INFORMATION CIRCULAR Original: ENGLISH (Unofficial Electronic Edition) ______
INF INFCIRC/254/Rev.3/Part 2*/ 24 February 1998 International Atomic Energy Agency GENERAL Distr. INFORMATION CIRCULAR Original: ENGLISH (Unofficial electronic edition) ___________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNICATION RECEIVED FROM CERTAIN MEMBER STATES REGARDING GUIDELINES FOR THE EXPORT OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY Nuclear-related Dual-use Transfers 1. The Director General has received notes verbales dated 30 September 1997 from the Resident Representatives to the Agency of Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, the Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America relating to the export of nuclear material, equipment and technology. 2. The purpose of the notes verbales is to provide further information about the Guidelines for Transfers of Nuclear-related Dual-use Equipment, Material and related Technology in accordance with which the relevant Governments act. 3. In the light of the wish expressed at the end of each note verbale, the text of the notes verbales is attached. The attachment to these notes verbales is also reproduced in full. _____________________ */ INFCIRC/254/Rev.3/Part 1 contains Guidelines for Nuclear Transfers ANNEX NOTE VERBALE The Permanent Mission of [Member State] presents its compliments to the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency and has the honour to refer to its [relevant previous communication(s)] concerning the decision of the Government of [Member State] to act in accordance with the Guidelines for Transfers of Nuclear-Related Dual-Use Equipment, Material and Related Technology currently published as document INFCIRC/254/Rev.2/Part 2/MOD.
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