HOUGHTON TheMagazine for Alumni & Friends ofHoughton College Spring 1999 goes back to the thoughts I had " I. when I became president of I ,' I Houghton in 1976. r .,, In my inaugural address, which I entitled Firm Founda tions: New Horizons, I pledged � ''to the Board of Trustees, stu !· dents, faculty, staff, alumni, con stituency and friends of this col lege, my commitment and my best efforts." I went on to state, .�! "It is not enough for us to recite ,. or even to celebrate our firm foundations. It is rather for us L... .. The name of this final group, to dedicate ourselves to building the trustees, is a reminder that they upon those foundations. As my • •, �' hold Houghton's present and fu title suggests, we are not looking ,, ture in their hands as a sacred trust. in new directions, but to new 1 .. -I!!!� ... t One of their important quadrennial and higher horizons in the direc illt. 1 responsibilities is appointing and/ tion and on the journey already •\. ..... i Our Help or re-appointing the college presi taken." I have renewed that dent. In discharging that duty, the commitment to the trustees and \I trustees perform a comprehensive I now renew it with Houghton's �(' -1 and Hope evaluation of presidential perfor constituency. mance, even as they analyze the As I anticipate another term �·I .. early three centuries ago, college's future leadership needs. as Houghton's president, my ·� N Isaac Watts penned the On February 27, the trustees con spirit and my purposes are still words �i - I cluded the process by voting captured by the final paragraph )"' unanimously to extend my term of of my inaugural address. !(\ 0 God, our help in ages past, service as president of Houghton Our hope for years to come. In the words of Scripture, i '-.. College for another four years. I '; f, Houghton Collegecan rejoice that have accepted their invitation, even � We often sing this great as I recognize my dependence "hitherto hath the Lord helped us." r hymn at the first chapel sevice upon God and others to perform Our foundations are firm. Today .-.- of a new academic year. It beau the duties required by this office. we look forward to new horizons • tifullycaptures God's generous In presidential politics at the with fresh faith, confident of our provisions throughout national level, shouts of "four more purpose, and seeking ever to im Houghton's history and His gra years!" greet the nomination and prove our processes. As we accept cious promises for our future. re-election of incumbent chief ex the challenge that is ours,we can God continues to guide and ecutives. Such celebrations may be rise to Clark Kerr's definitionof a provide for Houghton College appropriate, and I am grateful for perfect college as "an imperfect one in the present, and almost al the confidence this decision dem urgently seeking perfection." ways He chooses to work His onstrates. I eagerly and joyfully will through people. At anticipate the challenges and op I serve in the present with Houghton, these important portunities I see in Houghton's great confidence that the God people include alumni, friends, near future. But as I view another who has been our help in the past faculty, staff, students, adminis four years of serving God and oth will transform our hope forthe trators and trustees. ers here at Houghton, my mind future into remarkable reality. Contents Features HOUGHTON MILIEU College Magazine (USPS 252-220) Spring 1999 Vol. 74, No. 1 When Parents Come to Stay 12 HOUGHTON Milieuwelcomes letters, Facing a complex issue in the family alumni news, unsolicited manuscripts, art life ci;cle or photographs for possible inclusion in the magazine. Send these in care of the editor to the college, or FAX (716) 567- 14 Houghton Alumni: 9522, or e-mail: [email protected]. Address changes should be sent to the Aging with Grace Alumni Office, Houghton College, PO Box Sketches of just a small sampling of 128, Houghton, NY 14744-0128. Neither vital, contributing alumni Houghton College nor HOUGHTON Milieu can be responsible for unsolicited mail re ceived by persons who ask that their ad dresses be printed in the magazine. Writ 16 A "Place in the Sun?" ten permission is required to reproduce HOUGHTON Milieu in whole in or in part. Retirees tell why Houghton is the place MANAGING EDITOR-Lisa Bennett thei/ve chosen. DESIGNER-Valerie Smith '85 COVER, PHOTOGRAPHY David Huth '95 18 View from a Widow's Walk COPY EDITOR-Richard L. Wing Details, details. Planning ahead can help in NEWS EDITOR-Jason Mucher a time of grief CLASS NOTES-Bruce Campbell '81 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Bruce Campbell '81, Judith Markham '63, Richard L. Wing, Ivan Rocha '92 HOUGHTON Milieuis the magazine of Houghton College, PO Box 128, Houghton, NY 14744-0128. Periodical postage paid at Houghton, NV 14744- 0128 and paid at an additional office at Randolph, NY 14772-9998. Postmaster send form 3579 to Houghton College, PO Departments Box 128, Houghton, NY 14744-0128. HOUGHTON Milieu is published for alumni and friends of the college five times yearly: March, June, September, October, and December. 4 Campus News 10 Sports News 20 Class Notes ---�A AHOUGHTON Christian College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Spring 1999 - Milieu ♦ 3 Construction Update A bright yellow exterior on the fine arts center has added color to campus over the winter months. This insulation cover ing is temporary until the final stone facade is added later in the project. The majority of the work has moved to the inside of the facility where the med1ani cal, ductwork, electrical, and plumbing systems are being in stalled. Details and design of the interior spaces, including color schemes and decor, are now the topic of regular discus sions. TI1e project is still on schedule for late-summer occu pancy. Attentionhas now. turnedto another phase of thecampus building project: library renova tions. The renovations- likely to begin in May after commence ment - include the redesign of stainvellsand handicap access, expanding the area fot stacks and book storage, and adding study rooms. When those phases are complete, work will begin on building a ne,,v front entrance that will raise it to first-floor level. The entrance design will be similar to that of Luckey Build ing, with a pitched roof and col umns and will include reinstalla tion of the ceramic artwork given to the college by the class of '93. Most of the interior work will be As tlze ide11tity of the fi11e arts ce11ter a11d its place 011 c11mp11s develops, so does the finished over the summer with ide11tity of many areas within t/,e l,11ildi11g. C11rre11tly 18 roo111s lwve bee11 111111,ed in l,011or of i11divid1111/s, witlz 12 more 1111mi11g 11gree111e11ts i11 t/,e p1·oc,·ss 1111d still more completion of the entrance dur opport1111ities available. ing the fall semester. Tl,is fro11t e/,•vatio11 rrf1ccts the exterior portion ofthe 11,·arll/Sl millio11 re11ovlltio11s p/1u111<'d tl,is spri11g to t/1e 196-lstructure. New WJSL: Back in the Hands of the Students Houghton College has reached an agreement wilth WXXI-FM that will provide the assistance and equipment upgrades to set up a student-oper Houghton Academy ated, lower-power station and that will turn over the 90.3 frequency of the college radio station to the Rochester-based station by this corningfall. Expanding It's a move college officials are certain will create: more learningop courtesy of portunities for students and save money. And it's an opportunity for Wellsville Daily Reporter WXXJ to reach a new audience with its classical music format. For more than a year, college officials had been meeting about the fu Houghton Academy has ture of W)SL 90.3 FM. Since making a switch from low-power FM to 6,000 kicked off Cornerstone 2000, a watts in 1984, the college station hasn't met expectations, particularly in $500,000 campaign that will terms of producing revenue and providing educational opportunities for fund the building of a new el students. "The college began to subsidize WJSL to ke:ep its operations go ementary school later this year ing," said Jeff Spear, vice president for finance. "And there was less and along Route 19 in Belmont. less student content as we received the majority of our programming Academy officials hope the from a network." A return to low power will restore the station to the campaign generates enough hands of the students, turning back to the original purpose of the station. money through donations and "It became apparent we needed to get back to the reaison it was formed: as bequests to fund construction an opportunity for students to engage in learning from a comprehensive of Houghton Academy South, standpoint; creating more diverse programming, and learning how to run which will include seven class a station," said Spear. rooms, an activity room, and Doug Gaerte, chair of the English and communication department, offices. Future plans call for agreed with Spear 's assessment. "We're interested in expanding opportu expansion of the facility to in nities for students to do more news and production work, and for the air clude a gym, cafeteria, science ing of more college concerts and sporting events. We hope that turning rooms, and additional class the station back to the students will create a sense of pride." rooms. Spear and Gaerte are quick to point out that WJSL is not affiliating Wellsville Christian School with WXXI. "Houghton did not sell WJSL or lease WJSL," said Spear.
Upland Campus Founded 1846 There are those who seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge, that is curiosity. There are those who seek knowledge to be known by others, that is vanity. There are those who seek knowledge in order to serve, that is love. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) Catalog 2003-2004 236 West Reade Avenue h Upland, IN 46989-1001 Telephone: (765) 998-2751 or (800) 882-3456 h Fax: (765) 998-4910 www.tayloru.edu/upland/admissions Information in this catalog, while current at the time of printing, is subject to change based on enrollment, faculty availability, and other considerations. Taylor University reserves the right to withdraw a course or program or to limit its enrollment when, for any reason, it becomes impractical to offer it as previously scheduled. While Taylor University publishes program information and materials and assigns advisors, the student is ultimately responsible to assure his/her academic program fulfills all graduation requirements. The university reserves the right to withdraw a previously awarded degree if the university subsequently determines that the degree requirements were not met appropriately. CONTENTS OUR HERITAGE, MISSION, AND LIFE TOGETHER..........................5 A Heritage Exceeding 150 Years .............................................................5 A Christian Liberal Arts College .............................................................6 Mission and Purposes...............................................................................6 The Life Together Covenant ....................................................................8
SPRING/SUMMER2014 VIEWPOINTS IN EDUCATION & HEALTH CARE Wherever we look on the globe, we can find Houghton stories, stories of God’s creative and redeeming grace at work through Houghton alumni. – Shirley A. Mullen ’76, President HOUGHTON COLLEGE VOLUME 89, NO. 1 | SPRING/SUMMER 2014 MAGAZINE STAFF Houghton magazine welcomes letters, alumni news, and Editor Rick Melson Photography art or photographs for possible inclusion in the magazine. Jeff Babbitt ’96 Linda Mills Woolsey ’74 Jeff Babbitt ’96 Daniel Noyes ’93 All are subject to editing, and the opinions expressed Lead Designer Hayley Day ‘15 are those of the authors or their subjects and are not Brandon Rush Brandon Rush Mary (Gibson ‘06) Dougherty necessarily shared by the college or the editor. Send Contributors Morgan Loghry ’16 information in care of the editor to the college, or fax Alumni Notes Editor Brandon Rush Shelley (Smith ’93) Noyes Adeyinka Araromi ’14 585.567.9668, or email [email protected]. Address Timothy Cox ‘97 Matthew Whittemore ‘09 changes should be sent to the Alumni Relations Office, Proofreaders Cathy Freytag Printing Houghton College, Houghton, NY 14744-0128. Neither Amy (Danna ’93) Tetta Myron Glick ‘88 The Zenger Group, Bruce Brenneman Houghton College nor Houghton magazine is responsible Marshall Green Tonawanda, NY for unsolicited mail received by persons who ask that Editorial Board Katharine Maitland ‘11 their addresses be printed in the magazine. Written Bruce Brenneman Jamie Potter permission is required to reproduce Houghton magazine Marshall
Rosedale Bible College COLLEGES ACCEPTING CREDIT TRANSFERS All colleges and universities reserve the right to accept credits from any other college based on their own criteria (i.e. correlating courses, minimum grade, residency requirements, etc.). Below is a list of colleges that have accepted RBC credits over the last few years or with whom RBC has transfer agreements. Schools marked with “ * “ denote colleges and universities that have accepted or would accept most if not all of the RBC credits taken for students who had attended RBC at least 18 credit hours. Students are advised to confirm transferability of RBC credit with the institutions in which they have interest. RBC’s academic office may be able assist with transfer difficulties if they are encountered. * Alice Lloyd College—Pippa Passes, KY Manatee Community College—Bradenton, FL * Alvernia College—Reading, PA Medical Central College of Nursing—Mansfield, OH * Asbury College & Seminary—Wilmore, KY * Messiah College—Grantham, PA Bethel College—Mishawaka, IN Misericordia University—Dallas, PA * Bluffton University—Bluffton, OH * Moody Bible Institute—Chicago, IL * Bryan College—Dayton, TN * Mount Vernon Nazarene University—Mount Vernon, OH Canadian Mennonite University—Winnipeg, MB Northwestern College—Roseville, MN * Cairn University—Langhorne, PA * Oak Hills Christian College—Bemidji, MN * Cedarville University—Cedarville, OH * Ohio Christian University—Circleville, OH Central Christian Coll of the Bible—Moberly, MO * Ohio State University—Columbus, OH * Cincinnati Christian
GENEVA COLLEGE College Catalog 2015-2016 Volume 96 3200 College Avenue Beaver Falls, PA 15010 724-846-5100 www.geneva.edu This catalog is designed to communicate clearly the information needed by students, faculty, and prospective students. It can be accessed on the Geneva website. The provisions of this catalog should not be regarded as a contract between any student and the college. Course content and regulations are constantly being reviewed and revised. The college reserves the right to withdraw or amend the content of any courses listed if circumstances necessitate such changes. ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Undergraduate Majors/Programs Accounting ........................................................................................................................ 39 Applied Mathematics ........................................................................................................ 46 Biblical Studies ................................................................................................................. 27 Biology .............................................................................................................................. 34 Biology with Secondary Education ................................................................................... 35 Biochemistry ..................................................................................................................... 43 Biopsychology .................................................................................................................. 85
2001 AMC Championship Results Cedarville University
Masthead Logo Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville Women's Cross Country Statistics Women's Cross Country(1994-Current) 11-3-2001 2001 AMC Championship Results Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/ womens_cross_country_statistics Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "2001 AMC Championship Results" (2001). Women's Cross Country Statistics. 99. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/womens_cross_country_statistics/99 This Statistics is brought to you for free and open access by Footer Logo DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Women's Cross Country Statistics by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 2000 AMC Women's Cross Country Page 1 of 3 Women's Cross Country i\v\ERIC 1 AMC Championship ..1. l\lf£)F:1\ S'l~. University of Rio Grande; Rio Grande, OH C.ONFE.RENCE .· Saturday, November 3, 2001 ·· 10:15 a.m. 5,000 meters -- 50°, sunny, light wind Team Scores Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 ---- ----------------------- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 Cedarville University 33 1 4 6 7 15 16 18 2 Malone College 43 3 5 8 10 17 25 36 3 Roberts Wesleyan Colleg 94 2 12 13 14 53 65 79 4 Geneva College 109 9 20 21 24 35 59 66 5 Houghton College 174 23 26 34 45 46 48 49 6 Shawnee State Universit 185 29 32 38 42 44 51 84 7 Walsh University 197 19 33 37 52
{ B E P A R T O F A S P E C I A L T R A D I T I O N } at Roberts If you want time to reconnect with classmates, professors and staff. If you enjoy the spirit of community and would like to rediscover your favorite things about Roberts. If you like sporting events, attending class celebrations and the opportunity to make new friends, join us for homecoming weekend. We would love to reconnect with you! For a full schedule of events for September 27-29, go to: www.roberts.edu/Homecoming HOMECOMING 2013 HOMECOMING Connect. Rediscover. Celebrate. ROBERTS TODAY The magazine for alumni and friends of Roberts Wesleyan College and Northeastern Seminary, Vol.36, No. 2, Fall 2013. Published by Roberts Wesleyan College and Northeastern Seminary, 2301 Westside Drive, Rochester, NY 14624-1997; Phone 585.594.6500; Email [email protected]. The magazine is distributed free to alumni, parents, faculty, staff, friends and students. PRESIDENT John A. Martin TRUSTEES John D. Cooke ’66 David W. Hughes George A. Kimmich Roy W. King, NES ’04 David M. Lascell Norman P. Leenhouts, Vice Chair Paul A. Lysander ’85 Duncan W. O’Dwyer Dwight M. (Kip) Palmer, Vice Chair Mary G. Perna, Secretary E. John Reinhold ’63 Mary D. Richards David B. Rinker David T. Roller Deborah K. Schmidt ’79 Robert E. Smith Terry R. Taber, Chair Steven E. Von Berg Caryl L. Wenzke NES ’04 Daniel D. Wolfe Mary A. Worboys-Turner, Vice Chair Coralie B. Hoselton, Honorary TRUSTEES EMERITI David C. Hoselton Ruth E.
GORDON OLLEGE CUndergraduate Academic Catalog 2005–2006 Art Durity GORDON COLLEGE UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC CATALOG 2005–2006 The United College of Gordon and Barrington 255 Grapevine Road Wenham, Massachusetts 01984 978.927.2300 Fax 978.867.4659 www.gordon.edu Printed on recycled paper Gordon College is in compliance with both the spirit and the letter of Title IX of the Education Amend- ments of 1972 and with Internal Revenue Service Procedure 75–50. This means that the College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, disability, veteran status or national or ethnic origin in administration of its employment policies, admissions policies, recruitment programs (for students and employees), scholarship and loan programs, athletics and other college-administered activities. ******** Gordon College supports the efforts of secondary school officials and governing bodies to have their schools achieve regional accreditation to provide reliable assurance of the quality of the educational preparation of its applicants for admission. ******** Any student who is unable, because of religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examina- tion, study or work requirement on a particular day shall be excused from such activity and be provided with an opportunity to make it up, provided it shall not create an unreasonable burden upon the school. No fees shall be charged nor any adverse or prejudicial effects result. ******** In compliance with the Higher Education Amendments of 1986, Gordon College operates a drug abuse prevention program encompassing general dissemination of informational literature, awareness seminars and individual counseling. Assistance is available to students, staff and faculty. For more information please contact the Center for Student Development.
N O R T H W E S T N A Z A R E N E U N I V E R S I T Y G REAT MINDS • GREAT HEARTS • GREAT FUTURES VOL. 93, NUM. 3 theMMESSENGERESSENGERFALL 2005 Fusing art & literature — NNU students tackle Hollywood! president’s letter contents Dear Alumni and Friends: I remember thinking at the time of my father’s features death in 1975, that this man, born in 1897 in President: Dr. Richard A. Hagood Texas, had seen remarkable changes in 4 NNU Senior Gwen Miller Goes transportation during his lifetime. During his Vice President for Enrollment Services Hollywood on NBC’s Fear Factor! early life in rural Oklahoma, his family had & Marketing: Dr. Eric Forseth What do you get when you take a friendly girl from Boise and either walked or taken horse and buggy to Vice President for University Advancement: plunk her down in the middle of Los Angeles? Pure magic! their intended destination—and they didn’t Gary Skaggs travel very far. By the time he died, humans Director, Alumni Relations: 8 Remembering Helen Wilson, 1914 - 2005 had traveled to the moon and back. Darl Bruner Amazing changes requiring amazing For nearly forty years, Miss Helen Wilson graced the campus of adaptation. Director, Marketing & Public Relations / Northwest Nazarene University. Here she is remembered for her Managing Editor: humor, love and joie de vivre by a former student and friend. Just one generation later, here in 2005, as I write this Angela Klein letter to you, I have access to instant communi- Designer: cation with many parts of the world.
CCCU Faculty Salary Survey: 2016-17 Update by Nita Stemmler, Council for Christian Colleges & Universities Introduction. This is the thirty-third in an annual series of research reports conducted by the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU). The purpose of this study is to provide CCCU Governing Member institutions with comparative and longitudinal salary data. The research has traditionally been based on information compiled for the AAUP, appearing in Academe each spring (for the current study, from March/April, 2017). Fifty-seven CCCU institutions of 111 US- based schools are not represented in the AAUP survey this year. For these members, the author used data surveyed by the CCCU. Nine schools are not represented in this study due to a lack of available data. Due to changes in CCCU membership categories, only governing members are included in this survey, however, we have added a new appendix based on Carnegie Classifications that allow us to include collaborative partners and affiliate members. Readers should keep in mind these data sources when considering any analysis. Schools in the group which did not report data to Academe but which did respond to the CCCU survey used the definitions from the AAUP survey to help attain similarity and comparability. Academe requests salary information based on a 9-month contract, and this has meant that some universities have had to recalculate salaries if significant numbers of faculty work a ten-month or eleven-month academic year. General Findings. Table I (below) summarizes the central tendencies for salaries, by rank, for the past ten years of the study period.
Bringing Colleges & Students Together SAGESholars® Member Colleges & Universities It Is Our Privilege To Partner With 427 Private Colleges & Universities April 2nd, 2021 Alabama Emmanuel College Huntington University Maryland Institute College of Art Faulkner University Morris Brown Indiana Institute of Technology Mount St. Mary’s University Stillman College Oglethorpe University Indiana Wesleyan University Stevenson University Arizona Point University Manchester University Washington Adventist University Benedictine University at Mesa Reinhardt University Marian University Massachusetts Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Savannah College of Art & Design Oakland City University Anna Maria College University - AZ Shorter University Saint Mary’s College Bentley University Grand Canyon University Toccoa Falls College Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Clark University Prescott College Wesleyan College Taylor University Dean College Arkansas Young Harris College Trine University Eastern Nazarene College Harding University Hawaii University of Evansville Endicott College Lyon College Chaminade University of Honolulu University of Indianapolis Gordon College Ouachita Baptist University Idaho Valparaiso University Lasell University University of the Ozarks Northwest Nazarene University Wabash College Nichols College California Illinois Iowa Northeast Maritime Institute Alliant International University Benedictine University Briar Cliff University Springfield College Azusa Pacific University Blackburn College Buena Vista University Suffolk University California
Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville Men's Soccer News Releases Men's Soccer Fall 2013 2013 NCCAA Men's Soccer Division I Awards Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/mens_soccer_news_releases Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "2013 NCCAA Men's Soccer Division I Awards" (2013). Men's Soccer News Releases. 106. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/mens_soccer_news_releases/106 This News Release is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Men's Soccer News Releases by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. National Christian College Athletic Association - Men's Soccer DI Awards Page 1 of 3 1111 NEWSROOM &MEDIA 'l PUllll&ATIO~. I SEARCH - r :- /#.- - . / . 'i, . r: fH'' • l ft(,; Awards Cl1 amplonship Stats Handbook Member Institutions Archived Stories Schedule/Results History Men's Soccer DI Awards 2013 NCCAA Men's Division I All-America Team First Team Position First Last Class School Hometown K Ruben Rodriguez So. Southern Wesleyan University Madrid, Spain D Ivan Mirkovic Sr Fresno Pacific University Belgrade, Serbia D John Kennedy Sr. Campbellsville University Lochgilphead, Scotland D Jason Mok• Jr Judson University Dundalk, Ireland M Chevon Roberts Sr. Lee University St. Thomas, Jamaica M Gustavo Silva Sr Fresno Pacific Univers ity Rio de Janeiro, Brazil M Jared Toth Jr. Houghlon College Victor, New York M Alex Wright Jr. Emmanuel College Seffield, England F Geoff Bowman Sr. Indiana Wesleyan Univeristy Schererville, Indiana F Douglas Andrade Sr.
Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2012 There are those who seek knowledgee for the sake of knowledge, that is curiosity. There are those who seek knowledge to be known by others, that is vanity. There are those who seek knowledge in order to serve, that is love. --Bernard of Clairvaux (11090-1153) Taylor University Founded 18446 236 West Reade Avenue, Upland, IN 46989 Telephone: (765) 998-2751 or (800) 882-3456 Fax: (765) 998-4791 http://www.taylorr.edu Information in this catalog, while current at the time of printing, is subject to change based on enrollment, faculty availability, and other considerations. Taylor University reserves the right to withdraw a course or program or to limit its enrollment when, for any reason, it becomes impractical to offer it as previously scheduled. While Taylor University publishes program information and materials and assigns academic advisors, the student is ultimately responsible to ensure his or her academic program fulfills all graduation requirements. The University reserves the right to withdraw a previously awarded degree if the University subsequently determines that the degree requirements were not met appropriately. Taylor University operates undergraduate liberal arts programs on the campus located in Upland, Indiana. 2 TAYLOR UNIVERSITY.................................................................................... 7-12 Our Heritage, Mission, and Life Together ................................................................................................ 7 Implementation of Mission – A Christian