AGENDA COMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONAL POLICY Meeting: 10:15 a.m., Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Munitz Conference Room—Closed Session 3:45 p.m., Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Glenn S. Dumke Auditorium—Open Session Roberta Achtenberg, Chair Debra S. Farar, Vice Chair Rebecca D. Eisen Douglas Faigin Margaret Fortune Lupe C. Garcia Steven M. Glazer Lou Monville J. Lawrence Norton Steven G. Stepanek Cipriano Vargas Closed Session – Munitz Conference Room Government Code §11126(c)(5) 1. Honorary Degree Nominations and Subcommittee Recommendations, Action Open Session – Glenn S. Dumke Auditorium Consent Items Approval of Minutes of Meeting of January 29, 2014 Discussion 2. Overview and Progress on the Early Start Program, Information 3. Update on Reducing Bottlenecks: Student Survey Results, Information 4. Update on Reducing Bottlenecks: Improving Student Success, Information 5. The California State University Graduation Initiative, Information 6. Academic Planning, Action MINUTES OF MEETING OF COMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONAL POLICY Trustees of The California State University Office of the Chancellor Glenn S. Dumke Conference Center 401 Golden Shore Long Beach, California January 29, 2014 Members Present Roberta Achtenberg, Chair Rebecca D. Eisen Douglas Faigin Margaret Fortune Lupe C. Garcia Steven M. Glazer William Hauck Lou Monville Bob Linscheid, Chair of the Board J. Lawrence Norton Steven G. Stepanek Cipriano Vargas Timothy P. White, Chancellor Bob Linscheid, Chair of the Board Trustee Roberta Achtenberg called the meeting to order. Approval of Minutes The minutes of November 5, 2013, were approved as submitted. The California State University Graduation Initiative Trustee Roberta Achtenberg said the initiative is essentially a long-term investment the CSU has had for more than 10 years and the initiative, over the course of time, has accomplished an extraordinary amount.
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