Drunk Driving: B.C
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DRUNK DRIVING: B.C. PREMIER IS CHARGED YV Introduction At around 1:30 a.m. on January 10, step down, saying, “I have never, ever Focus 2003, Maui police pulled over a vehicle believed public officials are allowed to The focus of this that had been moving erratically on the distinguish between public and private News in Review story is the case of Honoapiilani Highway. Police say the time when it comes to breaking the Premier Gordon driver was speeding and, at times, law.” Similarly, Louise Knox, national Campbell. In Janu- driving on the wrong side of the road. It president of Mothers Against Drunk ary 2003, Campbell was soon determined that the driver was Driving (MADD), called on Campbell was charged with intoxicated. He was subsequently to “do the honourable thing and step impaired driving arrested, charged with impaired driving, down.” She pointed out that impaired while on vacation in Hawaii. The fingerprinted, photographed, impris- driving is the number-one criminal incident unleashed oned for eight hours, and later released cause of death in Canada. As a govern- a debate that on $257(U.S.) bail. ment leader, Campbell needed to show moved from the It was only later that Maui police respect for the law. Knox said: “The call for the resigna- realized they had arrested British Co- premier of a province needs to demon- tion of the Premier to the legal and lumbia Premier Gordon Campbell. strate sound judgment and, through ethical impact of Campbell had attended a party earlier. example, a moral authority. He should impaired driving in He claimed that he drank three martinis step down until his court appearance, Canada. This fea- and several glasses of wine, over a and if he is convicted, he should fulfill ture examines the seven-hour period. By the time he was his obligations to his sentence before story behind Campbell’s arrest as officially charged at the police station, returning as premier.” The Kamloops well as the ethical Campbell had a blood alcohol concen- Daily News seemed to capture the mood and legal issues tration (BAC) of 0.149 per cent, well of those calling for the Premier’s head, related to impaired over the legal limit of 0.08 per cent. stating, “Lawmakers must respect the driving. Canadians awoke Saturday morning law, not break it.” to find Campbell’s mug shots splashed Meanwhile, British Columbia Liber- across the front page of local and als scurried to Campbell’s defence. The YV Sections marked with this national newspapers. To make matters Liberal caucus issued a statement that symbol indicate worse, the Premier was smiling in some pointed out the gravity of the Premier’s content suitable for of the pictures. Campbell appeared error but claimed he should not lose his younger viewers. before the media the following day, job over the impaired driving charges. saying that he “had way too much to “This is an isolated, personal mistake drink” and that he “made a terrible that should not wipe out the Premier’s Further Research mistake.” With tears in his eyes he 18 years of dedication and commitment To learn more about current admitted that he had asked himself to public life in British Columbia.” political issues in repeatedly how he could have acted so Finance Minister Gary Collins called B.C. visit the official irresponsibly. the impaired driving incident a “per- government Web Shortly after the story broke, calls for sonal issue” that had nothing to do with site at the Premier’s resignation began surfac- Campbell’s job as premier. Collins www.gov.bc.ca and ing. NDP Leader Joy McPhail was went on to say that the Liberals had the official Web site of the provin- unhappy with Campbell’s attempt to been elected with an overwhelming cial NDP at defend his premiership based on the mandate, taking 77 of 79 seats in the www.B.C.ndp.ca. fact that the incident occurred during B.C. legislature, and that work needed his private time. She called on him to to be done to move forward the agenda CBC News in Review • March 2003 • Page 19 on which they were elected. He said be simultaneously the top lawmaker and The Measure of that Campbell played a key role in the B.C.’s best-known criminal.” Mean- Impaired Driving emergence of the Liberal platform and while, The Ottawa Citizen’s Charles Blood alcohol the election victory. He needed to stay Gordon says that the incident provides concentration (BAC) refers to the in his position to fulfill his mandate. an opportunity for Premier Campbell to percentage of Political pundits have had a field day create a legacy. By staying in office, he alcohol in the with the case of Premier Campbell. The could use his mistake to put forward an blood. In Canada, debate over whether or not the Premier agenda that sets a higher standard for the legal limit should resign has been at the centre of impaired driving. He could work with established in the most of the discussions. However, some victim advocacy organizations to im- Criminal Code for drinking and perspectives have proven more eloquent prove existing laws or make changes driving is 80 milli- than others, focusing on what many see that allow law enforcement agencies to grams of alcohol in as the real issue: impaired driving. Ian deal with the problem of impaired 100 millilitres of Mulgrew of the Vancouver Sun points driving more effectively. If Campbell blood, or 0.08 per out that defenders of Campbell have wants to make things right, Charles cent. However, most provincial and been careful to avoid calling impaired Gordon thinks he needs to demonstrate territorial jurisdic- driving a crime. Instead people are his commitment to reducing impaired tions have adminis- referring to the incident as “a misde- driving in his own country. trative driver’s meanor,” “a terrible mistake,” “an In the meantime, Campbell has license suspensions irresponsible and shameful thing,” or “a decided to plead guilty to the impaired in their traffic code misjudgment.” With over 70 000 driving charges and stay on as premier. at 0.05 per cent or lower. Therefore, charges laid every year in Canada, He has vowed never to drink alcohol someone could Mulgrew reiterates MADD’s perspec- again. Many critics wonder if this is have their license tive: drunk driving is a serious crime. enough. suspended under Mulgrew concludes that, “It’s hard to the provincial traffic code for having a BAC of Questions 0.05 per cent, but What disturbing photographs did Canadians see in local and national news- the matter be- papers the day after Premier Campbell was charged with impaired driving? comes a federal Why do you think people were disturbed by these pictures? Explain. criminal offence when the BAC reaches 0.08 per cent. Definition A pundit is a per- son who has a certain expertise. Interestingly, this popular political term originated in India and described a Hindu educated in Sanskrit, law, and philosophy. CBC News in Review • March 2003 • Page 20 This reading offers a range of opinions on the issue of whether Gordon Campbell should resign. Use the following table to outline the arguments for and against the Premier’s resignation and then write up your final view on this controversial issue. Why Campbell Should Resign Why Campbell Should Not Resign My Final Decision Is the Premier’s vow to never drink again enough? Explain your answer. What advice would you give to Gordon Campbell? CBC News in Review • March 2003 • Page 21 DRUNK DRIVING: B.C. PREMIER IS CHARGED YV Video Review 1. How have people’s attitudes changed about drinking and driving? Answer the ques- tions on this and the following pages while review- ing the video story. It may be necessary to answer the more complex questions after you have seen the video. 2. What happened while B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell was on vacation in Hawaii in January 2003? 3. What is former NDP strategist Bill Tieleman’s position regarding the Campbell situation? 4. How did Campbell feel about the incident in Maui? Was he sorry for what he did? Did he show remorse when he appeared before the media? 5. Does the Premier plan to fight the charges against him? CBC News in Review • March 2003 • Page 22 6. What was the result of Campbell’s roadside breath test? 7. Name two other high-profile political figures who have been involved in impaired driving incidents. 8. From where do most statistics regarding impaired driving crashes come? What problems arise from this method of data collection? 9. What percentage of fatally injured drivers were impaired at the time of their crashes? 10. What are the three character profiles of drunk drivers? CBC News in Review • March 2003 • Page 23 11. How are some provinces toughening penalties for impaired drivers? Did you know . Premier Campbell’s roadside breath test was 0.161 per cent? When he was tested again at the police station his BAC result was 0.149 per cent. 12. What techniques were used to demonstrate the feeling of being im- paired at the lunchtime demonstration in Fredericton? 13. What motivated Mark Savard to use hypnosis to teach people about the effects of drinking and driving? 14. Outline your personal views on drinking and driving. 15. Describe any incidents of drinking and driving in your own community. CBC News in Review • March 2003 • Page 24 DRUNK DRIVING: B.C. PREMIER IS CHARGED Government, Ethics, and Confucius The case of Gordon Campbell poses a Test #1: Reciprocity The Master said, number of ethical questions, some of “He who rules by There is no question that Campbell’s moral force is like which concern the way we are gov- choice to drink and drive fails the test the pole-star, which erned.