Background on the development of the "Global strategy for the ex situ conservation of finger millet" The development of the strategy involved the following main steps: • The finger millet strategy was initiated in December, 2009 and discussions took place with international, regional and national partners through email discussions whereby a survey questionnaire was finalized for circulation. • Information and data were gathered using databases such as GENESYS (www.genesys-, FAO-WIEWS (, SINGER (, EURISCO ( and GBIF); reports and other information resources on the holdings of finger millet genepools and additional inventory of collections. • Identification of major germplasm collections of finger millet based on information collected above were identified along with Institutes and their respective contact persons to undertake the survey. • Survey questionnaire was designed in consultation with experts and survey was undertaken to gather information on collections, content and status of conservation in January, 2011 and information was received from 56 countries across Asia, Africa, Europe and Americas. • After receiving information from the survey, a draft report was finalized and circulated to all the partners for their feedback. • The consultation meeting was organized on December 23, 2011 to discuss the draft report where participants from India, Kenya, Uganda, Mali, and Senegal participated. Based on their input, the final report was prepared for submission. Coordinator: Much of the development of the finger millet strategy was coordinated by Dr. P N Mathur (
[email protected]), South Asia Coordinator at Bioversity International in consultation with Dr.