated by the opportunities to escape and remove themselves from stressful daily work and life routines. It highlights the motives of escape and fantasy (Funk, 2009). Diversion is measured by asking respondents to state their level of agreement with the following statements: “I can get away from the tension in my life at handball events” and “handball events provide me with a break from my daily routine” (Funk, 2009).

Although ’entertainment’ is part of ’excitement’ in the SPEED motives it was found necessary to include, as a separate measure, as Jens Boesen (Boesen, 2013) in the interview told that handball is moving into the entertainment industry. Therefore by also measuring entertainment as a single measurement it can be concluded how much it affects purchase intent. Entertainment refers to sport spectating being seen as a pastime similar to watching movies, TV, listening to music etc. (Wann, 1999; Wann, 2008) and is measured by asking respondents to state their level of agreement with the following statements: “The stories about handball events are entertaining” and “I like what I see at handball events” (Funk, 2009).

2.3 Brand knowledge

Brand knowledge is, from the perspective of the Customer-based Brand Equity model, the key to creating brand equity as it creates the differential effect that drives brand equity. Brand equity is the brand value in comparison to rivals (Neal and Strauss, 2008). Brand knowledge consists of brand awareness and brand image. Brand awareness refers to the strength of the brand in memory (Keller, 2008) and is referred to as brand identity whereas brand image refers to the consumers’ perception about a brand reflected in brand associations (Keller, 2008), which are usually organized in a meaningful way (Aaker, 1991). For the purpose of understanding brand associations and further to answer hypothesis 2b about brand building, the CBBE is included in the theoretical framework. However as it is only necessary to understand brand knowledge I will leave out both the consumer

17 response and the resonance stage in the model.

2.3.1 Customer-based Brand Equity

The Customer-based brand equity (hereafter: CBBE) model’s basic premise is:

”The power of the brand lies within what the customer have learned, felt, seen and heard” (Keller, 2008:48)

Brand equity arises from the differences in consumer response and these differences in response is a result of consumers’ knowledge about a brand which is what they have learned, felt, seen and heard about the brand through experiences over time (Keller, 2008). So although brand equity is strongly influenced by a company’s marketing activities, the power of the brand ultimately depends on the perception that resides in the minds of consumers (Keller, 2008). It must be noted that consumers different responses are reflected in preferences, perceptions and behavior related to all aspects of a brand’s marketing activities (Keller, 2008). Brand knowledge is embedded in the first two stages; salience and performance & imagery. As the CBBE model in this thesis is used for the purpose of evaluate brand knowledge for brand building I will refer to the first two stages of brand development; Identity and meaning.

Figure 3: The Customer-based Brand Equity model

Source: Adapted from Keller (2008:60). Brand identity

Brand identity is created by the company for the customers to find out ”who are you”. Marketers must ensure identification of the brand in the mind of the consumer, the stronger the identification

18 the better (Keller, 2008). Identification is measured on brand recall and brand recognition. Recall refers to the awareness in which the customer must retrieve the brand from memory when given a product category. Recall can be unaided and aided. Unaided is on the basis that ‘all brands’, in this case ‘Danish handball teams’, are provided as cue is enough, whereas aided recall is when the respondent is given a cue like ‘Danish male handball league teams’ (Keller, 2008). Recognition refers to the awareness in which the customer must recognize the brand among competing brands (Keller, 2008). Recall is found important if the consumers decision is made away from the point of purchase whereas recognition is important at the point of purchase (Keller, 2008). Brand meaning

Brand meaning refers to the knowledge stage, brand image, which refers to consumers’ perception. Marketers must seek to establish brand meaning in the mind of customers by linking brand associations with certain properties. According to Aaker (1991), brand associations are used to make consumption decisions and therefore a crucial part of brand management. Brand associations in the CBBE model are divided into performance and imagery. Brand performance refers to the brands actual functions, tangible features, whereas brand imagery refers to how the brand is perceived abstractly, intangible features (Keller, 2008).

Brand associations are the perceived attributes and benefits formatting the overall attitude hence image. Brand attributes are descriptive features that characterizes a product or service whereas brand benefits are the personal value or meaning consumers attach to a product or service. Attitude is the overall evaluation of attributes and benefits (Keller, 2008). Brand associations have to make the brand stand out from competitors they must be evaluated on strength, favorability and uniqueness (Keller, 2008). Strength depends on the quantity and quality of a consumer’s information reception and processing, the more frequent the brand association is found to be associated with the team the stronger the association. An association is favorable when a consumer think positively about the matter of consideration, in sport context an association is favorable if the fan likes the team (Bauer, 2005). The association is considered unique when it is perceived distinct from its competitors.

2.3.2 Brand associations in sports

Although brand associations in sports are based on the foundations from the branding literature

19 (Gladden and Funk, 2002; Bauer, 2005; Ross, 2006), the sport product is an experience product with most associations being intangible and experiential (Gladden and Funk, 2001) therefore it will be difficult to divide brand associations into performance and imagery. In sports brand associations are only perceived as attributes, benefits and attitudes (Gladden & Funk, 2001, Bauer, 2005) and divided in categories. Some categorize according to the aforementioned three types (Gladden and Funk, 2001) whereas others (Ross, 2008) categorize without differentiating. Brand associations have been identified both on a level of team, league and sport however in this thesis focus is entirely on teams.

Two different team brand associations (hereafter: TBA) measurements have been developed: Team Association Model and Team Brand Association Scale. Two team brand association models: TAM and TBAS

Gladden and Funk (2002) developed the Team Associations Model (hereafter: TAM) to identify dimensions of brand associations. By utilizing the theoretical framework of the CBBE model, a thorough review of the sport literature identified the 16 dimensions and categories in terms of attributes, benefits and attitudes (Gladden & Funk, 2002). In this research attributes and benefits are not measured on the same scale as attitudes hence attitudes will not be part of TBA as attitudes are seen as the consumers’ total assessment of the brand (Hopkins, 2009).

Attributes are divided into product-related and non-product related as product-related attributes are seen as necessary components when performing the functions expected by consumers hence it contributes to the teams performance whereas non-product related attributes affects purchase or consumption but do not impact the overall performance of the product. The product related attributes were; success as it refers to team success, head coach as it refers to the coach training the team, star player refers to the popular players and management refers to the team managers. The non-product related attributes were; stadium refers to the facility surrounding the team, logo design refers to the teams logo and colors, product delivery referring to how the products is delivered like in terms of entertainment and the ancillary activities, and tradition which refers to team history. The five benefit constructs identified for TAM were: Identification referring to identifying oneself with a specific team or identifying other with the team like other fans, peer group acceptance the feeling of friends and family approve consumption or it can be shared with them, escape refers to escaping

20 from daily troubles or routines, nostalgia refers to the memories evoked and pride in place refers to peoples affiliation with a hometown team representing the city. An overview of these can be found in appendix 1.

However this model was criticized by Ross and colleagues (2006) for being constituted on brand associations found in literature and therefore ”not necessarily brand associations” (Ross, 2006:263) as no existing research, at that time, could support that factors influencing attendance was team brand associations (Ross, 2006). Also TAM relied upon categories identified by researchers – not consumers. Therefore Ross and colleagues (2006) developed a new model, which was based on brand associations revealed in a free-thought listing research of consumers.

Ross and colleagues (2006) introduced a team brand association framework with 11 associations and later developed Team Brand Association Scale (hereafter: TBAS) to assess these associations (Ross, et al., 2008). Unlike Gladden and Funk (2002) they did not divide they found associations into types. The TBAS association categories were; non-player personnel, team success, team history, stadium community, team play characteristics, brand mark, commitment, organizational attributes, social interaction, concessions and rivalry. Non-player personnel refer to thoughts about coaches, team managers or team owners whereas team success refers to the thoughts holds towards a team’s success, perceived quality of players and team itself. The team history association contains the historical thought regarding the team, history of success and team’s personnel. Stadium community refers to thoughts of the arena the team refers to as ”home”. Team play characteristics includes thoughts regarding the specific characteristics the team displays on the field e.g. techniques or attitudes. The brand mark refers to logo, symbol and color and commitment refers to the individual’s affiliation to the sport team. If having thoughts about the organizations attributes it will refer to the organization as a whole including management actions and what the team does for its fans. When associating the team with others like friends or family the thoughts lie within social interaction. When thinking of food or beverages it is thoughts about concessions and finally thinking about the team’s competitors the associations are on rivalry. An overview of this scale can be found in appendix 2.

As both TAM or TBAS have been found applicable to different contexts (Gladden & Funk, 2001; Ross, 2006) but never been tested on the Danish handball market both of them will be used to

21 categorize TBA found in this research. However as associations should not be forced into wrong categories, some categories might have to be adjusted to the context using Krippendorff’s (2004) contextual coding which means changing or adjusting the definitions of TBA categories so they fit the context. Table 1a provides an overview of the two TBA models along with a box containing a question mark indicating the categories in the Danish handball context have not yet been identified.

Table 1a: Overview of TAM and TBAS’ team brand associations Team Association Model Team Brand Association Scale Handball Team Brand (TAM) (TBAS) Associations (HTBA) (Gladden & Funk, 2002) Ross, 2006 My version, 2013 Attributes: - Success - Non-player personnel

- Head coach - Team success - Star player - Team history - Management - Stadium community - Stadium - Team play characteristics ? - Logo design - Brand mark - Product delivery - Commitment - Tradition - Organizational attributes - Concession Benefit: - Social interaction - Identification - Rivalry - Nostalgia - Pride in place - Escape - Peer group acceptance

Source: Own creation based on Gladden & Funk (2002) and Ross (2006).

As brand associations are found to influence through brand attitude’s relationship with purchase intent, this relationship will have to be identified before hypothesis 2a can be answered. Brand attitudes and purchase intent

Attitudes are defined as a mental, emotional of rational disposition with regard to a fact, state, person or object (Blythe, 2008) and according to Keller (2008) what evaluates brand associations. Attitudes have a significant influence on behavior but how they are formed can vary depending on who is asked. According to Bettman (1979) consumers form attitudes as a result of their limited cognitive processing capabilities which are an efficient formation of a simple heuristic towards the object. Whereas Luts (1991) considers attitudes to be an affective construct that reflects pre- dispositions about an object and further claims attitudes have a function as a ”filter” for how

22 individuals perceive an object. However we are not born with attitudes, we are learning them through different influencers (Blythe, 2008) like when we form attitudes towards a sport team based on attributes and benefits. We learn by thinking – the cognitive learning process (Blythe, 2008). This process takes form of thoughts, reflections and experiences where consequences are evaluated, expectations and associations created and attitude beliefs and intentions are formed (Blythe, 2008). Behavior can precede attitude when a product is tested coincidently before attitude is formed but usually behavior is the result of attitude. According to MacKenzie and colleagues (1986) cognition precedes affect which in turn precedes conation (ie. PI) hence both cognition and affect influence purchase intent (hereafter: PI). Although not all attitudes are found to be followed up by behavior (Blythe, 2008), a number of previous studies have found PI to increase when brand attitude became more positive but have failed to prove brand attitude predicts PI or behavior (Fairclough, 2001).

Numerous researchers have considered whether brand specific associations could influence product evaluation and thus found a positive correlation between brand attitudes and purchase intent (Hopkins, 2009). It has been found in a previous study that providing specific brand associations will result in images and attitudes that influence brand equity positively (Fairclough, 2001) hence increase PI. In another study by Hopkins and colleagues (2009) it was found that attitudes hold towards a product category will positively influence PI whereas attitudes towards a brand would not have a positive influence on PI. However the research was conducted in the context of a school and the relationship between brand attitude and PI was looked at in three levels; corporation, brand and product category. Furthermore according to Bloch and colleagues (1986) one of the important determinants of whether the consumer will end up buying the product is the involvement with the product that is related to the risk perception the consumer might have. This was supported by Hopkins and colleagues (2009) who found consumer’s involvement with a product category to moderate the relationship between brand attitude and PI.

As attitudes differs with regard to the evaluated object, the relationships found to exist in one context is not guaranteed the same in another, therefore I will have to identify the relationship between attitudes and PI in the context of handball before I can answer hypothesis 2a.


The key purpose of this chapter is to clarify methodology in regards to data collection and interpretation of the findings. According to Andersen (2008) methodology is defined in three levels; philosophy of science, research approach and research design. This chapter will be based on that definition and further include data analysis, assessment criteria and ethical considerations.

3.1 Philosophy of science

Philosophy of science is built on a paradox of searching for the truth, a truth that is constantly developing and changing (Thurén, 2008), which means we will always be making decisions based on a contemporary truth. Philosophy of science is said to be concerned with ”examiner´s perception of data and our philosophy of science, which consciously or unconsciously decides the underlying assumptions taken for granted, also characterized as bias or pre-understanding” (Andersen, 2008:17).

Paradigms are an important part of determining philosophy of science for this thesis. Paradigms are by Guba (1990) defined as ”a basic set of beliefs that guides action, whether of the everyday garden variety or action taken in connection with a disciplined inquiry” (Guba, 1990:17), whereas Holmberg (1992) defines it as a ”pattern, ideal example” (Holmberg, 1992:165). This indicates that a paradigm is a common frame of reference from which we perceive the world. According to the scientific historian, Thomas Kuhn (Thurén, 2008), it is important to notice that within a paradigm also pre-understanding exists and therefore science will never be based on only ’cold facts’. Pre- understanding can act as a ’silent knowledge’ which means we might not be consciously aware of when it affects our senses or interpretations.

To determine the scientific ’set of beliefs’ as Guba (1990) include in this definition of paradigms, three questions must be answered:

1. Ontology: What is the nature of the knowable (or reality)? 2. Epistemology: What is the nature of the relationship between the knower and the known? 3. Methodological: How can the inquirer build knowledge?

24 Different perceptions of paradigms exist, two of which will be compared in this section. Guba (2008) classifies paradigms within four approaches; positivism, neo-positivism, critical theory and constructivism whereas Thurén (2008) introduce positivism, functionalism and hermeneutic.

The positivistic paradigm is practically the same as both authors based positivism on the belief that reality is driven by immutable natural laws and it is the ultimate aim of science to predict and control natural phenomena (Guba, 1990). Positivism is rooted in realist ontology in which both authors agree research is done through objectivity. A positivist is constrained to practice objectivity (Guba, 1990) and by deducting what one thought to know but really did not, there will be only ’cold facts’ left and this is the basic for knowledge (Thurén, 2008).

In addition, neo-positivism, critical theory and functionalism have some similar assumptions, as neo-positivism realizes that even though reality exists out there, it cannot be completely conceived because humans cannot perceive it with their imperfect sensory and intellective mechanisms (Guba, 1991) whereas functionalists believe it cannot be conceived because the truth is a timeless machine that is constantly on the move and hence will always change (Thurén, 2008). Functionalism is viewed as a system characterized by its entirety instead of separate components. Knowledge is reliant on the system, so when the components of the system change, the system and the knowledge change. Functionalism relates to the neo-positivistic conception of reality, as the research is followed by understanding and explaning (Thurén, 2008).

Constructivism is characterized by the assumption of ”’reality’ exists only in the context of a mental framework (construct)” (Guba, 1990:25). Knowledge is a human construction but not the ultimate truth because it is ever changing (Guba, 1990). In other words, it is a relativistic perception of reality, which is formed in peoples’ minds based on social experiences. The hermeneutic view acknowledges the different interpretations of reality but besides considering different constructs it also seeks to understand these through empathy and compassion (Thurén, 2008). Table 2 is constructed based on above made comparison.

25 Table 2: Comparison of Guba and Thurén. Guba (1990) Positivism Neo- Critical Constructivism positivism Theory

Ontology > Reality is ’out there’ > Reality exists but > Different constructs and is driven by cannot be completely of reality which must immutable natural perceived as humans be seen through a laws perceive with window of theory imperfect sensory (critical realism - critical theory)

Thurén (2008) Positivism Functionalism Hermeneutic

> Reality exists when > Reality is a time > Different Ontology you take away machine that is interpretations of everything you ’think’ constantly on the reality which can be you know and leave move understood through back the ’cold facts’ empathy and compassion.

Source: Own construction based on Guba (1990) and Thurén (2008).

3.1.1 Neo-positivistic approach

Former section showed how Guba’s (1990) neo-positivistic approach and Thurén’s (2008) functionalistic view could be compared on an ontological level as these have similar perspectives. This thesis is built on the neo-positivistic approach by Guba (1990).

On the ontological level neo-positivism relies on critical reality due to limited rationality. As mentioned, neo-positivists acknowledges that reality cannot be fully uncovered although they know that ”a real world driven by natural causes exists” (Guba, 1990:25). The limitations lie within humans’ imperfect sensory and intellective mechanisms (Guba, 1990). Therefore it is necessary to relate critically to data, as there is no certainty for uncovering the truth this thesis strives for. On the epistemological level objectivity is seen as ideal, but it is recognized, that it cannot be achieved due to the limited rationality mentioned above. Neo-positivism accepts a modified objectivism where ”striving to be as neutral as possible” (Guba, 1990:21) is the goal. The modified objectivism will probably be found in this thesis as examiners’ subjective meaning and perception might unconsciously influence the data analysis.


At the methodological level, it is preferred to use triangulation, which means including both quantitative as well as qualitative data, as human traits cannot be relied upon. Therefore findings should be based on as much data and theory as possible as it is likely to prevent distorted interpretations to be made (Guba, 1990). The methodological level will be described further in section 3.2 and 3.3.

3.2 Research approach

Two research approaches exist: deductive and inductive. A deductive research approach is designed to collect data to test theory whereas the inductive approach uses data to identify themes and patterns to build a theory from (Saunders, 2012). This thesis will be using a deductive research approach as the three sub research questions, developed based on theory, are to be researched. This research approach is dominant within natural sciences where laws present the basis for explanation (Saunders, 2012) hence it aligns with my scientific view, neo-positivism. The idea behind using a deductive approach for this thesis is that it helps explain a causal relationship between variables like how motivational motives and brand associations influence purchase intent.

3.3 Research design

The research design describes the thesis’ general plan of how to answer the research question by specifying data sources from which data will be collected, how I will go about collecting and analyzing the data, discuss ethical issues and identify limitations (Saunders, 2012). In order to lay the basis for this research design it is important first to describe research type and methodological choice.

3.3.1 Research type and methodological choice

The research type this thesis primarily undertakes is an explanatory study as two cause effect links, motives – PI and TBA – PI, are being researched. However the research do also to some extent use the ideas behind an exploratory study as I seek to explore a new context by using existing theories and interviewing ’experts’ (Saunders, 2012). A descriptive research is often a forerunner to explanatory research (Saunders, 2012) and it is used in this thesis to describe some findings before explaining them.

27 A quantitative cross-sectional explanatory research design became the basis for generating insights into the consumers’ minds. The quantitative research could provide an understanding of the majority rather than the individual as different people have different perceptions (Hopkins, 2009). Furthermore this research has to be generalizable and qualitative methods are criticized for lacking generalizability (De Vaus, 2005). Quantitative research is characterized by its examination of relationship between variables. These variables are measured numerically and analyzed using a range of statistical techniques (Saunders, 2012). A number of different research strategies exist within the framework of quantitative research and most of them with the same aim; to determine the relationship between one thing and another in a population.

”A research design may use a questionnaire but it may be necessary to ask respondents to answer some ’open’ questions in their words rather than ticking the appropriate box” (Saunder, 2012:161).

Therefore this research’s data is collected through a mixed method design using the quantitative method, questionnaire, and including open-ended questions which is used in a ’partially integrated mixed method research’ (Saunders, 2012). Under this term the level of integration of the two methodologies, quantitative and qualitative, varies considerably. For this thesis the qualitative data will be quantitised which means ”specific events in the data are counted as frequencies and numerically coded for statistical analysis” (Saunders, 2012:166). However it must be noted that ’quantising’ qualitative data can lead to loss of its exploratory or explanatory richness (Saunders, 2012).

3.3.2 Secondary data

The research started out by exploring secondary data which is historical data collected for another purpose (Hair, 2009) and includes journals, articles etc. It was necessary to research through existing data (Hair, 2009) as a supplement for my empirical research to get a better understanding of the handball market and to find out how to answer the research question. Furthermore secondary data was needed to build a solid theoretical framework, which could help explain findings, and identify relevant measurement, that could be used in the questionnaire. It was important to use measurements already tested to ensure valid and reliable results.

28 3.3.3 Primary and secondary sources

Primary and secondary sources are also highly relevant for this thesis as they together with the theoretical framework can help explain findings. Primary sources are closely related to the given subject and the researcher is deeply engaged in data collection whereas secondary sources refer to primary sources by extracts, copies or summaries (Lombard, 2010). Some primary and secondary sources were also used as data (Heldbjerg, 1997) to describe the development of the handball market and understand their challenges. Primarily articles from newspapers or online handball interest sites have been used.

3.3.4 Expert interviews

Before the quantitative research could take place I found it important to explore the handball market along with my case team, KIF KK, through an expert interview. It was important to understand what one of the biggest teams in the league struggled with in order to uncover what should be taken into account when constructing the research. Therefore an interview was set up with KIF KK manager Jens Boesen. After the data from the questionnaire was collected it became evident that it was important to interview yet another market expert to get an understanding of how the spectatorship had developed over the past five years seen from outside the sport organization, to get a better understanding of the questionnaire findings. Therefore an interview with one of the owners of the Danish online handball site,, Jens Petersen, was conducted, as he could be considered a market expert based on his lifelong interest in handball and everyday updates through, an online handball forum.

According to Kvale and Brinkmann (2009) it is important when interviewing elites that the interviewer has some expertise concerning the interview topic in order to be an interesting and knowledgeable conversation partner. I possessed the expertise required to conduct interviews with both Jens Boesen and Jens Petersen as I in my personal life also find handball interesting. KIF KK manager, Jens Boesen

The expert interview with the KIF KK manager, Jens Boesen, was conducted at KIF KK’s headquarter in Kolding and took about an hour. The interview was constructed in a semi-structured way as it allows for new questions to emerge from the dialogue during the interview while at the same time focusing on getting the prepared questions answered (DiCicco-Bloom & Crabtree, 2006).

29 From this interview I gained knowledge about KIF KK’s situation and some general market knowledge. Notes from the interview can be found in appendix 3. Market expert & owner, Jens Petersen

The interview with Jens Petersen was conducted at CBS and took about an hour. Again the interview was a semi-structured one to allow for new questions and further elaboration. From this interview I gained valuable knowledge about the market situation and its development in terms of spectatorship seen from outside the sport organization. Notes from the interview can be found in appendix 4.

3.3.5 Online questionnaire

From the beginning it was found necessary to conduct a primary research due to major information gaps. The secondary data could not describe consumer behavior in Danish handball as it had never before been researched. Furthermore since it was essential to gain knowledge about consumers and especially potential consumers’ attitudes, behavior, associations and motivations in order to figure out how they could be attracted to arenas, it was necessary to use a questionnaire, as measurements and numbers were needed.

A questionnaire is a survey technique (De Vaus, 2002) that was chosen because, besides being relatively quick and easy, it is one of the most widely used techniques because each respondent responds to the same questions which provides an efficient way of collecting a large sample (Saunders, 2012). A large sample was highly important to get a representative overview of consumers’ motivations and associations’ influence on PI in order to come up with recommendations for future marketing activities. The questionnaire was collected online to reach as many respondents as possible, hence it was a postal questionnaire as respondents were asked to complete it without the aid of the researcher (Saunders, 2012). The questionnaire set up will be explained through; ’questions’, ’measurements’, ’pilot study’, ’participants’, ’motivational trigger’ and ’survey tool’. Questions

The questionnaire (appendix 5) was built to provide insight about customers within the sport of handball in Denmark. For some questions it was important the answers were team specific therefore

30 respondents were asked to choose a ”favorite team” from the League in season 2013/14. A ”favorite” team would be the team they are fan of or if not a fan then the team they would most likely visit on game day. The questionnaire was restricted to two basic types of questions: Closed-ended and open-ended. For closed-ended questions the researcher provides a suitable list of responses that will mainly produce quantitative data as they were answered with a number on a scale. For open-ended questions the researcher does not provide a set of answers to choose from, instead the respondents are asked to answer with their own words in order to produce qualitative data (Saunders, 2012). Open- ended questions were applied through a cognitive response analysis. This psychological technique asks people to list thoughts, associations, about a brand which provides an understanding for their attitude whereas listing brand association would have biased respondents (Greenwald, 1968). Furthermore a comment box was included in the end of the questionnaire to allow for further comments, these are found in appendix 6.

The order in which these questions were asked was planned to calculate for respondents who might decide to stop mid-way so their responses could still be used. Also it was planned to prevent one question to reveal another ones answer. As previously mentioned the study was cross-sectional which refers to a snapshot of time (Saunders, 2012), the questionnaire was active from August 28 to September 17, 2013. Measurements

Most of the measurements included in questionnaire was adapted from previous research and applied to the Danish handball context. The quantitative measurement used in the questionnaire were all scales able to measure attitudes in different ways which can be difficult to measure numerically (Cohen, 2000). Using scales respondents are asked to rate agreements with statements or valuate brand features like good/bad, quality etc. The scales used were the Likert scale (Likert, 1932), the Thurstone scale (Thurstone, 1928) and a scale with bipolar adjectives. All scales use a semantic differential technique, which measures connotative meaning and derive the attitude towards an event which allows for it to measure opinions, attitudes and values from a psychometric scale (Osgood, 1964). Only the qualitative measure, cognitive response analysis (Greenwald, 1968), was used to explain the attitudes through brand associations. Using a cognitive response analysis people are asked to free list their thoughts, associations, about a team. An

31 overview of the measurements used can be found in appendix 7. Pilot study

Completing a questionnaire without aid of a researcher can create weakness for the validity of data as it is impossible to know whether the respondent understood the questions properly. So to minimize this problem a pilot study conducted on three respondents was made before the questionnaire was activated (Hopkins, 2008). The pilot study was collected from two rounds. First round a pilot study was made with one respondent where I was present so the respondent could ask questions if necessary. After the first round a few questions were rephrased. In round two, two test respondents were used. Again I was present in the room ready to elaborate on questions if the test respondents were in any doubt of how to answer. Again a few questions were rephrased before sent out for data collection. Both test rounds were taken on in a quiet environment with no disturbances. The test respondent was given the questionnaire as an online survey equal to how it would take place when the survey was ’activated’. Participant limitations

In order to collect as many responses as possible there were only three limitations on respondents; 1) They had to be resident in Denmark, 2) able to attend a game in an arena, and 3) be aware of the sport. Motivational trigger

As the questionnaire would take 15-20min to fill out I quickly realized a motivational trigger was needed. The motivational trigger was a lottery draw which all respondents, who wrote their email address in the end of the survey, would participate in. The prize was optional between; two tickets for a handball match, a cinema box or a gift voucher. The winner would be found right after the data collection period had ended and contacted by email. Survey tool

The questionnaire was created in Surveymonkey (Surveymonkey, 2013) and was distributed through various medias and methods (appendix 8) in order to ensure a wide response frame and reach as many as possible. All 14 League teams (season 2013/2014) were contacted and asked for help to distribute the questionnaire – seven of the teams agreed. The teams shared the questionnaire through Facebook (Facebook, 2013), team websites and KIF KK even sent it out to their sponsors.

32 Also (, 2013) shared it through their online forum and the administration of cand.merc MCM (BCM), Helle Bunde, shared it to fellow MCM (BCM) students through an email. Furthermore I shared the questionnaire through my private Facebook and LinkedIn (LinkedIn, 2013) profiles and posted the questionnaire link in various relevant groups on both social media sites.

3.3.6 Limitations

The primary limitation was time. Time was an important factor in this research’s data collection which came to my attention after a phone conversation with Jens Boesen. As the season ends in June and starts in September, Jens Boesen thought it would be difficult to get people to fill out the questionnaire before October/November. As this important factor was never considered, the data collection was originally planned to happen throughout August but with this new information the collection period or snapshot was moved a few weeks. The time limitation might have caused some responses.

Another limitation could have been the language. All measurements used in the questionnaire came from secondary research published in English and as it is easier for respondents to understand the questions and answer them correctly in their native language I had to translate it from English to Danish. As the Danish language does not contain as many words as the English language important words or meanings could have been lost in the translation.

A third limitation could be that respondents would find it difficult to answer some of the questions due to their level of involvement (PCM segment) as spectators do not choose a favorite team until the attraction stage is reached and a spectator do not form brand associations until they reach the attachment stage (Funk & James, 2001). Furthermore some might have favorites in other leagues or sports which might have come to mind when answering questions which would affect findings negatively.

3.4 Data analysis

The data will be analyzed through Statistical Package for the Social Science (hereafter SPSS), which is a system for analyzing data and one of the most popular statistical packages which manipulates highly complex data and generates it into reports, plots of distributions and trends,

33 charts, descriptive statistics and complex statistical analysis (”What is SPSS?”, 2013). In order to answer the three hypotheses I will use different techniques in SPSS to analyze the data.

For the quantitative data, following methods will be used. Descriptive statistics will be used to describe data rather than testing their influence like demographics identified within each PCM segment and the level of awareness or attitude towards team. A backwards elimination regression analysis will be used to answer hypothesis 1 and 2a as it determines which variables (motivational motives, attitudes and associations) contributes to providing the reason for spectators to purchase game tickets (Myers, 1990). The regression analysis type ’backwards elimination’ helps eliminate the variables that will not have influence on purchase intent. The elimination procedure will automatically stop when no variable in the new original model can be removed and all the best motives cannot be retained in a new original model (Myers, 1990). Furthermore ANOVA (Analysis of variance) will be used to determine differences between the PCM segments as it is used to analyze differences between group means and their associated procedures (Scheffé, 1959). A significance, included in tests like ANOVA, is used to determine the probability that an effect is not likely due to chance alone hence when a sample is significant, less than 0.05 (5%), it indicates that if surveying another 100 respondents there is a 95% chance of getting the same result (Sirkin, 2005). A POST HOC test, which refers to looking for patterns that were not specified in an experiment e.g. ANOVA, might be needed. Furthermore an one sample test that is used to determine differences from zero will be used to determine whether an attitude is significantly positive or negative (Freedman, 2005). The brand associations identified from the free listing cognitive response analysis will be categorized, as mentioned in section, before entered into SPSS as variables to test in terms of frequency.

3.5 Assessment criteria: validity and reliability

In social science the trustworthiness, strength and transferability of knowledge is commonly discussed in relation to the concepts of reliability, validity and generalizability. However these are described very differently by qualitative and quantitative researchers and since I have used a mixed method research based on the neo-positivistic paradigm I will refer to Hirschman’s (1986) assessment criteria. Hirschman (1986) regards instruments in the quantitative assessment criteria a “paper and pencil” (Hirschman, 1986:245) as evaluates quantitative data through four different assessment criteria; internal validity, external validity, reliability and objectivity.


Internal validity regards validity of data population, where variety and size of data population ensure valid data (Heldbjerg, 2008). This type of validity is established when the research demonstrates a causal relationship between two variables. In a questionnaire based survey, where a set of questions can be shown statistically to be associated with an analytical factor or outcome, internal validity would be established (Saunders, 2012). Internal validity affects external validity as external validity concerns whether data findings are valid when transferring them to the part of population, which are not studied (Heldbjerg, 2008). The assessment of reliability examines the temporal stability and internal consistency of measurements taken on a variable and special attention is given to developing research instruments like scales that exhibit stability and consistency (Hirschman, 1986). In terms of surveys, reliability estimates if surveys would reach same findings by other researchers. In preparation of the surveys, concrete and clear question are produced to minimize misunderstandings so similar findings would occur by other researchers. Reliability proves external and internal validity whereas external and internal validity regards representativity in data collection, reliability regards representativity in the measuring instrument (Heldbjerg, 2008). The last criterion, objectivity, is concerned with independence between examiners, leaving out subjective perceptions, which indicate the researcher is presumed to be emotionally neutral and personally distant from the phenomenon of interest (Hirschman, 1986). Objectivity relates to reliability, as this also indirect concern objectivity, if other researchers conclude similar findings, which means subjectivity can be discarded.

Because of my neo-positivistic standpoint I have already rejected a complete objectivity as I have realized it is impossible not to let subjectivity affect objectivity when it comes to analyzing and interpreting the findings. Instead I will focus on how well evaluated my research can be in terms of internal validity, external validity and and reliability.

One challenge in terms of validity was to make sure the questionnaire reached equally many respondents from each of the four PCM segments, therefore I took the precaution and shared the questionnaire through non-handball related opportunities as well as handball-related ones. Another issue was that my pre-understanding could affect my results therefore I will seek to occupy an intellectually elevated position to be deemed more competent to render judgments about the truth or validity (Hirschman, 1986).


To secure reliability, precautions like only using reliable scales and ask concrete and clear questions were taken. By using reliable scales, which have been tested in previous research, and further concrete and clear questions I can avoid misunderstandings and exhibit stability and consistency in the research (Hirschman, 1986) thereby can the subjectivity only affect the data analysis especially the brand associations which will be subjectively categorized. Furthermore when analyzing data in SPSS I will be assisted by PhD fellow Brad Hill, who I consider an expert in SPSS. His role will be to help me test in SPSS and thereby increase reliability as we are two researchers testing the data.

3.6 Ethical considerations

Ethics are critical aspects for the success of any research project whether using secondary research or collecting primary data through interviews, internet-mediated or questionnaire-based method (Saunders et. al., 2012). The ethical considerations for this thesis’s research were in terms of internet-mediated access.

The topic of handball is not a sensitive topic to most people however some ethics were still taken into account through the processes of designing, collecting and analyzing the data. First, I negotiated access in order to obtain the necessary permission (Saunders, 2012) to share the survey link at all the Facebook pages and websites. These were negotiated through email and phone conversations due to geographic and time limitations. The ethical issue related to this online questionnaire was the possible issue of anonymity. I designed the questionnaire to only ask a few personal questions like gender, age, postcode, employment, income and household. Throughout the questionnaire the respondent would be able to skip the question or respond with ”do not wish to inform”. Furthermore it was not mandatory to fill out the box with their email address unless they wished to participate in the lottery draw.

During the data collection and before respondents began filling out the questionnaire, the first page of the questionnaire informed respondents that they responses were anonymous.


This chapter will introduce the Danish male handball market, which is researched along with the case company included in the last sub research question, Q2b.

1.1 The Danish male handball market and its potential

The popularity of a sport has a lot to do with how it is doing at the international scene (Petersen, 2013). Male handball in Denmark has always been in the shadow of the ladies’ handball team and their success (Petersen, 2013). It was not until the National male handball team won a silver medal at the World Champtionship in 2007 and won the European Championship in 2008, that Danes became interested in male handball.

Figure 4: Spectator development in the Danish Handball market (including male, female, League and 1. Division)

Source: Danmarks statistik, Idræt og fritid, 2012

Handball is considered the second most popular sport in Denmark with some wondering if it will surpass football since the national handball team is performing better than the national football team (Fonoudi, 2009) while others wonder if the third most popular sport, ice hockey, will at some point surpass handball (Brock, 2013). Table 3 below provides an overview of the three sports’ development in spectators from 2006-2012 which seems to dismiss these speculations.

37 Table 3: Comparison of spectator development in male soccer (”Superliga”), male handball (”håndboldliga”) and male ice hockey (”Al-bank ligaen”) in Denmark.

Source: Danmarks statistik, Idræt og fritid, 2012

The League, the best Danish male handball league in Denmark, experienced a climax in spectators in season 2008/09 (Boesen, 2013) an effect that might have been caused by the national teams’ success (Petersen, 2013). However in the following season (2009/10) the number of spectators dropped because of the financial crisis (Boesen, 2013). In June 2010 a new merged team, AGK, appeared in the League and the spectator numbers exploded (Boesen, 2013; Petersen, 2013). This new team had all of the best Danish handball players and a few international star players which attracted many spectators and already set a League record in number of spectators at their first League match. Besides winning almost all matches, they also turned handball into a show by introducing lots of augmentations and moving away from a pure handball event. Creating a show and giving away tickets for free (Boesen, 2013) attracted spectators that would normally not enter the arena and increased the total number of spectator to almost than 400.000 in season 2010/11 and even more the following season (appendix 9). However throwing shows like AGK while giving away free tickets was not sustainable and it lead to their bankruptcy in August 2012 (Boesen, 2013). This lead to a new team, KIF KK (Boesen, 2013).

1.2 KIF Kolding København

KIF KK is the new top team in the Danish male League. Jens Boesen (2013) saw a big market potential, both spectators and sponsors, being lost with the fall of AGK and therefore he contacted some of AGK’s sponsors and got them on board under the condition that KIF KK should be a national team like AGK was, which Jens Boesen (2013) did because as he said ”if you cannot make the money come to the event, you have to move the event to the money” (Boesen, 2013:37.10). KIF KK is based on the former local KIF Handball club, with a base in Kolding, mixed with a few players from the former AGK, provided with some economical support from sponsors of the former

38 AGK (KIF KK, 2013) and a second arena near Copenhagen – AGK’s former home ground.

1.2.1 Objectives and challenges

Even though KIF KK’s events are often 90% sold out, according to Jens Boesen (2013), they still have some challenges which were identified during the interview with Jens Boesen (2013). The KIF KK objectives this thesis will try to come up with a solution for are how they can attract the last 10%, some from their newly entered market, the entertainment industry, and also increase season ticket sales from their current sale of 700 up to 2000 within two years which can help them ensure a stronger liquidity prior to the season start in September. Their challenges is to capture the market potential (Boesen, 2013). According to Jens Boesen (2013) they have to change from focusing on the traditional sport of handball to focus on sport as an entertainment offer by starting to think ’marketing’ and not ’sale’ and ’experiences’ rather than ’sport’, but they do not know how. Previously KIF KK, have tried to uncover this through interviews but they never got usable answers. Another challenge is that they need to motivate the many consumers, who consume indirectly through the TV (appendix 10), to consume directly in the arena as they earn little from TV agreements (Boesen, 2013) and Jens Boesen (2013) does not believe the Danish handball culture is to watch the game from the living room but rather to come to the arena.

1.2.2 Competitors

Although KIF KK have different competitors like other sports and their teams along with the new market in the experience or entertainment industry, the focus will be solely on the other teams in the League when answering Q3, as it would have demanded different data to compare with other sports or leisure activities, and the high number of TV spectators indicates there is a high growth potential.

1.2.3 Economy

Even though it is said that in theory a brand can attract spectators independent of performance (Bauer, 2005) a good sporting results is important in handball. In sports, a great performance means more championships which means more games leading to more spectators leading to more sponsors – a self-perpetuating effect. Many of the handball teams in the League struggle with economy and looking from an operational perspective they do not earn profit, like KIF KK who would have had a six-tariff deficit last year if it was not for a capital contribution (appendix 11). Their (read: KIF KK) economy is very dependent on earnings from each event including ticket

39 sales, sponsors and business partners along with their sporting results (Annual report 2012/13) and big differences exist between games played. KIF KK’s overall revenue from a semifinal, Danish Championship final and an international championship game differ between 30.000 and 150.000DKK annd an event in Copenhagen costs 300.000DKK and 200.000DKK in Kolding (Boesen, 2013) which operational revenues can never pay for alone. Although KIF KK’s result from 2012/13 needed a capital contribution probably due to their startup, it is important to note that out of a total revenue of 30.6 mio.DKK 21.1 mio.DKK were sponsorships and 4.3 mio.DKK game revenues (appendix 11). This indicates the sponsorships are by far the highest and most important operational revenue but without spectators watching the games in the arena or through the TV, there would be no sponsors (Boesen, 2013). The number of spectators is limited as most handball arenas are relatively small, for instance KIF KK can have an average of 38551 spectators in their arenas (appendix 11), therefore more games are important. Extra games is an opportunity to increase revenues like ticket sales and sponsorships as sponsors can choose, besides the annual sponsorship, to sponsor the ball, the ’Man of the Match’-prize, the event itself etc. (Boesen, 2013) for different games. During a phone conversation, Jens Boesen informed that they have never calculated how much one extra spectator could increase their revenues in terms of sponsorship, ticket sales, concessions and merchandise but the effects of being able to sell out every time would lead to:

→ More consumers buying season tickets to make sure they have a seat = increased liquidity → Spectators buying tickets months in advance = increased liquidity → Opportunity to increase ticket prices = increase revenue → More sponsors = increase revenue

By increasing liquidity events can be made even more spectacular and attract even more spectators perhaps bigger arenas can be used for specific events. Increasing revenue makes it possible to buy more star players hence winning more championships and being able to afford attending international championships (Boesen, 2013). Therefore getting more spectators is not about increasing spectator revenues as it can never breakeven on ticket sales, but spectators attract sponsors. However the League teams are afraid of losing money but it is important for teams to see the handball events are long term investments rather profits from time to time (Petersen, 2013: 56.55).

1 Average capacity is 3855 but minus fixed sponsor and season tickets the number of seats available for each game is 2455 (appendix 11)


The key purpose of this chapter is to uncover how Danish male League handball teams can attract spectators to the arena, based on the 1169 collected survey responses. However as not all respondents finished the entire questionnaire the findings in this chapter will be based on a different number of respondents. This number will be informed for each analysis. In the beginning of the questionnaire respondents were asked to choose their favorite team or the team they would be most likely to visit on game day. Their choice of favorite team laid the basis for this analysis. The distribution among choice of team can be found in appendix 12.

The research question will be approached in two parts in accordance with the two sub research questions, in the following way:

Figure 5: Overview of analysis

How can Danish male handball league teams attract Danish spectators to the arena?

PART 1 PART 2 Q1: Which of the Q2a: How and Q2b: Is KIF KK’s motivational which team brand brand associations motives can help associations can strong, favorable attract the Danish help attract Danish and unique spectators to handball spectators compared to other attend a handball to attend a handball league teams? event? event?

As it was found in theory that it is better to focus on a few segments rather than attempting to aim at an overall level (Pelsmacker, 2010) I will only include segment findings unless anything else is stated, but all findings can be found in different appendices. An overview of respondents represented in each segment will be up first to provide evidence for data validity and understanding.

5.1 Introducing the segmented survey respondents

The four PCM segments represented are presented in a matrix based on demographics. These numbers are based on more than N>773 respondents, the specified number along with all data findings can be found in appendix 13. The demographics are; gender, age, income level,

41 employment, household and postcode. In table 4 is a summary of the represented respondents.

Table 4: Summary of represented respondents in PCM segments Gender Age Household Employment Income Geography Awareness Men: Age range: No kids: Employed: ’Above Jutland: 63.4% 14-66 37.9% 70.1% 500.000DKK’ 60.5% Women: Age mean: One kid: Students: 23.6% Sealand: 36.6% 39.65 26.1% 17.3% ’400-499.999DKK’ 23.6% Two kids: Other: 21.6% Fyn: 25.1% 5.2% ’did not wish to 12.9% inform’ 12.1%

Attraction Men: Age range: No kids: Employed: ’Up tp 99.999DKK’ Jutland: 51.2% 14-71 43.3% 44.9% 13.6% 46.3% Women: Age mean: One kid: Students: ’Above Sealand: 48.8% 37.59 24% 19.5% 500.000DKK’ 18.8% Two kids: Other: 13.6% Fyn: 22% 4.4% 14.7% Attachment Men: Age range: Two kids: Employed: ’did not wish to Jutland: 53.3% 13-68 32.3% 48% inform’ 67.7% Women: Age mean: One kid: Students: 23.6% Sealand: 46.7% 35.98 30.6% 30.7% ’Up to 99.999DKK’ 15.7% No kids: Other: 19.7% Fyn: 25.8% 7.1% ’300-399.999DKK’ 14.2% 14.2% Allegiance Men: Age range: No kids: Employed: ’did not wish to Jutland: 54.7% 14-73 40% 42.5% inform’ 62.2% Women: Age mean: One kid: Students: 26.8% Sealand: 45.3% 36.3 28% 26% ’Up to 99.999DKK’ 16.5% Two kids: Senior 17.3% Fyn: 28% citizens: 14.2% 10.2%

The respondents were almost equally distributed among the four segments which indicate a representative sample. Generally it can be concluded most respondents were male and between 13- 73 years old with an average mean between 36-40. Most were from households without kids and most were employed but with a very spread income level and most respondents were from Jutland.

5.2 PART 1: Identifying the motivational motives

“It is important to take a look at why people attend, not just what kind of people attend” Rick Grieve, a clinical psychologist (King, 2010: paragraph 26)

Too often it is seen that sport managers rely on the demographics to help attract spectators rather

42 than relying on social and psychological factors that are important in the sport and experience industry (King, 2010) and as previously mentioned the ability for sport managers to draw spectators to their sport events is vital to the success of a sport organization (Funk, 2009). One of those psychological factors are the motivational motives. As discussed in section 2.1 SPEED motives are one way to understand sport event attendance. The motivators tested in this research were the SPEED motives and ’entertainment’. The results were based on N=848 respondents and showed that entertainment, esteem, excitement and performance were the motives that influence sport spectators to attend, a summary is provided in table 5 and the full datasheet can in appendix 14.

Table 5: Summary of ”overall motives explaining ticket purchase”

Motivational Correlations Correlations Adjusted R motives (part) (part) in % Square Performance 0,064 (0,064*0,064)*100 = 0,41% Excitement 0,104 1,08% 0,43 = 43% Esteem 0,132 1,74% Entertainment 0,119 1,42% Source: Appendix 14, no.3 When they work together they can explain 43% of the reason why people would buy tickets to a handball event but individually they only explain around 1% which suggest that all motives should be engaged together as it is found meaningless to engage motives separately if they have less than 5% influence on a variable. However as it is recognized in sport marketing that not all segments are influenced by the same factors and that consumers should be understood in terms of their involvement level (Doyle, 2013; Funk & James, 2001) it is important to understand findings within each segment rather than overall findings. Therefore I will uncover which motives are needed to attract the spectators within each of the four involvement segments.

5.2.2 Segmented motives

”Distinguishing between individuals who merely enjoy watching an event and those who think of sport as an important part of their life requires understanding the psychological motivations that influence sport consumption.” (Trail, 2001:109)

Looking at the segmented motives I find them similar to the ones mentioned for the overall motives

43 except for the strongest overall motive, esteem, even though it was the strongest influencer on the overall motives. This could be due to esteem being equally divided on the segments and not a strong influencer for a specific segment. I will try to uncover the possible reasons for why these motives were found by including secondary research, primary and secondary sources along with comments from the comment box in the questionnaire (appendix 6). The PCM stages motives found were as presented in table 6 below.

Table 6: Summary of ”motives explaining ticket sales within each PCM segment”

PCM segments Motivational Correlations Correlations (part) Adjusted R motives (part) in % Square Awareness Excitement 0,154 (0,154*0,154)*100 = (N=356) 2,37% 0,22=22% Entertainment 0,104 1,08% Attraction Performance 0,103 1,06% (N=263) Excitement 0,167 2,79% 0,067=6,7% Attachment Excitement 0,539 29,05% 0,29=29% (N=115) Allegiance Excitement 0,331 10,96% 0,102=10,2% (N=114) Source: Appendix 14, no. 4 Awareness Consumers in the awareness stage are, according to Funk & James (2001), psychologically characterized by extrinsic features like various socializing agents (friends, family, business networks etc.) or medias which indicates they are drawn, introduced and made aware of sports due to the influence of significant others which is supported in previous research (Funk & James, 2001). Sport is an experience product which consumers can only evaluate from word of mouth or direct experience (Keller, 2008). Therefore these consumers first attendance a sport event often happen because of situational circumstances like a friend had a free ticket, a group of friends is going together, invitation from business partner etc. (Funk, 2009). Therefore one might wonder why ’socializing’ was not found to be a motive for handball but like found in another research (Funk, 2009) consumers in this segment might obtain socializing benefits through non-sport related entertainment consumption activities. Instead this research found the motives in the awareness stages to be excitement and entertainment. If worked together they would help explain 22% of the reason but separately they explain around 1% percent hence it would be meaningless to focus solely on one of them. As entertainment is part of the SPEED motive excitement it could be concluded that

44 entertainment is the most important motive behind excitement.

The sport of handball is becoming an entertainment offer like theater, cinema etc. which is highly due to AGK’s successful events (Boesen, 2013). For low involved consumers sport is seen as a pastime entertainment opportunity (Wann, 1999; Borberg, 2009) which Trail and colleagues (2001) supports as they find consumers in the awareness stage to enjoy the entertainment of a sporting event. Consumers in the awareness stage do not have a deeper understanding or interest in the game itself (Funk, 2009) and therefore they will be attracted by other things like the entertainment opposed to higher involved fans who might find the music to be too loud (comment no. 6, 16, 22, hereafter: or believe entertainment has taken over too much ( 18, 20, 21, 22). When AGK existed they attracted many from the awareness stage because of the show they made. It was not just a handball game, it was a show created by augmented activities (Boesen, 2013).

Considering the respondents represented in the awareness stage, the excitement motives could, besides entertainment, be player or sport interest, drama, celebrities and the overall environment. The consumer could have a friend or family member playing ( 43, 53) and decides to spectate to support this person, or perhaps is becoming interested in the sport itself from watching games in TV and wants to experience it live. Handball, especially in Denmark, is known for its loud and exciting atmosphere created by fans cheering and yelling and loud music mixed with the drama and intensity from the game (Fjordside, 2010; Ritzau, 2010; Borberg & Lauritsen, 2009). Celebrities (publicly known players) are often said to attract low involved spectators (Hopkins, 2009). In Denmark, star players are becoming publicly known from being exposed in various TV shows, like “Stjerner på Slottet” (Stars at the castle) or “Vild med Dans” (Dancing with the stars) (Petersen, 2013), or from commercials, and being able to see them live or greet them might attract low involved spectators. However nothing supports this as a motive for this awareness stage, but these results could be misleading to some extent as respondents in the awareness stage were not differentiated between prior attendants and first time attendants.

Attraction Consumers moves to the attraction stage when they begin to distinguish between different sports and teams, begin to recognize their names, learn some of the rules of play and choose a favorite

45 team (Funk & James, 2001). Often in handball people choose to follow the local team because of the still poor media coverage (Petersen, 2013) rather than base their decision on team performance which Funk & James (2001) have found to influence. However if spectators move from one city to another they might change to their new local team. In previous research in different sport contexts it has been found that for this consumer motives like escape from daily routine, experience vicarious achievement and entertainment have influenced behavior (Funk & James, 2001) whereas in this research in the context of handball motives of performance and excitement it was found to influence but only respectively 1% and less than 3% which is considered meaningless. Together they help explain 6,7% of the behavior, although it is not statistically considered meaningless it is still very low.

In previous research, entertainment is defined as a hedonic motive including the skill of athletes and the aesthetic quality of sports, and found to attract spectators in this stage. Skill of athletes and the aesthetic quality of sports are defined as two performance motives in the SPEED model. With this in mind it makes sense why performance was found a motive for this stage’s consumers however it was expected to be found in a later stage as higher involved spectators are often more interested in the skills and techniques (Hopkins, 2009) as it demands an understanding of the sport to enjoy its gracefulness (Funk & James, 2009). This finding could indicate that handball spectators are attracted by the sport itself which could have been another reason for why spectators were attracted to AGK. One respondent left a comment stating he spectates because of the grace of handball and if the opponent team scores a fantastic goal he would applaude them ( 39). Furthermore with performance being a motive in this stage the reason could also be that they are only motivated to spectate and support the team in the arena when the team is performing well and the spectators thereby can enjoy a grace, skill and artistry of the athletic movement found in handball (Funk & James, 2001) which could be related to the excitement motive, sport interest. Spectators choose a favorite team in this stage but they might only support it in the arena if they play at a big event where they meet an equal opponent because as Verner Møller, a former handball player and current Danish professor in Sports, states Danes watch handball because of the primitive entertainment coming from drama and the ‘them against us’ rivalry (Borberg & Lauritsen, 2009). Drama creates excitement and contributes to the overall environment like the atmosphere. Furthermore excitement motives like eustress and drama could be influencing motives too as spectators enjoy the positive stress it creates when the favorite team is playing and the spectator wishes his team would win and

46 finds the drama on the field to create further excitement and empowers the atmosphere which in the end contributes to the entertainment as a whole (Boesen, 2013). Player interest might not be relevant as some players move to new teams.

Attachment Consumers in the attachment stage have formed a stable psychological connection which is characterized by intrinsic features of personal importance and meaning (Funk & James, 2001) which means that even though the consumer moved to another city he would be likely to continue to follow the team. In this stage the emotional links are strengthened between the team and the individual’s self-interest, values and social identification and the result is a strong psychological connection between the team and the individual (Funk & James, 2001). It was found in Funk and colleagues (2009) research on Australian Rules Football (AFL) spectators, that the more games an individual attended the more likely he/she found that attending games provided opportunity for excitement, to enjoy live performances and increase esteem.

This research found Danish handball spectators to only find handball to provide opportunity for excitement which solely explains 29% of the reason for why people would attend. But considering the findings among AFL spectators along with the strengthened emotional link in mind, it could be expected that esteem would have be found in this stage. This is because it refers to living through others which should be easier if the spectator can identify him-/herself with the team (Funk & James, 2001) as most spectators follow a team which have a personal importance to them like a local team hence local pride. The reason why performance was not found a motive could be because they support their local team do to local pride and not performance.

Most of the motives affecting excitement might be present in this stage. Most respondents in this segment had two kids and according to Georg Sørensen, director of Boxen, one of the biggest arenas in Denmark, Danish handball spectators are often families and they spectate for the excitement and experience in the arena (Andersson, 2010) which could help explain why excitement was present for this segment. Jens Boesen (Boesen, 2013) experiences how this excitement can affect spectators even after the handball game have ended as he watches spectators leave the arena – if they won the noise level is high and if they lost it is very low – and this is what he finds to be special about handball. Furthermore the players on the team are important to these

47 spectators and if they can greet them after the game it will add to their experience ( 5). But the players are considered heroes rather than celebrities (Hansen, 2008) especially because they are down to earth and folksy (Fonoudi, 2009) however professor Uffe Østergaard (Hansen, 2008) do not find Danes to be amazed by sports heroes although they will be celebrated as heroes when they win international championships like when the national male team won the European Championship in 2008 (Hansen, 2008). They enjoy the drama and eustress that the uncertainty of the outcome creates, especially when two equal teams or rivals are playing (Funk, 2009), as well as they enjoy the atmosphere created by the audience and the fan clubs ( 7). However another type of entertainment is found in this stage as some of these spectators seem more interested in what happens on the field than the ’big show’ of augmented activities ( 6, 16, 18, 21, 22). The only ones I cannot find an argument for is economic and physical.

Allegiance A spectator in the allegiant stage is a loyal fan that frequently thinks of the team and spectate at their games, some of these fans might even choose a handball event over family birthdays ( 38) as sport is an important part of the highly committed fan's life. (Trail, 2001). For this person the intrinsic motivations are the most important. One fan left a comment stating that he attends handball events to identify himself with the ’mini-universe’ in which he clearly sees the line between friends and enemies contrary to the grey area experienced in the everyday life ( 20). Furthermore according to Fortier and colleagues (1995), intrinsic motivation includes the desire for aesthetic pleasures, stimulation, and enjoyment of the activity itself which is reflected in aesthetic, eustress, and entertainment. The only motive for this stage was excitement which solely accounts for 10-11% of why spectators in this stage would attend. Excitement has then been present in all four stages but differentiated in each for different reasons. In this stage excitement could be motivated to some degree by the same way as spectators in the attachment stage however another type of entertainment must be created for these spectators compared to the other stages as these do not enjoy handball as a show ( 20, 21). For highly committed fans layered symbols (Chalip, 2000) like flags and merchandise is needed to add to the atmosphere and make it entertaining ( 2). Like for the attachment stage it might also increase the excitement for these fans to meet and greet their local heroes. Again one would wonder why esteem was not found a motive for the handball spectators in this stage, because of the vicarious and group affiliation achievement ( 2) and because one result of a strong connection is that the individual feels a sense of personal

48 success when his team wins (Funk & James, 2001). Further it could be wondered why neither diversion, as some find it a mini-universe, nor performance, because of the desire for aesthetic pleasures, was found as a motive.

Table 7: Summary overview of possible underlying motives

PCM Motivational Possible underlying motives segments motives Awareness Excitement Entertainment, drama, player and sport interest, celebrities, overall environment Entertainment Entertainment Attraction Performance aesthetics, physical skill, flow, performance evaluation Excitement entertainment, eustress, drama, sport interest, overall environment Attachment Excitement entertainment, eustress, drama, player and sport interest, celebrity attraction as well as the overall environment Allegiance Excitement entertainment, eustress, drama, player and sport interest, celebrity attraction as well as the overall environment

5.3 PART II: Brand associations

As described in section 2.3.2 brand associations are the perceived attributes and benefits that forms attitude towards the brand. Brand associations have not in previous research been found to have a direct influence on PI however Fairclough and colleagues (2001) found attitude to influence PI which indicates the following indirect relationship between brand associations and PI:

Brand associations Brand Brandassociations attitude Purchase intent

Brand associations

This means brand associations drive brand attitude towards PI and therefore in order to answer the sub second sub research question two relationships must be tested, these are:

Attitude towards team’s influence on PI

Team brand association’s influence on attitude towards team

Therefore this analysis will first seek to identify the overall attitude towards team’s (hereafter: ATT) influence on PI and how much it affects within each segment. When ATT-PI is identified I will uncover the brand associations found to influence attitude and which ones had the highest

49 affect. All data used for this part can be found in appendix 15. However as only five teams were found to have a large enough sample (>30) to draw conclusions from (appendix 15), only those teams will be used for this analysis. These are:

Team Number of respondents BSV 115 Skjern Håndbold 46 KIF Kolding København 357 GOG 146 Team Tvis Holstebro 83 Source: appendix 15, no. 1 This will lead to attitudes being tested on N=747 respondents for section 5.3.1.

5.3.1 Brand attitudes influence on purchase intent

The ATT were found to differ between the League teams and therefore it has been necessary to consider ATT’s influence on PI individually. When evaluating ATT’s influence on each PCM segment it will have to be analyzed individually for each team. In table 8 the attitude towards team’s influence on PI findings are listed. It was found that all attitudes towards the teams were positive indicated by the mean score being above zero. However it was found that only four out of five teams’ attitude had an influence on game ticket purchase which is indicated by the significant F change.

Table 8: Summary of overall attitude towards teams influence on PI for each team

Mean Adjusted R Adjusted R Significant F Team score Square square in % change BSV 1.9014 0,121 12,1 % .000 Skjern Håndbold 2.0290 0,133 13,3 % .007 KIF KK 1.8207 0,245 24,5 % .000 GOG 1.4247 0,367 36,7 % .000 Team Tvis Holstebro 1.5060 0,020 2 % .108 Source: appendix 15, no. 2 When the significant F change is less than .05 it indicates that attitude toward team is a significant predictor of PI which in this survey was found to be the case for BSV, Skjern Håndbold (hereafter: Skjern H.), KIF KK and GOG whereas the attitude towards Team Tvis Holstebro (hereafter: TTH) had no influence on game ticket purchase. The results showed that 36,7 % of the reason for why spectators buy game tickets for GOG is due to their positive attitude towards the team, 24,5 % for KIF KK, 13,3 % for Skjern H. and 12,1% for BSV. Anyway, it can be concluded that the

50 relationship found in the context of handball is the same as the one found in the research Fairclough and colleagues conducted in 2001: PI increases when brand attitude is positive. Attitudes’ influence on PI in PCM segments

Looking at how the attitude towards the team can affect PI within each team’s PCM segments showed that only some teams had segments that individually influenced PI with brand attitude and only KIF KK were found to have all four segments influenced by brand attitude, see table 9.

Table 9: Summary of attitude towards team influence on PI for each team’s PCM segment

Favorite Adjusted Adjusted R Sig. F team Stage R square square in % change BSV Awareness -.010 -1% .451 Attraction -.029 -2,90% .916 Attachment .232 23,20% .046 Allegiance -.033 -3,30% .570 Skjern H. Awareness .010 1% .309 Attraction .079 7,90% .153 Attachment -.035 -3,50% .420 Allegiance -.198 -19,80% .927 KIF KK Awareness .087 8,70% .000 Attraction .047 4,70% .016 Attachment .167 16,70% .004 Allegiance .096 9,60% .011 GOG Awareness .081 8,10% .027 Attraction -.008 -0,80% .455 Attachment -.028 -2,80% .522 Allegiance Not enough data to measure TTH Awareness .008 0,80% .280 Attraction .004 0,40% .301 Attachment .248 24,80% .068 Allegiance .088 8,80% .169 Source: appendix 15, no. 3 Both Skjern H. and TTH were found not to have individual segments PI influenced by attitude which makes sense for TTH as their spectators PI was found not to be influenced by team attitude at all. For Skjern H., which was found to have an overall attitude influencing PI, it indicates that individuals in each of the PCM segments’ do not find team attitude to be a significant reason for their PI although it influence overall to some extent. The fact that attitudes were not found to be

51 influencing along the continuum speaks against the findings by Doyle and colleagues (2013) as they found individuals possessing durable positive attitudes along with supportive behavior towards their favorite team to increase in line with the PCM’s continuum.

For KIF KK and GOG attitude was found to be important in the awareness stage as it explains respectively 8,7% and 8,10% of the reason for why these spectators would buy tickets. Even though consumers do not form brand association that affect their PI intrinsic before the attachment stage (Funk & James, 2001) their evaluations of others brand associations affect their PI extrinsic e.g. from word of mouth and media (Keller, 2008). As sport is an experience product prospective buyers cannot judge the quality by inspection and must use cues from people involved, critical reviews, word of mouth and concepts or rationale behind the project like motivational motives which all affects the prospective buyers’ attitudes that will influence PI (Keller, 2008). Furthermore when the spectator is less involved or is a prospective spectator a negative word of mouth might influence PI negatively (Richins, 1983). Therefore it can be wondered why ATT was not found to affect BSV and Skjern H. spectators’ PI. However it must be taken into consideration that the results for the awareness stage could be misleading, even though it makes sense when comparing with literature, as it for some spectators considered in the awareness stage was found difficult to answer questions referring to ‘favorite team’ ( 72, 78, 80, 82, 89).

Only KIF KK spectators in the attraction stage were found to be influenced by their team attitude when purchasing game tickets. Again, consumers are not intrinsically influenced by brand associations in this stage but rather extrinsically influenced although they begin forming a preference for a team (Funk & James, 2001). However when selecting a team it will often in handball be based on ts geographical location or its performance (Petersen, 2013) therefore attitude might not be highly important. However one reason for why ATT was found an influencing factor for KIF KK’s attraction spectators could have something to do with KIF KK being a new team along with how and why it happened which have formed both positive and negative attitudes towards KIF KK (Boesen, 2013; Petersen, 2013). As KIF KK is moving towards being perceived as a national team their success could affect spectators attitude positively when purchasing a ticket or choosing their favorite team however as KIF KK has two home arenas which is annoying especially to fans who used to be fan of KIF before it became KIF KK ( 63), it might influence ticket purchase and choice of favorite team negatively. However only an influence of 4,7% was found for

52 KIF KK’s attraction segment.

In the attachment stage physical and psychological features like attributes and benefits take on a psychological meaning for the spectator (Funk & James, 2001; Gladden & Funk, 2001) hence attitude towards the team is becoming more important as it needs to have a brand meaning which the spectator can align with. Consumers do, according to the CBBE perspective (Keller, 2008), form brand associations hence attitudes in other ways than marketing activities e.g. direct experience, word of mouth, media and assumptions or inferences consumers make about the brand. According to Kunkel and colleagues (in press) the strongest brand attributes and benefit associations are created through direct experiences. Even though individuals’ ATT continues to develop at this stage, this research only found BSV and KIF KK’s spectators PI to be influenced, respectively 23,2 % and 16,7 %. These findings could be said to be aligned with secondary research and therefore the PI findings for the attachment stage for Skjern H. and GOG are questionable. However as nothing was able to explain this result, it must simply be concluded that Skjern H. and GOG attachment spectators have other factors influencing their PI.

In the allegiance stage spectators are becoming loyal and high levels of loyalty influence attitudinal and behavioral outcomes (Doyle, 2013). These fans are in literature found to possess highly formed attitudes towards a specific team which helps strengthen the psychological connection (Funk & James, 2001). In a previous study conducted by Mahony and Howard (1998) it was found that a strong positive ATT was related to the consumption of sport events featuring that team however a research by Murrell and Dietz (1992) found that attitudinal support for a team does not depend on actual game attendance hence a positive attitude does not necessarily lead to PI. Both of these previous findings were supported in this survey.

KIF KK’s spectators’ PI was found to be 9,60 % influenced by ATT in this stage, hence they support the findings by Mahony and Howard (1998) however as the influence was less than for the attachment stage the findings do not support Doyle and colleagues (2013) who found attitudes influence to increase along the continuum. For the other teams, BSV and Skjern H., there was not found an attitudinal influence which supports Murrell and Dietz (1992) findings. Furthermore this latter finding is also supported by a few comments by respondents that could be characterized as loyal fans, stating they highly supported a team even though they did not spectate in the arena (

53 5, 77). GOG had to few allegiant respondents in this research hence their attitude could not be measured. The attitudes hold by allegiant individuals are found to remain stable over time and be resistant to change (Funk & James, 2001) hence the individual will stay passionate fan of their team regardless of performance. In Danish handball it is often found that allegiant spectators are loyal to their local teams hence they would rarely consider changing to a new team (Petersen, 2013) and therefore ATT might not influence PI as they would follow the team no matter what. However KIF KK was founded on two rivaling teams with rivaling fans, especially due to the ’east against west’ that has always existed in Denmark independent of context (Petersen, 2013). Not all fans were satisfied with this new team project (Boesen, 2013; Petersen, 2013) which might have cost their brand associations with the former KIF and the former AGK to be violated and it affects their attitude which then affects their PI and it could explain why attitude was found to have an effect on PI.

5.3.2 Categorizing brand associations

Before going into which brand associations drive the attitudes from the previous section, the brand associations found must be identified. The free listing technique provided me with a large number of first, second and third thought brand associations. However as Lohneiss and Hill (in press) found that people’s first thought or cognitive response had stronger effect as they were more likely to be held at deeper levels in memory I decided to only categorize and analyze those findings. As mentioned in section I have used two different brand association models, TAM and TBAS, to categorize the brand associations found in this research. However as the specific sport event involves contextual differences it was important to take these into account when adapting existing association categories to the handball market (Funk, 2009).

Therefore some categories were adjusted to the handball context and one entirely new brand association was created. Below is the original table 1a from section including the 9 brand associations I identified from this research and categorized under the name Handball Team Brand Associations (hereafter: HTBA) which they will be called the rest of the time in this thesis.

54 Table 1b: Team Brand Associations identified in the handball context (revised from table 1a) Team Association Model Team Brand Association Scale Handball Team Brand Associations (TAM) (TBAS) (HTBA) (Gladden & Funk, 2002) (Ross, 2006) Own constellation, 2013 Attributes: - Success - Non-player personnel - Arena - Head coach - Team success - Athletic success - Star player - Team history - Identification - Management - Stadium community - Interest of family and friends - Stadium - Team play - Organizational attributes - Logo design characteristics - Product delivery - Product delivery - Brand mark - Regional importance - Tradition - Commitment - Star player - Organizational attributes - Team/player evaluation Benefit: - Concession - Identification - Social interaction - Nostalgia - Rivalry - Pride in place - Escape - Peer group acceptance

Source: Own creation based on Gladden & Funk (2002) and Ross (2006).

As can be seen in appendix 16 there were a lot of the listed HTBA which TAM and TBAS either overlapped or only one or none of them could identify with. Therefore some brand associations have been directly adapted, some have been merged and some have been rejected. Like Ross and colleagues (2006) I did not find it necessary to distinguish between attributes and benefits as I believe one association can be considered both attribute and benefit. This has led to the categories for HTBA which I will now define, an overview of these categories and their definitions can be found in appendix 17.

Arena was a mix of TAM’s ’stadium’ and TBAS’ ’stadium community’. Arena includes everything referring to the arena like name, nick name and perception of its facilities. Athletic success emerged from TAM’s ’success’ along with some brand associations that was categorized under TBAS’ ’organizational attributes’, ’rivalry’, ’team history’ and ’team success’. Furthermore the name, athletic success, was adapted from Bauer and colleague (2006) as it helps indicate its athletic dimension. Athletic success includes being identified with previous and current championships, medals, being a top/good/best team and having the potential to go further. Identification too was directly adapted from TAM but included TAM’s ’logo’ and to some extent ’nostalgia’ along with TBAS’ ’brand mark’ and to some extent ’commitment’. Identification is therefore defined as

55 everything the spectator can identify with like childhood team, team logo/colors, fan club and watching handball. Interest of family and friends was adapted from TAM’s ’peer group acceptance’ but the name was changed to interest of family and friends like Bauer and colleagues (2005) did when they adapted TAM to their research and the definition modified to also include social interaction and having personal relations to the players. Organizational attribute was originally adapted from TBAS which defined it as attributes characterizing the organization as a whole. However I found it necessary to extend the definition to also include coach, managers, management decisions, talent developing, visions, team history like mergers, traditions, sponsors and economy. Product delivery was directly adapted from TAM and it was considered changing the name to ’stadium (arena) atmosphere’ like Bauer and colleagues (2005) did as for Danish team sport, like in , entertainment is mainly determined by arena atmosphere. However as some of the brand associations that could be considered under product delivery had little to do with atmosphere I kept product delivery as the name. Furthermore escape and nostalgia from TAM were included in product delivery as team marketers can create these benefits through product delivery.

Regional importance was adopted from TAM’s “pride in place” but the name was changed to the one proposed by Bauer and colleagues (2005) as choice of a local teams is of greater importance in Denmark (Petersen, 2013) which was also indicated from the brand associations found. Star player was directly adapted from TAM’s “star player” however I extend the category to also include important profiles which is a term often used in the handball context (Boesen, 2013; Petersen, 2013) and to be both current and former players on the team. The last category, team/player evaluations, I had to come up with myself. TBAS’ ’team play characteristics’ covered it partly as many brand associations were about techniques and the way they played. However no category found could cover the evaluation or perception respondents had about the team or players. Therefore I came up with, by using Krippendorf’s (2004) contextual coding, team/player evaluation that incorporated TBAS’ team play characteristic and further include evaluations and perceptions of the teams or players like ‘good/strong team’, ‘good players’, ‘old/young players’ etc.

When analyzing the brand associations it is important to keep in mind that some of these might have been wrongly categorized even though the categorization was done thoroughly as the categorization was redone three times to ensure a higher reliability.

56 5.3.3 Handball Team Brand Associations driving brand attitude

As associations were quantatized in terms of frequency it was possible to test their affect on attitude. As TTH’s spectators were not found to be influenced by attitude there is no reason to further analyze their findings on brand associations as they cannot indirectly influence PI anyway. A number of 939 respondents shared their first thought about their favorite team however without TTH’s associations and after a closer look only a total number of N=625 was useful as a lot had stated “don’t know”.

When testing which brand associations were influencing attitude towards each team on an overall level, using the ANOVA test, it was found that for four out of five teams their HTBA had an equal influence on ATT, see table 10.

Table 10: Summary of brand associations findings of un-/equal influence on ATT Team N Significance (0.05) BSV 107 .664 Skjern H. 45 .388 KIF KK 335 .000 GOG 138 .497 Source: appendix 15, no. 4 For BSV, Skjern H. and GOG there were no difference between HTBAs influencing ATT as the significance was found to be above .05, hence all brand associations influenced the overall ATT equally and thereby no HTBA was found better at creating ATT than others. But for KIF KK the result was different. ANOVA showed for KIF KK that certain HTBA’s would significantly influence their ATT and after a closer inspection using POST HOC tests it was revealed that arena had the bigger influence on ATT. This indicates that respondents ATT is more influenced when being associated with KIF KK’s arenas, either name or perception of its facilities than the other HTBAs. Strangely, arena was also the HTBA found to be the least frequently associated (N=3) with KIF KK compared to the other nine HTBA (table 11) which indicates its efficiency however the result was not significant. It might however be an advantage to KIF KK at the moment as some respondents commented they should get better arena facilities, better light or a new arena in the Copenhagen area ( 60, 69, 70).

57 Table 11: KIF KK’s HTBA mean score (frequency)

Favorite Team Team Brand Associations N Mean Sig. KIF KK Arena 3 .2222 .822 Product delivery 38 2.3421 .000 Athletic success 41 2.0488 .000 Organizational Attribute 63 2.0106 .000 Star player 76 1.9649 .000 Identification 8 1.5000 .017 Regional Importance 40 1.0917 .000 Team/Player Evaluation 67 2.1592 .000 Source: appendix 15, no. 5 KIF KK’s most frequent HTBA were star player (76), team/player evaluation (67) and organizational attribute (63). Like for the other teams these findings were found to be significant. It was expected that star player would range high on the list, as KIF KK is the team in the Danish League that has most star players and important profiles. Many of these players are in fact international star players, Danish national star players and the local, former AGK and KIF star players (KIF KK, 2013). The most frequent associations within this category were , , Joackim Boldsen and Kasper Hvidt. Furthermore the players are also down to earth and it is appreciated by spectators ( 67), which is supported by Fonoudi (2009), because it makes it even more exciting coming to the game rather than watching it from home ( 5). Team/player evaluation was found frequent for KIF KK, and the associations within this category were good players, many injuries, many goals, fast game, team spirit etc. That KIF KK had a high frequency on the HTBA organizational attribute, which refers to the organization as a whole like management, sponsors, coach etc., had much to do with them being a new team that have kind of taken over from the former AGK. It was a big sensation when it was revealed and there was many both positive and negative reactions to it (Boesen, 2013; Petersen, 2013) which have left many to associate and remember KIF KK for that. Some of the associations within this category were, besides an overload of associations related to the creation of this new team, associations like tradition, memories, big organization and professionalism.

Although the brand associations for BSV, Skjern H., GOG and TTH were found to influence equally, most of them were significant and some more frequently mentioned than others (appendix 16, no.5+6). A summary of these can be found in table 12 below.

58 Table 12: Summary of frequent HTBAs that influence ATT significantly and favorably BSV Skjern H. KIF KK GOG Arena 4 2 Product delivery 8 7 38 12 Athletic success 12 3 41 18 Organizational attribute 18 63 23 Star player 13 8 76 5 Identification 7 8 19 Regional importance 17 7 40 24 Interest of friends and family 5 16 Team/player evaluation 30 4 67 21 Source: appendix 15, no. 6 For BSV respondents the most frequently mentioned HTBA were team/player evaluation (30), organizational attribute (18) and regional importance (17) indicating these are the strongest associations held in respondents mind meaning respondents associate their favorite team with these. All three are found to be significant (sig = .000). Under the HTBA category team/player evaluation, associations like good players, good team, action, speed and team spirit were found. One reason for why BSV was found to have a high frequency on organizational attribute could be that they are recognized for developing talents ( 89), furthermore associations like strong economy, sponsors and professionalism, were present in this category for BSV.

For Skjern H. four HTBA were the most frequently mentioned, these were; product delivery (7), star player (8), identification (7) and regional importance (7). All four were found to be significant (<.05). One respondent wrote that the German fan culture, which Jens Boesen (2013) often refers to as a benchmark, was only found, among Danish league teams, in Skjern H. ( 3) which could explain why product delivery and identification were the most frequent HTBA among Skjern H. fans as these refers to atmosphere and fans. For product delivery associations mentioned were entertainment, atmosphere and excitement. In terms of identification associations were team colors and the fan group. For star players especially Jesper Jensen was mentioned a few time indicating he is the strongest profile on the team.

All of GOG’s HTBA were found to be significant but the four most frequently mentioned were regional importance (24) and organizational attribute (23), team/player evaluation (21) and identification (19). GOG was the team with the highest number of identification brand associations.

59 When categorizing the brand association, I was often met by the yellow color or ‘the yellow corner’ which a comment from the comment box ( 4) refer to as being the fan corner, indicating the high frequency of identification. However the same comment also states former times atmosphere needs to get back in the arena, which could be a reason for why TBA like product delivery was not found to be a frequent association. GOG is a true local pride for Fyn, hence the high frequency of regional importance but respondents also associate them with an organization of history and traditions and especially their comeback after three years away from the league due to poor financials (Mitchell, 2012) hence the high frequency for organizational attribute. They associations found under team/player evaluations were good players, techniques and their team spirit

Regional importance was found to be one of the most frequent HTBA for these four teams which confirm Jens Petersens (2013) statement about favorite teams are chosen based on their geographical placement and further that Danes, like Germans, find region in which the team is located highly important (Bauer, 2005). This is also supported by many of the individual brand associations I met when categorizing them as many stated ‘local’, ‘hometown’ or ‘childhood team’ along with some comments from the comment box ( 42, 74, 86). For KIF KK regional importance was not found to be a strong association compared to the other associations which could imply that either KIF KK is beginning to be perceived as a national team, which was one of Jens Boesen’s (2013) objectives with the KIF KK project, or respondents do no longer find KIF KK to have a local team pride and no longer belong to a city as they have two home grounds, which is supported by fans that are against the KIF KK project ( 6, 63, 68, 89).

Team/player evaluation was found to be frequently associated with four of the teams which support the statement from Jens Petersen (2013) about handball fans always having something to say which was tested with the comment box in the questionnaire as respondents were given the choice to leave a comment if they had something to add which left around 89 usable comments, most of them being recommendations (appendix 6). Furthermore many of the brand associations written by respondents for this category were; ‘good players’, ‘tactics’ and ‘technical concepts’ (appendix 16).

One might wonder why product delivery was not found more frequent as KIF KK always put on a big show, especially in Brøndby where they took over AGK’s arena, and they were known for their show (Boesen, 2013). I believe it is due to the overload of associations related to the creation of

60 KIF KK or perhaps the shows are not memorable. However this might be revealed when looking at the HTBA for each PCM segment. Product delivery was only found to be associated with Skjern H. and even though the frequency was only 7 it had a significance of .000 which means if other fans were asked they would state the same, hence perhaps the other teams should be aware of how they deliver the product next time they visit them on their home ground.

Athletic success was to some extent associated with BSV, KIF KK and GOG. KIF KK and GOG have multiple Danish Championship titles to be associated with whereas BSV has none (unknown, 2013) but they are still a top team and therefore associated with ‘always number two’ or ‘medals’. As handball spectators often choose a team based on location, their performance might not be highly important even though they wish their team to win (Petersen, 2013) hence it might not be a reason for attendance and therefore not a first thought association for many.

Interest of friends and family was only found a little important to GOG and Skjern H. which was mostly due to single brand associations like ‘knows a player’. Although some consumers might choose a team based on a friend or a family being part of the team ( 78) however that person might never move from the attraction stage as the individual never gets attached to a specific team whereas for other respondents it is the team that matter and therefore the associations that first come to mind is not the interest of friends and family. Furthermore it was found that socialization was not a motive, which makes it even more meaningless to spectators.

In order to test which of the HBTA found to influence ATT were able to develop favorable ATT, the brand associations were tested in a One-sample Statistics against the average attitude found for each team influenced from that particular association. The results showed (appendix 15, no. 6) that all the mean numbers were positive which means those brand associations that were found to be significant were found to have a favorable influence on ATT which means they contribute to forming consumers attitudes. The findings in table 12 also present the HTBAs that were found to favorably influence ATT along with their frequency. The numbers in the table are indicating the frequency and the empty grey boxes signals there was no favorable influence found.

In the beginning of this section it was found that most HTBA influence equally overall except for KIF KK. When brand associations are found to equally influence it could indicate anything from all

61 brand associations found to influence are the same for each segment or some brand associations will influence highly in one segment rather than another. Therefore it is important to look at the distribution for each PCM segment. Brand associations influence on attitude in PCM segments

The ANOVA test (appendix 15, no. 7) revealed that all teams HTBA’s in segments, except for KIF KK, had the same influence on ATT but none of them significantly. For KIF KK some HTBAs in two of the segments were found to influence significantly. A closer inspection of KIF KK’s HTBA within each segment using a POST HOC test revealed that significant differences emerged for spectators in the awareness and the allegiance stage whereas for attraction and attachment all brand associations equally influenced (appendix 15, no. 8). Although the HTBAs for attraction and attachment influence ATT, none of them influence significantly hence the results might have been a coincidence rather than a fact. Therefore it only makes sense to discuss awareness and allegiance in this section.

For spectators in the awareness stage regional importance, identification and arena were found to have a significant influence on ATT, with regional importance and identification have a positive effect indicated by the positive mean whereas arena had a negative effect indicated by the negative mean (appendix 15, no. 8). One could wonder why identification is found to influence significantly for awareness consumers as consumer do not begin identifying with a team until they reach the attachment level of involvement (Funk & James, 2001). However it could be suggested by some of the brand associations behind the HTBA categorization (appendix 16) that some might think it is part of the entertainment and excitement to be able to identify the fans or the team colors without personally identifying with them. But according to one fan it is not visible enough ( 1) which might be the reason for why it was not a frequenly mentioned HTBA. The presence of regional importance in this stage might be due to respondents in this research have shown to choose a favorite team based on their home town or local area if they have no interest in handball. Arena was too found to be a brand association influencing ATT significantly. This could be caused by consumers having a positive attitude towards the arena and if the team plays in an arena they like, it might lead to them to liking the team however there was not found anything to confirm this statement or provide other explanations hence it could be a questionable finding. Also it could be wondered why product delivery was not found to be a significant association for this stage as

62 excitement and entertainment was found to be a motivator for this segment and KIF KK, as previously mentioned, always throws a show at each handball event. Although starplayer was not found to be significant for neither awareness or attraction spectators, these were the most frequently mentioned associations, which should be taken into account (appendix XX, no.9).

In the allegiance stage product delivery was found to have a significant effect on ATT. One could wonder why identification was not found present for this stage as fans in this stage begin to identify themselves with the team (Funk & James, 2001). However as mentioned before handball is known for its atmosphere and, besides being attracted to a specific team, spectators in this stage are attracted to the atmosphere and the excitement of watching their team play while they feel the eustress in the body. That product delivery was found present in this stage can be an advantage to KIF KK as Gladden and Funk in their research back in 2004 found product delivery, along with tradition and star player, to be significant predictors of brand loyalty which supports this research’s findings. This indicates it is highly important for KIF KK to focus on delivering the product the allegiant fans demand if they want to meet the objective of increasing season ticket sales.

Although none of the other teams had significant influencing HTBAs in their segments, it should still be noted which HTBAs were mentioned most frequently, as the marketers then know which HTBAs they should focus on improving so they at one point can begin to influence attitude. However from looking at the findings on frequency within each team’s PCM segments (appendix 15, no. 9), there are too few total frequencies per segment, except for KIF KK, and therefore it is also impossible to analyse these results as they are merely do to coincidence than fact. Anyway it is not enough to only consider which HTBA have an effect on ATT, it is also important to evaluate the brand associations as they must be strong, favorable and unique compared to competing brands, in this case teams, to create a strong brand equity.

5.3.4 Evaluating KIF KK’s brand knowledge

According to the CBBE model team create brand equity by creating brand knowledge; brand awareness and brand image, that will lead to favorable responses from consumers (Keller, 2008). When evaluating brand image it is also important to consider brand awareness as it too is a key component in creating brand equity and according to the CBBE model the first building block, Brand identity. Therefore in order to answer Q2b it is necessary to evaluate KIF KK’s brand

63 awareness before evaluating their brand image, hence brand associations. KIF KK will be evaluated based on the overall findings and compared to the other teams’ overall findings. Brand awareness

The brand awareness is measured as the consumers ability to identify or trace the brand in memory hence the brands awareness and brand identity, the first stage of brand development, is considered strong if the brand reaches top-of-mind, often top three (Keller, 2008). Brand awareness was measured in terms of recall and recognition. The full data sheet is found in appendix 18.

For recall respondents were tested on unaided recall which means respondents were asked to write the name of the first Danish male handball team that came to mind with ”male handball team” being the only cue as it is the basis of all teams (Keller, 2008). 1166 respondents answered the question and the top five teams were the same teams that was found to have the highest respondents rate. Top five represented 81,2% of all responses with KIF being highest top-of-mind team. These results are probably influenced by the high number of respondents found for each of these five teams. Table 13 provides an overview of the top five findings.

Table 13: Top 5 teams recalled when cued by ”Danish male team”

Recall Frequency Percent KIF KK 381 42,8 GOG 115 12,9 BSV 105 11,9 TTH 73 8,2 Skjern H. 48 5,4 Source: Appendix 18, no. 1 For recognition respondents were asked to identify the 14 teams playing in the League in the current season 2013/14 out of a list with 21 Danish male handball teams, seven of them being from the second best league, 1. division. 1145 respondents tried to identify the 14 team, which resultet in a little difference from the findings in recall. However KIF KK was still the highest top-of-mind team as it was recognized 98,95% of the time. GOG was only recognized 91,79% of the time which might have been because they just returned to the League after three years away from it (Mitchell, 2012). Table 14 provides an overview of the top five teams recognized.

64 Table 14: Top 5 league teams recognized among 21 mixed Danish handball teams

Frequency Frequency Team Recognised percentage KIF KK 1133 98,95 Skjern H. 1115 97,38 Aalborg Håndbold 1108 96,77 TTH 1101 96,16 BSV 1095 95,63 Source: appendix 18, no. 2 With KIF KK being top-of-mind in both recall and recognition findings it indicates their brand awareness is strong at least among other handball teams hence they have a solid brand identity in the handball industry. With a strong brand awareness in place it is time to evaluate the other part of brand knowledge, brand image associations. Brand image

Creating a strong brand image or brand meaning, as it is known as in the second brand development stage in the CBBE model, demands for strong, favorable and unique brand associations. As written in section associations are evaluated strong based on frequency, favorable when the fan likes the team, and unique when they are perceived distinct from its competitors (Bauer, 2005; Keller, 2008). As each team had a different number of respondents, it has been necessary to convert frequency from actual number to percentage, in order to compare the different teams’ findings. In table 15 is the list of HTBAs along with their frequency finding for each team in percentage.

Strength evaluation. As the table indicates for KIF KK only two out of their seven significant HTBAs are found strong compared to the other teams. These are star player and organizational attribute. Star player was the most frequently mentioned HTBA for KIF KK and besides Skjern H. none of the other teams were found to be frequently associated with the team. As previously mentioned it was expected that KIF KK would rank high on star player as they are the team with most known players and profiles hence it would be critical if they were not associated with them. The fact that respondents were found to have strong associations to KIF KK within the category, organizational attribute, is, like previously mentioned, due to the overload of associations to their foundation in 2012 which is memorably for all handball interested and probably also those who are not interested in handball as it almost went breaking news. Team/player evaluation was also

65 frequently mentioned and hence a strong HTBA for KIF KK in relation to the other teams as it was almost at least 5 % percent more frequent than for the other teams.

Table 15: Comparison of the five teams HTBAs in percentage BSV Skjern H. KIF KK GOG Arena 3,7 4,44 Product delivery 7,47 15,56 11,34 8,7 Athletic success 11,21 6,67 12,23 13,04 Organizational attribute 16,82 18,81 16,67 Star player 12,15 17,78 22,69 3,62 Identification 15,56 0,02 13,77 Regional importance 15,89 15,56 11,94 17,39 Interest of friends and family 11,11 11,59 Team/player evaluation 8,96 8,89 20 15,22 Total 107 45 335 138 Source: appendix 15, no. 6 (actual numbers) Favorability evaluation. In appendix 19 are KIF KK’s attitude findings which shows there is a favorable attitude towards KIF KK as all three measurements scored above average (between 1-7 = 4) with the lowest being 5,72 in the quality measure. Furthermore table 12 provided an overview of all HTBAs having a favorable influence on ATT showing that only arena and interest of friends and family did not have a favorable influence. Nobody associated KIF KK with interest of friends and family whereas those who associated with arena mentioned their home grounds’ name or just the work arena.

Uniqueness evaluation. None of KIF KK’s HTBAs are found to be unique as they are too identified as significant HTBAs for most of the other teams. However looking into the individual associations within the categories, unique associations can be identified (appendix 16). These include specific players and profiles like , Bo Spellerberg, Kasper Hvidt, Lasse Boesen and Kim Andersson. None of the other five teams have these players and therefore are they unique associations to KIF KK if they are profiled. Furthermore in the category organizational attribute they are the only team that is associated with east and west at the same time.

This means even though KIF KK’s brand image includes multiple HTBAs only two of them, with underlying associations, are evaluated strong, favorable and unique, and therefore can make the brand stand out, are: Starplayers and organizational attribute.


6.1 Discussion

“…not everybody follows a sport for the same reason, and you shouldn’t look at them as if they do.” Simon Wardle, brand ad consultant (King, 2010:paragraph 22).

However in sport marketing it has been found that spectators are relatively similar in terms of their level of involvement with the sport object, and therefore should be segmented in terms of their involvement (Funk & James, 2001). PCM is framework for this, and it helps marketers to better understand the heterogeneous consumers bases and thus direct marketing activities towards them (Funk & James, 2001). Given that differences exist between PCM segments, targeted marketing is more effective than a mass media marketing approach, trying to target everyone (Doyle, 2013). Furthermore the spectators must be attracted, retained and developed in accordance with their involvement (Doyle, 2013). The marketer can choose to focus on one or more segments using a differentiated or an undifferentiated strategy (Pelsmacker, 2010), but according to Keller (2008) separate strategies for each segment are needed in order to satisfy all segments which is supported by Doyle and colleagues (2013) who states that more targeted marketing actions can lead to increased favorable responses from consumers. As handball teams struggle financially they might not have the financials to pursue more than one strategy at a time, which leads to discuss:

How does Danish male handball teams decide upon which segment to focus on attracting?

It depends on their objectives. Deciding upon which segment to focus on attracting depends largely on the team’s objectives. It is no news that customer attraction is more expensive than customer retention (Kaynak, 2008) but both have good advantages. Attracting more consumers will lead to more spectators in the arena and an opportunity to capture them and lead the up the continuum. Whereas working on retaining spectators would lead to more season tickets to be sold hence an increase in liquidity.

Awareness. The objective marketers are trying to meet when focusing on this segment is attracting new customers to the sport and at the same time creating awareness about the team. The awareness

67 consumer is moving up the continuum the consumer will begin forming attitude towards a team which will become the ’favorite’ team (Funk & James, 2001). As handball spectators were found to choose a team based on geographical location, the team marketers should seek to outcompete the other teams in local area by creating awareness about themselves. Also the objective for attracting these fans could be to fill up the arena for extraordinary events where the aim is to attract as many spectators as possible, however this is an expensive short term investment.

Attraction. The objective with focusing on this segment is to increase the pool of spectators that can marketers can try to attract for each game. When consumers are segmented in the attraction stage they know more about the rules of play and they have chosen a ’favorite’ team (Funk & James, 2001). Therefore the idea is now, for this ’favorite’ team, to build a relationship with the consumer which would help the move up the continuum and to get them to come more often.

Attachment. The objective for this segment is to sell more season tickets. Next step for these consumers are to move into allegiance where they become loyal consumers. Therefore must segments is to continously increase their involvement and enhance the relationship between team and consumer as it will get them to move up the continuum. Besides selling more season tickets it will lead to a steadier following of the team which means even though performance stumbles the loyal consumer will still be around (Gladden & Funk, 2001).

Allegiant. The objective here is to have a steady sale on season tickets along with a good reputation. In this stage spectators are already considered loyal hence the objective for focusing on this stage is to keep spectators happy and satisfied with the relationship that has been created between the consumer and the team. The stronger the relationship the more loyal the consumer will be (Funk & James, 2001). Loyal consumers can generate more liquidity from season ticket sales and furthermore spread favorable communications and enhance brand equity (Kaynak, 2008). Loyalty also allows for teams to extend beyond their core product, in this case handball, like selling merchandise.

6.2 Managerial implications for League teams

Attracting more spectators to the Danish male league teams arena is not about selling more tickets or concessions, it is about attracting more sponsors that can help the handball teams’ economy to

68 break even and maybe be profitable. As the ticket sales are not near enough income, sponsors are needed as they for KIF KK was found to contribute with more than a third of the revenues. Therefore this thesis became a matter of how the teams can attract more spectators as this would lead to more sponsors as their opportunities to reach their target segments will improve and so will the teams’ economy.

As this thesis’ goal was to provide managerial implications for all the Danish male league teams recommendations were supposed to be given from an overall team view but based on segments. Whereas the findings for ’Part 1: Motivational motives’ were able to provide these recommendations, findings for ’Part 2: Brand associations’ were not. The reason being that brand associations differ in frequency and effect for the different teams and furthermore only five teams were found to have enough represented respondents to provide recommendations on. Therefore recommendations provided based on the findings on motivational motives can be adapted to all Danish male league teams whereas the recommendations based on the findings on brand associations, without considering segments, can only be adapted by BSV, Skjern Håndbold, GOG, Team Tvis Holstebro (TTH) and KIF Kolding København (KIF KK). Furthermore recommendations for brand association within segments can only be adapted by KIF KK whereas the evaluation of KIF KK’s brand knowledge is inspirational for all Danish male league teams.

“Aspects of different sports are going to be appealing to different people. If you can understand what is appealing about your sport, you can market it in a way that people will be most likely to respond positively to it.” Rick Grieve, a clinical psychologist (King, 2010: paragraph 26)

6.2.2 Overall recommendations based on motivational motives

These recommendations are given based upon segments as teams are then free to consider recommendations that are aligned with their objectives.

Awareness. Teams focusing on this segment must use motives like excitement and entertainment together to attract spectators as it, if activated correctly, can affect 22 % of their reason for attending. As these consumers are extrinsically influenced, often by socializing agent. Although sport is becoming an entertainment option it is to many still ”just” sport. Therefore it is important to

69 attract them to the arena to let them experience the excitement and entertainment option themselves. Teams therefore should focus on attracting these consumers through socializing agents which in this case would be current spectators. This could be done through promotional advertising like ”share the experience” which will be activated if the socializing agent buys tickets to more than X number of games.

Attraction. Spectators in the attraction stage are motivated by performance and excitement which together explain 6,7% of the reason. This is not much and therefore less financials should be used to activate this however as this is the stage in which people decide upon a favorite team much attention must still be given. As teams are often chosen as favorites based on geographical locations, which means a tougher competitive market for teams in Jutland as the majority of the Legaue teams are located in Jutland. Fans are becoming more intrinsically motivated but often they might still attend due to extrinsic situational reason. I recommend, based on these findings, that the teams seek to stand out from the crowd by focusing on creating an exciting atmosphere at the game as it attract spectators and outcompetes the other team in the local area along with creating situational opportunities for them to attend. However a well playing team is needed too to multiply the effect of attracting spectators.

Attachment. In this stage spectators are attracted solely by excitement which accounts for 29% of the reason. Besides the excitement created on the field from the game, it must be created before and after the game. One way to create excitement before the game is to use narratives to create excitement about the upcomming game like advertising it as a local rivalry, as it creates more drama, or when top teams or equal teams are playing, as it could create more eustress because of the uncertainty of the outcome. For matches that cannot be considered the before mentioned, narratives about players or team history could be used to create excitement. After the game further excitement could be created by letting the spectators meet and engage with the players as for some people these are considered heroes. And with handball players reputation of being down to earth it would be more likely for fans to increase involvement because it would be like supporting a friend. This might help move them towards the allegiant stage and motivate them to buy season tickets.

Allegiance. Again excitement was found as the most influencing motive, accounting for 10-11% of spectators attendance. In order to satisfy these spectators entertainment must not be too much of a

70 show hence they still enjoy the traditional handball event to some extent. For these fans excitement is created through entertainment features of layered symbols like merchandise, logos, flags and mascots. Therefore teams must enhance the use of these symbols by supplying them to supporting fan clubs so they can use it to cheer for their team.

Even though some tendencies appeared in these findings it is recommended to research this further through a few qualitative interviews to ensure the reasons behind each motive is identified, because although excitement was a motive identified in all segments, it was present for different reason like the differences in entertainment and these are difficult to identify through a quantitative research method.

6.2.3 Three individual team recommendations based on HTBAs

As the overall relationship between ATT and PI was found to be positive, as a positive ATT can influence PI favorably, it was found necessary to look at which TBAs that could influence the ATT favorably. However as ATT was found to differ among teams, each team had to be individually tested, but unfortunately only five out of the 14 teams had enough respondents to be able to test the findings but TTH’s spectators’ PI was not effected by ATT, hence I cannot provide recommendations for TTH in terms of brand associations. Therefore recommendations in this section will only be provided for BSV, Skjern H., and GOG but as no significant findings could lay basis for recommendation for the teams’ segments I can only provide overall recommendations.

BSV. As there was found no difference between BSV’s HTBAs influence on ATT in terms of which affect more, they should focus on the HTBAs that were found to have a significant influence on ATT and be most frequently mentioned, as they are the strongest as they already resides in most spectators’ minds. These were: Team/player evaluation, organizational attribute and the regional importance. As excitement was found to be an important motivator for all spectators they should consider following a recommendation from a fan ( 19) about including the spectators more in the home ground games, and allow for BSV support to yell the scoring player’s name before turning op the music and thereby let the fans create the atmosphere. This could lead to product delivery being a more frequent association and an opportunity to affect ATT, especially for attachment spectators for whom attitude can be influenced by 23,2%.

71 Skjern H. Neither for Skjern H. there was found any differences between their HTBA’s influence on ATT, however based on significance and frequency they should focus on improving star player, identification, regional importance and product delivery. In terms of product delivery one fan recommended ( 3) them to keep focusing on the German way of delivering the experience as it works and hence is an opportunity to attract spectators.

GOG. For GOG all of their HTBAs were found significant and like BSV and Skjern H. also equal influencers therefore I would recommend them to focus on the most frequent HTBAs which are; regional importance and organization attribute which both influence ATT equally. However one fan recommended ( 4) that GOG should make sure the fan club created the atmosphere by supporting them as the former times atmosphere was important for the arena and the spectators. This can also help attract awareness spectators as these are motivated by excitement and entertainment which can be created from the atmosphere and their attitude are influenced 8,1% by brand associations.

6.2.4 Case company recommendations: KIF KK

As I have a deeper knowledge about KIF KK, since they are my case company, the recommendation for them will be elaborated further than the ones for the other teams. It was found that all KIF KK’s spectators’ PI, in respective segments, is influenced by ATT. This means I will be able to provide them with recommendations for each segment, although no HTBAs were found to significantly influence attraction and attachment spectators I will still try to provide recommendations by including some motivational findings.

Awareness. Based on my findings, I will recommend that KIF KK for awareness spectators focus on attracting them by using identification and regional importance associations as these have a significant and favorable influence on ATT and are able to influence PI by 8,7%. In terms of identification KIF KK should work towards branding their logo more as, as extrinsic motivated fans do not seek to identify with the teams but more recognize them from seeing the logo. These spectators must associate the logo with excitement and entertainment, so when they are in a situation where they want to be entertained, they will think of KIF KK. Although most awareness findings were from respondents from Jutland (60,5%), regional importance can still be highly important to respondents in the Copenhagen area, and they need a local Copenhagen team. Because

72 handball spectators choose their favorite team based on region, a team known as a national handball league team might not be an advantage. I would recommend KIF KK to rather brand themselves as a local team in as well Copenhagen as Kolding and since they already are associated with being a merged team between AGK and KIF KK they should rather embrace this and brand themselves on being a merger between the best in east and the best in west because together they stand strong. Therefore KIF KK should also embrace the two strong names that are united under one strong brand because those who are not interested in handball as such but knew who AGK were and perhaps attended one of their games, hopefully associates the brand with a good event and entertainment option, will think KIF KK can provide the same. The brand AGK might still be able to attract spectators to KIF KK’s game because they have some of the AGK soul inside because of the event, three players and Brøndby arena. This could meet the objective of attracting the last 10 % along with getting into the entertainment industry. Furthermore KIF KK should consider the recommendation based on motives found in the awareness stage as it can increase PI another 22%.

Attraction. As there were no significant findings on HTBA I cannot provide KIF KK with more recommendations, besides the ones for motivational motives, for this stage.

Attachment. One of KIF KK’s objectives was, according to Jens Boesen (2013), to increase the season ticket sales. In order for this to be possible they have to focus on attracting people to the allegiant stage, as most of the current allegiant fans probably already have a season ticket (Funk & James, 2001). As attachment spectators’ involvement is close to the level of an allegiant fan, KIF KK should focus more on attracting attachment spectators to meet this objective. However as my brand association findings were not significant I have to draw parallels to the findings for allegiant fans. Most attachment fans were, like allegiant fans, motivated by the excitement of watching a handball game which for allegiant fans is associated with the found HTBA, product delivery. Therefore it could be concluded that since attachments fans are not yet in the allegiant stage it could be because they do not associate KIF KK with product delivery. According to Funk and James (2001) spectators move from the attachment to allegiance when the relationship between the team and the individual strengthens. Fans in the attachment stage associations begin to take on an internal psychological meaning which indicates it can increase their experience to get a chance to meet with the players after the game, which is also supported by a comment in the comment box ( 5). Getting a chance to interact with the players, who are commented for being down to earth ( 40), will increase spectators’ favorable attitude and lead them to the attachment stage. Therefore

73 KIF KK needs to find ways to nurse this relationship so they can move the attachment spectator to the allegiant stage.

Allegiant. For the allegiant fans I will recommend KIF KK to nurse their relationship through product delivery which was found to influence ATT significantly in this segment. It was found that people in this stage is significantly influenced by the excitement the team can create. Therefore it is important that KIF KK create the excitement they demand. As spectators in this stage are highly involved with their team and - as commented in this survey by a fan, who could be considered allegiant - sees a handball event like a mini universe where clear lines are marked between friends and enemies ( 20), I would recommend KIF KK to focus on creating a rivalry before each game, possibly through narratives including historical statistics. Furthermore they should allow for more layered symbols like flags and merchandise e.g. inflatable clapping sticks for some bigger occasion events. Building the KIF KK brand

Compared to KIF KK’s handball competitors (the other teams in the League) KIF KK have a strong foundation in their awareness. However but if the objective is to reach further and competing with the entertainment industry there might be need for further awareness creation, but this was not researched here. Considering KIF KK’s brand image, evaluated through strength, favorability and uniqueness, I would recommend them to strengthen their product delivery associations, and as mentioned in the recommendations for the awareness stage focus on branding that KIF KK is the “the best from east and west”, combined into a Super team, hence focusing on organizational attributes which are already considered strong, favorable and covering unique associations. Furthermore I would recommend KIF KK to profile their players, especially mentioned star player, in the media, as they were found to be the most frequent association for awareness and attraction fans, and some of the most frequent for attachment and allegiant. Even though players change teams, they will still, if profiled correctly, be associated with their previous teams. Furthermore each individual player is unique to each team and therefore this is an opportunity for teams to differentiate from the other teams.


In order to answer the main research question I had to test whether spectators could be attracted using motivational motives and brand associations. Through my online questionnaire I collected 1169 responses, most of which I could use for testing. Since I only tested a few variables at a time, incomplete questionnaries that had received answers to these variables could still be used.

Based on the PCM model along with the motivational motives, SPEED and entertainment, and by identifying brand associations indirect influence on behaviour, the analysis revealed a lot of new insights for team marketers.

8.1 Assessment criteria: Validity and reliability

As mentioned I collected 1169 responses from the questionnaire which can ensure a high internal validity, these were also almost equally distributed among the four PCM segments and the demographics and geographics which means external validity also was high hence the findings can be considered valid as the data findings can be transferred to other parts of the population and still be valid.

The reliability of the findings is high as measurements were adapted from theory, the questionnaire was tested in a pilot study before activated, the data analysis was tested in a statistical program with assistance from a SPSS expert and those findings were explained using statements from the Danish handball context and sport management literature. Furthermore allowing the use of different number of respondents for each test did not affect the results on the variables or the PCM findings. However it could have affected the demographics and geographics within each PCM segment because different respondents would be used for different variables but since these were only meant to provide a better understanding of the data and not be the information marketers should focus on when targeting a PCM segment it cannot be considered as violating the reliability. The objectivity was found to be a challenge already from the beginning due to my neo-positivistic paradigm and that is still the case. Before the data was entered into SPSS my subjectivity could only have influenced the brand associations as I was to categorize them however I categorized them three times in order to minimize the subjectivity. For the rest of the data my subjectivity could not have violated findings but could have violated the explanation of the findings as I might have used

75 statements and theories another researcher would not have used.

Even though the findings are considered valid and reliable some of them could be questioned and these should be researched further through qualitative interviews to gain deeper insights.

8.2 Motivational motives

The first sub research questions asked dealt with the motivational motives that could attract spectators to the arena.

Which of the motivational motives can help attract the Danish spectators to attend a handball event?

The motivational motives being tested in this context were the SPEED motives socialization, performance, excitement, esteem and diversion. However as entertainment has, according to KIF KK team manager Jens Boesen (2013), showed to be an important factor in handball, therefore although a part of the excitement motive, it was important to test how much it influenced PI by itself. Without considering the PCM segments the motives; performance, excitement, esteem and entertainment were found to, if worked together, influence 43 % of the reason for buying a ticket. Looking at motives for the PCM motives, esteem was the only of the overall motives not found to influence a PCM segment.

In the first stage of the PCM, awareness, it was found that excitement and entertainment were the motivational motives separately explaining 1 % of the reason for attending but together explaining 22% which was found to be reasonable motives for this segment however it is wondered why socialization was not found a motive as extrinsic motives like socializing agents are often found to attract and introduce consumers to sports. In handball it is apparently not considered as an influence on purchase intent.

In the attraction stage performance and excitement were the most influential motives, separately explaining only respectively 1% and 3% of the reason but together 6,7%. In sporting literature performance is normally considered important for higher involved spectators however in the handball context spectators seem to be interested in quality of the game played and possible

76 consider it to be part of the entertainment motive that affects their excitement motive. It could indicate spectators might choose their favorite team based on performance which could have been the reason for AGK’s success with attracting spectators.

For the attachment segment excitement was the only motive but it solely explains 29% of the reason. This finding is aligned with a previous research which found that the more games an individual attend the more he or she would find opportunity for excitement and handball is recognized for its atmosphere. However that same research also found performance and esteem to be motivators but they were not considered a motive for this segment.

The last stage, allegiance, was also solely motivated by excitement with explanation of 10-11%. As sport is an important part of a highly committed fans life it can be wondered why the motive esteem was not found along with diversion and performance as some find it as an escape from daily routines while others enjoy the aesthetic of the game. But like in the attachment stage it makes sense that excitement is found to be a motivator, also for the other segments, as handball is known for its exciting atmosphere.

The fact that socialization and esteem was not found present in any of the segments can be wondered as handball is a family sport and according to Jens Petersen (2013) Danish spectators wants to be part of a success and be part of a winning team and experience the winning culture but maybe that is an unconscious feeling.

8.3 Brand associations

The second sub research question asked dealt with the influence of brand associations and:

Which team brand associations can help attract Danish handball spectators

to the handball arena?

However to answer this research question it was necessary to research two relationships: attitudes influence on purchase intent and brand associations influence on attitude.

77 8.3.1 How attitude influence purchase intent

Brand associations, attributes and benefits, do not directly influence PI but the overall evaluation, attitude, does. As there was found different attitudes towards each team an overall relationship between ATT and PI could not be identified and furthermore as there were not enough questionnaire responses for all the League teams only the ones with at least 30 responses could be tested. This left five teams to be tested; BSV, KIF KK, GOG, Skjern H. and TTH. The findings showed that all teams’ ATT, except for TTH, had a positive influence on PI ranging from 12,1 % (BSV) to 36,7 % (GOG) hence it can be stated that when ATT increases PI increases.

After testing the ATT-PI relationship overall, it was tested on the teams’ individual segments. For BSV the results showed that only their attachment spectators’ PI is influenced by ATT but it accounted for 23.2%. For GOG only awareness spectators’ PI was influenced by ATT, accounting for 8,1%. For KIF KK all segments were influenced by PI: awareness 8,7%, attraction 4,7%, attachment 16,7% and allegiance 9,60%. For Skjern H. and TTH the ATT’s influence on PI was not identified which for TTH made sense as no relationship was found in their overall test.

8.3.2 Which team brand associations influence attitude towards the team

Before concluding on how team brand associations (TBA) influence ATT it is necessary to inform about the categories identified and which the 625 brand associations found were grouped into.

By categorizing the brand associations, collected in the questionnaire, in terms of the models, TAM and TBAS, I identified 9 brand association categories and named them Handball Team Brand Associations (HTBA). These were: arena, athletic success, identification, interest of friends and family, organizational attribute, regional importance, product delivery, star player and team/player evaluations. Most of them were from one of the models and then adapted to the handball context by adjusting definitions or names and only one new emerged, team/player evaluations, as none of the existing categories could completely cover all TBA’s.

First the HTBA’s were tested to find out for each of the teams whether their identified HTBA’s differ in ATT. It was found that for BSV, Skjern H. and GOG there was no difference whereas for KIF KK there was a significant difference. KIF KK was tested in a POST HOC test which revealed that arena had a more significant influence on the attitude towards KIF KK. Unfortunately this

78 HTBA was later found to have an unfavorable influence on KIF KK, luckily only three respondents were found to have listed this association.

Below are all the associations that favorably and significantly influence each teams ATT and can help attract spectators to the arena for the individual team. The grey boxes indicate which HTBAs the individual teams’ ATT is not influenced by. BSV Skjern H. KIF KK GOG Arena 4 2 Product delivery 8 7 38 12 Athletic success 12 3 41 18 Organizational attribute 18 63 23 Star player 13 8 76 5 Identification 7 8 19 Regional importance 17 7 40 24 Interest of friends and family 5 16 Team/player evaluation 30 4 67 21

Looking at PCM segments only KIF KK was found to have HTBAs significantly influence attitude but only in the awareness and allegiant stage. In awareness, regional importance and identification were found able to help KIF KK attract spectators whereas in allegiant, product delivery was found to be able to attract spectators. Evaluating KIF KK’s brand associations

Within part 2 of identifying brand associations it was also found necessary to test whether the found brand associations also were strong, favorable and unique enough to build strong brand equity. To test this one case company, KIF KK, was chosen to provide an example for managerial implication which led to Q2b:

Is KIF Kolding København’s brand associations strong, favorable and

unique compared to other league teams?

As building a strong equity also includes the brand knowledge, awareness, which further is considered the first step in brand building according to the CBBE model, it was necessary also to evaluate KIF KK’s recall and recognition findings before evaluating the brand associations in terms of strength, favorability and uniqueness.


Recall and recognition. The awareness findings revealed that consumers are highly aware of the KIF KK, compared to the other teams in the League, as they were both the top of mind in the recall and recognition findings.

Strong, favorable and unique HTBAs. Only two out of KIF KK’s HTBAs were found to be strong compared to the other teams as these were mentioned more frequently. The two HTBAs were organizational attribute and star players. All the HTBAs that were found significant for KIF KK were also found to be favorable and furthermore the attitude findings for KIF KK showed that a favorable attitude existed towards KIF KK with a score of at least 5,72 (mean: 4). Evaluating whether KIF KK’s associated HTBAs were unique showed that none of the HTBAs could be considered unique as they were identified for the other teams too. However the brand associations categorized under organizational attitude and star player were found to be unique.

The conclusions is that yes, KIF KK’s HTBAs, organization attribute and star player, are found to be strong and favorable and, if considering the underlying associations individually, they are also unique.

8.4 answering the main research question

Based on above conclusions, the main research question can be answered.

How can Danish male handball league teams attract Danish spectators to their arenas?

By focusing on the right motivational motives and brand associations the Danish male handball league teams can influence consumers purchase intent and attract them to the arena.

However these sub research questions should be further explored through qualitative research methods, like interviews, to understand the underlying reason for the findings. Furthermore I recommend future research should explore more ways to attract these spectators as my findings were found not to account for the entire reason behind consumers purchase intent.


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Appendix 1: Overview of TAM Appendix 2: Overview of TBAS Appendix 3: Notes from interview with Jens Boesen Appendix 4: Notes from interview with Jens Petersen Appendix 5: Questionnaire layout Appendix 6: Commentbox answers Appendix 7: Overview of measurements Appendix 8: Distribution of questionnaire Appendix 9: Tilskuertal fra DHF Appendix 10: TV spectators Appendix 11: KIF KK ’s financials and arena capacity Appendix 12: Respondents choice of favorite team Appendix 13: Respondents based on demographics Appendix 14: Data on motives Appendix 15: Data on attitudes and brand associations Appendix 16: Identified brand associations categorized Appendix 17: Overview of HTBA Appendix 18: Brand awareness findings Appendix 19: KIF KK’s attitude findings

87 APPENDICES from 1-19

Appendix 1: Team Association Model (TAM)

Attributes Product-related attributes Definition Success Success refers to team performance

Star player Refers to the presence of a star player

Head coach Refers to every association about the head coach Management Refers to every association about team management Non-product related attributes Logo design Corporate marks or logos

Stadium The facility in which teams play can contribute to the creation of brand associations. Service offerings like concession stands, layouts, restroom, aestheric qualities, community etc. Product delivery A sport team entertain through delivery of the product. Includes performance and ancillary activities occuring at the stadium Tradition A past history of bowl apperances. Can be created around factors other than game performance like management, rigor, style of play, team history

Benefits Benefit Definition Identification Identification with a team or sport, or the other fans Peer group acceptance Feeling of friends and family approve the following of a team, belonging to a particular group Escape When people tend to use sports as an escape from daily routines Nostalgia Refers to longing for the past, a yearning for yesterday or a fondness for possessions and activities associated with the days of yore Pride in place Refers to peoples affiliation with a hometown team due to its ability to represent that city Source: Based on describtion in Gladden & Funk, 2002.

88 Appendix 2: Team Brand Association Scale (TBAS) factors

Source: Adopted from: Ross (2006)

89 Appendix 3: Notes from interview with Jens Boesen, Team manager, KIF KK

1.45: Man kunne kun fylde hallerne i tyskland eller til store kampe i DK f.eks. finalen. Konstant udvikling i tilskuere - toppet i 2007 og flop i 2008. Gode resultater tiltrækker tilskuere. Stort vækstpotentialle hvis man kigger på største og mindste indtjening på kampene hvor der er ca en årsløn i forskel. Hallerne var lige fyldt.

2.25: Hvad skal der gøres for den enkelte tilskuere – i gamle dage var det tiltrækning via annoncer eller sportens traditionelle tiltrækning eller radio reklamer. Direkte kontakt til skoler og institutioner

3.05: Da KIF KK blev skabt så de en ny målgruppe fordi i KBH gik man ind i koncertverdenen og sælger billetter via platforme hvor man lægger billetter til salg ude på eksterne platforme f.eks sponsorer og får dem til at sælge billetterne (lært af live nation). Når de sælger mest er prisen dobbelt så stor, så det er eventen der har stor betydning. Traditionen i spansk håndbold er ved at være gået død. Kulturen er bygget på interesse hvor f.eks folk kommer 20min inde i kampen og går 10min før hvis den ikke er interessant. Men sådan er det mange steder. I tyskland er der udsolgt stort set hver gang.

5.10: Jens tror ikke på at den danske kultur er at man hellere ved sidde derhjemme på trods af der er mange der har sagt det til ham. Da de ikke kunne fylde hallerne i Kolding, kiggede Jens i Flensburg hvor de godt kunne og der var også mange danskere som tilskuere så hans konklusion er at de ikke gør det godt nok herhjemme. Og i Brøndby kunne man godt fylde hallen. Der siges der ikke kan sælges årskort men KIF KK sælger 500 og i Tyskland sælges der 4000, i Kiel 6000 og nu har Jens sat sig et mål om at få solgt 2000.

7.07: De mangler svar på hvordan påvirkningen skal være for at tiltrække tilskuerne. De har før forsøgt med interviewform at få svar på spørgsmålet men folks svar var at det var ikke deres interesse eller de så ikke at annoncerne eller de synes at det er godt de er der bare de vinder.

8.10: De 2600 mennesker der er tilskuere i Kolding kommer ud af en befolkningskappe på 20.000 hvorimod de 4500 i Brøndby kommer fra hele Sjælland. Spørgsmålet er hvad er målgruppen. I Kbh er 57 % af tilskuerne kvinder, 45-50 åt og i Kolding er der flest mænd. Dette skyldes at i Kolding er det håndbolddedikeret tilskuere der er vant til at gå til håndbold der kender sporten hvorimod i Kbh er det et publikum der vælger håndbolden og oplevelsen i stedet for at gå i teateret.

8.40: Konkurrenterne i KBH er et bredt udbud af kultur, teater, opera og diverse andre sportsgrene. I Kolding konkurrere de imod Mongo Park og teater, Godset og andet sport. Det er også en slags konkurrence at folk vælger at blive hjemme og se kampene men Jens mener alligevel det er lidt modbevist fordi deres tilskuertal er stigende – 15% i 2013 og 20% i 2012.

9.18: det er arrangementet der er vigtigt og selve oplevelsen af at være i hallen og mærke stemningen og man kan ikke undvære at være der. Det er beskaffenhed af eventet der er det afgørende. Det har de først fundet ud af nu men tyskerne har vidst det i mange år. De ved ikke rigtigt hvad der skal gøres for det er de ikke dygtige nok til. Dette er et kæmpe vækst område som ville være tosset ikke at forsøge at gøre noget ved. Forskellen i indtjening på en semi finale, DM finale og Europa Cup kamp lå fra 30-150.000kr – noget kunne også skyldes hallerne var af forskellig størrelse. Det er nok vigtigt man tænker anderledes og gør tingene anderledes udfra hvad man historisk har gjort.


11.45: KIF KK laver en håndboldevent ala AG Kbh og det er en event der er dybt differentieret fra Jylland hvor der var halvtomme haller og skilte og de samme sad og klappede. I AG Kbh var der udsolgt og det var et show der kostede meget mere.

12.25: 4600 kommer til de fleste kampe i brøndbyhallen og der kan være 4800 i deres opsætning for at alle kan se, max 5000

13.18: Kasi Jesper viste for første gang i 30 år at man kunne trække folk til håndbold i kbh hvilket ikke har været muligt for andre klubber der i stedet har sagt KBH’ere var ikke interesseret i håndbold. Men det var fordi det ikke var interessant nok. Det er vigtigt at bryde med den traditionelle håndbold tænkning og det er det de er blevet bedre til i håndbold. At trække håndbolden helt væk fra performance delen i håndbold gør fans utilfredse men Jens siger hvis man skal kunne tiltrække den nye generation så skal du kigge på tilskuere.

14.40: I hamburg tiltrækker de mange til kampene fordi det er en byens kamp hvor de lukke gaderne af og sætte boder op fra morgenstunden så det bliver en event dag der afsluttes med en kamp og det tiltrækker 53.000 tilskuere (fodbold) på trods af at de ligger sidst i ligaen.

15.00: det er et spørgsmål om at have modet til at investere som Kasi Jesper gjorde. En event koster 300.000 (i KBH og 200.000 i Kolding) og mange af dem kan de køre på break even men der er også mange der giver underskud – kampens indtægter kan ikke klare det alene. Sponsorater er nødvendige. I nogle kampe kan de tjene mere end udgifterne i kampen, men salgene på dagen virker ikke. Der skal tænkes ud over det traditionelle og sådan som en interessent tænker. Nogen skal tænke marketing og ikke salg mens andre skal tænke oplevelser og ikke sport. De skal bevæge sig ind i en ny verden, sport som underholdningskultur, ellers kan de ikke overleve. det er et mega problem med den traditionelle opfattelse af at sporten er nok i sig selv for sådan er det ikke mere. Og det er generelt for alle klubber.

16.50: forskellen på fodbold og håndbolds popularitet er at fodbold har en meget større hitrate og et større marked fordi der er mange flere der selv spiller. Håndbold interessen i DK er stort pga mange har spillet det og der er mange traditioner forbundet, så det er en stor sport og marked i DK. Dette betyder dansk håndbold kun har sig selv at spejle sig i hvorimod dansk fodbold har de store internationale klubber. Og derfor skal håndbold selv gå forrest. En lille land har altid bevågenhed med en sport der klarer sig godt ude i verden. Uanset hvad sportsverdenen er, hvis man har en sport der kan klare sig på den internationale scene så følger medierne med og det bliver en stor sport derhjemme. Og det er det håndbold kan hvorimod dansk fodbold har svært ved det – der er også flere seere i dansk håndbold end i dansk fodbold.

18.50: forskellen er dog at fodboldtilskuerne vil gerne købe et TV kort for at se fordbold men det er der ingen håndboldtilskuere der vil og et er fordi håndboldtilskuere ikke kun er håndbold hardcore ligesom fodboldfans.

19.13: håndboldtilkueren er familien DK der tjener over 450.000 om året, far og mor, 2 børn, 2 biler og bor i eget hus. Det er KIF KK’s kernekunde og målgruppen de går efter. Men det er vigitg at have forretning med kundesammenfald for når man har det kan man sælge via deres platforme – dette har Jens lært af AG Kbh. Før det var det bare via diverse annoncer og det var den samme befolkningsgruppe de tiltræk hver gang.


20.15: ifølge Jens er problemet ikke at de ikke kan få folk i hallen for de har en 90% udnyttelse i begge haller. Problemet er at de ikke tjener penge på det og hvordan får de det. Hvordan kan de sælge 4000 årskort – dette er vigtigt for at løfte indtægten pr kamp.

21.20: ifølge Jens har prisen ikke noget med det at gøre fordi f.eks delte AG Kbh 30.000 gratisbilletter ud og der kom kun 5000 fordi der skal lægges værdi ind i det.

22.15: profilen på en typisk loyal tilskuer er en hardcore håndboldtilhænger som har været her i mange år. Som går ind for selve sporten hvorimod dem der kommer der engang imellem er dem der kommer periferisk fordi andre ting godt kan komme indover men det er der ikke noget der gør for de hardcore fans.

22.40: der er meget stor udskiftning i de loyale fans fordi når de unge kommer til så bliver de gamle sure. Der ligger 150-200 fans i den officielle fanklub ”den gyldne hånd” og det undrer Jens man ikke kan udvikle – der er flest i øst – men fanklubben i øst og vest snakker forbi hinanden så det fungere dårligt. Fanbattle er okay – det har de også i flensburg fordi klubben er historisk lagt sammen og de 2 fangrupper kan ikke lide hinanden men de er enige om at holdet skal vinde. Men i KIF KK vil de gerne gå fra dem og os til ”VI”.

24.10: den nye fangruppe YOUNGSTERS er oprettet af fans fordi de ”gamle” og de ”unge” er rygende uvenner. Jens har tiltro til den nye fangruppe fordi han mener det kan skabe noget energi ind i klubben.

24.57: 300 sponsorer og de optager 1200 pladser i hallen

25.25: positionering - der skal laves en benchmark analyse som de heller ikke er så gode til at lave men den nye bestyrelse har bestemt at de skal prøve at kigge på hvad gør andre. der er stigning i billetindtægter men ikke nok i forhold til potentialet. Ifølge Jens havde AG Kbh næste altid udsolgt fordi de gav så mange billetter væk.

27.05: Jens vil positionere KIF KK på det musik ikke kan. Musikevent kommer med for få mellem og har ingen fast ungdomsafdeling og ikke noget fast i forhold til enkelte aktører hvorimod KIF KK har aktører der kommer hver uge og træner. Tilskuere kan udleve sig igennem KIF KK og deres fankultur. Fritimen der er ved at komme ind i en hal hvor mænd med slips i hverdagen kan gå amok og have lov til det uden at nogen siger noget til det – det er det de kan. Og spændingsmomentet der ligger i hvorvidt man får succes eller en skuffelse i løbet af 60min det er også det de kan. Og det får man ikke så mange andre steder. Man får jo ikke en spænding ved om nogen spiller godt eller spiller dårligt musik og hvad anmelderne skriver bagefter. Men et result af kampen den er der med det samme. Og det er en succesoplevelse der gør noget ved dig selv når du går ud til bilen efter en vundet kamp. Der er kæmpe forskel på hvordan folk går når man har vundet en kamp og hvordan de går når de har tabt. Støjniveauet er lavere efter en tabt kamp end efter en vundet. Dette beviser det gør noget ved folk. Det er fritimen der skal slåes på, hvor alle er ens og sporten er fællesnævneren. Mange af dem der sidder i deres skybokse vil ned og sidde blandt tilskuerne fordi de så kan leve sig med i spillet. Det er her de løsner op. Men spørgsmålet er om folk er bevidste om det og om de vil indrømme det fordi vi lever i en tid hvor hvis man holder med et lokal hold så bliver man kaldt tosset men det er begyndt at udjævne sig lidt igen hvor det er blevet tilladt at holde med en klub.


30.30: på udebane kan du få 700 mand til at gå i hvide trøjer (KIF KK farver) men det kan du ikke gøre på hjemmebane. Når de kører fælles afsted ud imod en fremmed fjende som skal slåes på deres hjemmebane så er alle ens.

32.00: hvorfor blev det til KIF KK? Jens kunne se der var et marked der gik tabt samt en jagt på sponsorer. Da AG KBH gik konkurs kontaktede Jens nogle af sponsorerne fordi de havde været hos KIF før. Sponsorerne var ikke helt interesseret fordi for dem ville KIF altid være et lokalt brand – maksimalt et brand for trekantsområdet. Hvorimod AG KBH havde formået at skabe et nationalt brand. Et eksempelt var også en hovedsponsor i Køge hvor personalet synes det var direkte åndsvagt at være sponsor for et hold i Kolding for hvorfor skulle de tage til Kolding og derfor måtte sponsoratet opgives. Årsagen til en klub kan blive stor og international er PENGE og de er i KBH. Vækstpotentialet er i KBH. Indenfor 40km radius er der et potentiale på 2,5 mio mens i Kolding er det på 300.000. nord for randers til syd for åbenrå er der 1,2 mio. Jens’ sportslige ambition er at komme ud og slå Kiel og for at det kan lykkedes skal der penge til og de skal komme fra Kbh. Og det var en stor grund til hvorfor Jens startede KIF KK. ”Hvis du ikke kan få pengene til begivenheden så må du få begivenheden til pengene”. Det der kunne sælges for AG Kbh kunne ikke sælges i Kolding fordi det var en begivenhed man købte.

40.40: største indtjening kommer fra sponsorerne suverænt – 85% sponsorer og 15% ”andet”. Merchandise og billetter er under 10% og det er også derfor Jens ser et vækstpotentiale her. I fodbold er TV og tilskuere 40 % af indtjeningen og sponsorater 60%. Hvorimod hos KIF KK er det 80/20 pga et stigende antal tilskuere. De har et budget på 40mio og 34 af dem er sponsorrelateret indtægt og 6-7 er ”andet” f.eks merchandise. Vækst i tilskuer har en begrænsning fordi der er et maks antal der kan være i en arena. Da KIF blev til KIF KK kunne kampsponsorater sælges for 25.000 derved kunne de få lov at dele flyers ud og sætte skilte op – det kunne der ikke sælges for i Kolding. Boldsponsorater kan sælges for 10.000 og det betød sponsoren kunne få lov at til at gå ind med bolden i det store show. ”Klapperpap” har en sponsorindtægt på 300.000. Eventen er udviklet og sponsoratet er blevet aktiveret. Jyder har mentaliteten der hedder man skal ikke tro man er noget (Janteloven) hvorimod i Kbh tør man godt at gå forrest. Meningen om det nye KIF KK er meget splittet – nogle synes det er genialt og andre skørt.

44.00: den nye tv aftale er en 10 del af hvad den gamle var. På den gamle aftale fik man 1mio pr hold pr sæson (TV2 og DR1). Den nye aftale giver 100.000 pr hold pr. Sæson. Det indeholder præcist det samme men det var dårligt solgt i denne omgang. Nu har de heldigvis hævet den til 300.000 pr hold. Fra 2007-2011 var den på 1 mio, den nye skulle gå fra 2012 til 2014/15 men i og med den er forhøjet til 300,000 går den nu til 2020. De er 29 gange i TV på en sæson og Vejle i først divisions fodbold får 3,5 mio!! Det ændrer heller ikke at man kommer på international plan for der er ikke andre der betaler for det og der intet vækstmarked. Der er ikke noget at sælge en spiller på. 1 ud af 20 gange kan du få penge for ham. Problemet ligger i at det er ikke alle andre TV kanaler i Europa der gider at vise håndbold. Alle klubber får det samme antal TV penge uanset hvor meget man er i TV! Ved at vinde Champions League kan man tjene 5mio DKK. For at deltage og komme videre fra gruppespillet kan der tjenes omtrænt 1 mio. I alt fordi der er flere kampe, flere tilskuere og større sponsorer. En hovedsponsor i CL giver 15mio og i fodbold er det bare 80mio for at deltage.

47.18: markedet i håndbold er et lille et og en semi sport. Den eksisterer ikke i de engelsk talene lande hvilket er en af de største hemsko i forhold til at få globale sponsorer. Det skal man huske på

93 når man taler om håndbold og det er der mange jyder der har svært ved at forstå fordi det er en verdenssport i Jylland. Det betyder der er en maks grænse i forhold til at vækste. Hvis Kiel kan have en omsætning på 70 mio. mener Jens KIF KK kan have en på 35mio. maks. I tyskland er håndbold en landsbysport hvorimod fodbold er en global sport.

48.50: hvilke tilskuersegmenter tjenes der mest på? Det er ham der køber i døren fordi han giver fuld pris - sæsonkortholdere får jo rabat.

49.48: hvad koster det at tiltrække ny tilskuere? Kender ikke tallet, og har endnu ikke lavet en beregning i forhold til om det skal være radio, direct mail og hvor meget manpower det kræver. Kan det betale sig at ansætte 2 personer der kun fokusere på merchandise og årskort. Jens har aldrig lavet en beregning på forskellen på at tiltrække nye og tiltrække eksisterende tilskuere men Jens tror det er vigtigere at ligge penge i eventet fremfor annonceringen. I AG Kbh var det investeringen i eventet der tiltrak tilskuere og ikke annonceringen.

50.50: Priser: KIF KK er blandt de dyreste og det har de altid været. Der har aldrig været gratis adgang. Prisen for finalebilletter synes mange (især andre klubber) er tosset, 250kr, men det er de ligeglade med og de sælges jo alligevel. Og de vil ikke forære noget væk – ”det de forære væk gider andre heller ikke at bruge til på”..

51.40: sponsorudgifter i forhold til sponsorindtægter: på de største sponsorater er tilbagebetalingen på 36% og det er pga hospitality omkostninger såsom mad og vin ved sponsoreventsene der er ved hver kamp. Hvorimod en der bare køber annoncering til kampene er dem de tjener mest på. VIP arrangementer er der for at blive og de holder en hvis standard. Derudover har de netværksmøder hver 3. Uge hver anden gang i øst og hver anden gang i vest. Til netværksmøderne er der ikke noget der hedder børn og håndbold det er ren business. Der er ca 80-100 personer der medvirker i disse møder. Det er succesfuldt og der er sågar en i Kolding der har formået at starte en forretning på baggrund af indholdet i møderne.

53.35: Sæsonkortholdere: de har mellem 5-800 lige nu hvilket er alt for lidt og et indsatsområde der er fokus på. Det skal stige til 2000 indenfor de næste 2 år. Det er en god forretning. Der er mindre tjent på årskort men årskort giver en likviditet up front som KIF KK er afhængige af og så er man sikker på de kommer hvorimod ham der køber billetten i døren er man ikke sikker på kommer næste gang. Dermed sagt der er mere sikkerhed i det for klubben. Der er en deadline på årskort den 1/7. Det kan ikke betale sig at købe når sæsonnen går i gang. De sælger også halvårskort men også her skal de være bedre – der arbejdes ikke målrettet med en løsning. De vil i gang med at udvikle en form for nyhedsbrev til årskortholdere så disse kan føle de får noget ekstra og føle sig informativt underholdt og tættere på KIF KK. Lodtrækningen til CL og andre internationale kampe er vigtige fordi udfaldet bestemme hvor mange der kan trækkes i hallen. Men de almindelige kampe skal også være interessante nok for en sponsor at komme til pga. netværket.

58:00: Største muligheder og trusler: innovation eller mangel på samme det er både den største trussel og mulighed. Og så at håndtere markedet i forhold til op og nedture i økonomi, at kunne tilpasse sig. Håndboldklubberne er dybt afhængige af konjunkture fordi det er det der vælges først fra og sidst til idet de er ikke et behovs produkt – både for tilskuere og sponsorer. ROI er vigtigt for sponsorerne. Kommunikation skal de også være bedre til f.eks. at fortælle dig omkring succeser.

1.01.00: TV breaks. DHF forhandler TV aftalerne. Firkanten nederst i skærmen burde man bruge.

94 Appendix 4: Notes from interview with Jens Petersen,

Jens og to kammerater startede for 5-6 år siden lidt for sjovt, men da de begyndte at tjene penge på det var det svært at give slip igen selvom de havde almindelige jobs ved siden af. Oprindeligt blev siden startet fordi de alle har en sports interesse og håndbold interesse – har de altid haft – og sidenhen er det så blev en forretning. Indtjeningen kommer fra reklamer og en online shop. Journaliststuderende er skribenter for samt folk der bare er håndboldinteresseret og synes det er sjovt at interviewe en håndboldtræner i ny og næ – i alt er der omkring 20 skribenter. Nogle får udbetalt lidt løn og bruge det som studiejob.

1.40: Jens følger udviklingen på håndbold markedet både af forretningsmæssige årsager men også personlige årsager. Der udsendes rapport fra DHF om vurderinger af tilskuerudviklingen sammen med de enkelte klubbers regnskaber, som de kigger på.

3.20: tilskuerudviklingen over de seneste 5 år. Tilskueretallene er ofte baseret på hvilke tilskuertal der er i ligaen og der kan små ting have stor effekt f.eks. da GOG blev tvangnedrykket faldt tilskuertallet idet de trak mange tilskuere men det gjorde klubben de blev erstattet af ikke. Det samme med AGK da de gik konkurs, så selvom KIF KK trækker mange spillere er det ikke så mange som AGK gjorde. Og at AGK gik ind og lavede en kamp med 20.000 tilskuere så betyder det jo noget for gennemsnittet. Jens er overbevist om at klubberne under liga niveau f.eks. 1. Division ser de en stigende interesse. Desuden når der kommer en klub som AGK så kommer der en modreaktion fordi de får trukket en masse til håndbold som gerne vil følge dem men modreaktionen kommer fra de hard core fans der synes at så kommer alle de nye der intet ved om håndbold og derfor tager disse så ud til flere kampe.

6.20: mange mener sjælen er blevet hevet ud af kolding med det nye projekt KIF KK. Det er især set på’s chatside hvor dengang AGK eksisterede handlede 50% af det om dem hvoraf det var halv halv om folk var for eller imod AGK. Da AGK gik ned var der så en masse der jublede og hoverede og sagde ”se selv det kunne ikke lade sig gøre” og da kolding så blev til KIF KK var der mange reaktioner på det og det delte vandene. Og især fordi der altid har eksisteret en rivalisering mellem Jylland og Sjælland og nu skal de forenes. Meget generaliserende så er København nok det eneste håndboldtilhængere ikke kan identifisere sig med.

7.55: AGK formåede at få folk med udover den i nærmiljøet og det er der meget få der kan idet de fleste holder med det lokale hold. En af de helt store grunde til at folk holde med det lokale hold er pga. eksponeringen er så dårlig i håndbold, men god i fodbold. AGK var havde mange eksponerede kampe og deres team manager Kasi Jesper var ofte interviewet, så der blev meget snakket om dem. På et tidspunkt var de den sportsklub i danmark der var omtalt 3. Mest i medierne efter FCK og Brøndby (fodboldklubber). Det gjorde også de oplevede en efterspørgsel på merchandise i Jylland hvilket ingen andre håndboldklubber oplevede.

9.40: Som håndboldklub er det vigtigt at have stjerne men også at kunne sætte dem i scene hvilke Kasi-Jesper kunne bedre end nogen anden især fordi rent håndboldmæssigt er der ikke noget der peger i retning af at joachim Boldsen, Kasper Hvidt og Lars Jørgensen (3 spillere der blev flyttet med over i det nye KIF KK) de ikke længere er verdenseliten selvom de stadig er meget dygtige. Der er mange der har tilnærmelsesvis samme niveau som dem men de andre klubber formår ikke at sætte dem i scene. Man burde bruge spillerne mere offensivt. Landsholdspillerne især dem der spillede i 2008 under opturen er effektive fordi alle ved hvem de er og det er det Jens tror var hvad

95 Kasi Jesper så som potentiale. Kasper Hvidt og Joachim Boldsen kan få Hr og Fr Danmark med, men det kræver også noget af dem og deres profiler at de sørger for at være i medierne. Kasper Hvidt kommer med en masse udtalelser der tit debateres og huskes mens Joachim Boldsen deltager i reality programmer såsom Stjernerne på Slottet og Vild med Dans.

12.30: I takt med at herrehåndbold er blevet mere populært er kvindehåndbold faldet i popularitet. Og de kurver er meget ens med landsholdets succes. Det viser lidt i forhold til at have de landsholdstjerner der kan profilere holdet og som Hr og Fru Danmark kender har en afgørende betydning.

13.25: forskellen på at se herre og dame håndbold. Jens er overbevist om at det er forskelligt publikum man tiltrækker på herre og kvinde håndbold. Især de fysiske forudsætninger gør en forskel. Det betyder ikke at kvindehåndbold ikke er interessant at se på men det betyder det appellere til noget andet. Kvindeholdbold er langt mindre fysisk hvilket også ses på de hard core fans. Der er en mentalitets forskel – I kvindehåndbold (f.eks. Viborg) hepper de og bruger klappap mv. Mens i mandehåndbold (f.eks Bjerringbro) råber de og sviner dommerne til. I hard core herrehåndbold fans går aldrig til kvindehåndbold og omvendt. Men der er også en stor masse som applerer til begge. Da interessen for kvindelandsholdet eksploderede havde man jo også og som begge var stærke personligheder. Herrelandsholdet havde Kasper Hvidt og Joachim Boldsen og så kom som mediemæssigt ikke er den store profil som bare er verdens bedste og det er også noget folk kan relatere til og forstå og så behøver han ikke nødvendigvis at sige så meget men han har meget karisma og kan se vild ud, så folk ved hvem han er. Jens tror det er meget afgørende. Men en ting der skal være på plads er grundkvaliteten der bliver lavet af landsholdene, hvis de ligger i bund i performance gider man ik se det.

17.16: hvorfor følger mange med når landsholdene spiller i forhold til ligaen. Succes tiltrækker folk og man vil gerne være en del af en success. Og det var der Kasi Jesper var i stand til at appelere til. At være en del af en vinderkultur og en vinder mentalitet men det er nok noget folk underbevidst bliver fanget af. Der er meget jysk kultur og mentalitet over herrehåndbold som ses i den jyske beskedenhed. F.eks. havde Jan Larsen, team manager i Aalborg, svært ved at udtrykke deres ambition om at vinde DM guld i 2013. Hvlket kan gøre det lidt kedeligt. Tilgengæld er der en tendens af nye trænere der kan ændre det lidt og give en bedre appel og pondus samt hjælpe til at skabe en scene og drama f.eks er der en træner der næsten sætter det op som en krig. Der er ikke rigtigt blevet spillet på drama og rivaliseringer blandt de danske klubber som ligger forholdsvis tæt på hinanden.

21.40: kan rivaliseringer hjælpe med at tiltrække tilskuere: ja hvis man bygger det rigtigt op. TMS Tønder har de selv i en 2. Divisionskamp en fyldt hal. De bruger en djævel som maskot. De starter med at lyset er slukket hvorefter der kommer lysshow og røgmaskiner og dyster musik hvorefter maskotten kommer ind. Det er ikke specielt godt lavet men det får en stemning i gang. De kan tiltrække fordi der er en lokal forankring og de formår at skabe et show omkring det og vise tilskuerne de er en del af det og kalder sig selv ”et helvede i syd” og når man kommer derned skal man bare have det hedt. De har skabt en historie i den måde de sælger produktet på og de slår på følelserne omkring lokal forankring, sammenhold, fællesskab og det at være en del af noget større som kan gøre en forskel. Man kan ramme noget i maven hos folk.

23.02: hvad skal tiltrække? Kasi Jesper gik lidt for langt i forhold til hvor pop det blev. Men det handler ikke om et tiltag men en lang og målrettet indsats. Der skal spilles ordentligt håndbold og

96 noget folk kan lidt at se idet det må være grundydelse i dette produkt. Dette skal man kombinere med profiler og hvis man ikke har profilerne må man forsøge at lave dem. Det må være muligt at gå ind på et hvert hold i herreligaen og trække 3 spillere ud man kan profilere og gøre interessant vha den rigtige kommunikation. Bed profilerne være lidt på kant og skabe nogle overskrifter, skille sig lidt ud og lad dem drille hinanden lidt. Derudover er det vigtigt at italesætte hvor vigtige fansene er, det var noget Kasi Jesper var god til. Hvis man ikke giver tilskuerne en værdi og spillerne kommer ned efter kampen og giver hånd for det skaber en sammenholdsfølelse og tilskuerne føler spillerne har brug for dem. Tror ikke på gimmicks virker. I tyskland er eventet fokuseret på hovedproduktet – håndbold – men der er også gak og gøgl. Folk i tyskland er håndbold passioneret og ved meget om håndbold det er ikke bare lige ud og se og så hjem igen – de er dedikeret. Der er en større håndbold kultur i Tyskland. I tyskland formår de at sige at håndbold er hovedproduktet men de formår at iscenesætte det og spillerne samt få taletid i medierne. Håndbold er også 2. Mest populære sport i Tyskland. De har større kapaciteter i Tyskland men der er stadig et forbedringspotentiale i Danmark på tilskuerrækkerne.

30.00: er priserne vigtige? Nej det tror Jens ik. Hvis man sænkede priserne ville det være en kortsigtet effekt men der skal andet til. Hvis det var gratis ville folk nok komme strømmende til fordi det forstår folk men alligevel virkede det ikke helt for Kasi Jesper. I snit koster det 100-170kr at komme til kamp – prisen er rimelig og det samme til fodbold. De fleste ville nok sige det var en fair pris for 2-3 timers underholdning. Man kunne måske give rabat til familier så børnene kan komme med for det løber hurtigt op med 2 voksne og 2 børn. Men den individuelle pris er fin nok. Fornemmelsen er heller ikke at der bliver solgt særlig mange sæsonkort. Der mangler også en grundydelse, at komme ud i en hal der er gang i den i stedet for en halv tom hal. Hvis man kunne få solgt nogle sæsonkort så man vidste man havde nogle folk der kunne skabe stemning hver gang.

33.10: hvorfor vil folk hellere sidde hjemme og se håndbold i TV. Det er blevet nemmere at blive hjemme pga eksponeringen og tilgængeligheden. Viasat sport har taget tysk håndbold ind og der bliver også vist lidt fra den franske liga. Det er en konkurrence for klubberne. Og der skal mere og mere til for at få folk væk. Kender ikke udviklingen men vil formode at flere og flere vælger at se det derhjemme i takt med tilgængeligheden. Det hjælper at håndbold lige nu har et ”fyrtårn” i form af landsholdet. Der er også nogen der bare er sports interesseret generelt. TV aftalerne er rigtig dårlige og TV2 lavede en kontrakt på 3-5år hvorefter de var ude at sige at de slet ikke fik nok ud af det. De havde ellers sat det op med 2 kampe hver lørdag og bygget studie op mv og gjorde meget for at få det eksponeret men de fik ingen seere på det. Og det fik priserne for håndboldrettighederne til at dale. Klubberne har brug for de penge men det er svært at opretholde priserne. Der debateres også om TV2 ikke har forpligtelser til at forsøge at sælge produktet nu hvor de har købt det i stedet for at have en ide om at det sælger sig selv.

37.00: Det er svært at overbevise klubberne om hvor vigtig eksponeringen er. F.eks tog det år at overbevise klubberne om at de ville hjælpe med at eksponere dem og at de ikke var en konkurrent. F.eks var der klubber i starten der sagde de ikke måtte kopiere deres pressemeddelser. Det er desværre stadig tendensen i nogle klubber men er ude til at alle klubber og be om telefonnumre på trænere og spillere samt billeder for bedre at kunne dække dem men det er der stadig nogen der siger nej til og i stedet må bruge gamle billeder hvor der er tidligere sponsorer på spillertrøjerne og det er klubberne ligeglade med. De er ikke interesseret i de kontakter spillerne for de skal ikke forstyrres selvom det ikke er’s interessere at forstyrre spillerne dag og nat. Klubberne burde være bedre til at iscenesætte profilerne men de ved ikke det er vigtigt. De skal eksponere sig som de store internationale fodboldklubber hvor branded

97 er vigtigt.

42.00: hovedtingene i udviklingen af tilskuere. Hovedårsagen er nok landsholdet og at flere af deres spillere er at finde i den danske liga. Og det hjælper når de spillere er med på landsholdet og ovenikøbet gør det godt idet folk så bider mærke i dem og medierne gør dem til ”darlings” eller nogen der har overpræsteret. Det kan også ses på og folk skal lige ud og se en af spillerne spille hvilket tiltrækker i de lokale klubber. Når f.eks BSV rejser rundt så har de en profil med som de lokale også gerne vil se. Deet er det eneste tidspunkt håndboldlandsholdet kan brage ud rent mediemæssigt og blive eksponeret end alt andet sport. Slutrunderne i håndbold ligger godt idet de ligger når superligaen ikke kører (vintermånederne). Det er mere interessant at se landsholdet end liga holdene fordi man kender profilerne. Men som ikke håndbold interesseret er fordi du kan se det i TV og det er tilgængeligt hvorimod hvis du vil være fan af et liga hold er du nødt til at gå ned i hallen og se dem. Det andet er vinderkulturen/mentalitet og være en del af et hold der vinder samt støtte op om national holdet – vinderkulturen kunne man også få med et ligahold men de er bare ikke ligeså eksponeret. Udviklingen er meget påvirket af AGK idet når de kom på besøg hos nogen ville folk gerne ind og se håndbold pga dem hvilket påvirkede tilskuertallet og højest sandsynligt derfor der har været et drop i antallet efter AGK lukkede ned. KIF KK er de eneste der er gået frem i antallet hvilket nok skyldes de har overtaget noget af AGK og fået bedre arena og faciliteter også med plads til flere i Brøndbyhallen. Forskellen ved de andre er at AGK ikke kommer på besøg mere. AGK var er hadeobjekt og alle klubberne hadede dem og det samme med fansene og det skabte rivaliseringerne. Der var en klub der turde at skille sig ud og sige vi ville være de bedste og ikke bare underkue sig den jyske beskedenhed. Og det virker når et hold stiller sig op på TV og siger dette for så får fansene lyst til at komme ud og råbe af dem. Der kommer jantelov op i den. Og KIF KK kan godt skabe rivaliseringer for det er nemt at pege på andre at sige alt hvad de gør er dumt. AGK var alt det de jyske fans ikke kunne lide: fremme i skoene, hentede stjerne og kæftede op. Og nu hvor de er væk er det KIF KK der har overtaget denne position. KIF KK kan skabe debat og opmærksomhed. Eksponering er vigtigt. Kasi Jesper kunne noget som ingen andre kunne og han fik meget taletid i medierne og det skabte opmærksomhed omkring dem.

51.45: som håndboldklub er man nødt til at være lidt progressiv. En klub lavede et tiltag hvor de programsatte en kamp lørdag aften hvor de spillede fra 19-21 og derefter blev der hevet fadølsanlæg ind, spillerne gik i bad og derefter mødtes man til en sluder og øl på banen. Det fungerede rigtig godt. Spillerne blev sat i scene og man fik skabt en relation mellem spillerne og fansene. Man fik indikeret overfor fansene at man var glad for de gad at bruge tid og penge på klubben. Man lavede også billige busrejser til udekampene for fansene. Historien er vigtigt – rivaliseringen osv.

56.55: økonomien er også vigtig og man skal kigge på langsigtede investeringer frem for fra gang til gang beregninger. Og måske er klubberne ikke visionære nok til at få skabt den kamp der koster lidt mere men som gør folk kommer i hallen og får oplevet håndboldstemningen. Klubberne er bange for at tabe penge.

58.00: klubberne burde gå sammen og skabe synergy. Det er blevet gjort i Boxen og der er kommet 15-20.000 tilskuere til de arrangementer men klubberne tjener ikke penge på det men det gør de i det lange løb og det giver en eksponering fordi det er mere interessant at vise kampe med 15.000 tilskuere.

98 Appendix 5: Questionnaire layout

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110 Appendix 6: Commentbox from questionnaire

Favorite Comment No. team Jeg synes at fanklubberne skal have mere støtte, så de har råd til at være mere synlige. KIF KK 1 Denne synlighed er til gavn for både spillerne, sponsorerne og klubben. Jeg har været med til starte Mors-Thy Håndbolds nye officielle fanklub op. Den hedder 'bette Balkan' og jeg sidder i bestyrelsen. Vi får stor ros af Ulrik Wilbek, bl.a. i pausen af DM-semifinalen. Tror klippet kan findes på Youtube. Vi arbejder på at folk får bedre oplevelser af at komme til håndbold. Vi har bl.a. bestilt 600 flag, 20 store flag, masser af halstørklæder, caps osv. for at skabe masser af liv og farve til Mors-Thy Håndbolds kampe. Mange af de andre ligaklubber er misundelige på Mors-Thy Håndbold over den opbakning som de får. I den første kamp i denne sæson, spillede vi ude mod Skanderborg. Der var ca. 400 tilskuere i alt. De 150-200 af dem kom for at støtte Mors-Thy Håndbold. Opbakningen er vokset enormt pga. sidste års succes i slutspillet. I 'bette Balkan' arbejder vi på at videreføre succesen til denne sæson. Vi har ikke forventninger om at vi får en ligeså god sæson igen foreløbig, men vi håber, og det vigtigt for os spillerne får maksimal opbakning til alle kampe, også efter vi 2 har tabt 7 kampe i træk. I tyskland findes der en fankultur, som stort set kun ses i Skjern. Det ville få mig til fx at tage i hallen i Aarhus, hvor jeg bor ca 900 meter fra hallen. Skjern H. 3 Men der er ikke megen sjov ved at se et hold, hvor der ikke er rigtige fans... Sørg for gult hjørne de skaber stemningen og er med til at skabe det bedste 4 publikum og hjælper spillerne. skal have det gamle liv tilbage i hallen. GOG Jeg skrev at jeg i sidste sæson ikke havde set nogen af mit favorithold o.lign. live, men jeg har fulgt alt med mit favorithold via TV, men jeg var i Kolding den 12.8.13 til præsentationskampen mellem Kolding og Kiel - og WOW - hvilke kæmpe stor oplevelse jeg fik der. Det var helt fantastisk endelig at KIF KK overvære en håndboldkamp live og endnu bedre, så det sæde jeg havde bestilt viste sig at være direkte bag håndboldspillerne, og så efter kampen, hvor jeg hilste på flere af spillerne. Sejt - og det er ikke sidste gang jeg skal til Koldings 5 kampe - det er helt sikkert. Jeg er personligt træt af, at mit favoritholds (KIF København) hjemmekampe i Brøndby irriterer mig og generer mig, da der konstant er højt musik i højtalerne 6 i hallen. Jeg køber ikke billetter til håndbold, for at komme til koncert. KIF KK Vil bare pointere, at KIF gør det godt og det er en fornøjelse hver eneste gang at komme i Tre For Arena og opleve stemningen fra publikum og ikke mindst fra fanklubben "Den gyldne hånd". De gør et stort stykke arbejde for at hjælpe KIF KK 7 spillerne igennem både gode og dårlige/nemme og svære kampe!

111 Husk altid at pakke håndboldkampene ind i sjove og underholdende events, begivenheder, konkurrencer, shows, koncerter mm., for at give hr. og fru danmark noget ud over det sædvanlige.

Billetpriserne skal ikke stige mere end at hr. og fru danmark har råd til at tage KIF KK deres børn med til kamp uden at det kostede dem en hel 1000 kr. for en almindelig ligakamp.

Vigtigt at der afholdes specielle events for sponsorer, for at danne relationer og skabe tæt sammenhold mellem dem. Under håndboldkampen får man ikke talt 8 sammen. Håndboldsporten har generelt brug for mere event & underholdning. Det tror 9 jeg vil kunne trække tilskuerne i håndboldhallerne. TTH 10 flere cheerleadere 11 Sørg for at lave kampprogrammer til alle kampe! GOG Der mangler storskærm med langsomme gengivelser til publikum i ALLE haller. Disse skal naturligvis placeres så bænkene og dommeren ikke kan se dem.

Det skal være lovligt for spillere og trænere at appellere til publikum. TTH Dommerne skal lade være med at lade sig provokere af opildnede spillere, det er pinligt.

Der skal indføres karantænestraffe for skuespil, og de skal kunne gives på 12 efterbevilling ved videogennemsyn. 13 De skulle undersøge om det er tilladt at arbejde i det støjniveau. KIF KK Det er fint og en fest og spændende når man bliver inviteret til at se en kamp, 14 men det slår ikke Fodbold i underholdningsværdi KIF KK Der bør generelt være mere underholdning omkring kampene,.. Dog ikke på AGk niveaut, men noget der trækker folk i hallen og føler de har fået lidt mere end bare en håndboldkamp.. TTH Også vigtigt at der sker noget omkring kampene ved de lidt mere 15 "betydningsløse" kampe... Synes generelt at der er for meget fokus lys og lyd ved håndbold kampe. Som tilskuer bør man næsten få udleveret ørepropper ved indgangen, da larmen (musik) ved kampe ikke ville kunne godkendes at Arbejdstilsynet. Forstå slet GOG 16 ikke at der må arbejdes under de forhold. Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at der blev lidt flere ting før, under og efter kampen. Fx. Var jeg i kiel og se aalborg mod kiel og der kedede man sig ikke med alle 17 de ting der skete :) Desværre synes jeg at håndbold kampe efterhånden er blevet for meget show.

Det er nok min alder der gør det. Men jeg synes ikke om den høje larmende musik så snart der er er afbrydelse i spillet. Ved tim/out og hver gang der er GOG scoret. Jeg vil opfordre GOG hvis der er mulighed rent økonomisk at få udbygget tilskuerkapasiteten. Gerne på langsiderne. Gider ikke sidde bag mål. 18 Bliver væk hvis der kun er billetter tilovers der. Publikum skal involveres mere i jeres hjemmekampe. Musikken efter et mål 19 skal komme senere så BSV Support kan nå at råbe den scorende spillers navn. BSV

112 Jeg kan nok betragtes som en rimelig fanatisk tilhænger og mit engagement i sporten bygger udelukkende på at støtte mit favorithold. Jeg ved ikke hvor repræsentativ jeg er for den almindelige håndboldtilskuer. Set fra min vinkel er den tivolisering af håndbolden, som f.eks. AG København stod for, nedbrydende for respekten for ligaen. Jeg kommer ikke i hallen for at høre dårlig schlagermusik i 120 minutter, kaste med risposer eller andet gøgl. Jeg kommer for at leve mig ind i kampen, et miniunivers, hvor der er klare venner TTH og fjender modsat den gråtonede hverdag. Når ligaklubberne i stigende grad forsøger sig med gøgl, tager det fokus fra håndbolden og levner ikke plads til tilskuerne, der bliver reduceret til klappedyr på sidelinjen. Jeg tror håndbolden med fordel kan tage ved lære af fodbolden. Og skal der gøgles, så skal det være af høj kvalitet. Livemusik i pausen med kendte navne - eller hvad med Den 20 Kongelige Ballet? Mine besvarelser kan undre nogen. Jeg har i rigtig mange år fulgt håndbolden i Fredericia meget tæt, helt tilbage fra halvfjerdserne og har derfor også gæstet haller overalt i Danmark, hvilket er begrundelse for, at have lidt kendskab til dem der er omkring Ribe.

Min interesse for bold i dag, ligger hos Vejle håndbold og som følge deraf, er det den klub, jeg af og til følger på udebaner også.

generelt, oplever jeg, at der er blevet alt for meget gøgl omkring en kamp, jeg har blot et ønske om at se kampen, derudover, er det blevet pengene, der styre 21 klubber/spiller der er for meget larm. lir, show og tivoli/cirkus ved afviklingen af kampene og 22 lydniveauet er for højt (LARM) 23 Vis det noget mere i TV! Intensiver TV-dækningen på såvel kampe som baggrundstof (spillerskifte, 24 klubsuccesser, tilskuer/fans etc.) Få tv-kanalerne til at vise flere hold, så man ikke altid skal se de samme 3-4 25 hold.. GOG 26 Større dækning fra alle kampe i tv. ikke nødvendigvis hele kampe. Brug hjemmesider(ligesomm kanalsport) til at vise kampe af håndbold der ikke 27 bliver vist i tv i forvejen GOG Jeg synes vi i Danmark skal have mere fokus på, hvordan vi dækker håndboldsporten. man skal i pressen arbejde meget med få dækket ungdoms håndbold, for da det er der hvor arbejdet for vores liga bliver udarbejdet. Det er Skjern H. vigtig at man opfordre unge mennesker ind i håndbold, for antallet af spillere er 28 på vej tilbage, så der skal nok findes en løsning. 29 Sænk prisen hvis i vil fylde hallerne. 30 lavere priser til kampene ville få flere børne familier i hallen GOG Tror man kan tiltrække flere tilskuere til hallerne ved at sænke entre priser - eller lave hjemmeboende børn gratis, så det kun er forældrene, der skal betale GOG 31 entre - så har man råd til at tage af sted som familie gogs sæson kort er alt for dyrer i forhold til hvad det kostede sidse år - dette kan 32 evt. få mig til at fravælge dette til næste sæson. GOG Lidt mere kontakt med spillerne. Evt lidt billigere øl,vand, mad i nogle af 33 hallerne. evt lidt underholdning før kampene BSV Billige billetter, og forskellige fanklubber samt støtte til disse vil få folk i 34 hallen. Prisen på sæsonkort er alt for høje og billet priserne er strammet det de kan og 35 må være... BSV

113 Uheldigt at håndbold er en jydsk sportsgren. Håber at der kommer holdmed fra hele landet. Desværre går det den modsatte vej, flere hold kommer til i Jylland, hvor de lokale samfund hjælper deres håndboldklubber, se bare "lille Balkan" 36 og andre. DHF skal blive mere proffessionel.

Måske 2 færre hold i ligaen. KIF KK

37 Måske mødes 3 gange i stedet for 2... Jeg har fulgt håndbold intenst siden jeg var 10 år gammel - nu er jeg 58. Jeg har nok set KIF Kolding spille omkring 500-600 hjemmekampe i alle årenes løb - plus en masse udekampe. Jeg har været rundt i ti lande i Europa og set holdet spille Europa Cup. Så jo - jeg er temmelig hard core fan. Skal KIF spille en finale eller en anden vigtig kamp og er jeg inviteret til familiefest samtidig - så KIF KK er det håndboldkampen jeg vælger!

Derudover har jeg også været til flere landskampe - og til EM-slutrunden i Serbien i januar 2012, så landsholdet følger jeg også med i. Heldigvis er min 38 hustru næsten lige så håndboldtosset som jeg, så vi deler interessen. Ud fra et menneskeligt synspunkt finder jeg det meget usportsligt og føler mig utilpas hvis tilskuerne pifter af modspillerne. Jeg kommer for at se god bold og kan godt se hvis de andre også laver noget godt. Kan godt finde på at klappe af KIF KK 39 et fantastisk mål som modpart laver. Det er dejligt at håndboldspillere er så meget nede på jorden i forhold til andre 40 sportsfolk jeg har mødt. KIF KK Gør mere ud af fordelen ved at være med i en supporter klub KIF KK 41 Fællesskab For mig er det en nydelse at være med omkring Herrehåndbold...Jeg har været tæt omkring sporten i rigtig mange år og har fra barnsben fulgt Tvis KFUM og siden Team Tvis Holstebro og har været meget tæt på Herreholdet i mange år. TTH Så kan kun anbefale alle at tage del i at hjælpe en klub om det er håndbold, 42 fodbold eller anden får så meget igen. At alle kampe stod på deres hjemme side, så forsiden, blev opdateret lidt før, men også at man synlig gjorde pokal kampe der spilles på ude bane. For når ens børn spiller langt væk fra hvor man bor så læser man ikke lige lokal avisen. Som mor ville jeg da gerne kunne læse at de feks. spillede på Amager i sidste uge. Som pårørende vil man jo gerne følge sine børn lige meget hvor gamle de 43 end dig. Håndbold er en fantastisk sport ... venner for livet .. super gode oplevelser , lige 44 meget hvor god man er :-) ... TTH jeg elsker virkelig håndbold og hvis det kunne lade sig gøre så vil jeg 100 % 45 gerne kiomme til aslle de kampe jeg har mulighed for Jeg mener at nogle såkaldte eksperter inden for håndbolden lader egne holdninger til klubber skinne igennem og på den måde er med til at "farve" andres holdninger. Som eksperter/kommentatorer mener jeg at man skal BSV forholde sig neutral og ikke fremelske enkelte spillere/hold frem for andre. Dette er noget der kan få folk til at bryde sig mindre om sporten end de ellers 46 ville. 47 Få nu ansat Nicolaj Jacobsen som landstræner !!! KIF KK

114 Jeg deltager ikke i håndboldkampe på stadion / i haller, men ser en hel del 48 håndbold i TV, primært fordi spillet er underholdende, hurtigt og dynamisk. KIF KK Hvis man betragter håndbold, som noget der da er meget underholdende/spændende, når det er der, men ellers bare er endnu et underholdningstilbud på linie med fodbold, ishockey og lign. som de forsøger at 49 sælge til dig, så er spørgsmålene ikke lige logiske hele tiden. 50 drop slutspillet og spil ligeud istedet som i fodbold og som i gamle dage Mange haller bør opgraderes og passes til i størrelse i forhold til tilskuere potientiale. Så bør man arbejde mere med at intergere de unge spillere i klubben helt fra starten. Herrehåndbold har et kæmpe potientiale til at blive endnu større indenfor dansk 51 sport. 1. Kig fodbold- skab fan kultur af yngre mennesker 2. Håndbold skal være en form for religion 52 3. Få en bedre tv aftale via bedre historie om spillere og klubber Jeg spillede utroligt meget håndbold som barn/ung, og GOG som jeg spillede i, vil bare altid være noget særligt for mig, da det var en særlig tid. Så selv om jeg 53 har skrevet at jeg ikke har set nogle af deres kampe, så følger jeg dem alligevel. GOG Nogle flere tv kampe ville ikke skade, eller billigere sæsonkort til diverse klubber.

Underholdning i halvegene ville være en fordel for også at fastholde både 54 voksne og børn Der tales meget om KIF og det irriterer flere at man behandler dem anderledes, som om de var større stjerner end de andre i Ligaen. Alle skal behandles ens 55 også af dommerne. Den største nydelse er at se unge håndboldspillere udvikle sig mentalt ,fysisk , 56 socialt og boldmæssigt. KIF KK Der hvor der er liv på sportsarenaer - uanset land og sport, der er der en stor tilstedeværelse af unge mennesker - og de er næsten fraværende til tophåndbold i Danmark. Samtidigt er ligaen og holdene relativt dårligt ledet både af klubberne og i den sportslige sektor. Yderligere er udviklingen i spillet i den danske liga - i stadigt stigende grad - baseret på stærke defensive kompetencer - hvilket reducerer publikumsværdien både på tv og i virkeligheden. Antallet af scorede mål - er således faldende - se seneste "topkamp" KIF-Ålborg. Samtidigt mangler København 2-3 (2-5.000 tilskuer) haller - og før det problem løses kommer København ikke med og skaber den rivalisering mellem hovedstad og provins eller de "fine mod rebellerne" som er en katalysator i alle lande (Rotterdam-Amsterdam, Real Madrid-Barselona, NYC-LA, Dortmund-Bayern etc.) - og den situation bremser udviklingen ad dansk håndbold. Der er intet FCK og Brøndby i dansk håndbold - og der er ikke udsigt til, at der kommer det - for de har ikke noget sted at spille, hvor de kan bygge deres sponsorportefølje op - som klubbernes økonomi er næsten 100% afhængige af - bl.a. fordi TV 57 aftalen ikke er et indtægtsgrundlag for klubberne i håndbold - modsat fodbold

115 På TV: Markedsfør som en mere spændende sportsgren ift fx fodbold. Der sker så meget mere i en håndboldkamp end i andre sportsgrene, og det er det man skal lægge tryk på for at få flere seere. Fokus på spænding i den enkelte kamp (Da kampens betydning for ligaen kan være mindre imponerende, især i grundspillet), og fremhæv gerne profiler på holdene.

For tilskuere til kampe: Fokus på lokal markedsføring - Du får ikke tilskuere ind på lokale stadions ved en landsdækkende kampagne, men ved fx at uddele gratis billetter til udvalgte kampe, så der kommer nye øjne på sporten og vigtigere, på holdet. Det handler om at opbygge et brand her, og det skal hvert enkelt hold 58 finde sin egen måde på. Synes alt for mange herrespillere er alt for seriøse. Ved godt det er deres arbejde, men for alle vi andre er det altså ikke liv eller død! Skjern H. 59 Og så måske nogle kortere shorts så vi også har lidt godt at kigge på ;) Belysningen i håndboldhaller burde blive undersøgt nærmere, oftest føles det dystert at se en spændende kamp. Der skal være mere reklame for håndbold sporten og fokus på sporten ligesom ved fodbold. Der skal skabes KIF KK opmærksomhed omkring enkelte stærke spillere så unge drenge ikke ser det som en kedelig sport. Der skal ligesom ved fodbold være en Real Madrid og 60 Barcelona. Det skal vises oftere på TV.

Interessant spørgeundersøgelse nemlig fordi mange INTET kender til det, selv KIF KK 61 om håndbold er ret spændende. Jeg vil bare lige nævne, at jeg meget sjældent ser sport i tv eller tager til en kamp. Fodbold bliver engang imellem tvunget igennem herhjemme, men her vælger jeg ofte at lave noget andet imens.

Håndbold for mig er ekstremt usexet, og jeg tvivler på, jeg nogensinde får lyst 62 til at se en kamp. 63 KIF, kom tilbage til Kolding - og sæt tæring efter næring. KIF KK KIF burde virkelig holde med at spille som GOG da de havde Bent Nyegaard som træner. Den eneste grund til at Bent kan lide KIF, er at 1. Vi har arvet deres spillestil 2. Vi har arvet deres spillere og 3. GOG er ikke gode nok til ham endnu. Da jeg så KIF-BSV d. 7/9 talte jeg hvor mange gange inden for præcis BSV fem minutter, at en KIF spiller (Primært Boldsen og Jørgensen) slog en modspiller i hovedet. Det var TRE gange! Desuden synes jeg at deres måde at 64 behandle Peter Bredsdorff-Larsen på var decideret forfærdelig.

65 startede først med at se håndbold for 3 år siden, men vil ikke undværre det i dag KIF KK KIF Kolding København burde købe en god afslutter på venstre back (Nicolai 66 Markussen) KIF KK Det er dejligt at håndboldspillere er så meget nede på jorden i forhold til andre 67 sportsfolk jeg har mødt. KIF KK Da jeg bor på Langeland er det nogengange lange kører turer at kører for at følge mit favorithold KIF Kolding København, men vi tar afsted så tit det kan lade sig gøre. KIF KK Min søn på 8 år er total fanatisk med herre håndbold og det samme er jeg selv. Vi ser alt håndbold i tv. Vi spiller selv for Rudkøbing Håndbold klub og brænder for håndbold. Herre håndbold er super at se på da der sker noget hele 68 tiden og meget underholdende. Og så ser drengene godt ud. 69 Bedre halfaciliteter KIF KK

116 70 København mangler en stor håndboldarena/multiarena KIF KK For mig er det en nydelse at være med omkring Herrehåndbold...Jeg har været tæt omkring sporten i rigtig mange år og har fra barnsben fulgt Tvis KFUM og siden Team Tvis Holstebro og har været meget tæt på Herreholdet i mange år. TTH Så kan kun anbefale alle at tage del i at hjælpe en klub om det er håndbold, 71 fodbold eller anden får så meget igen. Jeg har ikke kun et favorit hold i herreligaen, så nogle af spørgsmålene var 72 meget svære for mig at svare på. BSV Vores by / klub har både herrer og damer i Ligaen. Damerne er de mest 73 populærer da de kom i DM-finalen og vandt EHF finalen sidste sæson TTH Bor i det sydlige Jylland, men kommer fra Nordjylland - derfor er Aalborg Håndbold mit favorithold. Desværre kan jeg ikke følge det så tit, men støtter 74 meget ofte de lokale tropper i 1. division TM TØNDER At alle kampe stod på deres hjemme side, så forsiden, blev opdateret lidt før, men også at man synlig gjorde pokal kampe der spilles på ude bane. For når ens børn spiller langt væk fra hvor man bor så læser man ikke lige lokal avisen. Som mor ville jeg da gerne kunne læse at de feks. spillede på Amager i sidste TTH uge. Som pårørende vil man jo gerne følge sine børn lige meget hvor gamle de 75 end dig. Jeg har sæsonkort til Team Tvis Holstebro. Elsker at se håndbold. Både mænd 76 og kvinder. TTH

77 skrev 0 kampe set men det gælder i hallen, ser så vidt muligt alle kampe i tv TTH Min besvarelse er måske ikke så valid ifht at mit "favorithold" er der, hvor mine brødre spiller. Derfor veksler mit "favorithold" fra sæson til sæson - min TTH 78 loyalitet følger selvfølgelig dem! Skjern Håndbold er vores favorit hold i herreligaen, sætter kampplakater op for dem vores hjemby, men ser dem stort set kun på hjemmebane. HC Midtjylland er vores absolutte favorit hold, dem følge vi stort set i alle kampe også på Skjern H Sjælland, det får vi til at passe med familie besøg. Så var lidt svær at besvare 79 favorithold, da vi tænkte på HC Midtjylland, håber du kan bruge vores svar. Jeg har ikke det store kendskab til herrehåndbold, hvilket mine svar også afspejler. Men jeg har svaret ja til at medvirke i et interview, hvis du kan bruge 80 én i den 'kategori'. Da jeg overhovedet ikke følger med i håndbold (hverken for herrer eller damer) er mine svar noget gætværk undervejs. Har dog været til en kanmp for nogle år 81 siden, og stemningen under sådan en kamp er jo super. Spørgsmålene er vist nemmest at besvare, hvis man er passioneret håndbold fan.

Hvis man betragter håndbold, som noget der da er meget KIF KK underholdende/spændende, når det er der, men ellers bare er endnu et underholdningstilbud på linie med fodbold, ishockey og lign. som de forsøger at 82 sælge til dig, så er spørgsmålene ikke lige logiske hele tiden. jeg følger med i håndbold fra U12 til herreligaen - elsker håndbold - har en knægt der spiller på rimeligt høj niveau - så håndbold i almindelighed fylder en Skjern H. 83 del i min hverdag 84 Er kåret som Skjern håndbolds største fan :) Skjern H. Intensiver TV-dækningen på såvel kampe som baggrundstof (spillerskifte, 85 klubsuccesser, tilskuer/fans etc.) Jeg er født og opvokset i Holstebro, derfor følger jeg TTH. Jeg ser af og til 86 Aarhus håndbold, men KUN hvis jeg kan få fribilletter. TTH

117 Der er et par spørgsmål i 20'erne jeg overhoved ikke forstå. Tænk over formulering. Endvidere er der lidt for meget fokus på dit favorit hold. Jeg valgte det var jeg med størst sandsynlighed ville tage hen (beliggenhed) da jeg ikke er GOG 87 fan sf nogen hold. gogs sæson kort er alt for dyrer i forhold til hvad det kostede sidse år - dette kan 88 evt. få mig til at fravælge dette til næste sæson. Spørgsmålene er meget lagt an på 'Favorithold' - det kan godt give en bias i svarene. Jeg holder primært med BSV, da jeg godt kan lide klubbens filosofi og fokus på at hive talenter op fra egne rækker og på økonomien - men jeg er ikke bundet af dem som 'Favorithold' som sådan. Derfor er nogle af svarene måske lidt skæve. BSV Jeg elsker håndbolden/herreligaen - og ser gerne så mange kampe som muligt, men er af geografiske årsager ikke så tit inde og se BSV. Hvis jeg boede i nærheden af deres hjemmebane, så havde jeg med garanti sæsonkort. Desværre har jeg ikke samme forhold til holdene på sjælland, da jeg ikke støtter op omkring KIF Kolding-projektet - og derfor mere tager til Nordsjælland og ser 89 kampe.

118 Appendix 7: Overview of measurements

Question Measurement Source: Method used: no.: for: 2 Fan level No source as it is a standard measure Seven-point Likert scale 3,4 Brand Keller , Kevin L. (2008) Strategic brand Recall: free thought listing awareness; management: Building, measuring and Recognition: multiple choice recall and managing brand equity. Pearson recognition International Edition, 3rd Edition. 6,7,8 Brand Greenwald, Anthony G., Brock, Timothy C. Free listings, Cognitive associations & Ostrom, Thomas M. (1968) Response Analysis Psychological foundations of attitudes. Academic Press 9,10,11 Attitudes Three-item seven-point Osgood, C.E., Suci, G.J., & Semantic differential scale Tannenbaum, P.H. (1957). The Measurement of Meaning. Urbana: Scale items were anchored University of Illinois Press. with bad/good; unpopular/popular and bad quality/good quality. 12,13,14 Behaviour No source as it is a standard measure Open-ended questions 15,16, Purchase Three-item seven-point 17,18 Intent Kinney, L. & McDaniel, S.R. (1996). semantic differential scale Strategic implications of attitude leveraging event sponsorships. Journal Scale items were anchored of Sport Management, Vol 58, No. 3, with improbable/probable; pp. 97-105 unlikely/likely; and impossible/possible.

Machleit, K.A. & Wilson, R.D. (1988). Emotional feelings and attitude toward the advertisement: The roles of brand familiarity and repetition. Journal of Advertising, 17(3), 27-35.

19,20,21 Familarity Kent, R.J. & Allen, C.T. (1994). Three-item seven-point (Not used Competitive interference effects in semantic differential scale in thesis) consumer memory for advertising: The role of brand familiarity. Journal of Marketing, Scale items were anchored 58(3), 97-105. with unfamiliar/familiar; inexperiences/experienced; and not knowledgeable/knowledgeab le.

22,23,24 Brand Hill & Green. (2012) Repeat participation Seven-point Likert scale (Not used loyalty as a function of program attractiveness, in thesis) socializing opportunities, loyalty and the sportscape across three sport facility

119 contexts. Sport Management Review, Vol 15, pp. 485–499 25,26,27, Psychologica Bloch, P.H., Sherrell, D.L., & Ridgeway, Four-item eight-point 28 l N.M. (1986). Consumer search: An semantic differential scale involvement extended framework. Journal of Consumer Research, 13, 119-126 29 Psychologica Funk, Daniel C., & James, Jeff (2001), The Seven-point Likert scale l Continuum Psychological Continuum Model: A Model Conceptual Framework for Understanding (PCM) an Individual’s Psychological Connection to Sport. Sport Management Review, 4, 119–150

30 SPEED Funk, Daniel C., Filo, Kevin, Beaton, Seven-point Likert scale motives + Anthony A. & Pritchard, Mark (2009) Entertainmen Measuring the Motives of Sport Event t Attendance: Bridging the Academic- Practitioner Divide to Understanding Behavior, Sport Marheting Quarterly, Vol. 18, pp. 126-138 31 Need for Seven-point Likert scale (Not used cogntion Cacioppo, J. T., Petty, R. E., & Kao, C. in thesis) F. (1984). The efficient assessment of need for cognition. Journal of Personality Assessment, 48(3), pp. 306- 307.

32 Need for Seven-point Likert scale (Not used affect Appel, M., Gnambs, T. & Maio, G.R. in thesis) (2012). A short measure of the need for affect. Journal of Personality, 94, 418- 426.

33, 34, Various Open-ended or multiple 35, 36, 37 demographic No source as it is a standard measure choice (1 answer) s

120 Appendix 8: Distribution of questionnaire

Shared through: Facebook Website LinkedIn Email Sponsors Remarks Billetnet X Own posting Cand.merc MCM X X X BSV X X Ribe-Esbjerg X Team Tvis Holstebro X GOG X X Nordsjælland Håndbold X X Århus Håndbold X X KIF KK X X X HC Midtjylland (1. Div) X Private X X X Groups of interest X X

121 Appendix 9: Tilskuertal fra

Source: Season 2012/2013: Total spectators: 598.450 (including preliminaries, playoffs and finals)

Season 2011/2012: Total spectators: 697.298 (including preliminaries, playoffs and finals)

122 Season 2010/2011: Total number of spectators: 339.939 (excluding playoffs and finals)

123 Appendix 10: TV spectator numbers

League team TV seere - Klubhåndbold 2012-2013

Dato Dag Tid Hjemmehold Udehold Kanal Seere genn. 1 24/05/13 Fredag 19.00.00 Skjern H. Mors-Thy H. TV3sport1 57500 2 23/04/13 Tirsdag 20.15.00 Skjern H. Mors-Thy H. TV3sport1 86000 3 17/04/13 Onsdag 20.15.00 Mors-Thy H. BSV TV3sport1 115500 4 13/04/13 Lørdag 15.00.00 Aalborg H. KIF KK TV3sport1 81000 5 30/03/13 Lørdag 15.00.00 Skjern H. Århus H. TV3sport1 60500 6 27/03/13 Onsdag 20.00.00 TTH Aalborg TV3sport1 88500 7 20/03/13 Onsdag 20.00.00 KIF KK BSV TV3sport1 102000 8 13/03/13 Onsdag 18.30.00 TTH KIF KK TV3sport1 92000 9 12/03/13 Tirsdag 18.30.00 Skjern H. BSV TV3sport1 89500 10 06/03/13 Onsdag 18.30.00 TTH Skjern H. TV3sport1 82000 11 27/02/13 Onsdag 18.30.00 Århus H. Skjern H. TV3sport1 64000 12 20/02/13 Onsdag 18.30.00 Viborg HK KIF KK TV3sport1 87000 13 13/02/13 Onsdag 18.30.00 BSV Århus H. TV3sport1 77000 14 12/02/13 Tirsdag 18.30.00 SønderjyskE Skanderborg H. TV3sport1 54000 15 06/02/13 Onsdag 20.00.00 TTH BSV TV3sport1 93500 16 05/02/13 Tirsdag 20.00.00 Aalborg H. KIF KK TV3sport1 85000 17 26/12/12 Onsdag 20.00.00 Århus H. Aalborg H. TV3sport1 56500 18 26/05/13 Søndag 20.15.00 KIF KK Aalborg TV2 571000 19 18/05/13 Lørdag 17.20.00 Aalborg H. KIF KK TV2 297500 20 12/05/13 Søndag 17.20.00 Skjern H. KIF KK TV2 326000 21 12/05/13 Søndag 13.30.00 Aalborg H. Mors-Thy H. TV2 221500 22 09/05/13 Torsdag 13.30.00 Mors-Thy H. Aalborg H. TV2 173000 23 09/05/13 Torsdag 17.30.00 KIF KK Skjern H. TV2 290000 24 04/05/13 Lørdag 17.20.00 Århus H. Mors-Thy H. TV2 238500 25 13/04/13 Lørdag 17.10.00 BSV Skjern H. TV2 194500 26 30/03/13 Lørdag 17.10.00 KIF KK TTH TV2 230500 27 02/03/13 Lørdag 17.10.00 Århus H. KIF KK TV2 267500 28 16/02/13 Lørdag 14.15.00 Skjern H. Aalborg H. TV2 153000 29 22/12/12 Lørdag 17.10.00 Skjern H. KIF KK TV2 312000 30 10/11/12 Lørdag 17.10.00 BSV Skjern H. TV2 261000 31 27/10/12 Lørdag 17.10.00 Skjern H. TTH TV2 215000 32 13/10/12 Lørdag 17.10.00 Ribe-Esbjerg HH Skjern H. TV2 281500 33 29/09/12 Lørdag 17.10.00 KIF KK Aalborg H. TV2 206000 34 22/09/12 Lørdag 17.10.00 KIF KK Skjern H. TV2 218000 35 15/09/12 Lørdag 17.10.00 Århus H. BSV TV2 175500 36 08/09/12 Onsdag 14.30.00 Aalborg H. Skjern H. TV2 169000 37 19/12/12 Onsdag 18.30.00 KIF KK Mors-Thy H. TV2sport 71000 38 14/12/12 Fredag 19.30.00 BSV Aalborg H. TV2sport 75500

124 39 12/12/12 Onsdag 20.00.00 KIF KK SønderjyskE TV2sport 87000 40 28/11/12 Onsdag 20.00.00 Mors-Thy H. KIF KK TV2sport 85500 41 15/11/12 Torsdag 20.30.00 TTH SønderjyskE TV2sport 48000 42 14/11/12 Onsdag 18.30.00 BSV KIF KK TV2sport 105500 43 17/10/12 Onsdag 21.00.00 Viborg HK SønderjyskE TV2sport 95500 44 04/10/12 Torsdag 20.00.00 SønderjyskE KIF KK TV2sport 87500 45 26/09/12 Onsdag 20.00.00 BSV TTH TV2sport 84000 46 18/09/12 Tirsdag 18.30.00 TTH Aalborg H. TV2sport 66000 47 05/09/12 Onsdag 20.45.00 TTH Århus H. TV2sport 89000 Total 7.067.000 Average pr. Game 150.362 Source: Divisionsforeningen, Dorte Ottesen

National team TV seere - Herrelandsholdet 2012-2013

Hjemmeho Turneri Seere 0 Dato Dag Tid ld Udehold ng Kanal genn. 1 27/01/13 Søndag 17.15.00 Danmark Spanien VM TV2 1.294.000 2 27/01/13 Søndag 17.15.00 Danmark Spanien VM DR1 933.500 3 25/01/13 Fredag 21.30.00 Danmark Kroatien VM DR1 2.256.000 4 23/01/13 Onsdag 20.30.00 Danmark Ungarn VM TV2 1.788.000 5 21/01/13 Mandag 20.15.00 Danmark Tunesien VM DR1 1.816.500 6 18/01/13 Fredag 20.15.00 Danmark Makedonien VM TV2 1.232.000 7 16/01/13 Onsdag 20.15.00 Danmark Island VM DR1 1.585.000 8 15/01/13 Tirsdag 20.15.00 Danmark Chile VM DR1 1.409.500 9 13/01/13 Søndag 20.15.00 Danmark Rusland VM TV2 1.419.000 10 12/01/13 Lørdag 20.15.00 Danmark Qatar VM TV2 1.120.000 11 06/01/13 Søndag 17.10.00 Danmark Slovenien TC TV2 708.500 12 05/01/13 Lørdag 17.10.00 Danmark Montenegro TC TV2 548.000 13 04/01/13 Fredag 19.00.00 Danmark Tunesien TC TV2sport 229.500 14 04/11/12 Søndag 15.00.00 Danmark Argentina LK TV2sport 157.000 15 03/11/12 Lørdag 17.10.00 Danmark Argentina LK TV2 360.500 16.857.00 Total 0 Average pr. Game 1.123.800 Source: Divisio nsforeningen, Dorte Ottesen

125 Appendix 11: KIF KK ’s financials and arena capacity Source: KIF KK annual report 2012/2013 and phone interview with Jens Boesen

126 Numbers from phone interview with Jens Boesen

2010/2011 2011/12 2012/13 Re venue in mio DKK Sponsor revenue 9,6 8,6 21,1 Matches and events 5,8 3,1 4,3 Advertising* 2,5 2,1 3,8 Other revenues** 0,7 1,8 1,4 Total revenues 18,6 15,6 30,6

Costs in mio DKK Personnel costs 26,2 16,2 26,0 - Player wages 16,0 11,0 17,5 - Sales & administration wages 10,2 5,2 8,5 Other costs*** 8,6 8,8 16,0 Total costs 34,8 25,0 42,0

Capital contribution 26,5

* Ads in gameprograms ** TV revenues *** Transport of players, training facilities etc.

Arena capacity

Arena Trefor Arena Brøndby Trefor Arena Kolding Capacity 4750 2960 Sponsor seats 700 700 Seasonticket seats 700 700

127 Appendix 12: Favorite team choice

128 Appendix 13: Respondents based on demographics


Valid Stage Frequency Percent Percent awareness Valid Female (Kvinde) 130 35,6 36,6 Male (Mand) 225 61,6 63,4 Total 355 97,3 100 Missing System 10 2,7 Total 365 100 attraction Valid Female (Kvinde) 105 38,6 48,8 Male (Mand) 110 40,4 51,2 Total 215 79 100 Missing System 57 21 Total 272 100 attachment Valid Female (Kvinde) 57 44,9 46,7 Male (Mand) 65 51,2 53,3 Total 122 96,1 100 Missing System 5 3,9 Total 127 100 allegiance Valid Female (Kvinde) 53 41,7 45,3 Male (Mand) 64 50,4 54,7 Total 117 92,1 100 Missing System 10 7,9 Total 127 100 Overall impression Female (Kvinde) 345 38,7 44,4 Male (Mand) 464 52,1 55,7 Total 809 90,8 Missing System 82 9,2 Total 891 100


Stage N Minimum Maximum Mean awareness 356 14 66 39,65 356 attraction 217 14 71 37,59 217 attachment 124 13 68 35,98 124 allegiance 118 14 73 36,3 118 815

129 Overall 815 13 73 37,38


Valid Stage Frequency Percent Percent awareness Valid 0 80 21,9 37,9 1 55 15,1 26,1 2 53 14,5 25,1 3 21 5,8 10,0 4 2 ,5 ,9 Total 211 57,8 100,0 Missing System 154 42,2 Total 365 100,0 attraction Valid 0 65 23,9 43,3 1 36 13,2 24,0 2 33 12,1 22,0 3 14 5,1 9,3 4 2 ,7 1,3 Total 150 55,1 100,0 Missing System 122 44,9 Total 272 100,0 attachment Valid 0 16 12,6 25,8 1 19 15,0 30,6 2 20 15,7 32,3 3 6 4,7 9,7 4 1 ,8 1,6 Total 62 48,8 100,0 Missing System 65 51,2 Total 127 100,0 allegiance Valid 0 20 15,7 40,0 1 14 11,0 28,0 2 14 11,0 28,0 3 1 ,8 2,0 4 1 ,8 2,0 Total 50 39,4 100,0 Missing System 77 60,6 Total 127 100,0 Overall 0 181 147,1 36,8 impression 1 124 108,7 27,2 2 120 107,4 26,8 3 42 31,0 7,7 4 6 5,9 1,5 Total 473 100,0 Missing System 418

1 30 Total 891


Frequen Valid Stage cy Percent Percent awareness 8 2,2 2,2 Ønsker ikke at oplyse 2 0,5 0,5 Andet (angiv venligst) 19 5,2 5,2 Arbejder 257 70,4 70,4 Arbejdsløs 11 3 3 Hjemmegående/barsel 1 0,3 0,3 Pensionist/efterløn/førtidsp 4 1,1 1,1 Studerende/lærling/elev 63 17,3 17,3 Total 365 100 100 attraction 55 20,2 20,2 Ønsker ikke at oplyse 5 1,8 1,8 Andet (angiv venligst) 12 4,4 4,4 Arbejder 122 44,9 44,9 Arbejdsløs 11 4 4 Hjemmegående/barsel 4 1,5 1,5 Pensionist/efterløn/førtidsp 10 3,7 3,7 Studerende/lærling/elev 53 19,5 19,5 Total 272 100 100 attachment 3 2,4 2,4 Ønsker ikke at oplyse 3 2,4 2,4 Andet (angiv venligst) 9 7,1 7,1 Arbejder 61 48 48 Arbejdsløs 4 3,1 3,1 Pensionist/efterløn/førtidsp 8 6,3 6,3 Studerende/lærling/elev 39 30,7 30,7 Total 127 100 100 allegiance 9 7,1 7,1 Ønsker ikke at oplyse 5 3,9 3,9 Andet (angiv venligst) 8 6,3 6,3 Arbejder 54 42,5 42,5 Arbejdsløs 4 3,1 3,1 Hjemmegående/barsel 1 0,8 0,8 Pensionist/efterløn/førtidsp 13 10,2 10,2 Studerende/lærling/elev 33 26 26 Total 127 100 100 Overall impression

131 Ønsker ikke at oplyse 15 1,9 1,9 Andet (angiv venligst) 48 6,2 6,2 Arbejder 494 63,9 63,9 Arbejdsløs 30 3,9 3,9 Hjemmegående/barsel 14 1,8 1,8 Pensionist/efterløn/førtidsp 66 8,5 8,5 Studerende/lærling/elev 276 35,7 35,7 Total 773

Level of income

Valid Stage Frequency Percent Percent awareness 8 2,2 2,2 100.000 til 199.999 kr. 40 11 11 200.000 til 299.999 kr. 26 7,1 7,1 300.000 til 399.999 kr. 48 13,2 13,2 400.000 til 499.999 kr. 79 21,6 21,6 500.000 kr. eller derover 86 23,6 23,6 Ønsker ikke at oplyse 44 12,1 12,1 Op til 99.999 kr. 34 9,3 9,3 Total 365 100 100 attraction 55 20,2 20,2 100.000 til 199.999 kr. 26 9,6 9,6 200.000 til 299.999 kr. 21 7,7 7,7 300.000 til 399.999 kr. 34 12,5 12,5 400.000 til 499.999 kr. 31 11,4 11,4 500.000 kr. eller derover 37 13,6 13,6 Ønsker ikke at oplyse 31 11,4 11,4 Op til 99.999 kr. 37 13,6 13,6 Total 272 100 100 attachment 3 2,4 2,4 100.000 til 199.999 kr. 11 8,7 8,7 200.000 til 299.999 kr. 12 9,4 9,4 300.000 til 399.999 kr. 18 14,2 14,2 400.000 til 499.999 kr. 12 9,4 9,4 500.000 kr. eller derover 16 12,6 12,6 Ønsker ikke at oplyse 30 23,6 23,6 Op til 99.999 kr. 25 19,7 19,7 Total 127 100 100 allegiance 9 7,1 7,1 100.000 til 199.999 kr. 11 8,7 8,7 200.000 til 299.999 kr. 14 11 11

132 300.000 til 399.999 kr. 13 10,2 10,2 400.000 til 499.999 kr. 13 10,2 10,2 500.000 kr. eller derover 11 8,7 8,7 Ønsker ikke at oplyse 34 26,8 26,8 Op til 99.999 kr. 22 17,3 17,3 Total 127 100 100 Overall impression 100.000 til 199.999 kr. 88 9,9 9,9 200.000 til 299.999 kr. 73 8,2 8,2 300.000 til 399.999 kr. 113 12,7 12,7 400.000 til 499.999 kr. 135 15,2 15,2 500.000 kr. eller derover 150 16,8 16,8 Ønsker ikke at oplyse 139 15,6 15,6 Op til 99.999 kr. 118 13,2 13,2 Total 891 100 100,0


Postcode Groups

Cumulative Stage Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

awareness Valid 0-4999 86 23.6 24.3 24.3

5000-5999 47 12.9 13.3 37.6

6000-9999 221 60.5 62.4 100.0

Total 354 97.0 100.0

Missing System 11 3.0

Total 365 100.0 attraction Valid 0-4999 51 18.8 23.5 23.5 5000-5999 40 14.7 18.4 41.9 6000-9999 126 46.3 58.1 100.0 Total 217 79.8 100.0 Missing System 55 20.2 Total 272 100.0 attachment Valid 0-4999 20 15.7 16.1 16.1 5000-5999 18 14.2 14.5 30.6 6000-9999 86 67.7 69.4 100.0 Total 124 97.6 100.0 Missing System 3 2.4 Total 127 100.0

133 allegiance Valid 0-4999 21 16.5 17.8 17.8

5000-5999 18 14.2 15.3 33.1

6000-9999 79 62.2 66.9 100.0

Total 118 92.9 100.0

Missing System 9 7.1

Total 127 100.0

134 Appendix 14: Data analysis and findings on motivational motives 1. How motives influence PI all together a. Motives working together Model Summary Std. Change Statistics Error of R Mode R Adjusted the Square F df Sig. F l R Square R Square Estimate Change Change 1 df2 Change 1 .658a .433 .428 1.898 .433 84.233 8 882 .000 2 .658b .433 .429 1.897 .000 .001 1 882 .982 3 .658c .433 .429 1.896 .000 .083 1 883 .774 4 .658d .433 .430 1.895 .000 .391 1 884 .532 a. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Socialising, Esteem, Diversion, Performance, Entertainment b. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Socialising, Esteem, Diversion, Performance, Entertainment c. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Esteem, Diversion, Performance, Entertainment d. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Esteem, Performance, Entertainment b. Motives seperately: Unstandard- Standard- ized ized Correlations Coefficients Coefficients Std. Zero- B Beta t Sig. Partial Part Model Motives Error order 1 (Constant) 3,694 0,151 24,5 0,00 Socialising 0,014 0,05 0,009 0,3 0,78 0,325 0,01 0,007 Performance 0,174 0,077 0,112 2,3 0,02 0,579 0,076 0,057 Excitement 0,325 0,08 0,213 4,1 0,00 0,599 0,136 0,103 Esteem 0,218 0,052 0,159 4,2 0,00 0,481 0,139 0,105 Diversion 0,035 0,06 0,026 0,6 0,57 0,522 0,019 0,014 Entertainment 0,381 0,087 0,25 4,4 0,00 0,624 0,147 0,112 2 (Constant) 3,696 0,138 26,9 0,00 Performance 0,174 0,077 0,112 2,3 0,02 0,579 0,076 0,057 Excitement 0,325 0,08 0,213 4,1 0,00 0,599 0,136 0,103 Esteem 0,218 0,052 0,159 4,2 0,00 0,481 0,139 0,105 Diversion 0,034 0,06 0,026 0,6 0,57 0,522 0,019 0,014 3 (Constant) 3,707 0,132 28,1 0,00 Performance 0,18 0,074 0,116 2,4 0,02 0,579 0,081 0,061 Excitement 0,323 0,079 0,211 4,1 0,00 0,599 0,136 0,103 Esteem 0,219 0,052 0,159 4,2 0,00 0,481 0,139 0,106 Diversion 0,037 0,059 0,028 0,6 0,53 0,522 0,021 0,016 Entertainment 0,382 0,086 0,25 4,4 0,00 0,624 0,147 0,112 4 (Constant) 3,704 0,132 28,1 0,00

135 Performance 0,186 0,073 0,12 2,5 0,01 0,579 0,085 0,064 Excitement 0,325 0,079 0,212 4,1 0,00 0,599 0,137 0,104 Esteem 0,235 0,045 0,171 5,2 0,00 0,481 0,172 0,132 Entertainment 0,394 0,084 0,259 4,7 0,00 0,624 0,156 0,119 c. The motives’ separate influence on PI in % Motivational Correlations Correlations motives (part) (part) in % Performance 0,064 (0,064*0,064)*100 = 0,41% Excitement 0,104 1,08% Esteem 0,132 1,74% Entertainment 0,119 1,42%

2. How motives influence PI within each PCM segment a. Motives working together in each PCM segment Model Summary Std. Change Statistics Adjuste Error of Mode R d R the R Square F Sig. F Stage l R Square Square Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Change Awar 1 .485a .235 .218 1.806 .235 13.668 8 356 .000 e-ness 2 .485b .235 .220 1.804 .000 .006 1 356 .938 3 .484c .234 .221 1.802 -.001 .458 1 357 .499 4 .482d .232 .222 1.801 -.002 .732 1 358 .393 5 .479e .230 .221 1.802 -.003 1.212 1 359 .272 6 .475f .226 .220 1.804 -.004 1.776 1 360 .183 Attrac 1 .293g .086 .058 1.966 .086 3.097 8 263 .002 -tion 2 .293h .086 .062 1.962 .000 .034 1 263 .853 3 .292i .085 .064 1.959 -.001 .263 1 264 .609 4 .287j .083 .065 1.958 -.002 .722 1 265 .396 5 .284k .081 .067 1.957 -.002 .569 1 266 .451 6 .278l .077 .067 1.957 -.003 .935 1 267 .335 7 .272m .074 .067 1.957 -.004 1.055 1 268 .305 Attac 1 .582n .339 .294 1.313 .339 7.549 8 118 .000 h- 2 .580o .337 .298 1.309 -.002 .313 1 118 .577 ment 3 .578p .334 .300 1.307 -.003 .541 1 119 .463 4 .573q .328 .300 1.307 -.006 1.033 1 120 .311 5 .571r .326 .304 1.304 -.002 .399 1 121 .529 6 .562s .316 .299 1.308 -.010 1.808 1 122 .181

136 7 .550t .303 .291 1.315 -.013 2.363 1 123 .127 8 .539u .290 .285 1.321 -.012 2.218 1 124 .139 Allegi 1 .339v .115 .055 1.087 .115 1.917 8 118 .064 -ance 2 .339w .115 .063 1.082 .000 .028 1 118 .867 3 .338x .114 .070 1.078 .000 .038 1 119 .845 4 .337y .114 .077 1.074 -.001 .085 1 120 .771 5 .336z .113 .084 1.070 -.001 .098 1 121 .755 6 .335aa .112 .090 1.066 -.001 .150 1 122 .699 7 .334ab .111 .097 1.062 -.001 .113 1 123 .737 8 .331ac .109 .102 1.059 -.002 .275 1 124 .601 Awareness: a. Predictors: (Constant), Entertainment, Socialising, Esteem, Diversion, Performance, Excitement b. Predictors: (Constant), Entertainment, Socialising, Esteem, Performance, Excitement c. Predictors: (Constant), Entertainment, Esteem, Performance, Excitement d. Predictors: (Constant), Entertainment, Esteem, Excitement e. Predictors: (Constant), Entertainment, Esteem, Excitement f. Predictors: (Constant), Entertainment, Excitement Attraction: g. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Esteem, Socialising, Diversion, Performance, Entertainment h. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Esteem, Diversion, Performance, Entertainment i. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Esteem, Performance, Entertainment j. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Esteem, Performance k. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Performance l. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Performance m. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Performance Attachment: n. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Socialising, Esteem, Performance, Diversion, Entertainment o. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Esteem, Performance, Diversion, Entertainment p. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Esteem, Performance, Diversion, Entertainment q. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Esteem, Performance, Entertainment r. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Performance, Entertainment s. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Performance, Entertainment t. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Entertainment u. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement Allegiance: v. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Socialising, Diversion, Esteem, Entertainment, Performance w. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Socialising, Esteem, Entertainment, Performance x. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Socialising, Entertainment, Performance y. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Socialising, Performance z. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Socialising, Performance

137 aa. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Socialising, Performance ab. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement, Performance ac. Predictors: (Constant), Excitement

b. Motives seperately in each PCM segment: Standard Unstandard -ized Correlations -ized Coeffi- Coefficients cients Mode Std. Zero- Stage l Motive B Error Beta t Sig. order Partial Part awareness 1 (Constant) 2,915 0,227 12,844 0 Socialising -0,046 0,068 -0,037 -0,679 0,497 0,076 -0,036 -0,031 Performance 0,104 0,102 0,082 1,013 0,312 0,372 0,054 0,047 Excitement 0,256 0,098 0,243 2,607 0,01 0,436 0,137 0,121 Esteem 0,086 0,094 0,053 0,916 0,36 0,216 0,048 0,042 Diversion 0,007 0,088 0,006 0,078 0,938 0,31 0,004 0,004 Entertainment 0,177 0,116 0,147 1,533 0,126 0,425 0,081 0,071 2 (Constant) 2,915 0,227 12,862 0 Socialising -0,045 0,067 -0,036 -0,676 0,499 0,076 -0,036 -0,031 Performance 0,104 0,102 0,082 1,019 0,309 0,372 0,054 0,047 Excitement 0,256 0,098 0,243 2,62 0,009 0,436 0,137 0,121 Esteem 0,089 0,084 0,055 1,054 0,292 0,216 0,056 0,049 Entertainment 0,18 0,11 0,15 1,634 0,103 0,425 0,086 0,076 3 (Constant) 2,894 0,224 12,901 0 Performance 0,083 0,097 0,066 0,856 0,393 0,372 0,045 0,04 Excitement 0,264 0,097 0,25 2,711 0,007 0,436 0,142 0,125 Esteem 0,084 0,084 0,052 0,998 0,319 0,216 0,053 0,046 Entertainment 0,177 0,11 0,147 1,604 0,109 0,425 0,084 0,074 4 (Constant) 2,883 0,224 12,878 0 Excitement 0,295 0,09 0,28 3,292 0,001 0,436 0,171 0,152 Esteem 0,095 0,083 0,058 1,145 0,253 0,216 0,06 0,053 Entertainment 0,202 0,106 0,168 1,912 0,057 0,425 0,1 0,088 5 (Constant) 2,803 0,212 13,245 0 Excitement 0,302 0,09 0,286 3,366 0,001 0,436 0,175 0,156 Esteem 0,109 0,082 0,067 1,333 0,183 0,216 0,07 0,062 Entertainment 0,195 0,106 0,162 1,843 0,066 0,425 0,097 0,085 6 (Constant) 2,574 0,124 20,753 0 Excitement 0,298 0,09 0,282 3,321 0,001 0,436 0,172 0,154 Entertainment 0,231 0,102 0,192 2,255 0,025 0,425 0,118 0,104 attraction 1 (Constant) 3,779 0,436 8,669 0 Socialising -0,019 0,1 -0,012 -0,185 0,853 0,046 -0,011 -0,011 Performance 0,225 0,147 0,117 1,531 0,127 0,214 0,094 0,09 Excitement 0,447 0,191 0,178 2,336 0,02 0,251 0,143 0,138 Esteem -0,097 0,097 -0,069 -1,005 0,316 0,025 -0,062 -0,059 Diversion 0,06 0,111 0,04 0,54 0,59 0,101 0,033 0,032

138 Entertainment 0,135 0,178 0,061 0,759 0,448 0,202 0,047 0,045 2 (Constant) 3,763 0,426 8,826 0 Performance 0,218 0,142 0,113 1,538 0,125 0,214 0,094 0,091 Excitement 0,451 0,19 0,18 2,371 0,018 0,251 0,144 0,139 Esteem -0,097 0,097 -0,069 -1,002 0,317 0,025 -0,062 -0,059 Diversion 0,055 0,108 0,037 0,512 0,609 0,101 0,032 0,03 Entertainment 0,136 0,178 0,061 0,765 0,445 0,202 0,047 0,045 3 (Constant) 3,763 0,426 8,84 0 Performance 0,231 0,139 0,12 1,654 0,099 0,214 0,101 0,097 Excitement 0,45 0,19 0,179 2,369 0,019 0,251 0,144 0,139 Esteem -0,076 0,088 -0,054 -0,868 0,386 0,025 -0,053 -0,051 Entertainment 0,149 0,175 0,067 0,85 0,396 0,202 0,052 0,05 4 (Constant) 3,792 0,424 8,939 0 Performance 0,264 0,134 0,138 1,979 0,049 0,214 0,12 0,116 Excitement 0,52 0,171 0,207 3,035 0,003 0,251 0,183 0,178 Esteem -0,065 0,087 -0,046 -0,754 0,451 0,025 -0,046 -0,044 5 (Constant) 4,072 0,359 11,354 0 Performance 0,228 0,13 0,119 1,758 0,08 0,214 0,107 0,103 Excitement 0,482 0,169 0,192 2,846 0,005 0,251 0,171 0,167 attachmen t 1 (Constant) 3,727 0,423 8,822 0 Socialising 0,058 0,103 0,046 0,559 0,577 0,133 0,051 0,042 Performance -0,19 0,146 -0,132 -1,296 0,197 0,258 -0,118 -0,097 Excitement 0,825 0,193 0,481 4,265 0 0,539 0,365 0,319 Esteem 0,115 0,11 0,102 1,041 0,3 0,233 0,095 0,078 Diversion -0,115 0,106 -0,112 -1,088 0,279 0,187 -0,1 -0,081 Entertainment 0,28 0,169 0,188 1,658 0,1 0,46 0,151 0,124 2 (Constant) 3,746 0,398 9,405 0 Performance -0,2 0,142 -0,139 -1,404 0,163 0,258 -0,127 -0,105 Excitement 0,834 0,192 0,487 4,342 0 0,539 0,368 0,324 Esteem 0,116 0,108 0,104 1,075 0,285 0,233 0,098 0,08 Diversion -0,106 0,104 -0,103 -1,017 0,311 0,187 -0,092 -0,076 Entertainment 0,277 0,167 0,186 1,659 0,1 0,46 0,15 0,124 3 (Constant) 3,724 0,398 9,362 0 Performance -0,228 0,14 -0,158 -1,628 0,106 0,258 -0,146 -0,121 Excitement 0,822 0,192 0,48 4,287 0 0,539 0,363 0,319 Esteem 0,058 0,092 0,052 0,632 0,529 0,233 0,057 0,047 Entertainment 0,268 0,167 0,18 1,609 0,11 0,46 0,145 0,12 4 (Constant) 3,829 0,346 11,066 0 Performance -0,213 0,139 -0,148 -1,537 0,127 0,258 -0,137 -0,115 Excitement 0,832 0,192 0,485 4,336 0 0,539 0,364 0,323 Entertainment 0,301 0,163 0,202 1,847 0,067 0,46 0,164 0,138 5 (Constant) 3,813 0,348 10,966 0 Excitement 0,732 0,182 0,427 4,033 0 0,539 0,341 0,302 Entertainment 0,235 0,158 0,158 1,489 0,139 0,46 0,133 0,112 6 (Constant) 3,812 0,349 10,909 0 Excitement 0,923 0,129 0,539 7,149 0 0,539 0,539 0,539

139 allegiance 1 (Constant) 4,876 0,595 8,192 0 Socialising 0,042 0,102 0,041 0,411 0,682 0,048 0,038 0,036 Performance -0,093 0,224 -0,06 -0,416 0,678 0,198 -0,038 -0,036 Excitement 0,759 0,248 0,392 3,064 0,003 0,331 0,271 0,265 Esteem -0,024 0,097 -0,026 -0,243 0,808 0,034 -0,022 -0,021 Diversion 0,023 0,138 0,019 0,168 0,867 0,081 0,015 0,015 Entertainment -0,077 0,249 -0,035 -0,308 0,759 0,134 -0,028 -0,027 2 (Constant) 4,882 0,592 8,249 0 Socialising 0,04 0,101 0,04 0,398 0,691 0,048 0,036 0,034 Performance -0,084 0,216 -0,054 -0,389 0,698 0,198 -0,036 -0,034 Excitement 0,755 0,246 0,39 3,074 0,003 0,331 0,271 0,265 Esteem -0,018 0,09 -0,02 -0,196 0,845 0,034 -0,018 -0,017 Entertainment -0,067 0,242 -0,031 -0,278 0,782 0,134 -0,025 -0,024 3 (Constant) 4,889 0,588 8,31 0 Socialising 0,036 0,099 0,036 0,369 0,713 0,048 0,034 0,032 Performance -0,09 0,213 -0,058 -0,423 0,673 0,198 -0,039 -0,036 Excitement 0,757 0,244 0,391 3,099 0,002 0,331 0,272 0,266 Entertainment -0,07 0,24 -0,032 -0,292 0,771 0,134 -0,027 -0,025 4 (Constant) 4,822 0,501 9,624 0 Socialising 0,032 0,095 0,032 0,336 0,737 0,048 0,03 0,029 Performance -0,123 0,201 -0,08 -0,615 0,54 0,198 -0,055 -0,052 Excitement 0,74 0,234 0,382 3,158 0,002 0,331 0,274 0,268 5 (Constant) 4,875 0,474 10,286 0 Performance -0,096 0,182 -0,062 -0,525 0,601 0,198 -0,047 -0,044 Excitement 0,723 0,228 0,374 3,169 0,002 0,331 0,274 0,268 6 (Constant) 4,872 0,473 10,31 0 Excitement 0,64 0,163 0,331 3,916 0 0,331 0,331 0,331 c. The motives’ separate influence on PI in % for each PCM segment PCM segments Motivational Correlations Correlations (part) motives (part) in % Awareness Excitement 0,154 (0,154*0,154)*100 = 2,37%

Entertainment 0,104 1,08%

Attraction Performance 0,103 1,06%

Excitement 0,167 2,79%

Attachment Excitement 0,539 29,05%

Allegiance Excitement 0,331 10,96%

140 Appendix 15: Data on attitudes and brand associations

Number of respondents (Surveymonkey) for attitudes: 913

1. Describtive attitudes

95% Confidence Interval for Std. Std. Mean N Mean Deviation Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum Skive 6 .5556 .80737 .32961 -.2917 1.4028 .00 2.00 Skanderborg Håndbold 11 .0000 1.85592 .55958 -1.2468 1.2468 -3.00 2.67 Århus Håndbold 29 .5862 1.41043 .26191 .0497 1.1227 -3.00 3.00 Sønderjyske 16 1.2083 1.19179 .29795 .5733 1.8434 -1.00 3.00 Ribe-Esbjerg HH 19 .2281 .91660 .21028 -.2137 .6699 -1.00 1.67 BSV 115 1.9014 1.05222 .09812 1.7071 2.0958 -1.67 3.00 Skjern Håndbold 46 2.0290 .88562 .13058 1.7660 2.2920 -1.00 3.00 Mors Thy Håndbold 15 1.3556 .87710 .22647 .8698 1.8413 -.33 2.67 KIF KK 357 1.8207 1.15885 .06133 1.7001 1.9413 -3.00 3.00 TMS Ringsted 4 -.5833 1.03190 .51595 -2.2253 1.0586 -2.00 .33 GOG 146 1.4247 1.23147 .10192 1.2232 1.6261 -3.00 3.00 Team Tvis Holstebro 83 1.5060 .89164 .09787 1.3113 1.7007 -.67 3.00 Nordsjælland Håndbold 17 -.5686 1.18301 .28692 -1.1769 .0396 -2.33 2.00 Aalborg Håndbold 27 1.8889 .94733 .18231 1.5141 2.2636 .00 3.00 Total 891 1.5694 1.23606 .04141 1.4881 1.6507 -3.00 3.00 Mean >0 = positive attitude Mean <0 = negative attitude

141 Number of respondents (Surveymonkey) for purchase intent (PI): 893 How likeable are you to attend at one of you favorite team’s games during the current season (2013/14)?

2. Attitudes towards teams influence on purchase intent for each team

Std. Error Change Statistics Favourite Adjusted of the R Square Sig. F Team R R Square R Square Estimate Change F Change df1 df2* Change

BSV .358a .128 .121 2.328 .128 16.624 1 113 .000 Skjern H. .390a .152 .133 2.292 .152 7.873 1 44 .007 KIF KK .497a .247 .245 2.208 .247 116.582 1 355 .000 GOG .609a .371 .367 1.937 .371 84.937 1 144 .000 TTH .178a .032 .020 1.991 .032 2.643 1 81 .108

*these are the number of respondends that were tested for each team, in total 737

3. Attitudes towards teams influence on purchase intent for each teams’ PCM segments

Change Statistics

Adjusted Std. Error R Favourite R R of the Square F Sig. F Team Stage R Square Square Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Change

BSV awareness .118a .014 -.010 1.877 .014 .578 1 41 .451

attraction .018a .000 -.029 1.708 .000 .011 1 34 .916

attachment .539a .291 .232 1.437 .291 4.927 1 12 .046

allegiance .128a .016 -.033 1.351 .016 .333 1 20 .570 Skjern H. awareness .293a .086 .010 2.118 .086 1.126 1 12 .309 attraction .374a .140 .079 2.304 .140 2.280 1 14 .153 attachment .308a .095 -.035 1.563 .095 .733 1 7 .420 allegiance .043a .002 -.198 .414 .002 .009 1 5 .927 KIF KK awareness .305a .093 .087 1.983 .093 15.617 1 152 .000 attraction .237a .056 .047 1.971 .056 6.036 1 101 .016 attachment .432a .187 .167 1.625 .187 9.420 1 41 .004

142 allegiance .335a .112 .096 1.322 .112 6.963 1 55 .011 GOG awareness .317a .100 .081 1.490 .100 5.235 1 47 .027 attraction .102a .010 -.008 1.709 .010 .566 1 54 .455 attachment .144a .021 -.028 1.562 .021 .425 1 20 .522 TTH awareness .208a .043 .008 2.237 .043 1.216 1 27 .280

attraction .195a .038 .004 1.960 .038 1.110 1 28 .301

attachment .568a .323 .248 .898 .323 4.297 1 9 .068

allegiance .405a .164 .088 .717 .164 2.164 1 11 .169

Number of respondents (Surveymonkey) for 1st thought brand associations:

4. Brand associations influence on teams ANOVA Attitudetowardteam Sum of Mean Favourite Team Squares df Square F Sig. BSV Between Groups 6.504 8 .813 .731 .664 Within Groups 110.075 99 1.112 Total 116.579 107 Skjern H. Between Groups 6.760 8 .845 1.096 .388 Within Groups 28.535 37 .771 Total 35.295 45 KIF KK Between Groups 49.388 7 7.055 7.852 .000 Within Groups 294.728 328 .899 Total 344.115 335 GOG Between Groups 9.353 8 1.169 .926 .497 Within Groups 164.064 130 1.262 Total 173.416 138 TTH Between Groups 7.950 8 .994 1.244 .287 Within Groups 56.711 71 .799 Total 64.661 79 => if no significance it means all teams influence ATT equally

143 5. which brand associations influence attitude toward the team (overall) The associations highlighted in grey DO NOT make a significant contribution to attitude toward the team for the particular teams One-Sample Testa

Test Value = 0

95% Confidence Interval of

Favourite Sig. (2- Mean the Difference Team Team Associations t df tailed) Difference Lower Upper

BSV Arena 4.753 4 .018 2.08333 .6884 3.4783

Product delivery 6.394 8 .000 2.08333 1.3129 2.8537

Athletic success 8.255 12 .000 2.05556 1.5075 2.6036

Organizational Attribute 4.844 18 .000 1.55556 .8780 2.2331

Starplayer 7.499 13 .000 2.12821 1.5099 2.7465

Identification 2.504 4 .087 1.75000 -.4741 3.9741

Regional Importance 8.798 17 .000 1.62745 1.2353 2.0196

Interest of friends and family 9.000 2 .070 1.50000 -.6177 3.6177

Team/Player Evaluation 10.633 30 .000 2.11111 1.7050 2.5172 Skjern H. Product delivery 7.335 7 .000 2.19048 1.4597 2.9212 Athletic success 3.213 3 .085 1.88889 -.6408 4.4186 Organizational Attribute 2.630 3 .119 1.77778 -1.1302 4.6858 Starplayer 3.572 8 .009 1.54167 .5211 2.5622 Identification 15.743 7 .000 2.52381 2.1315 2.9161 Regional Importance 5.267 7 .002 1.90476 1.0199 2.7896 Interest of friends and family 14.606 5 .000 2.66667 2.1598 3.1736 Team/Player Evaluation 3.992 4 .028 1.75000 .3551 3.1449 KIF KK Arena .256 3 .822 .22222 -3.5116 3.9561 Product delivery 19.585 38 .000 2.34211 2.0998 2.5844 Athletic success 15.117 41 .000 2.04878 1.7749 2.3227 Organizational Attribute 19.340 63 .000 2.01058 1.8028 2.2184 Starplayer 17.387 76 .000 1.96491 1.7398 2.1900 Identification 3.127 8 .017 1.50000 .3656 2.6344 Regional Importance 5.751 40 .000 1.09167 .7077 1.4756 Team/Player Evaluation 19.212 67 .000 2.15920 1.9348 2.3836 GOG Product delivery 3.504 12 .005 1.30556 .4855 2.1256 Athletic success 4.805 18 .000 1.24074 .6960 1.7855 Organizational Attribute 8.566 23 .000 1.78261 1.3510 2.2142 Starplayer 7.962 5 .001 1.80000 1.1723 2.4277 Identification 5.050 19 .000 1.50877 .8811 2.1364

144 Regional Importance 5.084 24 .000 1.11111 .6590 1.5633 Interest of friends and family 5.989 16 .000 1.70833 1.1003 2.3163 Team/Player Evaluation 6.829 21 .000 1.69841 1.1796 2.2172 TTH Arena 3.136 7 .020 .95238 .2093 1.6954

Product delivery 4.234 7 .005 1.28571 .5427 2.0288

Athletic success 2.635 5 .058 1.66667 -.0893 3.4226

Organizational Attribute 5.405 12 .000 1.52778 .9056 2.1499

Starplayer 5.000 2 .126 1.66667 -2.5687 5.9021

Regional Importance 7.065 20 .000 1.30000 .9149 1.6851

Interest of friends and family 3.591 3 .070 2.11111 -.4186 4.6408

Team/Player Evaluation 9.932 23 .000 1.72464 1.3645 2.0847

a. No statistics are computed for one or more split files

6. Frequency of overall brand associations for each team

The numbers highlighted in grey are the average attitude influenced from that particular association. As the numbers are positive we can say that favourable attitudes toward the team are developed from that particular association. Those not highlighted DO NOT make any contribution to forming attitude toward the team. One-Sample Statistics

Favourite Std. Std. Error Team Team Associations N Mean Deviation Mean

BSV Arena 4 2.0833 .87665 .43833

Product delivery 8 2.0833 .92152 .32581

Athletic success 12 2.0556 .86262 .24902

Organizational Attribute 18 1.5556 1.36243 .32113

Starplayer 13 2.1282 1.02323 .28379

Identification 4 1.7500 1.39775 .69887

Regional Importance 17 1.6275 .76269 .18498

Interest of friends and family 2 1.5000 .23570 .16667

Team/Player Evaluation 30 2.1111 1.08749 .19855 Skjern H. Arena 2 1.6667 .00000a .00000 Product delivery 7 2.1905 .79015 .29865 Athletic success 3 1.8889 1.01835 .58794 Organizational Attribute 3 1.7778 1.17063 .67586 Starplayer 8 1.5417 1.22069 .43158 Identification 7 2.5238 .42414 .16031 Regional Importance 7 1.9048 .95674 .36161

145 Interest of friends and family 5 2.6667 .40825 .18257 Team/Player Evaluation 4 1.7500 .87665 .43833 KIF KK Arena 3 .2222 1.50308 .86781 Product delivery 38 2.3421 .73720 .11959 Athletic success 41 2.0488 .86782 .13553 Organizational Attribute 63 2.0106 .82516 .10396 Starplayer 76 1.9649 .98519 .11301 Identification 8 1.5000 1.35693 .47975 Regional Importance 40 1.0917 1.20063 .18984 Interest of friends and family 0b .0000 . . Team/Player Evaluation 67 2.1592 .91996 .11239 GOG Arena 1b 2.0000 . . Product delivery 12 1.3056 1.29067 .37258 Athletic success 18 1.2407 1.09548 .25821 Organizational Attribute 23 1.7826 .99802 .20810 Starplayer 5 1.8000 .50553 .22608 Identification 19 1.5088 1.30227 .29876 Regional Importance 24 1.1111 1.07077 .21857 Interest of friends and family 16 1.7083 1.14099 .28525 Team/Player Evaluation 21 1.6984 1.13971 .24871 TTH Arena 7 .9524 .80343 .30367

Product delivery 7 1.2857 .80343 .30367

Athletic success 5 1.6667 1.41421 .63246

Organizational Attribute 12 1.5278 .97916 .28266

Starplayer 2 1.6667 .47140 .33333

Identification 1b .000 . .

Regional Importance 20 1.3000 .82292 .18401

Interest of friends and family 3 2.1111 1.01835 .58794

Team/Player Evaluation 23 1.7246 .83274 .17364

a. t cannot be computed because the standard deviation is 0. b. t cannot be computed because the sum of caseweights is less than or equal 1.

7. Which Brand Associations influence attitude toward teams by PCM segment? ANOVA Attitudetowardteam

Favourite Sum of Mean Team Stage Squares df Square F Sig.

BSV awareness Between Groups 3.703 7 .529 .396 .898

146 Within Groups 44.026 33 1.334

Total 47.729 40

attraction Between Groups 2.850 7 .407 .443 .865

Within Groups 21.143 23 .919

Total 23.993 30

attachment Between Groups 7.603 5 1.521 1.048 .453

Within Groups 11.611 8 1.451

Total 19.214 13

allegiance Between Groups 1.543 6 .257 .537 .772

Within Groups 7.189 15 .479

Total 8.732 21 Skjern H. awareness Between Groups 7.085 6 1.181 1.108 .442 Within Groups 7.463 7 1.066 Total 14.548 13 attraction Between Groups 3.574 7 .511 1.423 .314 Within Groups 2.870 8 .359 Total 6.444 15 attachment Between Groups 5.414 5 1.083 2.165 .279 Within Groups 1.500 3 .500 Total 6.914 8 allegiance Between Groups .540 5 .108 .121 .965 Within Groups .889 1 .889 Total 1.429 6 KIF KK awareness Between Groups 31.974 7 4.568 3.972 .001 Within Groups 147.190 128 1.150 Total 179.163 135 attraction Between Groups 1.011 7 .144 .242 .973 Within Groups 54.767 92 .595 Total 55.778 99 attachment Between Groups 3.222 5 .644 1.691 .161 Within Groups 14.101 37 .381 Total 17.323 42 allegiance Between Groups 2.205 6 .368 1.210 .017 Within Groups 15.191 50 .304 Total 17.396 56 GOG awareness Between Groups 4.112 6 .685 .599 .729 Within Groups 42.320 37 1.144 Total 46.432 43

147 attraction Between Groups 1.564 7 .223 .329 .937 Within Groups 31.902 47 .679 Total 33.467 54 attachment Between Groups 5.045 8 .631 1.421 .275 Within Groups 5.769 13 .444 Total 10.813 21 allegiance Between Groups 2.638 5 .528 1.498 .262 Within Groups 4.226 12 .352 Total 6.864 17 TTH awareness Between Groups 5.431 5 1.086 1.700 .181

Within Groups 12.779 20 .639

Total 18.209 25

attraction Between Groups 3.338 5 .668 1.055 .409

Within Groups 15.181 24 .633

Total 18.519 29

attachment Between Groups 1.581 5 .316 .438 .807

Within Groups 3.611 5 .722

Total 5.192 10

allegiance Between Groups 1.690 5 .338 .594 .707

Within Groups 3.985 7 .569

Total 5.675 12 => if significant is found it means there can be found brand associations within the segment that will influence ATT.

8. Brand Associations by PCM segment (only KIF KK) Descriptives Attitudetowardteam KIF KK awareness Product delivery 2.2000 .86923 Organizational Attribute 1.7097 .81533 Athletic success 1.6923 1.00426 Starplayer 1.6146 1.14256

Team/Player Evaluation 1.5556 1.15630

Regional Importance .7381 1.21159

Identification .5000 1.13855

Arena -.5000 1.17851 Arena 1.6667 . attraction Product delivery 2.1579 .82678 Athletic success 1.9091 .70065 Organizational Attribute 1.9286 .91687 Starplayer 2.0864 .79309 Identification 2.1667 .70711

148 Regional Importance 2.0833 .61075 Team/Player Evaluation 2.1481 .64900 Product delivery 2.5000 .62361 attachment Athletic success 2.1667 .83887 Organizational Attribute 2.5926 .43390 Starplayer 2.1667 .56344 Regional Importance 1.3333 .94281 Team/Player Evaluation 2.4286 .64621 Product delivery 2.7500 .29547 allegiance Athletic success 2.4872 .74056 Organizational Attribute 2.5926 .32394 Starplayer 2.6667 .76376 Identification 2.8333 .23570 Regional Importance 1.8333 .70711 Team/Player Evaluation 2.8095 .38596 Product delivery .2667 1.32077 Some brand associations are not present in some of the stages, this is do to them not being mentioned by respondents in the specific PCM stage and only those in grey are considered significant influencers.

9. Brand Associations by frequency for each team in the PCM segments

BSV awareness Arena N 1

Product delivery N 3

Athletic success N 4

Organizational Attribute N 8

Starplayer N 4


Regional Importance N 13

Team/Player Evaluation N 7

attraction Arena N 3

Product delivery N 3

Athletic success N 2

Organizational Attribute N 2

Starplayer N 5

Regional Importance N 2

Interest of friends and family N 1

Team/Player Evaluation N 13

attachment Product delivery N 1

149 Athletic success N 2

Organizational Attribute N 3

Starplayer N 2

Regional Importance N 2

Team/Player Evaluation N 4

allegiance Product delivery N 1

Athletic success N 4

Organizational Attribute N 5


Interest of friends and family N 1

Team/Player Evaluation N 6 Skjern H awareness Product delivery N 2 Athletic success N 2 Starplayer N 3 Symbolic - IDENTIFICATION N 1 Regional Importance N 3 Interest of friends and family N 1 Team/Player Evaluation N 2 attraction Arena N 1 Product delivery N 3 Organizational Attribute N 1 Starplayer N 2 Symbolic - IDENTIFICATION N 3 Regional Importance N 2 Interest of friends and family N 2 Team/Player Evaluation N 2 attachment Arena N 1 Product delivery N 1 Starplayer N 2 Symbolic - IDENTIFICATION N 2 Regional Importance N 1

Interest of friends and family N 2 allegiance Product delivery N 1 Athletic success N 1 Organizational Attribute N 2 Starplayer N 1 Symbolic - IDENTIFICATION N 1 Regional Importance N 1

150 KIF Kolding Køb awareness Arena N 2 Product delivery N 5 Athletic success N 13 Organizational Attribute N 31 Starplayer N 32 Symbolic - IDENTIFICATION N 4 Regional Importance N 28 Team/Player Evaluation N 21 attraction Arena N 1 Product delivery N 19 Athletic success N 11 Organizational Attribute N 14 Starplayer N 27 Symbolic - IDENTIFICATION N 2 Regional Importance N 8 Team/Player Evaluation N 18 attachment Product delivery N 6 Athletic success N 4 Organizational Attribute N 9 Starplayer N 8 Regional Importance N 2 Team/Player Evaluation N 14 allegiance Product delivery N 8 Athletic success N 13 Organizational Attribute N 9 Starplayer N 9 Symbolic - IDENTIFICATION N 2 Regional Importance N 2 Team/Player Evaluation N 14 GOG awareness Product delivery N 5 Athletic success N 9 Organizational Attribute N 4 Symbolic - IDENTIFICATION N 4 Regional Importance N 16 Interest of friends and family N 2 Team/Player Evaluation N 4 attraction Product delivery N 5 Athletic success N 6 Organizational Attribute N 12

151 Starplayer N 3 Symbolic - IDENTIFICATION N 9 Regional Importance N 5 Interest of friends and family N 6 Team/Player Evaluation N 9 attachment Arena N 1 Product delivery N 1 Athletic success N 1 Organizational Attribute N 2 Starplayer N 2 Symbolic - IDENTIFICATION N 3 Regional Importance N 3 Interest of friends and family N 5 Team/Player Evaluation N 4 allegiance Product delivery N 1 Athletic success N 2 Organizational Attribute N 5 Symbolic - IDENTIFICATION N 3 Interest of friends and family N 3 Team/Player Evaluation N 4 Team Tvis Holste awareness Arena N 2 Athletic success N 1 Organizational Attribute N 7 Starplayer N 1 Regional Importance N 11 Team/Player Evaluation N 4 attraction Arena N 4 Product delivery N 5 Organizational Attribute N 3 Regional Importance N 6 Interest of friends and family N 1 Team/Player Evaluation N 11 attachment Product delivery N 2 Athletic success N 1 Organizational Attribute N 2 Starplayer N 1 Regional Importance N 2 Team/Player Evaluation N 3 allegiance Arena N 1

152 Athletic success N 3 Symbolic - IDENTIFICATION N 1 Regional Importance N 1 Interest of friends and family N 2 Team/Player Evaluation N 5

153 Appendix 15: Identified and categorized brand associations

Not all identified brand associations are listed here as it is just to present which sort of associations were mentioned within each category.

First thought brand TAM TBAS MY OWN version association about Favourite (G&F, 2002) (Ross, 2006) (2013) Team Arenaen Stadium stadium community arena Atletion Stadium stadium community arena brøndbyhallen Stadium stadium community arena Cigaræsken Stadium stadium community arena Dokken Stadium stadium community arena Fantastisk arena Stadium stadium community arena Fed Hjemmebane Stadium stadium community arena Gigantium Stadium stadium community arena Gigantium Isarena Stadium stadium community arena god hjemmebane Stadium stadium community arena Grønkjær arena Stadium stadium community arena gudmehallen Stadium stadium community arena Hallen Stadium stadium community arena Morten Børup Hallen/Cigaræsken Stadium stadium community arena NRGI Arena Stadium stadium community arena Ny flot hjemmebane Stadium stadium community arena Silkeborg hallerne Stadium stadium community arena Sportshal Stadium stadium community arena Ørrnereden Stadium stadium community arena Danmarks bedste to strenge klub success organizational attributes Athletic success Kan tage kampen op i mod KIF Success rivalry Athletic success Bronzekampen mod Team Tvis Holstebro i fjor success team history Athletic success Danske mestre success team history Athletic success dm 2013 success team history Athletic success DM sidste sæson success team history Athletic success Flest danske mesterskaber success team history Athletic success God historik Success team history Athletic success Guld Success team history Athletic success Guld 12/13 Success team history Athletic success var suveræn inden kbh kom til Success team history Athletic success Mange mesterskaber Success team history Athletic success Mangeårig danske mestre Success team history Athletic success Medalje Success team history Athletic success Mestre Success team history Athletic success Tror de har været Danmarksmestre Success team history Athletic success bedste hold success team success Athletic success Bredde, stærke spillere success team success Athletic success Champions League success team success Athletic success Dårlig start på sæsonen. success team success Athletic success Dårlige success team success Athletic success Danmarks bedste hold success team success Athletic success Danmarks bedste og spektakulære hold success team success Athletic success De bedste success team success Athletic success

154 De bedste international success team success Athletic success De er altid med i toppen success team success Athletic success de er gode success team success Athletic success De evige 2. success team success Athletic success De skal vinde ligaen success team success Athletic success Dygtige success team success Athletic success Elite success team success Athletic success endelig tilbage success team success Athletic success Et stærkt hold success team success Athletic success Favorit success team success Athletic success favoritter success team success Athletic success Genrejsning Success team success Athletic success God Success team success Athletic success Håndbold i verdensklasse Success team success Athletic success Hvor langt når de i de europæiske turneringer Success team success Athletic success Kommende mestre Success team success Athletic success Mange sejre Success team success Athletic success Mesterskabskandidat Success team success Athletic success Nr. 1 Success team success Athletic success Nyoprykker Success team success Athletic success Nyoprykkket til ligaen Success team success Athletic success Oprykkere Success team success Athletic success Performance Success team success Athletic success Populært hold Success team success Athletic success Resultater Success team success Athletic success Sejr Success team success Athletic success Slutspil Success team success Athletic success Stabilitet Success team success Athletic success Stabilt Success team success Athletic success super gode Success team success Athletic success tilbagevenden til den bedste række Success team success Athletic success Tophåndbold/guld Success team success Athletic success Tophold Success team success Athletic success Topidræt Success team success Athletic success toppen af dk ligaen Success team success Athletic success Toppen af ligaen Success team success Athletic success Vi er tilbage i igaen Success team success Athletic success Vinder Success team success Athletic success Vindere Success team success Athletic success Vinderhold Success team success Athletic success Attraktiv håndbold success Athletic success burde vinde success Athletic success Flot at de er kommet tilbage efter deres konkusr management team success Athletic success uforlåst potentiale, gamle mænd uden glød management team success Athletic success Barndomshold nostalgia commitment identification Barndomsklubben nostalgia commitment identification Ud og se kamp Commitment identification Min klub commitment identification Pasion Commitment identification Sæsonkort commitment identification "Gule" djævle fra Fyn identification brand mark identification Grøn identification brand mark identification grøn trøje identification brand mark identification

155 Gul identification brand mark identification Gul og rød identification brand mark identification Gule trøjer identification brand mark identification Jeg mener de spiller i gult tøj? identification brand mark identification Rødstribede identification brand mark identification Sorte identification brand mark identification spiller i gult identification brand mark identification bette Balkan Identification identification Fan kultur identification identification Gult hjørne! giv dem en fast plads og lav arrangement for dem hver gang identification identification kanon fanklub identification identification Skjern Ultras identification identification Logoet logo brand mark identification Kender træner peer group acceptance nonplayer personnel interest of family and friends Sammenhold og fællesskab peer group acceptance social interaction interest of family and friends Kultur peer group acceptance stadium community interest of family and friends GOG/Sammen holdet peer group acceptance interest of family and friends kendskab til spiller peer group acceptance interest of family and friends Min fætter som er målmand peer group acceptance interest of family and friends min søn peer group acceptance interest of family and friends Selv spillet i klubben peer group acceptance interest of family and friends 2 af min drenge spiller der. :) Peer group acceptance interest of family and friends Det sted min søn spillede i 6 år peer group acceptance interest of family and friends Familie på holdet peer group acceptance interest of family and friends TRÆNEREN coach non player personnel organizational attributes Dygtig ledet og økonomisk stærk klub management nonplayer personnel organizational attributes Jens Boesen management nonplayer personnel organizational attributes Ud med Carsten management nonplayer personnel organizational attributes For meget uro omkring klubben management organizational attributes organizational attributes Foreningsforankret management organizational attributes organizational attributes Fusionsklub management organizational attributes organizational attributes god klubånd management organizational attributes organizational attributes God organization management organizational attributes organizational attributes Hele klubben er stor - hele opsættet management organizational attributes organizational attributes Innovation management organizational attributes organizational attributes Klubånd management organizational attributes organizational attributes Kompliceret træningsvilkår management organizational attributes organizational attributes proffesionel management organizational attributes organizational attributes udmyghed management organizational attributes organizational attributes Underlig kombination med københavn og kolding management organizational attributes organizational attributes Underligt at Kolding og København er management organizational attributes organizational attributes gået sammen. underligt navn management organizational attributes organizational attributes Underligt navn management organizational attributes organizational attributes Voel management Organizational attributes organizational attributes Økonomiske problemer management Organizational attributes organizational attributes Økonomisk ansvarlig management Organizational attributes organizational attributes Økonomisk stærk management Organizational attributes organizational attributes Ærgerligt at de ikke kunne bestå som selvstændig klub management Organizational attributes organizational attributes Danmarks største klub management organizational attributes organizational attributes En 'skør' fusion ml. Kolding og København management organizational attributes organizational attributes

156 enestående klub management organizational attributes organizational attributes Fed klubsstruktur management organizational attributes organizational attributes Går meget for fansene via Facebook management Organizational attributes organizational attributes osv. God klub management organizational attributes organizational attributes Godt Ungdoms arbejde management organizational attributes organizational attributes HÅNDBOLD KLUB For alle management organizational attributes organizational attributes Konkurs management Organizational attributes organizational attributes Mærkelig konstellation Kolding og management organizational attributes organizational attributes Københaven sammen Sjov blanding Kolding - Kbh management organizational attributes organizational attributes stor by, stor klub management organizational attributes organizational attributes Stor hold management organizational attributes organizational attributes Storhedsvanvid management organizational attributes organizational attributes Storklub management organizational attributes organizational attributes Super klubånd management organizational attributes organizational attributes Veletableret management organizational attributes organizational attributes sammenlægning med AG København management team history organizational attributes Sammenslutningen Kolding/København management team history organizational attributes Øst/vest management organizational attributes Ambitiøst management organizational attributes En kæmpe sammenblanding management organizational attributes Klubben management organizational attributes Lokalfølelse management organizational attributes Penge management organizational attributes Spændende projekt management organizational attributes Udvikling management organizational attributes AG København nostalgia team history organizational attributes Erik Veje Rasmussen nostalgia team history organizational attributes Resterne fra Kasi Jesper fasaden nostalgia team history organizational attributes Tidligere AG København nostalgia team history organizational attributes Tidligere FCK Håndbold nostalgia team history organizational attributes Toke Holst nostalgia team history organizational attributes Kolding og København er slået sammen pride in place team history organizational attributes Tradiotionsklub tradition organizational attributes organizational attributes en klub med en stor og lang håndboldhistorie tradition organizational attributes organizational attributes God historie tradition organizational attributes organizational attributes stolte traditioner tradition organizational attributes organizational attributes Tradition tradition organizational attributes organizational attributes Imødekommende organizational attributes organizational attributes Kasi Jesper team history organizational attributes KIF Kolding team history organizational attributes Klaus Bruun team history organizational attributes At det desværre har været nødvendigt at holdet er delt i 2 landsdele. KIF organizational attributes Kolding har solgt det m Anders Dam organizational attributes BD støtter et håndbold hold organizational attributes Grundfos organizational attributes Jyske Bank sponsorerer organizational attributes gamle tider i Kif nostalgia team history Product delivery gammel AGK nostalgia team history Product delivery Har fulgt dem sidste gang de var i liga nostalgia team history Product delivery Efterskole nostalgia Product delivery

157 Gamle dage fra hvor jeg selv spillede og fulgte med dem da vi kendte spiller nostalgia Product delivery derfra Grønland nostalgia Product delivery Spillet ungdomshåndbold i klubben nostalgia Product delivery Ungdomsklub nostalgia Product delivery Kamp = fritid og afslapning escape Product delivery VIP-arrangement product delivery Organizational attributes Product delivery Fantastisk hjemmebane // kultur product delivery stadium community Product delivery Fyldt hal product delivery stadium community Product delivery Action product delivery team play characteristics Product delivery Gang i den product delivery team play characteristics Product delivery gode kampe product delivery team success Product delivery "Balkan stemning" product delivery Product delivery 2200 tilskuer = fantastisk stemning product delivery Product delivery Altid god stemning i hallen product delivery Product delivery En FEST product delivery Product delivery Et godt show product delivery Product delivery Fantastisk publikum product delivery Product delivery Fantastisk stemning product delivery Product delivery fest og farver product delivery Product delivery God og underholdende håndbold product delivery Product delivery God vinterunderholdning i Grøkjær Arena product delivery Product delivery Hm, en god spænding i alle kampene de spiller. product delivery Product delivery Kedeligt product delivery Product delivery mange tilskuer- fan kultur product delivery Product delivery Opbakning product delivery Product delivery Oplevelser product delivery Product delivery overraskende product delivery Product delivery Seværdig product delivery Product delivery Show product delivery Product delivery Spændende product delivery Product delivery Spænding Dramatik Underholdning Godt spil product delivery Product delivery Super stemning blandt tilskuerne product delivery Product delivery Sved product delivery Product delivery underholdende product delivery Product delivery Glæde product delivery Product delivery kanon oplevelse product delivery Product delivery Tilhørsforhold (Er selv fra Nordsjælland) pride in place commitment regional importance Klubben i min fødeby pride in place organizational attributes regional importance At de er lokale pride in place organizational attributes regional importance At det spiller på Mors pride in place organizational attributes regional importance Lokale spillere pride in place organizational attributes regional importance Lokalhold pride in place organizational attributes regional importance Lokalområdet pride in place organizational attributes regional importance lokalt hold, har rødder i det lokale og holder fast i de små omgivlser, der pride in place organizational attributes regional importance giver en speciel stemning Mine lokale kammerater pride in place social interaction regional importance Bjerringbro pride in place stadium community regional importance Bor i byen pride in place stadium community regional importance De har hjemmebane 300 m fra hvor jeg bor pride in place stadium community regional importance

158 der hvor jeg bor pride in place stadium community regional importance deres ene hjemmebanen er tættest på mit hjem pride in place stadium community regional importance Det hold der holder til i den by jeg bor i pride in place stadium community regional importance Esbjerg pride in place stadium community regional importance Fra min egen pride in place stadium community regional importance Fra århus pride in place stadium community regional importance Fynsk storhold pride in place stadium community regional importance Geografi pride in place stadium community regional importance Geografisk udfordring pride in place stadium community regional importance Gudme pride in place stadium community regional importance Har boet i skanderborg pride in place stadium community regional importance Helsingør pride in place stadium community regional importance Hjem pride in place stadium community regional importance Hjemby pride in place stadium community regional importance Hjemlige spillere pride in place stadium community regional importance Hjemmebane pride in place stadium community regional importance Hjemmeholdet pride in place stadium community regional importance Hjemsted pride in place stadium community regional importance Hold fra mit lokalområde pride in place stadium community regional importance Holdet fra min hjemby pride in place stadium community regional importance Holstebro pride in place stadium community regional importance Jylland pride in place stadium community regional importance Jysk pride in place stadium community regional importance Kolding pride in place stadium community regional importance Kolding-København pride in place stadium community regional importance Kommer fra min fødeby pride in place stadium community regional importance kommer fra min hjem egn pride in place stadium community regional importance København pride in place stadium community regional importance Landsbyhold pride in place stadium community regional importance Min bopælsby pride in place stadium community regional importance Min by pride in place stadium community regional importance Min bys hold pride in place stadium community regional importance Min hjem egn / opvækst pride in place stadium community regional importance Min hjemby (lokalt) pride in place stadium community regional importance Nordsjælland pride in place stadium community regional importance Silkeborg pride in place stadium community regional importance Skjern pride in place stadium community regional importance Sydfyn pride in place stadium community regional importance tættest på hvor jeg bor pride in place stadium community regional importance Tættest på mig pride in place stadium community regional importance Tættest på min bopæl pride in place stadium community regional importance Tror på TTH, jeg bor i Holstebro pride in place stadium community regional importance Tvis pride in place stadium community regional importance Århus pride in place stadium community regional importance De er fra Århus, så de skal nok klare sig godt pride in place team success regional importance Blanding mellem København og Jylland pride in place regional importance Byens hold pride in place regional importance De er fra min hjemegn pride in place regional importance De er sønderjyder pride in place regional importance De lokale helte pride in place regional importance De spiller i København - jeg gider ikke rejse for at se en kamp. pride in place regional importance

159 Det hold der er tættest på hvor jeg bor pride in place regional importance Det lokale hold pride in place regional importance Fødeby pride in place regional importance Fyns stolthed pride in place regional importance Lokal opbakning pride in place regional importance lokal stolthed pride in place regional importance Lokalpatrioitisme pride in place regional importance Mænd med en bold der kommer fra en smuk by pride in place regional importance repræsenterer min by pride in place regional importance Sønderjyske pride in place regional importance Noget andet end dominerende KIF Kolding København rivalry regional importance

Landins tidligere hold :) starplayer team history starplayer Mikkel hansen starplayer team history starplayer Niklas Landin starplayer team history starplayer Bedste spiller starplayer team success starplayer Gamle landsholdsspillere starplayer team success starplayer Klassespillere starplayer team success starplayer Landsholdsprofiler/landsholdsveteraner starplayer team success starplayer Mange kendte navne starplayer team success starplayer Mange landsholdstjerner starplayer team success starplayer mange profiler starplayer team success starplayer Mange stjerne spillere starplayer team success starplayer Store profiler starplayer team success starplayer super dygtige spillere- mange kfra landshold starplayer team success starplayer Verdenstjerner starplayer team success starplayer "Kendte" spillere starplayer starplayer Bo Spellerberg starplayer starplayer Boesen starplayer starplayer Boldsen starplayer starplayer Casper Hvidt starplayer starplayer Damgaard starplayer starplayer Håndboldprofiler starplayer starplayer Internationale stjerner starplayer starplayer - god målmand starplayer starplayer Jesper Jensen starplayer starplayer joachim boldsen starplayer starplayer Kasper Hvidt starplayer starplayer Kasper Jørgensen starplayer starplayer Kendte spillere starplayer starplayer Kim Andersson starplayer starplayer Kristian Dahl Petersen starplayer starplayer Kristian Kjelling starplayer starplayer Kristoffer Lauersen starplayer starplayer Lasse Boesen starplayer starplayer Lasse Kronborg starplayer starplayer Lauge starplayer starplayer Lukas Karlson starplayer starplayer Mads Bruus starplayer starplayer Mads dyhr starplayer starplayer Patrick Wiesmach starplayer starplayer Profiler starplayer starplayer

160 Profiler, god underholdning, international klasse starplayer starplayer starplayer starplayer Rene Rasmussen starplayer starplayer Roccas starplayer starplayer Theis Baagø starplayer starplayer Zachariassen starplayer starplayer Dejlige drenge team/player evaluation Lækre mænd team/player evaluation Mænd i shorts team/player evaluation seje drenge team/player evaluation Stærke mænd team/player evaluation Kollektiv team play characteristics team/player evaluation Kollektivt hold team play characteristics team/player evaluation Kontra team play characteristics team/player evaluation 3-2-1 forsvar team play characteristics team/player evaluation Aggressivt team play characteristics team/player evaluation At gå til stålet team play characteristics team/player evaluation De spiller for meget hen over midten team play characteristics team/player evaluation Drive team play characteristics team/player evaluation Dynamisk team play characteristics team/player evaluation Energiske team play characteristics team/player evaluation Erfaren team play characteristics team/player evaluation Fairplay team play characteristics team/player evaluation Fed spillestil team play characteristics team/player evaluation Fight team play characteristics team/player evaluation Fighter hold team play characteristics team/player evaluation Flot håndbold team play characteristics team/player evaluation For lidt skudkraft i bagkæden team play characteristics team/player evaluation Forsvar team play characteristics team/player evaluation Gejst team play characteristics team/player evaluation god håndbold team play characteristics team/player evaluation God holdånd team play characteristics team/player evaluation god kampånd team play characteristics team/player evaluation Godt forsvar team play characteristics team/player evaluation godt forsvar, lyn hurtige angreb team play characteristics team/player evaluation Godt håndboldspil team play characteristics team/player evaluation Godt sammenspil team play characteristics team/player evaluation godt spil team play characteristics team/player evaluation Holdånd team play characteristics team/player evaluation Hurtig angreb team play characteristics team/player evaluation Hurtig kontrafase team play characteristics team/player evaluation hurtigt spil team play characteristics team/player evaluation Hvor der er vilje er der vej team play characteristics team/player evaluation Ingen forstærkningerne team play characteristics team/player evaluation Kampånd team play characteristics team/player evaluation Kampgejst team play characteristics team/player evaluation Råstyrke team play characteristics team/player evaluation Rutine team play characteristics team/player evaluation sammenspil på holdet team play characteristics team/player evaluation Stærke team play characteristics team/player evaluation Styrke team play characteristics team/player evaluation Super holdånd team play characteristics team/player evaluation Super kontra hold team play characteristics team/player evaluation Teamspirit team play characteristics team/player evaluation

161 Tempo team play characteristics team/player evaluation Ustabilt spil team play characteristics team/player evaluation Vilje team play characteristics team/player evaluation Samarbejde, holdånd, sammenhold management team play characteristics team/player evaluation Seriøsitet management team play characteristics team/player evaluation De er da bare for seje! team success team/player evaluation De er gamle team success team/player evaluation Dygtige individuelle spillere team success team/player evaluation Dygtige spillere team success team/player evaluation Et godt og bredt hold team success team/player evaluation Et spændene hold team success team/player evaluation Fantastisk energi og spillere team success team/player evaluation Fantastisk godt håndbold team success team/player evaluation fint hold team success team/player evaluation Gamle spillere team success team/player evaluation god blanding af spillere team success team/player evaluation God spiller team success team/player evaluation God truppe team success team/player evaluation Gode team success team/player evaluation Gode målmænd team success team/player evaluation Godt hold team success team/player evaluation Godt hold med spillere fra København team success team/player evaluation Godt hold, der ikke lever op til forventningerne team success team/player evaluation Håndbold som det bør spilles team success team/player evaluation Holdet uden stjerner team success team/player evaluation Ikke helt unge team success team/player evaluation KIF vil være i toppen team success team/player evaluation Klasse team success team/player evaluation klassehåndbold team success team/player evaluation Klasssehold team success team/player evaluation kompetente spillere på holdet team success team/player evaluation Lækkert spil team success team/player evaluation Lidt for højt aldersgennemsnit team success team/player evaluation Mange mål team success team/player evaluation mange rigtig gode spiller team success team/player evaluation Mange skader team success team/player evaluation Overlevelse team success team/player evaluation plads til forbedring team success team/player evaluation På vej team success team/player evaluation rigtig gode team success team/player evaluation Store spillere team success team/player evaluation Super gode spillere team success team/player evaluation Super hold team success team/player evaluation super spillere, team success team/player evaluation Superent godt hold team success team/player evaluation Superhold team success team/player evaluation Talenter team success team/player evaluation Underdog team success team/player evaluation Ungt hold team success team/player evaluation Blandet hold team/player evaluation Bred trup team/player evaluation

162 Appendix 17: overview of HTBA

Brand association Definition Associated with Associated with TBAS TAM Arena Refers to everything Stadium Stadium community regarding the arena in which the team plays like name, nickname and service offerings along with its community surroundings and evaluation of arena Athletic success Refers to team Success, management Organizational performance (good and attributes, rivalry, team bad) in both past, present history, team success and future Identification Refers to identifying with Nostalgia, Commitment, brand team logo, colors, fans, identification, logo mark personal identification (part of self) Interest of family Refers to the social Peer group Non-player personnel, and friends interaction with others acceptance* social interaction, around the sport and stadium community personal relations with players or other teams personnel Organizational Thoughts regarding Coach, management, Non-player personnel, attributes specific attributes that nostalgia, pride in organizational characterizes the place, tradition attributes, team history organization as a whole like management, sponsors, traditions, history etc. Product delivery Refers the to the Product delivery Organizational entertainment present at attributes, stadium game day from ancillary community, team play activities or the arena characteristics, team atmosphere created from success excitement, performance, support along with the benefits of nostalgia and escape the sports product can provide. Regional Refers to peoples Pride in place* Commitment, importance afficiliation with the organizational home town/area or local attributes, social community, team pride interaction, stadium and the teams ability to community, team

163 represent the city success, rivalry Starplayer Refers to the association Starplayer Team history, team with starplayers, national success team players and important profiles either current or former players on the team Team/player Refers to the specific Management Team play evaluations characteristics of team characteristics, team play along with an success, evaluation of the team and its players like how the team is perceived in terms of good/bad

*Name changed by Bauer (2005) and adapted to HTBA

164 Appendix 18: Brand awareness: recall and recognition findings

1. Recall:

Valid Cumulative Recall Frequency Percent Percent percent KIF KK 381 42,8 42,8 42,8 GOG 115 12,9 12,9 55,70 BSV 105 11,9 11,9 67,60 TTH 73 8,2 8,2 75,80 Skjern Håndbold 48 5,4 5,4 81,20 Kender ingen 38 4,2 4,2 85,40 Aalborg Håndbold 29 3,3 3,3 88,70 AGK 16 1,8 1,8 90,50 HC Midtjylland 14 1,6 1,6 92,10 Århus Håndbold 13 1,5 1,5 93,60 National team 8 0,9 0,9 94,50 Sønderjyske 8 0,9 0,9 95,40 Mors-Thy håndbold 6 0,7 0,7 96,10 FCK 6 0,7 0,7 96,80 Skanderborg Håndbold 5 0,6 0,6 97,40 Ribe-Esbjerg HH 4 0,4 0,4 97,80 Viborg 4 0,4 0,4 98,20 Fredericia Håndbold 4 0,4 0,4 98,60 Nordsjælland Håndbold 3 0,3 0,3 98,90 Skive FH 2 0,2 0,2 99,10 TMS Ringsted 1 0,1 0,1 99,20 Ajax KBH 1 0,1 0,1 99,30 Handewitt 1 0,1 0,1 99,40 Horsens Håndbold 1 0,1 0,1 99,50 København 1 0,1 0,1 99,60 Otterup HK 1 0,1 0,1 99,70 REHH 1 0,1 0,1 99,80 Silkeborg IF 1 0,1 0,1 99,90 Skovbakken 1 0,1 0,1 100,00 891 100,0 100,0

Results from Surveymonkey

165 2. Recognition:

Frequency Team Recognised KIF KK 1133 Skjern Håndbold 1115 Aalborg Håndbold 1108 Team Tvis Holstebro 1101 BSV 1095 Århus Håndbold 1089 SønderjyskE 1058 GOG 1051 Nordsjælland Håndbold 1033 Mors-Thy Håndbold 990 Ribe-Esbjerg HH 922 TMS Ringsted 916 Skanderborg 915 Håndbold Skive FH 900 Randers HH 385 Lernvig-Thyborøn 355 Ajax København 286 Vejle Håndbold 211 Svendborg Håndbold 149 TM Tønder Håndbold 124 Otterup HK 94

Results from Surveymonkey


167 Appendix 19: KIF KK’s attitude findings

Good vs bad (dårlig):

Popular vs unpopular:

Good quality vs bad quality: