Planning Permission in Principle 11/01494/PPP at Land Adjacent to 34 Cramond Road North Edinburgh
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DINB RGH + Itemno I • Report no THE CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL Planning Permission in Principle 11/01494/PPP at Land Adjacent To 34 Cramond Road North Edinburgh Development Management Sub-Committee of the Planning Committee 1 Purpose of report To consider application 11/01494/PPP, submitted by AMA (New Town) Ltd .. The application is for: Option 3 - Tennis and Cricket. Application for planning permission in principle for proposed sports facilities (tennis centre and cricket centre), sports pavilion and care village (class 8) including ancillary retail (class 1), health hub/sports clinic and creche (class 10). Details brought forward for approval: layout, building footprints, massing and heights. It is recommended that this application be Granted by Committee. 2 The Site and the Proposal Site description The application site, which measures 6.2 hectares in area, is located at the north-east extremity of Cramond village and is accessed from Cramond Road North to the south. The site is currently vacant and is the southern part of the former Moray House Institute of Education campus at Cramond. The northern part of the campus has already been developed for residential purposes. There are traditional detached dwellings to the immediate west of the site, with larger three storey flatted dwellings to the south-west corner. To the east and north-east of the site are open fields which form part of the Green Belt, an Area of Great Landscape Value and a Local Nature Conservation Site. At the south-eastern corner of the site there are Category B and a Category C(s) listed (reference 50793 and 30269) detached dwellinghouses. To the south of the site is Cramond Road North with Bruntsfield Links golf course beyond. The golf course is designated as open space and is within the Green Belt and part of the Area of Great Landscape Value. There are mature trees within the southern and eastern boundaries of the site. The north-west and south-west boundaries are bounded by residential properties. Site History January 1999 - A development brief for the entire campus was approved. 30 January 2003 - Permission was granted to demolish buildings and redevelop the whole Cramond Campus site for residential, sports and recreational purposes (Application reference - 01/01881/FUL). The consent was subsequently amended to omit the country club element of the proposals. 28 June 2006 - An application was submitted for the erection of a new sports pavilion and construction of sports pitches and associated car park on the southern part of the Cramond Campus site (Application reference - 06/02715/FUL) The application has not been determined. 24 December 2007 - An Application was submitted in outline for the erection of enabling facilities for sports pitches, including sports pavilion, mini supermarket, offices, care home etc on the southern part of the Cramond Campus site (Application reference - 08/00007/0UT). The application has not been determined. 28 May 2008 - Permission was granted to modify condition 16 of consented application 01/01881/FUL (Application reference - 05/02947/FUL). The original condition stated that 'the approved pavilion and sports pitches shall be constructed/laid out and fully operational, to the satisfaction of the Head of Planning, prior to the occupation of no more than 50% of the approved dwellings on the site'. The condition was modified as follows:- 1) 'the approved pavilion and sports pitches shall be fully constructed to the satisfaction of the Head of Planning and Strategy, prior to the commencement of construction of no more than 88% of the approved dwellings on the site' 2) 'within 1 year of the date of this consent, the grass playing fields shall be fully prepared and seeded to the satisfaction of the Head of Planning and Strategy. 25 June 2009 - Permission was granted to modify condition 2 of consented application 05/02947/FUL (Application reference - 09/01175/FUL). The modification relaxed the period within which the grass playing fields shall be fully prepared and seeded for a period of 12-18 months. 2 28 November 2011 - The same applicant has submitted a parallel application for planning permission in principle for proposed sports facilities (cricket centre and football pitches), sports pavilion and care village (Class 8) including ancillary retail (Class 1), health hub/sports clinic and creche (Class 10) (Application reference - 11/01492/PPP). 28 November 2011 - The same applicant has submitted a parallel application for planning permission in principle for proposed sports facilities (tennis centre and football pitches), sports pavilion and care village (Class 8) including ancillary retail (Class 1), health hub/sports clinic and creche (Class 10) (Application reference - 11/01493/PPP). Pre-Application Process In line with planning legislation, a Proposal of Application Notice (11/01494/PAN) was submitted on 4 May 2011 to the Council as planning authority with a copy provided to Cramond & Barnton Community Council. Further copies were also provided to the local ward members, Margaret Smith MSP, The Cramond Association and the Almond Neighbourhood Partnership. A staffed exhibition was held in Cramond Kirk Hall on 17 and 21 June 2011 and a public meeting held on 23 June in the same venue. The exhibitions were attended by 71 people with a further 115 people attending the public meeting. Following the events, a total of 82 feedback forms were received. Issues raised included the relationship between the sports pavilion and neighbouring properties, the height of the development, traffic and parking, noise and light levels, and community benefits. A copy of the Pre-Application Consultation report is available to view on the Planning and Building Standards Portal. Description Of The Proposal Planning permission in principle is sought for a mixed use development comprising new sports facilities (tennis centre and football pitches), including a sports pavilion; a care village (incorporating a care home and assisted living apartments), a small retail store, health hub/sports clinic and creche. The matters to be approved at this stage are site layout, building footprints, massing and heights. The sports pavilion will be set 30 metres from the north-west boundary and will be a maximum height of 10 metres. The pavilion will have a square footprint and will be flanked by 9.5 outdoor tennis courts and a tournament sized cricket pitch. This aspect of the proposals will have 79 car parking and 2 coach parking spaces. There will be 4 blocks of assisted living units linked at ground floor level set in the south-west corner of the site. The blocks will be a maximum height of 3 11.9 metres. Private amenity space will be provided between the units and the southern boundary. This aspect of the proposals will have 46 car parking spaces. The care home will be set in the eastern-most part of the site and will have four wings. The care home will have a maximum height of 8.7 metres. Private amenity space will be provided between the wings. New tree planting will be provided between the care home and existing properties to the south and the proposed football pitches to the north. This aspect of the proposals will have 25 car parking spaces. The community hub building will be situated on the axis of the south boundary and the new access road. The building will contain a convenience store (230 sqm net f1oorspace), a creche, a health hub/commercial space and a physio/sports injury clinic. The building will be a maximum height of 8.6 metres. An outdoor play area will be provided for the creche. This aspect of the proposals will have 21 car parking spaces set to the rear of the building. A new bus waiting area will be provided at the front of this building. For the avoidance of doubt, matters including building design and materials, landscaping and drainage are to be reserved for future consideration. The original scheme has been amended: - The assisted living units have been reduced from 5 to 4 storeys; - The assisted living units now have a connecting, ground floor dining/communal area; and - The football pitches have been repositioned marginally further west. The following documents have been submitted in support of the application, all of which are available to view via Planning & Building Standards online services: - Design Statement; - Transport Statement; - Planning Policy Statement; - Landscape Statement; - Noise Impact Assessment; - Drainage Report; and - Pre-Application Consultation Report. 3. Officer's Assessment and Recommendation Determining Issues Do the proposals comply with the development plan? If the proposals do comply with the development plan, are there any compelling reasons for not approving them? 4 If the proposals do not comply with the development plan, are there any compelling reasons for approving them? ASSESSMENT To address these determining issues, the Committee needs to consider whether: a) the principle of the proposed development is acceptable; b) the scale and design of the proposals is appropriate; c) the proposals preserve or enhance the historic environment; d) the proposals impact upon natural heritage; e) the proposed development raises any road safety implications; and f) the proposal is acceptable in terms of residential amenity for existing and future residents. a) The application site is identified by the Edinburgh City Local Plan as part of the urban area. The proposed development of sports facilities and a care village, would be compatible with the local plan designation. The site, along with the new housing development to the north-west previously formed part of Edinburgh University's estate. Following a rationalisation of the university's estate, the campus was sold and a development brief was prepared. It was identified that the current application site would be used for sports pitches and ancillary facilities. The primary component of the current planning application is the introduction of a tennis centre and a tournament specification cricket pitch situated either side of a dedicated pavilion.